Daruupin: A Nanshoku Tale

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#32 of Writing Prompt Group Submissions

Submission for prompt 27: Set your story in a different universe.

For this submission I set the first story I every wrote "Dalupine" (https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=343605&folder=34951), and set it in a samurai universe. As it turns out a lot of things are different, but a lot is also the same.

Daruupin: A Nanshoku Tale

"I'll show that bossy old wolf how skilled I am." Donnaru, the young samurai in training, thought to himself.

The man he was sent to live with, Burinto, had scolded the dalmatian on his sloppy swordsmanship. "If you cannot cut through a wooden post wrapped in bamboo in one strike, then you have no chance of taking down an enemy." The elder man's words burned in the adolescent canine's soul as he dashed through the night.

As his yellow kimono and white hakama flowed slightly in the night air, the teen continued to himself, "Rumor has it, a band of roaming thieves attacks unwary travelers on the road after dark. Surely I, a samurai of superior birth and training, can take down a group of lowly bandits. After my victory, news of my exploit will spread, and that crass lupine will eat his words." As he leapt, his feet clad in straw waraji, his black topknot and forelocks swayed in the light of the full, newly-risen moon.

The adolescent warrior landed firmly on a boulder and scoped out the area around him. "This should be the area. Now, where are those thieves?"

"HELP!" a sudden plea of urgency hit the boy's ears. "Somebody, please HELP! I'm being attacked by bandits!"

Wasting not a second, Donnaru jumped off the rock and ran towards the call. "Finally, this is my chance." The boy heard the sound of metal chains flying through the air before tripping and falling face first onto the ground. Before he could recover, he was drug on the ground. He managed to turn around, but, when he reached for his sword, his right arm was restrained by another chain from the dark of night. He struggled with all his will, but the boy was knocked unconscious by and unseen object.


The ambitious adolescent awoke to the sound of crashing thunder in the sky and rain pelting stone, which snapped him out of his trauma-induced slumber. He instinctively reached for his katana, only to find that it wasn't there. He looked up to see that he was in a cage inside of a cave. Beyond the bars and surrounded by candle-lit paper lanterns hanging from the earthen ceiling, five bandits, clad head to toe in black cloaks to obscure any visibility of their bodies, sat in a circle and appraised the boy's belongings.

"This katana is finely crafted," one of the bandits spoke up in a joyous voice. "It will fetch a handsome price from the right buyer."

One of the other thieves declared, "And look at the quality of his kimono and hakama fabric. I know a local theater owner who would purchase it with no questions asked."

Anger arouse in the spirit of the rambunctious dalmatian. The thieves dishonorably ambushed him, knocked him unconscious, and took everything except the snow white fundoshi which, in the true echu style, swayed gently between his bare spotted legs. Just as he was about to defiantly challenge the bandits, one of his worst fears was brought out into the open.

"Don't forget that the lad--so young, nubile, and of noble birth--will really fill our pockets with gold. I'm sure there are more than a handful of black-market slave traders who will spend a small fortune on his body."

The young samurai, unwilling to take such a dishonorable fate, readily reached for his tanto and prepared for seppuku. Upon again realizing that he was nude except for the traditional undergarment, he angrily gripped the bars of the cage with his paws and shook it violently while declaring, "I'D RATHER DIE THAN LET MYSELF BECOME CHATTEL FOR THE LIKES OF YOU LOWLIFE SCUM!"

The shortest of the thieves stood up and began walking to the cage. The others stepped back, proving that the one advancing was their leader. Donnaru stood his ground in defiance even as the bandit leader was silhouetted in a flash of lightening from the storm outside the cave entrance. When the older man stood face to face with the teenager, the young samurai could see that the man was only a few inches taller than him. The rouge pulled down his scarf to show his full face to the captive adolescent and revealed himself to be a raccoon.

"Looks like we have quite a live one here, men," the procyon said in a sinister, light-hearted manner. "All for breaking the boy in before taking him to the black market slave trade speak now."

All four of the other cloak and scarfed bandits each raised a fist to the air and declared, " AYE!" in a loud, echoing, affirmation.

