The Hunt Is On

Story by firefromheaven on SoFurry

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#1 of Earth's New Masters

I'm still posting on SoFurry for the time being. This will give me a little more time to set up a Patreon correctly. One of the reasons that I had held back from going to Patreon was the comments that I used to receive on this site. But it seems that more and more people want us to provide them with the fruits of our labor and give us nothing in return. I typically spend an average of 40 hours of my time to try to produce a quality story.

The only return most of us writers ask is faves and comments. That's our paycheck. And it seems like the users don't even want to pay us that any more. Maybe Users is the proper term for those that don't fave and comment, because they do make me feel used. There are reasons we need comments and faves.

The comments are obvious. Feedback on what is working and what isn't working helps us create better stories. Even if your comment is "Hey I really liked the story" or "Dude your story ROCKS!" it makes us feel good. A small price to pay for the 40 hours I just spent writing a story for you isn't it?

As far as favorites go, they are the ONLY factor in pushing our story up the popularity lists. Lets look at two hypothetical stories.

Story A has 10,000 views, 150 comments, 210 five star ratings and 0 favorites

Story B has 1 view, 0 comments, 1 one star rating and 1 favorite.

Which one is rated higher on the SoFurry rating system? Story B. In other words the higher the number of faves the higher the rating. It is the ONLY thing that matters.

Why do we care about the ratings. One is that most of us have some sort of ego. Usually the ones that deny that they have any ego are the ones with the biggest ones of all. But aside from being just ego driven getting to the top of the popular page get's more people to click on our stories. Not all of us kiss enough ass to make it to the Author Spotlight and get 6 months of free advertising at the top of the front page. But we still have to compete with the people that are given that privilege. Getting to the top of the popular page is one of the ways we can get there.

It also helps the other users to find quality stories.

Star ratings mean absolutely nothing other than letting a writer know that you enjoyed the story.

Just some things to think about when you read one of my or any other author's story.

The Beginning Of The End

In the year 2012 NASA developed a way to teleport people through space. A secret project was started to try to colonize a distant planet that seemed to have an ecology similar to earth. A volunteer was sent to the planet to collect samples of the vegetation to see if it had any nutritional value to humans. The plants were actually more highly nutritious than anything known on earth. They were extremely high is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a fatty acid that is found in high concentration in the gray matter of the brain. DHA is instrumental in the function of brain cell membranes, which are important for the transmission of brain signals. A food with such high levels had never been found on earth. It might mean that people raised in this new world would have greatly enhanced brain function. He also reported that animal life existed there that was analogous with the small vertebrate life on earth. As scientists are terribly unimaginative their code name for the planet was Eden . Everything was going as planned when budget cuts were going to force the end of the project. The directors and the personnel decided that they were going to skip the rest of the preliminary testing and teleport a party to the planet before the budget cuts could take effect.

Four men were chosen, all were great physical specimens but each had mental and physical strengths that were unique. All the men were also outstanding sexual specimens, well endowed and with exceptional sperm counts. Four women were also selected with the same criteria, exceptional, physically, mentally and extremely fertile. The plan was to have as diverse a combination of desirable genes as possible so the colony would only produce genetically superior specimens. The men and women were not pairs. They were to switch partners after each time a pair had produced a child. The object was to be as genetically diverse as possible with this small number of people.

It was also decided that they would bring dogs. Since there was animal life there the dogs would come in handy in protecting the people if any of the native fauna was dangerous. Since there wasn't time to be terribly selective about the dogs they chose German Shepherds from the breeding program that was going on in a different department. Each man was given a male Shepherd and each woman was given a female.

It took a tremendous amount of energy to make the jump through the vastness of space. It didn't make a difference how much matter was transported the amount of energy was relatively the same. Since it took several million dollars worth of electric to make the jump and there was only enough money left in the budget for one shot, it was decided to transport all of them in one shot.

They all gathered in the teleportation chamber. The teleporting process was safer as you decreased the motion in the chamber. It was decided that everyone should kneel next to their dog and hold them to keep them steady. The sequence was started and the chamber was powered up. As the energy was just about to reach its critical level it emitted a high pitched shriek. It was too high pitched for human ears, but it startled the dogs and they all jerked right as they were making the jump to Eden . That was when it all went wrong.

When the space jumpers arrived on Eden they found out that they had not rematerialized as individuals. Due to the fact that they were moving and closely touching each other, the teleporter was not able to digitalize them as distinct individuals. Instead of 16 individual beings there were 4 male hybrids and 4 female hybrids. The scientists realized what happened and abandoned the project leaving the space travelers for dead.

Fortunately for them but unfortunately for the people back on earth, these hybrids contained most of the best traits of man and dog. They had above human intelligence, walked upright and had human like hands with opposable thumbs. Their bodies were very human. They had shepherd heads, black and tan double coats and the strength, speed and endurance of a dog. The one thing they did not get was the great scenting ability of a dog. In addition to the genetically enhanced intelligence, the high levels of DHA in their diets caused their IQ's to be completely off the charts.

