Making a Perfect Match - Chapter 2

Story by RenoHidaka on SoFurry

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#2 of Making a Perfect Match

Making a Perfect Match â€" Chapter 2

    A new day approached as the sound of a buzzer filled the room. Janice stirred in her bed for a little while until the noise of the alarm clock made her wake up from her slumber. She smacked the snooze button and groaned. Janice lives in a lovely dorm room typically meant for 2 people. Her roommate she doesn't remember too well. Only that she was a badger and she dropped out of school within the first week. She hasn't had a replacement roommate since. The room was spacious for her. To the north were the doorway, coat rack and closet that held all of her school and weekend clothes. To the west was the computer she frequents every day, her work table and chair she uses to access it, and the spare bed for which the roommate (if she did have one) would usually sleep. To the south contained only a furnace and a window facing the outside world. The view out the window spanned the park where the university was surrounding around it. It was the weekend so very few people were crossing the grounds. Finally, to the east was a small kitchen with a small stove and fridge and of course, Janice's bed.


    Janice heard the all too familiar sound of her computer beeping about a new e-mail. She pushed the sheets off and slowly stood up. She rarely wore any clothes to bed as she only had the black bra on from what she was wearing yesterday. She went to the kitchen first and opened the fridge to grab a carton of orange juice. Since she was the only one who drinks out of it, she just opened the carton and took a good few chugs before putting it back into the fridge. To her, this was better than coffee. She would fix her hair a little to get it out of her eyes before heading over to the computer and turning on the screen. She didn't sit down as she took the mouse and clicked on her e-mail button once again. This time the e-mail she received was one she didn't expect.

    "Your results have just been sent to the address you've provided. We hope it meets to your satisfaction."


    Just as she was stunned about the e-mail, a large "thud" sound can be heard outside followed by a few knocks on the door. She wasn't expecting anyone. She went to reach for her robe and tied it over her mostly nude form. Suddenly, she realized that maybe it was Bryce, planning on tricking her by soaking her at the door. That was Bryce's favorite prank to do to her. She reached for a pan on the hot stove and held it in her hand. Slowly, she moved towards the door, unlocked it and opened it slowly. She saw no instant figure standing there so she opened the door the rest of the way slowly. The initial shock made her drop her pan on the floor.

    Standing right in front of her was a large wooden crate, just taller than her. It had the words fragile and this side up all around it. She looked around the crate for any delivery worker but none can be seen. She started noticing that people in the hallways were looking at her oddly because of it. She blushed softly as she gripped the crate to drag it in. Man, was it heavy but still, she managed to get it into her room. Once she got it into her room, she closed and locked the door behind her.Â

    "What in the blazes is this? I don't remember purchasing anything online." She said to herself. "I know it can't be Bryce's work because he wouldn't dish out this much time or cash to prank me at this magnitude. So I wonder what it is then."

    Hesitating slightly, she decided to open it figuring that it had to be something. Sadly she had no crowbar to open it so she took the time to look around till she noticed at the front a small gap capable of her to pry it open. She went through her drawers near Janice's bed but there was nothing she could use. She decided to take the pan she was already using and use it as a temporary crowbar. She placed the handle against the crack and pulled towards her. It bent the pan handle a little but it did the job she wanted, prying one corner open just enough to use the rest of her strength to open it. She tossed the pan back onto the hot stove as she used the rest of her might to pull off the front side of the crate. Right then and there, she took a look inside, her jaw dropped, mouth covered with one hand and eyes as wide as they can be.

