Secret pleasures, chapter 4

Story by Avereth on SoFurry

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#4 of Secret pleasures

Raldun looked over as Verdek came back. His stomach had a bulge in it that was moving around even as he watched. As Verdek settled back into the lounging chair, he asked him what it was. "A python, he's still trying to find a way back out, but his air's running out. This feels so good that I think I'll swallow some air to make it struggle longer." Verdek made several deep gulping sounds, and Raldun could hear the air being pushed down his throat. It made a funny sound as it entered his stomach, and he had swallowed enough at once that his stomach's bulge noticibly grew. The waning struggle suddenly picked up again, and the now desperate python caused his stomach to bulge and heave as it squirmed around.

Raldun had to touch it. "Can I try giving you one of those belly massages right now?" he asked. "I really want to feel it struggle inside of you!"

Verdek grinned at him and said "Sure! That would actually be great!" He laid back and closed his eyes, waiting for the bear to increase his pleasure even further. Raldun came over and got a close look at Verdek's belly. The upper part, where his stomach was, was bulging out around the python, and was visibly moving as it shifted within. He gingerly placed a paw over Verdek's stomach. He had thought that Verdek's belly plates would be tough and firm, but to his surprise, there was a thin layer that was soft and malleable to his touch. His belly was also cool under his paw, but he liked it like that for some reason.

"I always thought your belly plates were hard." he said.

"Nope" replied Verdek, his eyes still closed. "Everyone thinks that because they look hard, but they're not. Go ahead, feel them" Raldun did so again, they were pliable and soft under his finger's pressure.

"It feels like it's just white skin over a thin layer of fat that covers your belly muscles to me." he said.

"That's exactly what it is." replied Verdek. "Are you going to get started?"

Raldun put both paws over Verdek's stomach and pressed them over the bulge. It was intoxicating to feel the movements of the python inside of his belly. Raldun started to move his paws across Verdek's belly in ways he thought would feel good. He could feel firm muscles below the layering of fat, and he focused on getting through and stimulating them. It must have been working, because Verdek started to rumble from deep inside of his chest in pleasure. Raldun worked his paws lower, onto Verdek's lower belly, with a nervous excitement. He rubbed downward, all the way to the part just before his loincloth. He was glad Verek had a loincloth on, and it appeared that his stimulations had caused his penis to stiffen and emerge judging by the bulge that was pushing against it.

Raldun put one paw over Verdek's stomach and the other over his lower belly and rubbed both with firm, kneading strokes. He concentrated the paw over his stomach on pushing and prodding the prey within, causing it to struggle more. This was better than he had ever hoped, he didn't ever want to stop rubbing the dragon's belly! He realized that his own penis was pushing against his pants and creating a huge lump, he really wanted to jerk of right about now. He felt Verdek's stomach stiffen under his paw, and a slow, long belch emerged from his throat as he forced the air out of his belly, stretching the walls of his stomach tightly around his prey, though he could feel a lot of air still inside from the way it was holding his stomach's walls pressed back and stretching out, still trying to escape as his stomach coated it in thick digestive juices. Raldun continued exploring Verdek's belly with his paws until he was tired of standing. Verdek was still rumbling in pleasure, but the python's struggles were waning again.

Feeling greatly aroused from the continual contact with Verdek's soft belly, Raldun wanted nothing more right now than to jerk off while inside of it, creating a bulge from beneath the same white skin that he kneaded under his fingers right now. "Hey, Verdek." he said.

Verdek sleepily opened one eye. "I'll have to get you to do this again." he said. "What is it?"

"Do you remember the second part of the promise?" he asked.

Verdek snapped his eyes open. "You mean that you want to do it? Right now?" he exclaimed. Verdek appeared about to explode from excitement. Raldun looked into his eyes and nodded once. He immediately felt his hands pushed back as Verdek jumped up and clapped him on the shoulder. "Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me!"

