Secret pleasures, chapter 1

Story by Avereth on SoFurry

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#1 of Secret pleasures

The sun was setting over the city of Rigmuud, and soon its inhabitants would be going to bed, or going out to enjoy the night-life. It was cast in a beautiful orange glow that lit up the whole city. In one dwelling, on the second floor balcony, a dragon lay, Verdek by name, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his bare scales. There were laws against public nudity, but no one would see him on his balcony, and it felt so good warming his entire body in the sun. Verdek was a green dragon, with pure white belly scales and brown plating down his back. He could shift between natural and anthro forms with a thought, and was in anthro form so that he could comfortably lie on his back without wings to get in the way at the moment. He was adept with magic, and used it often. He had many secrets from his past he kept to himself, and every month his transactions with a certain bear added to those secrets.

A rumble in his belly broke his trance, and he rubbed his hand across his stomach in response. He had swallowed a pig that morning, but his powerful stomach juices had already digested it, and he had been too busy to have a mid-day meal. Verdek groaned as he rolled over and got up, annoyed at having to cut short his enjoyment for some food, but his stomach persisted, releasing another growl that brought his hand to it. He padded over to a rack and pulled his multicolored robe off of it. It had cost him quite a bit for the enchanted robe, but the price had been worth it. Its colors continually shifted into beautiful patterns and shapes, and having a good appearance could get you far in this city.

If you looked rich, you were treated like you were rich. And rich people got all of the best positions. Not that he needed a job-his discovery of several massive subterranian caverns that were filled with groundwater had earned him a fortune in taxes after he crafted a special spell. He would never be able to see the great arcane runes he had cast into the depths of the caverns that transported water to the thirsty city, but he imagined that the water of the caverns would be lit up in a dazzling display of light from the runes beneath. The goverment had been having trouble finding sources of water, so he had taken advantage of the situation immediately and had permanent contracts drawn up to ensure a steady inflow of money for the rest of his long life. It gave him plenty of time to enjoy his life, and he had come up with some interesting ways to do so.

Verdek put his arms through the sleeves and strapped on his loincloth, then buckled the three straps on his robe. He walked through the lounging area and into the livestock room. The room was quite large, and housed all sorts of animals to feed him. It had an open roof like a courtyard and was in the center of his complex. There were animals of sizes that he could swallow in both forms for convenience. He usually ate his prey whole to avoid making a mess that he would have to clean up, but kept regular foods in case he had guests, with servants who normally were not present to cook if needed. It was more enjoyable to devour his meals whole anyway. The biggest animals he kept were horses, for gorging in his natural form, and the smallest were fish to snack on that only made a slight bulge in his belly and wiggled around quite pleasantly once inside of him.

He went over to the fish tank this time rather than the hog pen, however, as it would be too hard to lie back in the sun with a massive bulge deforming his torso. He selected a fish, and with a thought mentally lifted it out of the water. The confused fish didn't move for a moment, then began to flail helplessly as it drifted toward him. Once it was near his snout, he opened his jaws wide and sent the fish in until its head was touching the back of his throat. With deliberate slowness, he gradually closed his jaws around his prey, enjoying the sensation of having something alive moving around in his mouth. He released it from his mental grip and tilted his head slowly back, opening his throat slightly.

As the fish squirmed, its struggles slowly sent it sliding downward, into his throat. The feeling of things moving around in his throat felt so good that he had mastered resisting swallowing to maximize the enjoyment. The fish was slowly slipped down his throat because of its own struggles, and he tracked its progress toward his rumbling stomach as it went. He felt its head begin pushing into his stomach, and began emitting a rumble of pleasure from deep inside. After the head slid in, the rest was quickly sucked in by his impatient stomach. He sat back on a chair to feel the struggle of the fish, and cupped his hand over the slight bulge in his stomach as it heaved and stretched. The movement also made his stomach begin to pump digestive juice out, and his belly made a continual churning sound as the fish struggled. Erotic feelings passed through his head, and he felt his sheath stiffen against his loincloth.

The movements in his belly gradually stopped, and Verdek let out a sigh of contentment as he rose from the chair, his hunger sated for a little while. His sheath was still straining against his loincloth, and he couldn't take his mind off of it. He hadn't pawed off for a few days now, so he was a bit excited at the prospect of doing it now. He walked out of the livestock room and back through the lounge area toward his bedchamber while undoing his robe's straps. As he came through the door, just as he began to reach for the strap on his loincloth, he noticed one of the message stones around his scrying gem light up.

