Pump Up The Jams 3 - Here we blow again!

Story by Fyreworks on SoFurry

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#3 of Pump Up The Jams

The third and so far final entry in the Pump Up The Jams series. No doubt I'll find some reason to write more of these in the future. :3 Enjoy the puffy shenanigans.

Pump Up The Jams 3 - Here we blow again!

"Make way for the parade! Make way!"

Thousands of curious onlookers lined the sidewalks of the major highway that ran straight through town, between large office buildings and blocks of apartments. A parade had been announced scant days before, traffic had been diverted, and the 8 lanes of smooth concrete were emptied and swept clean by eager helpers. Not much was known about the event, only that it was to raise awareness for something or another. Others knew it to be a protest rally, combating proposed changes to the law that would limit the activities of certain fringe groups. For their own good, of course.

It didn't seem to matter how free and liberal a society becomes. Eventually, there's always be a few backwards thinking people trying to stuff folks back in the closet, for their own reasons.

The most recent target was the so called "deviants" of the world, namely those who indulged in getting very big, very puffed up, and or very fat. Self titled experts decided that this was a bad thing because it wasn't "normal", so they spun their story such that said activities were a health risk. Never you mind previous research done proving that it did those capable of such body alternations no harm detectable to modern science. That was merely hippie propaganda to be safely ignored.

So, a collection of these deviant types decided that a protest was in order, and they organized a parade. Thanks to the very loose laws of the past, it wasn't hard to get a permit and make the arrangements. They pitched it as a parade, but all partaking knew it wouldn't be the kind with floats and paper confetti that the Average Joe might be expecting.

The party had gotten started early in the morning, down at the far end of the highway which lead outside of town. Rather than the thumping of music and the squeaking of bodies, all that could be heard at the Squeakeasy was people having breakfast, and unloading industrial sized air compressors. Various parade participants were getting lined up for filling, making sure to wear their best clothing for the event. After all, it wouldn't do to overly shock the waiting masses by showing off gigantic sized bits, now would it? Somebody think of the children!

Dozens of critters were soon busy filling up with hoses lodged in various locations, getting themselves as big as they could get while still maintaining their proportions, and their mobility. After all, they had a space limitation to consider! Some of the more naturally round folks could only manage to pump themselves up to around 50 metres tall before they started getting too round for the intended path. But that was perfectly fine, and would certainly get the point across. A massively top-heavy pair of toony looking and buff alligators were happily filling one another up by the moment, taking turns with the hose from one of the big compressors. They each made it up to 200 metres before their shoulders would be too big to fit between the high rises downtown, and reluctantly stopped.

Instead, they turned the hose over to other waiting companions, and stepped off to one side to playfully flex at anyone who wanted to enjoy the view. Heights continued to vary for the assembled throng, until the local grand masters of bigness had their turn at the hose! Tegan was happily passing the 200 metre mark and maintaining a very slender and sleek form, while Del was doing much the same. The hermaphroditic eastern dragon and the slinky tegu lizard were quite adept at maintaining proportions while expanding these days, and had no problems at all swelling to 300 metres or more. They were asked to stop by organizers on the ground around the 350 metre mark, as even with their slim bodies they were getting as wide as they street they intended to strut down. That was fine for the couple, as they could always really push their limits later.

The two looked at one another with barely contained lust in their eyes, and put the hoses down, backing off for a comforting hug and smooch, plus the odd nuzzle. Sitting down in the grass, they were soon joined by the giant buff gator dudes and various other oversized companions from all walks of life. There was a cobra who did IT during the day, and at night liked to be the size of a building. Along side was a pair of foxes who ran a candy store, but indulged in puffy antics on the side. A train conducting tiger that doubled as a zeppelin playfully cuddled with an equally sized raven who taught math for a local University.

They came from many backgrounds, and even parts of the world, but they all enjoyed their expansion filled hobby, and the occasional music filled evening at the Squeakeasy. Their goal was to show the public that they did in fact exist, couldn't just be ignored, and weren't a health problem or a corrupting influence. After all, if some "normal" person saw them and decided to give their particular brand of fun a try for themselves, they were likely just as "deviant" as the rest of them to begin with.

It wasn't long before the last of the group finished getting filled up, or topped off. Final measurements and checks were made by those on the ground, and then the party got started. Everyone was puffed up, clothed as best as they could, and downright large as they formed into an orderly line, and began marching up the highway into town. It was going to be quite the morning!

* * *

The assembled masses along the street were beginning to wonder how much longer things would take to get going, when many started to notice the faintest of thumps vibrating through the concrete sidewalks. The steady bumping was soon joined by faint squeaks and other interesting noises, but was suddenly silenced entirely by a steadily growing beat. Music could be heard flooding the streets, and all eyes turned to a bend in the highway, where the first sign of the parade could finally be seen.

All eyes swiftly became much wider as a 50 metre tall elephant rounded the corner, blasting a sound system mounted to his back, and displaying a huge sign strapped to his round belly.


Everyone could see the sign in huge letters, followed by a small blurb asking them all to oppose the bill that would restrict the favoured activities of many, and not just those partaking in the protest march. Giant inflatable blimps of various shapes and sizes marched along in single file, each one being so big that they barely made it through the tightly lined buildings. Some of the crowd shied away from the huge creatures, but most laughed at all the squeaking and began dancing along with the music.

It was a normal cut of the various electronic tunes listened to at the Squeakeasy, with the semi-magical undertones removed that caused everyone to bloat out of control. After all, they were here to spread a message, not force their hobbies on the general public. All eyes snapped to attention and gasped when Del and Tegan rounded the bend, massive bodies squishing between buildings, just barely decent in their hugely distended clothing. They were certainly leaving nothing to the imagination as they carefully stepped along, having to put one foot in-front of the other to avoid crushing the spectators on either side of the road!