"Let's do it right here." said Raldun. He reached down and slowly took off his pants, and stood up unashamed of his arousal being exposed before the dragon. Verdek eyed it with amusement and then dropped off his robe. He unstrapped his loincloth and let it fall away. His red penis pointed out proudly in front of him.

"Okay, let's do this." Verdek said just before he transformed into his natural form. As he shifted, Raldun watched with interest as Verdek's erect penis extended and grew in size and his balls swelled within his sheath. That was certainly odd to watch. Raldun felt a queasy excitement fluttering in his stomach as the now much larger dragon turned to face him. Verdek began gulping down air, and Raldun watched his stomach swell as air entered.

Unable to resist, Raldun came over to Verdek's side and crawled under the great belly. He reached up and felt it as it swelled in size. The fat layer a little deeper now that Verdek was bigger, and the muscles beneath were much more pronounced. He looked between Verdek's legs and couldn't help being impressed. The dragon's massive erection was bobbing to his heartbeat right above him. It hung heavily from a large, swollen sheath, and the balls within the sac were much larger than they looked like they should be. Hoping Verdek wouldn't notice his curiosity, he reached up and put both paws around the head of Verdek's penis, guaging the size. His heart skipped a beat as with a grunt the hips drew back and powerfully thrust forward, sending the massive penis foreward until it stopped a mere inch from his face. In fear that another thrust would poke him in the face, he let his paws fall away, his curiosity satisfied.

Verdek's head appeared under his chest. "Hey! What are you doing down there!"

Raldun started to laugh. "Sorry! My curiosity got the best of me! I grabbed it before I could even think about it!" Verdek smirked "I think I can handle that by myself just fine! Come on out now, I'm ready." Raldun slid out and came to the dragon's front. As Verdek's head came level with his own his heart skipped a beat. The jaws parted, and Raldun looked inside. The fangs looked very sharp, and coud easily tear him to pieces. He was sure that wouldn't happen though. The broad tongue he had enjoyed so much pulsed and moved within its enclosure. A hot, moist wave of air came out, opening the deep red abyss of the throat for a moment before it sealed off. An excited fear fluttered in his belly looking into the maw of the dragon, and his erection throbbed wildly.

Verdek spoke. "I want this to be as enjoyable as possible, so I want you to crawl into my mouth and get ready to go down my throat. Once you're in my mouth, remember that I won't be able to talk. And watch the teeth on the way in, because they are as dangerous as they look." Raldun leaned forward and put a paw onto Verdek's tongue. It slipped inward slightly over the smooth surface. He put his other paw onto the tongue and slid them deeper in, preparing to slide his whole body into the enclosing jaws. He imagined what it would look like from the outside as he formed a bulge in Verdek's throat and slipped downward, into his stomach. Better yet, it would be amazing to feel the powerful throat muscles pull him down into the dragon's belly. Heart racing and excitement building, Raldun pulled both legs into the waiting jaws. Verdek's mouth was reacting to his presence, and it had stimulated thick strands of saliva to be excreted. He grabbed a strand and rubbed it between his fingers. Unlike when his belly had been slick with the dragon's saliva, this was different. It was very thick and slimy, and made a thick layer.

"It must be meant for lubrication." he thought. "With this all over me I'll be very slimy and slick and easy to swallow."

Raldun eased forward, closer to the pulsing throat. He gradually was able to slide down onto his belly, and the feeling of warmth upon his entire belly and groin at once was wonderful. The tongue rubbed firmly against his erection, and Raldun automatically grinded his hips against it in pleasure as burning enjoyment shot down his dick. It only happened once luckily, as he wouldn't have been able to stop himself if it had kept stimulating his cock. "Okay, okay!" he shouted. "I'm sorry about what I did earlier!" In response, the tongue pushed him a little closer to the gullet. Raldun really did want to feel the slick gullet push him downward, into the embrace of the muscular belly. He wanted to rest within the stomach and bask in the warm slickness that had held the wolf in its last moments. He wanted to be inside of Verdek, right now. Raldun slid himself with purpose toward the mysterious opening, wanting to be within. He stopped just as his head was about to enter and enjoyed the moment before he gave all control over to the dragon's body.

