Payday part 2

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#3 of Short Fiction

Here's the second part of 4 or 5 (maybe 6) parts.

Yep. Feeling a little momentum with this work.

Crits, comments, etc. welcome.

Hope ya'll enjoy :-)

Chapter 3: Noel's Watch

"But why do I have to watch him first?" Noel whined at Warren.

"Because now is the easiest shift. Lester will probably be asleep the entire time."

Jack yelled from outside, "let's gooo!"

The wolf patted him on the shoulder. "I believe in you Noel. You'll be fine. Anything goes wrong, just wake up Kev." With that, he gave a theatrical nod of confidence and left.

Noel watched the car disappear down the fallow, winding road.

The wolverine crept to the door where the hostage was being kept. He could not hear anything over the noise of the radio. He could just imagine Lester pulling a MacGyver, freeing his arms by cutting the old rope on the rusty metal bed frame. Maybe he even fashioned a mace from the wood Noel had boarded the window with, and just waiting for the door to open.

Noel began to perspire. The last thing he wanted was a face full of rusty nails. He looked at his phone. Warren and Jack had been gone for two minutes and forty-seven seconds. Forty-eight. Forty-nine.

Noel watched the seconds tick up to the three minute mark. Maybe he should call Kevin?

Noel flapped his arms in frustration. Why did he get involved with Warren? Of course he could answer his own question. The wolf made it seem so easy and foolproof. A couple hours work and, boom! a year or two's worth of tuition is taken care of. Warren even made it seem like it was a just thing to do.

Noel's fur bristled. The one time he ever strayed from the straight and narrow, and this is where he ends up. Kidnapping a mobster's son. Tasked with "watching him." That was a really vague instruction. That put everything on his shoulders if anything went wrong before Warren returned.

Life was so unfair.

He looked at his phone.

Noel concluded he had to look in on Lester. He got on the floor and strained to see under the door.

No luck. and now his pants and face were dusty.

Noel sighed. He tucked his phone behind the dresser they pulled from the room, just incase Lester turned out to be a master pickpocket. Then, excruciatingly slow, he twister the door's handle and eased it open, fully expecting an ambush.

When the door was open wide enough to look into the room, Noel spent several minutes making out the shapes in the morning gloom that filtered through the boarded window.

This was not working. He steeled himself and before he could dwell on it too long, thrust the door open and flicked the light switch.

Lester was still tied down. No sign of boobytraps having been laid.

"Hello?" called the coyote.

Noel could barely hear him over the staticy rock music that played at full blast.

He was still there. Mission accomplished?, wondered Noel.

"Please wait," Lester called.

Noel started to close the door. He could not help feeling sympathetic. "... Yes?"

He heard Lester say something, but could not understand it over the radio. He was the only one here at the moment so there was little need to keep up the racket.

The radio turned off. "What was that?" Noel asked again.

"Noel?" The coyote craned his head trying to get a look at him.

He said nothing. Why did he ever get involved with Warren?

"Noel, could you loosen the ropes?" Lester asked pleadingly.


"Please? I can't feel my hands and feet."

"Look, it's not my choice," Noel explained. "In fact, none of this was my idea."

"I know that, Noel. You were always a cool guy. I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding. If you get me out of this, I promise I won't say anything."

Noel thought about lengthy jail sentences, mob hitmen, Warren's vengeance, and shook his head. "No. I'm really sorry. But, no."

Noel started to close the door, expecting Lester to start yelling or making threats.

"That's ok. I understand."

Noel doubted he could. "I'll leave the radio off. It must be giving you a headache."

"God, yes," Lester said. "If I have to listen to one more angry guy with a guitar, I think I'll try to swallow my tongue."

"Heh, yeah. I don't care for that kind of music either."

"Hey, is there any chance I could get some water? Maybe a bite to eat?" Lester asked hopefully.

Noel walked further into the room. "I don't know... Can you wait until Warren gets back?"

"He's not here?"

Noel rubbed his face. He should not have started talking to Lester. "I should go."

"No. Stay. I won't ask any more questions. Promise." Lester lifted his head as far as he could and gave a smile eerily reminiscent of the one Warren gave when he talked them into holding Lester for ransom.

Noel sighed. "Let me get a chair."

In the hall he listened for any sign Kevin was awake. How that wolf could fall asleep at a time like this, he would never understand. The amount of adrenalin coursing through Noel would keep sleep away for a very long time.

Noel lifted the chair so it did not drag as he went back into the room. Lester was trying to keep his head up. "Maybe I can find you a pillow?"

Lester shook his head. "No. I don't want to be any trouble."

"Nonsense! There's no reason you can't at least be comfortable during this... this unpleasantness."

Noel left the door to the hostage room open. He reflected once again, that this is not a situation he was capable of handling. And he knew Lester. Not a great worker, but they never had anything but an amiable business relationship. The coyote did not deserve this.

On his third try, Noel happened upon a bedroom door.

Maybe if he was really sure Lester could get away, he would seriously consider letting him go. He could not decide who he trusted more, Lester or Warren. Neither one seemed reputable. But Lester was right, Noel was too nice of a person to be mixed up in this.

