Bare Beasts Breed

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Two furs hook up and get up to some raunchy fun :)

Bare Beasts Breed


This is an "Anyone wanna see.." commission for avatar?user=198397&character=0&clevel=2 Markus and avatar?user=62026&character=0&clevel=2 Vintcient , whom I thank for their sponsorship in getting this story out into the open! I hope you like the read and drop me a comment once youre done. All votes, faves and watches will be appreciated as well, and remember that they will also help others to find these stories to read and enjoy!

Cheers, everyone!


The tiger with the beer eyed the tall fur and stuck his tongue out of his muzzle.

"So, excuse me, mate, but...what are you exactly?"

The fur standing by the tiger on the club chuckled, a rough sound from his thick chest.

"Whut?" the male's long tail flailed about behind him and almost struck a crazy-partying ferret on the ass. "I thought it was obvious!"

"Your colors are a bit wild, mate," the tiger replied, "can't really put you as a really dark lion who's decided it was a great idea to get some tiger stripes..."

"Sorry, dude," the other male snickered, looking at the fellow man in the gay club with twinkle in his eyes, "was born with them."

He gestured at the rich, red stripes covering his body from the head to the tip of his swinging tail. This caused the tiger to quirk his brow.

"Damn...well...hmm..." he rubbed his muzzle, "you're a bit small for a liger..."

"Think another family," the fur winked boldly.

" I don't like using my brain when I'm partying," the tiger snorted.

The other fur seemed pleased.

"Think...wuff-wuff?" the guy rumbled.

"Canine, then?" the tiger mused.

"Aye, mayte," the fur grinned.

"Hah, you're a mutt," the tiger said.

"Got a problem with that?"

"Proud of it," the fur flashed a grin, "my mum was a dingo. Hence, I'm a dinger."

"I thought I was detecting a hint of down under in your speech," the tiger mused.

"Name's Vintcient," the fur offered his paw.

"Markus," the tiger accepted the greeting, "buy you a drink, mate?"

"Was just gonna offer you one," the dinger replied, "man, awfully nice of you!"

"My pleasure!" Markus flashed a smile. "So how're we gonna go on about that then?"

The tall male smiled.

"How'bout I buy you one first and then you buy one for me?" he suggested, "that way we'll be even."

"And we'll be both lading the other with drinks..." Markus purr-chuckled.

"See, you're catching on, mayte!" the dinger slapped the tiger's shoulder heartily with his sizeable paw.

"Heheh, maybe I am," the tiger rumbled happily, "let's go get some top-ups!"

"My favorite kind!" the happily churring dinger swatted the tiger's butt instead now.

"Heh," Markus returned the gesture in kind.


"Hmmph...sure am glad that your place is close, dude," Vintcient slurred into the tiger's ear while Markus sought out his keys from his pocket.

"Got all the services close by," the tiger replied.

"Hahah," the dinger grabbed the tiger's tail, "like the hookup bar?"

"Especially that," Markus replied, his voice suitably tipsy and purring after a few nice shared drinks, some rump-wriggling dancing and a good deal of tail-grab and making out in a dark recess of the bar before they'd decided to head over to the tiger's nearby flat.

"You have good priorities, dude."


The door admitted them into a tiger-scented apartment, smallish but cozy and decorated in a rather typical bachelor fashion with a few scattered pieces of unwashed clothing and two cans of Longbow on the low table in front of the large couch overseeing the television set.

"Want a drink?" Markus was decided on being ever the good host.

"I think we both know what I want," the dinger replied with a smirk. He grabbed the front of the tiger's sleeveless T-shirt and pulled him close. Markus did not stumble ,but rather did a somewhat controlled fall towards his fellow male, so that their muzzles met halfway there. Their nosepads collided, but it only brought on chuckles and snuffles from the pair, whom gripped onto one another and began to kiss messily.


Vintcient grabbed the tiger's butt in his paws and squeezed hard, while the happily purring male used his own paws to caress the exotic fur's warm sides through the loose collared shirt he wore. Their tongues swapped saliva between their muzzles, and it tasted of fruity drinks and beer from the bar, and of horny men, which suited them just fine.

