The Creamy Anthology

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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A special anthology of eight hot, erotic stories that deals with a lot of muscles, huge breasts, tons of "fluids" and big parts in different situations. I hope you enjoy this special as much as I did writing it.

The Creamy Anthology

By Xenny Diemes

Int** r *o* duction**

What could be the best feeling in the world in the pleasure of sex than the sweet, sweet feeling of release. The building up of all that energy to ultimately let it all go in one shot that satisfies both you and your lover. That being said, who doesn't love to read a good adult story that has all the good stuff one would want: Sex, various situations that lead up to the good-time lovin' and lots and lots of growth and exaggerated body parts that go beyond the limits of mere fantasy. If you are into those than the Creamy Anthology is for you! This is a series of seven very sexy stories that fulfills every need that you would so love to have. Growth, lots of "release", muscles and the situations that lead up to them.

I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did writing them. Before you do however, let it be known that these stories are for audiences 18 and older and not allowed where prohibited. These tales contain themes of hetero and homosexual content, mild to heavy violence and hyper, if these are not in your line of interest, then stop reading now. Well... with that out of the way, enjoy the stories of the Creamy Anthology.


  1. Switch // 2. After-hour Shower Fun // 3. A Worthy Sacrifice // 4. He's an Alpha for a Reason // 5. Long Silver and the Maidens // 6. Ancient Chinese Secret // 7. The Bear in Winter // 8. Feline Enhancements

1. Switch (M/F, M-Solo)

In the depths of the galactic ether, two gargantuan gods are about to consummate their love that has stretched far beyond the limits of time and space. One god, Ornos has been "saving" for eons primed and ready for day to release himself into his lover. The god, a musclebound and buxom titaness Yu'vata has been saving herself for him and his mighty advances. She made a promise to him that she will save herself for him and vice versa for himself as well. Eons of waiting made his perfect balls swell and tight full of "life" ready for release into her and the stars. Then came the day where they meet and immediately get right into the act of making love. First with the intimate feeling up, then the intimate kiss, their arousal overcomes them and the goddess eventually pulls down his garments to reveal his amazing cock and swollen testes before her eyes.

With soft strokes by both hand and her incredibly firm bosom, combined with him watching it all, it took little to get nice and hard. Yu'vata goes so far as to suck down all of his great length and girth into her mouth and down her throat. After all that deep sucking and throating, came the moment the two have been waiting for eons, Ornos' incredible cock throbs and rumbles, just waiting for that explosive stream to come forth. Yu'vata opened her mouth wide, just dying to drink all his precious seed as she digs into her crotch and her rich milk dribbles off her tits. Ornos yells in climax but what could have been a massive flood of cum, instead came a little piddle, worse than that, it's not even enough to count as a drop. Yu'vata is royally pissed, Ornos strokes hard to see if anything would come out but that was all he had. Surely there has to be a reason why he didn't give out his long awaited load. But then he had a terrifying thought when he met a mortal who wished to be more "endowed".

On a strange planet, a lone cat man has just enjoyed feeling and gawking at his new endowments granted to him by Ornos and is at home with a huge bottle of lube and all the time for himself. With a huge gob, he slaps it on his new thirteen inch beast of a cock and strokes with both hands. Thinking of the dirtiest thoughts that can get him excited, just watching his new bigger thicker penis is all it takes to get him going all thanks to the wish that was granted to him by that god. Feeling the surge of seed coming up, he's ready to cum and cum hard! What happens next is his house exploding in a wash of white. Whole valleys, towns and entire cities all became witness and soon victims of a mile-high tsunami of white sticky cum crash right over them, vanishing them in minutes. When it was done, over a thousand square miles have been covered in thick, steamy cum all from the want of a lonely guy who wants to jerk off with his new big dick.

2. After-hour Shower Fun (M/M, M-Solo)

There are benefits for having a twenty-four hour gym in town. It's a matter of convenience for those who wanted to get their run of exercise after work or for the more hardcore bodybuilders, something to get their fix while not letting their training get in the way of the rest of the day. It is two in the morning and three people are past burning the midnight oil in getting themselves pumped. Brezhnev, a mallard who has a thick Russian accent who is also a walking mountain of muscle! He is the gym's only member who peaks past the mythical thousand pound mark. Always pumping with sets no less than 900 pounds and spends a night doing a thousand reps on each part of his body, never stopping for rest and always walks around shirtless wearing nothing but a side pack around his waist and baggy gray pants. The next denizen is Jim, a small dog who started out working out in the gym, he's a regular mongrel with an athletic build only there to keep fit.

Now the last person in the gym is not a patron but an employee, he's a tiger boy named Eddie who has the unfortunate task of working the graveyard shift to earn an extra buck and get his day hours free. It's getting close to six-thirty and all three are done for the day and are ready to get into the shower. Eddie had to skip his at home so he has to take it here, Jim does it as a regular routine and Brezhnev well... it's amazing he can even fit at all in one of the shower stalls. With hot water raining down on their bodies and scrubbing down each part of their body to keep their cleanest, the chore of cleanliness is done, it leaves the three of them to get into their personal "play time." Jim and Eddie aren't just regulars in the gym but also into a relationship where a bit of danger is what gets them going. Jim sneaks into Eddie's stall and without a sense of shock, they go at each other to passionately kiss and press their slowly erecting members together. The built in soap dispensers have a notorious second use as a good lubricant and with a few good shots in the dog's hands, he slaps it on his cock and begins to use his slippery stick to pound into his lover from behind. Eddie loves the way Jim fucks him from behind feeling each inch of his incredible body pressed up against his and feeling all nine inches of thick doggy dick pounding into his stripped butt. It was a good love-making session that has been going for months!