They swung their signs and banners proudly, and took up their chant as they carefully bobbed along to the music.

A full hundred plus sized squeaky figures of various builds walked, flexed, slithered, stomped, bounced, and nearly rolled their way along the highway, waving their signs, playing music for the crowd, and smiling down at the happy faces that seemed to be turned their way. After all, when was the last time most of them had seen a giant parade float wander by under its own power?

The final few participants in the parade had signs on their back with the address and hours of the Squeakeasy, just in-case they were curious. With nothing but the odd streak of over-stretched hide passing over high rise windows, the protest march soon passed without incident. They left no garbage in their wake, no craters in the pavement, and not even a broken window. Most of the crowd found themselves clapping even after the final blimp walked on up the highway, to show themselves off to the next group of curious onlookers.

Media coverage of the event hailed it as a highly successful protest, and a very nice parade. Some of the news anchors were blushing harder than others, from all sides of the gender spectrum. The rally had its intended outcome, namely opening up the door to discourse and debate about the proposed law changes. They would likely be ongoing for some time, as laws do not change overnight.

For the participants in the protest parade however, they swung out of the city and met at another big and empty field not too far from the city limits. There they played music for a while, indulged in getting even bigger than they already were, and eventually collapsed into wriggling piles of giant inflated happiness. In one such pile, Del found himself flopped and entwined with his good friend Tegan, and two other wonderful friends. The familiar and porky faces of Rick and Gabe, the plus sized Elephant and Rhino whom also loved to puff up huge, were happily cuddled up with the duo. They were joined by a fifth that rounded up their group nicely, namely a very puffed up and normally somewhat top-heavy Magpie named Mags. Her parents had not been the most creative with names, but it suited her.

The five overblown critters had become very good friends over the months and years they'd all known one another respectively, and had all become quite good at ballooning up to massive proportions. All were easily able to hit half a kilometre without bursting, and were constantly pushing their limits up to bigger and rounder sizes. Perhaps more importantly, they'd all decided that they really enjoyed the company of one another. So much so, that they'd all begun living together in a mostly informal group marriage. None of the five had any particular requirements for ceremony or anything of the like, so they merely decided to start pooling their resources and called it a day.

It was a good arrangement, full of several happy critters always good for a roll in the hay, plus a few tanks of compressed air while they were at it. To top it all off, they all worked with Tegan learning the trade of cargo delivery via airship. It was their hope to go into business together at some point, and own their own little company. Perhaps with some side benefits of being living blimps themselves, no doubt.

It was going to be quite the fine life to experience together, and one they were all too happy to take one day at a time. For now they were all busy blowing up Gabe the Rhino even bigger, testing his limits despite his squirming protests. They all took turns blowing air in anywhere they could manage to wrap their snouts and beaks around, while teasing the overstretched pachyderm hide as much as they could with many the friendly poke and squeak.

Still, there was only so much the big blushy mound of grey skinned Rhino could handle, and soon he went off like a bomb. The blast was enough to knock many smaller critters flat on their behinds, and even enough to knock a few nearby trees over!

The rest of the assembled and ballooned giants appreciated the need to be well away from standing structures, when so much energy was released all at once. Buildings had been known to come down before from the shock waves alone, let alone from somebody expanding too close to city limits. They knew what they were capable of, and took care not to abuse their curious power.

Gabe meanwhile reformed in a snap, and flopped in the grass near his gargantuan lovers, resting and idly playing with himself as he looked up at the giants looming above him. It was certainly a sight to behold, and one he appreciated greatly. As the group turned their attention to Tegan for some extra puffing, he couldn't help but emit a deep and lusty rumble as the multiple gendered dragon swelled up even bigger, bursting right out of her barely fitting clothing, and creaked audibly for all the world to hear.

There would most definitely be more than one blast outside of town that lovely afternoon...

* * *

Months later news was spread around that the proposed law changes had been overthrown, and most of the party involved in the changes had either resigned or had been run out of office by the public. It was considered a big win for society as a whole, not to mention the various people who stood to lose the most personal freedoms.

A puffy party of legendary scale and scope was held both at and around the Squeakeasy the night after the announcement. Far too many plus sized critters were around to fit inside the building, and most chose to dance out in the grassy fields surrounding the venue. Many chose to stay intact for the event, and instead pushed their limits and held them while bouncing around and dancing with the swarm of squeaky giants.

Around the same time, Del and his partners opened their new airship delivery business, which for now flew regular cargo ships at high speed to various destinations. They'd also quickly made a name for themselves with drone assisted areal drops of smaller packages from high in the sky, without having to land their massive ships. They only had the two for now, but it was enough to keep them all fed and living in comfort, with plenty of remaining overhead for growth in the industry.

Plus further development into the possibility of using themselves as lifting bodies. For business purposes, of course.

They named the company after Tegan, their founder and most experienced member as far as the business of cargo delivery was concerned. The somewhat humorously named "Expanded Eastern" delivery service rang simple enough for most, but held a special meaning for those of a more squeaky persuasion.

They weren't sure what their future was going to bring, but they looked forward to experiencing it together as companions, friends, lovers, and partners. It was certainly going to be quite the adventure!

-Tombfyre 2014

Pump Up The Jams 2 - PUMP HARDER

**Pump Up the Jams 2 - PUMP HARDER** It was a dark and stormy night. Or at least, it was trying to be, and the odds seemed in favour of some rather wild weather come the evening. Certain businesses were closing up for the night, while others were...

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Pump Up The Jams

**Pump up the Jams.** It was the latest thing in town, for those whom had their ear to the ground. Tales travelled various circles about the location of the wonderful place, which always seemed to be on the move to some bigger and better location....

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