His Master's Voice (1)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#57 of Commissions by Gruffy

Let's play a game, shall wE?

His Master's Voice (1)

Let's play a game

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This is a multi-part commission for the ever-generous avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2 Sanmer , who pitched this idea to me a while back - here's the first instalment! Hope you like it, and I look forward to hearing your feedback on it! Have fun!


Tristan was bored.

The Doberman yawned, scratched his balls - even that wasn't enough to perk him up, really - and crunched his eyes tightly shut to see if that'd encourage them to stay open for a little bit longer. It was past midnight, tired, but still not really up to going to bed. It was Friday evening, though a few minutes into Saturday by now, and it seemed like an awful waste to be going to bed so early on a night like that.

It wasn't that he wasn't really even doing anything much. He'd just been chilling out with TV, random meme sites and chatting with a few friends. Lately they'd stated to drop off, some going to meet their friends in the flesh (gasp!), or to parties, or simply to sleep. Boring furs, Tristan thought. It was Friday night, they were young, what better had they do but to stay up late and enjoy the good life?

Tristan glanced at the empty bottle of beer on his desk and yawned again. It seemed like an awfully lot of effort to get out of his high-backed office chair to fetch another one, or let alone do something exciting, like go to the bathroom. Not that he really had to go. It just seemed so much to do when all he could do was to lean back on the chair, wriggle his ass a bit to stop it from going numb, and then to simply click on the mouse to fetch up the next funny video or a link. The one about 10 worst serial killers wasn't as amusing as he had thought, however, and he was yawning jaw-crackingly by then.


Tristan almost stopped mid-yawn. A little notice box has come up on Steam on the corner of the screen, with the nickname of his friend Ollie on it. The Doberman clicked on it quickly. His friend hadn't been around all night, so maybe he'd just popped in to see what was going on. His joy was short-lived, however. The status immediately changed to "Offline", and all that was left was something that'd been posted on the chat box.

johndeerer1991: hey dude here's a funny link for ya! :P

_ _

Tristan looked at the shortened link with mild curiosity. Its nature roused the suspicion that it was some sort of a troll, since the identity could not really be told from the link itself. He'd been RickRolled enough times to know to be wary, let alone some other terrible videos or photos his friends insisted on sending to him.

What the hell, he thought. He was bored. He might as well see what his friend had dropped to his box before leaving. The Doberman clicked on the link and waited to site to load for a moment. What appeared on the screen was a blank white page, really, with a single large, red button on the middle that said "START GAME!"

This better not be one of those scare games, Tristan thought. He'd had enough of the ones where he was put to do some mundane task and then suddenly a scary face would jump out of nowhere complete with a terrifying scream. Those were only fun to use for scaring furs like YOUR MOM or maybe a bratty cousin who thought he was all grown up because he'd turned 13 years old.

"Lol," Tristan chuckled to himself and clicked the icon.

The screen shifted again, but once again, only showing a brief text.


_ _

The Doberman snorted to himself at the instructions, but did as he was told and plugged in his Bluetooth headset before popping them onto his ears. Might as well see what this was all about. He checked the volume control and then clicked the button to see what would happen next.

Now a myriad of shapes appeared on the screen, a mess of squares, triangles, circles, pentagons, and even more exotic shapes of various sizes, all tangled together and in different coloured lines. He even had to blink a couple times to make any sense of it. It looked complex enough.

"Hello, and welcome to the game," a voice spoke, rumbling into his earphones with full stereo effect, "you are about to begin the game. Let's see if you find the first shape, shall we?"

_ _

A square appeared on top of the screen, blinking a couple of times.

"Now, click on the identical shape on the gameboard to find the first match. There are a total of five matches. Can you find them all?"

_ _

The voice was deep and masculine, and quite stern. It was not the sing-song voice that would start with a "Now, children!" and then give advice for a fun game, nor a patronizing one. It sounded almost like an order, not quite a drill sergeant but more like a...a boss, really, Tristan thought, mildly. He didn't feel particularly impressed by the game or the set-up. The graphics weren't great, either, almost 1990's. Maybe this game had been around for a while.


He started moving his mouse pointer aimlessly around the maze of shapes on screen. It didn't' seem very difficult, really, since he found the first one in only about fifteen seconds. It was easy to pick up, too, it was blue in the middle of red hexagons and triangles. It stood out. Tristan clicked the square with his mouse.


He blinked.

"Excellent! Now find the next one!"

_ _

Tristan blinked again. He wasn't sure why his eyes felt so tired suddenly. He tried to concentrate on the screen again. There wasn't any indication that he had achieved something, not yet, there was no score or something telling him how many squares he still had to find. The game sure was primitive, he thought.

He found the next one, and then the next one, each located with not too much effort. It seemed that the squares were deliberately placed so as to not make it too difficult at first. They mostly stood out with their colour, so it didn't take him very long to get along.

"Congratulations. You have finished the first level of the game."

_ _

The screen shifted, to a new maze of combinations of shapes, and another popped onto the top, a triangle this time around.

"Try finding six of these now. Don't take too much time!"

_ _

Tristan wasn't sure whether he liked the game. It seemed awfully simple, and there wasn't even a score he could post on Facebook to brag about succeeding in something his friends hadn't done. The game didn't' even have a "Share with a friend" link on the site. That sucked. He was feeling pretty tired, too. Maybe he'd try this second level and see if the game got more interesting. Just one level more and then he'd go off to do something else, like, jack off or something.