Brezhnev on the other hand also feels the mood to get some release, it has been hours since his last good load and his balls are getting real tight and heavy. Also, learning of the soap's second use, he grabs a huge load into both his hands and grabs his monster cock. All twenty inches and thick-as-a-soda-bottle veiny mass of raging duck meat, the massive mallard grabs it with his vise-like grip and strokes fast and hard until his penis gets erect and hard as the rest of his steel-hard body. Backing himself against the wall, the mighty mallard pumps his cock slow, then fast and slow again, getting into a rhythm that can peak his arousal to get the surge coming. Meanwhile, Jim and Eddie are pounding each other fast and fun. Kissing with passion and showing their love for each other. Eddie expresses his love by telling him he loves him and Jim does so in return, but his line is cut off as he is about to cum. With tight moans, Jim releases himself into Eddie while Eddie himself shot a good long stream of white into the wall. Exhausted the two get cleaned up and walk out of the stall together forgetting about the gigantic duck pumping himself until he moans hard and ejaculates like a busted fire hydrant.

The thick burst of hot cum hits the ceiling of the shower and rains down on him and the two boys like a downpour of thick duck spunk. Trying to escape proved useless as the floor is slippery with white goo. Brezhnev falls back as the last gush bursts out of his cock and is relieved to get such a release. Eddie wants to tell through the shower curtain he can't do that but who is he to tell the biggest man in the gym no also consider of what he did earlier. Jim thought he can take this opportunity to go get another shower. Eddie is all too eager to get back in. Brezhnev after washing off all the thick semen, hears the two going at it in the next stall. As the dog and tiger cuddle, they are surprised and shocked by the appearance of the great, hulking mallard and his still throbbing cock. They held each other in fear for their lives as he stares down at them with his stone cold expression, as if he is going to kill them catching him in the act, but his still hard cock says otherwise. Brezhnev bends down to look at them only asking in his thick and heavy accent if they still have enough energy, he would like to join them. The two shake their heads not because of his intimidating size but as they both found out, he's great at shower play as the both of them. That is until he erupts again and flood the shower room with his cum.

3. A Worthy Sacrifice (M/F, Muscle)

It is an ancient time in an ancient world. A mighty empire ruled by Menos, a cold, despot of a king who rules over the people with his version of an iron fist. Not a day goes by without someone sentenced to death over the most inconsequential of crimes. But the most severe punishments are only reserved for those who refuse to take up on his "offers". For far too long, Menos had sent numerous women to their deaths because they simply said no or they were the ones who performed badly. But overall, he wants satisfaction at any cost! Enter Nix'a, a beautiful, gentile soul who lives by herself and quietly under the king's despotic domain. One day Meno's great caravan rolls down the road and to his wandering eye, he finds Nix'a tilling the fields. He orders the caravan to stop and walks out with two heavily armed guards at his side. At first he makes his announcements and offers to become one of his 'women' but before she can say anything, Menos can see her expression and interprets that as a refusal. Before she even knows it, she's harshly taking by the king's guards.

Later in his royal chambers, the king offers himself to her and to make sweet, sweet love or die. Nix'a looked at Menos and despite his muscled build and terrifying demeanor, he's not all that "kingly" down there and started to chuckle. Menos is furious and walks up to Nix'a, grabs her by the shoulders and angrily orders her to make love to him. But then something in Nix'a snaps and she brutally slaps the king across the face. She didn't know what came over her but her brave expression turned to total fear at what she had done. Assaulting the king is a capital offense punishable by only one thing: death by sacrifice. In a stormy night, the king presides over his people as Nix'a is bound by chains on a stone slab, prepared for the sacrifice to their god the great beast Koruganon. For the crime of refusal of a kings advances and assault. She was given her last words but were interrupted out of spite by the king and summons Koruganon. The storm clouds gather and swirl violently over the temple, a gigantic beast merged from the eye of the storm, Nix'a has never seen what this beast is like and only thought of it as a myth but the hulking beast is as real as it is about to land before the two of them. Spreading its great muscular wings out as a show of its dominance over its subjects. It looked around and then down at the people as they cower in its presence, then to the king who pointed to the sacrifice. Nix'a is scared beyond reason as the creature reached its hand out and break its chains. Holding the woman in both its hands, Koruganon reopened its wings and takes off into the sky, taking Nix'a with her. The King looks down at his people telling them once more that this is a reminder of what fate will await them if they defy him ever again.

The great winged naga carries the poor girl in his burly arms as they rocket up to the sky and through storm clouds with unbelievable speed and Nix'a easily faints from the stress of the flight. Slowly, Nix'a wakes up to a great cavern, calmly lit and filled with gold and other valuable trinkets. She doesn't see the monster around, giving her some time to escape but without looking, she bumps into a big naga-like beast. She tries to run away even grabbing a sword from the treasure pile to defend herself but the beast held his hands up and spoke to her. Nix'a caught off guard never heard of this creature speak before. He tells her that she has nothing to be afraid of and he is not going to harm her, unless she gives him a reason to. Nix'a then asks of he is one of Koruganon's minions but he reveals himself to be Koruganon himself. Nix'a doesn't believe it because he is so small compared to the hulk that carried her off to this place. Koruganon uses his powers to create a cocoon of energy that changed his size into the gigantic 50-foot form and talks down to her with his deep booming voice. Changing back he explains he only uses it for show when doing these so-called "sacrifices".

Nix'a makes a lot of assumptions about his motivations and why she is here in the first place if not as a sacrifice. Koruganon explains that he used to do that until he got sick and tired of all the summons kings that have his call and for the dumbest of reasons. Eventually he looses interest and meaning in taking sacrifices and just takes them, hands them some of his gold and drops them off in random places far from their kingdom so they won't get caught again or choose to stay with him. Nix'a asks Koruganon if he is so sick of the king's abuse of his power, why not destroy him? Koruganon is bound by the rule that gods can not or ever directly kill their summoners. Nix'a wants Menos to pay for what he did to her, Koruganon does have a suggestion that might help. Though he can not slay the king directly, he can be slain indirectly. Nix'a listens but is reluctant to accept that it's the only way.

