Too good to be true

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Well this is the last chapter of this serie. Little John and his dad returns to his home and Little John has a intense moment of fun with his family. He cannot believe it, it is too good to be true.

A week later Little John and his father walk by the road that leads them to their home, both of them they are content while Lowell carry a wild pig that they had managed to hunt in their last day of hunting.

That one was a great day because Little John and his father along with Ryan managed to hunt two wild pigs, it is somewhat incredible. Ryan walked away with the other one. Lowell stirs Little John's hair and he tries to avoid it, his father wins and he moves his hand off.

"As always, all what happened is a secret between us." Lowell says making a grimace his cub. He only can remember what happened in the camp, his memory more lived is the night of sex with Little John.

"Of course dad." Little John says while he smiles. Just like his father, he thinks about his experiences lived with his father and Ryan. There the wolf had been their bitch, he preferred to offer his ass before fucking Little John.

Little John sees that his house is near, he feels pleased and looks forward to see his mother again.

Some minutes after both are knocking their house door, they wait for some moments until the door opens.

"Finally you are here!" Leanna says with emotion while she reaches down to embrace Little John. He feels happy feeling his mother's love, Leanna breaks off the hug with her son and she immediately embraces her husband.

Little John sees that his parents are kissing smoothly a moment before separating. For Lowell and Little John, it is not a big surprise Leanna's reaction when she sees seeing the wild pig that they had hunted. The three head toward the kitchen.

The cub and Lowell greet Marie. She greets them with a smile and embraces them, she congratulated them for the prey. Little John sees that his father smiles and he feels a little uncomfortable with the hug of the sister of his wife.

Marie and Leanna dedicate to prepare lunch while Little John and his father take a bath and they clean up. Lunch is delicious and the four enjoy it, in the afternoon Little John rests just like his father.

Little John sighs with some melancholy thinking about Alana, in spite of the fact that he had surpassed it because he knew that he will not see her again, that one is still an injury that hurts him. The talk with his father had been very intense and it gave him a lot things to think about, many of they were things that he did not know.

The night comes and the four enjoy the dinner that Leanna and her sister had prepared. When all is finish they enjoy the fire in the chimney, Lowell teaches Little John as manufacturing a homemade arch, and the boy listens to with attention the explanation.

Marie chats with Leanna, she weave a cloth for a baby, and she is very thrilled with the new cub that would come to the family. When it is nine in the night, Little John says good-bye to his mother and his aunt while he yawns, the two women laugh smoothly and Little John receives the good nights.

Lowell is who takes Little John to his room and puts him to bed. As always Lowell gives him a kiss on his front before getting out of the bedroom and closing the door. Little John makes himself comfortable below the blankets while he enjoys the softness of his bed.

On the next day Little John wakes up perceiving a pleasant aroma of meat getting cooked, he yawns and stretches his body. Little John opens his eyes with surprise when he sees a dove on a chair that he finds in front of his bed.

The dove watches at him a moment and flies to go out by the window, the boy is completely surprised for something so unusual. Little John sits at the border of the bed and puts his paws in the slippers and gets out of their room, the delicious aroma is intense and fills the place.

Little John gets out of his bedroom and follows the corridor that leads him to the kitchen, he sees that his father's arch is on the floor and leant on the wall, two arrows are near of it it. Little John becomes confused by this because he is sure that his father usually puts the arch in a special place for it.

Little John listens somewhat strange in the kitchen, it seems a pant. He gets close to the door and enters in the kitchen, his eyes get open completely when he sees that his mother has her hands on the table and she is bend over it.

Her dress is on the floor and she moans while he is completely naked, Little John looks with surprise that his aunt is bend over behind her mother. She eats the ass of his sister while she has the buttocks spread.

Marie is completely naked while she has a good time enjoying what she makes.

Little John feels that his penis hardens rapidly while he sees the lesbian scene that develops in front of him.

"Oh looks at that, somebody is awake." His aunt says noticing that he is looking at her completely surprised. Little John cannot move without knowing what to do, Little John does not react.

"And he is hard." His mom says seeing the tent that that he has in his crotch. She laughs smoothly and Little John blushes, having an erection being close to her father is not problem, but having it around his mother is something else.

His aunt releases her sister's buttocks and she stands up. She makes Leanna a grimace while he sees Little John's crotch.

