Prowling with the Nightprowler

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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This story has been initially published on Patreon. **Support me on Patreon for novel chapters, snippets, short stories, and more awesome content+art! You get all the stories before everyone else does, plus various Patreon exclusive content that you can only get by supporting me.

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So, this is a story I've written one night, when I felt in the mood of writing cute with the usual dose of the unexpected. The story features Male Humanx feral Female big cat moments that will sure sate your hunger for interspecies erotica. What the heck is a Nightprowler, you may ask? It's an indigenous species of big cat that you will find out more about if you read the story xD

If you have a thing for cats, then this story is for you. Enjoyed it? I kindly ask you to take into account my following requests. It's just the press of a button, literally :P

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***Story time***

Hazrid got hard at the mere thought of Starshine, his favorite Nightprowler. He sprawled on his hay stuffed mattress, head rested against an arm and two fingers dug into his dark leather leggings to rub the rock hard base of his shaft.

Starshine didn't even pounce the food today, like the rest of the Nightprowlers. She had nuzzled his fingers, licked them once, then turned around to present him her white blossom. Hazrid loved that white patch of fur that marked her gender, and how it brought out her slick folds. More so when she was in heat. Her puffed-up vent stood out amongst all that white, and her neat little slit twitched ever so slightly to allow him a peek into her dampening nethers.

Hazrid pushed his fingers deeper into his leggings to grab his cock. He grabbed it, soft at first, harder when he squeezed his eyes shut to focus on that particular memory. Her folds, aimed straight at him. The thick base of her tail, bent to the side to give him the best view of her availability to mate--and access, too. He imagined reaching towards her taut haunches with ephemeral arms, and his loins jerked at the mere prospect of sinking into her drenched sanctuary. Hazrid squeezed his cock tighter, released a drawn-out moan.

BOOM! Came the clap of thunder.

He jerked onto his bum and pulled his hand out at the booming sound, panting over the steady patter.

The rain came back with a vengeance. Hazrid's tent flapped in the harsh wind, and the oil lamp hung on his sword rack began to sway and flicker violently. Outside, the Nightprowlers yowled and roared and thrashed, like they usually did during intense rain. The cats hated the water enough to throw themselves at the sturdy iron bars of their cages, growling and hissing, swiping their paws at them and snapping. Hazrid heard it all from his tent, as well as the groans and shouts of the only two other humans that Hazrid had to deal with.

"Give them a whack across their heads, Larn. Hard enough to make them silent again," Zyr, one of the two thugs in charge of guarding the Nightprowels, said.

"Nay, it's your turn. I did it last time, and focked I'll be if I'm going out in the bloody rain." His companion had a rough voice that resembled his brutish features.

Hazrid waited a few moments to catch his breath before he chanced a glance at the flapping entrance of his tent. Flickering darkness stared back at him, broken by thunder and the occasional flashes of lightning. His fingers curled around his grime stained sheets at the piercing yowls that crept through the thin canvas. One of them had to be Starshine's. Perhaps the thinner, softer one, though he couldn't say for sure.

Or she might just groom herself, like she always does, he thought. That failed to soothe his racing heart and calm his frayed nerves. Those cats might wound themselves. Starshine herself might...

"What if one of them does something stupid and breaks a limb? They focking roar as loud as the thunder itself!" Zyr's high pitched voice rang in Hazrid's ears.

"Let them roar. Is all they do. Roar and lick their dirty paws, cocks and cunts. We agreed to guard them from focking thieves, stupid brother. Don't care if the thunder drives them mad."

"It will be the boss who's mad if one of them cages is empty come morning. What if one of the beasts escapes?"

"Bigger chance to find out I somehow inherited a castle from whatever cock focked our whore mother," Larn said.

"Oy, don't speak of her like that!" Zyr shot.

"I speak of her however I want when you keep buzzing in my focking ears. Them wagons held slaves, wretches bigger than me even. If they held them, they hold the cats. Now shut your cunt mouth and let me sleep."

Unintelligible mumbling followed, then Zyr's voice again. "I'm going."

"Fock me. I'll come just to give them a good whacking. Can't bloody sleep when they cry like that."

Larn's monstrous groan urged Hazrid to his feet. They mobilized, that oversized blob of fat and his spear of a brother. They actually did it. Hazrid threw the grey bear cloak across his shoulders, fastened it across his neck to keep the rough winds from claiming it, slipped into his dark leather boots and strapped his short sword and daggers at his waist. Then, he pushed through the tent's exit and stepped right in front of his two buddies.