The next few moments where filled with the hot and steamy sex between a moral human and a winged serpent god with a hell of a sizable member as he pounds himself into her and despite her reluctance and fear of doing it with a great beast who fables and myths describe him as a blood-thirsty monster is in reality, a hell of a great lover as his dark, long and fat throbbing cock goes hard into Nix'a's tight pussy, growing wet and loose to let in more of his godhood. Getting lost in euphoric lust, Koruganon can feel the surge and tells Nix'a that he's about to cum and she readies herself. Nix'a screams as the thick burst of cum goes inside her and bloats her belly up like a balloon. Each blast pumps more than a gallon into her until the pressure pops her off and lands on her back on top of a stone slab where the god continues to cum all on top of her until he is finished. He falls back on the pile of gold with his throbbing penis still hard. The thick semen covered Nix'a's body from head to toe, feeling totally relieved and satisfied. The human completely forgets the fact she had sex with a monster with a great cock.

Nix'a, wipes off the thick glob of semen off her face and hair to ask Koruganon of what happens now, she can barely move off the slab, being weighed down under the weight of her belly full of his juice. Koruganon tells Nix'a that the effects will come soon, but the effects came sooner than she thought. Her belly rapidly shrinks down and in its place, her muscles swelled, bones break and rebuilt themselves into their new structure. Her frail body grew more titanic by the second, popping off what little "soaked" clothing she had revealing herself with her new hulking body. The changes where painful but needed for her new frame. When the changes stop, Nix'a struggles to get up in order to adjust to her new body. She's now a towering mountain of muscle ready for a fight and all this from the semen of a god. Koruganon needed rest but until then Nix'a is free to take up an arm and practice.

The following days came and Menos lays another woman for a sacrifice over another petty reason. This person's crime? Just looking at him funny when she served his wine. The people had enough but are powerless to stop him until he summons Koruganon and he descends to Earth. This time, Nix'a follows with him, riding on his back and armed with a huge battle axe in hand. She leaps off the great beast and lands feet first in front of the king, stone cracking under her feet and towering twice as tall as to the ruler's mere six-foot frame. The king orders the guards to kill him but their arrows and swords can't pierce her skin or cut it. A quick swipe of her axe kills them all easily, turning back to the king, tightening her grip and flexing those great muscles, his true colors finally show and he begs her not to kill him, she simply refuses as a show of how he didn't take well to being denied. To his horror he finally realizes that it is Nix'a before he gets a blow from his axe, brutally cutting his body in half down the middle.

The kingdom has changed since Menos has fallen, people lived without fear once more, sacrifices are now completely abolished and the land has never been more prosperous than anytime in history. As for Nix'a, she made herself Queen of her people with her new husband, the winged god Koruganon who is more than happy to take on a new line of work as their King, the two have grown close even more so to be shameless when her queen needs "attention" in the throne room. The throne of course is Nix'a sitting astride her new inhuman lover's cock, dripping in readiness for another round of "sacrifice".

4. He's An Alpha For A Reason (M-Solo)

The Tenth Pine Pack. A group of the strongest werewolves known the world around. No pack as ever defeated them in inter-pack battles and are a force to be reckoned with only second to nature itself! Male and female members average out at no less than twelve feet tall and pack no less than two tons of pure muscle and fury in each and one of them. Able to bench press boulders bigger than their own bodies, uplift trees by the root without breaking a sweat and even their acts of love-making can cause collateral damage equal to that of a bomb going off. If the pack members are that powerful, their alpha must be a god among them! Not really, the alpha is a literal runt of a man if you count having a body like a fitness model but pathetically skinny compared to the hulks he has under his command. He has six mates each packed with hulking muscles and dwarf him by half of his 6 foot frame. So what makes him special? Any normal werewolf or beast can wipe him off and take the pack as their new alpha.

The answer is what he got packing between his legs. 14 inches long, thick as his forearm and over fifteen pounds of pure wolf-hood with cantaloupe sized balls hung heavy under his thick cock. The pack's wolves are the children of his seed his hard sex with any of the females, results in a child that will grow up to become a mountain of muscle in fur. Its not only the reason they see him as an alpha because his seed is the source of breeding new generations of mighty werewolves. But that doesn't stop him from having alone time for himself. He finds a good place to be alone by himself usually a tree near a flowing river for a good sense of atmosphere, leans back against the tree and without a second thought, he goes right for the gusto and strokes himself with both hands.

The way he masturbates makes his cock go from limp, to stiff and ultimately hard as steel with veins webbing over the surface, increasing its sensitivity five fold. Having such pleasure levels would kill a weakling but not him, he enjoys every second of it. The veins pulse and throb harder than biologically possible all the way up until, the forests and the birds leap from the sound of a loud howl coming from a distance. Louder than anything that comes from a strong alpha as he cums bucket loads of hot wolf spunk across the field. When his fellow mates find him, he was covered in cum, his fat, heavy penis gets limp once again. They rushed to his aid and checked to make sure he did not completely empty himself out. Because they want to tell him that they made pacts with other packs and present him with their females. His eyes grew wide and his cock gets hard at the wide variety of females ranging from dainty to voluptuous to ripped like a warrior. All wanting a piece of him and even in his "sticky state" he's still got plenty to go around.

5. Long Silver and the Maidens (M/F/F, M-Solo, Cumflation)

There are many pirate legends out there but none of them could ever hold a candle to that of the exploits of the great white lion the world knows as "Long Silver". With a pelt white as snow, a dazzling silver mane that goes down to his tail and he is an incredible hunk of a man, whose physique can obliterate those of the gods. Strong to no end, his personal feats of strength are both amazing and frightening to which it is just normal to him whether he benches a rock to throwing a cannonball faster than the ones fired from his ship's cannons. No enemy can harm him, no female can't resist him, Long Silver is truly a man among men. But that isn't just why he is called "long" silver in the first place.

