Living the God Life

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - The Owlette

Writing - Runa

Characters - Runa

Cameos - Too many to list

This is something I've wanted to do for a long time. Just some simple slice-of-life work showing what a day in the life of a mated pair of Dalonian Gods (Also known as Dieties) might be like. I allude to a lot of stuff, so don't feel confused if you don't know what I mean by certain references to the world around what's going on.

Please, just enjoy this amazing art done by owly, and a story that is more of a passion project than anything I did for anyone else.

The day started as simply as any day could for any inhabitant of Dalon. I was roused from my deep slumber by the symphony of birds singing in the distance, followed by the steady drone of insects in the trees. As I woke, I found my mate Valencia with her wing wrapped around my belly, the soft, furred membrane tickling at the rim of my sheathe. It was a good way to wake up.

I was in the middle of having a nice dream about the people honoring my accomplishments as a diplomatic enforcer alongside my friends and accomplices, responsible for keeping the world at peace for decades. This fantasy was interspersed with snippets of me earning my power by crushing my enemies and uniting all nations into one under the banner of the Dalonian Gods. Sadly, that was only a dream, and the real world was a bit more complicated than that. No, people couldn't know who I was or what I did, or our facade would be ruined.

But that's okay. As I woke up, clicking my beak in time with the melodic chirping outside, I opened my eyes to see Valencia's, still asleep and cradling me. Her two un-adorned digits were gripping the plumage on my chest as her wing membrane draped over my belly. Like most bipeds, she had four limbs, but her arms were wings, and three of her five digits were elongated and had wing membrane attached to them, allowing her a thumb and forefinger to grip things without the thin skin getting in the way.

As I stirred, she nuzzled into my chest and nibbled a bit, effectively sleep-preening me. The gentle sensations made my feathers stand on end a bit, but I couldn't pause to enjoy it too much; I needed to get up, I had things to do.

I offered a gentle massage at the back of her neck - my massive hands dwarfing her body - before delicately pulling her wing from my chest and placing it on the bed. Once I was no longer in a her grasp, I rolled out of her reach and hung my feet over the side of the bed. I curled my talons a bit, adding a few more scratch marks to the fanning gouges I've been leaving for the last few years. Not a problem. I could easily replace the floor board any time.

After a few deep breaths, I cleared my throat and looked around my room. Nothing had changed in years, and it remained just the way I liked it. Valencia was lying on the round, cushioned bed in the middle of the room, wings and legs splayed out on top of the sheets. I could see her chest heaving, and I knew deep down inside that she was faking sleep since she rarely slept once she didn't have me to cling to. I opted to leave her be - for all I knew she wanted to please herself while I did my own morning ritual. Most drakes would be offended that their lady would prefer their own company to their mate's, but since I'm literally twice her size, passion required a lot of preparation.

Instead, I got up and walked around the bed, claws tapping on the thick knotted wood of the floorboards as I left the room. My home was beautiful and rustic; the walls, floor, and ceiling were all thick logs and stones bound by nails and pikes to the massive tree I called my home.

I, like the others that worked with me as worldwide ambassadors, had designed and maintained my dream home with my ideal lover. It was a multiple story tree fort built into the thick, powerful branches of the largest Cellitoke tree in all of Dalon, and it was specifically catered to my personal tastes. My home was modeled after a fort I made myself as a young chick on the farm before leaving for the university, and I recreated it amidst a beautiful forest of green, blue, and red vegetation. The tree I nurtured to be a giant was nearly ten times the height of most other trees of its type, so it stood out as special; as special as I was compared to my ex-peers.

My home and its surrounding forest was in the Cradle of Dalon, a shallow cut valley in the tallest mountain range of all of Dalon, the home of myself and the ten others who now are deemed gods by the people of the world. I always hated being called a God. I didn't like it as a title, I preferred to be praised for my accomplishments in science and technology, but it was easier to see myself and the others as gods due to our immeasurable magical prowess and the ability we had to put a stop on our own biological clocks, thus rendering us immortal.

I walked down the hallway to stand on my balcony, leaning against a tree branch as I gazed out, overlooking the valley. Beneath me lie a massive forest stretching from me to the cliff that fell into Lake Klyneth. To my right, the tallest peak in the range and home of Ceylon and Leera. To my left, our own Lake and the river that flowed into a waterfall. Past the lake and river lie a massive castle where Vaulix and Talba lived together. Behind my home and to the north lie a series of cliffs that led to a second plateau where Keran, Luero, Olfrin, Yelena, and Sanfrit lived.

It was a beautiful arrangement between us. Nobody else could climb this mountain but us. Nobody else had the tenacity or skill to scale the steep cliffs or the magic to overcome the odds. This was on purpose, so the common people couldn't interfere with our work, then eventually our lives once we unlocked the secret to eternal life. This was our home, this was our property, this was our birthplace as dieties, hence the name "Cradle of Dalon".

I gave myself a scratch on the sheathe, letting myself hang out a bit in the cool morning air. This remained one pleasure that eternal life had never diminished. A flock of multicolored birds flew by in front of me, chirping and whistling as they streaked across the sky in the orange glow of the morning sun. It was a serene moment, one I could enjoy every morning should I chose to, but it was interrupted by the feel of a dainty limb wrapping around my waist followed by the gentle stabbing of sharp teeth nibbling at my hip. It was Valencia, hugging me from the side.

She was notably tiny compared to me. As she was part Oairian, part Ciennic, she was literally half my height and maybe an eighth my weight. Tiny girl. Many like to make jokes about my 'equine anatomy' and the perceived difficulties we must have being intimate, but we make it work. With time, patience, passion, and a bit of magic, we can make anything fit, really.

I draped my hand over her shoulder and held her close. "Good morning, dear." I cooed at her, still looking out over the valley.

She used her wing-arm to paw gently at my member a bit. "Well good morning to you, too, stud."

I wasn't really sure if I was feeling in the mood to take advantage of her playfulness, but she had a knack for manipulating me. It was her gift, after all.

The fleeting thought of passion tingled in my sheathe, making the tip of my cock swell and push out into her wing membrane, urging her to wrap her finger and thumb around it and give a gentle tug.

"Glad to see you're in the mood today. Too bad for you!" She giggled a bit and held the tip up to her lips, offering a gentle kiss, followed by a lick to taste the tiny dribble of fluid that was trickling out the end. She smiled up at me, winked, and hopped up and kicked off my thighs to do a backflip over the barricade. She spun in midair and caught a gust of air, spreading her wings to catch a thermal and glide off into the distance over the valley.

I rolled my eyes at her and smiled. She was being a total cocktease, but she was also showing off since I lacked a pair of wings to easily fly off into the distance next to her. Well, that was easy enough to fix. I had two options if I wanted to soar the skies alongside my mate. The first option was just to use telekinesis to levitate myself, or I could actually transform my body and grow a pair of wings. The levitation method was faster but used a lot more energy, so I decided to go with the wings.