"The fock you out?" Larn threw the hood tighter across his bald, egg shaped head as if to cover his pockmarked ass of a face. "Wanna feed your cock to your favorite again, eh freak?"

Hazrid staggered back when Larn's blunt end of the spear caught him in the shoulder. Zyr chuckled and swung his shorter spear at Hazrid, but the lithe youth sidestepped the blow and raised his hands in front of him. "I'm better with the cats, sir and sir. You know it. I know it. Allow me." His voice shuddered worse than his frail, rocking form. The wind itself made him sway, as if it would blow him away any moment now.

"Allow you to do what?" Larn rasped. "To finger her pussy? To let her tongue sweep across that tiny meat you have there?" His spear thrust at Hazrid's groin with blinding speed and a strength to match it.

Hazrid fell onto his back, clutching his privates. His balls seethed from the blow, and thin whimpers sneaked through his clenched teeth.

"You know, I care more about the shit I take in the morning than what you do with the cats, so long as you don't feed them more than what the boss allows." Larn towered over Hazrid, tall and broad, like a chubby hill. He whacked Hazrid across a thin cheek, across the other, then knocked him on the brow so hard his teeth rattled. "That don't mean you get to fuck the cats. Wretch like you doesn't get to fuck anything."

Larn stepped in front of his brother, arm stretched to block him. "I'm not done. He said he's better with the cats." Larn swung his spear in a series of lightning fast swings for a man his size. Blessedly, none hit Hazrid. "Ain't nobody better with the cats than this spear, little man. I reckon you know a thing or two about that." His hideous grin parted his meaty lips from one end to the other, enough to reveal the few teeth he had left.

"Leave us to our duty, street urchin," Zyr said from the depths of his hood. "You fed them, but it's we who disciplines them." He tucked his spear under his arm and followed his older brother. "As we agreed."

Hazrid picked himself back up. He rushed in front of them and spread his arms to stop them. "I said I'll handle it. Please, gentleman," he pleaded by clasping his muddy hands together. "They're just scared and need somebody to comfort them."

The two brothers shared a glance, Larn's oversized girth contrasting with Zyr's spindly features. "Fine," Larn growled as he thrust his spear forward, enough to shove Hazrid back with the blunt butt. "But don't feed them, else it's your meat they eat tomorrow."

Hazrid nodded his gratitude and gave them his most earnest smile. Not that it helped. They shambled back to their tent with slow, trudging steps, Larn hefting his spear and Zyr trying to make him stop.

Hazrid pulled the cloak tighter against his soaked tunic and mud-covered leggings and strolled towards the source of the commotion. As soon as he stepped into the clearing where the wagons formed a crescent arc, the Nightprowlers's roar faded into pleading purrs and whimpers. "No food," Hazrid said as he ran his hand along the bars to let the cats lick his hand. "No food this time. Just keep silent, else the other two will come."

They still growled, hissed, yowled, and bristled up whenever thunder struck, except one. Starshine rested in the corner of her wagon, tucked in the driest part she could find. She had one hind paw up to allow her tongue enough room to push in and out of her wet, shivering crevice.

Hazrid coughed to get her attention, and she rolled to her feet in the blink of an eye. She hugged the bars, regardless of the water pelting her sleek fur, if only to wrap her silken paws around Hazrid's hand and push her forehead into his groin.

"Same old, same old," Hazrid said. Her teeth nibbled at his belt as she shoved her nose into his groin. Hazrid took the blows, allowed her to lick and sniff at his growing erection, if only to indulge her during her trying times.

"Not tonight. I know you're curious, but it's a bad time." He grabbed her head and pushed her back. Shoved her, more likely. A specimen of her size reached up to Hazrid's waist in size, and her head alone was bigger than a melon. Starshine took her cue to retreat without the slightest protest, as always. Relief washed through Hazrid, mixed with a tinge of remorse. She craved to be touched, stroked, groomed, and the other yowling cats only served to stir more guilt into Hazrid's heart.

He looked around, at all the cats he had promised to free. The females retreated into their corners to shiver and jolt whenever the thunder rumbled, while the males kneaded at their erect members with their forepaws or licked themselves to completion. Hazrid's own cock lurched at the lewd sight, and Starshine's needy whimpers flared his throbs to a terse, painful rhythm.

