Life, 4 Say what now?

Story by Kalagar on SoFurry

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#4 of A Little Thing Called Life

Draco's and Diesel's dreams come true as they confess their love for each other. Diesel is full aware of what this relationship (starting so soon after Draco and Jacob split) makes him, but he just doesn't care if hes a rebound, he feels confident that he can make this work.

Note: this chapter is currently unedited, so your comments and input will go a long way to helping me.

4/8/15- moved to folder, changed folder order

Draco coughed a bit as he looked at his best friend in surprise. Did Diesel just say what he thought? Part of him was overjoyed by what he had just heard, but there could be potential problems with a mateship with your best friend, and Draco knew it too well.

Diesel had just told Draco over dinner that he was in love wit him. Draco had no clue how to react, the moment he had been dreaming of since high school literally just fell into his lap, and all he could do was look at he husky with a stupid look on his face.

He decided to just let his instincts take over and act for him in this situation, letting himself go for just a bit, what happened next caught them both by surprise.

Draco reached out across the table, grabbing Diesel by his shirt and pulling him across the table and kissed him on the lips, releasing him immediately after, a look of shock on his face.

"D-does that answer your question?" he asked as he settled back into his seat, taking a bite of his chicken to give his hands something to do

The husky blushed as he leaned against the table "Yeah.. Yeah that makes your answer quite clear... Have you always...?" he asked, looking into the dragon's eyes.

"Yes... Ever since our senior year in high school... I was just afraid to say anything, I didn't want to ruin a good friendship, and I was afraid you might laugh at me..." the dragon answered, suddenly bashful and averted his eyes away from the husky.

Diesel smiled as he looked at Draco, smiling a bit as he finished his plate off and started washing the dinner dishes while the dragon gathered his thoughts and finished his plate.

Once he was done, Draco took his plate to Diesel to be washed. He wrapped his arms around the huskies waist from behind, kissing his neck softly. "I love you, thanks for finishing up the dishes for me"

Diesel murred softly as the dragon kissed his neck "Don't mention it, stud, it's the least I could do since you went to the trouble to prepare the dinner. Why don't you go relax for a bit? maybe undo your shirt a bit, get comfortable."

Draco blushed a bit, smiling "You just want to see me naked." knowing that Diesel had the patience to wait for that, though it wouldn't hurt to remove his shirt, nothing the canine hadn't seen before.

He took his new mates suggestion and removed his shirt, throwing it in the laundry room, and settled down on the couch as he lit a cigarette.

A few moments later Diesel came to join him, kissing Draco softly on the lips as they cuddled close together.

It was a blissful night, no tv, no stupid conversation, just the two of them in each other's arms, and all seemed right with the world.

Draco leaned in close to kiss the husky again, holding the kiss longer this time as he slipped his tongue into the dog's maw.

Diesel kissed back tenderly as he moved as close as he could get to the dragon, their tongues twisting together.

Then his phone rang. "God damnit!" he swore under his breath as he looked at the unknown number, deciding not to answer it. He looked at his mate and yawned before getting up to go to bed, the moment now ruined.


When he left the school after lunch that day, Diesel knew that if he wanted Draco for himself, he would have to act soon, tonight. If he waited much longer, that retarded crocodile would get to Draco first, and then he would be up shit creek.

He mulled over how and at what time he would do it as the day went on. Diesel canceled all of his training sessions for the rest of the day, staying to himself in his office.

Maybe I could show up with his favorite chocolate and some roses? He thought to himself, but decided against that, as he wasn't even sure the dragon liked roses, he had never made any indication of it.

No matter what he thought of, he just couldn't find a way to make it work. He knew what he had to do, the only way to make his feelings known. He had to just get it out there, just spit it out.

He decided to do it over dinner that night, pleasantly surprised that the dragon had made it so easy by cooking the dinner. The warm smell of baked chicken and mashed potatoes filled the air.

Draco was immersed in their favorite show, Breaking Bad, though Diesel was too preoccupied by what he was planning on saying to pay much attention.

He waited until the show came to an end to say it, his heart thumping in his chest so hard, he was afraid that Draco might hear it.

