O anel.

Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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O Anel

Rafa é um pequeno castor que vive na floresta. Como todo castor, ele é meio rechonchudo e tem uma aparência engraçada. Só que, diferente dos outros castores que fazem justiça ao esteriótipo da raça, Rafa não gosta muito de trabalhar. Como passatempo, ele faz esculturas de madeira, que depois podem ou não ser trocadas por alimento. Certo dia, ele conheceu Marília, uma castor por quem se apaixonou perdidamente. Conforme o romance dos dois progredia, logo ficava evidente que os dois se comprometeriam. Mas Rafa queria fazer um presente para sua amada, algo bem pessoal, que a deixasse sem graça de recusar a proposta de compromisso. E ele sabia o que devia fazer!

Na manhã de domingo, Rafa andou pela floresta a procura de madeira nobre. Ele sabia que árvores nobres existiam ali, porque ele já havia visto uma, mas não se recordava onde. Seus passos determinados sacudiam as folhas no solo onde pisava, enquanto os raios do sol que penetravam pelas copas das árvores o guiavam em sua busca. De repente, Rafa sentiu que estava sendo observado.

Ele olhou em volta, parando de andar, procurando a fonte de sua preocupação. Quando ele voltou a olhar para o norte, eis que estava ali outro castor, maior, mais forte e preto.

  • Volta para onde está tua moça - ele disse. - Tu intencionas pecar.

  • Que pecado estou a cometer? - perguntou Rafa, assustado.

  • Tu procuras a madeira nobre, mas não sabes que é pecado extrair madeira nobre. Estou te avisando disso agora, enquanto tu tens tempo e podes reconsiderar, mas não força-me a usar minha magia contra ti.

  • Mas eu preciso da madeira para pedir minha amada em noivado! Por favor, entenda... - insistiu Rafa.

O outro castor, sentindo em Rafa uma graúda obstinação, não teve outra escolha se não amaldiçoá-lo.

  • Se atentares contra a madeira, teu romance acabará em três noites - ele sentenciou. - Este é meu prodígio.

Dito aquilo, o grande castor retirou-se, andando em direção aos arbustos... Rafa esperou um pouco, para ter certeza de que o feiticeiro havia ido embora. Quando a certeza se fez em Rafa, ele prosseguiu, achando uma clareira de insólitas árvores de madeira roxa. Maravilhado, pôs-se a roer uma das árvores e a colocar grandes lascas de madeira em uma sacola de pano que havia trazido. Em seguida, ele voltou para casa, a fim de confeccionar o anel e dá-lo a sua amada Marília.

The Ring

Rafa is a small beaver who lives in the forest. As every beaver, he is kind of chubby and has a funny look. But, unlike other beavers who make justice to the race's stereotype, Rafa doesn't really like to work. As time killer, he makes wood sculptures, that can later be exchanged for food. One day, he met Marcelia., a beaver for whom he fell in love. As the romance between the two progressed, it became evident that they would eventually commit to each other. But Rafa wanted to make a gift for his love, something really personal, that would make her too embarrassed to refuse the commitment proposal. And he knew what to do!

In the Sunday morning, Rafa walked through the forest, looking for noble wood. He knew that noble trees existed in there, because he had seen one, but he couldn't remember where. His determined pace shook the leaves on the ground he stepped on, while the sun rays that penetrated through the tree tops guided his search. Suddenly, Rafa felt that he was being observed.

He looked around, stopping his walk, looking for the source of the worries. When he looked again to north, there was another beaver in there, he was bigger, stronger and black.

  • Go back to where your female is - he said. - You want to sin.

  • What kind of sin am I about to commit? - asked Rafa, scared.

  • You look for noble wood, but you don't know that it's sinful extract noble wood. I'm warning you about it now, while you have time and can reconsider, but don't force me to use my magic against you.

  • But I need the wood to ask commitment from my love! Please, understand... - Rafa insisted.

The other beaver, feeling a great obstinacy in Rafa, had no choice, but to curse him.

  • If you try anything against the wood, your romance will end in three nights - he said. - This is my prodigy.

Said that, the big beaver left, walking towards the bushes... Rafa waited a little to make sure that the sorcerer was gone. When he was sure, Rafa continued, finding a glade of weird purple trees. Marveled, he began to chew one of the trees and put big pieces of wood in a cloth bag that he had brought. Then, he went back home, to make the ring and give it to his loved Marcelia.


Daxy: Yuwwwwe. Yuweee.Yure: Daxy! Daxy, Daxy, Daxy!Daxy: How Yuwe?Yure (says embarrassed, but smiling nonetheless): Wet.Daxy: Ahhh.Daxy grabs the diaper tapes and pulls them open.Yure is soft. His cute pee-pee is calm and cute, but his diaper is very...

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F-Chat Log: Darcin, Sat Dec 13 2014 02:41:22 GMT+0000 (UTC) Yure offers a place on the couch for Darcin to sit. Darcin sits his wide rear on the couch. Yure lays his head on Darcin's lap, admiring the navel. Yure sticks a finger inside and can't feel...

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"Humping post."

Yure: [https://www.f-list.net/c/yure](https://www.f-list.net/c/yure) Left: [https://www.f-list.net/c/left%20the%20wolf](https://www.f-list.net/c/left%20the%20wolf) ---- ---- ---- ---- Yure wraps Left in his blanket. Left The Wolf wags his tail...

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