I turned away from the banner and re-entered my room, quickly grabbing a simple kilt to step into. Most people didn't care if you walked around naked, but with stallion-bits like mine, I didn't want to draw attention. I could use the same transformation magic for growing wings to shrink my genitals, but I like the feel of huge balls and a meaty sheathe!

Once I put the kilt on, I concentrated on the transformation magic needed to grow the wings. I felt the flesh on my back distend and elongate as a bone formed seemingly from nothing. There was a gentle grinding as the newly created bones pressed against my shoulder blades, eventually shifting the overall shape of them to create a joint. The bone stretched and filled the fleshy, meaty protrusions, which were growing thick as muscle overlapped itself and attached to the bone.

Before long, I had the muscle and skin and bone formed, leaving only the feathers to sprout up like fast-growing grass. Only a couple of minutes later, I had a fully formed pair of wings with long, majestic red, gold, and black feathers.

Sometimes, I'd look at my wings and wish I was born with them, but then I remember that the time was long since past that I could complain about it. Now that I had a five meter wingspan - one large enough to hold my weight - I spread my wings and hopped over the barricade, gliding through the valley after Valencia.

I was happy to see that she was going around in circles, waiting for me. I swooped by her and angled my wings to slice my way down, zipping happily over the Cellitoke wood that surrounded my own personal mega-tree. As soon as I could, I turned to dash out over the cliff side and dived almost straight down along the rock face, beak aimed at the lake below. The waterfall was cascading down the mountain to my side and splashing mist out all around me. About half way down, I caught the wind and jerked to the side, eventually coming to hover gently just over the treetops of the jungle surrounding the lake.

Valencia was mimicking me from behind. We couldn't chat during the descent, as the wind in our ears would drown out any sounds we'd make. The rest of the flight consisted of the two of us hovering gently over the thick forest, occasionally looking over at one another and smiling as our destination inched its way closer to us.

The trip from mountain valley to terrestrial city took about an hour in total. The entire time I was thinking about what the plans were for the day. Valencia and I had made it our goal to help one person per day with some random problem they were having, and do it in the name of the 'gods'. When we travelled abroad, which was quite often, we would find some locals in need of assistance. It didn't matter where we were or what we were doing, we stopped to help someone at least once a day. That was the agreement the eleven of us came to. Each of us would help one person per day. It helped to strengthen our reputation with our followers.

So that was our life. Today we needed to find someone who needed our help. Once that was done, we had the rest of the day to ourselves to do whatever we wanted. Maybe we'd see a show? Maybe we'd watch some fights? Maybe we'd enjoy some down time and listen to some music while enjoying a drink or two? It didn't matter. We didn't have jobs to worry about; we didn't have livelihoods to protect. Due to the immeasurable power we had, we could do anything we wanted short of conjure up life from nothing (though that was something I wanted to try some time).

This day, I felt I wanted to help someone with physical or emotional troubles. Wasn't in the mood to make someone rich or anything. The only problem was that, between the eleven of us, we'd left the world in such a state were there was very little in the way of personal struggle or strife. Due to our political influence, the world had been war-free for about two decades now, poverty was nearly wiped out entirely, and the schools and churches were both properly balanced out against one another, weighing out faith and fact nicely.

There really wasn't much to work on, lately. Finding someone who needed help - especially in Klyneth - was hard. Klyneth was one of the largest cities in the world, and it was closest to the Cradle, so it was where we did most of our philanthropic work and we had our largest churches. People would travel from all over the world to pray to us there, and we'd go in every now and then to heal the sick or help the unlucky. Undortunately, the only thing that ever seemed to crop up lately was some variation of an emotional or physical problem. Regardless of our influence on the world's political landscape, people could still get sick, and people could still be sad and lonely.

It was an odd phenomenon where, the better we made the lives of our followers, the more depression seemed to crop up. With no adversity to challenge one's spirit, it's like the world loses its meaning. Depression was never fun to deal with because it's hard to fix something with such a distinct mental component. Usually that just meant using Valencia to put some creative inspiration in their minds and give them something to do in life.

After much time gliding over the trees, we eventually found the Urto trade route - a long, winding slice through the forest that was wide enough to house four lanes of horse-drawn traffic - north of Klyneth. It was always one of our first stops in Klyneth; Leera and her friend Yetzer ran a Vore house there, and she spent most of her time there when not at home with Ceylon. There, they would eat people for coin.

Turns out the fantasy of being swallowed without the negative repercussions (Like suffocation, skin-melting, and torn flesh followed by death) was a pretty common thing. The business was proving to be a successful one, as people were flocking to Klyneth to experience such a surreal thing at about the same rate as people would come to our churches.

Consumption is a different kind of prayer to some.

Once we landed, I hid behind a bush while I focused my magics on absorbing my wings back into my shoulder blades. Like before, it took only a few minutes before I was back to my old, typical self. Massive hippogryph male adorned with rustic red, gold, and black feathers. Bipedal, but no wings. Quite different from Valencia.

"Hurry up, Ilorek. The sun is almost entirely up, people should be waking, soon. And seriously, why are you hiding behind a bush, nobody's going to see you morph at this hour of the day." Valencia was calling out from the dirt path, waiting for me to rejoin her.

I emerged from the shelter of my bush, kicking up a rock at her that I had picked up with my talon. "Oh shush, you. It's better to play it safe and make sure nobody sees that kind of thing or they get suspicious. You seem to be the only one who thinks wiping their memory or fucking with their mind to discredit their claims is a good idea."

"I never said it was a good idea, I said it was fun and it worked." She laughed at me, outstretching her wing-hand for me to take.

I grabbed her and flipped her up around my shoulder like a rucksack, letting her grab at my shoulder feathers, resting her feet on my hips. It was easier for her to perch on my back while I walked since I was far larger than she was, and my legs too much longer steps than hers. Her face was right next to mine, so I nuzzled into her and smiled before starting my lengthy hike into town.

As it turned out, I had miscalculated where we were and our proximity to town, because we were just one bend away from the Vore House, which in turn was less than 1km from town. As usual, we made the Vore House our first step.

Off the beaten path of the Urto Trade Route, there was a long, deliberately wavy walkway lined by trees on either side leading in from the road into the front gates of the Vore House Castle. Unlike the rest of the path, the front lawn and surrounding area of the Vore House was open and lined in well-trimmed glass, with the castle itself on a bit of a small hill.

Up the winding path we went, walking right in.

To this day I still love the design of that castle. The bricks were ebony, the fabrics draped on the wall as well as the carpets were red with golden lining, with bits of other colors here and there. The black, red, and gold reminded me of my own feather and hair/fur patterning. This wasn't done on purpose, as it was designed by Yetzer before he ever met me.

Once we entered, I saw a small blue and red saurossin reading something at the check in desk. He looked up and smiled at me before waving me through. "She's in her quarters. Had a bit of a fun client last night, so she may not want to be too active with you."

"Thanks Theo." I said as I walked right past him.