    Standing inside the box was Crystal. Well at first glance, she thought it was Crystal but then a few things came to mind that would make others easily mistaken her for another equine. Although she had everything she described about Crystal appear on this equine: show pony hair and tail which was wavy and blonde, cream fur that ran across the creature's form and even the same white markings down along the front, one of the things that was different was her attire. Normally, not during school, she would be wearing something comfy and not as revealing. Before her, this equine had on a laced purple bra and panties. It was nothing too special or unique but enough to make Janice blush at the sight of her. Another thing there was a collar around her neck with a silver area for something but not sure of what yet. She could also smell the scent of various citrus fruits coming from her. Last, there was a note stuck to her front. She slowly reached up and plucked it off of her before opening the envelope and removing the letter inside. She opened the letter and began to read to herself.

    "Congratulations on obtaining your perfect match. By filling out our survey, we have successfully created the perfect match for you based on your specifications. Whatever you like, she likes. Included with such lovable qualities, she comes equipped with various items. Please ask her once activated for more information. To activate her, you must simply press the collar where the silver plate is located. Just note a few things: 1) she needs regular maintenance so have her go through maintenance checks and fixes every week for optimal efficiency. 2) Since this is a private product, we ask that you do not mention her to the public. By filling out our survey, you agreed that if she gets exposed to the public, she will be taken away from you. 3) Lastly, if you are unsatisfied and want changes done, please let either your match or us know and we'll have it changed instantly. We hope you enjoy your new match."

    "You're telling me this is the results they were talking about?!" She almost screamed out. She calmed herself down quickly before speaking to herself again. "I can't believe this. This has to be a joke. I can't believe Bryce put Crystal up to this. That has to be what's going on."Â

    She decided to see if what the note said was true. Slowly she reached up to the equine's neck and touched the silver plate on the collar. Within seconds, the equine's eyes open. Luscious green eyes just like Crystal, the equine looked towards Janice, smiled and stepped out of the box. Janice was startled from her movement as she trips over herself, landing on her rump and started crawling back to the south wall. The equine moved closer to her but stopped just in front of her. She crouched down so the mare was looking at her face to face.

    "Hello, you must be Janice Seera," the equine finally spoke. "I need a name so please provide me with a name I can be recognized as."

    "Crystal?" Janice said in confusion, still thinking this was a joke.

    "Please wait." The equine spoke as she looked blankly for a few seconds. "Name accepted. Thank you, mistress. Please ask Crystal anything you want and Crystal will comply."

    "Wait, wait, and wait!" Janice spoke out. "Tell me first off, is this some kind of joke?"

    "Joke?" Crystal looked puzzled. "I don't understand, mistress. What is it you wish to know?"

    "I want to know why you were sent to me and by whom and why you keep calling me mistress." Janice spoke out. She was getting less nervous but still on caution as she held her knees to her chest.

    "I understand now mistress." Crystal spoke. She stood up and looked down to her. "I was created to be your perfect match. I was sent to you because you filled out a form specifying what you wanted in a perfect match and I was created from your information. Anything you filled out, I can offer you and if you want to do more, I can do more. Who sent me I can't disclose as part of the agreement you made but I can tell you I am neither a robot nor an alien as some clients say we are. I am a fully functional creature with working parts. If you are unsure, just touch me. And I call you mistress because you stated in your form you like someone who would be obedient to you. That information results in you wanting to be a mistress so I am your humble servant."

    Janice couldn't believe her ears as she heard the mare's small speech. She tried to pinch herself to see if this was a dream but clearly it wasn't a dream. Standing before her was someone who looked almost like Crystal minus the outfit, the citrus smells and calling Janice "Mistress". She finally regained courage in her legs to slowly get up and stand before her. She took a few breathes and decided to ask. "So you're telling me you were created for me...that you're not someone I know playing a practical joke on me because of her boyfriend egging her to do it?"

    "I do not understand the question you asked but yes, I was created for you. If you do not believe me, ask me anything and I will do it without hesitation."

    Janice thought to herself for a moment. She remembered back to her filling out that form and knows Crystal would most likely not do the things that Janice wanted to do, even if she was single. She would look to her. "Alright then, tell me areas on your body that arouses you."