Whenever he goes into his private showers in his great vessel "The Great Deep" he undresses and exposes his body in the open air. Broad shoulders, thick vascular arms and chest, pumping blood to feed those enormous muscles. Head-sized biceps, wide back and legs thick like tree trunks. But all that is meek compared to his greatest asset, and its hanging right between his legs. It hangs heavily down past his knees, it is the reason he wears thick pants but is never shameless to show it: His great lionhood. All twenty-five pounds, twenty-eight inches and eight inches thick of thick cock. With melon sized balls to match. It swung heavily as he moves to wash himself down. But he's not alone, earlier after a good stop for supplies, he catches the attention of two lovely ladies who after one of them trailed a gentile finger down his chest and along the length of his cock, decides to take not just her but a friend along on his journeys.

The first woman is a tall and slender lioness, Shasian, a wrench who worked for a fairly decent bartender back at the town she once worked and her friend Keira, A sultry red vixen with a fairly ample bosom and wide child-baring hips. Together they gaze in awe of their instant lover and his tremendous shaft. Staring at both of them fills his mind with thoughts, deep thoughts, dirty thoughts and it translates down to his shaft. The girls look I awe amazing that all that can get erect so fast. Proving that he really is a beast. He lets them have a feel and Shasian, doing the same trick with her gentle hand trailing down his pants, now trails down the pulsating veins and metal-hard thickness of Long's penis. In a daring move, Long grabs Shasian and hoists his cock between her legs and picks the lioness up off her feet. She couldn't believe it can hold her up.

Long then looks to the raven and tells her that there is plenty of room for her to ride on and he's right. Though the raunchy lioness is getting horny from having such a huge throbbing penis beat between her succulent thighs. More of his manhood still extends for her friend to sit as well. Long then looks to Kiera and tells her there is still room for one more and there is! Though Shasian is close to Long, a good foot and a half still remains for her to have a seat. That crazy bird didn't regret it and it became one hell of a ride for the both of them. They couldn't believe it at first, but the idea of two heavy girls lifted off their feet by their new lover's strong cock shows a lot. The whole time the three had the hardest sex they ever had. Caressing his muscles, suckling their firm, perky tits and tit-fuck the hell of that monstrous shaft. Then came the moment of truth, if their pussies can handle so much meat.

Kiera is the first and she screamed in pleasure to take it all in. Long is never meant to be the gentile type and pumps in and out of her with such furor, Kiera felt she was going to die with the biggest smile on her face, clawing the floor and urging Long to pump harder, Long does so until he tells the lioness that he is about to cum. The surge of hot sticky goo surges into her body, overfilling what little space she had inside and the excess explodes out her ass like a loose balloon. The lioness's belly swelled twice its size before the pressure forces her off his cock with a wet pop and splat. Kiera withers and yelps never feeling so good, rubbing her distended belly for long as she wants to keep it all in. Long then turns to the vixen and with his cock still hard. He still got the stamina for another good fuck. But Shasian had other ideas in mind. Barely wrapping her dainty hands around it. The fox sucks and titty-fucks Long like a pro Long tries to grab the closet thing to brace himself for another eruption. Fucking a delicate pussy is one thing but feeling that long canid tongue around such a sensitive glans is totally another. The mighty lion pirate didn't take long before he explodes again. Shasian feeling the force of his thick cum coming out like a fire hose is hard to handle, yet she bravely shoves it nearly all of it down her own throat and power-gulps each thick load until Long finally empties all of himself into the fox's belly. Belly feeling close to big as her friends the two ladies lay on the floor as Long lays back to sleep, exhausted from all that hard sexing up.

To finally conclude his messy escapade. He "orders" the two ladies to stand before him and let him finish off his remaining load. Much to their shock, how can one man hold so much seed after what he had given them. But he wasted no time to masturbate, stroking the full length of his deep black cock, the ladies aroused by the sight of such a vein-laden shaft of power getting stroked vigorously. Quickly pleasuring themselves in anticipation of the coming burst. Watching this Long strokes harder and harder, faster and faster until his urethra explodes in girth and a good long blast of cum hits the two ladies. Slowly and surely they two are coated in a thick white goo before Long finally collapses with cock still hard and a good last spurt falls on his own chest.

As the three sleep off, totally exhausted from all that sex, a strange effect befalls the two ladies as their bellies start to shrink and their muscles began to grow. They do feel discomfort and other sensations that are close to having a nightmare but the bodies they will gain will be anything beyond their widest dreams come the following morning. Long wakes up, feeling like he can take on the world again that is until he is called by the two ladies he had sex with. Long's jaw dropped and his cock is close to getting hard again at what he saw. The two ladies he picked up off the bar became hulking beauties of pure muscle! Each standing as tall as the great white lion and endowed far more than his strongest crew members. Shasian knows that it had something to do with her and her friend taking in all that cum. Who knew it had such and incredible property. As they enjoyed their bodies some more Long can't help himself wanting to go for a second round. But that's taken care of in the ships showers.

It has been months now since that incredible experience, Long sits on his "throne" while his crew maintains the ship, staring at his enormous, bulge snaking down the leg of his pants. Still wondering about the properties his own seed had on those two ladies he so viciously fucked. But he couldn't think of that just now as his sun is blocked. Large shadows cast by two pairs of mountainous tits. Looking down at the lion with long smiles Shasian and Kiera asks of how their captain is doing. He smiles and tells that he's doing fine. The ladies after their radical transformation decided to join his crew not only as his lovers but personal bodyguards. They have to put their new muscles to use and if anyone in this crew or their raids harms their captain. They will get an unrecoverable bashing.

Letting the breeze flow through their long manes, Long excites the two ladies by letting his strong hands stroke and caress their tight, muscular, leather coated buns which in turn arouses him and gets his cock swollen under the cloth of his pants. Kiera tells Sashian that the captain needs some "attention" Sashian agrees and the two carry the lion down to his quarters where the rest of the day is going to be a hell of an explosive rush!

