Feeling out of place: Chapter 1

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#2 of "Feeling out of place"

This story containes certain scenes that are not appropriate for certain people blah blah, whatever. Ok, so this is my first submission, there might be ALOT of grammer/spelling errors so please bare with me. And this is supposed to be a series, unless everyone hates it, in which case ill do something else, but there IS yiff in it. Please give your honest opinions, but also be respectful. I hope you enjoy it :D

I'd never would have guessed that I'd grow up to be gay, i mean i saw the signs, but no one else did. My first realization of my homosexuality was when i was 13. Every night i would wake up in a cold sweat after dreaming about doing stuff with a hot guy. Oh my, I'm going into all this detail about my life and i haven't even introduced myself. My name is Josh, I'm a 16 year old sophomore at Greenville high which just happens to be located in one of the most fur based communities in the country, thus being a problem because i myself am a human. My parents are furs too, they adopted me of course. My dad had never been crazy about the idea of adopting a human but my mother was too persistent for him. We had moved to Greenville this summer for my dads work, which i wouldn't have thought to be a bad thing, but speceism is very high in this neighborhood. in case you didn't know a speciest is a person who dislikes another for whatever species they might be. The hatred toward humans in this place was fairly noticeable, like the murders on the news and fights at the local schools. i didn't worry about it much, i would just lay low for 3 years then move away when i turned eighteen. No problem, right?


The first day of school, my heart was palpitating out of control from how nervous i was. i didn't want to go out there but i had no choice. i rose from my bed weary from last minute supply shopping with mom last night. i walked to the bathroom and turned the shower spicket releasing warm steaming water. i undressed and took a quick glance at how my body had changed over the summer. i had grown to at least 6 foot 1 and my muscles were just beginning to show. And of course the one ticket item of my entire body, my hair. Wasn't what you expected was it? Ever since i was a kid i had a great fear of getting my hair cut. i wouldn't even let mom do it. My hair hanged down to about the upper part of my back, but it was extremely too long for a boy. But i didn't care, i rather liked my dark brown locks. My eyes were simply brown, nothing special about them. i stepped into the steaming spray as in warmly relaxed my muscles and my mind. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad.

i stepped out of the shower and slipped on a t shirt and jeans, no need to be fancy on the first day. i ran downstairs while being greeted with the smell of what was either pancakes or French toast, Mom only made these things when she was nervous about something. i walked into the kitchen and my dad was reading the paper and my mom was dunking pieces of bread into some brown mixture.

"Good morning sweetie I'll have yours out in just a sec" my mother said cheerfully. My mom is a fox with rich golden orange fur all throughout with a red tipped tail.

"Make sure you give him a lot he's still got growing to do" my dad told her. My dad is a grey wolf plain and simple.

When my parents were younger they tried to conceive a baby of their own but my mom wasn't able to. She begged my dad to forgive her and he told her not to worry about it and it wasn't her fault. After some time they decided to adopt, but they didn't want to adopt a fur and pretend it was their real baby, they wanted to know that they loved their baby unconditionally so they adopted me when i was 3. i hadn't seen many furs in the orphanage except for the nurses. When i first saw my dad i was scared and i ran away from him. But i was very close with my mother and she helped my see that my dad wasn't so scary after all.

"Hurry and eat hon or you'll be late for school" my mom told me.

"Mom... are you sure about this, i mean this town is known for its prejudice against people like me" i explained. My dad lowered his newspaper and glanced at me.

" if anyone gives you any shit just tell me and I'll talk to the principal, i don't want you getting into any fights, you hear me?" dad said

"Okay" i responded. My dad was worried about me fighting because he knows I'd probably get my ass handed to me. And i couldn't argue with him given that fact that 90 % of the schools population were taller bigger and stronger than me. i might be able to take on a weak rabbit maybe but other than that...*gulp* "Josh the bus is here!" my mom exclaimed. i grabbed my bag and told my parents goodbye as i began my day.

i stepped up onto the bus to be glared at by a chubby bear bus driver." take your seat" he ordered. i looked around the bus for and empty seat and was met with many whispered slurs and angry eyes. i rushed to the closest empty seat i could find and crouched down as far as i could. The bus began moving and it wasn't long until a cheetah in the back threw a wad of paper into my seat. i unfolded it and it said "GET A HAIRCUT YOU FURLESS FUCK!" i tensed up and remained motionless in my seat. A badger girl across and in front of me threw a neatly folded note to me. i opened it and this one said "Nice hair", i couldn't help but wonder if she was being sarcastic until i saw her smile at me. it was nice to know that i wasn't going to be hated by everyone here.