The game continued much like it did, really, with him looking for the different shapes and the voice in the headphones congratulating him on completing more of this menial task. He still felt tired and his eyes were heavy, but the game had his attention now. It felt oddly satisfying to hear another "well done!" after he'd clicked through a number of shapes on the on the game board. It seemed like good enough a reason to keep playing, go to the next level, through another series of menial tasks.

"Good boy. You finished another level. How about another level now?"

_ _

He wasn't sure what the time was, but the game was fun enough. Sure, why not? The drowsy Doberman clicked the "CONTINUE" button. Another game wouldn't hurt. The by now familiar shapes faded in on the screen, with a red pentagon blinking on the top.

"Now, let's tackle this level a bit differently, shall we? Before you find the shapes, pull your boxers down and jack off until you shoot your cum all over yourself."

Tristan blinked again. It seemed like a reasonable thing to do. Whatever to make the game progress. The voice was so kind, too, encouraging him whenever he was making good speed finding the shapes. This was just another way to get further in the game. He was kinda horny, too. He hadn't even really paid attention to it while in the middle of the game in progress, but his doggy cock had grown into a boner in his boxers and was tenting them now. He only wore those boxers and a loose T-shirt, anyway, it was a warm evening and all.

"Be a good boy."

_ _

The dog hooked the elastic under his balls and let his whole package pop out, plump balls, sheath, a hard cock with a glistening drop of pre-cum at the piss slit on top. It felt good, have his padded fingers grab the sizeable shaft and give it a squeeze. His docked tail was already wagging against the leather of the chair at the feel of those pads touching his soft, veined skin. His tongue drooped out of his muzzle. It felt really nice.

"Stroke yourself, and win the game."

_ _

The Doberman stroked himself with abandon. He fondled his balls, and they felt good and heavy in his palm, like there was a big load churning in them ready to be spunked out of his proud, large dick. He was happy about his manly tool and didn't shy from chances of using it on willing bitches. He just hadn't had much luck this weekend...everyone seemed to be so busy. But who needed their whining, anyway, when you could just spend a few moments jacking it and get the same result without the trouble? He really needed to bust a load now, he was too worked up from being boned up for...he wasn't even sure how long. He was only really concentrating on the sensation of jerking himself.

Beating his meat sure felt good, too. Soon the young dog was writhing on the chair, making it creak. His head was thrown back and his tongue poked out of the corner of his muzzle while his paws cradled his balls and sheath and stroked quickly along the pre-quickened shaft. His dick pulsed and throbbed and leaked even more of the clear, musky fluid onto his fingers. It made it easier to rub up and down without making himself raw - a mistake he hadn't repeated since he'd discovered it the hard way when he was just a pup. Seemed like so many years ago -


He barked out, almost in surprise, when the pleasure peaked and streamers of cum erupted from the flaring piss slit. Globs of cum splattered his T-shirt and glued the fabric onto the dog's toned chest after soaking through the cloth. He kept jerking even through the orgasm, to the point of being over-sensitive and almost whimpering by the time he finished.


"...ah...fuck me...ah...oh fuck me you stud...ah...fill my pussy...aaaaaahh!"

_ _

Tristan opened his eyes with a startle. The screeching voice in his ears was almost too loud, even if it was the pretend-screams of pleasure coming from the cougar with the bouncy tits getting fucked hard on screen from behind by a studly jaguar who kept spanking her ass while he went at it, tail swishing the air behind his toned rump.

"Oh, maaan..." Tristan grunted. He realized that his paws and his shirt were covered in his spunk. The air reeked of the stuff, too, and it'd made his shirt glue onto his chest.


Tristan shook his head in distaste. Sure he liked getting off but getting messy like this was reserved for sessions with a little bit more effort than just a simple jacking session on his computer while watching some porn on one of the sites he frequented.


Tristan glanced at the clock on the corner of the screen. It was past three in the morning. He must've fallen asleep sitting up. His neck kinda felt weird, too. His ears were numb from having the earphones in all night. The Doberman snorted. His nose was full of his own stench, not unfamiliar, but he wasn't used to it getting quite this spunky.

"...oh fuck me, aaaah, fill me!"

_ _

He tapped gingerly on the computer mouse with a fingerpad that wasn't covered in semi-dried spunk, and then got up of the chair with a creak. He'd better get himself cleaned up before crashing for good in bed. He didn't even take off his headphones before heading to the bathroom.

He didn't even notice that the little white light on his webcam, sitting atop the flatscreen, the light that told the camera was operating, was still on and transmitting his every move to an unknown location.


Thank you for reading! Hope this piqued your interest for more, soon! Do tell me how you liked it!

his Master's Voice (2)

**His Master's Voice (2)** ** ** ** ** \* Here's another instalment in the commission for :iconSanmer\* - hope you like the read, and I look forward to your comments! Have a nice read! ** ** \* Tristan felt grumpy once he got home...

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Favor the Bold (HH)

**Favor the Bold** \* Hello, darlings, welcome to the Hockey Hunk! Time for another chapter, and am I glad to be back! I hope you remember that we're still on a once-per-week schedule for now so that I have time to finish up some...

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Alaska (2)

**Alaska (2)** **\*** ** ** Hello and brrr, everyone! Your comments have been very encouraging and numerous -wow! I'm so glad that so many of you enjoy a story with an actual plot in it, not that I diss my sexy writing, but still, it's...

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