Foot Fetish Stream Story 1: Green Paws, My Paws

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The sneaker wolf is back, ordering the first of the foot fetish streams. Those shoes of his are getting more and more mischievous.

Green Paws, My Paws for FriskeCrisps by Draconicon

The wolf grinned wide as he carried the new shoebox up the stairs. He felt like he was floating along, eager as ever to try something new. The fact that it was something he'd been looking forward to for weeks only made it better.

Zipping around the upper halls, Crisp ran into his room and shut the door, almost jumping across the room to his bed.

"It's here, it's here, it's here!"

He knew he was giggling like a kid, but he didn't care. It was here. It was finally here!

Throwing the box down on the bed, the wolf leaped up after it. Bouncing up and down, he ripped the remaining packing paper off of the box, and then pulled the lid off. Both bits of trash hit the floor, and Crisp's grin spread further still at the shoes inside.

They were a bright emerald green, looking like something from a St. Patrick's Day sale turned up to an 11. Just looking at them, he could see the color shimmering in the light, reflecting green dots all over the room. They were almost like disco balls, and he knew that everybody would have to notice them when he put them on.

"This is going to be great. Nobody's gonna be able to forget about these."

The wolf quickly kicked off his shoes, throwing them to the middle of the room. He reached for the shoes -

  • but they jerked out of his reach before he could touch them. He froze, staring as they seemed to almost huddle at the far end of the box.

"I...I must be seeing things. Come here."

He grabbed for them again, but this time they moved even faster. Kicking out of the box - and almost kicking him in the chin as they sailed through the air - the shoes landed on the floor. The wolf stared wide-eyed at the shoes as they thumped about on their own.

"This isn't...what the hell?!"

He couldn't stop staring, even as they 'walked' over to his door and kicked it a few times. It held firm against their kicks, of course, but he could see the marks left in the wood. A few more kicks and they would have kicked it down. But either they were too stupid to know that - Too stupid? They're shoes! They don't think! - or they wanted something else, because they turned around, 'walking' towards him again.

The wolf just couldn't look away, and was caught by surprise as they suddenly grabbed his ankles with their laces. Finally jolted out of his shock, Crisp tried to stand up, but the laces yanked his legs with alarming strength. With his legs pulled out from under him, the wolf fell right back on the bed, kicking the shoes into the air.

Time seemed to slow as they came back down, the wide holes seemingly growing wider as they touched his toes. They teetered for a moment before sliding down, sucking his socked feet into them.

They were quick, too. No sooner had he started lowering his feet than they slid down the rest of the way. The shoelaces released his ankles, and tied themselves, sliding under and over the cotton lengths. They wove together like snakes, slithering against each other, forming two bows before pulling tight.


VERY tight for that matter. The wolf winced at the constriction, finally getting his body under control again. He reached down, grabbing for the laces, but no matter how he tugged, the shoes refused to budge. They were stuck tight.

As he tugged the laces, though, something new happened. The same constriction that squeezed at his ankles spread. He winced as his feet felt like they were being put in a vise, constricted beyond all measure. Crisp stood up, hobbling across the room, but even that was difficult.

He fell before he was halfway to the door, and rolled over. The shoes had changed shape, narrowing dramatically in the middle before spreading out just before the toes again. They weren't just imitating the basic shape of a person's foot; he realized that they were shaping themselves specifically to his.

The more he watched, the more they changed, and it was too shocking to look away. The tips of the shoes faded, gradually melting away to reveal his toes. Rather than the white socks that he thought he'd see, or even the normal dark fur that was beneath it, he saw green. Every hair, every bit of flesh that he was used to seeing was there, but it was green, as emerald and shimmery as the shoes he wore.

The transformation continued, sliding further and further down. The shoes' physical features disappeared, but the green and the tightness continued to strangle his feet as they seemed to almost burst through the shoes. Crisp winced and whimpered, squirming back towards the door in an attempt to get away from them. He knew he needed help. How he'd get it, he didn't know, but he knew he needed it.

Just as he reached the doorknob, the shoes finished disappearing. He was completely barefoot, but green-footed. As he turned the knob, the pain suddenly disappeared.

Crisp hesitated. He left the door open, but looked down at his feet. The green glow was fading, but they still felt strange. Reaching down, the wolf pinched his toes.

He felt it, but it was different. Almost...pleasurable. He quickly pulled his hands away, shaking his head rapidly.

"Figment of my imagination, figment of my imagination. Box. Where's the box?"

He got up - stifling a few little whimpers as he felt that same weird, pleasurable feeling on his feet - and searched for the box. It had to have the phone number of the company on it. They had to be able to tell him what had just happened, because that was NOT normal.