Behind him, he sensed the jaws closing, and the light faded to a red glow that came through from Verdek's muscles. He loved every moment of it. Verdek enjoyed the feeling of something so close to his throat, trapped within his jaws, and resisted the urge to swallow. This was an issue of trust, and Raldun had to be willing put his body beyond his own control if this was to continue. Raldun waited for the tongue to force him into the throat, but nothing happened. "Verdek must be waiting for me to go in to show that I trust him or something" he thought. With deliberate slowness, Raldun slid forward, his heart pounding and he felt the relatively firm interior of the dragon's mouth transition into the slick, soft interior of his gullet. The entire tube was slick with the same thick lubricative mucus he had rubbed between his fingers earlier. He pushed further forward, and with a slight pressure, his shoulders pressed into the gullet as well. Verdek's dick began oozing pre in excitement as he felt Raldun begin to willingly slide into his gullet. This was going to be the most amazing thing that he had ever done in his life!

Raldun's arousal inceased at the erotic feelings he was experiencing. He squirmed further into the gullet, feeling his entire chest kneaded by its warm embrace. He felt motion, and sensed the gullet flattening out. Verdek must have flattened himself onto the ground. Verdek stretched his hind legs behind him and grew still. Now he could lay still and relax as Raldun probed into the depths of his throat. He only had to wait a little bit longer... Raldun slipped in further, sliding inward until with a soft slurp, his belly pressed entirely into the throat and was embraced by the warm flesh. This was so good! The excitement of going deep into the dragon's body was intoxicating! Only a little further to go...

Raldun pushed forward and forced himself deeper until he felt his footpaws slip into the gullet. He relaxed within the pulsing gullet as it coated him with mucus, and relinquished his body to Verdek while waiting for what came next with nervous excitement. Feeling the entire bear slip into his throat, Verdek slowly rose to his feet. The bulge curved outward from his neck slightly below his underjaw, and the front end, where Raldun's head now rested, was about to disappear into his broad chest. He was so excited. Raldun, whom he fully and completely trusted, was about to experience something that no one else ever had and come back out to tell about it. He couldn't wait to find out what it was like afterward. Verdek rolled onto his back, and propped himself up to look at his belly and throbbing erection. Slowly, gently, he tilted his head up and swallowed, sending the bulge beyond view into his chest.

Raldun felt motion again, and knew that Verdek was getting comfortable. He felt a push near his feet, and then the muscles around him rippled. A muscular wave gripped his entire body. He slid downward, the powerful muscles beneath the gullet working to send him into the dragon's stomach. As he slipped downward, he heard Verdek's heartbeat, and knew that he was within the great dragon's chest. Just a few more moments, and he would finally be inside of the dragon's stomach. He couldn't help but shudder as his penis was gripped by the gullet's slick walls a few times as it was pushed along it.

Verdek leaned back as he felt the lump in his throat nearing his stomach. Slowly, the lump was pushed into his stomach, and he rubbed his paws firmly over the bulge, reassuring the bear within.

Raldun felt his body forced through a tight ring of muscle before slipping into a loose, slick chamber full of air. He tried to stand up after his feet had slipped in, but his feet sank deeply into the slick muscles of the dragon's stomach and he tripped over. A shadow passed over the red glow in the muscles, and they were pressed down and stroked against him-a message from the outside world.

His heart was pounding! There was no way he could ever leave here under his own power! He was trapped inside of a dragon's belly like a meal! He was just another bulge, like the wolf, waiting to be digested and ultimately become part of the dragon! If he was here long enough, the dragon's belly would treat him the same as any other food within. How exciting! Suddenly, something coiled around his legs and tripped him in its embrace. He fell onto his back, and flailed. Something was wrapping around his belly and squeezing! What was it! In the red light he made out what looked like a tentacle wrapped around his lower extremities! Had Verdek even known what kinds of things his stomach did to live prey! Would more tentacles slip out and hold him down, terrified in his last moments while digestive juices poured over him! Had this happened to the wolf as well!