"Does bother you if I take this big boy with me?" His aunt asks while she smiles at him. Little John swallows hard when his aunt comes closer him and she grabs his penis through his pajama pant.

"Of course not, Lowell will take a little in returning and I must watch food." Leanna says while she looks at her cub and makes a grimace.

"So you are mine now." Marie says taking Little John's hand and drags him from the kitchen.

Little John is completely surprised by what happens, but the perspective of fucking a vagina again enthuses him.

His aunt leads him to the bedroom of his parents, when Little John enter he remembers his first time with her father and her mother.

The woman turns over and she smiles at him. Little John looks at with surprise the naked body of the sister of his mother. She is thinner, her breasts are bigger and apparently more firm, after all of she is younger.

"Last night while you were sleeping, your mom and I had fun with your father and in a moment of passion he let out the truth about your conquests. He could not believe that my little nephew is better than a man in the bed." His aunt says while she bends over and kisses him on his mouth softly.

She grabs the pants of his pajamas and of a pull she takes it down to the floor. Little John's erection wobbles on the air. Little John moans when his aunt's hand closes around his erection and she begins to caress it slowly.

Little John moans smoothly while his aunt's hand moves on his penis, he has a good time while he does not move and allows that she masturbates him slowly. The cub feels as the hand moves back and forward on his cock.

The caresses on his penis stop and Little John he sees that his aunt kneels down before him. She winks an eye before licking the tip of his penis. Little John moans and closes his eyes, his aunt's tongue begins to move slowly on the tip of his member.

It is a marvelous sensation for the cub. He opens his mouth when his penis enters in the mouth of female, his aunt's mouth is hot and wet. Little John moans and sees that his aunt's head moves slowly, his lips touch his penis base many times.

Little John rapidly grabs the tits of his aunt, she gets surprised and smiles while she goes on with her task. Little John's hands squeeze these big breasts, they are better than the ones of his mother, Marie moans when he twists the nipples.

The cub feels that the hands of Marie squeezes his buttocks with force, she sucks with pleasure while she enjoys the taste of the precum. Each drop is licked by her tongue, Little John begins to move his hips while he holds her aunt's shoulders.

The boy's penis enters and gets out of the woman's mouth, she does not fight while she moves her hand and caresses Little John's balls. She massages and pulls them slowly, Little John feels that her aunt's hand moves between his legs and the forefinger gets inside between his buttocks.

A groan escapes of the mouth of Little John when the fingertip begins to caress his anus slowly, she moves her finger circularly. She pushes her finger that is surround by heat of the anal walls of Little John.

He growls with force and he begins to pump his penis with more speed inside his aunt's mouth, he feels that his pleasure is intense while the finger moves in his anus. Marie pushes her finger deepest and touches that special place inside the cub.

Little John growls with force and pushes his hips, he shoots semen spurts in the mouth of his aunt, she enjoys the young seed. Little John moans and quivers feeling like the finger still caresses his prostate.

Marie's mouth moves smoothly on the shaft of Little John, she sucks while he savors last drops of the semen of her nephew. The female stops and slowly lets that the cub's member slip out of her mouth.

Little John pants in the meantime his erect penis is licked by his aunt, she smiles on a moment before undress him in no time. Little John takes Marie's hand and he drags her to the bed, she laughs and she resists jokingly, the woman lets that he throws her on the bed.

The boy uses his hands to open legs for him completely, Little John sees that his aunt's vulva is surrounded by the soft brown fur, the pink opening projects out clearly between the thighs of the female.

Little John begins to caress the slit up and down with his index finger, his aunt moans smoothly and she opens her mouth when the finger enters in her vagina. Marie's vaginal walls are caressed slowly by the finger of the boy.

The cub feels that the tip gets wet in the slippery juices, Little John pushes two fingers sinking them in the soft grotto of his aunt. A groan escapes of the mouth of his lover when he begins to move his fingers inside her.

The boy caresses with the yolk of his fingers the top of the inside of the vagina, his aunt quivers while she tightens her breasts with force. Little John leans on his chest and closes his mouth around the clitoris, he sucks it smoothly and he hits it with the tip of his tongue.

"Ohhh John you know how eating a woman" His aunt says while she pants and her body quivers uncontrollably in bed. Her legs contract and extend just like the toes of her feet.

Little John licks the slit in the meantime he spreads his aunt's pink petals using his fingers.