With a smile across his black and grey face, the leader said to the boy, "Looks like we'll be teaching you a few tricks for your new life tonight, boy. It's been quite a while since any of us have been with a member of the fairer sex, so you may be in for a rough couple of hours. And don't worry about your youthful flower; we can always sew it up, put you on an all liquid diet, and let your buyer de-virginate you all over again!"

Although he maintained his rebellious scowl, Donnaru's body shook from the intense auras of the bandits' sexual lust. As he spoke, his trembling voice proved his trepidation. "I-I'd rather throw m-m-m-myself to a group o-o-of r-r-ravenous alligators!"

The raccoon said nothing, only reaching out his paw to caress the lad's delicate cheek. In response, the young canine bit the grey hand as hard as he could, drawing blood in the process.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" the man exclaimed in pain as he recoiled a step back from the cage. With a vengeful, open-mouthed grin, the leader said to his men, "This little baka just gave up forfeited any chance for mercy, so feel free to violate every hole the gods gave him!"

In unison, the four men stood and joined their leader around the hound's cage. Young Donnaru readied himself to resist with every ounce of strength and pride he could muster. The raccoon smiled as he pulled out the dagger he kept hidden under his cloak.

"I'd step away from the boy if I were you." a calm, stoic voice sounded from behind the horde.

The entire group turned around to be met with the site of an elder samurai standing just inside the cave's entrance. The man was cloaked in a mino, a straw raincoat that covered his entire body except for the lower half of his grey hakama. His face was obscured by the wide, conical straw hat he wore atop his head.

"That dalmatian happens to be my pupil," he continued in the same dignified manner, "and his parents entrusted him to my charge. If you let him go, we will take our leave and pretend none of this transpired. However, if you do not release him, I will grant you all the swift deaths you don't deserve."

The samurai's brown paw reached across his body and grabbed the handle of his katana, which hung at his left from the obi around his waist.

Each bandit drew his twin daggers from under their cloaks. They knew well that the cave, while excellent for a temporary hideout, was too narrow to allow the use of their kusarigama, which they used to capture the less experienced warrior earlier. However, they also knew that they, knowing every crack and crevice in the walls and floor, held a great advantage against the man, who just stumbled onto their territory. Another factor they felt in their favor was the fact that the samurai was wearing geta and carrying a bundle of straw on his back. The raised, wooden footwear would make it difficult for him to move around, and he would surely want to protect whatever it was he carried on his back. This left the swordsman in a poor position, with compromised movement and multiple chances for openings.

Two of the bandits, positioning their daggers behind their back, were the first to charge in. The samurai dropped the bundle to the floor behind him and drew his blade. Hoping to disarm him, one of the bandits aimed for his paw and swung the dagger from the left side. The samurai, in response, managed to catch the hand in mid-motion. The noble warrior turned the rouge to be sliced in the neck by the dagger of his partner, and then spun around to slice the leg off of the other attacker. While his back was turned, the other two subordinate thieves took the opportunity to strike him from behind. The seasoned warrior heard their approach, maintained his battle-tempered calm, and turned on his geta to slice both men clean through the chest, effortlessly bisecting their hearts.

As the raccoon looked upon the dying bodies of his small group of bandits, he dropped his daggers and froze from cowardice. The elder samurai began approaching, and the procyon fell to his knees. "P-p-please, noble samurai, forg-g-give my transgressions. Take the boy! T-t-take as much gold as you c-c-can carry! Take anything you please! Just l-l-leave me with my life!" The trembling rouge bowed submissively, burying his head into the ground.

The samurai simply walked past the cowering fur and sliced away the lock to the dalmatian's cage. "You've put me through a lot of needless trouble on this night, Donnaru." He spoke in the same unaffected tone as he reached his paw out to help the younger warrior out. While the teen was stepping out of his prison, he continued, "When we get back to my home, we will mete out your punishme-AH!"