"Hey, I have something I need to tell you... I have felt this way for quite a while, just been too afraid to say anything... I love you Drake, I have always loved you..." he blushed brightly, a dumbfounded expression appearing on the dragon's face.

Diesel braced himself for the rejection, maybe even an explosion from his friend whom he loved.

Draco took him by surprise when he reached across the table, grabbed him and kissed him once on the lips, giving him the answer he had been hoping for all along.

The rest of the night was spent in perfect bliss, just the two of them holding each other close, the way it should be.


The next morning, Draco woke up to get ready for work, trying unsuccessfully to wake Diesel.

"Oh, yeah, hey, let me make you some breakfast before you go.." he said as he tried to get up, but Draco simply pushed him back down on the bed shaking his head.

"No, you stay in bed, no sense in you getting up just to make me breakfast, the only reason you should be waking up for me at all is so I can kiss you goodbye." Draco kissed his new mate briefly before leaving the room to make his coffee and prepare for the day.

The bus route went exceedingly well, each kit returned his "Good morning" with a bright smile, considering the early hour of the morning. He smiled to himself as he listened to the soft chatter of the kits behind him, talking about video games, and the latest rock bands.

He greeted Jason with a cheerful "Good morning!" as he walked into the break room, who looked up from his morning paper with a warm smile on his face.

"Good morning to you too," he greeted back "Have a nice night?" he asked, as though he knew something, judging by the smug look on his face.

"Yeah, it was great" Draco answered with a smile as he started writing out a cast list for the semesters big production, which was coming up rather quick.

"Did your friend confess his love for you?" Jason asked with a grin as he went back to his paper, causing the dragon to look up at him in shock, how could he possibly have known that?

"How did you..?? I mean how??" Draco managed to get out through the shock and Jason's soft laughter

"It was obvious, he couldn't take his eyes off of you at lunch yesterday, and that goofy grin, he clearly had the hots for you, I knew it was only just a matter of time before he brought it up to you, it looks to me like the feeling was mutual."

Draco realized just how oblivious he had been, if he had been paying attention, then maybe the previous night wouldn't have caught him off guard like it did.

In his theater 1 and 3 classes, he played a movie about shakespearean plays and monologues to give himself more time to work on his cast list for theater 2.

This semester, he decided to do the Wizard of Oz, something simple but fun for his first play as the teacher.

He would of course hold tryouts, but he had an idea of who he wanted in each part, he had gotten to know his kits well enough in the past few months to have an idea of what parts they would do best with.

The number of characters in the play, however; was greater than the amount of students in his class by a little bit, so some of the kits would have to play a couple of different characters, and he would have to jump in to fill a space, or pull a student from theater three, which he could do if he had to.

That day in theater two, he passed out the scripts to the class and together they read through the first couple of scenes, just so he could get the feel of the play, and also to see how the class responded to the play, which was generally enthusiastic, everyone seemed excited and looked forward to the tryouts.

He was on lunch duty that week, so roughly 45 minutes of his day was spent walking around the lunch room to keep an eye on things. Lunch duty didn't bother him really, it was rare that anything happened, the only reason he and Principal Dean were there was because they couldn't leave the kits unattended or unaccounted for.

Draco made it back to the apartment that evening to find a bouquet of yellow roses and a box of chocolates sitting on the table with his name on them. Diesel must have come home for lunch.

Draco smiled and blushed a bit as he sniffed the roses, the lovely earthy scent sent a pleasant chill down his back as he noted that Diesel had taken the liberty of placing them in a vase of water for him.

The card attached read "To the one who was always there for me, I love you so much more than words can describe. Love, Diesel"

He would have to do something nice in return, Draco wasn't one to accept gifts without returning the favor, it just didn't seem fair to him if he didn't at least try to do something in return.

Draco called in for last minute reservations at Olive Garden, as there wasn't much in the refrigerator, besides that he just didn't feel like cooking anything elaborate.

He took a shower, and pulled out the nicest pair of cloths he had which was his light grey suit that he wore to his job interview and other formal events, and placed a matching fedora on his head.

