Take Control

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#1 of Dominant Life

Hey everyone, this is a new series I'm starting with the fantastic editing help of my friends terinastiger and shiftshaper! =D

There will be personality manipulation in this series which will be technically hypnosis, though consensual on the characters' behalf.

Anyways, I'm very excited for this series to take off, I hope you all enjoy the first chapter in this series!

A young bear is sent on his way to be trained into a real dom, though first he has to deal with his dad...

Dominant Life: Take Control

"Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."

? George Bernard Shaw

"He's not living up to the family name," his father's voice echoed up the hall, the bear moaned as he leaned his head back on the pillow. His dad, the almighty legacy keeper, was determined to keep the family heritage going on. Blake growled deeply, the twenty year old bear wasn't exactly what his dad wanted him to be, his dad wanted him to be a dominating bear like he was. He couldn't hear the other side of the argument as his dad roared over the voice. "He's gonna learn whether he likes it or not! The academy will make sure that he fits in!" Blake's fur ruffled a bit as he played with the sheets of his bed, his claw getting snagged in the bed sheet as he let out a deep grunt of annoyance.

There were two sets of loud steps up the stairs, Blake rolled over as the door swung open. "Turn over!" his dad bellowed, Blake sighed as he rolled over to face his parents. Growling as he stood before the doorframe, Jeremy Derison had to shift to the side as he started into the door, far larger than the doorframe would allow as he ducked his head down, his dark fur ruffling as he slid through. Sucking in his gut as he pushed his way through, by all means he was a handsome and jaw dropping gorgeous bear, but his size had its drawbacks. Stumbling in, he propped himself up on Blake's wardrobe, behind him his husband sighed as he pushed himself in. Turning didn't have as much meaning for the shorter bear, his brown fur brushing against the door frame as he pushed his pudgy body through, one groan later he popped on through, a good two feet shorter than his husband it was rather humorous to see them side by side.

"There's no need to be so harsh on him," papa said, the bear frowning as his husband lifted his stomach aggressively. "Oh gods above, Jeremy, do we have to do this? Can't we let him be?"

"Burtin, hell yes I do! Blake is our first born, and in my family, the first born has to be a dominator, a real brute bear, look at me!" Jeremy said.

Blake on the other paw, was much more like Burtin; rounder, and generally more submissive. At high school, he had been fucked by the quarterback whenever he wanted, whereas Jeremy had been the quarterback in high school, and was fucking everyone else whenever he felt like it. Apparently his grandfathers had to buy box after box of condoms just to keep up with how much he was giving out. Blake had his first set of condoms still on his bed stand, and the only reason it was opened was once when the quarterback followed him home after a particularly bad game of Blake fumbling the ball at least seven times, and getting his ass wrecked by the polar bear on his bed.

Sitting up on the edge of his bed, Blake sighed as his dad stared him down, his papa looked apologetically at him. "Dad..." he started, but Jeremy's glare was harsh, he winced as he turned his head a bit, trying to avoid the bear's harsh glare. The black bear was big, intimidating, and was a strict no nonsense bear.

For a long time since Blake was a cub, he had been told time after time by Jeremy that he was going to grow up to be a strong dominant bear. He was going to enter the police force, just like Jeremy had, and he would be worshipped by any other bear that saw him. Of course for most of Blake's life, he thought it was true. He knew he was going to be a burly, dominating bear in the police force... that is until he hit high school. He was doing just as his dad told him to, going into the football team, eating heavy proteins along with a lot of exercise, until he broke his leg. It was a pretty average day of football practice, and one of the other team mates had been practicing a tackle on him when he leg got caught under him, and his leg snapped.

It had been extremely painful, and had kept him out of the game for a while. A part of him dreaded going back out onto the field as the fear of breaking his leg again made him slump a bit. Due to that fear, he found himself eating more. From his dad's perfect image of him being a burly and muscular powerhouse, into being a rather fluffy ball of bear. Though even before his accident, he had never really had the attitude of the perfect bear, he was more of a lover than a fighter. His father had done his best to try to drill it out of him, but it never exactly worked.