6. Ancient Chinese Secret (M-Solo, M/F)

Somewhere in the back alleys of the big city lies a young man, Tommy is his name gets a special gift for his birthday... three days later. One free special massage session at the "world famous" Madame Biwu's Spa and Salon where it says on the coupon: "where you become more man after you leave." What kind of slogan is that? Not minding that, Tommy arrives at the Salon and meets Madame Biwu, she is a tall, fair woman with nice highlights in her hair, light, fair skin and, from his view, a smoking hot body to match. Showing his coupon, Madame Biwu is surprised that someone actually got one of those things, the rest she said were destroyed in a fire weeks ago. But it is of no matter to her, she is just glad she got someone that will help her business and maybe tell his friends about it. Right now, she gives Tommy the treatment only Biwu can give.

The rest of the day was filled with relaxing bouts in the hot tub, expert-level messages from the well-trained staff and all the treats he can eat. Then he looked at the spa menu and looking at all the options of what he can have, Tommy finds a page that had been folded in. Peeked inside and reads a special list of "specialties" including something called the Bellowing Wind. Tommy asks for that and immediately Madame Biwu refuses to give that offer and instead tries to substitute for something much better. But Tommy wants the Bellowing Wind. Also, as the coupon stipulates, that it covers all offerings without exception or question. Something Madame Biwu now remembers why the rest were burned away. Having no choice, she grants Tommy's wish and directs him to one of the spa rooms to receive the Bellowing wind treatment.

Sitting eagerly in the room, he wonders of what this treatment entails and that is when Madame Biwu herself shows up and gets to work on his body, the session is incredible. Tommy has never met anyone with such a delicate touch and feels sure that he come out of this deal better than ever. That is however, when the Madame tells Tommy to turn onto his back and take off his towel. He was curious and knows that it isn't part of what he wants. But to the contrary, it is. Madame Biwu explains why those sessions where, in a way, forbidden. Those are meant for men who want to become "more man" just like her slogan says. Bellowing Wind is a technique involving giving its user a bigger penis. Tommy is surprised and a bit embarrassed at what she is saying. But then something ran through is mind. Looking into his towel, he wonders if he wants this extra size. Just like that, he decides to let Biwu give it a shot. But how she would do it surprises him even more. Taken off his towel to reveal himself. Biwu does a little inspection of his "goods" and to her it is of "adequate" size. Tommy did not like her tone but Biwu assures him when she's done with him, he'll make horses cry.

She then asks him to lay back down and not make any hard movements while she does her work. What is her work? Simply sucking down on his cock of course! Tommy couldn't believe it, part of his package includes a hot blowjob from the Madame herself. But he will soon learn that her method is what will make him "more man" than he is before. Madame Biwu's skill with her tongue as she slides it up and down the young man's shaft. Like a viper going down on its prey, Biwu strikes several points around his shaft that made Tommy twitch and move with discomfort, like bees stinging his penis but then followed by pleasure. What's strange is with all that sucking and licking, Tommy so wanted to cum but can't like being torture but a good kind of torture.

Just like that, Biwu pulls her mouth out and tells Tommy that it is done. Looking down, Tommy sees that he is still the same size, feeling peeved, he wants to know why his cock isn't big. Biwu explains that the process takes time, nothing that complex comes instant especially making dicks freakishly big, but at least she can admit he was the best thing to have her fun with. Tommy had to admit it was too. She then showed Tommy to the showers to clean up before he leaves. In the stall, Tommy can still feel the tingling sensations running all over his cock and decides to use this time to do what Biwu didn't get him to do and masturbate. Stroking his shaft slow and hard in precession, Tommy can feel the pleasure flowing through his body like a cool wind, totally unaware that his stroking his making his penis bigger. Five inches, he backs himself against the wall of the stall, his cock stretched and thickened as more blood surged into it, the feeling made it close to pushing rubber but he didn't care. Another minute in and it grew to ten inches and his closed grip is slowly beginning to pull apart.

Tommy is starting to fantasize of how much he wants to slam his big cock right into that hot, tight oriental ass of Biwu, which in turn made his cock grow another seven inches. His scrotum got tight as his balls ballooned to the size of softballs overflowing with seed. His fantasies and the constant stroking made his once five-inch member a monstrous seventeen inches and no longer fit to get his grip around it. As his fantasies of fucking Biwu urges him to finally let it go, he screams and lets it rip hard! A thick stream of his cum shoots out from the tip and hits the door of the shower, gushing out in long, aching shots, Tommy never came so hard, to the point he fears that he will never stop cumming. But he finishes after over thirty thick shots and his big cock slowly hangs down. Dizzy from all that pumping and letting the water run to wash away all that thick cum. He took minutes to finally look down and get wide-eyed at the sight of his new big penis, still dripping. He wasn't embarrassed, horrified or reveling in the consequence of never being able to fit into any pants again. He wanted give his new "toy" another test drive. Biwu arrives and sees Tommy, now heavily hung down to his knees and is surprised that it worked faster than she expected.

Tommy thanks her for making him "more man" than he was. But as he is off to get his clothes, Biwu stops him and asks if he is willing to stay a bit longer. Her reason is that its closing time and it really has been a while since she has met a big man like him. Saying that while sliding her finger down all seventeen inches of him. Quickly getting erect, Tommy is none too happy to give it a shot, finally letting his fantasies come true. The rest of the night at the spy is spent with Tommy fucking Biwu in a hot tub, letting his massive cock pound deep inside that ass until he cums so hard the water in the hot tub turns white, and saving some to give Biwu a full coating of his seed. After a long shower, Tommy is going to get used to having trouble fitting back into his pants and seeing such a huge snake down the leg of his pants. Leaving with a smile, he's going to love having more sessions with Mistress Biwu as much as she is with him

7. The Bear in Winter (M/F, M-Solo)

It all started with a small conversation between a bird and a bear. The bear is a strong and good looking fellow who's been known to have his way with all the ladies in the forest. It helps when you have good looks, big strong muscles and a dick the size of mutant sausage. However, winter is coming and his supply of sexy bruins is running low, and in their absence, stroking the shaft becomes the norm. How else did he gain his ripped guns? Weights?! But then he had that talk with the bird and the bird proposes a challenge to the bear. The bird said that he can't go a whole week without jerking off, the bear said that he can but the bird doesn't believe him. But the bird has an idea, he wagered that the bear can't go for a week without masturbating. The bear then asks of what does he get if he wins, it will be the bird's private stash of "special berries" This made the bear very excited and decides to up the ante.