    Crystal nodded as she spoke. "The areas on my body that are most sensitive are my neck, ears, chest, sides, vagina, inner thighs and the base of my tail. Anything else you like to know mistress?"

    Janice looked stunned. "Well maybe Bryce told her to say that. I should ask her something she wouldn't say." She regained her composure. "Okay Crystal, tell me a sexual fantasy of yours."

    Crystal once again nodded and spoke. "My sexual fantasy is to be outdoors or in a public area with my mistress. I would first strip and show my mistress how much I long for her by satisfying myself until she wants me. Then, I would let mistress sample my chest and sexual fluids from me first before I would satisfy her in a similar fashion. I would then take mistress's favorite sex toy and make sure both of us were well satisfied from it until we are both spent. Anything else you like to know mistress?"

    Now Janice was not only just stunned because the sexual fantasy Crystal wanted was similar to her own, she was slowly getting aroused from it. The scent of her sex was noticeable and it seemed Crystal can tell from the grin she was producing. "She could have just assumed that from the survey. No way is this Crystal. I need to get her to do something she wouldn't do." She thought to herself. She smiled as she got an idea. "Alright Crystal, why don't you undress for me and show me your naked form."

    Crystal smiled and nodded. "It's an honor for me to do this for my mistress." Without any hesitation from her, she reached behind her with her hands and unclasped the bra. She pulled the bra off and placed it down, revealing her lovely D cup breasts. Her breasts looked so squeezable and plump but standing firm like if people were holding her chest up. She then placed her thumb and fingers between the panty straps and slowly wiggled her rump as she pushed them down. Mistress did say she wanted her to be naked. Once she kicked the panties off her feet, she then turned around and bent over, revealing that pleasant sight of a well moist slit in front of Janice. Janice's jaw dropped again as she looked at it. Now she went from slightly aroused to full blown horny. She wanted to jump onto her but there were some small doubts it was really Crystal playing a joke. What was bothering her was why she was going so far with this bit for Bryce? To be naked in front of someone she knows would surely make the real Crystal blush and run away. This so called Crystal was not only showing it off, she was in a state of literally letting Janice have her anyway she wanted it. "Is this enough to convince my mistress of my love for her?"

    Janice was now confused. "Did she just say love?" She began to mull this over. Doing all this was one thing but she knew Crystal would never say love if she really meant it. She blushes as she spoke "I can see that now you're really what you say you are."

    Crystal nods and smiles. "That makes me feel good but Crystal wants to make sure mistress feels better. Please tell me what mistress wants and Crystal will obey."

    Janice with now a face full of red embarrassment stuttered out the sentence, "I want Crystal to have sex with me like if I was Crystal's lover." She would rub the back of her head with one of her paws while rubbing her legs together showing that she was nervous about not only the idea but just even asking for it.

    "If that is your command my mistress, I will follow and obey."

    Without another word, the equine picked Janice up from the ground and placed her on Janice's bed. Crystal was quite strong to Janice's surprise and what made her more surprised was how forward she was about it. First, Crystal leaned in and kissed Janice passionately on the lips which after the initial shock, Janice returned in kind. Crystal ran her hands along the form of Janice, making Janice growl softly and only increased her scent of her arousal. Crystal moved towards her robe and slowly untied it pushing the robe past Janice's shoulders and onto the bed. She nickered as she admired Janice's lovely dragon form. She started to move the kisses down from her lips towards the nape of her neck. Janice tilted her neck to let the equine be exposed to as much neck as possible. As the equine suckled and nipped at the dragon's neck, she slipped her arms around the dragon to reach at the bra clasps and unhooked each clasp.