With their hospital system, Blake was out of a cast within a month, though he'd put on some weight by the time he got out. He was downgraded from quarterback, in fact other people had taken the positions that he should've filled, so he was put down to benchwarmer. That's where it all went downhill for him. He never got off that bench save for rare occasions when a teammate was injured. Even then, it wasn't the same and his dad wasn't happy.

Being fucked by the quarterback gave Blake the opinion that he wasn't meant to be a burly bear. It wasn't his lot in life to dominate other bears into being his bitches. His father wouldn't accept that though. Now that he had graduated from high school and was working a decent job he was shocked that Jeremy was this intent on changing him. "You're going to be going through the Dom Bear academy," Jeremy demanded. He threw a packed bag onto Blake's bed beside him making him flinch a bit.

Where Jeremy had dark black fur, Burtin had lighter brown fur, which Blake wished he had. Unfortunately, he shared Jeremy's fur color which made Blake think that his father expected him to follow in his footsteps. "Jeremy, we can't force Blake through that program..." Burtin pleaded, but Jeremy gave him a look that made him sigh and step back. The pair loved each other, but Burtin was in no way a fighter. He was as submissive as a bear could get. As Blake had grown up some of their sex life became a bit less private; Burtin was made to wear a denial device over his large package making him rather pent up a lot of the time. Seeing as there wasn't much of a need for privacy in their home, Jeremy had seen his papa's chastity device quite a bit after turning eighteen.

"Dad, why do I have to go through the program? Is it really that bad if I'm more submissive?" Blake asked, though he regretted it as the words passed through his lips. His father's gut seeming to pull up a bit as he set his meaty fists on his sides. Burtin pinching between his eyes as they both knew Jeremy was in full bear mode.

The black bear was intimidating enough on a day to day basis.He was a police officer and had made it very clear to any dom that tried to get with his son that they weren't going to be touching the bear, he had full intentions to make sure Blake would be domming other bears just like he did. "Son, you are going to be just like I am, just like your grandfather was, and just like your great-grandfather was. We are descended from one of the most ancient line of bears, and as such you will continue to carry on our name. It's no burden as you pretend to think it is. It's an honor, an honor that will be taught to you by this program. Now get your ass up, we're driving out in five minutes."

There were no more words about it, Jeremy walked out as Burtin sighed. Blake didn't know what to say as his papa walked over. The big bear was wearing clothes right now as Blake's younger brother Feren was up doing his homework, at eight he'd be in bed, and clothes were optional from then on. "I'm sorry, Blake. I've tried talking to him about it..."

Blake had to hold back some tears as he shook his head slowly. He didn't want this... "I just don't see why dad can't be happy with me..."

There was a deep sigh from Burtin as he took a seat beside his son, the strong bed creaking with the weight of both bears. "Your dad is a good bear, he loves you no matter what. The thing is, and I hate to admit it, your life would be better if you were more dominant." Blake's eyes widened and his eyebrows rose as Burtin rose his paw to explain his stance. "It's harder for submissive bears to get into the bigger fields right now, there are fights for it, but we tend to not be able to get in the fields that really roll out life's help. Police work, lawyers, even the army, with your current attitude you likely wouldn't even clear the application selections. Your younger brother is obviously going to follow me, I think we can both agree on that. The thing is, we're already planning on that path, we can help set him up for some paths in life that will keep him comfortable. There's the path of a doctor for him, or a historian. There are good jobs that we can keep open for him, but we planned for more high jobs for you than that, and we can't retrace our steps now, not when you're twenty," the bear explained, and Blake was frustrated that he admitted that he had always planned for more dominant bear jobs, not submissive ones.

For a few minutes Blake was silent, a tear escaping his eye as he looked up at his papa. "Will... you hate me if I do it?"