"Been too long since I went to that bar..." Vintcient grumbled while fondling the tiger's firm rump cheeks, "looks like I came in for the right pickings..."

"Ain't you confident, mate," Markus licked the dinger's nosepad to tease a snort from him.

"You smell like a kitty in heat..." the dinger replied while tugging on the tiger's tail again.

"Oi!" Markus' tail flew through the air like a whip before wrapping itself around his guest's leg, "I aint' no kitty!"

Vintcient nipped the tiger's chin.

"You're a right stud..." he grabbed the tiger's pecs appreciatively, one on each paw, "I see I made a good pick."

Markus took one of the dinger's arms in his own grip and felt the muscles contract under his fingertips.

"I didn't see you eyeing anyone else once you started chatting me up..." Markus challenged the dinger with a dirty smirk and a loud, rattling breath as a result of his deep arousal.

"I didn't have to," the dinger replied confidently, "I knew I had you..."

"Oh yeah?" Markus tugged on the fuzzy male's leg with his tail.

"Fucking hell-a-yeah!"

The dinger's paw dropped from the tiger's fondled pectoral muscle and cupped his bulging crotch instead. He found a nice, hot lump in Markus' neat pants, inviting to the touch of a curious cat-dingo wanting to play with his host's offering. The tiger hissed a little, but obliged his guest, and returned the gesture by groping the dinger's ass heartily, much to his own purr-rumbling approval.

"Nice buns," Markus commented once he swatted them and went on to rub the guest's tail. He was definitely enjoying the continued stroking over his own package, and made it apparent with his leering grin.

"Yours are great too," Vintcient replied, "nice sweet rump."


The dinger grabbed the tiger's neck ruff and pulled him in for another long kiss, during which their paws were free to wander. The tongue-twisting liplock turned wet. Soon both of their muzzles were dripping with saliva, and Markus' paw was busy trying to slip under the waistband of Vitncient's cargo pants.

"Go for it," the dinger encouraged the tiger, "it's pretty hard for ya."

Markus winked when his fingerpads touched something hard and slightly bumpy, and he licked his lips.

"Seems that some parts of you are definitely tiger-like..."

"Nhhhjjjjhhggg..." Vintcient smirked proudly, "lower..."

Markus' ears flicked curiously, but he continued to stroke his fingers along the dinger's long shaft. First they passed the gentle barbs about the tip and then along the length of the male's cock, so firm and nice in his grip. Vintcient was definitely leaking, too, for he could feel his pads become smeared with the dinger's copious produce.


The tiger's fingers felt up a bulb on the bottom of the male's shaft, one that made his lips curl into a renewed smirk as he explored the expanse of flesh he had just discovered, much to the dinger's rumbling amusement and approval.

"Best of both worlds huh?" Markus questioned.

"Haven't had complaints!"

Markus squeezed on the big, inviting knot before raking his fingers up along the murring male's cock. His paw popped out of the dinger's pants, leaving the tiger to bring that musky paw up to his muzzle to take a good sniff of his guest's groin musk.


"You're one dirty bastard aren't you?" the dinger grinned at the sight of the tiger reveling so openly in his raunch.

"Yep!" the tiger purred, eyes heavy-lidded.

"Well here you go then..."

The dinger grabbed the tiger's neck and pulled him close, just as he lifted an arm so that the tiger's muzzle was buried onto the male's fuzzy armpit. Markus' paws fell onto the dinger's chest as he stabilized himself and nuzzled the offered pit eagerly, sniffing up the musk and sweat they'd already worked up with their sexy antics so far. Vintcient rumbled eagerly, something between a purr and a growl, as was fitting for someone of such exotic descent.

"Sniff that daddy pit, boy."

Markus' ears perked and he looked up from his new favorite spot, to give the dinger a 'whut' look that made Vintcient grin and ruffle the tiger's head furs.

"Just yankin' your tail," the dinger grinned while one paw fell to play with the said appendage," that feels sexy, though."