Juices leaks copiously from the pink slit, the young he pushes his tongue and he moves it.

His aunt moans and pants with pleasure while she caresses her breasts with her hands and squeezes them with force.

Little John places his hands on the buttocks of the woman, he puts his index finger into the middle of the crack. Little John's forefinger moves up and down slowly until his finger's tip finds the woman's anus.

He hears that his aunt moans with force when he penetrates her anally with his finger. Little John moves his finger circularly, he feels as the sphincter moves around his finger. Heavy breathing and the woman's moans increase and she suddenly arches her body when her orgasm controls her body.

Little John's mouth gets wet with the juices, he savors them and has a good time while he licks his aunt's vulva. She moans and trembles with pleasure, Little John holds with force the thighs of the woman until she calms down.

His aunt pants rapidly while juices leaks from her vagina. Little John moves to position himself on her, the woman looks at him in silence and she moans when he penetrates her. Little John moans and closes his eyes feeling that the warm and wet grotto of the woman surrounds his penis.

Little John begins to move, his rear moves every time that his penis moves in and out rapidly in the vagina of his aunt. He opens his mouth and closes it around the right nipple, the cub pumps rapidly.

Little John's tongue moves on the erect and hard nipple. He listens the moans of the woman that enjoys the member in her, it is a great moment of pleasure. His aunt closes her legs around him, her breasts rock uncontrollably.

"You are so soft." Little says moaning when he releases the nipple. He moves enjoying each push, the soft vaginal walls caress his penis deliciously.

"Thanks honey, keep fucking me." His aunt says panting, she moans when the boy begins to suck her left tit. Little John feels proud when she recognizes that he has a lot of experience in bed. Little John sucks and pulls the nipple softly.

"Our child looks is as good as you in bed" the voice of his mother says. Little John looks at the door and he sees that his mother is standing up under the doorstep while she laughs smoothly proudly, to her right side is his father, he is reclined on the door frame.

His father winked an eye and also he looks proud. Little John resumes his pushes when he feels one of his aunt's spanks on his right cheek. The moans of pleasure escape of the mouth of Little John.

He notices that his parents get close to the bed to see better what happens, the ass of Little John bounces. His moans and the ones of his aunt combine while the bed squeaks until he stops and he releases his semen inside her.

The boy moans with force feeling that his aunt's body becomes taut. The juice covers his penis and gets wet his balls completely, Little John breathes agitatedly while he recovers after fucking a woman.

The motion in bed brings about the attention of Little John, he sees that his parents had gotten on the bed. Both are completely naked and his father already has an erection, Little John sees that his father is behind his mother, from behind he massages the tits at the same time that he kisses her affectionately on the neck.

She smiles and she moves away.

"Now it is my turn." His mother says to Little John while she catches his hand to draw him toward her.

Little John gets surprised when his mother kisses him, he takes out his tongue and joins it to the one of his mother. The two tongues fight and Little John immediately places his hands on the breasts of his mother. He squeezes them perceiving their softness.

He breaks off the kiss and sees his mother's biggest teats. Little John uses his thumb and his right hand index to twist the nipple, a groan escapes of the mouth of his mother. The boy leans forward and begins to suck the left nipple.

Little John nibbles the sensitive nipple, he thinks that they are bigger than before. The cub look up, he sees that her mother has her eyes closed.

For the corner of the eye Little John sees that his aunt gives oral sex to his father, he is on his knees and the woman is on his knees in front of him. She moves her head and Little John sees that his father has his hands resting in bed.

Little John begins to suck the nipple and tries to see what happens between his father and his aunt. A milk spurt surprises the cub, he feels the taste on his tongue. The boy sees his mother and she smiles at him.

Little John's mouth begins to breast-feed the big nipple, the milk spurts hits his tongue while his mother moans and pants with pleasure. Little John squeezes the other tit and a white milk spurt is shoot out of the nipple of his mother.

Little John sucks with pleasure until his mother stops him, she leans him backwards in bed.

His mother smiles at him and she positions herself on him, her hands caress Little John's chest slowly. She leans forward and again kisses him, Little John responds the kiss and pushes his tongue in the mouth of his mother.

Their mixed saliva falls on the neck and Little John's chin. His mother smiles at him and recovers her previous posture. She places her hands on her belly and caresses it softly while she watches at him.

"Do you know what there is inside?" His mother asks caressing her belly. Little John nods with slowness and swallows with saliva. His mother caresses his chest, a moment before she takes the boy's erection.