There was a look of shock on Burtin's face as he cupped his son's chin, a loving father's look on his face taking the place of shock. "Blake, honey. I would never hate you, I feel bad that to put you into a good place in your life we have to do this, but I truly think you'll be happier after." The pair was quiet for a minute, Blake knew that Burtin would stay with Feren, if they were to come with it would be much harder for Blake to leave without taking at least ten minutes, and Jeremy was not patient.

There was a deep growl from downstairs signaling Jeremy's impatience as Blake bit his lip and hugged Burtin tight, the pair holding the hug for a few moments before standing up and walking out. At the bottom of the stairs was Jeremy, ready to go in his tight shirt and jeans, and next to him was Blake's fifteen year old brother Feren. The young bear took more after Burtin, his fur a light brown, though there were a few dark streaks in his fur. "Ready?" Jeremy asked, though it wasn't much of a question as much as a non-conditional acknowledgement of the fact.

Nodding, Blake walked down the stairs with Burtin in tow, Feren gave his older brother a tight hug, he was five feet to Blake's impressive seven feet, and they were all sure even though Feren claimed it wasn't true, that he was nearly done growing as Burtin himself was only five foot six. "I love you, bro," Feren said, snuggling into his brother's belly as Blake nodded and rubbed his head.

"I love you too, Feren," he said, giving his sibling a heavy hug before Jeremy coughed loudly signalling his hugging time was up. "I love you, papa. I'll see you soon," he said, his papa had to stifle a sob as he gave his son one more hug before leading Feren into the other room to do more of his homework.

Turning to his dad, Blake was silent as Jeremy signalled with a tug of his head to follow along. Blake threw his bag into the back of his dad's truck and hopped in before Jeremy threw the truck into reverse to pull out of the driveway, Blake saying an internal goodbye before they took off. The drive was painfully quiet, Jeremy seemed just a bit smug as he drove his son down the road, though Blake wasn't sure how to feel about it. His papa's scent lingered in the seat, after all this was his usual seat whenever they drove, he sighed sadly as he realized that it'd be a long while before he saw his parents or his little brother again.

At first Jeremy felt like he could wrestle a hundred bears and not be tired, but his son's scent slowly mixed into the car, one full of sadness, and though Jeremy thought he knew he was doing right, he started to slow the car until the pulled onto the side of the road, his giant paws clutched tightly around the steering wheel. Blake blinked as he realized they had stopped, he looked over in confusion at his father, Jeremy was silent as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Very rarely was Jeremy indecisive about something, Blake had only heard of it from his papa, and that was about what to name his cubs. "Blake... I'm not doing this... to hurt you," Jeremy rumbled, his voice nearly as deep as the truck's motor.

Blake was silent, willing to hear out his father as Jeremy rarely spoke to him like this... like they were equals. "I... I've been beating myself up about this... your papa... and I... this was our last shot. Your educational benefits from the high school... they can only be applied within three years. Your papa and I decided it might not be the best to tell you as you were enjoying the time away from school, but it's come to that point..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Blake asked, his voice surprisingly quiet, but Jeremy didn't answer at first. Blake looked down at his feet, waiting for the answer, he felt nervous talking to his dad a lot of the time...

Jeremy was silent, rubbing his head as his muscles tensed under his fur, Blake was sure that his dad was three seconds away from tearing out the steering column from the car. "It was my choice... I've always pushed you... pretty hard," he said, wincing as they both knew that he had been known to yell at Blake pretty loudly, enough that a few neighbors had come over on occasion to make sure everything was alright. "I thought giving you some time might push you in a direction in life, though I'll admit I prodded you a bit with the gym membership... but... it's come too close, and I've been getting stressed about it, the schools tell us not to tell you about the time limit because they feel it'll make you think they're cheap."