Markus swatted the dinger's rump.

"Well you better get this shirt off of you or I'm gonna rip it or something."

"Thought you wouldn't ask!" Vintcient chuckled.

The dinger made a great show of taking off his collared shirt, which revealed a toned body covered in brown fur and adorned with red stripes over most of his body. The white of his belly acted in contrast to that.

"You're fucking sexy," Markus appreciated.

Vintcient stroked his muscled belly slowly and winked.

"Well don't keep me waiting either! Getting blue-balled here, mayte!"

"You get more Aussie drawl when you're drunk?" Markus teased.

"More like when I'm horny..." the dinger gave the tiger a pointed look while his paw wandered down from his belly and squeezed down on his bulge.

"Dang, you're gonna make me cream my pants or something..." Markus shook his head while he hurried to rid himself of his own shirt.

"Well that'd be a bit unfortunate," Vintcient replied. "Show me the bed?"

"Tiger-dingo getting antsy?" Markus licked his lips.

"I'm just short of humping your leg, mayte."

"Through those screen doors," Markus pointed out.


Markus pranced past the dinger and pulled open the doors that revealed the sleeping alcove, complete with a dresser and a king-sized bed swathed in purple sheets.

"And kinky!" Vintcient observed.

The tiger stepped up to him and put his arms around his guest before burying his muzzle onto his neck, body pressing tightly to the dinger's back while he squeezed onto the buff body with his arms, purring continuously.

"Hmmmyoureckon?" Markus mumbled onto the dinger's fragrant neck.

"Sexy, too..." the dinger rumbled.

"Yup..." Markus groped the dinger's crotch while humping firmly onto the tall male's tight rump, "I think we gotta try it out..."

"I know what I wanna try, dude..." Vintcient grabbed the tiger's wrists.

"Do show," Markus murmured.

The dinger wriggled out of the tiger's hug with practiced ease, it seemed, and faced him, his own paws then landing onto the tiger's rump.

"Down we go."

They fell onto the bed, with the tiger landing first so that he was suddenly very much sandwiched onto his sexy silk sheets by the body of the dinger sprawling on top of him. Vintcient's lips were pulled into a confident smirk now that he rested over the tiger. Markus allowed himself to be pinned down quite happily, tail swinging against his bed while he looked up purringly at his welcome guest.

"I think I'mma like this bed a lot."

Vintcient shoved his tongue down the tiger's muzzle and thrust his boner against the equally bulky presence in Markus' groin. They gripped and grappled one another with heated paws, enjoying the intimacy two strong bodies rubbing together could provide, especially now that their bare fur was mixing ever so nicely. Their lower halves were still clothed for most part, but it only added extra fun to the motion of their hard tiger-cocks straining to be freed from the fabric separating them from full on barbed contact. Tickle-torturing a furry side or nibbling on a nipple was attractive for the moment, as well as dipping in for a hot, wet kiss between bouts of dirty grinning and leering.

"Think it's time to see what you're packing here for real," Vintcient observed while tugging on the tiger's balls through his loose pants.

"Uhhmhmm..." Markus rumbled.

The dinger straddled his legs and spent little time unbuttoning the pants to reveal a hefty, musky tiger-cock that sprang onto his palm and felt good, and a warm, over his fingers.

"Ain't got nothing to be ashamed yourself, either," Vintcient grinned. He wriggled his butt down along the tiger's legs and eventually fell between them so that his ass landed onto the bed, but it allowed him enough room and his extra bendy cat spine did the rest of the work so that he could get his lips around the tiger's barbed tip.


"Tasty," Vintcient licked the tiger's dick, up and down the shaft and around the tip in long, wet strokes on his raspy tongue.


Markus gripped the sheets when he felt further warmth engulf him. His hips bucked forward to drive more of his meat into the dinger's maw. He didn't seem to have any trouble complying, either, and even had the presence of mind left to spare his paws to fondle the tiger's balls and his ass.