Little John sees that his mother rubs his penis tip in her vulva, her lips moves around the head of his member. She stops and takes down her hips, Little John moans when her penis again enters in the vagina of his mother.

It is completely wet and hot, his mother has her eyes closed while she takes down her hips slowly until the vulva touches Little John's crotch. She opens her eyes and places her hands on the chest of Little John.

He sees that his mother begins to ride him slowly, she moves her ass up and down with calm. She smiles on him and he leans forward.

"Take my tits, I know that you like them just like your father." His mother says whispering in Little John's ear. He rapidly grabs the breasts that rocks on the air, he pinches them, his mother moans with pleasure while she makes herself comfortable again.

Little John squeezes the breasts with pleasure, he sees that some drops of milk are dripping from the nipples. The ass of his mother bounces and she moans. At his side Little John sees that his father fucks his aunt with speed.

His father pumps his penis rapidly while he holds Marie's legs apart. Little John sees that his aunt squeezes her tits with force while she moans of pleasure. His father growls and pants with pleasure, the cub moans while his penis appears and disappears in the wet vagina of his mother repeatedly.

His mom begins to move faster, the vaginal walls caresses the boy's penis and secretes more juice.

Little John moans of pleasure while the bed creaks with force, his father at his side growls with his aunt.

Little John squeezes his mother's breasts with more force, he growls while two milk spurts fall on his face. The semen little spurts hit the vagina of his mother, she shakes and moans with force while her body becomes taut.

The boy moans feeling as the vaginal walls contracts around his cock with force, his penis releases his cum in his mother while he listens his father's growl. The cub pants and moans seeing that his father has his closed eyes while he pushes his penis with force, his aunt moans and her body shakes.

Little John feels his mother's weight on his crotch, she breathes agitatedly while she has her eyes closed. The boy places his hands on the belly of his mother and caresses it a moment, he sees that his mother opens her eyes and he smiles at him smoothly.

She leans forward and caresses the chin softly.

"Fuck mom's ass." She says looking at Little John. He nods with enthusiasm while his mother laughs smoothly and moves to permit he gets up. Little John masturbates while he sees that his mother leans her elbows and knees in bed.

She winks at him, Little John positions himself behind her and catches her buttocks. The cub squeezes his mother's cheeks before spreading them, he sees the little brown hole in the crack of his mother.

Little John introduces his snout between the buttocks of his mother and begins licking that hole slowly, he hears that his mother gasps while she quivers with pleasure. He feels that his mother's sphincter closes with force.

Little John's tongue moves in circles while he uses his hands to caress every one of the buttocks.

The saliva covers the little wrinkled hole, he pushes his tongue and he does not get surprised when the sphincter opens and his tongue enters inside the woman.

Little John puts his hand on the vulva of his mother, he begins to caress it slowly and stimulate the clitoris. His mom moans with pleasure and arches her body uncontrollably.

Moans fills the ears of the cub while he moves his tongue in the posterior passage of his mother, he for the corner of the eye he sees at his left. His father is eating up his aunt's anus, his tongue appears and disappears between the buttocks of the sister of his mother.

Little John concentrates on his own task, he feels as the anal muscles squeezes his tongue with force. His mother moves her ass and her moans become stronger, Little John stops and takes out his tongue slowly.

When his tongue gets out, a thick yarn of saliva ranges from the anus of his mother to his tongue.

Little John kneels down behind his mother and grabs his penis, he aims it down and pushes his hips.

His mother's sphincter opens and surrounds his cock. A groan escapes of the mouth of the boy when heat surrounds his penis completely.

Little John's hands take his mother's hips and he begins to pump inside her, the anus is as tight as he remembered it. His precum is fired from the tip of his penis, his hips hits the gluteuses with each motion.

His father and he look at each other and smile. Little John sees that his father penetrates the ass of Marie vigorously. She moans with force and hugs one of the pillows, her moans add to his mother's moans forming a chorus of pleasure.

Little John and his father do some grimaces and continue fucking to both women. Little John listens sound of slapping flesh, he cannot restrain himself and spanks the right buttock of his mother, she moans of pleasure and pain.

The cub smiles while he continues fucking his progenitor rapidly, his mother's sphincter moves on his shaft. Little John moans and growls with pleasure with each motion, his pushes increase in speed as his pleasure grows and he finally gives a strong growl at the moment that he unloads his semen in the rectum of his mother.