There were also some sexual modifications. In the men the penises had a sheath but it was not attached to the body. It was also human shaped and did not have an os penis or bone like a dog. It did have a bulbus glandis or knot that swelled up but only when ejaculation was eminent causing the pair to tie to ensure fertilization. This allowed for great sex because as long as the male didn't ejaculate no knot formed allowing a much longer more pleasurable coupling before the tie. As in dogs this tie lasted 20 minutes to an hour. Also like a male dog they were horny ALL the time.

The women had 10 breasts to be able to suckle a whole litter of pups. They also only came into heat once a year. When they were not in heat they were NOT at all receptive to sex. The pups grew rapidly like dogs and reached sexual maturity at a year of age.

Since the males were always horny and the females only once a year, sex between the males became the norm not the exception. Sex with females while pleasurable was only done for procreation.

With the high fertility rate, early maturation rate and lack of disease and predators the population exploded exponentially. Due to their higher intelligence their science and technology was soon far beyond that of earth. They developed a teleportation system that was much better than the one the humans had abandoned. They developed a way to channel gravitation lines between the layers of the skin to make it impervious to weapons. Last but not least they developed a way to channel the static electricity in the air and use it like a lightning bolt as a weapon. They had become almost godlike in their powers.

After 40 years, with the population of Eden bursting at the seams they sent several reconnaissance missions back to Earth. They soon realized that the civilization of Earth had degenerated to the point that it was pretty much a slave culture. There was a class of rulers and one of workers. It was decided to send a tenth of their population back to earth to reclaim the planet for the Shepherds.

The Takeover

After the financial collapse of 2009, the world gradually embraced collectivism. The people were taught that working for the collective was good and being an individual was bad. Everyone should act the same, think the same and like the same things. Individualism was considered a crime. People needed to conform with the state view on everything from the things they ate, to the recreation they enjoyed and even their sexual orientation. All sex was bad except for procreation. Since the collectivism had not produced wealth, or even enough food to support the population people were limited to one child. Which meant after you had 1 child you were prohibited from having sex. Even masturbation was prohibited and homosexual activity was punishable by death. People that exhibited individualism were put into reeducation camps. If they were not able to be reeducated they were disposed of. Over 20% of the world population was destroyed in these camps, usually the best and brightest, leaving the slow and stupid to reproduce. Some of these people with stubborn streaks of individuality had escaped before they could be rounded up. They moved into wilderness areas and started small survivalist communities. The government had too many problems just managing the compliant population to be bothered rounding up these malcontents.

Because of reduced productivity the countries of Earth were continually at war over land to try (unsuccessfully) to grow sufficient amounts of food to feed their populations. There were food shortages and famine. The human race was on the verge of being run into oblivion. Between the wars, famines and pandemics of disease the population of Earth had dropped by 90%.

When the anthro German Shepherds finally invaded Earth they encountered little resistance. The people were tired of war and famine and had no fight left in them. Especially when they were opposed by a super race of extraterrestrials who were impervious to weapons and could make lightning bolts out of thin air.

They had taken over all of the population centers were the human ruling class had enslaved the people to run the factories and farms. These humans were held in contempt and were looked at as beings that were born and bred to be slaves. They could not believe that these soulless automatons were the stock that they themselves had originally come from.

They were soon able to get things stabilized. There were no more wars, disease or famines. These people were so thankful that they now had their basic needs met that they didn't complain about the sheps keeping all the surplus for themselves. What they were allowed to keep was much more than they had when the collectives were run by men.

Once things had stabilized the sheps had much leisure time. They enjoyed hunting and fishing. This took them to wilderness areas where they discovered the humans that had gone feral. These survivalist humans were almost like a different species. They were cunning, intelligent and had a zest for life that was lacking in the domesticated humans. It was also found that when they were caught and tamed they made captivating pets, unlike the dull domesticated humans. Soon the sheps were going on hunting expeditions where they would catch their own feral human. The sheps considered it great sport to organize hunting parties to capture these prized pets. The pet belonged to which ever shep managed to capture it. Since they were very rare each shep was only allowed to keep one feral human every 20 years. Women and pre-adolescent children were also off limits, culling some of the males would still leave a stable breeding population. That way they could have a constant supply of pets. Besides the sheps preferred sex with males any way so they made better sex toys.

The Hunt Is On

I was a member of the Firehole tribe. We lived in the Firehole River basin in what had been Yellowstone Park. I had lived there ever since my parents died when I was 5 summers old and the Firehole tribe had adopted me. It was a difficult life. We had to be nomads, initially because the World Government had a bounty on us and then because the sheps started hunting us to make us slaves. I don't know why they want us when they have all those people in the cities already. Since we have to be nomads we cannot farm, but there is an abundance of fish and game in the Firehole basin. The trout are plentiful and there are bison, moose, elk, mule deer and antelope. There are also Grizzly Bears, but we usually don't hunt them because the old saying is very true. Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you. One of them killed my parents, they died protecting me from a sow with cubs. Even though it is a hard life we usually manage to get enough to eat and we are free.

I was 16 summers old, but already I was the best of our tribe at stalking animals. I was very good at watching without being seen. I was an excellent tracker and hunter and I was the best runner in the tribe. I had long thick black hair tied back into a ponytail, and my eyes are the same color as the sky. I am just shy of 6 feet tall and I have a lithe yet muscular body. I've been told that I am handsome. Several of the young ladies fancy me but so far I haven't been attracted to any of them. Maybe I'm to young to be interested in girls. Besides I am not ready to have kids and that is the only acceptable reason to have sex. It is better if I don't think about what I can't have. I get the urges but it is usually around the grown men of the tribe which is a great sin. I pray constantly that god will take these feelings away from me.