I took only three steps off the bus and i instantly became the center of negative attention. i could hear cursing from every which direction. Even teachers were giving me dirty looks. i had read that all the other human students either graduated or moved away. i guess i was alone from this point on. i started to walk inside as a pitch black wolf in a suit walked over to me.

" You must be Josh" He deduced. " I'm principal nightshade, and I'll be showing you to your classes today but first a word in my office" He said as he gestured me into the building. As we walked down the blue tinted halls Mr nightshade pointed out a few of the key rooms of the building, but all i could focus on was the reaction i was getting from everyone. They all either seemed enraged or sickened by my presence in the school. We arrived at the office as i passed a petite raccoon secretary. She glanced over at me and gave a cheerful expression before i turned into Mr. nightshades office.

" Please take a seat Mr Taft" he said. i sat down in the uncomfortable office chair and looked nervously over to the principal.

"Mr Taft, I'm sure you already know about the low human tolerance of this community. i want to assure you that if anything happens, if people are giving you a hard time or calling you names just go straight to Ms Phillips, she's our guidance counselor here and she'll be helping you adjust to the school." i sat silent in amazement. i didn't expect that the principal of such a speciest school was so understanding

" Also Mr Taft I'll be expecting you to report any threat immediately! i need to take extra responsibility for your safety here." he explained.

" I don't mean to scare you but you must understand that not everyone here is as accepting as i am." he said with a faint smile. i didn't know if i should have been more worried or content. He showed me out of his office and pointed me in the direction of my first class. i prayed that this day wouldn't have to become anymore frightening then it already was.

I walked into my first class 15 minutes after it had already started so of course i attracted a great deal of attention as i came in. i looked over to see a large alligator writing algebra formulas on a large dry erase board. He stopped for a moment and looked over at me along with the rest of the class

" Your our new celebrity yes? take an empty seat anywhere and take out some paper and begin copying these formulas." he said in a gruff tone. i looked for and empty seat among the mass of furs as i saw the badger girl from my bus eagerly gesturing over to the seat next to her. i walked over and sat as all the angry eyes of the class were on me. The girl shot her paw over to me and introduced herself.

" Hi, my names Amy, don't worry about all those guys they're just immature" she said in a lowered voice. Amy seemed like a very nice person, she smiled sincerely and giggled a lot of the time. We talked to each other for the remainder of algebra talking about politics, movies, and many other things until we were interrupted by the bell. "i guess I'll see you on the bus then" she said as she walked to her next class. i waited for most of the other students to clear out of the class before i left. As i left a large male fox stepped in front of me.

" Hey, Mr night told me to take you to our next class" he said. i stood there staring blankly at the fox's amazing form. He hate cute short brown hair which hung in his face just right. His eyes where a golden yellow color and his body was a rich dark orange with a tuft of white chest fur poking out the top of his shirt. He stood about 4 inches taller than me and he seemed to be quite muscular.

"Ummm you okay?" He asked me.

" Y yeah I'm fine, um did you say our next class?" i asked him shakily.

" Yeah your taking advanced anatomical studies right?" he asked

" Yeah" i said nervously

"Cool, we'll have 2nd and 3rd period together, oh yeah my names Roy" he explained while extending his paw.

"Um... I'm josh" i said while shaking his paw.

"Yeah your names been flying all around the school, heh heh, hey just so you know" he said in a low tone as he moved closer toward me" I'm not like those speciest guys around school, I've got your back okay?" he said

"Thanks" i told him

" K lets get going" he said while we started toward our next class.


Advanced anatomical studies was a pretty tough class for most, we had to know the anatomy of most species of furs and whats links them or separates them, also looking around the human anatomy and why we all have a common body structure. We came into the room which was packed with only a few seat left open. i cautiously walked to the back of the class while once again feeling the burning glare around me. Roy sat down beside me as a young male tiger walked up to the front board.

"My name is Mr. Jones" he said as he turned to the class "and this is advanced anatomical studies"

Class was going pretty smooth, many of the students now focused on the teacher rather than me. i felt calmer then, than i had so far that day, until Mr. Jones started passing something out.

