The Wakeup Call (2)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#53 of Commissions by Gruffy

The Wakeup Call


Written for avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2 Sanmer ages ago! Now posted for you :)


Phil's head throbbed, somewhere between caffeine withdrawal and a hangover, he thought, squeezing his eyes closed tight and trying to fight the strange spinning sensation behind his eyes. Damn he felt tired, and weird...and oddly horny...not that it was strange, but the fact that his mind was filled with images...strange ones, like the ones he liked looking at when he was browsing his favorite...ahem...fantasy web sites...

He'd dreamed that he was in a big, grassy field, and there were naked anthros everywhere, tigers, lions, bears, canines, horses, wolves, anything he could think of, they were there, mingling, playing, laughing, rolling in the grass while the human simply stood among them, admiring their sleek furred bodies, the way they moved and the sounds they made with each other...

...not to mention that they were naked, and offered him all too much fetish fuel with those waving tails and...hard cocks, bouncing about while they walked, chased each other, called dirty jokes to one another, and the eager human spying on them, though nobody was doing anything really sexual...besides maybe some friendly grinding while they passed each other before continuing their impromptu games of tag and chasing in the grassy field...

Well, no wonder he felt horny, and his cock was hard...he felt like grabbing it and giving it a good morning handshake, heheh, just a quick one...he didn't really feel like pissing, so it wasn't that kind of a boner, not yet at least...just probably his body living in the dream still, full of so many images and attractive fantasy creatures, it was inevitable that he'd be dwelling on it still...

"Hmmmm..." Phil rumbled, wriggling his butt a bit as he relaxed and tried to ignore the throbbing in his head...otherwise he felt nice and warm, even without a blanket on him...the room was warm enough, he could just lounge and enjoy being in a slumber for a little bit longer, it wouldn't do him any harm, surely, the headache wasn't bad enough to require a Tylenol or something...

He was so drowsy that he almost didn't notice the soft, warm touch against his thighs, followed by a curious, warm sensation closing in on his cock...first his balls, then over his shaft...he moaned a little...hmm...his imagination was surely doing some nice things now...felt almost like someone was nuzzling along his dick, making it feel very nice and it was being rubbed...not his own hand, though, they were pleasantly curled to his sides, too relaxed to really do anything else but let them be there...

Then there was definitely a warm, tight sensation around his cock, not just one, but...but....he couldn't hold it anymore, he opened his eyes, and yelped.


He blinked a few times, sitting up as he realized that something brown and sleek was positioned between his legs, and it was none other than a slightly cartoonish otter, with a smile on its muzzle, the very same muzzle that was currently sinking over his cock, which the otter's webbed paw help upright so that the otter could simple gulp it down like a giant lollypop.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Phil yelled again, unable to move when he felt a rubbery tongue slide along his shaft, feeling so good that it made even his balls throb.


The otter's head popped up, his webbed paw still holding the human's shaft while he smiled, blinked, and smiled some more.

"Good morning!" the otter spoke in a slightly nasal, squeaky voice, his tail tapping against the bed, "Slept well?"

Phil's mouth had fallen open, he had no idea what was going on, except that there was a cartoon...thing between his legs, and it was playing with his very hard, rosy-tipped cock, and looking at it, while smiling to him...

"You slept reeeeally long," the otter giggled, its rubbery lips smirking before sinking towards his cock again.

"Oh my God," Phil moaned, the sensation simply unbelievable, that strange warm, not quite hot, but definitely warm feel of a very pliant, tight opening and a tunnel closing down on him, and there was a tongue too there, somewhere, rubbing circles around his tip.

The feeling triggered a memory in him, of the last night when he'd felt so horny and bored with jerking off, he'd grabbed the plushie...and now he also remembered the plushy, the strange packet that'd come to his door without him ordering it in the first place, and how he'd uncovered a curiously...anatomical plushie from it, and deep in the night, when it was just him and his kinky desires, he'd just grabbed it and...

...and fucked it, and he couldn't remember anything besides having a really, really good orgasm, and now, waking up again, the plushie was SUCKING HIS COCK!

"OHMYGOD!" Phil yelled, but still unable to do anything, not jumping out of the bed, not throwing the plushie away, not trying to scramble out of the bed to grab a Bible or something to protect him from his...possession...this was practically something out of a Chucky movie, he thought, madly, panting and...and feeling so damn horny, with that strange smooth-but-not-slippery muzzle working up and down on his cock in a decadently sucking fashion.

"Ohhh maaaaaahn!" he moaned, his eyes almost rolling shut when he couldn't resist bucking his hips into the otter plushie, almost expecting that to be enough to throw it away...they were just filled with cotton wool or something, right, they weren't supposed to be this heavy...not that they were meant to be sucking cock in the first place, too.

The otter lifted his head and spent a few moments polishing Phil's tip, before it returned to just staring at him, with the tip of his tongue peeking from between smirking muzzle lips.

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" the otter murmured. "I like that!"

"What...what the hell is going on?"

"Just relax...." the otter crooned, "I can tell you need this...oh, but I don't even know your name..."

Now the hallucination wants to know your name, Phil thought, madly, and almost giggled. This had to be just...too much furry porn, too much coffee, and not really getting enough sleep...he was probably just jerking himself off and imagining that this was happening...or it was simply a dream...wasn't it possible to dream that you woke up from sleep and you were actually still sleeping and dreaming that it was had to be possible...he should Google it...

"Shouldn't you know it, since you're just my...uhh...imagination?" the human frowned at the still smiling otter whose webbed paw kept applying some rather distraction squeezing onto his pulsing shaft.