Noel lifted a pillow off a bed. He shook it, assuming the room had not been turned for a few decades. He sneezed in the cloud of dust.

He sneezed again in the hall, and once more entering Lester's room.

"Bless you," said Lester.

"Thanks. I fluffed it as best I could. It's still kind of dusty." He gave a helpless gesture. "I wish we had something to use as a pillowcase."

"Hmm. You could just wrap it in my shirt," offered Lester.

"But the bed springs..."

"Lesser of two evils, my friend. Rust will wash off, but you can never be too careful when it comes to bedbugs and dust mites."

Noel looked down at the pillow and moved it to arms length. The thought of parasites made him squeamish. "You're right." He resisted the urge to scratch, and hoped the itch was psychological.

He set the pillow down and stood next to Lester to figure out how he would do this. Lester wore a close fitting polo shirt. The thought of striping Lester's lithe form was rather distracting. "I don't think this will work." He hurriedly justified that, "your shirt is too tight to slide up your arms. And, you know, I'm not supposed untie you."

"Just cut it off," Lester said with a slight laugh. "The shirt's ruined anyways."

"Oh." Noel looked around. "Uh, I'm not sure what Warren did with the knife."

"You're strong. Just rip it off," Lester said.

Noel forced a nervous laugh. "Yeah, um, I don't really..." he pursed his lips and shook his head.

Lester kept an innocent expression. "I'm just throwing this out there, but," his pitch dropped, "maybe you could use your shirt?"

Noel was now officially flustered.

"I promise I can," Lester could no longer hide his smirk, "properly compensate you."

Noel plucked an imagined lint ball off his black shirt. He had always been self conscious about his weight, but now he was starting to feel angry at himself for not being able to get over it. "How important is a pillow anyways," he asked rhetorically.

Lester answered anyways. "Not very. But, what with my extremities going numb, it might have been nice if the body parts I can still feel, weren't so uncomfortable." The look disappointment played on Noel's guilty conscience.

"Ok. I'm going to try to slide your shirt up. Just, um, don't..."

"Not to worry, Noel. I'm not ticklish."

I meant, don't think I'm being a pervert, but whatever, Noel thought to himself. He leaned over the smiling coyote and started to pull his polo up his arms and over his head. Lester's arms were spread too wide and the shirt did not get far. Lester was left with his shirt covering his face.

While he was temporarily blindfolded, Noel stole a look at the coyote's chest and abs. A combination of jealousy and lust let his eyes linger longer than he wanted.

The bulge of Lester's muzzle that jutted beneath the shirt moved. "Heh, I'm not sure if this is gonna work."

Noel nodded, keeping his eyes glued to Lester's contours. It took a moment before he realized Lester could not see him. "Yes. That seems to be the case." He looked at Lester's head. "Hold still and I'll get it out."

From the opened doorway a voice asked, "what the hell?"

Noel started. It was Kevin. Noel took a step back from the bed and realized how this must look. "I was just helping Lester get more comfortable."

Kevin nodded incredulously.

"No, I was-"

"Go. I'll watch him for a while," Kevin said softly.

Noel gave an exasperated sigh. It might be exactly what it looks like, he admitted to himself. With what remained of his dignity, Noel made a hasty egress, having to squeeze past Kevin who had not moved from the doorway.

Noel ran down the stairs. "Dang it!" he admonished himself. This was just not his day.


Chapter 5: Quiet Ones

Kevin listened to the sound of the wolverine stomping down the stairs. He cocked his head to the side and listened to the coyote's breathing. Kevin was horny. He always was when he woke up.

"Hello? Anyone still there?" Lester asked. His shirt was still pulled over his head.

Kevin shut the door. He stalked soundlessly to the bed.

"Noel?" asked Lester.


The coyote hesitated for a moment. "Th-thank God you showed up! H-he was gonna rape me!"

Kevin laughed at that.

"Could you... please let me go? I swear I won't tell the cops. I don't even know you. But You had that look about you. That you are a good person. You're not like these other guys."

Kevin listened to the bullshit. It was mildly amusing.

"I can even get you money. Double whatever Warren promised."

Lester's voice took on an air of desperation. He misread Kevin's silence for consideration. "All you need to do is take me back to my dad's place. Anything you want, it's yours. Name it."

Kevin fished in the pocket of his faded black jeans.

Lester flinched as his shirt was lifted from his face and a blade inserted, pointed at the center of his head. It withdrew and two fingers poked through and in a second his expensive polo shirt was ripped open.

He could have sworn it was Warren. Closer examination had Lester guessing it was a relative of his captor. A few years younger, not quite as muscular, and maybe a little shorter, but that might have been an illusion of the oversized black and grey flannel the wolf wore untucked and partially unbuttoned.

"Thanks," said Lester. "Um, my hands and feet are numb..." It was becoming clear the wolf was not going to let him go. "Maybe you could loosen..." he trailed off.

Kevn waited until Lester was unnerved enough to break eye contact first. He then flicked one of Lester's fingers. "Did you feel that?" he asked.