"This is a permission slip for all of you to participate in the sexual education course of this class, i need it back by Friday" he announced. i felt a tightness inside of me building. A sex education class meant we were going to learn about... well... SEX! The diagrams, and the videos, and the pictures of the certain 'unmentionables' of the body. i didn't know if i could handle something like that. i took the permission slip and quickly put it out of sight, and out of mind. Finally the bell rang and again i waited until most of the others were out of the class before i left.

i walked out into the hallway to be met by Mr. Night again.

"So how is everything going so far?" he asked me

"Ok i guess" i told him as we began walking

"So your next class is gym" he commented

"Yes?" i questioned. Mr. Night began to walk slower now.

"Just be sure that if ANYTHING happens, you let someone know ok?" he asked.

"Ok" i said nervously. i could tell by the way he sounded, that he was seriously worried something was going to happen, which made me worry even more.


i felt a choking feeling building up in my throat, becoming dryer, and hotter, as i stared at the double doors leading to the mens locker room. i stood off to the side, trying to make myself as scarce as possible, as i tried to build up the courage to walk in. Eventually i saw a large group of guys walking to the door, and in a state of panic, i rushed in, unaware of what would lie beyond those doors. As i passed through them, i was met with a plethora of different furs, all of them larger, and most likely stronger, than me. i attempted to avoid their attention by sitting at the edge of a bench at the corner of the room, but i could feel their eyes following me. i sat down as i laid my bags on the floor and began to unzip my gym bag, taking out my uniform. it was a simple white T shirt with blue shorts, both with that school logo on them. i stood up to put on my uniform, keeping my eyes down to the floor. i wondered where Roy was sitting, but was too petrified to lift my head. i decided to start with the easy stuff first. i removed my shirt as quick and inconspicuously as i could, and replaced it with the gym shirt. Phase 1 was complete, now for the hard part. i slipped my thumbs under the elastic of my shorts, and pulled them down, letting them drop to my ankles. i felt the air in the room become still, as if everyone had stopped moving. i reached down to get my gym shorts when i felt someone approach from behind me. i quickly slipped them on and stuffed my clothes back into my bag, and as i turned around i was met by a tall slim lion looking down at me.

"Um, your in my spot" he said pointing down at the spot behind me. i hesitated for a second, both petrified and taken by the large feline. i quickly turned around and pushed my belongings to the side enough so that i had a good amount of space between me and the others that shared the bench. i sat down and kept to myself, looking to the ground, hoping my hair could possibly hide the fear i was exhibiting. The teacher, who was a tall stout bear, came in taking roll, marking his roster for attendance and uniform. He went down the list and came across my name.

"Ok, Taft, you'll need to be assigned a gym partner." He looked over the list as the rest of the class stared in anticipation, probably hoping they wouldn't get stuck with me. "'okay...valentine!, you're with Taft" i saw everyone shoot their glance toward me, no, past me. i looked over and saw the lion looking over at me, he seemed annoyed so i turned my gaze elsewhere. The teacher had us go into the gym for warm ups as Roy caught up to me.

"You ok man?" he asked

"Yeah, um, what are gym partners for?" i asked

"Oh, well you'll help each other in partner stretches, and exercises , stuff like that" he explained

"So, the guy I'm partners with, what's he like?" i asked him

"Steve? He's ok i guess, he's not an asshole anyway, he's captain of the football team." he told me. Crap! i had to get stuck with the uber jock of the school? i just have to avoid bringing attention to myself, thats all. We walked out to the middle of the gym and got into a line. Coach then picked half of us to go to one side, and half to another.

"Since those of you in this class on the football team got you butts handed to you this weekend, were gonna work on your throwing and dodging skills" The teacher announced. He walked over to the equipment room and dragged out a huge bag of red balls. That could only mean one thing, dodge ball, the outdated sport that haunts the minds of the small and the weak. He put them on the centerline and explained the rules we would play by. He had us go to the walls and wait for his whistle. i couldn't believe i was in this situation, all these stronger guys were going to annihilate me. The whistle blew and the guys rushed to the center line, i stood back, afraid of getting in the way. They picked up the balls and the frenzy began, red blurs rushing through the air, some being bombarded with the crimson rubber missiles. The opposing team then selectively chose me as their next target, chucking their weapons as hard as they could. i had the advantage of being a small target and stood far away, easily avoiding their shots. When i wasn't avoiding a ball or two i was tossing stray balls to the other guys on them team, some thankful, others not so much. After a few minutes the group began to thin out, and eventually it was just me and Steve on our side, and a wolf and cheetah on the other. The cheetah was blindingly fast, running and throwing with speed and precision. The wolf was slow but muscular, firing concentrated powerful shots. Steve threw a ball and got the wolf out, but as he did i saw the cheetah running up to the line with a ball, preparing to fire. i ran up as fast as i could, and as he fired, i weaved in between Steve and the ball, and my some miracle, catching it. After recovering from a brief moment of shock i reared back and tossed the ball at the cheetah, lightly hitting him in his leg as he turned to avoid the shot. The whistle blew and one half of he class hollered in excitement, the other moaning in disappointment. A few guys actually acknowledged my winning throw, congratulating me. i looked back at Steve and he was talking to a few of the other guys. Roy came up to me and gave me a smirk.