Down the hall I went, took a left, then went left again into the spiraling staircase that would lead to the second floor where both Leera and Yetzer slept or invited their guests. Leera was on the left, with Yetzer on the right. No idea if Yetzer was around.

On the second floor, I knocked on the very first door and walked right in. Normally I would wait until she answered, but this day, I just walked right in to catch Leera in a writhing ball, resting her head on one of her coils as she pushed a small green gryphon out her vent, still encapsulated in placenta or something, with a cord still attached to his belly and trailing up into her cloaca. His flesh emanated a neon styled glow with each breath.

"Well hello." I commended.

She shot a glare over at me and huffed angrily. "You're lucky my client is unconscious, or this might have ruined the climax for him. And seriously, you know better, Ilorek!"

Valencia made a cute, quiet squeak in my ear as she got a look at the gooey mass of placenta wrapped around the gryphon on the floor between Leera and the two of us. I couldn't tell if that was her shocked or holding back arousal. I didn't think she was into reverse birth, but I wouldn't put it past her; it was never something I brought up.

"I see you're not hungry today, but your other end is. How is business?" I asked, ignoring her angry glare as I walked forward, getting bits of birthing fluid between my talons.

She uncoiled with a slight jerk as the last bit of the client's attaching umbilical cord detached from within, resulting in a bit of red blood to accompany the mostly clear, but pink-tinged goop that was oozing out her vent. "Its what the customer wanted. It was that or turn him into an egg. But I repeat, you're lucky he's unconscious, I hate to disappoint my clients, especially repeat customers. This one here's actually a friend of mine now. Don't expect him to pay anymore." She rubbed her vent off with a towel before throwing it to the side.

"What's his name? Cygarette? Or something?"

She chuckled a bit, her entire body length expanding with each laugh. "I can't give away my client's names! Not even to you!"

"I thought you said he was your friend, not a client?" Valencia insisted with a bit of a sneer.

Leera paused and nodded her head. "He can be both, you know." She paused again and shook her head, rejecting the mind trick Valencia was pulling on her. "Nope, You should leave. I'm not done with him just yet. I always adore your company, but today is not good for me. Go see Yetzer or something, I have some intimate time with my friend here." She leaned down and rested her chin on the glowing green gryphon before shooing me off with her tail.

I didn't want to intrude and it was clear she was invested in her client, so I smiled and walked away, Valencia still on my back. I didn't bother going to see Yetzer because he really wasn't my friend or ally. In fact, I always felt there was something a little off about him. Seemed to delight in the hunt a bit too much. Still, I had a few plans for the day and decided it was time to leave.

Through the main hall, out the front door, and down the winding path back to the Urto Trade route before making my way into town.

Before I got to town, I noticed Valencia was actually sleeping, still clinging to my back and nuzzled into my neck. I had thought she was just not interested in talking about Vore related stuff since she wasn't into that, but it turns out she'd actually fallen asleep. I was okay with this. More time to my own thoughts.

Klyneth itself was massive. Could take an hour to fly from one end to the other, going east to west. The entire City was hugging the border of the forest on the north end and exposed to the plains on the south end. In the plains to the south was the largest and most prosperous farmland in all of Dalon, said to produce nearly 10% of the world's crops! Saff'Rald, was the home of a lot of "The world's Largest or most extravagant." That's what happens when nearly a dozen beings of undetermined power call your country their own.

With our first destination checked off, our next stop was the market where Vinn and Ceylon were selling potions together. The streets were starting to get a few random citizens dotting its length, but it was still early morning and I doubted most people had even eaten breakfast yet so few had the desire to get out and go to work or buy stuff for their families.

Since it was so dead, Ceylon spotted me from across the marketplace, waving a wing at me and asking me to come visit. I could never say no to that burd. Even when he was moody he was still kind of fun to be around, because he was so easy to tease! Plus we'd had our fair share of kinky experiences together, so we could always talk about those (mis)adventures.

Valencia was still asleep and clinging to my back, wings draped over my shoulders and legs wrapped around my hips, so I was careful to not bump into anyone or go too fast. It took me a while to get to their potions stand, but once I did I would greet them with my usual enthusiasm.

"Well good morning to you two. How's the potions business going?" I asked, grabbing a few of their wares and eyeing it close to maybe entice others to come and see what I was looking at. Ceylon may have been one of us - a Dalonian Diety - but his long-term investment was to work alongside his lizard friend and help his potions business grow, so it was a lot of fun to watch the kinds of hilarious magic he'd infuse in the potions.

Once, he gave someone a potion to make his dick as big as his leg. Came back the next day with a bulge in his pants that looked like he was trying to steal a squash. Was fun and he was angry, but his wife (an Errovian Mare) loved it.

"The potions business has been going well, thanks." Vinn commented with a half-mumble. He was clearly tired, likely due to the fact that it was still early and he just woke up. Due to that, I didnt't prod or poke fun, and instead spent the next hour or so just chatting with Ceylon about potential 'believers' who I could help. He and Leera spent more time in town than Valencia or myself, so they likely would have some good leads on people I could help.

There were a few he had targeted, but they were all things he wanted to do. Mostly kinky things with people wanting to live out fantasies not centered around being swallowed by a snake's orifice, be it maw or vent.

One couple wanted to try a sort of body merge experiment, but never thought such a thing was possible, so Ceylon created a potion specifically for the occasion that would literally turn their cum and fluids into a fluid that would melt and bind their flesh during coitus, resulting in a temporarily two-headed, four legged beast with both sets of genitals. At least that was the plan; he was still working on the potion and wanted to be sure they woudl detach and return to normal after only a few hours, and in its current form they would remain together forever. That is not a dream come true. A nightmare, perhaps, but not a dream.

Another couple wanted to know what it was to fly, so he was going to let them mount him and fly over the great plains with them on his back. Naturally, some wanted money or power, but none of us liked to give more than was needed and we certainly didn't play favorites. It was a tight line to walk so that we gave the people what they needed without creating jealousy.

Still, it was a lot of work for both he and I, and it seemed I was certainly running out of people to grant a wish to. I could just get away with picking some random schmuck, reading his mind, and giving them what they wanted regardless of his need, but that took the fun out of it all and eliminated the point behind our whole operation.

"So nothing at all you haven't already set in motion?"I whispered to Ceylon. Vinn was half asleep and not paying attention since he was leaning against the other cart.

"Not really, no. I mean, not in Klyneth anyway. I'm sure if you travelled north to Kerolioa or out east to any of the frozen nations, you could find someone who's starving, but other than that, the pickings are just so slim around here." He reached below the table and grabbed a vial with some clear ademane in it, dipping his claw in and infusing it with some magic. "This is going to be a gender swap potion. Some lucky drake is gonna wake up with a cloaca but no cock. Gonna be fun for some couple."