Determined to free himself, but not damage his friend's digestive system, Raldun found the wider end of the tentacle and started to unwrap it. It resisted with a great muscular effort, but couldn't hold on. He would just have to keep it away until he was forced back up! The tip of the tentacle felt odd, so he bent over and looked up close. He was shocked to see two eyes and a mouth. "The python!" he exclaimed. With this new knowledge, he began to unwrap the reptile from his leg. Its body was slick and slimy. Raldun continued to unwind. What should he do with it? If he put it down, it would wrap around him again! An evil grin split his muzzle, and his stomach churned and growled in anticipation.

"Well, since I can't get you to leave me alone in this belly, you'll have to go into another one." He pulled the python's head toward his mouth. "Too bad, swallowed alive and partially digested inside of a dragon's belly, and now a bear inside of the dragon's belly is going to swallow you. Inside two bellies at once, what bad luck for you. I hope that you digest slowly and painfully inside of my stomach for bothering me!" With that, he forced the python's head into his throat, and quickly slid its slick, wet length down. He felt it quicky fill his stomach, which stretched easily to hold it, and was stunned by the feeling of the living creature struggling violently inside of his stomach. It felt so good! No wonder Verdek wanted him to do this! Raldun gulped down lots of air to make sure that the snake stayed alive for hours longer. With that done, he decided to explore. He found the place where he had entered and pushed an arm into it. It slid halfway in before the muscles suddenly firmed and forced his arm back in. There had been no way for the wolf to get out that way, no matter how often it had tried.

He crawled over to the lower end of the stomach. There was some sort of opening that was sealed. It surely led into Verdek's intestines. He forced his arm into it and rubbed his paw over the beginning of the intestines. It was about four inches wide and he could feel it trying to pull him deeper in. If only he could safely go in... He would have to tell Verdek about this afterward. His arm came out with slime on it, and he licked some off to taste it. Remembering his agreement, he rubbed at the stomach wall. The muscle he was rubbing reacted and slime began oozing from it. He rubbed all around the stomach, and noted that the stimulated muscle didn't stop making secretions.

Verdek watched his stomach shift and stretch as the bear moved about within. It was really turning him on having the bear willingly inside of him, and he was jealous that he couldn't see what it was like since he knew that Raldun was examining his innards. He felt Raldun's paws sliding across the walls of his stomach, stimulating it. He groaned as the bear's paws worked over his interior, a pool of pre collecting beneath his dripping penis across his belly hide. Finally, he decided it was time to paw off. Before starting, his compressed his stomach muscles and released a rumbling burp. He enjoyed the feeling of his belly flesh tightening and stretching across Raldun as his stomach emptied. When most of the air had been released, he gulped down more until he felt as distended as he had earlier. Curling his paw around his erection, he began stroking his penis. He closed his eyes as a burning pleasure shot through his dick.

As Raldun's paws slipped over the slick muscle, he stepped back as he felt the flesh around him begin to enclose around him. What was Verdek doing! He was still in here! He could hear the gurgling "bhuuurrrrrp" as the air was pushed out of the stomach. The walls compressed around him, and for a moment all he could hear was his heartbeat racing as he was suspended within the tight confines of the muscle. A moment later, the muscles relaxed, and Raldun slowly slipped back downward. He heard a heavy gulp, and a moment later, air began to enter. He breathed in and sighed in relief.

Raldun eased down against the side and leaned back against the pulsing flesh. His racing heart slowed, and he relaxed, rubbing his still shifting belly's slick walls in pleasure. As he enjoyed the humid warmth and the slick mucus, he listened to the sounds within Verdek's belly. From deep within the dragon's intestines he could hear a faint, continual churning sound as it pushed its contents through. Every now and then there would be a gurgle as some trapped air moved within. At last his curiosity was overpowered by his arousal, and his oozing erection came to his attention.