Grumbling in annoyance at being distracted from pawing off, Verdek considered ignoring the message until he had taken care of his erection, but his professional side reminded him that he had duties and that it would have to wait. He walked to the scrying ball and placed his hand over the message stone that had a blue glow emanating from it, and connected his mind to the stone. He heard a voice in his head begin to speak. "Hey Verdek, this is Raldun. We've gotten another of those special orders in for you, so whenever you're ready, you can come pick it up."

"Ah, what perfect timing!" Verdek mumbled. "I'll have a much better time pawing off now! I wonder what it is this time." Verdek re-strapped his robe's clasps and headed toward the entrance area. He placed his hand upon a glyph beside the door. Registering that it was his mental presence and not someone else's, the wall slid aside, revealing his transport stone. The stone would transport him wherever he wanted to go, but only twice a day. As Raldun's location was in a shady area of the town, he certainly couldn't be seen walking there! With a thought, he sent himself to a closet that Raldun reserved specifically for him. Swirling energies rose around him, and after a moment of feeling wightless he emerged in a bright flash in the closet. After letting his eyes adjust to the dim light, he pocketed the transport stone, then opened the door.

A few dirty looking citizens looked at him in suprise since there was no reason to expect someone to come out of a closet, but didn't say anything even if they recognized him. He was somewhat of a regular too, after all, if an unusally flashy one. Raldun dealt with all types of illegal trafficking, so no one who was here was likely doing anything legal anyway, besides getting drunk. Verdek was one of a small handfull of patrons who regularly bought actual people. Most of the others used them for indescribable reasons, but Verdek used them to satisfy his secret fetish: vore. The room was dimly lit by a lantern on a table, and the wooden walls and floorboards were filthy. Sunlight peeked through many small holes in the walls. Verdek walked out and into the room and quickly spotted Raldun sitting at a table, arguing with a rat over a green substance in a bag. It could have been any number of drugs, but Verdek didn't use those sorts of things, so he didn't know what it was.

Raldun was a burly bear, and wore only a pair of baggy pants. He never wore a shirt so that the patrons would have an idea of how he could bend them in half with ease if they ever tried anything sneaky on him. His belly bulged out a little due to the layer of fat he had acquired from competing in so many drinking contests. He did have them every week, after all. As Verdek drew near, Raldun noticed him and quickly finished the bargain, handing the rat a few gold and silver coins, no doubt losing a good amount in the deal in favor of the arrival of his favorite patron. Rats were always difficult to bargain with.

Raldun pocketed the bag and stood up from the creaky chair, then walked over to Verdek while smiling widely. "Verdek! How good of you to come so soon! I just got in a few that I think that you'll like, just follow me!" Verdek smiled. Raldun himself knew all too well what the dragon would be doing with them, and found it arousing to think about. "If only he would let me watch!" he thought as the dragon followed him. They came to another door, then waited for a moment while Raldun unlocked it with his keys. He opened the door and beckoned for Verdek to come inside.

Inside of the room were several people wearing only loincloths, standing there without any expression. Verdek noted that they must have been drugged to induce this effect, as they always were. They were all male, as Verdek had Raldun use the females to breed more prey for him. The first was a wolf with grey fur along his back and white along his belly. He was not muscular looking, and also had a slight paunch on his belly. The next one was a dragon. He had black skin with a smooth red belly, and was quite muscular. Verdek had never gotten a dragon before. The third one was a youngish griffin, with many smooth, blue colored feathers covering him everywhere except his under-areas. His belly's muscles were well defined, as were his chest muscles. His belly curved beneath him like a horse's, and was covered in a rubbery looking tan colored hide. He was the only one that wasn't anthro, but that would make it more fun. They must have eaten recently, as there was something bulging out of the dragon's belly.

Raldun handed him the bag of green stuff that he had just bought earlier. "What's this?" Verdek asked.

"It's a new type of mind influencing drug" he replied. "The previous stuff only made them docile and almost unresponsive, as they are now, but a little pinch of this stuff'll make them do anything you tell them to!" At the last remark he winked, indicating that he knew Verdek would have a lot more fun with them this time.

"Thanks Ral! You never let me down!" replied Verdek, handing him a bag of gold coins and some gems while grinning wickedly.

Verdek gave his first order to his playthings immediately. "All of you come over to me and hold on." They shuffled sluggishly over and placed their hands on him.

As he began to take out the transport stone, Raldun suddenly said "Wait. There's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while now!"

Verdek turned toward him with a perplexed look and said "And what might that be?" Raldun looked uncomfortable, and then Verdek had an idea of what Raldun was about to ask, as he had always believed that the bear had wanted to see him swallow one of the slaves because it turned him on just thinking about it. Of course, if Raldun asked to come along, he would let him, as he had some plans already coming into place if that happened that might earn him discounts in the future.