"I can't stay for long. Keep quiet if you can." He thrust a hand through the bars to grab one of her hind paws. Starshine stopped grooming herself. Her emerald eyes fixated on his hand, and her tail tip twitched with renewed strength under Hazrid's pleasant treatment. He fondled with her stretched toes, stroked her dark, silken pads with slow, enticing movements that made Starshine's fur bristle in delight. Her rumbling growl became a soft purr, and she pushed her other hind paw into Hazrid's grip. She kicked at him, over and over again, until he switched to her more persistent paw. She began licking her other hind paw, throwing him several displeased glances.

"I can only pet you with one hand at a time," Hazrid said. "You know how this works." His right hand gripped the hilt of a dagger, always. Nightprowlers bonded with humans faster than any other cat, yet they were as fickle as their spots--or, in Starshine's case, stripes.

She had the black coat and white marks of her kind, but that's where the similarities stopped. The other Nightprowlers bore silvery spots across their coats that blended into the white, soft fur of their underbellies. Starshine, however, had an intricate pattern decorating her head, much like a tiger's. Nightprowlers shouldn't boast stripes of any kind, and yet, they ran down Starshine limbs and up to the white socks of her paws that contrasted with her coal black pads.

Hazrid flinched when she shook her paw out of his grip. Her hindquarters shifted, faster than he could retract his hand, to push her slick slit against his stiff fingers. His index pierced her wan vent, drawing a muffled growl from Starshine. Shudders of elation traversed her flanks. Her ears twitched, and her paws trembled worse than her tight, pulsing insides. Hazrid drew back with a hiss, and stumbled back when the thin roar of a climaxing male Nightprowler almost deafened him. The shaft of a spear flashed at his side, connecting with Starshine's head and making her roll to the far end of the wagon from the brunt of the impact.

Hazrid's fingers clenched around the handle of a dagger for a fleeting moment before his swaying feet caught against Zyr's outstretched leg. He tripped from the sudden impact and crashed into the wet sludge of soft mud mixed with hay.

The butt of Zyr's spear pressed against his neck, hard enough to make him gurgle. "That why you sent us into the tent, eh? To finger fuck your favorite?" He snapped his fingers and whistled at his brother.

Hazrid's eyes widened when he met Larn's grin. He rotated his spear, then shoved it through the bars. Starshine's roar filled his ears, as did the screech of claws against metal. She lashed out at Larn's spear with teeth and claws, both out of his reach. Zyr's spear pressed tighter against his neck, making Hazrid's eyes bulge in their sockets. He tried to cough, to get some air into his burning lungs, but he couldn't. All he could do was watch Larn, listen to Starshine's cries of pain as Larn's wooden shaft rammed against her paws, ribs, muzzle and teeth, until blood marred the pristine white of her muzzle.

"You wanna be focked, is that right, beast?" Larn growled over the spiteful roars of the cats. "I'll give you a fuck better than any of these limp dicks around you."

"Don't beat her too bad," Zyr said. His spear pressed tigher against Hazrid's neck to muffle the feeble trashing of his limbs. "Boss doesn't want them to miss teeth or claws. Makes them poor fighters in the arenas he ships them to."

"Boss didn't say nothing about her cunt that I'm gonna spear-fuck."

Hazrid froze, and Zyr turned his head around to glimpse at his brother's doing. "Don't you--is that blood on her..."

He didn't get to finish the rest. In one single, swift movement, Hazrid swiped away the spear, drew his dagger out of the sheath and sunk it into Zyr's crotch. The frail thug's jaw hung, yet no sound escaped him when four inches of steel penetrated his privates. Hazrid unsheathed his sword and drove it through Zyr's stomach in one curt thrust.

Larn didn't even hear his brother's limp body crash. He enjoyed the thrill of poking his wooden stick at Starshine so much, Hazrid chopped his head clean off with a double handed swing. He crashed on one knee, heaving as his adrenaline levels subsided. His throat still throbbed with the memory of Zyr's spear against it, and his eyes watered from his recent ordeal.

Yet, he didn't have it nearly as bad as Starshine. Her gums bled, turning her tongue a richer crimson as she licked at a trembling paw.

"Don't have--don't have long," he said between hearty gasps.

Starshine stared at him. She trembled like a leaf in spite of her curled position, and her tail tip twitched with pent-up apprehension. Her tongue flicked across her muzzle to clean away the blood oozing from her nostrils, and a soft growl rippled in her throat over the raucous roars and yowls of the other cats.