He slid downward, and laid out flat on his back. As he reached for his dick, the entire stomach lurched, and Raldun felt himself rolling and sliding downward. Verdek sat up and rolled over, standing up on all fours. He was dimly aware of a lump inside of his belly landing on the bottom of his stomach, causing a slight jiggle. The bear settled between his haunches didn't matter right now-he wanted to paw off in the same position he would normally breed in. He rested his chest upon the balcony table so that his upper body was lifted above his hinquarters and his back was at a forty five degree angle. Slipping his paws downward beneath his belly, he gripped his cock with both of them and began humping. Each muscular effort sent his back into a curve as his hindquarters thrusted upward, and his bulging stomach lurched up and down as he plowed the dripping rod through his paws.

Raldun steadied himself as the stomach continued to stretch and then compress around him. His stimulation of Verdek's stomach must have been too much, and now Verdek was pawing off. He wasn't sure what position Verdek was in, though after all of that movement he might be suspended as a bulge between the dragon's hindquarters. He could hear Verdek's heavy breathing from above as he thrust his hips. Raldun shifted his position so that he was leaning back against the slick muscle as it clenched and unclenched with Verdek's thrusts. Each upward push sent Raldun's hips upward, and he got an idea.

He curled a paw around his cock's tip just before another thrust, and grunted as his dick was pushed through his slick paw and then smoothly slid back down. Raldun closed his eyes and accepted the pleasure as his dick was forced through his squeezing paw over and over while exploring the surface of his swollen stomach, pushing down on the slick fur and the muscle beneath to make the python within writhe. As the lances of burning pleasure increased in strength he slid his other paw down and rubbed at his excited balls and pushed downward at the base of his dick. He gave in to the pleasure and began bucking his hips, timing it with the dragon's thrusts to increase his pleasure. He hunched slightly over each time his cock pushed upward as his balls twitched and neared release.

Thinking about how he was within Verdek's belly and feeling the python's body moving in his gut, Raldun released a feral growl as he pushed every muscle in his groin upward in a powerful thrust. As Verdek's own hips sank downward again, Raldun's muscles tensed as they held his dick as far up as possible, and holding the full weight up on their own increased his pleasure tenfold. The pleasurable burning within his dick shot to unbearable levels and his balls contracted. Raldun's penis twitched and began throbbing, and a moment later a continual burst of his seed streamed out of his dick. He snarled each time he bucked his hips as he ejaculated with more intensity than he had ever reached before, and the burning pleasure was so intense that all rational thought stopped as his dick spurted seed. Raldun slumped downward in exhaustion as the ejaculation neared its end and listened to Verdek's grunts of pleasure as his stomach was still pushed outward by the serpent's struggles.

Verdek continued to thrust upward into his paws as he rested upon the table. Pawing off in breeding position was so much better than from on his back! His mind clouded more and more in a fog of pleasure as his hips shuddered up and down. The muscular effort was beginning to make him sweat, and the contours of his muscular body were lit up with dampness in the sun. Some of the sweat ran down his chest and collected at the base of his bulging underbelly before dripping off to land in the puddle of pre already released from his dick. As he continued humping his breath became ragged from exertion. The burning of his dick became continual, and he closed his eyes in pleasure as his thrusts changed their pattern.

Verdek's hips changed their motion from smooth up and down motions to an upward thrust that pushed his penis as high up as possible, causing his hips and belly muscles to tremble with exertion and pleasure as they held his hindquarters up in the air. As the thrust would reach its maximum he would force his curled paw down his cock's length and push down on the muscles at his sheath's base, causing his dick to twitch and spurt out a large amount of pre-which by now had coated his balls, belly, and hindquarters in slickness. Suddenly, he let out a roar and reared up on his hind legs as his dick began to throb. His large balls began pulsing and twitching as he blindly humped into both of his paws as fast and hard as he could.