The elder samurai's words were cut off by the weighted end of a kusarigama chain. Time seemed to slow for the adolescent as he watched his mentor stagger forward from the blow as the straw hat fell to the ground. The man's face was now revealed as his brown, lupine muzzle contorted in pain.

In the next second, the raccoon, grinning maniacally, had leapt towards the temporary paralyzed swordsman and stabbed him in the back with his sickle, causing the wolf to cry out in pain. "Kaze Bunri Burinto! Imagine the reputation that killing such a noble dog will bring me! I'll attract enough members to build an entire bandit guild after I finish you off!" He held the blade firmly in his victim's back as he brandished a dagger in his spare paw. He raised his weapon high into the air.

Young Donnaru could only watch in fear and disbelief as the man he was to learn from was about to be slain. Then, he noticed his mentor's katana had fallen to the ground by his footpaws. The thirteen year-old picked up the blade swung for the thief's jugular. The dalmatian landed the strike perfectly, and the bandit stumbled backwards as he choked on his own blood. When he fell to his knees, the procyon's neck gushed blood into the spotted youth's face. Panic overcame the lad, so he reactively slashed at the slowly dying man again. However, his ill aimed cut only cut the prostrate fur's face. The rouge's ensuing screams of pain only caused the desperate, inexperienced swordspup to slash more and more. Donnaru managed to shallowly cleave through the suffering man's collar, shoulder, forehead, snout, and eyes; but, despite his urgency, the adolescent couldn't do the honorable thing: end the pain of a needlessly suffering being.

The site and sound of the bleeding, dying bandit soon drained the young soldier of all his adrenaline and energy, and he froze, only able to listen as the painful cries and chokes echoed in within the walls of the cave. No longer having the psychological strength to handle what he had caused, Donnaru dropped to his knees and covered his ears. He wished only for it to be over. Then, it was. The hound opened his eyes to see the body of the man lying lifeless on the ground; his head was sliced clean off and separated from his torso. The boy silently thanked his mentor, who sheathed the blood-stained sword he had used to silence the horrible noise with a single blow.


Donnaru, clad in only his fundoshi and a blindfold, stood in the middle of Burinto's bed chamber. As instructed by the elder canine, who was sitting on his knees and writing on a scroll with a bamboo brush, the adolescent swordsman contemplated what happened. He thought about how foolish he was to act of recklessly and how his inexperience caused him to not only risk his own life, but the life of his mentor as well. Also, his rashness led to the suffering of another individual. The teen knew well that, although a samurai's lot in life called for him to kill, his honor called for him to respectfully end an adversary's life quickly--in one swing of his blade if at all possible. The pained screams he caused the raccoon bandit to produce will haunt his memories for the rest of his days; of this, he was sure. He then also thought about how Burinto, in the manner of a true man, tended to the immediate well-being of his unworthy pupil.

"After ending the thief's suffering, he sheathed his blade and gently shook me to call me back to reality. Burinto-san then tore off a piece of his hakama, soaked it in the pouring rain and wiped me, the pathetic, panic-frozen child, clean of all the blood. After dressing me, he unfurled the mino he had packed for me, placed the straw hat on my head, and carried me through the storm. He walked the whole mile, bleeding and soaking in the rain, and saw me safely back to his home. After all of that, he still had his live-in physician see to me first..."

"ACHOO!" The lupine let out a deep, loud sneeze and caused the boy to produce a slight grimace of guilt on his muzzle.

Burinto stood and slowly walked over to Donnaru. He raised a steady paw, resting it on the boy's head. As he gave the hound slow, reassuring pets, he spoke to his ward. "Donnaru, I don't think I have to explain to you everything that could have been prevented tonight if you had simply stayed in your chambers and practiced the sword stances I assigned you." The youth nodded his head in affirmation, and the older male continued, "Good. You know that you are in the wrong, so I will forego the lecture I had planned for you and go straight to your punishment." The wolf used his paw to put a gentle pressure on the lad and said, "All fours, boy."