His semen spurts cover the anal walls, he feels the spasms around his cock while both women whimper with pleasure. His aunt just like his mother had achieved a new orgasm.

Little John sees that his father holds Marie's hips while he presses his crotch against the ass of the woman. His father and he do not move for some moments until they begin to take out their penises slowly.

When his penis goes out completely, Little John sees the open hole between the buttocks and the semen is dripping to the bed's bedspreads.

"That was incredible, your boy knows how to fuck a woman." His aunt says looking at her sister.

His mother nods at the same time that she looks over the shoulder at him and smiles proud.

"You should try to be double fucked by these two, it is incredible." His mother says looking at her sister.

"That is interesting, well boys... what do say about that?" Marie says looking at Little John. He nods with enthusiasm and takes his penis to begin to stimulate it.

The three adults laugh.

"Well son. What hole do you want?" His father asks while he begins to stimulate his cock.

"I want Aunt Marie's ass." Little John responds plucking new laughs from his parents and his aunt.

"Wait for me a little, I should clean myself." His father says while he comes down from the bed and gets out of the bedroom. Little John gets surprised when his mother and his aunt surround him, they begin to caress his chest and body slowly.

His aunt grabs his penis and she begins to masturbate him, Little John gets surprised when a finger slides in the crack of his ass, he looks with surprise at his mother. She smiles on him and she pushes her finger, Little John moans when the forefinger invades him completely.

His penis stiffens almost instantly when his gland in his inside is touched by the fingertip of his mother. The two women gets surprised a little for the reaction of the boy, but they smile.

Little John moans and sees that the father again enters in the bedroom. He smiles and does him a grimace before getting on the bed again. The boy sees that his father leans backwards in he the bed and grabs his penis.

His aunt with enthusiasm positions herself on the crotch of her brother-in-law, she takes down her hips slowly on the big penis between the legs of the father of the cub. Little John sees as the lips of the vagina of his aunt open and they wrap the penis head.

She moans in the meantime slowly the erection slides in her inside. Some moments later Marie's vulva touches the base of the penis of Lowell. He catches his sister-in-law and draws her toward his body in order that she raises her ass.

Little John moans when his mother gives him a friendly spank to encourage him. He positions himself behind his aunt and he gets ready while his mother spreads her sister's buttocks. Little John spits on his hand and he applies it on his shaft completely.

The boy puts his penis head on the brown hole and pushes his penis. He feels that the sphincter opens and his penis slips inside. Little John moans when his penis gets in the tight posterior tunnel of his aunt.

He moans and feels the rests of semen of his father in that passage, Little John begins to pump his penis slowly. His aunt's anus is as good as the one of his mother, Little John moans and he moves while his crotch hits the buttocks repeatedly.

The moans of pleasure of the woman fill the ears of Little John, he feels as the sphincter moves on his member slowly, he notices that his mother looks at this with a lot of interest.

Through the membrane that divides both tunnels Little John feels as the thick member of his father moves in the vagina of his aunt. She moans and shrieks with pleasure, the cub and his father mark the rhythm of their motions in the woman.

Little John feels that his mother positions herself behind him, she caresses his back and takes down her hands until they touch his buttocks.

His mother squeezes them and digs her fingernails in them. Little John moans with some pain without stopping to move, his mother's forefinger again caresses his sphincter. A groan of pain and pleasure escapes of the mouth of Little John when the finger enters in his rectum.

Little John holds his aunt's hips with more force and pumps up more rapidly, he moans feeling that the finger in his anus moves circularly. His father also expedites his pushes and the moans of three become very noisy.

His aunt's body suddenly becomes taut and she utters a great groan of pleasure that adds to his father's fierce growl. Little John feels that his aunt's anal muscles contracts with more force around his penis, almost painfully.

The finishing touch in his prostate makes he also releases his semen that blends in with the semen of his father inside the rectum of his aunt. Little John moans while semen spurts are shoot out of his cock.

The flow of semen slowly diminishes and Little John pants in the meantime he still holds his aunt's hips.

His mother embraces him from behind and caresses his penis.

"Mom also wants her men inside her." His mother says whispering in his right ear. Little John gets surprised a little, but he nods. He slowly takes out his penis, the tip leaves the bowels of his aunt.