Snarling in pleasure, Verdek bent over and forced his paw down on his dick's base as hard as he could. A few moments was all it took, and he began bucking his hips as his seed spurted out against the wall. He panted heavily as his warm, thick dragon seed streamed from his penis, and several gallons worth of his lust had splattered the wall before his now lightened balls emptied of their load. Desires satisfied and feeling exhausted, Verdek let out a small burp before slumping down and reclining on his side. He rubbed a paw over his sweaty belly before falling asleep in the warm sun that felt so good on his hide, forgetting Raldun completely in the fog of pleasure.

The entire stomach was lurching more and more as Raldun tried to relax. Verdek was getting close to release, and had changed position again as he stroked his penis. "Wish I could last that long." Raldun mumbled to himself. He felt a sudden, powerful thrust, and heard a roar as much as felt it. The muscles all around him tensed and began to tremble. He heard a liquid sound from somewhere below, and realized that Verdek's ejaculation was so strong that he could hear the release.

Raldun burped up all of the air in his stomach, then remembered to swallow some more. The struggles of his captive were as strong as ever, and the writhing python stimulating his stomach was almost making him hard again. The belly tensed around him, and a small amount of air was audibly burped out by Verdek. The resulting reduction of volume caused the walls to come a little closer. Figuring that Verdek was relaxing and wanted to enjoy this for a few more minutes, Raldun decided to do the same. Settling onto his back, Raldun crossed his arms behind his head and leaned against the stomach wall.

Raldun relaxed for over ten minutes before he started to worry. Verdek's digestive juices were still being produced, and there was enough already that his skin was starting to tingle. Come to think of it, he was getting a little light headed from the humid air too. Listening carefully, Raldun could hear Verdek's breathing. It was coming in slow, shallow breaths that indicated restfulness. "Oh crap!" exclaimed Raldun. "Verdek fell asleep! He could stay asleep for hours! If I can't wake him up-" he looked toward the ring of muscle sealing the dragon's intestines, "-I'll be digested and gone by the time he wakes up!" An image of Verdek's excretement in the toilet came to mind, and he shuddered, imagining himself becoming the brown material that had been pushed through the dragon's entrails until being forced out of his body.

He would not end up like the wolf! Raldun began pushing and beating against the belly walls while jumping up and down and shouting for Verdek to wake up. He had to get through to him! Verdek's eyelid opened up a slit. He could feel something within his belly moving. Looking down between his haunches, he saw the white swell of his gut trembling and jerking, and come to think of it, there was a muffled sound coming out too. His eyes widened-he'd forgotten about Raldun and fallen asleep! If Raldun had been unable to wake him, he would have just been a liquid bulge in his lower belly being absorbed into his body by the time he woke up! Getting up off of his side, Verdek took a deep breath and prepared to force Raldun back out of his stomach.

"Bhhhuuuuurrrrrp!" All of the air in Verdek's stomach was pushed out as his muscles contracted. He felt fluids rising up his throat, and with a gurgle they rose to the back of his throat. There was a continual splashing as his stomach contents gushed out of his throat and splattered onto the floor. He felt his gut tighten around Raldun as everything else was ejected, and heaved as hard as he could. The large mass was pushed back into his gullet, and a large bulge slowly worked its way upward, appearing at the base of his throat and moving upward. Verdek tilted his head closer to the floor, and a moment later Raldun emerged and slipped across his tongue onto the stone floor.

Secret pleasures, chapter 5

Raldun felt cool air and immediately gasped and sputtered as he coughed out mucus. Squinting in the sunlight, he rose up onto unsteady legs. Verdek helped support him with a paw as he looked him over. Raldun was covered in slime. It also appeared that...

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Secret pleasures, chapter 3

Verdek closed the livestock room door behind him, and led the slaves over to a table that had a great mound of raw beef upon it placed there by the one servant he trusted into his main rooms. "Eat until you are too full to get any more down." he said....

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Secret pleasures, chapter 2

Verdek moved his snout over his chest and licked the seed up off of it, swallowing before moving a little lower. Raldun watched in confusion as the dragon began to lick at its belly and swallow its seed. What was it doing? Raldun looked away as...

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