Even though The tribe has been good to me I have never felt like I belonged. I wasn't taken in by a single family I was raised by the tribe. For the longest time I missed my parents (to be honest I still do) and the love they gave me. I always felt safe with them. Maybe that is why I try so hard to be the best at everything and usually succeed. I am so worried that if I don't please everybody I will be exiled. I guess that is not being fair to the tribe and they have never intimated that I was in any danger of losing my status as tribe member. But it is still not like having a family of your own. Even when I am with the tribe I feel alone. The urges I have for the men of the tribe make me feel even more alone.

It had been 3 years since the sheps had invaded Earth when they finally discovered our tribe. They had finally found our little village of survivalists and the hunt was on. We had heard from people that had been in the war that the sheps had godlike powers. Their skin was impenetrable, and they could shoot lightning like Zeus in the old myths. We had heard from the occasional man that escaped their hunts that they turned the men they captured into pets. In fact it was worse than being a dog because their pets were also used as sex toys. In fact as soon as they captured a man they buggered him. This seemed to make the men passive and accepting of their status when it was over. We all considered this terrible because we had been taught that sex between males was the greatest sin of all. To my embarrassment talk of this abomination gave me tingly feelings in my nether regions. Of course I never mentioned these feelings to anyone.

There were 13 men in our little group when we were discovered. I was the youngest of the adults at 16 summers but since I had been raised to it from a young age I was the most at home in the wilderness. I could travel the forest swiftly, silently and nearly invisibly. Since the sheps considered this to be a sport they came to the outskirts of the village and announce that the hunt would start in 15 minutes to give their quarry a slight head start. The women and children were told to stay put they would not be hunted and as long as they stayed in the village they would be safe. Of course most of the men fled in panic, I was the only one that took time to assess the situation.

I knew of a tall pine tree that would give me a good view of the surrounding area and give me a temporary hiding place. I climbed to the top and watched as the hunt started. I watched the hunting party pass underneath me. I was able to count 18 sheps in the hunting party. They were organizing the hunt, I could hear their plans. They would spread out 25 yards apart and push their quarry ahead of them. I figured the best way to keep from getting surprised would be to follow them so I would know where they were. Or at least that is what I told myself at the time.

Despite the fact that they were the despised enemy you couldn't help noticing how handsome they were. I guess because they had fur they didn't need to bother with clothing. Even beneath all the thick fur you could see these sheps were muscular and cut. Not like a body builder but like a boxer. Because our group was very modest (it is a sin to be seen naked) I have never seen an adult male naked other than myself. I know that I am a little over 6 inches when it is hard, most of the sheps were bigger than that soft. Again looking at these big strong naked bodies was making me hard. It is such a sin to have these feelings for males. I tried to get my mind off of it but my eyes kept drifting to their male parts.

They were all built superior to men but there was one there that all the others deferred to. He had to be over 6 ½ feet tall with about 275 muscular pounds properly distributed on that handsome frame. He had the standard shep black and tan coat but it just seemed deeper and more lustrous. His ample sheath was covered with short soft tan fur, and below that hung a LARGE hairless black scrotum filled with egg sized testicles. It was obvious that he was royalty or a leader of some sort; he just had that air about him. After overhearing several conversations I had come to the conclusion that his name was Woden.

When I was sure they had all passed I climbed down and jogged silently after them. That way none of them would be able to surprise me, at least that's what I told myself. I decided to follow this Woden since he was the leader. I don't think the fact that he was gorgeous played any part in my decision.

After loping along for about 5 minutes they spotted Steve. At 30 he was the oldest of our group. He had sandy brown hair and a beard. Since it was summer he was just wearing a loincloth like the rest of us. Unfortunately he had injured his leg in the war and was not able to run far or fast with it. A couple of the least dominant sheps took off in pursuit. It was frightening how quickly they were able to close the gap. He dodged the one on the right but ran right into the one on the left and was taken down immediately. The whole group ran up hooting and hollering words of encouragement to their friend. They all gathered around to watch as Steve struggled to get away. The shep deftly stripped him of his loincloth and pinned him to the ground on his back. Steve struggled futilely, screaming "NO please let me go. I can't do this, it's a sin".

The sheps just laughed as the one who had captured him hooked his right arm under Steve's left leg and maneuvered it up to his shoulder. He did the same thing with the right leg so Steve was jackknifed in half. It was then that it dawned on me what he was going to do. Up until that point I had no idea how males could have sex with each other. Now it was going to be demonstrated to me graphically. His member was erect, about 8' and peeking out of his sheath. It was dripping something and he caught some of this and smeared it on Steve's anus. As Steve struggled even more fiercely the shep said "you can make this a lot easier on yourself if you just surrender to the inevitable. I'll take it slow then. If you want to struggle I'll just have to jam it in. It's up to you. It makes no difference to me. Hell, sometimes it's more fun when you resist. Eventually I will have you trained to be a good pet. In fact by the end of the week you will be begging for it" he laughed.

