The Anal Sexamination

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#49 of Confessions of a Gay Porn Star

Jimmy remembers a very memorable shoot indeed.

The Anal Sexamination

by Gruffy


Been having bit of a writer's block today, but thankfully this idea came up and I managed to hammer it out in no time -hope you enjoy, and do tell me if I did a good job! *smiles*


"So...back together, eh?" Doug grinned to me while he pulled on a T-shirt and then modeled himself in front of the full-length mirror standing in one corner of the dressing room.

"Mmmyeah," I replied. I was struggling make the green shirt I was wearing to feel comfortable over my arms. I kept tugging at them, and trying to figure out what was wrong. It just didn't feel right. "Which one is this, six, seven?"

"Seventh," Doug replied. The black panther seemed happy with how he looked in his jeans and shirt, "the last one we did was the _Night Bandit_one."

I felt a bit of a happy stir at the memory of that silly flick, where Doug played a cat burglar and I played his less than amused victim, who turned the tables on the thief by banging him hard and fast. Good times, good times, and the viewing figures were great on the VOD service -

"Oh, silly, you're wearing that the wrong way around!"

I turned to look at Marriott, the lion who had been fussing around with the rest of the props while I had been trying to put in my costume for the upcoming scene. The lion fondled my arms and clicked his tongue and seemed displeased with me. I harrumphed to him.


"Yep!" he reached over to my throat and pulled out a tag. "See?"

"Shit!" I grunted.

"Well, just turn it around," he said, "and we'll have to do something about that mane once you have it on. These collars are awful! How do they manage with these?"

"Maybe it's not a priority," I replied. I pulled the green shirt over my head and turned it about before tugging the whole thing back on me. This time it felt better, though still somewhat alien, and a bit constricting on the arms. I gave them a few extra tugs and looked at myself on my mirror, from where I looked back wearing the green pants and the green shirt wasn't really me.

"Okay, much better," Marriott cheered. "Though that mane..."

"I like it messy like that," Doug commented.

"Shush, you can mess it up as much as you like when you're shooting, but it has to be fixed for now so that it looks good in the beginning!"

The outraged-sounding lion went for his little cart of goodies and returned with a comb, a brush, and manespray. I knew I had no choice but to submit to this grooming/groping session for now. While Marriott worked and purred to himself at the chance to fondle my fur, Doug wandered about the dressing room and peered into a box of props sitting on the nearby makeup table. The bored black panther pulled out a red stethoscope and dangled it in his paw while observing it.

"Where'd you get all this stuff, Marriott?" he asked.


I snorted with the sudden influx of manespray on my nosepad. Marriott observed the paw work and added some more. I felt like I was suffocating for a moment.

"Oh, Max got it from PussyHunter," he said, "they'd been doing some naughty nurse porn and didn't need it for now so they borrowed it for us."

I tugged some more on the scrub top and tried to see if it would settle on my body.

"Looks like the previous Doctor McSteamy was a bit smaller than I was," I said.

"Sorry, they didn't have other sizes," Marriott replied. "And Max didn't want to invest too much because we already to rent out some stuff for the set."

I shrugged.

"Well, what won't we do to keep furs something new to get off to?" I said.

"I wouldn't mind Max investing on a trip to some nice tropical island for a nice big orgy shoot..." Doug snickered. Marriott joined in too, of course, and he was all purrs.

"Can I get a ticket too?" the lion chuckled. "You need someone to _re_touch those wet bodies..."

"Of course we'll take you along," Doug promised the kinky cat with a smirk of his own. "Maybe you can fluff, too, if we can't afford to take anyone else with us..."

"By all means," the lion winked over to him, and waved his tail and butt at the black panther.

"How about we get this done first?" I suggested. "Aren't we late?"

"It's not like they're going to start filming without you guys," Marriott snickered." And Jock always takes so long checking the lights, and Bernard is doing the sound today..."

"Oh, boy," I said.

"Can you use one of these?" Doug showed me what looked like one of those old-fashioned manual blood pressure thingies.

"I'm supposed to be a doctor, do doctor need to use those?" I replied to him.

Doug chuckled and put it back into the box before he took out a small rubber-ended hammer.

"Hmmm...I think this is the one they use for knocking your knees to see if they jump," he said.

"Somehow I imagine Max might have other ideas for what could be done with that..." I mused.

Doug snorted and dropped the hammer.

"The handle's made of steel and pretty sharp-angled, I don't think I want that anywhere near my moneymaker," he waved his tail rapidly to make the point more obvious.

"Shame, maybe we could've gotten extra points for creativity if we came up with that," I said.

"I'm sure we'll deliver either way," the black panther sounded pleased with himself.

"Oh I'm sure you will, boys," Marriott spoke, paws buried onto my mane," you always come up with so many nice things..."