To be honest, Blake already had a decently low opinion of high school, it more or less equated to a social mixing pot where all the dominant males took the submissive ones and fucked their brains out in the middle of class. For them to limit the amount of time they had to use the postgraduate school funds, it really didn't surprise the bear. Jeremy took a deep breath as Blake noticed him digging his claws into the steel of the steering wheel, a design he had gotten specifically for when he drove as to not damage the wheel. Even so his claw dug pretty deep into the metal. "If you... don't want this... tell me, and we'll go back home. You, papa, and I can sit down, and talk it over," he said, the words obviously pained him. Blake knew that he'd had his heart set on his oldest son being his pride and joy, the sort of dom to make other doms shake in their boots. The sort of man who made even the toughest bear bend over for a good fucking.

For a moment Blake's heart screamed for joy, he had the chance to pick his lot in life! For a moment he thought of so many things he could pursue in life... and then he realized, a part of him was disappointed. Back in high school, even as he was fucked by the tough doms of the school, he was jealous. He wanted to be the top dom, just like his dad was, prove his power through a big dick, wearing leather like the hot shot doms did in the city. The young bear, though not much of an aggressive sort, yearned for that life that his dad had. Papa was a well known doctor, he made good money, he was a loving husband... but that life had never been one that Blake had thought of pursuing, he hadn't really thought about what path he'd go down in life, and to be honest he didn't have much drive. The academy was known to put out high ranking doms in society, and realistically it might make his life easier.

There was silence as the father and son stared out the front window, and finally Blake spoke. "Let's go to the academy," he said, Jeremy flinched in shock, looking over at his son.

"B... Blake, are you sure? I don't... want to force you..." he said, Blake was as shocked as his dad, Jeremy was rarely this hesitant about his words. He was one to be feared, obeyed, he was never half-hearted about his words, so this was a change to say the least.

Cars rushed by as the pair sat there, at first Blake gave a shallow nod, and after a moment he gave a more determined one, he didn't know if he'd like this, he was pretty sure it was going to be hell on him, but this was the only path he could see that would push him forward in life. He gave a larger nod, looking at his dad in the eyes. "Yeah... I really have no direction right now, dad. I mean... I'm not gonna lie, I feel ready to die... I'm scared at how much I'm gonna change... but, what other choice do I have?"

His father opened his muzzle to speak, but then closed it and shook his head, he knew that his son was right. It was the reason they'd come to this decision in the first place. "Blake, I love you. No matter what anyone says about me that fact will never change. Do you understand?" he asked, giving his son a meaningful look to which Blake nodded. Letting out a relieved sigh Jeremy rolled his shoulders as his grip on the steering wheel relaxed letting the holes in the metal show. He looked over at Blake and gave him a real smile one that made Blake smile back. "Well son, let's get going."

Pulling back the stick into drive the pair started rolling down the road once more. Though Jeremy could still smell his son's anxiety it was also tinged with a new excitement that wasn't there before. It made him relieved that his son had come around to it. However, the feeling of guilt still lingered in his chest. He'd been pushy and demanding without explaining his reasoning to his son. The academy was an hour away, and though the pair was silent the unspoken tension between the pair had vanished. Pulling into the academy's parking lot Blake's scent of fear got stronger and Jeremy could see why. The academy looked almost like a prison: with burly guards standing in front of it, and what appeared to be bars in front of the windows. Though it was his son's decision, Jeremy set his paw on Blake's own giving the young bear one more look. "Are you sure?" he asked once more, his heart pounding in his own chest.

Blake looked towards the building and felt his stomach lurch in fear but he knew there was no turning back. "Yeah." Blake's jaw tightened even so his father noticed but stayed quiet as he turned off the car. The pair climbed out of the car and walked into the building while the guards gave them a once over as they stepped inside. Their footsteps echoed through the room as they approached the desk where a large bear sat giving them a rather severe look as they approached.

"How can I help you?" the bear asked, his voice like a gunshot in the quiet room. Blake gulped as he looked around the room which seemed to be pretty heavy duty from what he could tell. A lot of the posters on the walls showed the excellent doms that had left from the halls of the academy. A few familiar names popped out to Blake as he stared at some of the posters: Timothy Gurum (the vice president of the united states), Harold Wither (an extremely buff pro boxer), even Ken Yaret (a highly ranked military man that his father had introduced him to from high school). To be a dom or a sub it was how their world worked and Blake had grown accustomed to it. Now that he was here he had to admit that he was nervous about enrolling.