Steve would have none of it and spit in the shep's face. The shep growled and took Steve's throat in his jaws. He clamped down until he drew blood immobilizing Steve. He then lined himself up and with one savage thrust drove himself up Steve's ass. Steve let a scream of pain and despair as the shep brutally fucked him. From my vantage point I had an unobstructed view of his member driving in and out like a piston. It was soon flecked with blood, and starting to swell slightly at the base. Finally he was down to the short strokes. The part with the swelling was not coming out on the withdrawal. The shep grunted as he reached his climax and Steve immediately ceased struggling. After his climax subsided I expected the shep to withdraw, but it appeared that they were stuck together. I looked closer and it appeared that the shep had swollen up inside him like a dog in a bitch.

Steve had been reduced to whimpering, but as the shep released more of his seed in him it became clear he is slowly making the journey from pain to pleasure. The shep released the grip on his neck and Steve moaned in pleasure. "Is my pet going to be a good boy and accept his new Master?" he said licking the wounds on Steve's lacerated neck.

To my surprise Steve said submissively, "yes Master I was wrong to resist you. I am not worthy to be your pet, please forgive me." The shep gave a couple of soft short thrusts and Steve cried out "Ooh, it feels so good!" It was then I noticed that he was also erect and had just released his seed. His orgasm was so intense that some shot all the way up to his face.,

The shep licked a pearl of cum off of his nose and said "of course I forgive you. Right now you are just an ignorant feral that doesn't know any better. In the future I will be less forgiving of insubordination, but I don't expect any out of you."

I watched this in horrified fascination. This was so unlike Steve. He had always been so strong and devout to our faith, and now he was just a fuck toy to a hated shep. It wasn't until now that I realized that I was incredibly aroused also. I prayed and begged god to take this shameful sinful lust away from me, but to my dismay I was still hard as a rock.

Once Steve had submitted, the rest of the sheps left the two alone to bond and continued the hunt. After 15 minutes 3 of the larger more dominant looking sheps spotted Jeff and took off in pursuit. Jeff was about 5 years older than me. He was 5'2" but built like a fire plug. He was strong as hell but not very fast. The fastest of the three managed to take him down, Jeff didn't even get a chance to dodge. The shep let out a triumphant hoot as he drove Jeff to his knees. Jeff started swearing at him to let him go. The shep just laughed and ripped off the loincloth. He forced Jeff's head to the ground so he was buns up kneeling. He struggled but physically he was no match for the big hybrid. After a very brief struggle the shep was able to hold Jeff still. This shep was bigger and more well endowed than the first one and he guided his cock to Jeff's virgin pucker. It was dripping copious amounts of precum and he used his dick to spread it around. Jeff was still struggling, you could see he had his sphincter clenched to try to keep the invader out. This was futile. Wit a steady pressure the shep slowly forced the head in spite of the fact that Jeff was clenching his sphincter as hard as he could. Once the head was all the way in, he grinned and hilted Jeff with one swift savage thrust. Jeff shrieked like a banshee. The others made bawdy jokes and gave words of encouragement while this shep brutally raped Jeff. "You shouldn't resist your Master's advances, it will only cause you unnecessary pain" he said as he jackhammered in and out of Jeff's now raw red pucker.

"Fuck you, you bastard, you will never be my master."

With this they all laughed. "It's always the same with you humans, you never accept your destiny until we fuck the pride and arrogance out of you. You will succumb like all the rest. Soon you will be on your knees begging for your Master's attention like all our other pets." By now he was thrusting in and out with the speed and power of his German Shepherd ancestors. Something finally snapped in Jeff and he began whimpering. "See I told you you would break, you humans are all weak willed and weak minded. Don't you see that your place in the order of things is to submit to your Masters?"

You could see Jeff hardening in response to the brutal thrusting. The shep relented some and was now down to those short strokes, planted deep in Jeff. Letting the knot grow that would tie them together and bond them for life. He was still thrusting slowly and deeply, it seemed like he was hitting something inside Jeff because every thrust seemed to make his dick jump and he was moaning in pleasure. You could see that Jeff wasn't going to last long. The shep cooed in his ear as he was draped over his back, "Just let go and surrender. You're safe here in your Masters arms. For the first time in your life you have nothing to worry about."

Jeff finally let out a loud moan and spent himself on the ground. The shep stopped moving as his big low hanging balls jumped up signaling the start of his orgasm. After about a minute he gently rolled to the left pulling Jeff down with him and tenderly guiding him to the ground. They lay there tied together like they were spooning. The shep caressed his head and spoke softly, tenderly even lovingly in his ear. "See everything is alright. Your Master is here, he will protect you and take care of all your needs. All you have to do is idolize him and obey him."

"I understand now Master, I don't know how I could have been so foolish before."

They continued talking like lovers. The crazy thing was Jeff sounded sincere. Not like he was trying to placate a tormentor but like he truly loved the hated shep. It made me wonder. Yes the sheps were ruthless and brutal when opposed or defied, but as soon as the human surrendered they were loving and gentle. No, it must be some kind of trick. These evil alien bastards had taken over the world and enslaved mankind.

Then I realized that this scene also had me hard as a rock. In my mind I imagined it was me being ravaged by Woden. I then realized that throughout this whole event I had my hands in my loincloth stroking my manhood. I pulled my hand out like I had been burned. It was a sin to pleasure yourself and spill your seed.