The bird listens and the bear proposes that if he can go, not a month but an entire season without masturbating, not only he gets the bird's stash but he will have to harvest it to his wishes for an entire year. But that would be impossible said the bird but the bear pushes his buttons enough to finally get to agree with the bet and moved on. Winter is coming and the bear had his fill of good food and drink to fatten himself up but not too much to lose his hunky physique and checks his calendar, he can't wait to rub it in the bird's face when he gets those awesomely sweet berries. Nestled in his bed, the bear goes into a deep sleep and can't wait till spring. Meanwhile, the bird is worried that he will lose the bet because the bear is dead set on goals once their set. He will get that bear to cum one way or another.

While the bear sleeps, the bird tries everything to get him to go off. Having crusty hands and reek of the stink of his seed is enough proof he lost the bet. The bird first try to put suggestions in his head to get him to jerk off, at first it was nearly successful as he watches the bear's big strong hands closely reaching for his crotch but instead he just uses them to scratch his balls. The next attempt was to go for the extreme and use one of his feathers to tickle his crotch, hours later he gives up because it was hard for a bird feather to get the bear to get hard. This leaves the bird to take more extreme measures. A day later, the bird brings in a lovely female over to get the bear to come like a geyser. She's a hot piece of large, ursine ass with tits bigger than her head and a body that would even get other species hard. Clearly the type the bear wants. The bird tells the female that all she has to do is fuck him until he cums. Clearly that's easy but then she doesn't know the bear and his extreme discipline.

Being the heavy sleeper that he is, the female turns him on his back and pulls up his nighties and gets a good look at his big balls and hung cock, she is going to enjoy all of this. Grabbing his shaft, her own strong hands and sexy wordings finally get the bear hard and the female is horny the instant she gets a view of the bear's true size. It's a meaty foot long, and its girth demands two hands to cover it. She starts by putting her big tits up against it while giving it a blowjob, even to go so far as to deep throat that beast. But it doesn't work. He's hard, but not even a drop of pre came out, then she moves over to stand over the bear and sits on top of his cock, the females moans and growls at such thickness going deep into her pussy but she tries to take it all. The bird couldn't believe it, not just at the female taking such bear meat but the fact that the bear isn't even aware that he's getting fucked by the hottest girl in the forest.

Even with licks and kisses, the female furiously pounds on his cock, moving faster, slower in different rhythms until she tells herself that he's about to cum. Her ass explodes with the flood of sticky goo that splatters all over his bed and the female pulls out, resting on top of him. With a kiss she complements how he is good even if he isn't aware. The bird is joyous that he finally came but those dreams of victory are shattered when the female confesses that it's not his cum, its hers. The bird is shocked but the scent proves it, it's her juices and the cock remains untapped. But then the bird notices something when his balls were bouncing for some reason and carefully lifts his huge testicles and is stunned at what he has saw. His P-muscles were huge!* He had his massive load full and ready this whole time and has been blocking it with those muscles strong enough to crush a rock. The bird, so infuriated punches the bear's taint, but since they are so big and hard, it hurt his little bird hand. But he doesn't care, he hated the bear and himself at being on the verge of losing the bet because he's too stupid not to know when a bitch is trying to fuck his brains out.

That really pissed off the female who is standing right next to him when saying that and the bird quickly learns that it is not really nice to be used and to call a seven-hundred pound female bear a bitch. With a roar the bird gets punched and flies out of the cave like a rocket before he slams back first against a tree and falls to the ground, and gets buried in a pile of snow. Back in the cave, the female looks to the bear and kisses him thanking him for a real fun time, even if he doesn't know it before leaving. It's a well known fact that bears that hibernate can go for months without eating, drinking or "doing the business" but can that apply to ejaculation? As the weeks go by and the year went, the bear sleeps in his bed, dreaming sexy dreams of him and those incredible berries. Now why does the bear love to have those things? Around the forest, those berries are not just mere fruits but powerful euphoric drugs that is better than any high around and it will be all his. Other dreams include him sharing the berries with a harem of sexy bears that he can fuck their brains out.

What happens in his dreams has severe effects on him in the real world as his cock gets hard and throbbing under his nighties, adding all the cum that's building up inside him, there's hoping he doesn't explode before the bet is over. The first day of spring has finally arrived, ice melting, birds singing, flowers are coming into bloom and the bear is finally awake, looking at his mounted calendar, he finally sees that it really is the first day of spring, he made it, the bear has finally one the bet and all of the bird's berries are his! But as he gets up, something sprung up and baps him on the nose, Rubbing his eyes to get in to focus of what hit him, he screams in shock! It was his penis and it's even bigger than before, all those dreams forced his cock to get hard and expand overtime, what was a foot long then is now twenty-eight now, even the pain of his P-muscles tell him that a massive wall of cum is building inside him. He's going to explode and he needs to masturbate now! Grabbing his monster penis, the bear strokes, hard even getting some help of honey to use as lube, really sticky lube but he's desperate to cum. He even resorts to sucking his dick if it helps.

Outside of the cave, the bird with a basket of the first berries he has to give for a whole year is ready to admit his defeat and from the bushes, the female who fucked the bear months ago, feeling a bit guilty for taking advantage of him while he was asleep and wants to apologize, hopefully wanting a second round after a long slumber. Back in the cave, the bear has to stop but the penis still urges stroking it more but it can work when he briefly relaxes. Soon his p-muscles soon relax and shrink down enough for him to pump his cock and lets it rip. In seconds the bear's urethra grew three sizes, nearly to the point of bursting and he finally came! Pushing it with the hard pumps of his strong backside, he long streams of cum splatter all over his cave without a care in him. An entire season was building up in him and he lets it go in the most reckless fashion.

