Musk Stream Story 4: Couple at the Cart

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Not every plan goes right.

Couple at the Cart for Studley-Destiny by Draconicon

Well, it's not an amusement park, but it's not like we can all start with that.

The wolf whistled as he walked down the streets of Houston, Texas, his fur a bit droopy from the long day of walking up and down streets, carrying a cart of meat and other taco supplies around with him. His apron would have been indecent if his fur wasn't thick enough to look like a costume, and indeed, that was the whole point; nobody thought that the otherwise naked wolf was anything but a person in costume.

Studley was pretty sure that he was sweating like someone in costume, too. The wolf's face was drenched beneath his fur, and his nether regions were burning up for an entirely different reason.

He paused at a street corner, looking out at the people wandering around. Despite the war where Texas gained its independence from Mexico only being thirty years old, the cuisine from south of the border had gained a lot of popularity among the Americans. Anyone selling the stuff seemed to get a fair bit, but that wasn't the main reason he was walking the streets with the blasted cart.

The wolf set it down, rubbing his shins.

"I gotta think of a better design for this thing."

He had bruised his shins repeatedly on his walk, not through clumsiness, but because of a very specific need to stay close to the cart. It was also the reason why his nether regions were so hot right then.

Opening the top of his cart, he carefully shifted the shredded beef around. Every so often, he caught the sight of his own pink shaft inside, pushed in through a hole in the cart. The entire morning he'd been oozing his own juices into the meat, and it left the already enticing scent smelling even better. The wolf chuckled, taking a few practice stirs to make sure he wouldn't show off his cock to anyone else while serving food, before he shut the lid again and folded his hands against the metal.

It wouldn't be long now.

It hadn't been all that long, but it was long enough for the wolf to really start to hate his cock ring. The damn thing kept him hard non-stop, and when his cock was inside something warm, wet, and squishy, it was damn hard not to thrust into it constantly.

However, after an hour of the torture, several people perked up their noses and started walking his way. Studley smiled, still leaning on the front of his cart with his furry fingers folded.

The humans looked nice enough, he thought, though after so long with all the different creatures Wonders could make, it was hard for him to differentiate the subtle differences between humans anymore. The male wore shorts and a white button-up shirt, while the lady wore a blouse and a surprisingly short dress.

Must be some of those progressives from up north. Good for them.

"Hey, man, you selling tacos?"

"Of course. Would you like a few?"

"Why not? Hey, isn't that hot, though?"

"This costume?"

"Is that what it is? I thought you -"

"You couldn't seriously think I was a wolf, could you?"

"Heh, no, I guess not. Two, please."

"Coming right up."

The wolf smiled to himself, opening the lid again. He had to bite his lip as the - relatively - cool air rushed in, sending a pleasurable chill through his cock. He worked quick, stirring in a new 'seasoning' burst into the meat and scooping it into the tortilla shells before shutting it tight. The last thing he needed was to get a cool-hot combo.

Adding a little cheese and lettuce at their request, he handed it over.

"Enjoy in good health."

"Thanks. How much do I owe you?"

"Consider it a gift."

Go, have fun, and forget about the strange wolf with his crotch too close to the cart.

The wolf smiled at the pair of them, expecting them to leave, but they didn't. Instead, they bit into their tacos right by his cart.

Uh oh...

As soon as they bit into it, he saw the effects beginning. The man moaned, and it wasn't the moan of someone enjoying his food. That was the moan of someone that was getting ideas, and was already getting excited from them. The lady wasn't far behind, and by the time she had a second bite, the wolf could smell her juices, and even see the first hint of them flowing down her legs.

"Man, that tastes good. What's your recipe? How do you make these?"

"Oh, it's old family secret."

Damn that smell, Studley thought, his cock throbbing all the harder inside the cart. The more he smelled the two of them - and they were getting harder and harder to ignore, the hornier the food made them - the harder his cock throbbed, and the more it oozed. The cock ring was holding for now, but if they got much worse...

He started pushing his cart, but the two of them kept following him.

"You gotta tell us, man. I've never smelled something like this before. It's..."

The man looked at his wife with a blush, leaning in to whisper to the wolf.

"It smells love, and life, and sex, and everything that's good in the world. makes me want to do unspeakable things...with her...with that girl down the street...even with you, for some reason."

The man's wife nodded, blushing as she reached around the wolf. Both man and wife were close to him, rubbing his arms, and Studley was sweating for a whole different reason beside the heat.

"You know...we do have a hotel...maybe..."

"You good. I'd really like to...taste you..."

"Um, it's just, just the tacos, ma'am. Why don't you take another couple, on the house, and go? Go enjoy them and each other."

"I think we'd prefer to enjoy you."

The lady leaned up and kissed him, while the man reached down behind him. Studley's eyes went wide as he was tongue-kissed by the woman - and when she realized he was not in costume, she somehow got more eager - and anally violated by the man at the same time. His eyes rolled back, and his overstimulated body gave up the ghost.

The lid suddenly bumped up as it sounded like something had struck it from inside. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP went the metal, shocking both humans, but Studley was enjoying himself too much to run off. He slumped forward, his hips idly jerking as he flooded the heated compartment with a BIG load of wolf cum, panting as some of the cream 'seasoning' started leaking out around the lid.



He winced. Cat's out of the bag now. He braced himself to run, teleport. He was ready for anything.

Except for the two of them grabbing his ass.

"That was hot..."

"Do it again..."

What have I done?

He hobbled along, unable to get away from his cart, and unable to get away from his 'companions' as they walked off of the street and down an alleyway. Despite the slow changes, he could see that the two humans were actually transforming bit by bit. The two of them were standing taller than they had to start with, and he could see that their shoes weren't fitting as well as they had been. The sides of them were near to splitting from something, and both of them had longer looking faces. All subtle, but definitely getting more visible.

It wasn't until they were deep in the alley that the tourists finally gave up the ghost of modesty. The man quickly got behind the trapped wolf, pushing his tail up and grinding against him. The size of the bulge beneath those pants slightly worried Studley - considering that the wolf had gone out dry - so he directed a little magic back there, getting it wet.

He didn't have much time to focus on that, though, as the woman leaped on top of his cart. She sprawled over the cooler part of it, lifting her skirt up and spreading her legs wide as she used his cart as make-shift bed.

"I hope that tongue is as good at licking as it is at kissing."

"I assure -"

"And I hope that ass is as tight as it looks."

"Well, I -"

The woman grabbed his head before he could finish, dragging it down to her sex. He was drowned out by the smell of hot flesh and his own seed, his tongue kept busy by licking up anything that was dripping from her. And he knew from the stuff he'd fed her, there would be a great deal.

Behind him, the changing man had already mounted him, a considerable shaft sliding deep into his hole with little resistance. Thanking heavens for the help of his magic, he was rocked forward, his nose pushing into the human before him, before he was pulled back on the shaft behind him.

As they used him - and it was definitely them using him - the wolf saw and felt their changes accelerate. In seconds, their legs grew to nearly twice their former lengths, leaving them long and lean from head to toe. He heard their shoes rip apart, as hooves replaced their feet, and fur covered their skin.

What clothes they wore were shredded shortly after, leaving the two - mostly uncaring - former humans naked as they fucked him and used him.

Well...not the initial plan, but everyone's gotta start somewhere, he thought as he was rocked back and forth. Next time, better method of distribution.

The End

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