He then made sure that Diesel had some nice enough cloths, which he did from their senior graduation, though it looked like it should still fit him, maybe just small enough to show off his well toned form and masculinity.

When Diesel got back to the apartment, Draco practically pushed him into the shower, telling him not to ask questions and left his suit hanging on the closet door where the husky would see it.


Diesel knew the dragon was up to something, but decided not to ask. He slipped into his suit, which amazingly still fit him, a tad bit tighter than when he first bought it, but comfortable all the same.

He stared at Draco the whole ride, still unsure of where they were going, but decided that as long as he was with Draco he didn't care.

Diesel was a rebound for Draco, and he knew this. He was aware of what this relationship would make him before he confessed his feelings, but he just didn't care. All he cared about was his feelings for the drake, and that some how, everything would work out alright.

Draco pulled the car up in front of Olive Garden as he rubbed Diesel's paw softly. Diesel simply looked back at him with a smile on his face.

"You're too kind, I don't deserve anything this nice." he said as he looked up at the fancy restaurant with a blush.

"Well, you're getting it anyway, this is a fine place for our first official date. Besides, I have to pay you back for the yellow roses you left for me." the dragon answered before leaning in to kiss his mate softly.


The rest of the evening was smoothe as the fine red wine that they were served before dinner. Draco had ordered the grilled chicken pizza this place was known for, while Diesel settled for a large helping of spaghetti and meatballs, with a serving of garlic breadsticks as the appetizer.

There was little chatter over dinner, they already knew everything about each other. They spent much of their time staring into each other's eyes, feeling happier than they had in a long time.

Deep down, he felt sorry for Diesel. Draco knew that the husky was a rebound, but he hoped that there was more to this new relationship than that, he really did love Diesel, he just hoped that was good enough.

The following saturday, the two of them waited at Draco's old house for the furniture guys to show up with the furniture Draco had purchased the week before.

Draco already had a pretty good idea where he wanted everything to go, and spent the morning making sure the carpet was clean, the kitchen and bathrooms moped, and the walls scrubbed.

At around 1:00 that afternoon, the furniture showed up in large boxes (some assembly required), or otherwise covered and wrapped completely in plastic and saran wrap.

It was exhausting work, they started with the tables, having to re-read the instructions several times to figure it all out. They repeated this process with each of the shelving units, of which there were five: one for each bedroom and two for the living room. The TV stand was easy enough once they got the hang of how everything went together, same with the coffee table. The recliners, couch, and loveseat were all in one piece and didn't require assembly.

The beds were the hardest part. Not that they didn't know how to put the frames together or anything, but each piece was long and difficult to actually get together.

They finally got the two beds together, and Draco flopped down on his own in a sigh of relief.

"Finally! Its all done!" he said as he stretched out over the bed, allowing his eyes to rest for a bit. He pondered over the events of the day, wondering where it all went. He was so tired that he could fall asleep right then, accept that would be rude as Diesel was still there. "Why don't you sleep over here tonight? Change in scenery."

Diesel blushed softly at the dragon's offer as he sat on the bed next to Draco "Why, I thought you'd never ask" he said, trying to keep things light "besides, you can't break in the new bed all by yourself, it takes two to really get the job done."

Draco laughed at his mates humor but pulled the husky down ontop of him for a kiss. "Well, you have a point there, and someday we can really break it in" he said with a wink.

They showered separately, then spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch watching a rerun of The Big Bang Theory, laughing at the OCD antics of Sheldon Cooper. The perfect end to a busy day.


Draco and Jason lounged on the front patio as the sun was setting late one Friday afternoon, having already graded all their papers and tests. Something had been bothering Draco for the last few weeks, and he wasn't sure how to bring it up to...

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3, Moving Forward

In a popular crossfit gym in town, Diesel's Crossfit, the owner Diesel Patrick was finishing up the day and getting ready to close the doors for the night when he heard his phone vibrating on his desk. One look at the caller ID brought a smile to his...

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2, Driving a What Now?

"Please, have a seat Mr. Blaiz, there is a matter of utmost importance that we must discuss with you, an opportunity if you're interested." Said the superintendent, a white haired mouse named Dexter. Draco took the seat in front of the principal's...

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