His flaccid penis hangs between his legs while semen is dripping of the head, his aunt moves and she falls backwards on the bed.

"That was awesome." His aunt says while she pants rapidly. Little John and his father look at each other, both smile with weariness. Little John gets out of the bed and goes to the bathroom to clean himself, he cleans his penis completely while he thinks about what had just happened.

This is somewhat incredible that he cannot believe it, his aunt and his mother in the same bed. Little John finishes his cleanliness and returns to the bedroom where everyone is waiting for him.

Little John gets in the bed and sees his mother is waiting to see what happens, he sees that his father again leans back backwards in bed and catches his penis. Little John comes closer and also closes his hands around the member of his father.

He notices that his father gets surprised, but smiles smoothly the moment that he releases his penis letting that his cub is in charge. Little John sees that his mother positions herself on his father, she turns over giving her back to her husband.

She begins to take down her hips.

The gaze of Little John is in what happens, he sees that the penis head disappears between the buttocks of his mother. She moans with some pain while she continues taking down her hips, Little John observes that slowly the shaft of his father keeps on disappearing between the buttocks of his mother.

Finally the cheeks touch his father's crotch, his mother leans backwards on the chest of Lowell. His father's penis is completely buried in the anus of his mother, his sphincters closes with force around the thick cock.

Little John sees that the mother looks at him and she with her fingers she opens her vagina lips to invite him to get inside her. The pink inside is visible for the boy, Little John makes himself comfortable between the legs of his mother.

He pushes his penis and slowly enters in the vagina of his mom, he feels that sensational feeling around his cock. A feeling that never he would forget, this was his first vagina and perhaps the best.

Little John holds his mother's hips and begins to pump his penis, he moans and pants perceiving the interior softness of that warm and slippery passage. His mom moans with pleasure, through the membrane the tip of the penis of his father rubs his penis every time that he moves in and out.

His father's big hands take the tits from behind, Little John sees as his mom moans her breasts are stimulated. Little John's motions are slow, he sees the swollen clitoris of his mother.

He uses the forefingers and thumb of his right hand to begin to caress it and to twist it, his mother's body arches and she moans with pleasure while she quivers. His penis gets wet with juices as walls secrete more and more of them.

Little John increases the rhythm of his pushes in his mother, his penis base hits the vulva in short and powerful motions. His dad also increments his rhythm, the moans of his parents are strong.

Around five minutes later Little John cannot resist, he clenches his teeth when he shots his cum that again hits his mother's vaginal walls. The boy feels the spasms around his shaft while his mother's body convulses.

Little John has his closed eyes while he feels his father's last push in the anus of his wife before he also releases his semen that is accompanied of a strong roar of pleasure.

The three members of the family pant rapidly, Little John takes out his penis and falls seated on the bed, he sees that his mother rolls and falls next to husband. From his position Little John sees as the chest of his father fills up with air and deflates while he breathes rapidly.

"That was great, but I believe that you owe us a spectacle, nephew." Marie says at the moment of seeing to Little John, he gets surprised. He does not know that more they can do.

"You saw your mother and me in the kitchen, I believe that you owe us a similar spectacle." His aunt says while she laughs smoothly.

"I would also like to see that, I do not believe that you can take your father's hard penis in your ass." His mother says while she turns over and she sits in bed. Little John gets surprised for this reason and looks at his father.

He feels uncomfortable, but he makes a grimace. Little John nods lightly while he feels ashamed for this reason, what happened in the forest supposedly should have remained as a secret between the two and Ryan.

Little John gets close to his father and grabs his flaccid penis, he begins to caress testicles and the deflated erection of his progenitor. His father does the same thing with him, his father's hand closes around his cock and he begins to masturbate him.

His father's penis slowly takes thickness in his hand, the member again recovers his hardness, Little John feels that his own penis gets hard. He moans when the thumb of the hand caressed his penis head and the precum.

Little John continues stimulating his father's penis, he sees that his progenitor moans until his wife begins whispering some things to the ear. His father nods with enthusiasm and he moves to lean backwards in bed again.

His father makes a facial expression and moves a finger in circles on the air, Little John understands the idea and he positions himself on his father and turns over being in position of sixty nine with him.

His mother caresses his head in an affectionately way.

Little John moves his tail content and he takes down his head, he begins to lick the head of the penis of his father slowly, he moans of pleasure and quivers. Little John perceives the taste of the precum that oozes of the tip of the penis.