I laughed a bit, the crook of my beak curling up in a smile. "You devious bastard. Well, you have fun with that. So, with nobody left to bless, I think I might just take the day off. No point in mulling about, wasting my time looking for someone to help when everyone here is content, or at least equally healthy."

"Sounds like a fun time to me." He said with a dismissive wave. "Nobody ever said we had to help someone every day. Last I checked, we made our own rules." He dipped his talon in another potion and turned it red, mixing it in until the whole concoction was the color and consistency of blood.

I didn't bother making small talk with him. Ceylon and I got along well, but he was starting to lose interest in his role in the world, and it was showing. He just didn't have the passion for helping people he once did, and instead had been spending the last year or so taking on blessings that were really more beneficial for him than for the people he was blessing. Yeah, it helped them, but we all knew that his altruism was a front for his own unique brand of selfishness.

Yet, despite him giving off that aura, it was also kind of clear he really did want to help others and genuinely felt that his happiness was merely a pleasant byproduct of his kindness. At least that's how he saw himself. He'd always been a bit oblivious, at least in his early years. I once dove into his mind to see what he really thought (against his will) and found that he genuinely cares about others, and only is happy when others are happy, which made it even worse that he was losing that passion.

Though I suppose I did see his point. When everyone is happy, it's so hard to see a problem to fix. When a nearly omnipotent group of individuals are looking out for the well-being of an entire town and eliminating nearly all conflict, it's hard to maintain a passion for life.

It was certainly worth looking into some time.

Naturally, it was Ceylon who had recently proposed the abandonment of the blessings. He felt it would help people by keeping people balanced and with purpose. His recommendation was not to make an active effort to help people, but to only help those who truly needed it or were willing to go the extra mile to prove their desire for assistance.

I loved the idea of people bowing at my feet, worshiping me for the kindness I imbued upon them, and the positive role I had in the lives of my followers, but demanding their loyalty for admiration or blessings felt tacky to me.

My life before cracking the code to everlasting life was that of a scientist. I was raised on a farm to an Errovian father and an Oairan mother, so I was equally blessed with intelligence and strength. I spent most of my formative years on a farm, understanding the value of life and loss, but then as soon as I left I focused my efforts on unified, collective knowledge. I wanted to make the world a better place by expanding the scientific community's collective pool of knowledge.

I found a much better way to help people, but I still missed my old life, even centuries later.

Still, it made normal, day-to-day life somewhat bland and repetitive. Every day I would wake up, find a person to help, then spend the rest of my day indulging. The blessings weren't even a game anymore, it was just something I had to do before I could have fun.

Maybe Ceylon was right, and it was time to make a change.

"What was that?" Valencia murmured in my ear, waking up from her nap clinging to my back.

"Huh? Did I say something?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"You said something about Ceylon being right. What was he right about?" She un-latched herself from my back and hopped to the ground, using her wing membrane to brush off the dust from her rump and tail.

I laughed a bit, shaking my head. "Oh, I didn't realize I was speaking out loud. I was just thinking about Ceylon's lack of passion and how he suggested we stop offering blessings. I was thinking he might be right that we've stolen purpose from these people's lives by making everyone happy."

She put her wings on her waist and flicked an ear, her eyebrow raised in disdain. "Doesn't sound like you at all. Well, how about we just go and enjoy some morning tea, and we can talk about it there. There's a nice Cafe nearby that serve a wonderful berry and peach tea. Love it. I have one most every time I come into town. You brought coin, right?"

I reached into the front pocket of my kilt and pulled it out, showing nothing but a bit of sand and lint.

"Really? Coming into town, and you didn't bring any money?"

"You jumped off the balcony with no warning, I didn't have time to think about it. You didn't exactly warn me! Besides, I can pick some up from the bank; I've always got a few grand worth of coin in the bank in any city I go to, Especially Klyneth. We can always stop there before we go. Where's the cafe? Is the bank on the way?"

She rolled her eyes and flipped me off with her wing finger. "Depends on what bank you use. It's over near the town center, near the fountain's roundabout. Come come."

I was somewhat intrigued about this cafe that sold the berry and peach tea, but I wasn't really all that into tea that morning. I wanted to focus my efforts into finding someone to bless, but the more I thought about it the better it would be to go to this cafe. She said it was near the town center with the fountain, which meant that all 6 of the city's major roadways converged there and as such it had more traffic than any other area in town. I could open my mind to the thoughts of any and all who passed through and find someone with the right combination of needs to help.

Though reluctant at first, my revelation urged me to follow in her wake. "I've thought about it, and I've decided to join you!" I declared, keeping pace beside her. I had to walk so slow, due to her tiny, short legs. "Can you just fly there? I can keep up."

She jokingly slowed her pace as though she was walking in slow motion, with exaggerated wing motions accompanying each step. "Iiiiii'mmmmm sooooorrrrrryyyyy, diiiiid IIIIII sssslllloooowwww yyyyoooouuuu doooowwwwnnnn?"

Rather than waste time, I quickly picked her up by the waist and flipped her up over me to let her cling to my back like before. "Stop messing around. Lead the way! Tally ho!" I pointed forth and started running down the road.

"Stop, stop!" She demanded, and I obliged. "It's the other direction!"

"I know, but the bank is this way. I know where the town center is. Sheesh."

"Oh, right. Okay, then, carry on!"

The bank wasn't far away, and I did get some stares for having a full grown hybrid riding around on my back, but once I had a satchel full of coin, it was down the main eastern path to the town center. While walking down the pedestrian pathways, I made a joke about Valencia being my own personal backpack.

"You know, with you on my back like that, I should be able to use you as my living pack. I can just reach back and shove stuff in your mouth, and you can hold it in your belly!"

"Ilorek, my dear, we've been together about two and a half centuries now, and that is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say. Ever. Even dumber than that time you-"

I cut her off mid-sentence to propose a different orifice. "Or I could just reach around and shove it up your ass. Or even better, how about I put my coins in your slot, one at a time?" I grabbed the biggest coin in my sash and reached around and made a motion towards slipping it into her."

She immediately hopped off me and hovered in the air. "Whoa! What the fuck do you think you are doing? What a goof!"

I laughed and continued walking, flipping the coin in the air before tossing it back into my bag. "That's what you get for not wearing anything and leaving your lady parts hanging out in the open like that!"

"My lady parts do not....hang!" Of course, she had to look down and make sure. They weren't hanging, of course. They were neatly partially hidden amidst her fur, with only the glisten of her jewelry showing. If she was in heat, then her lips would be swollen with a pink slit right up the middle of it, but right now it was hard to see.

I continued to walk down the path with her hovering behind me - likely too scared to latch onto my back again for fear of me shoving something inside her. I was joking about it, but I'm the kind who occasionally takes a joke too far, and I know how malleable she is, so she'd be fine. Might even enjoy it, knowing her kinky side.

After about an hour of walking together, discussing our plans and goals for today's blessings, we finally made it to the town center. She guided me towards a nice little cafe with white barricades between the outdoor tables and the pedestrian pathway that swept around the roundabout town center fountain. It was a nice little place, with lots of potted plants to bring the forest to the city.