Noticing his father giving him a questioning look Blake gulped one last time building up his resolve before nodding at his father. Jeremy nodded back and turned back to the bear holding out a card which counted for his college funds from the high school. "I have my son Blake Derison here to be entered into the academy, sir."

The bear gave Blake a once over and nodded as he took the card and swiped it through the scanner on the side of his computer. He scratched at his large muzzle as he typed in some information giving Blake and Jeremy a few looks as he typed in a word here or there before giving a big sniff. "Alright, mister Derison. Your work here is done, so you can head off. I'll take your son from here." The bear explained, starting to stand up before Jeremy interrupted him.

"Will there be any time for family to visit?" Jeremy asked, remembering that Burtin wanted him to ask. The bear gave him a pretty severe glare for interrupting him as he bulked himself up glaring right back not one to be cowed.

The bear sniffed as he shot a nasty glance at the bear. "You get one visit in the middle of training. We'll send your family an email and phone call," he said curtly, he then motioned for Blake to follow him into a door in the back. The young bear gave his father one more look before following behind the receptionist leaving Jeremy alone to go back home.


The barracks were cold, musty, and made Blake feel like he'd walked into a factory rather than a living space. He sat still with the other applicants on his "bed" which felt more like plywood than a mattress. The bear had led him in here and dropped him off after telling him not to speak to anyone else. He snuck a few glances around the room at the others. Many of them were large like he was though there was the odd small one here or there.

"Hey... hey!" a voice hissed from behind him, Blake went stiff as he slowly turned around to face the bear who had been talking to him. The guy who had led him in here had been very insistent on quiet so he was nervous as a light brown bear grinned at him widely. Blake blinked as he realized how skinny the bear was, maybe one hundred and eighty pounds, he looked underfed though he didn't see his bones through his fur.

"What?" Blake hissed, he wasn't about to be thrown out already, he wasn't going to disappoint his parents.

The bear's face was alive with energy as if he'd taken a few too many shot of coffee, a big grin was plastered on his face. "I'm Torun! It's nice to meet you!" he said, Blake gave him a blank stare before he turned around before the bear hissed at him again. "Who're you?" the bear asked, shifting around on the bed excitedly as Blake narrowed his eyes.

"Didn't you hear the instructor? We have to be quiet," Blake growled, his stomach shifted as some of the other bears gave them wary glances before he shot Torun one more look. "I'm Blake, now please excuse me while I actually listen." he snapped, turning around Blake looked forward and didn't turn around as Torun attempted to get his attention a few more times before turning his attention to some other poor soul.

It wasn't too long before the door opened and a large bear stepped in, his belly pressed tightly against a shirt that was tucked into his pants. He slid through the doorway easily though the other bear following behind him was another story. The white furred bear ducked down as he turned sideways to get in, his shoulders ridiculously broad. A few of the bears in the room blushed as their pants tented, the bear was pure muscle as he rolled his shoulders. The pair had matching wedding bands on their large fingers as the shorter bear glanced over a clipboard in paw.

Everyone was silent in the room, even Torun, as the smaller bear nodded up at the bigger one. "Alright everyone, listen up!" the bear yelled, anyone who hadn't been listening was listening now as the room echoed with the force of his bellow. "Anyone who doesn't want to be here get out now! We're not dealing with little bitches who can't keep their dicks in their pants and their tongues behind their lips!" he yelled at them, after a moment a good half of the room slowly stood and walked out of the room. Having to keep their heads low as they walked around the pair of bears.

Blake felt almost embarrassed for them as the two bears gave them sharp glares before they were gone. After all of them were gone and there was silence the big bear's face brightened up. "Great! Sorry about that little show there, everyone. Have to clear away those who really don't want to be here," he said, the smaller bear's face had also brightened up a bit as he pulled out a pen from his pocket. The pair was quite the sight, one with bright white fur, the other with dark ash gray fur. "My name is Jared Cruse, and this is my husband Greg," the white bear explained, gesturing to himself and his husband.