Donnaru did as he was told, taking the prescribed position on his hands and knees. Burinto repositioned his ward's body, and the adolescent put up no resistance. Soon, the dalmatian's forehead was resting on his folded arms; his feet were flat on the floor; and his firm, fundoshi-clad ass was up in the air. His mentor stood behind him and examined the position, which left the lad's rear just below his pelvis.

"Good, pup." the elder warrior said to his pupil in stoic yet pleased tone. "Now, hold that position."

The spotted youth acquiesced. For a few minutes, he was able to hold the position; however, his body, which had yet to experience any long-term pain or endurance, began to slightly tremble. At that precise moment, Donnaru felt a sudden, sting on his behind, causing him to yelp and stiffen up. The elder canine had smacked his firm, young gluteal orbs. Another unsolicited smack was delivered, and the swordsman in training managed to stifle his protest.

Burinto decided to ramp up the punishment. His paw continued to spank the lad. Every blow was harder than the last. After just a couple of minutes, he stopped and let the youth, who was now sweating and panting from both his endurance and spirit breaking down. With a two digits of one paw, he undid the tie to the fundoshi's waistband, causing the garment to open and leave the spotted, reddened behind exposed to the open air.

A lupine hindpaw tapped the younger male's heel. "On your tip toes, boy." The boy, despite his weakening body, responded without delay. The brown furred wolf, back handed the adolescent's ass, eliciting a pained gasp from him. The opposite paw followed suite on the opposite cheek, and Donnaru couldn't hold his scream. Burinto continued the punishment in this manner and kept the strikes at a steady pace and intensity. The young samurai kept screaming with every smack on his unguarded rear. For a finishing blow, Burinto held out both of his arms and crashed his paws together on the dalmatian's behind. As he screamed at the top of his lungs, his legs gave way, and his bottom half fell hard to the ground.

The Adolescent, panting and sweating began to cry. He thought about how pathetic he felt he was in his position: naked, his ass red and stinging, and crying like a newborn in front of his mentor. The Lupine did not say a word, but he did kneel and gently run his hand repeatedly and gently on this admonished pupil's back.


Donnaru was on his back, and his face was as red as his tenderized behind because his teenaged erection was on prominent display for his mentor. Burinto, now in only his red, rokushaku style fundoshi and bloodstained bandages, was on his knees. He had himself positioned where his ward's nose was right under the genital pouch of his under cloth. "Take a nice, long inhale, pup." The lupine's tone was now more dominant and commanding. The blindfolded dalmatian breathed in as much as his snout could, and his cock bobbed on its own in response. "It seems a certain pup enjoys a man's musk. Well, you're about to get a taste of what happens to those foolish enough to get captured by bandits." The older male repositioned himself in front of the adolescent's face and reached his paw into his fundoshi. After he pulled out his thick, uncut, ten inch manhood, he commanded, "Open your muzzle, boy."

The youth did open his mouth slightly, and it opened even more when Burinto forced the entire length down the lad's throat in one thrust. Donnaru gagged on the unexpected girth choking him as he began salivating around the sweaty meat. The wolf slid out of the submissive teen's throat. After repositioning the lad's head so that it was relaxed and flat on the wooden floor, the forcefully thrust into the willing muzzle.

The adolescent's entire body seized from the dominant aura of the man using his maw. He knew that his mentor was going easy and a bandit or rich pervert would not care to do that. He felt degraded by the thought of this being his fate. However, his arousal only increased from the helplessness of his position under the elder canine's body.

Burinto sped up his repeated impalement his protégé's fully cooperating maw. The wolf began to grunt as he neared his orgasm. The samurai, just before his climax, forced his inflated penile knot into the dalmatian's mouth, prying it and his throat open. Screams of lust echoed in the empty, wooden halls of the lupine's manor as his thick, warm, creamy load fired forth from his wolfen manhood into the boy's waiting body. Donnaru couldn't stop himself from moaning wantonly while he instinctively took in and savored every drop.


Donnaru now stood in a hot, humid room. After his through skull-raping, his mentor had picked up the pup and carried him princess-style into this sweltering place. The dalmatian, still blindfolded, let his imagination run wild. He had been thoroughly punished for his immaturity and foolishness. The only thing left to punish him for was the suffering he had inflicted to the dying bandit.