"Nice little place." I commented as she flew over the barricade and into the eating area. I took a few steps to actually go through the entrance.

We were seated at the farthest out table, overlooking the fountain with a great view of the entire town center. Perfect. I could tap into the minds of everyone. I took a glance inside the head of everyone in the cafe as well as every passerby I saw. As expected, I felt a lot of desire for a lover, or more money, or more recognition, but not a lot of people with actual problems. I also felt a few who felt their lives had lost meaning due to how uneventful life was, just as I feared.

"I'm telling you, the pickings are so very slim lately. How long do we have to sit around here and wait for some unlucky fellow to walk by so we can gift him with bounties?" Valencia asked, dipping her long, thin tongue into her tea. She had gotten the berry and peach tea, and I had done the same - though I had purchased the extra large one since I was naturally quite a bit bigger than she was.

"Stick with it, Val. This is what we all agreed on. One person per day each." I hesitated a moment and lapped at my tea to taste it. "But I'm beginning to see your point. It might be better for both of us to just take a day off. If nobody needs us, then I suppose there's no point in forcing ourselves into their lives."

She smiled a toothy grin at me. "I'm glad to see you are finally coming around. Tell ya what, we blow off this stupid daily quest for a week or so, and instead let's only help people if we happen to FIND someone who needs us, rather than actively looking for someone. It's such a simple solution I'm amazed it took you this long to agree with its perfection!"

I rolled my eyes and took another sip. I actually had considered doing this for years, but I had a certain sense of duty to the people of Dalon. We took so much so long ago that I felt it was my job to give as much back as I'd taken. I wanted to hold on to the ideals of our pact by adhering to the one per day rule, but it had grown increasingly challenging to maintain such a schedule. I also didn't want to give Valencia the satisfaction of knowing she was right and managed to convert me to her desires without the use of her mind-control powers.

"See? I told you! I knew you'd come around eventually!" She was as smug as I expected, so I calmly sipped at my tea as I stared at her. She hates that. My eyes are rather intense, and she knows she kind of looks like a meal to me. "Don't you give me that stare, horseburd."

I blinked and smiled, breaking the glare. "So what are we going to do with our newfound freedom? Go frolic in the meadows? Put on a magic show? Have sex in the least appropriate place in the world?"

Valencia's wing membranes seemed to vibrate in anticipation at my silly proposals. "Why not all three? We can go out to the south, find some open field, play around in there, and as you climax, you can send out an explosive bolt or something so everyone can see your excitement! It's a perfect trifecta!"

"Nono, dear. I was kidding. You know I'm not as much of an exhibitionist as you are." I took another sip and thought about the crowd that would gather to watch us fuck in the field. The idea made me a little uneasy, since I was the kind who preferred to keep that kind of stuff to my own home, or at least only in the presence of friends. The other Dalonian Dieties up on the mountain were in close enough proximity to get engaged with some of our antics, and that was more than enough for me.

Still, I liked the naughty thoughts of plowing through my mate while all saw our love explode all over the open plains. Silly an idea as that was.

"Just drink your tea, dear. By the way, this peach and berry tea is a lot better than I was expecting. This cafe is in fact pretty nice. I will have to return here. I also feel like the tea is energizing me a bit more than usual. What's in it?" I looked down into the massive mug and saw my reflection in the ripples, yet the colors reflected seemed wrong.

"It's a special berry. Ukatal berries. Give you an energetic boost. Even for folks like us, it works. Why do you think I come here every morning? It's a great way to wake up!"

I smiled at her, then continued to lap happily at the tea until it was gone; my beak was half inside the cup and my tongue was smearing itself against the bottom to get the final bits of liquid in the bottom. Once I was done, I stretched out my hand to my mate and invited her to follow me. I tossed a few gold coins on the table (which was far more than the tea cost) and stepped over the white barricade with my back to her so she could hop on. I felt like being her chariot.

Just as I was about to leave, I felt something nearby - a presence that longed for help - but chose to ignore it. It was a two toned, green-furred Ulokar with Swirled and striped patterns over his body and a big floofy white chest. He needed something. He needed me. But it would have to wait. Valencia and myself had some plans to fulfill!

The majority of the morning and the hours nto afternoon all became kind of a blur from that point on. In retrospect I'm pretty sure the berries she was talking about were a drug meant to induce hallucinations or mess with your mind in some way, because I was not acting right. I see myself as a stoic and responsible stallion-drake with an occasional silly or social side that comes out in the right company, but that morning, I was all over the place.

I do remember returning to the market and buying a bunch of Vinn's potions, only to give them out free to random passerby, telling them it was going to 'revitalize their love life', when in reality it was a melting potion or something to inflate certain body parts to hyper-size. I gave one of those hyper sized potions to a mare, and chuckled at the thought of what it would do to her lady parts, followed by me getting a semi-hard-on under the kilt due to finding that fantasy to be exactly the kind of kink I was into that day.

After that, Valencia and I did something strange by chanting our way down the main east-west roadway through town, randomly tossing out thousands of pounds worth of coin, stopping at the bank midway through our impromptu, two-person parade to get more.

As the day wore on, we eventually went just about everywhere in Klyneth. We stopped at every market, I think I remember getting a piercing through my sheathe lips, only to take it out and heal the wound shut immediately after, and I actually think we ended up in a massage parlor where Valencia did something to the masseuse that made her slip, elbow deep, up my rump while rubbing my haunches.

She's kind of a bitch that way, but the enhanced sensations of the psychotropic berries we were under the spell of made me enjoy every bit of it.

I do feel for whoever had to clean the mess I left on the massage table.

It wasn't until around dinner time that I managed to regain some of my lucidity. The sun was teasing a disappearing act behind the horizon as we went to the Mill of the Hill, a fancy restaurant on the northern end of town that was atop a high hill that overlooked the entire town and even the surrounding forest to the north. It also gave us a clear view of the mountains where we lived.

This time I avoided the tea; even in my mind-altered state I knew I didn't want to have any more of those feelings.

"You're evil, you know that?" I informed her as I rubbed at my temples. The effects were finally dying down and I was able to concentrate on the menu in front of me.

"Do you even know what evil is? Last I checked, the definition of evil was not synonymous with 'fun'." She folded up her menu and took a sip of her wine. It was kind of funny to see her pick up a fancy wine glass with her wing-arms. She had only a thumb and a single finger for dexterity, the other three phalanges were all long and connected by her wing membrane, so the only way she could do anything in an environment like this would be to flatten them up against her forearm and curl around the elbow.

I always liked to tease her about this, since she had as much power as I did to alter her body and retain four fingers and a thumb without the cumbersome interference of her wings, but she preferred not to change herself due to that making it obvious that she was more than a beautiful hybrid. Not just anyone has the power of transformation.

"So what are you getting?" I asked, only halfway paying attention to the menu.