Just as things couldn't get any better (or worse) The female and the bird walked in and the bird is the first to get hit by the thick torrent of his seed, dropping his berries and flies across the grounds only to slam up that same tree again and gets more cum all over him. The female isn't as lucky as the stream hits her too covering her big tits, fur and the rest of her body, she begins to lose footing and slips to the ground. She couldn't believe it herself that such a man could pack that much in a season. Five minutes passed and the last drop of cum drips off the head and on the muscular pecs of a beast that should have died from exhaustion but survived. He soon hears the sounds of sloppy wetness and looks in surprise at a cum-covered bear licking his goodness off her claws. Telling him if he has saved some for her. The bird however couldn't fathom the level of defeat he experienced. First losing the bet and now having to gurgle out through his beak of his rival's seed.

It has been a month now since then and the bear has forgiven the female for what she was trying to do, she honestly thought she could get a hunky male to be with, not to help him loose a bet. But the bear is okay with her and hoped she enjoyed riding him, in which she did, now awake and even bigger than before, the two head back to the cave, now with their big bundles of berries to get with the hard loving and for the female to take on a new "bigger" man and wow he knows how to make a girl scream with delight!

*P-muscle refers to the perineum muscles, the group of sinew that helps with the expulsion or voluntary holding of urine and semen in males and females. Or you can just refer to them in this story as the "Taint Muscles" :P (see also "pink and eli p.10" on FufAffinity)

8. Feline Enhancements (F/F, Muscle)

A twenty-something cat girl, Cessera is always envious of the other girls mostly because while she should have reached the age when one's womanhood would blossom, hers came out to a wet fizzle while others went out with a bang, like her hated rival, a bunny named Kissy. She grew into her form way nicely having longer legs, more defined musculature, a great butt and even large, perkier breasts. In turn she always gets the guys and leaves her to gloat endlessly to her friends and rub it in Cessera's face to her delight. One night, when he manages to finally to get a date at a local drive-in. Cessera's hopes were dashed when her date ditches her for Kissy who for this whole time is her actual date. Now heartbroken and distraught. She just wants to go home, curl up in bed and wishes she were dead (typical for teens to act like this).

Upon entering the room, she finds a mysterious blue gift box and thinking that it must have been a gift from someone opens it and inside, she finds a even more bluish vial of liquid and some instructions only telling her to drink the whole vial and enjoy. It was too simple and good to be true but she then reads on. The letter knows of her plight with Kissy and this will help her get revenge in more ways than one, telling her she will be far more woman than she was before. Knowing everything that has happened to her, Cessera isn't going to pass up on the chance to get back at Kissy. Throwing caution to the wind, the cat drinks the blue vial and is grossed out by the taste, like drinking rotting blueberries. At first she doesn't feel anything and felt that it was all for nothing she decides to get a shower to at least wash the pain away.

Inside, she cleans herself, head to toe without incident, that is until she feels her whole body getting hotter, looking down, her nipples on her nearly flat chest popped out and became erect, soon in wave after wave, her chest began to swell tight and large. The "fire" soon began to reach dow to her crotch and not wasting time in wanting to put it out, she grabs the showerhead and pulls it down to drench her crotch. This feeling in her still burns forces Cessera to pleasure herself, taking both her now thickened hands, digs her strong fingers deep into her vagina until she hopes it goes away. While her pleasure takes peace, her breasts still swell until they reach far past the size of a real woman. By the time she reaches her peak, her tits are now twice the size of her own head, slowly leaking milk from those firm tits, the cat takes one hand off her dripping mound and twists a nipple to enhance her pleasure, all while the changes still continue.

The formula wasn't a means to make her cootch feel funny and her tits bigger, it is meant to give her far more than that. The "fire" is a means to an end for a more radical transformation. Cessera is too lost in a sea of pleasure to notice her body began to grow taller, hips widening, shoulders broadening and her muscles slowly but surely start to swell. Her new muscles began to help her pleasure get harder with a tightening grip stronger than a vice in her pussy, she wants to cum and do it so hard but her body keeps denying her that. Pounding the sides of the wall, the cat-woman unwittingly breaks the inside of the shower wall as a display of her new strength.

Cessera's body is radically changing, growing faster by the second but still too deep in euphoric ecstasy to notice anything at all. Backing herself against the wall, her head is nearly touching the ceiling of the shower but is getting so close to putting out the fire in her body, telling only herself that she's about to cum, Cessera tilts her head up, yells and her crotch explodes. Her juices fire out of her pussy like a fire hose splashing and spattering all over the shower, some ricocheting into her face and striking deep into her fur.

Falling forward, Cessera fingers herself deep one more time and moans as another blast comes out her new bigger muscled ass hitting the wall behind her. The fire is finally extinguished, finally regaining herself, she looks down and immediately gets wide-eyed. Her breasts are huge, her body now has muscles and just realized she just came like a fire hydrant after a car hits it. After she washes off all the goo off her coat, Cessera carefully steps out of the shower and takes a towel that no longer covers her new bigger body. Carefully examining herself, she actually likes the new body, she is surprised that this is what the note meant of her becoming a "real woman". Carefully not wanting to hit her head against the doorways, Cessera just couldn't wait till morning to finally get back at Kissy, after some time off of course to get new clothes.

The following week, Cessera wears her finest skimpy wears to show as much skin (fur) as it can to attract the right man who loves a big muscle kitty. But instead she gets the horrific shock of her life. It's Kissy, and she now has a bigger, much stronger body than her. Watching her having the hunky men in her hands. No literally, she has two men in each in her hands lifting them up like weights. This was the last straw for Cessera, with fists tightened, a toothy snarl and muscles pumped to slowly rip her tight clothes, Cessera screams Kissy's name and she charges full speed smashing into her rival before she gets a chance to react. Crashing through the wall and landing hard into the ground, Cessera rapid-fire punches the bunny into the street so hard the pavement cracks around her skull, Kissy not wanting any of this is also sick of competing with this cat and pulls her mighty legs up and grabs the cat's head with her feet and flings her across the alley crashing into another wall.

