Tribal Stream Story 5: Pride of the Pride

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Taiko delightfully picked up one of the stories I had on offer, and shows me another one of his characters in the process.

Pride of the Pride for Taiko by Draconicon

Darl yawned in the way that only a lion could, full-mouthed and sharp-toothed. He scratched at the back of his robe as he poured himself some coffee, shaking his head and then running his fingers through his mane.

"Ugh. Bleh. Blah. Coffee."

Groaning under his breath, the lion took a few sips of his cup before getting a second one down, pouring some for his dad. Rogar would need it just as much as he did, considering how long the darker-furred lion had been up last night. Looking over that old relic. Darl chuckled. It was almost funny, how much his dad was obsessed with that stuff.

Pulling his robe a little tighter around him, the lion turned back to the hallway, and walked to the end. He knocked on his father's door.

"Dad? Dad, got you some coffee."



He opened the door, peering in.

"Dad are you - HOLY HELL!"

"Come in here, son."

Whatever it was speaking might have used his dad's lips, but it wasn't Rogar. The lion in the bedroom was bigger than his father by half, thickly muscled and with different colored eyes. Darl turned -

"Ah. I said come in, son."

His body froze in mid-turn, the coffee sloshing about in the mugs at the abrupt halt. Some bit spilled up over the lid of it, and he hissed at the heat on his finger. No sooner had he felt it, though, than his body started turning, going back to the door and what lay behind it. He kicked it open lightly, and stepped through.

The lion on the other side was much darker furred than him, but that wasn't the only difference. Sticking out from between his 'father's' legs was a cock that was absolutely huge. Darl had seen a few before, but it was far bigger than most that he'd bothered taking a close look at. He wondered if it was a natural thing, or a result of what had taken over his dad's body.

He stopped moving when he was standing between the naked lion's thighs.

"Uh...okay, you're not my dad -"

"You'll find I'm close enough."

His 'father' took the coffee cups from his hands, setting them down on the nightstand by the bed before turning back to him.

"You and your father have forgotten the pride and respect that should be shown to members of a pride. You're lions, for crying out loud. Powerful, majestic felines that rule all they survey."

"Maybe once, but that's not really the case no-"


His body obeyed that strange, new voice again, and he was down on his knees before he could finish his sentence. It wasn't precisely the first time that he had been on nose level with a bobbing cock, but usually that was in gym or something, not in his own house, and certainly not with a family member. He glanced past the bobbing shaft.

"Okay, seriously, this is getting out of hand. I don't know who you are, or why you're here, but can you just go?"

"No. Not until you've learned your lesson."

The majestic lion leaned back, his feet coming off of the ground until his heels rested on Darl's shoulders. The weight dragged him down, but not towards his dad's cock. No, he was heading a bit lower than that, and the lion groaned.

"Come on, this is ridiculous."

"The head of the pride deserves a certain amount of respect. And now, you'll show it, son."

The inexorable trip down to his father's ass was something else he hadn't expected to do today, but there was no way he could fight it. In short order, Darl had his face buried under the older lion's tail and his lips against the soft pucker between the fuzzy cheeks. Even they were more muscled than before, squeezing at his face to keep him from pulling back, even though the leg-hold was more than strong enough to keep him in place.

"Now show your respect for your father, son. I want to feel that tongue digging deep."

Darl squirmed back and forth experimentally, testing the older lion's grip, but it was absolute. Even his best little tricks couldn't get him free. He had no choice.

Thankfully, his dad seemed recently showered, so all he tasted was skin as he dug his tongue into his dad's rump. Slightly sweaty skin, true, but it was the best he could hope for. The older lion growled at his tonguing, and Darl grumbled under his breath, dragging his tongue over his father's rim again and again, tugging it, stretching it.

"Yes, that's proper respect, boy. Keep it up."

He did, licking, dragging, rimming his father as best he could. It wasn't his usual thing, and it was doubly awkward to be doing it to his dad, regardless of how strange he was behaving. Yet, he couldn't deny that he was having a little fun with it.