Hazrid released them, one by one, just like he promised. The females only lingered for a moment to sniff, lick, and rub against him before dashing into the unknown. The males, on the other hand, threw themselves at Starshine's cage, licking and pawing at the air while their stiff cocks twitched under their swaying tails. Hazrid stood to the side, away from the cats, fondling the hilt of his short sword.

He winced whenever Starshine lifted her head to take in the coppery scent of a male, gritted his teeth at the feeble growl that crept through the snarling muzzles of the few males that still lingered around Starshine's cage. One hugged the bars and thrust his hindquarters in her direction, marking the lower section of the wagon with thin jets of ivory seed. The other two merely paced around, snarling and hissing, paying no mind to Hazrid. Their cocks twitched under their swaying tails, swollen to their maximum size and width.

The thunder and the harsh rain made them reconsider their strategy. No female was more exciting than the prospect of freedom, and, one by one, the males acknowledged that. They ran into the unknown, one by one.

Hazrid was thoroughly soaked by the time the last male fled his dreadful destiny. He worked on Starshine's latch with numb, trembling fingers, throwing her fitful glances all the while. Freedom. It was finally within her grasp.

And it was Hazrid's responsibility to teach her its meaning.

He slid her cage open, but Starshine merely squeezed her eyes shut from the curtain of biting water.

"Come out," Hazrid urged. "We can leave. You always wanted that, didn't you?"

Starshine's fretful gaze darted back and forth, and her tail flicked faster and faster due to nerves. Hazrid gave her a hand to lick as he clambered into the wagon. She sniffed at him, nuzzled his wrist with feeble movements and pawed at his knees once he made it inside. He shuffled to her on all fours, slow and careful. Although they knew each other intimately, Starshine still snarled at his approach. She snapped at him when he loomed above her, and drew her limbs closer to her pristine belly.

"It's alright. You're afraid. So am I," Hazrid whispered. His throat never felt drier and tighter, and the lurches of his cock within his leggings forced him to sink his teeth into his lower lip. It took all his willpower to shift his gaze away from her soaked slit smeared with slimy juices and keep eye contact with her. "But, if there is one thing you learned about me, it's love. And trust, and devotion. I killed those men outside. Not for me, but for you. To get you away from this cage, and out into the forests that you never prowled through."

Talk. He had to keep talking. Nightprowlers had the necessary acumen to understand words and their meaning better than any other cat species. Starshine's snarl softened the more Hazrid spoke, and her posture became more relaxed with each soothing word that left his mouth. Her head perked up, and so did her ears. Her muzzle inched forward to sniff at Hazrid's chest, at his lips, nose, gaunt jaws and hollow cheeks, and all the way up to his dark, short cropped hair. And then, the licks followed. Her tongue explored Hazrid's features with terse licks, each blazing hot and wet enough to sent shudders through Hazrid's frame.

He crashed onto his side, rolled on his back to expose his belly to her. A vulnerable position, one that stirred more confidence into Starshine's limbs. She got onto her feet and began exploring his body with paw strokes, nuzzles and head butts.

"I didn't know my parents," Hazrid said, chuckling whenever she nudged his groin with a forepaw. "Grew up on the streets, all alone, with nobody to care for. Why would I be kind to someone, when nobody cared for me?"

Starshine did. She bit at the tough leather covering his groin repeatedly. Hazrid had to grab her head between his hands and rub the white, sensitive area of her muzzle. Her purr flared at that, and she rolled onto her back to kick her paws at the air.

Hazrid gulped hard. Gods, did he want to mate her. He had daydreamed about this moment through the countless beatings he received from the boss. He always trailed off to sleep with her in mind, and always woke up with the same dire craving to rest his head upon the soft, white fur of her chest. He wanted her, more than life itself, and now he had her.

But first, they had to make their escape. Hazrid slithered to the other end of the wagon, squinting against her inquisitive nuzzling and paw strokes. Once on his feet, he stepped away from the wagon and urged Starshine to follow.

She did for a couple of uncertain footsteps, until she reached the parted doors of the wagon. Her head poked into the drizzle, a snarl etched upon her muzzle as she took in her surroundings.

"It's safe." Hazrid clutched his sword and a dagger. "Come out, now. Even the rain lost its bite." As if that soothed his snarling, hissing Starshine. Hazrid had to fashion her a leash, made from a whip and a soft leather collar that he tied around her neck with great care. The familiar grip of leather around her fur emboldened her enough to make her leap out of the wagon and into the open. She immediately growled at the sludge marring her paws, and she took turns in shaking them off and licking them.