Again they continued the hunt leaving Jeff and his captor to bond with each other, and then later return to the sheps base camp. As the hunt continued I was following Woden when one of the other large dominant sheps said to him, "I thought you would go after that one, we might not find a better one than that. He was fairly young and not bad looking, a trophy pet for sure."

"I have my heart set on the youngest one of the camp. He is easily the best pet here. And he can't be more than 17 at the most. He has a handsome face and a body that looks oh so fuckable. Nice and athletic, not old enough to be set in his ways so he should be easily trainable. I can already see myself teaching him to worship my big cock. He is everything I want, he will make the ideal pet. We still have two more days to go in the hunt and I plan on bagging him," answered Woden.

"You're right, any one could see he was the best one there. But what if you don't catch him."

"I'll take my chances. After seeing him I know I won't be satisfied with any of the others."

"Oh! I forgot the great Woden never settles for anything less than the best. And the sad thing is you always get what you are after."

Great not only was our group being hunted, but I was being specifically targeted by the most dominant one of them all. The one that thinks I look "oh so fuckable." And he is so sure he is going to catch me. We'll see about that, I had outsmarted them so far.

An hour later they flushed Allen. He was the priest of our tribe. His nerve broke when they were about a quarter mile away so he had a big head start when he bolted. Four sheps took off in hot pursuit. Two were working like a team and they were the ones to bring him down, much to the pleasure of the sheps who hooted and hollered.

"I swear those two do everything together. I guess they plan on sharing him," quipped Woden to his companions. "I guess we are in for quite a show."

Allen was stiff with terror. He kept praying to be delivered from this abomination. The smaller of the two positioned Allen on his knees and bent him over. The more dominant of the two knelt behind Allen stroking his 9" member while his partner held the priest in position. Allen begged, "please don't do this to me I'm a priest, it's a sin."

The smaller shep took his partner's cock in his mouth to lube it up, then guided it to the priest's virgin asshole. "Convert this padre," the larger laughed as he slowly pushed the head of his dick in the priest's ass. Allen gasped as the head popped in. The shep didn't take him brutally or tenderly. It was more just matter of fact indifference, a sense of nonchalance. Allen wasn't struggling nor surrendering, he was just there in shock. The shep slowly worked himself in until he seated himself and those big pendulous balls slapped up against the priest's.

The beta reached under Allen and felt his cock. "He's starting to respond, it won't be long now." Since he hadn't resisted or surrendered, just remained passive, they had so far neither brutalized him or treated him with tenderness. The alpha of the pair started working it in and out slowly until in spite of himself Allen started to moan. He stiffened and to my surprise he started to fall into a rhythm with the alpha. The alpha stopped and Allen continued to fuck himself with the alpha's cock. Everyone laughed. The beta walked around to the front and got on his knees. He peeled the sheath back from his 8 1/2" erection and waved it in Allen's face. Allen eagerly took it into his mouth, and by swaying back and forth managed to fuck himself at both ends. He obviously had now accepted his new masters and they praised him. They were no longer fucking him the threesome was tenderly making love, Allen doing his best to pleasure his masters.

The alpha was down to the short strokes when he said "this is going to hurt a little at first when I tie with you. Don't worry though. As soon as you stretch a little to accommodate my knot you will know a pleasure like nothing you have ever felt before." His movement slowed even further as his knot swelled to it's full size and firmly tied them together. He gave a couple of short quick thrusts that rattled Allen's prostate and he exploded onto the ground. He let out a lifetime of pent up sexual frustration in that orgasm and would have collapsed if the sheps hadn't held him up.

The beta gently helped lower the two tied lovers to the ground and then cuddled next to them making an Allen sandwich. Allen reached out and pulled the beta's head towards him and kissed his nose. "I'm sorry you didn't get to cum."

"Don't worry, I'll get sloppy seconds when he's done. I've always been the bottom before, this will be something new for me."

"Don't worry Master, I'm yours anytime you want. I never had any idea that this could be so wonderful."

This went on throughout the day. One after another the members of the tribe were caught and tamed. By dusk they had caught all the other tribe members. True to his word Woden hadn't chased any of the tribe members, he was still targeting me. Since Allen had been shared by two sheps it meant that there were 5 sheps, one of them being Woden and only me left to be hunted. The other four were fairly nondescript, or maybe it was they just paled in comparison to Woden. If he wasn't so damn arrogant, I could see myself with him. Hell who was I fooling I had imagined myself with him every time one of the tribe was caught.

They made a camp for the night. They made a nice fire and prepared to cook their dinner. One took a large standing rib roast out of an insulated portion if his back pack. They put it on a spit until it was medium rare and feasted. Boy was it making me hungry, I hadn't eaten since a small dinner last night. As they ate they talked about the events of the day.

After following them all day I had managed to figure out their names.

"Its been quite a successful hunt, we got 12 out of the 13. All of them at least breeding quality and I'd say 3 of them were nice trophy quality pets." remarked Ansulm.

"The only one still out there is that young one, now that was a trophy for sure. I would have loved to have buried my bone in him." quipped Dagmar.

"We haven't seen hide nor hair of him since the start of the hunt, he's probably in Montana by now. He looked like a runner, probably took off and hasn't looked back since," complained Welf.