The dinger took over playing with the cock with his fingers so that he could munch on the tiger's balls for a while, which sent Markus' libido into a seeming override. He throbbed and oozed pre-cum onto Vintcient's fingers while the dinger had fun nuzzling his new buddy's low-hangers.

"Hhmmm...really pent up down here..." Vintcient huffed into the darkly musky furs surrounding the tiger's package.

"You reckon?"

"And otherwise...too...sweet..." Vintcient tugged on the heavy nuts, "damnit..."

it took him only a few moments to rid the tiger of his pants, which left Markus sprawled on the bed in his full glory, with the dinger standing by the bed and grinning. He grabbed his own belt and was quick to follow in the ranks of the undressed.

"Damn, that's a - "

Markus yelped when the dinger grabbed his legs and manhandled the tiger to lay on his belly, muzzle down on the sheets and his muscled rump pointing to the ceiling.

"Just the way I like 'em," Vintcient mused as he knelt on the bed and treated one striped cheek to a swat.


The dinger leaned over the tiger and nibbled onto Markus' ear. His big, knotted cock pressed onto the small of the tiger's back and smeared oozing pre-cum all over his furs.


"Guess what I want, tiggy..." Vintcient growled into the ear he'd just teased with his tongue and lips, cock grinding onto the tiger's rump.

"Thought so," Markus grinned.

"You game?" the dinger replied, his hips not missing a beat while he dry-fucked the tiger's sweet rear.

"Never pass a juicy ass or a big cock," Markus replied rudely, "and you're big..."

"Hah, I thought I was pretty average..." Vintcient mused.

"Ha!" Markus snickered. "Guess guys really are huge down under down under..."

Vintcient slipped a paw between their bodies and gripped the tiger's tail, to give it a tug.

"Oh you betcha..."

He licked a trail of kisses and nips along the tiger's back, which brought further rumbles and purrs from the moaning tiger, and those noises only became ever the more louder when he reached the tiger's plump buns. The dinger massaged the tiger's ass cheeks and pulled them apart to get his first proper glance at the pink pucker between them.


He fondled the cheeks for a few moments before hocking up a glob of spit, which landed onto the tiger's taint.



"Kitty like a bit of licking on his plate of cream?" Vintcient slurred dirtily.

"You're drunk," Markus giggled.

The noise soon turned into a purr when the dinger's big tongue slithered onto his taint and moved up and down in the musky, furred crevice between the tiger's ass cheeks. Saliva drooled off Vintcient's muzzle and slickened the ass crack he feasted on, quietly rumbling while he enjoyed holding such power over the tiger. Markus' tail swished from side to side while he was eaten out, his own paws straight on forward and touching the headboard of the bed.


The dinger slurped his tongue from the tiger's rear and admired the wet mess for a moment, keeping those cheeks well open while he looked at the slick, winking pucker between them.

"Damn nice...thing it's time to fill you up good...where've you got lube?"

Markus lifted a paw drowsily and pointed out a drawer on his bedstand.

"Got lube and toys and rubbers in there," he husked.

Vintcient smirked and poked his fingertip against the tiger's hole.

"Surely we can skip that," the dinger mused in a rough voice, "you're all nice and clean back here."

The tiger's ears perked, and he lifted his ear to look at the male who seemed keen to be watching his ass and playing with it, still prodding his finger against the butthole after making his dirty suggestion.

"Yeah, but I usually tell guys to glove up," Markus spoke.

"Come on..." the dinger rumbled, "I'm clean too...get tested regularly and all...nothing like riding without a saddle, right? Ain't got any diseases or anything."

"Humph," the tiger rumbled, "not really something I do."

"You've got a sweet ass..." the dinger grinned, "would love to drop a load in that tight hole of yours..."

Markus couldn't deny that the rude description made his hole clench up against the finger tickling it, not to mention that his cock throbbed even more powerfully against his sexy sheets at the thought of having that thick meat slip into him and fill his back passage to the brim.

"Come on..." Vintcient stroked the tiger's rump, "let's do it all nature style like two big tiger boys..."