"I hate mud too. It's wet and nasty." Hazrid grabbed each of her paws, one by one, and rubbed them with soft, sensual strokes, just the way Starshine liked it. "But we have to get moving."

Starshine's tongue slithered past Hazrid's grip to lick the grime off her pads. He shifted his wrist between her paw and muzzle to urge her to stop, but instead, she licked him. "We can't stay here, dear one," Hazrid emphasized with a few soft tugs of his makeshift leash. "As much as the forest frightens me, it's a better alternative than this." He glanced at the bodies, at the blood that blended with mud.

Hazrid started off at a shuffle, then picked up his pace to a stroll. Starshine protested against his increased speed by swaying her head back and forth, growling and mewling at him. Each sound gnawed at his heart, but Hazrid pressed on without even sparing her a glance and a word. The more they loitered around the slaver wagons and the boss' encampment, the faster his search parties would find them.

They made it past the barn, veered past the boss' lofty lodgings. Luckily, Starshine was used to patrolling humans, so she didn't give away her presence by roaring at them. In fact, she shivered like a leaf, and kept her gaze low and her tail tucked between her legs. Hazrid led her into the nearest thicket, where the hooting of owls made Starshine quiver and growl.

"It's just owls. You heard them back at the camp. They're harmless."

Her head still swung around from one side to the other, her nostrils flared to take in the unfamiliar scents, her posture slumped. Hazrid petted her, but that only flared her nervousness.

"Only a bit longer until we settle, I promise. We only have to make it past that dried river and around that hill." Hazrid's teeth rattled from the biting cold. He coiled the leash around his wrist to free his hands, then wrapped his arms around his torso. As if that helped. It only made Starshine irritated when even the faintest tug made the collar tighten around her neck.

"So--sorry," Hazrid mumbled. "This blasted cold is..." He stopped when his eyes fell upon Starshine's soggy form. Her fur clumped in patches, and cold mud clad her paws. She shivered worse than he did, but she didn't complain. She merely followed him, without the faintest trace of a whimper.

Hazrid took in a deep breath of crisp air and pressed on. The rain stopped after they passed the dried river, a cruel jape to Hazrid, who turned up every rock and boulder in search of dry flint. There was none, and all the available tinder dripped with moisture. He rounded the hill he showed Starshine, stopping to hug her stiff form whenever wolves howled. He soothing words into her twitching ear over her distressed growls, telling her how the first day of freedom was always the hardest. The Nightprowler's jittery gaze ran back and forth, yet she sneaked in a couple of licks across Hazrid's chin between her threatening growls.

"We're almost there. Just a few more steps, dear one."

They found shelter at the opening of a hollow that spread between two hills, a low area surrounded by thick shrubs and tall trees and a few moss covered boulders. Hazrid rested his back against one, tucked his knees tight to his chest and brought his arms around himself. He pulled on the leash to get Starshine to sit, but she snarled at his persistent tugs.

She snarled at the distant howling, bristled at the owls that left their perch, hissed and growled at the random sounds of the night. It made Hazrid shudder, more than the cold ever did, to see such imposing predator fear her own shadow. He let go of the leash, took off his cloak and got up. Starshine shied away from the covering, hissing and pawing at it.

"It's harmless. All it does is cover you. Like this." Hazrid wrapped it around himself, then took it off. "See? Helps you keep warm." He allowed Starshine to give it a thorough sniffing first. When she became comfortable enough with it to have it cover her haunches, Hazrid pulled it all the way up to her head.

"See? It's soft and comfy," he said while wrapping the cloak around her wet form.

Starshine's ear tips flattened as she lowered herself onto her belly. Her eyelids drooped to cover half of her glimmering eyes, only to snap open and shift at the faintest sound. Hazrid placed an arm upon her back to stroke her.

"If there's danger, I'll take care of it. You just sleep now."

Her muzzle found his hand, and she placed a few feeble licks across his numb fingers. Her heat stirred sense into them, along with a nasty sting that made Hazrid wince.

Starshine perked up at that. She shook out of her covering, grabbed the cloak in her mouth and attempted to place it upon Hazrid's shoulders.

"No, don't. I'm fine. I got my clothes, while your fur's all wet."