"Does this feel like imagination?" the otter replied, letting his tongue slippety-slip over Phil's tip again, making him moan hotly.

"Uhhh...honestly...yeeeeeah," the human almost whined, "because, you know...plushie don't...uhh..."

"Give blowjobs?" the otter's ears perked.

"Well...yeah...." Phil couldn't believe that he actually arguing with an imaginary blowjob-giving plushie. He'd soon probably wake up and find that strange toy next to his other plushies, still wearing its silly goggles and bathrobe that'd cover its inappropriate anatomy...

"Well it's your lucky day! Because I'm going to suck you dry...."

The human yelped as he felt the suctioning muzzle down on him again, and somehow knew that arguing with that would be pointless...and maybe he could just enjoy it, too, if this dream was going to turn out like this, he could allow the fantasy to run its harm in that. He'd just wake up, possibly with stains to his sheets, but whatever. No harm done.

"Ohh...okay," Phil decided, folded his arms behind his head and relaxed, just as the otter sped up on its sucking and bobbing on his rod, those webbed paws running over his thighs and even playing with his balls...the sensation growing warmer with the increasing friction- the plushie's muzzle wasn't wet, but rather, simply so smooth that there was no chafing, much to Phil's felt too nice, he simply laid back and let the otter go down on him, make him feel good with that deviously grinning muzzle until he was panting again, his balls pulling up to his body, and he really was, quite suddenly, cumming into the warm muzzle.

The otter nursed on him until he couldn't take any more, and then Phil simply laid there, and the otter climbed on top of him and cuddled onto him, setting along his side so that Phil could put a lazy arm around his warm, cuddly otter. Its skin might've felt a bit rubbery, perhaps, but it felt nice, really smooth on his own slightly sweaty skin. It smelled a bit of cum, too, he noticed, lazily.

"This is a pretty damn good dream..." Phil murmured to the otter, who was really only inches away from his face.

"Oh yes..." the otter replied and gave him a peck, "and what's even better...?"

"Yeah...?" Phil mumbled.

"This really isn't a dream..." the otter replied.

"I know it is..." Phil defended himself, "otter plushies don't speak and have sex, they're just cute and...cuddly..."

"Well I am that," the otter flapped his tail against Phil's belly, "but I'm also very real...and I also really reeeeally like sex..."

"Yup," Phil huffed, "that definitely tells this is a dream."

"You can decide after breakfast," the otter grinned, "I'm making you coffee and waffles. I'm glad you got that high stool in the kitchen, otherwise I couldn't reach the stuff I need!"

Phil laughed.

"You're a silly dream," he said.

"More silly thank you think," the otter murmured, snuggling close to his human.

Phil laid there, feeling cozy and drowsy just about until his bladder started to feel full...which he thought to be a really odd thing to dream about, but since, when he opened his yes, the otter was still there, on his side, it had to be part of it. He gave the plushie a little nudge and watched how it rolled to its back, somewhat comically, and letting out a little yelp and a giggle.


"I gotta take a leak," Phil snorted, getting out of the bed and stretching his thin frame a bit.

"Ohhhh..." the otter giggled on the bed, watching the human walk towards the bathroom door while scratching his ass.

Phil turned on the lights and froze where he stood - the bathroom was a mess! The tub was full of water, and soapy suds, and the floor was covered in water, and soap, and stuff, and there were empty shampoo bottles lying around, and even the sink was full of foam, and the place really looked like either someone had done a really bad job trying to clean it, or it was the aftermath of a really awkward foam party. He stood on the fuzzy carpet and felt glad that he hadn't stepped onto the slippery puddles and broken his neck or something. His head already ached enough, and it kinda felt like there was a bump on the back.

"What the hell is this?" Phil groaned, looking at the mess.

He heard strange pattering of steps, and suddenly the otter swished in past him, seemingly unbothered by the water, or the slippery floor, and then climbed to stand on top of the toilet seat lid, looking at Phil and wrangling his paws together.

"Ohhh...oh, I'm sorry," the otter pouted, "I just saw this bathroom and I really felt like having a good soak...I got a bit carried away...I'll clean it all up, I promise!"

Phil rubbed his face, feeling tired and shocked and oddly...numb, somehow. His subconscious mind must've been even more fucked up than he'd imagined before, if it was making him imagine stuff like this, simply weird!

"This is too weird," Phil mumbled, "When am I gonna wake up from this dream?"

"But this isn't a dream," the otter wagged his tail against the toilet seat's water tank, "I am real! I woke up last night underneath you!"

"But you can't be real, you're..."

"I'm Swift, at your service," the naked otter with a perpetual plastic erection smiled, and gave a little bow," and I still didn't learn your name, I must say."

Phil felt like fainting again, but kept his footing...for now.

"Phillip," he said, "but everyone...everyone thinks that Phil is cuter."

"Nice meeting ya Phil!" the otter grinned. "Now, how about that breakfast, then?"

The Surprise Gift (1)

** ** **This was written ages ago for [![avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2]( Sanmer]( "Sanmer") and I'm posting it now! Enjoy!** \* Phil just...

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Dragon Experiment Zero (2) “Orientation”

**Dragon Experiment Zero (2) "Orientation"** ** ** ** ** ** ** \* Archie woke up with a startle, feeling oddly cold, very thirsty, extremely tired and not quite sure where he was. The pale green tiled wall in front of him did not strike familiar,...

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Going Out

**Going Out** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** The morning was cold. The gauge read seven F, and I could feel it, too, if I pressed my pads gently against the frames of the window. My breath misted on the cold pane. My whiskers bristled. ...

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