"You're right, if it wasn't so late I'd head back right now," Dagmar replied in. First thing in the morning after a good breakfast I'm heading back."

"I'm with Dag," chimed in Ansulm.

"Ditto's," grunted Hartmut.

"You guy's are right this is a waste of time," groaned Welf.

"I guess that just leaves you Woden. You coming with us?" queried Dagmar.

"No. I don't think he has run. I think he is close by and very cunning. I plan on staying and getting him."

"But the plane leaves on the third sunrise from now. I bet you 10 Eden Units that you don't get him," badgered Welf.

"You're on. I've never wanted anything so much in my life and I intend to get him," retorted Woden.

"I agree with Welf, Woden I think you met your match in this one," jabbed Ansulm.

"Well I am counting on us being a match, and I plan on bringing him back with me."

There was plenty of meat left when they finally went to sleep. I guess because of their invulnerability they didn't feel a need to post a guard. I was able to sneak in and take the rest of the meat. I wanted them to know that I was brave and daring and that I took their dinner from right under their noses. At least that was what I told myself. Right by the fire pit I took a stick and wrote"DAVID WAS HERE". That would give them something to think about. I quickly ate my fill and threw the rest in a ravine so they would not have it. I then made a false trail to confuse them and backtracked to a small rocky outcrop where I could hide and bed down for the night.

I awoke before dawn and positioned myself so I could watch them discover that they had no leftovers. Dagmar went to get it to reheat for breakfast. He discovered that it was missing and saw my message. "Hey guys we had a visitor last night. The little feral took our breakfast and is rubbing our noses in it."

They all hurried over to see. Ansulm swore, "that arrogant little mother fucker, he's going to pay for this."

Woden chuckled and said. "Ansulm, get a grip. I think it shows a lot of guts, I thought that's why we were after the ferals instead of those pathetic zombies in the cities. It just makes me even more sure that I want to make him mine. I kept dreaming all night about how I was going to tie with him and own the little scamp. So he's called David. It sort of fits, you know from that old bible story David and Goliath. We are way more formidable than some giant man and he still has the guts to tweak our noses. David I kind of like it, after I catch him I might just let him keep it."

"IF you catch him. We haven't even seen a footprint of his so far," Hartmut reminded them.

"We have now the bold little bastard was so pleased with himself that he got careless and left a trail. We will get the little bastard now," Dagmar intoned evilly.

"I'll see you guys when you get back. I am going to try to catch something for breakfast. It should be ready by the time you get back," Woden said with a little amusement.

"I thought you wanted this boy"

"I do but do you think he left that trail by accident, I bet you he's yanking your chain again. I'm not biting on anything so obvious."

"He's not that smart, I'll think about you when the little bastard is riding my dick."

The four of them took off, only to return in about 45 minutes when my trail led them back to the camp. They were really pissed and Woden got a good laugh out of it. At least he had a sense of humor. I think I could really like him if he wasn't a damn shep. "I hate to say I told you so but..."

"Fuck you Woden. Were leaving."

"Yeah! If we found the little bastard now I probably wouldn't be able to control myself." Dagmar replied with sparks crackling between his fingertips. "Don't be late back at the base camp or we will leave without you."

With that parting shot the other 4 sheps left, leaving just me and the hated Woden. Hated though he was I still couldn't keep my eyes off of him and I was walking around with a perpetual hardon.

After he finished his leisurely breakfast he said in a conversational tone, "I know you are out there, just remember you will be mine. It's just a matter of time."

This infuriated me, there was no way he was going to catch me.

I stayed one move ahead of him for the next day and a half. I do have to admit I was impressed with his dogged determination. But I knew this area like the back of my hand and he was a stranger to it.

On the third evening I knew I had won. He had turned and headed back to the base camp. He said out loud "Congratulations David you've won, I've run out of time. It's a shame I really think you would have liked being with me. Well good luck, I'll never forget you."

He seemed so caring.

I was alone.

He seemed so tender.

My tribe was gone.

He seemed so sincere.

And I was so alone. In fact all my life I had been ALONE.

I finally knew what I had to do.

I stepped into the path of Woden. He stopped dead in his tracks, the brief expression of surprise on his face was priceless. We were about 10 yards apart, which I quickly covered. I stopped less than an arms length away from the object of my fantasy. He asked "Are you surrendering?"

"Only to you Master."

"Don't be frightened. I won't hurt you."

"I know."

He put his arms around me and pulled me into a tender embrace. He put his right hand on my head and ran his fingers through my hair while pulling my head gently to his chest. I didn't resist at all, it just felt right. More right than anything had ever felt in my life. "Why did you surrender David, I had run out of time. You could have been free."

"I surrendered because I finally figured out what I have really wanted all my life. From the first time I saw you, deep inside I knew I wanted to be with you. You were so perfect. You were smart, wise, brave, handsome, honorable and sexy. I don't know how someone could not be attracted to you. But I had been convinced that you were all terrible creatures that just wanted to rape and make slaves out of us. I watched the whole hunt from behind and realized that as soon as each man surrendered the brutality stopped. It was immediately replaced with love and caring upon surrender. Besides we are taught that sex is a sin, especially between males. But I was aroused every time I saw it. In my mind I kept seeing you taking me. When you were forced to give up the hunt I realized that I needed to make up my mind. Stay here alone and be free or surrender to you and be your slave. Slavery doesn't appeal to me, but going on without you appeals even less."