That didn't make her stop her futile attempts to give the cloak back to its owner. And when that failed, she sprawled onto her side to swing her paws at him and mewl in her own pleading way. "Starshine, you don't have to..."

Her muzzle inched towards his hand. She gripped him softer than she would a cub, and directed him towards her smudged, soggy belly. She even held a hind paw aloft for him.

Hazrid couldn't refuse, not when her request had a point to it. He snuggled next to her, and draped his cloak across their exposed forms to shield themselves from the faint evening breeze. Once trapped in her grip, Starshine groomed her prize with broad tongue strokes, her purr growing stronger with each thundering thud of Hazrid's heart.

She smelled of wet cat, raw and pungent. Yet, to Hazrid, there was no other scent, no other caress that was more pleasant than hers. She started off with his unruly hair, combing through it with her slick nose, before she began licking at his face. Her forepaws rested against the back of his head to keep him steady. Warmth pulsed through her pads, urging Hazrid to grab one and rest his cheek against the living pillow. Oh, how he wanted to rest his head against it, to breath in the earthy tang and chuckle under the pleasant strokes of her tongue.

He became light headed, drunk in his own euphoria. Her soft, warm embrace stirred his heart, returned sense to his chilled meat, and urged a particular muscle to grow bigger and tighter by the second. Starshine didn't notice Hazrid's erection through the tough leather of his leggings. She was too busy exploring his chest and nipping at the laces of his tunic to unveil more of his bare skin. Her tongue favored it over her own fur, making Hazrid shudder at the realization. Starshine, although she couldn't voice it, loved him as much as he loved her. The tongue sliding across his neck in repeated strokes matched the most passionate of kisses, and her warm embrace equaled a lover's.

She might not have hands, yet her paws had surprising dexterity as she dabbed at his cheek with her stretched toes. Even though she could form no words, the rich purr rumbling in her throat spoke louder and truer than any human's words. And her eyes--those emerald pools in which Hazrid's gaze sunk into, sparkled with a fondness reserved only for him.

She was the one, Hazrid knew, and he would be hers as long as she would have him. Although he loved Starshine dearly, he didn't want to stifle the wildness trapped within her round, coal black pupils, nor would his seed quicken inside her if he decided

The lewd thought made Hazrid purse his lips as his cock tensed. Starshine's ears perked, but Hazrid stole her attention from his erection with a soft kiss upon her nose. She licked him, Hazrid kissed her again, and her response followed suit. Her tongue soon snuffed out Hazrid's attempts to kiss her. It was too nimble, too wet, too pleasant to keep fighting it. He closed his eyes and basked in her warm affection while stroking her neck and jaw. Up close, she seemed way bigger than before, with a head as broad as his chest and paws the size of dinner plates. He grabbed one, applying light pressure on the bigger, central pad while fondling with her toes. Starshine released a frail whimper, shook out of his grip and rolled on top of him.

Her weight drew the air out of Hazrid during the fleeting moment it took him to adjust to her. For their size, Nightprowlers were quite lithe, often weighing just a tad more than a human. Over his eighteen years of age, Hazrid had had other things pressed against his muscular chest, yet nothing quite as warm and fluffy like Starshine. She licked his lips one more time before she shifted her weight onto her paws and began nibbling at his groin.

In his half numb and hazy state, her request seemed more than decent to Hazrid. She had seen him before, even licked it when her persistence outmatched Hazrid's reluctance. It felt only fair to satisfy her curiosity, when she always presented her slit to him. This time, it was no different. Hazrid undid the clasps of his belt, threw it aside, kicked his sword away, removed his boots and lowered his leggings enough for his erection to poke through.

Starshine drew back with a faint growl when it slapped against her dark nose. Hazrid chuckled, and she licked her muzzle in anticipation.

"It's ugly, isn't it?" he whispered, his stomach churning with apprehension. "Not tapered like your kin's, but big, with a bulged head and this thing called a glans..." he stiffened when her tongue ran against his sensitive head. "I don't think it's made to fit nghhh." He bit down on his lower lip when she nuzzled it from the side before sniffing at his shriveled balls. The warm gusts of her breath felt divine upon his chilled flesh, to the point where Hazrid grabbed her head to plant a kiss on her nose. "You're absolutely right. Spending one more minute in these drenched clothes is torture."