"I was just wondering if....well....if I could..." Raldun began to stammer. Verdek cut him off. "You want to come along and watch me, right?" When he saw the look of hope in Raldun's face, he knew he had him.

"Sure, I don't see why not. It's not like you can do what I can do with them, so I can understand if you want to watch. Just hold on with the rest of them. Oh, and you won't be able to come back until tomorrow" said Verdek. "The stone only works twice a day, but i'm sure you'll be comfortable for the night."

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" Raldun blurted out. He had such an ecstatic look on his face that it was almost funny. He was known for being very serious most of the time, as in when he wasn't drunk. He put a burly paw onto his shoulder, and Verdek sent them to his dwelling with a thought.

After they appeared in the entryway, Verdek set the transport stone back on its pedestal. Then, he turned to Raldun, who was blinking from the bright flash of light still, and said "I assume you already know that during and after swallowing them I'm going to be pawing off. I assume you were planning to do the same while watching me."

Raldun appeared unable to speak for a moment before saying "Well..umm.I..uhh...I...guess...that's what I was planning...I...umm...never really thought about it... before." Now he was looking down at the floor, embarassed.

Verdek smiled. "There's nothing wrong with that Ral. You just want to experience what I do in the nearest way possible, and if watching me is the only way to do that, that's fine. I don't have a problem with you pawing off while watching me, you'll be doing it because of the act of swallowing something whole and alive and watching its struggle in my belly, just like I do. You are aroused by the act itself, as I am, so it's fine." With that, Verdek patted him on the shoulder and then brought the slaves into the lounge area.

Raldun followed slowly, and then asked "So...are you...going to do it now...or...are you going to do it later?"

Verdek turned and grinned. "I'm going to do it right now, because I was about to do it before I saw your message. I'm going to be using that big couch over there, so you can have your pick of the others. That one right there should give you the best view though." he said, pointing to a couch facing towards the one he planned on using.

"Umm, okay." Raldun said, settling onto the couch with his foot-paws stretched out in front of him.

"It'll feel a lot better with nothing on." said Verdek. "Trust me, just take off your pants."

"Well, um, I don't know if I want to..." began Raldun.

Verdek looked him right in the eyes while leaning toward him. "Trust me, just take them off, you'll feel a lot better that way, and you won't leave an unremovable stain on the couch as those things look like they've never been washed before."

Considering how generous his patron had been in letting him come at all, Raldun took his advice. He slowly pulled the waistband down and removed the pants from his legs, and draped them over the couch. His furry sheath was stretched from his undoubtedly excited cock. His balls were suprisingly large for a bear his size, and hung heavily in his sac.

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" said Verdek. "Now just get in the best position you can think of on the couch and enjoy the show." Raldun settled himself onto the couch as before, with one hand unconsciously giving a firm rub to his sheath.

"Oh, one other thing." he said, glancing at the bear. "Make sure that you don't get any of your seed onto the furniture if you can, it's very expensive."

"Well where is it supposed to go anyway?" Raldun asked.

"Just aim it at your belly, you can clean it off of yourself afterward." Verdek looked at his slaves appraisingly. "Better save the best for last." He muttered to himself. "You two, griffin and dragon, go stand in my bedroom over there." he said while pointing. The two he had addressed shuffled off into his room. "You stand beside that couch." he said, pointing at the couch he planned on using. The wolf shuffled over to the couch. Verdek unfastened the three clasps of his robe and then let it fall to the floor. He then unstrapped his loincloth and dropped it to the floor. Raldun tried to look away but couldn't help sneaking a peek. Verdek's white sheath jutted away from his belly scales in excitement, and a tiny bit of red was visible at its tip.

As he watched, Verdek growled and shifted into his natural form. Raldun had never seen a dragon do this before, as they were very private about it and always in anthro form in public. His entire body was covered in lithe muscles. His shifting skeletal structure forced him onto all fours. He also had two majestic wings on his back that were anchored at his broad shoulders. His chest swelled to form a curve that lifted upward at his midriff and disappeared into the soft flesh of his belly. His gaze settled between Verdek's legs, where his now enlarged sheath was still stretched tightly. The new position of being on all fours caused some more of his cock's red head to push out. His balls had swollen enormously in proportion, and hung a good distance down between his legs. He was now several times bigger in his natural form.

Verdek settled carefully onto the couch on his back, propping his chest and head up by leaning on the arm. He reached over and easily lifted the docile slave up, and put him onto his belly. He reached up and pulled off the wolf's loincloth, and tossed it aside. Raldun started to rub his sheath at the prospect of what was about to happen. Verdek placed his hands on the wolf's shoulders and pulled it towards his snout. Opening his jaws wide, he lifted it into his maw and settled its chest onto his large tongue. He tilted his head back and worked it towards his throat. The wolf's head pushed into his throat, and then the tongue pushed, sending his chest down as well. Raldun's cock slipped out, and he began to slowly stroke it as he watched a bulge form in Verdek's throat.