"We didn't come here to make you slaves. We have plenty of slaves to do menial work."

"Well what are we, we have to obey you. Doesn't that make us slaves?"

"No! That doesn't make you slaves it makes you pets."

"Isn't it the same thing."

"Not at all, pets are valued companions that are loved, cared for, pampered and usually spoiled rotten. In return the Master is looked up to and obeyed. Both parties benefit."

"But you forced them to have sex."

"Only the first time, to show them what they really wanted deep down inside. After that our pets spend half their time begging for it. But we are nearly always happy to oblige," he said smiling. He reached a hand into my loincloth and felt my throbbing member. "It feels like someone is happy to see me," he said as he untied my loincloth and let it fall to the ground.

"He's been wanting to see you for three days now. He hasn't let me have a moment of peace." With that I disengaged myself from his embrace and slid down his body to my knees. There at eye level in front of me was the object of my desires. Even though it was soft it looked huge but delicious from my close vantage point. The head was just barely peaking out of his sheath. I looked up into his face and begged, "please Master, can I?"

He didn't say a word. He put his hand on the back of my head. He didn't force me, he just guided me down to the prize. I took the exposed part of his head between my lips. Inch by inch using just my lips I skinned the sheath back, taking more and more of it into my greedy mouth. He had not bathed since the hunt had started so he had a little bit of a gamy wild taste. It wasn't rank, it was a musky taste that just turned me on even more. I worked my tongue around the head and he quickly started to stiffen. In about half a minute he was completely rigid. The texture of his skin was was velvety against my tongue as I urgently massaged the head. I began to bob up and down on my Master's penis, as I looked up at his face to interpret his response. The look of pleasure on his face spurred me on. He was every bit of a foot long. I continued to bob further each time until he hit the back of my throat. My Master looked down in amazement as I continued to work my way down his cock until my forehead was against his washboard abs and I felt his slightly swinging balls gently tapping on my chin.

I found his hands and guided them to the back of my head. He quickly got the idea and began to slide my head up and down his big throbbing python at the speed and angle to obtain maximum pleasure. I did my best to massage him with my throat muscles without gagging. He pulled out until only his head was in my mouth giving me a chance to catch my breath. "Are you sure you've never done this before?" he said. I nodded my head as I swirled my tongue around my Masters precious head, getting rewarded with a nice squirt of precum. "I'm not going to last much longer." I could see his knot starting to swell, so for the first time I brought my hands into play and gripped the base of the knot. It swelled to the size of my fist. I was rewarded with a loud moan and then my very first taste of my Master's essence. The first jet rocketed down my throat with such force that it almost went down my windpipe. I made sure my tongue blocked the subsequent shots so the warm, salty sweet yet musky taste lingered on my taste buds before I eagerly swallowed them down. There was no way I was going to waste so much as a drop of my Master's jism.

"Let go of the knot, I want to have plenty of spunk left for when I take your virginity." I let go. As soon as the pressure was off of the base of his knot it immediately started to deflate. To my disappointment it also stopped delivering my new favorite treat.

He lifted me to my feet and looked into my eyes. He didn't say a word just put his lips to mine and soon that big Shepherd tongue was herding my tongue around my mouth. Pinning and mastering my tongue like he would master me. His big long tongue explored my mouth and then even went down my throat just like his dick had done. I sucked on his big muscular tongue like I had his cock for a moment then released it. We broke apart breathless.

"Master I can't last much longer."

"Well lets do something about that."

He reached down and with his right hand grabbed his semi erect member which was now back in its sheath. His huge left hand engulfed my erection and maneuvered it so we were head to head. To my surprise he opened the tip of his sheath. He guided my woody into his sheath which he pulled all the way over my throbbing manhood. I could feel the blood coursing through his veins as his erection sprang back to life next to mine. We were both sharing his sheath stretching it slightly, his big hand wrapped around it stroking us slowly. I had never felt anything like it. I buried my face into his strong muscular furry chest and moaned out my pleasure. I could feel his strength. I could feel his heart beating in time with the throbbing of his erection. He backed off several times to keep me on the edge then sped up and said, "Cum for your Master."

I could hold back no longer. My Master had told me to cum and I exploded on cue. He continued to stroke while I unloaded. I almost collapsed but Master used his spare hand to hold me tight to him. He crooned in my ear, "that's it let it all go, you're safe with your Master."

With both of us hard filling his sheath it wasn't long before my spooge was leaking out of his sheath and dripping on his hand and on the ground. To my surprise he brought his hand up to his muzzle and licked my seed from it.

"Delicious. You're even tastier than I thought you'd be. Nice fresh young teenage cum, the best vintage there is." He said gently putting me down on the forest floor on my back. He lay next to me caressing me "I've heard the only thing better is plucking your pet's cherry."

"You've heard. You mean you've never actually fucked a human?"

"No I haven't yet, but I plan on remedying that very soon. I am the leader of the 'invasion' as you would call it. I am General Woden to my men, but to you I'm just Master. I haven't had time to hunt for a pet before this. I've been too busy with administrative duties. But now I've got everything in order I expect to have lots of leisure time available. But you are definitely worth the wait." He knelt between my legs. He got an hand under each of my knees and pushed them up until they were against my chest. "Hold your legs up here."