"You ain't a tiger..:"

"You ain't gonna complain once you feel this pop in here..." Vintcient nudged his thumb against the tiger's asshole while his other paw gripped his knot oh so tenderly, "while I'm breeding your butt..."

"Dang, you're really getting off on this, ain't you?" Markus snorted.

Vintcient waved his shaft and tapped his leaky tip against the tiger's thigh.

"This boy ain't lying," he said.


"So you grab the stuff from the draw and if it's condoms and lube...fine...if just the pick," the kneeling cat-dog spoke while still playing with himself, "but please fucking hurry before my balls get even more blue than they are!"

The tiger hesitated for only a moment before he crawled a little across the bed so that he could reach the drawer. When the bottle of lube landed onto the bed by the dinger's leg, a big smile broke over Vintcient's muzzle.

"Knew you're a proper bareback pig," the dinger grinned as he picked up the lube, "bottoms up!"

Markus arranged a couple of pillows under his belly and wriggled into a better position while his bedmate squirted lube onto his paw before depositing onto his large cock. He was done quickly and moved to lean onto the tiger once again, his cock sandwiched between the tiger's cheeks.

"Huh...cold..." the tiger rumbled.

"It'll warm up quickly..." Vintcient smirked. He held the bottle of lube high and squirted the trickling stuff along the tiger's crack and his own cock like putting ketchup on a hotdog.


He scooped some of the lube off his cock and massaged it into the tiger's tailhole while rumbling happily to himself.

"You know it'll feel really good in a moment, tiggy..."

"Humph!" Markus swatted the dinger with his tail.

"Okay...time to pick this one cherry..."

Vintcient dropped the lube and moved up into a more proper mounting position. He was itching to hump the slick crack for a few moments more but the tiger's upraised tail and his tight hole were even more attractive prospects. He pushed his tip against the hole and hissed in pleasure when the slick opening pressed onto his fleshy cock.

"Uh we go, butt boy..."

"Don't push your luck," Markus grumbled, feeling slutty like that, ass up and about to take it raw under the tail.

But the dinger pushed and pushed and that was just what he did. He even grabbed the tiger's tail and made sure to hold it out of the way while he admired the sight of his cocktip pressing onto the straining ring of muscle until it gave up and he simply popped in, several inches sunk into the tiger's rectum in one simple hump.

"Uhhdffff..." Markus bit his lip.

"There we go...uh yeah..."

He could see the tiger's pink tailring squeeze down on on the dark red flesh of his shaft, now partially sunk into the cat's hole. Another thrust created a slurping, squelching sound when extra lube was forced out of the tiger's rump. The resulting suction felt wonderful on his wet shaft, it was like the tiger's ass was nibbling on him...and definitely wanting more.

"Fucking tight..."

Vintcient let out a bark and shoved more of his shaft into the tiger, whom was busy gripping the sheets and gritting his teeths while he felt the dinger thrust deeper into his guts. The hybrid sure was thick, almost uncomfortably so, stretching open the British tiger's pucker.


"Eeeeasy and nice..." the dinger commented, mostly to himself, while grabbing the tiger's hips now, straining over him like a gym fur about to do some hard push-ups.

"Uhmph..." Markus managed, when he felt barbs stroke onto his prostate.

The slippery slope of the dinger sliding into his feline mate's ass seemed to take long enough, but after a good deal of huffing and puffing, the tiger's tender buttlips felt the nudge of a full-sized knot kissing his nethers.


"And now we breed manhole, baby," the dinger slurred dirtily into his prey's ear before yanking his hips back.


The tiger mewled with the sensation of barbs stroking along his chute, mixed with the indescribably feeling of being spread wide open and filled full...basically, getting a huge cat-cock in him, before the knot finished the job and it felt like being fucked by a canine, and then it was gone again, and instead he got fat balls swatting against his messy sac, once the dinger kicked in a higher gear to his actions and pumped in and out deeply.

"Oh yeah..." Vintcient sounded very pleased with himself, going at a good pace up and about the tiger's hinterior, "gonna knock you up good...."