He moans when his father's lips closes around his cock penis, the boy moans and his closes his mouth around the head of the penis of his father. He begins to suck slowly while he uses his hand to caress the two hairy and big orbs between the tights of his father.

Little John moans while he moves his head up and down, his saliva slips down on the hard member of his father, the taste is not new for Little John. He gets surprised when his mother places her hand on his head and begins to push it down.

His father's penis slowly is disappearing in his mouth, the tip touches the entrance of his throat and Little John chokes a little, but his mother continues pushing until the member's head enters in his throat.

Little John closes his eyes and breathes by the nose while he feels that his father's penis continuous sliding in his throat. Little John gets surprised when his lips touch the base of the penis of his dad.

He sees that his mother gasps seeing as he is giving a deep throat to his father. Little John begins to move his head. He moans and initiates the motions of his hips to fuck his father's mouth.

His cock in and out of the warm and wet mouth, his father caresses the balls with his hand.

His pleasure and the one of his father increase rapidly until his father pushes him aside with a sudden motion. The penis in his mouth goes out rapidly and his saliva flies through the air, both breathe agitatedly.

Little John does not resist when his mother moves him and she obliges him to position himself on his knees and elbows in bed. He does move and moans when a tongue touches his anus, Little John quivers with each lick that covers his posterior entrance with saliva.

The tongue moves circularly on his hole, Little John moans and observes over his shoulder. He sees that his mother is behind him eating his anus slowly, she looks at him and winks an eye. Her sister near and giving her oral sex her brother-in-law.

Little John relaxes and moans, he sees below him to see as his mother introduces her hand between his legs and grabs his penis. She begins to masturbate him while she continues eating his ass, her mother's hand moves back and forward on his shaft.

Her mother's tongue suddenly enters in him, the tongue explores his inside covering it with saliva.

Pleasure is big for Little John until the tongue stops and begins to get out, the tip leaves is inside.

Little John gets startled a little when his father's two big hands rest on his ass cheeks.

He smiles on him smoothly while he places himself in position, Little John feels that the head of the penis of his father touches his sphincter, a great drop of precum gets his posterior hole wet. Little John feels that his father's hands takes his hips.

His father begins to push his penis in him. Little John feels the great pressure on his sphincter, he tries to relax as he had made before in the forest. The growling of frustration of his father come to his ears.

Little John closes his eyes and he relaxes, his hole suddenly opens around and the head of the penis enters with a special sound in him. Little John clenches his teeth when his rectum is invaded by the hard and thick meat.

His father moans with pleasure, Little John feels the burning pain in his anus. He was thinking that his anus had gotten used to taking his father's penis. The hard axis begins to enter deeper inside his body until the tip touches the bottom of his anus.

Little John moans when his father begins to fuck him, the penis moves in and out of his ass rapidly in strong pushes. The spurts of precum cover his anal walls, each spurt increases lubrication in his rectum.

With a look over his shoulder, Little John sees that his mother and his aunt are masturbating mutually rapidly. Both push in and takes out his fingers from their vaginas, their father's groin hits his ass.

Little John feels that the penis below his stomach bounces uncontrollably. His precum falls in his bedspreads and they stain them, moans escape of their mouths while he listens as his mother moans and she encouraged to his husband to fuck to his con with force.

He apparently obeys because the force in his pushes increases, the penis tip hits the bottom of his anus with more force. Little John closes his eyes and has a good time completely, he quivers when the penis head presses his prostate.

Little John listens when his mother and his aunt utter strong moans and screams of pleasure. He sees at his right and sees that the two women convulses with pleasure while they squeeze their breasts with force.

His father continues fucking him with force, Little John moans with surprise when some lips close around his cock, he looks below his body and sees that his aunt gives him oral sex. She moves her tongue on his penis.

Little John sees on his shoulder and sees that his mother is behind his father, she caresses his chest from behind while she whispers on his right ear some things. His mother looks at him and winks an eye, Little John feels that a finger begins to caress his sphincter that moves on the shaft of his father.

Suddenly he feels that a hand takes his testicles. Only can be his mom, she caresses his balls from behind.

Little John notices that his father growls with more speed and force, he suddenly stops, and Little John feels that an explosion of semen hits his prostate. He quivers and moans when his penis throbs with force and release a semen spurt in the mouth of his aunt.