"No. I told you, it's too tight."

Kevin lifted the kitchen knife and angled it at the bound hand.

"Wait!" Lester shrieked.

He made a quick stabbing motion but stopped just before it impaled the hand.

"Jeezus! You psycho," Lester yelled indignantly before remembering he was tied and helpless.

Kevin watched Lester's face while prodding the hand with the tip of the knife. Not hard enough to draw blood, but the lack of involuntary muscle response was telling. "You should hope Warren gets back soon."

"And what do you think he's gonna say when he finds out you've been stabbing his meal ticket?"

Kevin ignored him. He sat on the edge of the bed and casually ran a finger from Lester's armpit to his belt. He watched Lester's face twist between indignation and lust. Kevin ran his hand over the coyote's soft belly fur. He felt the abdominal muscles tense.

Lester seemed to have settled on an expression of lust.

"I'm going to have to untie your legs," Kevin said. He looked at the knots. Either Warren or Jack tied them. Neither knew much about rope, and it showed. Kevin cut the bonds with the steak knife. He stood, half expecting Lester to start kicking. But they were both on the same page now.

"It'd be even better if you cut my hands loose," Lester said.

Kevin pulled off the coyote's shoes.

"Don't suppose you want to rub some feeling back into them?" Lester asked hopefully while scrunching his numb toes.

Kevin undid Lester's belt and started tugging off his pants. The coyote was already semi erect, his tail involuntarily thumping the exposed springs.

Kevin stepped away from the foot of the bed. He took the pillow Noel brought and fluffed it. He tucked under Lester's hips.

"What if Noel comes back?" Lester asked.

Kevin wondered if he was trying to shame him. Kevin had not met Lester before the impromptu kidnapping, still had not been properly introduced, but felt an instant dislike. Kevin never respected furs that play mind games. "He can watch."

"Oh," Lester said. He repeated a deeper oh as his boxers were pulled off.

Kevin took his own pants off.

Lester strained his head to get a look. "My, what a big cock you have," he said to the wolf.

Kevin rolled his eyes. He wondered if it would be worth his time to gag the coyote. His twitching member said it was not.

Kevin crawled between Lester's spread legs.

"Wait," said Lester. "Do you have any lube?"


The coyote whimpered.

Kevin spit into his hand and stroked himself a few times. "Happy?" he asked, before realizing the irony of asking that to a hostage.


"Do you want something to bite on?" Kevin asked while edging closer to the coyote's ass.

"Yeah. How'd you like a blow job before we start?"

Kevin laughed.

"I knew you had a sense of humor," said Lester.

Kevin pressed his tip to the coyote's rosette. Any expectation of foreplay Lester might have had was over. Kevin pushed deep.

Lester groaned.

Kevin pulled out. The coyote wrapped his legs around the wolf and pulled him back in.

"Harder!" Lester yelled.

Kevin was more than willing to oblige. He focused on the hot, tight grip milking his dick like a cow's udder.

Lester's moaning drowned out Kevin's grunts.The coyote was quick to loosen, obviously experienced. Between his thrusting and Lester's grinding, Kevin soon felt himself nearing climax. He tightened his grip on Lester's hips and gritted his teeth as he started pumping his load.

Lester shouted, "don't stop! God, don't stop!"

But Kevin was finished. Breathing hard, he pulled out and untangled himself from the coyote's legs.

Lester whined. "Man, could you at least finish me off?"

Kevin looked at Lester's throbbing cock. "Maybe later. I'm gonna get some breakfast."

Lester squirmed and tugged at the bindings on his wrists. "You cruel bastard!"

Kevin put his pants back on.

"Can you bring me some food?" asked Lester.

Kevin watched Lester's vain attempts to reach his own cock with his foot. The coyote soon discovered he was not flexible enough.

Lester sighed in frustration. "Please?"

"Warren's getting you some food. Just wait."

"But I'm hungry, now," Lester whined.

Kevin walked towards the door. He found his first impression accurate, he did not like Lester.

As he shut the door he could hear Lester shouting that he was still naked, amid a cloud of curses.

He walked down to the kitchen and wondered if Warren would be pissed he fucked the hostage. Probably not.

He took a beer out of the melted ice in the cooler. His stomach rumbled, reminding him of other needs that needed satisfying. The only food was a half eaten bag of chips on the table. How long would it take Warren to pick up his supplies? And where did Noel run off to?

Payday part 3

Chapter 5: Connecting The car skidded to a halt, throwing up a cloud of dirt and loose gravel. Warren got out as the engine stopped and cut the hip hop song mid-obscenity. He and Jack carted armloads of their purchases into the farmhouse....

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Title 1: Easy Money Warren watched the wolf across the table flip the final card. Kevin was shit at cards. The only reason Warren held off cleaning him out, was that he was his cousin. Family was important to wolfs. It was a cliche notion,...

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Savagery chapter 6

Chapter Six Truth Sounds of birds chirping roused Sleet the next morning. The headache was worse than the one caused by the hangover. After brushing the pile of dead leaves off himself, Sleet walked back to thee farms. He wanted to lose...

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