"i didn't really see you as the athletic type" he said smiling

"i, I'm not, mi just lucky" i told him, blushing slightly.

"Who would've thought YOU would be the one saving his ass haha" he joked. Roy made me feel at ease, i was glad that i could at least feel comfortable around one guy in the school. The coach had us do some cardio and drills before he sent us back into the locker room. We all sat as coach went over what he had planned for us over the week, and lectured the football on their recent loss. He looked at the clock and and turned to us.

"Alright everybody hit the showers" He hollered. i froze in my seat, i didn't know we had to take showers, i didn't even see any showers on my way in. Everyone stood up and walked over to a set of double doors on the end of the locker room. Coach unlocked them and revealed a large room with shower spickets along the walls. i had no idea what to do, i couldn't just opt out of taking a shower, everyone would notice, but i couldn't go in there, with all the wet naked manliness. i stood up and followed them into the room and saw there were baskets for people to put their clothes in with their names on them. i looked for one with my name but couldn't find one, i took a blank basket from the corner and began to undress. i got down to my underwear and began to hesitate. i strained myself to pull down my underwear, revealing myself to all. i put them in the basket and turned to look for an open shower. i took one in the corner as all the others were already showering. i turned the nozzle and adjusted the heat to a comfortable level. i stepped into the stream and let the heat relax my stress. i realized i didn't have any shampoo, or a towel. Luckily there was a bar of soap already sitting on a stand above the spicket so i took that and began washing my body, making sure not to draw attention. i heard a few of the guys across the room laughing and whispering, i only caught a few words like "skin" and "furless". Could it be possible they had never seen a human before? i continued showering trying to be as fast as possible when i felt something come up from behind me. i turned and saw Steve towering over me. i stepped back but only smacked into the shower wall, getting a few awkward stares from the others. He gave me a confused look and handed me a towel.

"Um, thanks for before" was all he said before stepping over to the edge of the room to dry off. i caught a glimpse of his toned body, his wet tan fur exposed a ripped chest and abs, and a strong defined neck. i turned back to the shower before anyone caught me looking. i finished showering and dried off, getting dressed as quickly as possible. I sat and waited until the bell finally rang and I went to lunch, unable to get the image of Steve's body out of my mind.


The lunch room was packed with anxious and hungry furs, and I could feel a steady wave of whispers growing as I looked for a place to sit. Luckily I found and empty table in the corner of the lunchroom and sat on the end of the bench. I struggled to swallow my food as I ate, I felt a lump in my throat from being so nervous. It was as if I were the grand exhibit in a freak show, and all the spectators were appalled at the very sight of me. I finished my lunch and pulled a book from my bag and tried to read to take my mind off of things. But soon enough, I felt a lingering presence behind me, and a large shadow crept over the pages of the book.

"So you're the little shit everyones worked up about" a voice spat from behind me. I tried to ignore it but a sudden slam next to me made me spring up from my seat. The voice belonged to a large glaring wolf who was practically snarling at me. "Let me get one thing straight here you little pussy, noone in this school wants you around, so why don't you just go back where you came from" he shouted as he pushed me with one of his paws, practically knocking me over. A few of the other students were cheering for him, yelling "kick his ass" or something of the sort. Luckily I turned to see Mr night coming our way. The wolf saw him as well and turned to walk away before Mr Night called out to him.

"Bradley, detention, josh, come to my office" he said sternly. Brad snarled at me one last time before strutting off to the detention room. I collected my things and followed Mr Night to his office. When we arrived he closed the door behind us, locking it as well for some reason. He fell back into his computer chair as I sat across from him. He rubbed his temples for a second, looking aggravated, and looked over at me. "Josh, I know that wasn't your fault back there, but you have to understand something about you being here" he began, "Since I got word of you coming to this school, the DSR has been on my ass about making sure nothing bad happens to you" he explained. The DSR, or department of student relations, was a part of the board of ed that ensured student safety and equality. "I have to say, you're...how can a put it... a liability" he explained.