"What's he going to do?" Donnaru was trembling from the wait. "It's hot...I'm sweating... Hot coals!... He's going to burn me with hot coals, I know it!...Or worse, He's going to brand me with not iron rods right in the same places I slashed the raccoon so I will never forget the suffering I inflicted on him so dishonorably...I hear wood being tossed into a fire....No, he can't be...He's going to roast me slowly until my entire body burns!..."

The spotted hound began to whimper from all the tortures that could await him just before Burinto spoke up. "Are you ready for the final part of your punishment, boy?" After the teen nodded the wolf said, "Good...Now, prepare yourself!"

Donnaru clenched his body when he felt the older male wrap his arms tightly around him. " He's going to crush the life out of me!" he thought to himself. He waited, but the pressure didn't increase.

Burinto held the boy to his body, his chest acting as a cradle for the youth's head.

Donnaru's tense body soon relaxed, and his pulsating heart began to slow. He raised his arms and hugged the neck of his mentor and pulled the man in as tightly as he could.


In the heated, circular tub made of stone, Burinto cuddled the boy into his chest, and Donnaru nestled his back into the elder warrior. The blindfold was removed and discarded to the floor, allowing both males to gaze into each other's eyes. The wolf had just finished washing his trainee and was enjoying the moment of piece he was spending with the dalmatian.

Donnaru attempted to sit up, and Burinto released him. The teen was ready to wash the samurai and return his loving attentions. The pup turned around and ran a wash cloth over his mentor's face and chest. The older canid turned around, exposing his back to the adolescent. Then, the lad moved his attention to the scar, which had freshly closed. The hound extended a shaky paw to the cut. The lupine gave the boy an affirming nod, and the spotted dog gently washed the cut, eliciting a soft expression of pain accompanied by soft inaudible grunts. After finishing, the lad opened his mouth to apologize, but the wolf held up his paw in protest and turned back around to face the boy.

The pillar of masculinity caressed the developing swordsman's cheek and pulled the teen in by the chin as he leaned in to the younger male. The dalmatian's heart quickened as they drew closer and closer together. Their muzzles met in a loving yet chaste kiss.


" Oh, Burinto-san!" Donnaru exclaimed in a wanting, high-pitched tone of his voice as the wolf worked a practiced tongue on his virgin tailhole while he was on his hands and knees over the elder male in a sixty-nine position.

His declaration of pleasure was met with a firm smack on his behind, causing him to yelp in a mix of stinging pain and newfound pleasure. "Did I tell you to remove your muzzle from my spear, boy?" the wolf asked in a gently dominant voice.

The teen dove back on to the red, erect, uncircumcised shaft he was eagerly yet shyly servicing. He relished in the heat developing in his own pink, four and a half inch boyhood as his prompt response was rewarded by the resumed licking of his hungry anus. The boy moaned around the smooth, rubbery member in his mouth when he felt his mentor grip both sides of his slightly toned rear with strong, experience-hardened paws. He devotedly lapped and suckled on the wolfen tool. His own puphood quivered, wanting attention. Sensing this, Burinto moved his attention to the teen's pink rod and teasingly ran his tongue along its short length. When the dalmatian felt the elder male's expert, oral teasing on his shaft, he couldn't help but double his efforts for the alpha canine's pleasure. After sounds of the zealous youth's gagging hit his ear, the elder samurai pulled away.

"It's time for your horse riding lesson, pup." The soft, commanding flow of the voice prompted Donnaru to sit up and turn around to rest his lubricated rear on his teacher's built, toned stomach. The boy began to tremble from the anticipatory bliss of what he was about to do. He took a moment to ready himself, and his beloved mentor gently caressed the lad's cheek. In a loving voice with a slight undertone of lustful impatience, the elder male stated, "Don-chan, I love how nervous you look for what is about to happen, but if you wait too much longer we'll dry. You should know that I'm going in either way."