And the older lion knew it, too, considering that it wasn't Darl's tail on the erection under his robe. Darl blushed as his dad started stroking him, teasing him and 'rewarding' him for his service. Despite himself he couldn't help but dig in a little further, dragging his tongue over that rim once more before sliding it slightly in.

That seemed to get the older lion really going. He could feel the throbbing overhead, not to mention feel some pre dripping down from above as well. Darl felt himself grinning, and he realized how strange that was.

He pushed his tongue in and out of his father's hole a few more times before the muscled cheeks and feet on his shoulders let him go. He licked one more time after that before pulling back, blushing despite himself.

The older lion rolled forward again, his cock bopping Darl on the nose.

"Heh, not bad, boy. You know how to serve from beneath. You've earned a little reward for that. Stand up."

"Wha -"


Once more, his body obeyed without him meaning it to, rising up to stand at attention. Unlike before, however, he was quite a bit harder, and more exposed, considering that his father's tail had left his robe open.

"Seems like you are developing nicely. Well sized, for a younger lion."

"You are most DEFINITELY not my dad, talking like that."

"Perhaps not. But you won't care for long."


His voice jumped up a few octaves as his 'father' lunged forward and swallowed his cock to the root. Darl's hands flailed around for some sort of support, eventually resting in the older lion's mane. He groaned, leaning forward against him, barely realizing that he was 'forcing' his cock in deeper and holding the older lion down.

It didn't last long, of course. Soon that head started lifting and lowering without him having any way to stop it, the older lion supernaturally strong. It didn't matter to Darl, though; the feeling of those experienced lips teasing his cock was all too good, and he panted heavily as it felt like his balls were going to get sucked through his cock, like it was some sort of straw or something.

It didn't help when the lion flicked his tongue around the tip of his cock, the wet appendage teasing his urethra. Darl leaned forward, almost hugging the older lion's head from the feeling of having his cock so well enveloped, so very well teased. He felt like he was going to blow, and he'd only been sucked for half a minute.

When he was right on the edge, his 'father' pulled back, leaving his cock twitching. Darl grunted, panting.

"Why...why'd you stop?"

"Because we have something better."

The older lion stood up with a smirk, pointing to his bed.

"On all fours, tail up."


"Yes. It's time for you to know your place. Under your father, and under the bigger lions out there."

Darl almost didn't want to do that, but the need throbbing from his crotch was too difficult to ignore. He'd had a few toys under his tail, so he thought he could handle his father's cock too. He just hoped that it wasn't bigger than it looked, because it looked absolutely enormous.

Getting on the bed, Darl flicked his tail up and spread his legs a bit. His 'father' slid a finger between his ass cheeks, and the younger lion blushed as his hole flexed under it before it slid in.

"Heh, you're ready, alright."

"Stop teasing...please...I need it."

"Heh, then you're going to get it."

Darl moaned as he felt the first touch of his 'father's' cock, his eyes closing as his hole flexed beneath it before it gave way. The slow penetration, the way that the thick shaft forced him open; it was bliss. Better than bliss, it was right. This was the proper way to respect one's father, and those higher up in the pride.

When he opened his eyes, they were the same color as his father's. A bright, gleaming gold, filled with happiness as his ass was pounded hard.


Outside, that same golden light shimmered off of a different pair of eyes, ones watching the window where Rogar and Darl lived. Their owner smiled, his tail twitching as the almost hyper-masculine lion turned around, walking down the street.

"'Bout time that those two got around to doing that. Stuck in that idol all this time, and they just keep batting eyes at each other when the other isn't looking? Heh, lion up and have some fun already."

His deep chuckle got the attention of a few others as he strolled down the street, but not many. After all, he wasn't an average lion, and he couldn't be seen by average people. Being heard, however, was another thing, and more than a few people heard things that they didn't expect that day.

But that is another story.

The End

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