I did as I was told expecting him to mount me, when to my surprise he bent down and licked my tight little virgin asshole. It felt so wonderful that I moaned out my pleasure. "Like that, do you?"

"Yesss Master," I hissed in delight. To my surprise my dick was coming to life again.

"Then just relax and enjoy it." He licked again prepping me for the grand finale. Soon his long muscular tongue was plunging deep in my hole. A reconnaissance mission that was stretching me and lubing me for the final assault that would conquer what ever meager resistance I had left.

I felt so exposed, so vulnerable. And I loved it. My Master was soon going to take total control of me, to possess me like no other had, and I wanted it more than any thing else in the world. I kept waiting for him to mount me and claim me. "David, I've never heard of a pet giving themselves willingly the first time, we have always had to force them. If you want to I will lay on my back and let you take yourself at your own pace. It might hurt less, especially since I am so big."

I thought about it for a second. "If that's what you want. But I would rather that my big, strong, sexy Master showed his pet who was boss and vanquished him like the conquering Hero he is. I want Master to show me in no uncertain terms that I exist for his pleasure and his pleasure alone. Please Master fuck me."

"I love it when you beg," he said as he moved up to cover me. He put my legs over his shoulders so I was wide open and helpless. "This is the way I've fantasized about taking you ever since the first time I saw you. I'll try not to hurt you TOO much," he grinned. I felt him rub that huge head over my well lubed virgin pucker, then slowly push. I was slowly expanding but not near enough to accommodate my Masters massive member. He told me to "push like when you are taking a dump." When I did I opened up further but not enough for Master to enter without forcing.

"Please Master just take me. I am willing to endure the pain for my Masters pleasure. I want Master so bad. Please breed me."

With that my Master forced the head of his big dick into me. There was a flash of pain as it popped in and then he slowly slid that long snake all the way into me in one fluid stroke. When he bottomed out he held still for a minute to let me get used to his size. Although there was pain initially it quickly subsided and the feel of my Master DEEP inside me was the most comforting feeling I had ever had. Master was in control and I was safe in his embrace. And while it was comforting it was also the most erotic thing I had ever felt. After initially losing my erection when Master penetrated me it had now come back with a vengeance. I wanted to feel Master plunging in and out of me taking his pleasure from my body.

"Master are you going to fuck me or what?"

"You impudent whelp, here I was worried about hurting you. I won't make that mistake again,"he said licking my nose as he withdrew and immediately plunged back in balls deep, those huge seed factories smacking against my ass. After a few relatively gentle exploratory thrusts Master picked up the pace and really started pounding my ass. I could feel the urgency of each thrust. The need to dominate. The need to conquer. The need to love. I was going to do my best to ensure that all those needs were always fulfilled. I was incoherently babbling encouragement for Master to continue this assault. I could feel that fat foot long cock plunging in and out of me. Nothing gentle just pure unadulterated lust, urgent to claim my body as his. The ferocity of our coupling became such that I could finally see the great warrior hidden inside this gentle giant. I was so proud I belonged to him.

He was plunging the whole way in and the whole way out on each lust filled thrust. I knew I was going to be sore tomorrow but right now I wanted nothing more than for Master to satisfy himself completely and totally. He was down to the short strokes and I knew he was getting ready to tie me with that huge knot. "David this is probably going to hurt quite a bit the first time I tie with you. Just relax and let yourself stretch to accommodate it."

There was a definite knot there now but not big enough that we were tied together. On the back stroke he was massaging the base of his knot with my sphincter encouraging it to grow faster. Soon it was so big there was no room to move in me. Surprisingly I felt little pain. I was completely filled but completely content. I felt Masters whole body shudder and he grunted "You're Mine Now." I felt Master start to empty himself in me. Big squirts of Master's seed filling me. With each squirt I felt more of the little independence I had left being washed away. I realized that he was filling me with something more than just seed. Each jerk of his cock massaged my prostate and in no time at all I joined Master in a fantastic orgasm.

Soon the frantic part of Masters orgasm subsided. As long as we were tied Master would continue to shoot his seed into me but at a much slower pace. Master rolled completely on his back so I was on top, tight in his embrace. I was in a dreamy semiconscious state going further into that twilight state with each spurt of my Masters seed. He caressed my head and said, " Yes David you made the right choice. You will never want for anything, I will always be there to protect you and I promise you will not be alone. And most of all I will always love you with all my heart."

I was too happy and too content to reply. My heartbeat had synchronized with the throbbing of my Master like I was part of him. I was part of him and would be for the rest of our lives together.

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Wild Horses Part 2 Start Me Up

This is part 2 of a story series, please read Part 1: Wild Horses, We'll Ride Them Some Day or this one won't make much sense. Wild Horses Part 2 Start Me Up I awoke with my head on Bouki's neck, a very comfortable pillow. As I...

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Part 1: Wild Horses, We'll Ride Them Some Day

This is my first attempt at creative writing in 30 years. As a scientist "creative writing" can get you into all sorts of trouble. Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome. Thanks for the suggestions, this is the reworked version of part...

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