Greg gave a nod as the bears in the room gave each other an odd glance or two. The initial fear of the two had faded a bit though they couldn't deny that they still had an unsaid power that meant that no one was to talk unless they were allowed to. "So after that little display there are sixteen of you now. Much better than before. The last time we had that many bears that stayed we had a pretty bad power trip for a few of them..." Jared said, Greg nodded a few times as he marked a few things on his clipboard. "Now we're going to come around and ask for your names. Answer fast so we can get this done with as he have a few things to get done today," the bear explained, everyone nodded in agreement as he and Greg started to move around the room.

The first was a bear right in front of Blake, he looked to be solidly built. Another polar bear like Jared though his posture didn't look as sure as Jared's did. "I'm Dilan... Dilan Woodrow, nineteen," the bear explained, Blake blinked in surprise as with the bear's immense height he would've sworn he was older...

"Height?" Greg asked, his voice surprisingly high for a dom bear.

Dilan didn't seem comfortable being the first as he rolled his shoulders. "Seven eight," he said, his voice quiet as a few of the bears looked at him in shock. Jared whistled in awe as his husband marked down the height and they moved on to Blake.

The pair looked at Blake expectantly. For a moment Blake thought about telling them that he didn't belong he and that he would just head out like the other bears... He coughed though and just forced himself to spit it out. "Blake Derison, twenty. Seven feet," he said, Greg rose an eyebrow for a moment at his last name before nodding and finding his name on the clipboard.

The pair walked around the room and got each of the lingering bears' names, Torun was all too happy to give his name and practically started on his life story before Greg stopped him with a sharp glare and he shut up. Blake silently observed the barracks as they checked off the names. The room was very large almost fifteen feet tall if he had to guess. There were far more beds than there were bears though that was likely just in case there were more applicants. As Blake sat on the bed he played back today's events in his head and sighed as he rubbed his shoulders. This was going to turn into a long haul at this rate...

"Alright, we've gotten everyone," Jared said, the pair standing back in front of the door as they finished marking names off of the clipboard. "Now, everyone strip," Jared said, all of the bears in the room stopped as they glanced at one another. It wasn't like they hadn't stripped in front of other men before, it was just rather sudden. "Down to your fur boys. We're all bears here," Jared continued, Blake and a few of the other bears gave each other a few odd glances before Torun yelled out.

"Done!" he shouted, the bear had stripped down to his fur as Jared had said without flinching. The others felt a bit embarrassed now as they had been so scared about something so simple. Clothes were more or less worn for children these days as there were many jobs where the bears wore nothing at all. Blake knew for a fact that his grandparents never wore clothes unless one of their younger grandchildren were coming for a visit.

The others watched him before standing up and stripping themselves it was a rather quiet procession of discarding their clothes before they all stood there in the fur they were born with. "Good job. Now stay still," Jared announced, Greg walked around and pulled out a tape measure as each of the bears held their breath. It was pretty well instituted that while they had sex with one another penis size was one thing that wasn't shared unless you were mates. It was a little privacy that they took stock in as bears so this was them being stripped down to their very core.

"Eat," Greg grunted, holding out a cup with a small pill to Dilan. The bear hesitated before taking the cup and swallowing down the pill before moving on to Blake. Upon seeing the pill Blake knew what it was from his sex class back in high school. Sex class had followed Sex Ed every day and as such they learned everything about the common knowledge sexual culture in the world. The pill was an aphrodisiac that caused arousal within five minutes and it was known to cause aggression within bears. They had one for more submissive bears as well. With all bears having tried both types at least one in their sexual education class.