Doug groaned dramatically.

"Yeah, right."

"It's true!" the lion's tail flew up so that the tip reached his ears.

"Glad you think we've got other assets besides our cutting wit and our natural talents," I replied.

"Oh, murrrr," the lion rumbled into my ear.

"Where's the eyeliner, Marriott? I think I could put in a little bit to make mine stand out."

"Just a second, darling."


Blue Paws Presents - "The Anal Sexamination"

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Studio: Blue Paws Productions Ltd.

Duration: 27 minutes

Director: Max Field

Starring: Benny Thicker, Doug Randy

All rights reserved.

All performers were over the age of 18 at the age of the time of cinematography.


There was a knock on the door of the small examination room, which roused the attention of the lion sitting by a desk, wearing a white coat and green scrubs and holding a writing pad.

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"Come in!"

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The door opened and a casually dressed black panther entered, looking a bit questioning of why he was meant to be there. The lion looked at his writing pad and rubbed his muzzle.

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"And you're Doug, yes?"

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"Yeah, that's me," the panther replied.

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"And this is your yearly physical, yes?"

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"Yeah, but where's my usual doctor?" the panther questioned.

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"He was busy," the lion replied before putting the writing pad down to the desk and getting up to his full height. "Now, please take off your shirt so I can take a look at you."

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"Okay," the panther gave the lion a curious look but did as he was told and pulled off his T-shirt to reveal a toned upper body. The lion eyed him appreciatively.

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"Looks like you are in shape," the lion said,"do you work out?"

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"Yeah, a bit, gym and running," the black panther replied.

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"It's good to stay in shape," the lion replied, "Now sit on that examination bed, I will listen to your lungs and your heart."

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The black panther did as he was told. The lion doctor stepped over and took a red stethoscope out of his pocket and popped it onto his ears before he proceeded to press it onto the black panther's bare chest and back in various places.

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"And breathe in...and out..."

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"All fine?" the black panther asked curiously when the lion stopped.

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"Yeah, it all sounds good," the lion purred pleasantly, "now, please take off your shoes and pants and lie on the bed on your back, I will do some general inspection."

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"Uh, okay."

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The black panther took off his jeans and shoes and laid down on the paper-covered examination table so that his tailtip hung off its edge. He was only wearing a pair of nicely fitting white boxers that made his bulge stand out noticeably. The lion stepped by him and rubbed his paws over the panther's chest and belly.

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"Just checking for anything abnormal..." the lion smiled to the black panther while he kept up his examination, paws moving over well-toned abs.

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"Hope everything's fine..."

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"Sure is..." the lion said with a purr.

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"Thanks, doc."

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The lion moved over to a stainless steel cart and pulled a pair of white latex gloves from a small plastic tray and started to put them on.

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"Now, if you would take off your underwear, I have to do the prostate exam."

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The black panther looked surprise.

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"I haven't had that done before..."

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"Well there's always a first time, they say," the lion snapped on one glove, "Simply take off your underwear and get onto the table on all fours, that will relax your anal sphincter and it will be easy for me to feel the prostate gland."

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"Uh...I dunno..."

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"It's part of the compulsory health check," the lion sounded stern.

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"Okay then..."

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The black panther wriggled out of his underwear, dropped them carelessly onto the floor and then got onto the table on all fours, tail swinging from side to side while he presented his by all means perfect buttocks for the lion's view. The doctor sure was looking carefully, while he squirted some KY Jelly onto his fingers and rubbed them together.

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"Now, this will feel cold, and maybe a bit weird..."

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The black panther seemed to tense with the lab-coated figure grabbing his tail, and the other gloved paw slipped under his tail.

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"This will feel strange only for a moment..." the lion rumbled confidently while pressing his fingers against the black panther's vulnerable, lubed asshole, "just remember to breathe..."

_ _

"" the panther's ears flattened and he gripped the edges of the examination bed when he felt a finger slide into his rump.

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"Hmmm...good entry..." the lion rumbled to himself.

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"Oh man..."

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"And seems that things are normal here..." the lion's wrist twisted while he wriggled his finger inside the black panther's rectum.

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The black panther suddenly jerked away and his paw dropped to cover his crotch, something the lion definitely noticed when the black panther sat on the table and tried to cover himself up.

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"Something wrong?" the lion asked.

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"Uh, no, just...Jesus, sorry, man..."

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"Well, that tends to happen sometimes," the lion chuckled, "but it's all good...actually, I need to investigate your genitals next for any signs of infection or anything..."

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"Oh...really?" the black panther asked.

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"It's standard procedure I'm afraid."

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"Uh...okay...if you have to."

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The black panther moved his paw away, somewhat tentatively, and revealed a healthily sized, pink, barbed erection sprouting out of a black-furred sheath. He didn't notice the lion licking his lips before he moved over to the examination table and grabbed hold of it with his gloved paw, the other going for the feline's testicles.