Even as he found it, though, he realized things weren't done being weird yet. Just as he leaned down to get it, his feet suddenly flared bright green again. One foot, then the other took a step back, pulling him out of reach of the box.

But he hadn't been the one to take the steps.

He stood up quickly, but his legs were already carrying him towards the door. The wolf struggled, trying to make his legs move differently, but they were marching like a soldier to a drummer's beat. There was no way that he could stop.

He was out the door before he could grab anything, and even when he grabbed hold of the railing on the way to the stairs, he only managed to stop himself for a few seconds. His legs were much stronger than he ever remembered them being and refused to stop, no matter how much he tried to delay the march.

Just as he reached the top of the stairs, his feet suddenly kicked off of the ground. For a second, he thought they were throwing him down the stairs, but was relieved when they just clicked his heels together.

The feeling of them clicking together, almost like a dance step, sent a strange thrill of pleasure through him. It left a slight bulge in his pants, but the wolf ignored it.

"Come on, you stupid feet. What's wrong with you?"

Even reaching down and tugging at his ankles didn't do a bit of good as his green feet carried him down the stairs. They were supernaturally strong, keeping him from doing anything but following along. Even on the rare occasion that he managed to keep his grip on it from step to step, it wasn't enough to keep the step from happening.

Soon he was in the main room again, and heading towards the bottom floor bathroom. The hardwood floor wasn't so bad, but as he walked through the carpeted living room, the wolf whimpered in pleasure. Every step was like a caress in certain...very naughty parts, and he felt his boner getting bigger and bigger.

By the time he reached the bathroom, his feet were extremely oversensitized, and he barely could stay on his feet. He was almost relieved they were in control, as his cock was throbbing so hard in his pants.

"I shouldn't be getting hard from walking. What the hell is going on?"

His feet didn't answer him. However, he felt a surge of tightness through his leg and then up his arm. He stared as it suddenly came to life as well, moving towards the spigot for the bath.

"Oh, no no no no."

He grabbed for it, but just like with his ankles, the green light seemed to be completely unstoppable. His out-of-control hand turned the water handles, moving it so that a strong rush of hot water was flowing out, tempered with a bit of cold. His hand came under his control again, but not before his feet marched him into the tub.

Forced to sit down as they suddenly drifted out from under him, Crisp was made to sit in the rising water as his feet suddenly shoved themselves under the flowing stream. His complaints faded away as the flow of water blasted his feet.

If walking on carpet had been bliss, this was pleasurable torture. The wolf squirmed under the hot pressure blasts of water against his oversensitized soles, his thighs pushing together and his cock throbbing in his pants. He could feel his climax bubbling up, making him need to cum so bad, and the front of his jeans were already soaked with his pre. Some bubbly bits of it was already forcing itself out through the denim at the tip of his bulge, too.

"No, no, no! You....mmph..."

He groaned, leaning his head back as his feet forcibly rubbed themselves together, adding to the whole pleasure. His hips jerked, thrusting upwards despite themselves, as his feet seemed to throb in time with his cock.

In short order, he was cumming. Crisp whimpered, his face burning red as he shot a load into his pants, soaking the front as much as the water soaked the back. His feet continued to rub themselves under the hot water, somehow prolonging the whole torturous, embarrassing experience.

As he collapsed into the tub after, he felt both his hands moving without his consent. Too weak to fight it, he watched as they undid the button and zipper of his pants, and then pulled them - and his underwear - down. As he was pulled upright, he could tell by the way his legs bent towards his crotch that his torment was not over yet.

It was from some distance away that the owner of the shoes watched, chuckling to himself. The magical green shoes were a fun toy, even if they only lasted a few days before needing to be attached to a new 'victim'. Even the price of giving them up, so that the wolf could put them on someone else later and control their paws was a worthwhile one, for a show like this.

As the wolf's cock was molested by his own feet, the dragon watching him chuckled.

"Almost makes me wish I could record this."

Then again, considering he was going to be applying for a job from the wolf, probably not the best idea. One's employer should never learn what one's employees did in their spare time, even if the employer was just an inheritor of an empire someone else built.

In a few days, he'd go apply for the job. Until then, he'd just settle back, relax, and...enjoy...the show.

The End

Foot Fetish Stream Story 2: Subdued by Scaly Soles

Subdued by Scaly Soles for Dexter by Draconicon Time passed slowly in The Black's dungeon. Dexter had learned that more and more as the visits from his captor - the only way he had of telling time - seemed to grow further and further apart....

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Musk Stream Story 6: Breaking Down Rebellion

Breaking Down Rebellion for Dexter by Draconicon Dexter had lost count of how many days he'd been tied up in this strange dungeon. The lord of the land, a dragon who simply was known as The Black, had taken him for a toy and locked him up down...

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Musk Stream Story 5: The Demon and the Monk

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