He propped against one elbow to get up, but her paws grabbed him before he even made it onto his knees. Then, she pulled, hard enough to send him tumbling straight into her belly. Hazrid raised his head, only to scrunch his face against that broad tongue. Starshine's soft barbs tickled his nose, drawing a muffled sneeze from him. She tensed up at that, and Hazrid laughed and stroke the sensitive sides of her muzzle.

"You sow what you reap, my love. Your tongue tickles more than you can imagine, so expect a few side effects to your licks."

Her purr deepened as she brushed her neck against Hazrid's ears. Her hindquarters, too, shifted. A haunch draped over his thighs to secure him in place, and her belly pushed tighter against his own, making his cock tense under the warm caress of her fur.

"Why are you...just give me a moment...that's all I ask," Hazrid barely managed through her persistent licks. Her forepaws were all over him; on his head, grabbing at his shoulders, kneading at his chest, nudging at his member. Hazrid's breath caught in his throat when Starshine dabbed at his erection with one of her hind paws, growling and cocking her head from one side to the other.

Hazrid grabbed the bold paw and cupped it between his palms. "Not completely satisfied with simple cuddling?"

Her flicking tail tip, along with her labored breathing, suggested as much. Starshine became more playful by the second as she overcame the fear that crippled her before. She rolled away from Hazrid's grasp, got onto her feet to pace around him. She circled him, like a predator that toyed with its prey right before the inevitable moment, making her need known with wide swings of her tail. Every time she passed by his head, Starshine made sure to give Hazrid a good look of her wet privates. His throat stiffened at the sight, his blood seethed, his temples throbbed like war drums, blotting out every other thought that didn't involve his throbbing shaft somehow entering her narrow tunnel.

Hazrid used his short moment of respite to unlace his tunic, get rid of his leggings and toss his damp clothes away. He wrapped his cloak tighter around his naked form to keep the chilling wind at bay, then stared at her subtle pacing. No leaves rustled under her silken pads, and no other sound filled the hollow but for her rippling purr. Hazrid stretched his arms to receive her, and Starshine lowered her head to rest her brow against his stomach, like she always did. That allowed Hazrid to stroke her sensitive ears, to run his fingers through the lush fur of her scruff, to give her neck a thorough rub before kissing her muzzle. On the sides, on the nose, on the whiskers themselves--Hazrid didn't miss a spot, just like her tongue never left any dry patch on his face.

Starshine crept under the shelter of his grey bear cloak to embrace him just like before. Only, this time, she stared at him expectantly, like any female in heat would. Hazrid released a shuddering whimper as he moved on top of her, kissing and stroking her fur to keep her distracted while he got into position. Once he loomed above her lithe feline body, one pair of limbs on each side, he trudged lower, and lower, until her forepaws slipped from his shoulder. She placed them on top of his head instead, a warm, comforting weight that soothed the raging storm within Hazrid's mind.

It was upon him. The moment he day dreamed about, his deepest and most meaningful of wishes. Hazrid had not known what love meant before laying eyes upon Starshine. And now, when her expectations of him grew a notch higher, Hazrid felt petrified. His cheeks turned the deepest shade of red, throbbing in unison with his member. His breath grew shallow; his throat dried all of a sudden, his stomach churned. Even her fur smothered his body, too hot and too smooth against his bare skin. If that's how love felt, then Starshine was the only being worthy to go that extra step forward.

Hazrid took a deep breath to soothe his inner turmoil, then gave Starshine his broadest smile. No words waded through his mind. Not like he could have said something, when his jaws clenched so tight from the pent-up excitement. Their eyes, staring into one another, said more than Hazrid could in a lifetime. Her tongue racing across his lips confirmed her want, and her tail swatting across his bare rump emphasized it.

Hazrid rubbed her belly with one hand, flaring her purr a pitch higher, while he snuck the other under her tail. With stiff, trembling fingers, he probed for her entrance. Starshine's hind paws twitched once Hazrid found her slit, and his breath stuck in his throat.

So wet, so warm! His cock swung with pent-up lust, and Hazrid had to bite his upper lip to suppress a moan. Simply imagining his member piercing her silken crevice made his member tighten harder than it ever did before.

Starshine's melodious growl snapped Hazrid back to his senses. She wriggled under him, swaying this way and that, pushing her slit against his fingers until three of them slipped right into her tightening depths. Starshine's muscles stiffened in an instant, and a low whimper broke through her muzzle when she was finally filled. Her walls shifted and rippled around Hazrid's fingers, urging him to trudge deeper whilst caressing her sensitive flesh with the pads of his fingers. Her paws pressed harder upon his head, and her tail curled around his legs at the unexpected surge of bliss that shot through her.