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"Hmm...heavy and well-shaped..." the lion murred. The black panther seemed tense, and his cock visibly pulsed in the lion's grip, glistening with lube, "and all looks normal..."

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"I dunno why it's so hard, though, man, I'm sorry..."

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"Oh, it's perfectly normal," the lion stroked his paw up and down," a healthy young man like you..."

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The black panther looked dubious, and somewhat worried, but let out a purr when the doctor's paws kept on stroking him.

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Suddenly the lion knelt down and buried the entire cock into his muzzle. It made the black panther gasp and grip the edge of the table, claws sinking into the paper cover and tearing on it.

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"Oh, fuck!"

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The lion tugged and fondled the black panther's balls and suckled on his shaft. He made loud, slurping noises, maw going up and down on the surprised feline's cock.

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"Ohh, man..." the black panther gripped the lion's head and forced his cock into his mouth, bucking his hips up while face-fucking the lion doc.

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"Ohhhh...ohh man..." the cat threw his head back," feels so fucking good...uh..."

_ _

The lion allowed the black panther to use his muzzle for a few more moments before he pulled up with a slurp, wiped his muzzle to the back of his paw, and slipped off his gloves and dropped off his white coat.

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"Time to do some further in-depth examinations, Mister Randy..." the lion rumbled.

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He stepped over and put his paws around the black panther's shoulders and neck, to pull him into a messy tongue kiss while their paws moved and gripped about muscled feline paws. They groped each other's cocks and asses, all the way until the lion made the black panther lie on his back on the bed and moved to stand on its end.

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"Here you go kitty..."

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The lion exposed his erection, big, hard, and gripping. He squatted just enough so that he could rub his musky balls against the purring panther's muzzle and open maw, tongue reaching out to feast on the swinging nuts before they were stuffed into his muzzle.

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"Y-yeah..." the lion's tail flailed behind him, "enjoy those balls..."

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The black panther drooled from his muzzle while it was filled with the lion's big balls, however, the bliss was short-lived before they were replaced by the leaking tip of the cat's thick cock. He sucked hungrily and reached to rub on the lion's ass. The lion growled and stuffed himself into the panther's muzzle.

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"Take it all...oh yeah...oh yeah..."

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He humped the black panther for a moment, only giving him moments to breath with such a thick cock in his gullet. It glistened with saliva, and the lion made sure to stroke it against the panther's cheeks to mark him as his bitch.

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"You know the position by now...get on all fours and snow me that hole, I'm gonna get it nice and wet before I'm gonna fuck you hard."

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"Oh fuck yeah..."

_ _

The lion got rid of the rest of his medical uniform before he approached the bare rump and thrust his muzzle between those pert cheeks after a couple of well-aimed spanks on the black panther's pristine buns. His tail flicked and he murred in happiness at the feeling of a rough tongue slipping onto his rear, and the groping paws on his rump seemed to feel equally good, his cock dripping and hard and swinging between his legs while the lion ate him out.

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"Oh...fuck me, sir...fuck my ass...wanna feel it in me..."

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The lion pulled his muzzle back and spat a raunchy glob of spit against the black panther's winking pink hole.

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"You want it?" the lion huffed dirtily. He stood up and stroked his cock between the panther's cheeks, and slapped the hole with his cocktip to make it clench ever so deliviously.

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"Uh-yeah-yeah, sir..."

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"Well here you go, you better hold on tight!"

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The cock pressed onto him, forced itself through the muscled pucker and slipped inside, with numerous grunts from the two felines suddenly mating roughly on the doctor's examination table. The panther's back arched while the lion stood upright, stern and magnificent. His own butt cheeks clenched while he pulled back only a little before shoving more of his cock inside the black panther's tight rump.

_ _

"Here you go...take all of it..."

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The table began to squeak with the power of the hard thrusts making it rock. The lion was really humping hard, going in and out of the black panther's ass with no mercy on him, balls slapping and his big paws gripping harshly on the slim hips of the fit male while he got buggered up the ass in a joyous harmony of slamming flesh.

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"Uh,...uh...oh...fill me...ahh...oh..."

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"Here we go, baby..."

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The lion pulled out and jerked off a massive load all over the black panther's ass. He even shot globs over his back, and some of it dripped and stained the paper cover of the table. The panther was yanked on his back so that he became even further soiled in the cum.

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"Jerk off for doctor...gonna need a cum sample.."

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The panther hissed and huffed, staring at the lion groping himself while he jacked his cock at a quick pace until a pearly streamer of cum hit him in the face.

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"That's my boy...and you pass the physical!" the lion declared. "Now...better clean up before the next appointment..."

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Thank you for reading! Hope you had fun reading, and I look forward to your comments! Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!


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