I felt uneasy about what was going on, I wondered if he was possibly going to try to put me in another school. "I'm wondering if keeping you here would be worth my while, unless of course, there's something you'd be willing to do for me" he said. As he said that he rose up out of his seat and lowered the blinds facing the court yard. I felt a huge knot in my stomach, and I was almost shaking. 'What is he talking about?' I wondered. He sat back down in his chair and began rubbing his crotch. "I'll make you a deal, you do this one thing for me, and I'll make sure you wont have any problems here, you'll just do it once, and we'll forget it ever happened" He told me. He unbuttoned his pants and briskly zipped them down, his large wolf cock flopping out in the process. I was shocked and petrified beyond belief. 'was he being serious, is this a dream?' I questioned. He stood up and let his pants fall to the floor, stepping out of them. He then sat down again, leering at me as he slowly pumped his member. "Don't look so surprised" he said "I can smell that you're just as turned on by me as I am by you" he grinned. The scary part was that he was right, my own dick had already swollen tightly inside my jeans, and at this point there was no use hiding it.

"W,what do you want me to do?" I asked shakily. He stood up and walked over to me, resting his free paw on the back of me head. I understood what he wanted, not to say I didn't want the same thing, but I was too afraid to make the first move. I looked up at him, and he gently rubbed my head, moaning as pulled on his lengthy cock.

He crouched down and brought his muzzle up to my ear, and whispered "It's completely up to you". Then he kissed my ear, nuzzling at it a bit, which sent cold static throughout my body. I let my primal urges take over, and slowly brought my hand to his pulsing member. He hissed a breath inward when I made contact, showing how sensitive he was. I stroked it a few times, marveling at its size, its shape, its warmth. I slowly leaned in and licked the tip, causing him to grunt and put his hands on my shoulders, squeezing them tightly. He abruptly pulled my head into his crotch, moaning loudly as he rubbed his package against my face. I could faintly smell a rich aroma coming from his crotch, it filled me with warmth, and with lust. I opened my mouth and took one of his furry balls into my mouth, slowly sucking and licking at it. Mr night pulled my head even deeper, grunting heavily as his cock throbbed harder, practically bouncing to the rhythm of his quickening pulse. I brought my attention to his dick, seeing that it was aching for attention. I quickly took his cock into my mouth, slowly working my wet tongue across his warm beaming flesh. I eagerly sucked his cock, enjoying the sweet taste of the pre steadily oozing from him. He pulled his cock out for a second, and wheeled his chair over and sat down. Before I could start working on him again, he started undoing my pants, relieving the strain on my trapped member. I went back to sucking his warm length, blissfully enjoying every vein and bulge and my tongue slid up and down. I noticed that a knot was forming and we was getting close to bursting. I took my free hand and gently massaged his knot as I devoured his dick, pumping and twisting it as he writhed in pleasure, both of his paws pushing on my head now. He began a low continuous grunting as he began to pump his cock deep into my throat. His whole body became tense for a moment, and then he took one last hard buck into my throat, loudly grunting as a flood of his seed came pouring into my mouth. I swallowed as much of it as I could, the escaping jizz flowing onto his balls and chair. I contently sucked every remnant of cum out of his vanishing member, even going as far as to suck his nuts clean. I panted heavily as I laid my head onto his thigh, his claws gently running through my hair.

I closed my eyes, and there was darkness. "sweetheart are you alright?" a familiar voice asked. I opened my eyes and saw my mom sitting on the bed next to me. "Did something happen at school today?, you ran up to your room so fast I didn't even get a chance to say hi" she went on. Then I realized it had just been a dream. I remembered going to Mr nights office and him telling me he would take care of that bully. And then fourth period, and the bus ride home.

"I'm just tired I guess, had a rough day" I told her

"Were people mean?" she asked

"Yeah, but a few people were nice" I explained

"Well thats good, well if anything happens make sure you tell us ok?" she told me

"ok" I said as she went down to fix dinner. I laid back down, soaking in the dream, seeing Steve naked in the shower, and the bully from the lunchroom. 'Is this place... really meant for someone like me' I asked myself, before drifting off into the darkness once more.

Feeling out of place: Chapter 2

Thanks to the help of Nipul Imakoo, i finally have this listed as an actual series. So BIG THANKS to him ^.^ Im really happy with this chapter so i hope all of you enjoy it :D I woke again to the sound of mom and dad talking in the...

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