Getting up, Cessera can only see the first seconds of seeing a big, white fist punching her in the face as they again crash into another building, this time, an abandoned warehouse that gives them enough room to fight it all out. As normal women, they both want to get attention, now as titans they will have to fight to the death if they have to. Flying kicks, back-breaking fist slams, suffocating chest smotherings, skull-smashing suplex moves and other tricks that any wrestler would see as being way too illegal to count. The two mountains of muscle had to stop to breathe it out, both covered in bruises and claw-marks, breathing heavily as their exposes breasts heave in and out, Cessera speaks out her mind, telling Kissy why does she keep trying to mess with her happiness. Kissy angry at such a question finally lets out her answer, everything that she did was to get the cat to notice her, not the guys she plays around with.

Cessera could not believe what she just said. It was all to get her attention?! The look in Kissy's eyes showed that she was not joking around. All the guys she has taken is all a ploy to get them away from the one she really wants: Cessera. The cat asks why she would do this, and her feelings gave an answer, she loved her kindness, her looks, perseverance and assertiveness, qualities she wants in someone she loves but couldn't find it in a man. But then it got too far when she got that jock to ditch her at the drive-in. She couldn't bring it to herself to apologize and would hate her for it. But then learning of her love for strength, she came across the same gift to make herself far stronger and finally get her but then came the bar and the fight that followed.

Looking at the Cat, Kissy then turned away, curled herself up and started to tear up, seeing such a powerful bunny becoming so vulnerable let alone a supposed enemy to Cessera be like this. Kissy looks up into the space and asks if she even want to be with her after everything she has done to her. Cessera did the only thing to answer that: She pulled her face to hers and kisses her. Surprised, and shocked, Cessera did had some attractiveness to the same sex for a while but thought she can get someone else to fill that need. She didn't really had any interest in actually getting a guy per se. But now the truth is out and she can let her feelings show for once of what the cat really wants. Kissy asks if Cessera forgives her and she suantly says no, but she can make up for all those hurtful acts, by proving her love by making love.

The two massive maidens then come close and kissed slowly in each others lips and embraced in their arms, all this as their firm, yet titanic tits press to their limit. Kissy soon moved on to slide her finger up Cessera's clitoris and pleasures it only a seasoned pro can. The moans and cat-calls of her new lover were a sign that she is hitting all the right spots. Kissy then moves to lay her on the dusty, dirty ground and playfully rubs up every inch of her new sinew where she can. Being the biggest, Kissy will show the kitty what she's really made of. Gently twisting her nipple, Cessera asks Kissy to give her more and is all to happy to do it, even go so far as to suck one of her big teets. The milk that squirts out is rich and flowed freely into her mouth. All this while still playing with her pussy deep and hard. Cessera tells the bunny that she is about to cum and expects a few squirts but what came out instead is a massive blast of juice that streamed across the warehouse grounds and hits the all.

Flexing out all of her muscles as she came, Cessera made herself twice as huge, Kissy just watching her flex makes her incredibly wet down there and the cat can feel the sticky juices run over her flexed-out thigh. Breathing heavily, Cessera sees Kissy breathing and wet and offers to help her get the same treatment, she already learns that her getting bigger makes her horny and helps fill that fetish. First by taking her barely ripped shirt back on and slowly flexing her muscles. Watching her do this really makes Kissy hot for her until Cessera's shirt rips to pieces off her body. She grabs Kissy and spreads her legs open so she can throw in hers, they both scissor each other letting their enormous thighs do the work of the hard pounding into each other. In seconds, the two explode as more of their sticky juices spray all over each other like a dam burst between their legs. Both collapsing on the ground the two finally take a moment to rest after all that sex. Coming off of the bunny, Cessera then moves up to Kissy and wipes away the fem-goo to give her a kiss and then finally forgiving her for her acts.

It has been a month now since they have been together and things are now on the up and up. Kissy now enjoys going to the gym to keep her new body fit and Cessera does most of her workouts at home, none of the guys would dare make fun of them without turning into paste in their hands. They really do come out to be a nice couple and when they get the chance, even more powerful lovers. But one thing never came across their minds, who was the gift-giver? The one responsible for giving them the gift of strong bodies and explosive orgasms. It has been revealed that these gifts were not of earthly origins. They were the gift of the hulking goddess Yu'vata. After giving Ornos a thrashing not only failing to cum on or in her, but for being dumb enough to endow a mortal, flooding half the planet and left to clean it up by herself. She decides to "entertain" herself by endowing some mortals herself.

She did it alone in the galactic ether, playing with herself until she came hard and stores her "essence" in small glass vials, anyone who drinks it will be endowed with great strength, power and sexual prowess. With her powers converted them into nice gift boxes and gave them to the two in hopes she can watch rock their socks off. Needless to say, her job is a complete success and hopes in time she will call on them to give the goddess the time that irresponsible jerk never could. But until then, she will be watching and have fun with it.

While Master's Away

**While Master's Away** By Xenny Diemes **Part One: Away Time** Ollie and Mnemosyne are two of Xendrian's most cherished, pet feral werewolves. Ollie was once a strong and powerful alpha in his pack on another world until for reasons unknown,...


Feedback Loop

Feedback Loop by Xenny Diemes Art © DangerG Along with fighting demons, eating, trickery, forging weapons for art and sport and maintaining her "mortal" lifestyle, Launa likes to workout, a lot! Though her body never needs to maintain that...

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Year's End

Year's End by Xenny Diemes Launa © Xenny Diemes/TSG Rinji Pantera © RinjiPantera December 31st 2199, 12:50 PM There's a big party going on in her new home in London. Her Amsterdam days are long over and needed a new place to stay. London became...

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