Popping back the bill Blake tasted the bitterness of the pill as the pair walked on to Torun who took it without a word as Greg gave him that same glare that told him that if he talked he'd be gone. By the time everyone had taken one Blake moaned a bit as his shaft was already growing erect and his heart was thumping hard against his chest. The desire to fuck was growing in his body though when he started to move towards another bear he found Greg giving him a stare down that caused him to growl submissively and glance at his feet.

Dilan's dick was an decent three feet five inches as announced by Jaden and the other bears gulped as they realized that their penis size was not in the least going to be private. Next up was Blake's, truth be told he hadn't measured his own dick as he was too concerned about the size being too small. Walking over to Blake the bear unintentionally growled as Greg handled his penis and earned himself a scowl as they looked at his erect prick.

The young bear blushed as they measured out his penis, and upon seeing the size he blinked in shock. "Size of penis... four feet six inches," Greg said, Jared winked at him as Dilan blushed deeply realizing how big his dick was. Some of the bears gave him jealous looks though the aphrodisiac probably wasn't helping with their mood any. If Blake hadn't been holding back he likely would've gotten right into bed with Dilan and fucked right there, but thankfully he was for the most part able to restrict himself. Dilan gave him a few glances as well making him sure that it was the pill rather than just them.

"Torun... HOLY..." Greg's voice dropped Blake out of his stupor, looking back he blanched as he saw the bear's rather mounstorous penis as five feet. "Fi... five feet, three inches," Gren announced, Jared looking just as shocked as Greg as Torun fingered the rod..

"Is that big?" Torun asked, rather shockingly unaffected by the more aggressive parts of the pill. Greg and Jared gave him wide eyed stares as the rest of the class now felt certainly undermined as all of their penises were measured in order. Nobody hit the five foot mark besides Torun, one bear named West was bigger than Blake besides Torun. He hit the four seven mark, just an inch larger. Still West gave him a sneer as one of the bears actually asked for Greg to keep his private. He had motioned his body in a way that nobody could see his penis, though Blake had a sneaking suspicion why he wanted to keep his hidden.

Walking to the front of the room of horny bears Greg was finishing up some of the writing as Jared looked over them all, the pills would take another two hours to wear off still. "Alright, boys. You all have a very diverse range of sizes," he chuckled, a few of them blushing deeply at their shorter sizes. "Those pills are going to work their way through your system. As such I doubt any of you are much in the mood for learning, so for tonight try to sleep," Jared said, emphasising try as he gave a wink and walked out of the room with Greg in tow, the smaller bear groping Jared's ass causing the polar bear to laugh as they shut the door behind them and they all heard the door lock.

The room was quiet for a moment before some growls echoed through the room. A room full of horny bears, all of which were very aroused, none of them feeling very tired with their hearts beating so hard. Out of all of them Torun shocked them the most though as he slid into bed and shut off his end table light. "G'night all!" he shouted, everyone gave him an odd glance before the first bear pounced. That bear was Blake who had grown fed up and snagged onto one of the other bears in the room, pushing him to the ground as he snarled and tried to grab him off but it was no use as the bear prepared his dick over the other bear's ass and plunged in.

It signaled a roar of sex as all of the bears started going for one another their dicks thinking far more than their brains were. It was like a sex party they always heard of in high school though many of them had never participated in. Blake's brain was shut off as he roughly shoved his dick into the other bear, he didn't even think about it as he felt the bear try to get up a few times but he pinned him down with his gut as he thrust in and out. He had never been this aggressive, his brain put one and one together and figured out that the pill must've been different than he had thought it was. The pill must've contained more of a dosage of the aggressive side of the aphrodisiac then he thought.

Any words were forgotten as they became almost feral animals, at one point Dilan tried for Blake but he was pushed away by the older bear as he came inside of his bear. It was almost like a bad dream to Blake as his mind seemed to blank out in the sheer sexual need, the good feelings of being in control of the situation. There were heavy grunts and loud ursine growls as they fucked through the night. Blake blacked out after fucking his bear for a third time who by that point had given in to his lot and had cum on the ground after having his prostate slammed into one last time.

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