Pleasure is intense for Little John, his aunt sucks his sensitive penis. He and his father breathe agitatedly, his dad begins to take out his cock slowly, both moan until the head slips of his rectum.

Little John moans and he gets surprised when somebody introduces his tongue through his open hole, he sees over his shoulder and notices that his mom is who eats his anus again. Little John feels that the tongue picks up the semen in his inside.

His aunt again licks the cock of his father's penis to clean it complete, his mother licks his perineum and his balls to clean them off the semen that oozes of his anus.

"Well that was intense, but I need a bath." His aunt says while she laughs and comes down from the bed. Little John sees that his aunt goes away and goes out by the door.

His parents grabs him and they pull him toward them, they lean him backwards in bed, Little John is in middle of both, his mother looks at him and smiles smoothly. His father gives him some friendly pats on his shoulder.

The three make themselves comfortable for a nap, he yawns and without want it he closes his lips around the right nipple of his mom. The cub makes himself comfortable and feels that his father's flaccid penis touches his ass.

His parents embrace him before all of them fall asleep completely.

Little John wakes up suddenly and pants while he feels a semen puddle between his legs, he gets surprised when realizes that only it had been a dream. His eyes open completely when he sees a dove that is on a chair just in like in his dream.

The boy gets surprised without being able to understand what happens, he sees that the dove flies and it goes out for the window. Little John rapidly gets out of bed and puts his paws on the slippers while his body becomes taut feeling a delicious fair aroma as in his dreams.

He does not know that it happens and gets out of his bedroom to head to the kitchen, he breathes with agitation and his heart almost stops seeing the arch and the two arrows leant in the wall. He stops just before getting to the kitchen.

Everything is the same as in his dream, he knows what awaits for him and he begins to take off the top of his pajamas to be ready. But Little John stops and thinks about continuing to follow the string of events of his sleep.

He enters in the kitchen and his heart almost stops of scare to see that his parents and his aunt are there inside.

His father is taking a milk cup while he chats with his sister-in-law. His mom is serving a new milk cup for herself. Little John sees that three put their attention on him and they say hello with a smile.

"What is happening, kid? Did you see a ghost or so?" His father asks while he looks at him and smiled.

"Ehh Hi... I just had a similar dream." Little John stammers while his heart pumps with force and he recovers from the scare.

"What was happening in your dream?" His mother asks while she looks closely at him. The three look at him expecting an answer.

"Hmmm we were here and were going to go for picnic." Little John responds lying seeing that the three adults look at him with interest.

"Well that is a good idea." His aunt says looking at her sister and brother-in-law.

"I agree" His dad and mom respond. Little John feels content to go of picnic in addition that he had not undressed before enter in the kitchen.


Little John moans while he pumps his penis, he sees as his penis appears and disappears between the buttocks of Skippy. The boy's anus is very tight and his anal walls squeezes his cock with force.

The bed squeaks while her groin hits the boy's cheeks. Little John moans and his penis releases his seed in the rectum of the boy. Skippy moans with pleasure and the anal walls of the boy squeeze his penis with more force.

Little John moans and closes his eyes while he releases his semen. He cannot avoid feeling content and grateful to have had a great infancy with his parents in addition to all his experiences in that age. Now he has all that he desires and soon his cubs would be born, it would be his turn of raising his own child.

He expects to have a great relation with them like his parents with him, besides has his two women and Skippy to have him satisfied; besides that he has also the asses of his two friends.

Robin Hood, Little John, Marian, Skippy (all of them from the animated movie) © Disney

Ruth, Dana and Matilde © Disney (they appear in the movie, but they don't have names),

Alana, Lowell, Marie, Leanna, Ryan are my characters Written by Janus Oberoth

Returning home

On the next day Balto wakes up when the musher opens the room door, the wolf dog yawns while he sees that the man enters charging the dishes with food for dog. Balto gets up and stretches his body while the rest of his teammates get close to the...

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Third day

Balto and the rest of the team spend the day in the town, the wolf dog wishes to know each part of the town not to get lost in a next occasion. After the nightfall Balto and the other ones eat the food that the musher serves them in the bowls. When...

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Unexpected surprise

On the next day Little John wakes up and yawns, he stretches his body. He rubs his eyes to wake up completely. The boy sees that his clothes and the clothes of his father are still on the floor. Little John gets up and gets out of the tent to see the...

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