Verdek pushed the wolf's chest down a little further, and now its belly and waist rested on his tongue. Now came the part that would release his prey from the drug's effects and make it realize that something was swallowing it. He had figured out a while back that ejaculating countered the effect of the drug on the brain while playing with a slave, so rather than having them slide into his belly without even struggling at all, he sucked them off, then swallowed, producing an enjoyable struggle all the way down that eventually ended inside of his belly. He rubbed his tongue against the wolf's sheath, and then strongly pushed downward along it with his tongue until he reached its base at the balls. After doing this for a few minutes, the excited penis within slid out. After wrapping his tongue around it once and sliding it off, the wolf started to hump against his tongue.

The wolf's thrusts continued for several minutes as Verdek's tongue helped out. Suddenly, Verdek wrapped its knot in a tight grip with his tongue and squeezed tightly, until its slick balls twitched. With a howl audible even inside of his throat, the wolf's cock jerked and began to spurt out into his mouth. It continued to hump until most of the ejaculation had ended, sending out a few weak spurts afterward. The wolf figured out what was going on and began to thrash in his throat, slowly sliding in further. After the lower part of its protruding belly was beginning to sink into his throat, Verdek swallowed with deliberate slowness, tilting his head up and gulping with a deep sound. His penis pushed out of its sheath, and he curled a paw around it and started to hump it in and out of his hand. Raldun was already pawing off furiously as he watched the bulge move down Verdek's neck and disappear into his chest.

With a sound audible to both, the wolf slipped into his stomach with a low gurgle, forming a noticable bulge. Raldun watched as the dragon's stomach heaved and bulged as the wolf strugged within, creating a sloshing sound. He panted as his paw worked his cock and its pleasure increased. Verdek humped harder against his paw as he felt the struggle inside of his stomach, a pleasurable burning sensation beginning to build, and a few spurts of pre dribbled onto his belly scales. Raldun's furious masturbating combined with watching something swallowed alive struggle right in front of him was too much. He slammed his paw down around the base of his dick and grunted as his seed burst from the head of his cock, sending spurt after spurt of thick creamy white goo onto his belly.

When it was over, Raldun slumped back into the chair, leaving his paw around his softening cock as he closed his eyes and breathed slow, deep breaths of contentment. He stayed like this for a few moments, but his eyes snapped open when he heard the furniture moving. Verdek was still pumping away, and his thrusts against his paw were so powerful that the couch was moving around. His eyes locked on the massive staff between the dragon's legs, and he couldn't help but marvel at the thought of being able to last so long and with so much vigor.

Verdek was in heaven. Each powerful thrust sent a burning lance of pleasure through his entire dick. At the apex of the thrust his dick would twitch and spurt some more pre out, keeping his paw slick and lubricated as he humped against it. He could tell that he was close, as each thrust sent a slightly more pleasurable sensation down his dick. He felt his thighs begin to quiver, and his balls suddenly twitched within their scaly covering. With a last, powerful thrust, Verdek let out a deep growl and spasmed just before a fountain of seed burst forth from him and began splattering against his belly and chest.

Raldun was amazed as he watched. Whenever he ejaculated, his seed came out in spurts of enjoyment, and he would buck his hips in pleasure just before each spurt came out. But this was different. Verdek's seed was coming out in a continuous stream with enough force to reach his chest, and he held his hips firmly against his paw as the continual ejaculation progressed. His eyes were closed and his breath held as the burning seed was squeezed out of his balls and propelled out through his shaft. Raldun couldn't stop watching, Verdek had already overtaken the length of his own ejaculation two times, and it still seemed as if the stream of seed had no end.

Gradually, after over twenty seconds, Verdek's ejaculation slowed down to where it came out in spurts and he had to hump his paw each time to continue the pleasure. As the last of his seed emptied and was reduced to a slow, continual ooze, he gradually came back to reality. As the fog of pleasure cleared, the first thing that he sensed beyond his dick was that his stomach had settled into a rounded bulge and the wolf had surrendered to his belly's hunger. The next was that his warm dragon-seed was all over his chest and belly. He looked over to where Raldun was sprawled, and saw the look of amazement on his muzzle from watching his impressive ejaculation. Raldun's belly was covered in bear-seed, and his shaft still protruded from his sheath.

Secret pleasures, chapter 2

Verdek moved his snout over his chest and licked the seed up off of it, swallowing before moving a little lower. Raldun watched in confusion as the dragon began to lick at its belly and swallow its seed. What was it doing? Raldun looked away as...

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