Hazrid slipped out of her grasp just as spasms began wracking her tunnel, snuffing out her pent-up orgasm. Starshine's bleary eyes fixated on him, a low snarl etched upon her muzzle. It sent a cold shiver through Hazrid's spine, stirring an irrational sense of urgency within him. In three quick movements, he grabbed his cock, directed it towards her slit, and parted her folds to their limits in one single thrust.

Hazrid's face scrunched at the smothering warmth squeezing him from all sides. It throbbed, and squelched, and rippled in unison with his thundering heartbeats. Starshine's head shot forward to encourage Hazrid to press on with curt licks, and her haunches locked against his hips to secure him in her strong grip.

Emboldened by her affectionate tongue strokes, Hazrid hugged her head tight against his chest as he drew out of her drenched depths, only to penetrate her again. Starshine growled straight into his ear, and Hazrid felt her lips shifting into a snarl of bliss. Her forepaws latched around his neck in her own version of a hug, while her hind paws twitched with abandon as Starshine rode the waves of pleasure coursing through her.

Hazrid tried to take it slow. Delicate strokes at first, meant to stimulate her heat stricken depths. Then a fast paced rutting, the way Nightprowlers did it. His own approaching climax, mixed with Starshine's spurts of hot arousal upon his groin, made that difficult. Although he pushed in and out of her nicely stretched tunnel in a carefully planned rhythm, her tunnel was just too slick, and her licks too demanding to keep things slow.

Hazrid picked up his strokes, mounting her with bestial efficiency, his jaws tight against one another as he fought back to contain the fire welling within his groin. It made his balls stiffen, urged his fingers to dig into the lush fur of her neck and grip fistfuls of hairs. Starshine's deepening growls also flared his lust, pushing him past the point of no return. He switched his grip to her thrashing hind paws, clutching them tight to hold them still as Starshine's tunnel clamped down upon him.

Hazrid shoved his entire length, taken aback by the sudden pressure around his exposed, over sensitive tip. Starshine yowled at being filled by a too tight, too long shaft. Her hindquarters rocked and rolled with curt, ecstatic movements as her yowl dissipated into frail growls.

She squeezed so tight, and the tremors wracking her depths obliterated any trace of resistance Hazrid tried to erect. He dug his head into Starshine's neck, pressed his lips against her soft fur, and let out his shuddering whimper as he broke loose inside the love of his life.

In the same instant, Starshine roared out her climax, the sound vibrating in Hazrid's chest with such intensity that his own orgasm felt infinitely more satisfying. His hips lurched back and forth with the urge to thrust as he spilled his seed inside her, each sporadic spurt making Starshine's paws lurch within his grip. Hazrid stroked her pads, fondled with her toes, dabbed his fingers at her emerging claws while he tapered off inside her. A harsh, satisfied groan escaped him over her slow, tantalizing licks. The swift jerks of his hips lessened when Starshine loosened around him, allowing her own juices to creep past his cock and dribble onto the ground.

Starshine's muscles squeezed his shrinking length one more time before the Nightprowler rolled onto her belly. Hazrid's cock slipped out of her damp entrance with a wet plop, and, with half closed eyes, he watched her roll around in delight and kick her paws at the air, like Nightprowlers did after every mating.

She was so beautiful. From the intricate pattern decorating her head to the white socks of her paws, Starshine looked exquisite. And yet, Hazrid found himself staring at her seed drenched slit, and at how glistening snakes dribbled down her fur to stain it. The white around it masked some of the mess, yet her wet fur didn't lie. It clumped in patches, broader than Hazrid realized, and arousing enough to make his cock stir with renewed lust. He didn't realize how wet Starshine was there until he mated her. He didn't know whether he could keep up with the feline's needs, when his own human cock lacked the endurance of her kin. All he knew was that, no matter how, he would do anything in his power to keep his love satisfied and watch her roll around, caught in the fetters of pure bliss.

Feisty cheetahs

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Feisty Feline Threesome

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Rakurá Chronicles- Draconic Desires

This story is a COMMISSION! If you want your own, personalized story, Click here Support me on Patreon for novel chapters, snippets, and more exclusive content!Sequel to Rakura Chronicles: To Hunt a MateThis is the continuation of a mini series I wrote...

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