"Don't...shhh..." Markus hissed, "go overboard..."

Vintcient grabbed the tiger's muzzle and kissed him roughly, while not missing a single beat in the rapid back and forth motion of his hips driving his cock into the tiger's raw anus. His tongue ravaged the tiger's muzzle all the same as his dick made good of his promise to fill him up. Oozing precum and the copious lube that had been applied earlier made each thrust loud and wet, and the splurts added to the growls, grunts and the squeaking of bedsprings while the rough buttfuck continued. Markus knew that he was ruining his sheets with his own pre-juices. The dinger's cock was simply forcing it out of him, his prostate was under constant fire, and he wasn't sure if even the bed was going to survive the onslaught of the energetic fuck from his visitor.

"Hhhmmm...think I'm gonna be ready to drop my first load, mayte..." the dinger huffed..."here it comes..."

Markus wasn't quite sure what to reply to that, so he just gave a token grumble and braced himself under the deep-dicking thrusts banging his rear at a rapid fire pace. The dinger's knot slammed onto his hole again and again, with each thrust trying to stretch his hole open further until -


Markus bit onto a pillow, good and honest, when the knob of flesh punched into his hole. The feeling was simply overwhelming and he could only yowl, even through the sensations of hot cum streaming into his rectum, and the dinger's teeth closing onto his shoulder.


The guy on top of him panted for several moments, his hips finally coming to a still. His cock spurted further globs of thick juice into the tiger's tingling insides, painted his pink walls with cum and filled the chute that'd already been worn out by the rapid fire fucking over the several minutes of breeding before he finally put his seed into the feline's once tight ass.


"If I didn't know better I'd think you pissed inside me..." Markus grumbled.

"You like?" Vintcient churned his cock inside the tiger's ass with a little wriggling motion.


"I take that as a yes," Vintcient chuckled to himself and began to groom the back of the tiger's neck, "you're a nice hot fuck."

"Gee, thanks!" Markus flicked his ears.


"Where's the toilet?"


"I need to take a leak something bad, and unless you want it in the ass, I need to go."

Markus harrumphed.

"But you're still..."

"It'll pop out just nicely if you remember to breathe," Vintcient chuckled.

The tiger already felt movement in his rear, and could only voice a little disapproval with his rumbles before the dinger unceremoniously pulled.


The knot popped out with streamers of cum. It splattered the sheets, the tiger's thighs and balls and the dinger's groin.

"Oh man...should've put a towel or something onto the bed..."

He removed rest of his cock from the tiger's hole that then closed up with a lewd slurping noise, but not before further cum leaked out over Markus' balls.


Vintcient poked the messy balls with his thumb and grinned when the tiger huffed in reply.



"Totally great..." Vintcient grinned, "bit of a mess but I like that..."


"Sure love a bit of raw breeding every now and nature fucking sexy...yeah..."

"So you gonna - uh!"

The dinger was already going down and Markus didn't really have anything more to say before he felt a tongue dig into his hole, previously occupied by cock but still pliable enough that the dinger had no trouble slipping his tongue into the gaping hole.

"Oh, fuck..."

Vintcient slurped happily, nose full of musk, muzzle full of his own cum, which he felched ruthlessly from the hole he had just bred up in his frenzy to fill a tight hole with his seed. His host had no choice but to lift his muzzle from the pillow he had pretty much ruined with his biting an drooling, and to let out a moan of utter satisfaction at the raunchy fulfilment he felt, with that thick, big tongue digging into his rump.


As always, remember that this is fantasy and you shouldn't engage in this sort of behaviour in real life. Safer sex saves lives by protecting you against HIV, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted diseases. Play safe, and you not only save yourself but your partners too. Remember to get tested!


Thank you for reading! Hope you had a good time, and do leave me a few comments if you can! Cheers, folks!

Reacharound (LL)

** ** Damn, another one? But I doubt you mind...enjoy the read! ** ** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** "A-a-aeahh...." His paws gripped onto my hips and held them firmly, which only encouraged me to roll them, gently, to send another rough moan...

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