"Oh, definitely a steak. A big beef steak. Rare and bloody." She smiled her familiar, toothy grin, and took another sip of her red wine as she kept her gaze aimed at me. She didn't even blink. Seems today she was embracing her carnivorous side.

Valencia's species was that of a hybrid between Canine and Avian, yet the Bachier race ended up being closer to that of a bat in shape and form. She had an affinity both for fruit and blood, so it was a fun little game to see what aspect of her natural personality was coming out in any specific day. On this day, she started out with the fruit bat side, and now it seemed she had a thirst for blood.

I won't lie, I thought her vampire bat mindset was a lot more fun to have around. She liked to bite, and those teeth were sharp.

"I see you're in an interesting mood." I commented. I was about to say more when the waiter came over and asked us for our orders. He was a rather small naga of black and white bands. Very nice combination.

Valencia told him she wanted a steak and nothing else, and to make it 'so rare it's still mooing at her'. I told him I wanted a dragon salad. A bed of greens and vegetables with a combination of fish reptile, and poultry meat. He happily obliged, took our menus, and left us to converse.

No words were exchanged between us for the following minutes. I was trying to read her intentions and she was consciously blocking me out from her mind. She was better at that than I was - it was her special contribution to us all, of course.

As I was attempting to probe her mind, she distracted me by walking her toes down my leg under the table. I felt her slip under the kilt and rub gently at my inner thighs, kneading and massaging either side but not quite touching the sheathe. Since she lacked digits in her hand, she had spent many years specifically learning how to manipulate objects with her feet, so she was as dexterous with her feet as others were with their hands. This meant it was very hard not to let the blood well up in my sheathe and force my member out. Then again, I didn't try too hard to restrain myself.

Her claws were tickling at my sheathe, grabbing and tugging gently. I felt myself swell, and my thick member unfolded itself from its depths, the tip resting on her ankle and smearing my fluids all over her. Luckily, my kilt was hiding this from anyone else who may have seen, but my mate's foot being up it could really only mean one thing.

I continued to swell as my beak chattered gently. "Why you do this?" I asked, clearly not speaking with proper grammar. My member continued to grow and slide down the length of her calf until it was nearly full length. The feel of her dexterous toes rubbing at my sheathe and sack made my toes curl, and the sensations of her soft fur tickling at my length made my drool out my beak and cock.

It was a little uncouth to drool in a fancy restaurant, so I licked my beak and leaned into her, spreading my legs for better access and letting the weight of my dick rest on her leg. In comparison, my girth matched her ankle, and I wasn't even fully hard yet. My body shuddered in delight as I pushed my hips forward, rubbing my barbed tip on her calf.

In response, she angled her leg sideways and bent her kneed, dragging her claws all the way up the underside of it, eventually grabbing around the base of the head before leaving me cold in the air of the kilt, cock hard and tip drooling out between my legs.

I was about to return the favor by using my own talon to prod and claw at her legs when the monochrome serpent returned with our food. Valencia must have seen him first, which is why she pulled her paw from me and left me drooling in hunger.

I had my dragon salad, and she spent her meal lapping at the blood on the plate, never letting her gaze stray far from mine. As she ate it and sucked the juices from it, she also brought her paw back up to rub at me, two toes curling around either side of my length and giving me a paw-job under the kilt. In return, I finally brought my talon up to do the same to her, only to find that doing so under a table, discreetly, with my legs being so much longer and thicker than hers, was nigh impossible.

She continued to tease and massage me during our meal, tickling me with her fur and rubbing me with her toes until she felt a thick drop of my precum muck up her ankle feathering. At that point, she stopped and pulled her foot out from the kilt one more. She finished up her steak and urgently demanded I finish my dragon salad as well. I obliged and left a rather substantial tip for the snake-waiter before leaving.

Walking out of the restaurant was somewhat difficult, as my cock was more than a semi-hard-on, but still not fully hard, so there was a clear and massive bulge in the middle of the kilt right under the coin purse. Part of me didn't care. Another part was worried that people could see my drooling cock tip dangling out below the bottom rim of the kilt, since both hung to about my knees.

Valencia happily guided me out of the restaurant, and as soon as we were clear of the other patrons, I grabbed her by the shoulder and forced her around into the alley between the building and another one beside it. I stared down at her with my intense, yellow-eyed glare until she finished what she started.

"Oh? Did it work? Glad to see you're finally coming out!" She was happy, but she was also eager to get a taste of me.

I know she liked it when I acted dominant, so I slammed her against the wall and peeled the kilt back to expose myself. Her warm breath tickling at my glistening cock flesh, the reflection of the moons on the barbed tip.

She knew what she had to do, so she used her wing-hands to cradle it while she explored the cock opening with her tongue, snaking it in and out to lap at my juices. The feeling of her soft membrane supporting the weight of it was heavenly, but the long, bat-like tongue daring in and out of my urethra like she was sipping at nectar was heavenly.

Without missing beat, she wrapped both free fingers and thumbs around the base of my cock, squeezing tight to stroke at the still unformed knot that rested between the median ring and the sheathe. Once she'd urged a bit more fluid from me, she squeezed at my balls with her long, wing fingers and tickled at the underside of my scrotum, claw catching on the wrinkled flesh of my taint.

The pleasure was building inside me slowly as her talented tongue and dexterous fingers explored my length from the inside and out. Part of me was certain she was using some magic to make her tongue longer and thicker, but that might have just been the pressure put on it from my engorged cock squeezing down on it.

I leaned over her, resting my head on the wall above her with my hips still far enough out to give her room. The pleasure was welling up within me to the point I was leaking more fluid than she could lap up, and right as she felt my hips buck forward, muscles contracting in a powerful squeeze, she pulled her tongue out, moved her head to the side, and bit into the shaft right underneath my flaring glans, teeth piercing the flesh and lips wrapping around to form a seal and capture all the blood.

To most people, this would be immensely painful and the deflating of the cock that would result from having the blood drained from the tip just beneath the flare would be a 'deflating' experience to one's libido. For me, it was heaven. I loved the sensation of sharp bat teeth piercing my flesh, and it only made my cock harder.

I bucked forward again, flare exploding outward as a massive shot of cum splashed on the wall of the restaurant, leaving huge gobs dribbling down the rocks and cement. I could feel her teeth tugging at my flesh as I thrust at her, more blood pouring out of me and into her maw. It took a few idle thrusts before my flare died down and my cock began to soften in her mouth.

Within seconds of the flare dissipating, she gave one final suck at the four holes in my shaft before peeling her teeth off me. I would have started bleeding out onto the dirt of the alleyway, but she gave a gentle kiss and channeled some curative energy through her lips to seal the wound and revert it back to its normal form. She got down to one knee so that my semi-hard cock was dangling over her, and she kept her maw open to catch the last bits of fluid that were forced out as it shriveled and folded back up within the sheathe.

Spent, I laughed at her and re-adjusted myself, pushing myself off the wall to regain my footing. "You certainly know how to push all my buttons, don't you Val?"