    The dragon's nude form was finally exposed to the equine as the bra slipped from Janice's shoulders to her lap. Her breasts were a nice firm 36 D cup, white scaled with blue nipples standing erect. The mare admired Janice's form for a few seconds before grabbing her shoulders and pushing her down on the bed. Janice made a "murr" sound as she enjoyed the equine's determination. Crystal moved her lips down to the chest of Janice, licking at her scaled breasts, nipples fully aroused from the sexual excitement. She would place a hand just underneath her right breast to cup it softly as her mouth moved to suckle and nip at the excited flesh. Janice moaned softly but then her moans would suddenly increase as she felt the other paw rubbing at her inner thighs. Her legs couldn't help but spread open and revealing the damp blue folds the dragon was concealing.Â

    Soon, she finally felt it. The long awaited moment Janice dreamed for almost a few years now. It was the soft touch of someone else's hand outside of her own playing with her slit. She moaned loudly as she felt a finger teasing at the clit hood, seeming like she was trying to encourage it from its hiding spot. Janice was amazed at how well she knew and controlled her finger despite still giving attention to her breast and nipple. She watched as suddenly the finger disappeared and Crystal's mouth moving away from her breast.

Janice, moaning and in a near freaked out state, spoke out "Did I do something wrong? Does my body scare you? Were you disgusted by me?"

    "No mistress. Crystal finds mistress's body to be as beautiful as a goddess. I was just swapping my paws around so I can give your other breast the same attention I just gave to your right one." Crystal reassured.

    And Crystal reassured that in a big way by clamping her lips over the left nipple of the dragon's left breast. Janice's worries left her in that instant returning to that reassuring pleasure bliss. Crystal now took her right hand, which originally cupped the dragon's right breast was slipping down between her legs. Instead of jumping back into teasing the bluish clit she started on, she slipped a finger into her entrance and slowly probed around, listening intently to when Janice's moans were the loudest. Once she found a spot, she slips another finger inside and began to pump them at a moderate pace but made sure her fingertips hit and rub the sensitive spot inside Janice's sex. Janice was moaning louder, shivering and starting to develop a bit of sweat on her body. Janice's eyes went closed in pleasure but next thing she notices when she opens is that Crystal wasn't suckling her nipple; her muzzle was now at her slit along with the pulsing fingers, now suckling the tender clit that was revealed to her.

    Suddenly, a rush came to Janice. She could feel it coming like a speeding train about to crash. The pleasure was making her arch her back, moans were louder than before and shivers can be felt. Eyes closed hard as she was experiencing her first real orgasm. And with that, a sudden release, an almost near scream of a moan and a wash of orgasm bliss fell upon Janice. She felt a tidal wave came out of her. She was already picturing Crystal's face covered in cum, suckling her fingers and smiling to her. She could imagine herself jumping Crystal, pinning her to the bed and returning the greatest pleasure she ever experienced with. There was one problem, she couldn't move. She couldn't even open her eyes. Her mind was still wandering but didn't know why she couldn't wake up.Â

    Crystal was actually surprised to see it took only one orgasm before Janice was passed out, a big grin spreading across her face. Crystal was indeed enriched in Janice's juices that coated her muzzle and her two fingers. She was licking them clean and making sure she was ready just in case Janice came to. She was breathing and her chest was rising and falling so she didn't fear the worst. She just smiled as she moved over and stood up. She then took the covers to the bed, draped them over the dragon's naked body to her neck and kissed her lips softly.

    "Crystal is happy that Janice was pleased sexually. Crystal promises that I will continue to keep making that smile appear on your face each time. Mistress will never need to be alone." She spoke out as she moved over to the other bed; feeling compelled to not share the same bed as her mistress and lays on top of it.

End of Chapter 2

Making a Perfect Match - Chapter 3

Making a Perfect Match â€" Chapter 3      Janice awoke in quite a startling way. Before she was fantasizing about the many ways she and her new match Crystal can pleasure each other. Now she realized...

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Making a Perfect Match - Chapter 1

_  "I hate Bryce! I hate him so much that I just wish he get hit by a car or something."_   The door opens and a female anthro dragon strode in, a furious blush covering her cheeks. Her school uniform was...

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