The spotted youth wined in submissive desire and slid backwards onto the pre dribbling wolf member behind him. He moaned with a slightly open muzzle as he felt the fleshy spear pierce his virgin sphincter. As it slid in, he let out soft gasps and whimpers of the pain and pleasure known as first time ecstasy. He rested on the top of the wolf's knot as he adjusted to the massive manhood in his rear.

"Bu...Burinto-s...san..." The shaking wolf tried to call out his mentor's name but the heightened physical and emotional sensitivity prevented him from keeping his voice or thoughts steady.

Running his paws up and down the spotted hound's torso, the lupine warrior declared to the lad, "You look like a great general astride his noble steed, my Don-chan."

With those words, the adolescent swordsman begins riding the lupine's ready staff. With every impalement, both males moaned and panted from the mounting pleasure from their shared lust for each other. Soon, the elder samurai began thrusting upward, meeting the boy halfway on his descent.

The lupine felt his pupil's tailhole tighten from approaching orgasm, so he thrust as hard as he could forcing his knot in and eliciting a scream of complete and utter pleasure from the dalmatian. The wolf grunted deeply in lustful release as he fired string after string of hot, sticky, male love juice into the lad bonded to him. The spotted teen fired his youthful seed in his first ever orgasm onto the bigger canine's chest and stomach before collapsing onto his mentor's body and panting heavily.

Burinto pulled a set of nearby covers over their bodies and ran his paws over the head, back, and behind of his charge until the both drifted off to sleep.


Two bodies, silhouetted in the light of the fill moon dimly shining into the room from the opened sliding doors, snuggle together under the red covers of a futon. A teenage fox rests his head on the chest of an older canine, a dalmatian. The elder warrior leans in as he guides his pupil's head upward with his paw and kisses the boy passionately yet chastened. The vulpine youth's light orange fur gets an undertone of pink as he lets his mentor explore the depths of his young maw.

After breaking the kiss, the dalmatian asks, "How did you enjoy today's training, Joi?"

With an eagerness befitting his age, the fox declared, "It was excellent, Donnaru-san! You are an excellent teacher and supported me through every second. Although, it wasn't any different from my training with my father and brothers. Aside from you and me bathing together and nestling in the nude like this, of course." The lad laughed nervously before he asked his own question. "Why am I here under your tutelage? I know its tradition and all, but no one's ever told me why a young samurai leaves home to live and train with and elder swordsman."

Donnaru, noticing the same energy and rashness that he himself had at his protégé's age, thought to himself for a moment. He pointed to the open sliding door behind the boy leading to the center yard outside and said, "Turn around and tell me what you see outside."

The adolescent canine wasted no time in doing as instructed. "It's just a sakura tree."

"And what do you know about cherry blossoms?" The spotted hound embraced his student tightly to his body from behind.

"Well...Every year they blossom beautifully; however, it is only for a short time."

"That is correct. You are the same."

"Donnaru-san, I don't understand."

"You are in the flowering of your life. Youth, much like the yearly blooming of the sakura, is short and fleeting. We samurai have to grow up quick; you will have to learn lessons and experience things that young men shouldn't experience. When you are older you'll have to fight many battles and be ordered to take actions that, although they may be against your desires, you will be honor bound to follow through upon. It is for these reasons that you, in your budding and flowering years, need to gain an understanding and appreciation for the beauty in life before you have to look upon the ugliness in the world. Jo-chan, I am honored enough to show you the beauty of this world through our nanshoku relationship until your coming of age ceremony in a few years..."

Soft snores from the vulpine in his arms signal the dalmatian that fatigue from the day's rough training had gotten the better of the young swordsman.

With a soft chuckle, Donnaru says to himself, "Looks like I'll get to tell him this tomorrow night." He nestled with the sleeping lad in his arms. He thought about all the joyous and sad times that he shared with his own mentor until he himself drifted off to slumber.

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My Draggy Cub Makes a Friend

**My Draggy Cub Makes a Friend** A month passed without incident since our scare with the scientist in the park. Hypia has seemed to have forgotten the man, as would I and Arnie. We've remained on alert but have relaxed a bit in the last few weeks....

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