She licked her lips and gulped down all the blood and cum she could before getting to her feet. "You know it. Now let's go get drunk before we head home for the night, okay?"

I wearily agreed to her proposition, but she knows I don't drink. Besides, if she ended up drunk, I would have to be her designated flyer, or she'd never be able to make it back up the mountain. She was okay with this, she just wanted an excuse to cause some shit in the bar.

I got a good look over the hill to look at Klyneth, the moon illuminating it with the stars twinkling in the night sky, emerging one by one as the last vestiges of sunlight disappeared over the horizon. Beautiful day. Lots of fun. If only all of my days were this eventful, I wouldn't be bored with trying to help random folks 'find themselves'. The town was dotted with multiple colors of fire and light to ensure that people knew what shops and merchants were still open, and where to go for various alcohols.

"Come on, stop daydreaming, or night-dreaming. Whatever. Come on." She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the long, winding pathway of stairs that took us into the heart of Dalon so she could find us a pub to have a party at.

It didn't take long. Red fire indicated a pub was open and still had their stores of liquor or wine, so we ended up going to the first place Valencia could find. It was a nice, rustic place with wooden walls instead of the more traditional stone, as well as a huge, long bar made up of a tree stump that had been carved and laid on its side to be a perfect, single-piece booze row. Kind of charming, in a simple way.

It was getting late for me, so I decided to sit in the corner of the pub and drink some water while Valencia had her fun. She purchased a huge pitcher of beer, and another of wine, and was out flirting with other guys all night while I enjoyed watching. It was actually pretty fun to see her dancing on the table of a bunch of massive equines, showing her stuff while they whinnied at her. I could tell she was getting into it because I could see her vulva swell a bit under her thick coat of fur.

One guy tried to reach between her legs and slip a finger into her - clearly too drunk to care about anything else - only to have her swat him away. I couldn't help but laugh, since these guys were actually larger than I was, and she was still a paltry 1.3 meters tall. Tiny little girl, and she was forcefully pushing aside grabby hands that were almost as big as her head.

I may not have been an exhibitionist, but I was a hell of a voyeur. I love watching others play with my mate. She loved showing off, and I loved watching. As long as we were both forthright with our desires, expectations, and partners, monogamy didn't need to be an issue. We were both frisky and polygamous, so this was kind of inevitable.

And I loved it. Truly loved it. Watching her show her body to a table of horny stallions made my own stud parts swell again. I had lost track of just how many times I got horny by then.

Valencia started singing out loud to the crowd, hopping from one table to the next, letting each group of guys and even one group of girls get just enough into her performance to want to touch before leaping away and teasing the next bunch. Once the song was over, she finally went back to the group of stallions and laid on the table, crotch aimed at them and legs spread. From my angle I couldn't see what was going on, but I imagined it to be rather kinky since every stud moved to get a better look. Probably doing some silly trick.

"Hey, hey! This isn't a brothel, honey. Close up shop or get out!" The bartender finally bellowed at her.

She immediately closed her legs and waved her wing fingers at the stallions before rolling over to leave. However, the black stallion with a white star on his head grabbed her by the foot as she was about to hop off the table, resulting in her slamming her head off the floor.

"Don't leave us missy, I'm sure we could have some fun with you. We don't need to stay here to have a good time, am I right?" He didn't seem drunk to me, which means this was about to get ugly.

I shook my head and got up form my seat to walk over to the group of them. "You really don't want to be making too many threats like that. Trust me."

"Why? What the fuck is a scrawny burd like you going to do to four stallions?" One by one they each got out from their seats to stand up to me, puffing their chests out and looking down at me. They were all at least a head taller than I was.

Still, I laughed at their bravado. "I'm not going to do anything, but I've seen what Valencia here does to guys like you who are all cock and no brain. Trust me, it's messy."

They were a little confused. Four stallions attempting to force themselves on a tiny little hybrid girl, and only one hippogryph to stop them - even with a huge crowd of pub onlookers - and I was threatening my mate would hurt them.

"What? She got magics in those wings of hers?" Another mocked. "What kind of a bitch uses magic around here?"

"Oh, she doesn't need magic, but I won;t bother wasting your time with my threats. You ready go to home?" I wrapped my arm around Valencia and held her close. She could handle herself well enough, but she was clearly drunk and more than a little spent so I didn't want her to do any true damage to these fools. Nobody knew what she was capable of, which could be even messier if she lacked the self restraint to keep herself from painting the walls with their guts.

"I think it's time to go home, Ilorek." She nuzzled into me and rubbed her cheek against my hip, wrapping her wings around me.

"You heard the lady, she wants to go home. You'd best sit your rumps down and not bother trying to follow us." I didn't let them respond, I turned, tossed some coin to the barkeep, and walked out. We both stared up into the sky together and I saw a few flashes of light against the backdrop of the mountain, and I knew the other dieties were having some sort of a party. Valencia continued to nuzzle into me, whimpering a bit as I felt my shoulder blades reposition themselves to make room for the wings I needed to get back home.

But as expected, a minute or so later, the four stallions all burst out into the street, stumbling over each other in a drunken sway. One of them had his sword out, the other a massive club. Clearly they had intentions of starting a fight over Valencia. She was hot, definitely, but clearly rape was on their minds, because as far as they knew, there would be no way an acute little canine pussy would be able to handle stallion cocks without some tearing. I knew she could, but they couldn't have known that.

"What's your problem?" I asked them over my shoulder, barely paying enough attention to turn my body to face them.

"That little bitch promised us a piece of her pussy, and we're gonna have it, one way or another." The black stallion accused.

I looked down to her. "Did you promise them sex?"

She giggled and nodded. "Yeah, kinda. But now I'm just tired. Let's go home. Here, I'll take care of them." She wiped the alcohol-encouraged drool off her lips and turned to face her would-be partners, but I stopped her before she could do anything deadly.

"No, I'll take care of this. You're drunk and tired, you might actually hurt them."

"Excuse me? Tiny little bitch like that? She thinks she could hurt us? Hah! I laugh at your ignorance!" the black stallion slammed his sword against his chest and let out a long, drawn out vocalization.

"No, you're lucky she doesn't take care of this. You wouldn't survive." I didn't wait for them to respond. I pushed Valencia to the side and walked right up to them and punched the stallion so hard in the face that he collapsed in a heap between his three friends.

The stallion with the hammer swung at me, but I dodged and grabbed the hammer from him, using it to knock out the third one in one swing. The fourth swung his blade at me, but I sidestepped it and kicked it out of his hand before placing a rising knee to his chin with enough force to make him flip backwards and land on his belly. With only the hammer-stallion left and confused - his three friends all goraning or unconscious on the ground, he politely asked for his hammer back, promising he'll just walk the other way.

I nodded approval and gave him his weapon. "Smart horse. Now get out of here and remember, no means no." I kicked him in the rump with my talon as he scuttled away.

There was a gentle sound of wings flapping coming from Valencia as she attempted applause. I laughed at her and let my transformation resume, now that all three of the stallions were unconscious and the final one was running away, heavy hooves clopping at the stone pathway.

Once my wings had formed once again, Valencia hopped up and wrapped her wings around me, snuggling into my chest plumage with her legs around my belly. I hopped up onto a garbage bin, then onto a roof before darting high into the sky, wings spread to catch whatever breeze I could.

It took another hour or so for me to return to our home, but I used that time to silently reflect on my day in the bright moonlight. This time of year, the moon was actually closer to a pale orange or red than the usual blue or white, so it illuminated the night in a unique way.

There was nearly an hour of hard flapping to gain the altitude needed to reach the lowest plateau of the Cradle of Dalon, but once I hit that height the rest was simple. With Valencia clinging to my belly like a child bat, I angled my wings and practically dove at the plateau, the valley floor rushing up at me. The reflection of the red moon reflected off the lake, which proved to be a bit of a distraction since I was focusing on it and not the trees that were getting awfully close.

Perhaps I was just tired, or maybe I wanted to mess with Valencia's slumber. Either way, I crashed right into the Cellitoke forest near the cliff at the edge of the valley. Once I it the canopy, I curled my arms around Valencia and did a cannonball, bouncing off trees and branches until I landed with a thud in a vegetation-rich clearing. Once I unfolded my arms and wings, Valencia looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes and grinned a devious grin.

"I love how you handled those punks at the pub." She hissed at me, licking her lips. "I think after all that promise of stallion cock, it's time I have some, don't you think?" She reached down and undid the buckle of my kilt, letting it fall off my hips onto the ground, exposing my sheathe once more.

"You just can't get enough of me, can you Val?" I chuckled, returning her devious grin. I could feel myself growing in the sheathe as my cock unfolded itself once again, only this time the remaining cum from before mixed with the heat and moisture of my musk and sweat was creating a rather intense and delicious aroma that could be seen as steam in the cool night air.

She re-positioned herself so that she was squatting over my crotch, cock bulge nearly pressing against her swollen vulva. Even through the tiny bits of moonlight that pierced the canopy, I could see just how soft and moist her lips were; she was practically drooling from her pussy, same as I from my cock. Her flesh was so puffy that it seemed to peel itself away, revealing a delicious pink slit that hinted at her cherry fleshed insides. I couldn't help myself with that sight and scent combination.

I grabbed at myself and pulled my cock up between her legs, smearing my fluids in with hers as my tip touched her lips, her heat warming my length as it slid across her opening. In time, it grew to full firmness and length, placing the tip right under her breasts. "You sure you wanna do this?" I asked; my cock was almost as big around at the knot as she was at her hips, it was always a challenge despite her transformative abilities.

She didn't say a word, only nodded her head as she rubbed at the underside of my cock, using my knees as balance. I let her do her thing as she extended her legs so that my cock tip was pressed against her flesh. She used some magic to tickle at me as well as let her own flesh stretch a bit. I was expecting a bit more foreplay and build up, but she just pushed down in one fell motion, my cock piercing her cunt and pushing right into her womb.

I could actually see my girth sliding through her body, the bulge of my glans a rolling wave through her belly and into her chest. Her pussy lips stretched wide to slide over my girth with relative ease, our fluids mixing into a sort of super lube that minimized friction with each cm that disappeared into her. I could feel her rapid heartbeat throbbing around me at such a speed it was practically vibrating around me. Every little movement she made had a muscle contraction that I could feel through her thighs and into her pussy, massaging me at each inch. Her cervix was squeezing me tight around the base of my glans, with only my barbed tip tickling at her womb, the rest was resting happily in her stretched vaginal canal.

"There we go!" She let out a long, drawn out gasp as she leaned more of her weight onto me, rocking back and forth to let my shaft slide in and out of her only a tiny bit at a time. I looked down and saw the slick fluids dribbling down my cock and lubricating me from her lips to my sheathe. She tried to bounce on my length with a vigorous fervor, but the tightness of her passage didn't allow for very much in the way of flesh sliding on flesh, so as she pulled off it would jerk in one quick motion only to slide back over like a condom as she re-applied pressure.

I grabbed her hip and helped push her down, watching as her lips swallowed me up and her belly distended with the clear outline of the rim of my cock throbbing just under her breasts. I could feel her lips pressing down against my median ring for a moment before there was a sudden, jerking pop, and she was resting on my growing knot. I could feel myself on the brink of climax, so I bit my tongue in my beak and curled my toes in the dirt.

She grinned and squeezed tight around me as she slowly pulled off, feeling my flare swell up inside her. I could literally see the individual ridges of my flare push out against her through her stretched belly skin, and with that, I was done. I looked away and felt my balls contract tight, squirting a massive wad of stallion seed deep into her.

With me still curling my toes up in the dirt, she squeezed and pulled up off my cock to have our fluids smeared in horizontal lines up my cock.

Instantly, I could feel my length grow soft inside her, and her walls collapsed around me to force me out. I didn't want to be out of her warm, inviting depths, so I rolled her over onto her back and pushed back into her, but it didn't seem to help. Once I gave her a kiss, I pulled myself out and let the torrent of cum come splashing out onto the dirt and grass of the forest floor. I could see her pussy was still gaped wide open, a little river of drake-seed dribbling out to soak her rump and tail.

Slowly, her opening contracted and closed itself back up, forcing the last of my seed to add to the puddle between us. I looked up at her to give her a bit of a kiss, but she hopped up onto me and wrapped her wings around me, pecking at my beak and neck fervently, a thick strand of cum still bridging from between her legs to the mess we made among the Cellitoke tree roots.

Once she was fully in tow, I grabbed my kilt once again and spread my wings, hopping up to kick off the tree and fly high into the sky, swirling around our home tree a few times before finally laying down on our porch.

Both of us were completely spent for the day, so we didn't bother with any wishes of pleasant dreams, we both just flopped down on our massive bed, with her curling up into my chest, a single paw in between my legs to tickle at my sheathe.

Regardless of our wishes or lack thereof, I was sure we were both going to have wonderful dreams.

The Gift of Kai Part 1 of 3

The Gift of Kai "Keep it fed." The cashier had informed Kai. "Keep it fed, keep it safe, and keep it out of the reach of children." All fine and honorable goals for the Tentacle-In-A-Box that was cutely called the Prehensile Primal Appendage Kai had...

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Of Mercenaries and Aventurers

Of Mercenaries and Adventurers The trip had been a long one for the travelling caravan. So long, in fact, that a lone traveller had to enjoy the company of two mercenaries and two merchants. After many hours of travel, they had decided it was time to...

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A Worthwhile Risk

A Worthwhile Risk It was a boring weekend in the northern regions that weekend. Nice, hilly area, and LW lived in a deep valley in the mountains, where the entire community was coming down from a week-long celebration and nobody wanted to do anything....

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