Cyber Demon

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by Trickster_D and Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by Artic1010

Evil and temptation know no boundary, seeking out any opportunity to corrupt the vulnerable. When one young man ventures into cyberspace unguarded, his life will never be the same again.

You can view Artic's fursona version of this story on the commissioner's page at

Cyber Demon Written by Trickster_D and Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Artic1010

It was said that the city never slept, but that wasn't quite true. The city certainly didn't sleep at night anymore. Between global climate change making the day less hospitable to the ever intoxicating allure of man made illumination at night, humanity had crept away from its natural circadian rhythms and moved toward the lives of night dwellers. It had become such a central part of society that school started later and later, but it still wasn't late enough for Ash.

It was three A.M. in the center of the city. Ash's room was situated on the fifteenth floor of Tourmaline Towers. His room wasn't all that large, but the view was to die for. One entire wall was a window overlooking the city with its teal streetlights and ever flowing stream of traffic coursing along the streets like veins. Even the parking structure was like a work of art with its shifting segments and oscillating lights.

Ash looked out of the window with his brown eyes for a long moment before he reached up to brush his black dyed bangs out of his face and returned his attention to his web browsing. Despite being twenty-one, his thin body and lanky frame made it so that he didn't look a day older than eighteen: his limbs were slender and pale, his fingers elegant and almost feminine, covered in various jewels and trinkets and sporting black, meticulously applied nail polish. His face was proportionally cute, with big irises the same color of melted milk chocolate behind the narrow rectangular metal frame of his glasses. He had a small nose and a finely shaped mouth that was covered in dark lipstick. Rows of tiny silver rings climbed up his ear lobes, from the bottom up to the vaguely pointed tips, and a slightly fatter and bigger ring dangled from his septum.

A small sigh escaped from his lips, as he once again focused his attention on the huge screen in front of him. His ring covered fingers danced across the table top, disrupting the green laser projected keyboard. The screen before Ash flipped between tiles, moving from app to app before the old school browser popped up. Sometimes the old fashioned ways were the best, at least when it came to shopping.

"Um... Let's see..." the boyish young man whispered under his breath while his fingers typed an address in the browser bar. He had a smooth, husky, pleasurable voice that provided an unusual contrast to his twinkiness and enhanced his charms. "I think it's time for some leather gear..." The animal rights movements were spreading and flourishing all around the nation, and so it was increasingly difficult to find stuff that had been crafted using real, honest-to-God leather and not some kind of cheap and synthetic imitation... Luckily, though, the Web could still provide him the right stuff.

There was a very promising lead, at least from the search primer, offering genuine leather collars of all makes and models dating back to pre-ban days. The link was right there, innocuous and yet beckoning at the same time.

"Ooh, great!" Ash exclaimed, eagerly clicking on the small, black-on-red banner; he couldn't wait to get one himself and let the rest of the world know. Not that he didn't care about animals, of course... It was the so called "animal rights movement" that pissed him off to no end. To him, they were just a bunch of self-righteous pricks who just wanted to look good and who couldn't care less about the wildlife.

"Warning: The following site has been determined to be unsafe. Do not proceed unless you understand the risks." His computer chirped, the screen filling with a yellow on black warning bubble. His antivirus icon was flashing as well, trying to keep Ash from continuing. The young man sighed again, his dark hair brushing against his forehead.

"Yeah, yeah, I understand the risks..." he grumbled, clicking on the warning pop-up to make it disappear. "And just so that you know, buying leather products is not illegal, okay? Not yet, at least," he added, talking to the computer as if the machine could understand him. "So don't be an asshole and open the site for me, okay?" The barriers fell away and the website was displayed, continuing the red on black motif of the banner. The font was overly detailed, the site artwork dark and satanic. It would have been enough to scare most normal shoppers off, but it was right up Ash's alley. There were listing for harnesses, belts, straps, leashes, collars, hats... the whole nine yards.

"Ooh, kinky!" Ash exclaimed, his cursor - that, now he noticed it, had turned into an inverted cross, a nice little detail - hovering over the harnesses section. "Too bad I wouldn't have someone to show one of these to..." he added in a pensive tone. It wasn't as if he couldn't find himself a boyfriend if he wanted to, but he wasn't the kind of guy who could settle for someone less than perfect. "Oh, well... Let's have a look to the collar section."

The gallery popped up, showing a wide range of products with short descriptions. There were plain leather collars, collars with spikes, ones with D-rings, even intricately cut lattice leather collars. The variety was inspiring, but one collar seemed to draw Ash's attention most... The Demon Dog collar.

The boyish young man frowned: the name and the design - thick and covered in complex and intricate symbols that looked like runes of some ancient, long-forgotten culture - were interesting, but there was something a bit off in the collar. "Man, I hope it's not made of real dogs..." he chuckled, but the laugh came out as nervous and stilted. "Well, let's see.." and with just a tiny moment of hesitation, he clicked on the picture.

A pop up window appeared, showing the collar in more detail. The 'buy me' button was practically oscillating right there on the screen. Ash pursed his lips, a bit indecisive: on the one hand, there was something weird in that site in general and in the Demon Dog model specifically, something that he couldn't actually pinpoint... But, on the other hand, that collar looked nothing short of amazing; the mere idea of feeling the rich, buttery leather around his neck, inhaling its subtle and fragrant aroma, was enough to make his dick stir a bit in his skintight pants, creating a visible bulge.

"Okay, there goes nothing," he said to himself, clicking on the red "buy me" button... And, just as he did that, he suddenly realized what was weird with the site: there was no price listing anywhere. The computer flashed, the lights on the tower going dark. The lights in Ash's room were next, leaving the only source of light in the room coming from the screen. The operating system was gone, but oddly the website hung there... but ever so slowly the images started to melt and twist, swirling into an ever changing psychedelic pattern. The swirling colors and lights sped up and became harder to predict, looking almost three dimensional before particles of light left the screen, stretching out in tendrils before wrapping around Ash's neck. He felt something hot and tight on his skin and the smell of fresh leather filled the air.

The band started to form from the bottom up, black at first as it wrapped around the goth boy's throat, but it built outwards - thickening, becoming more intricate, every burned in pattern forming in place... but unlike the collar that had been on the screen, there didn't seem to be any clasp or snap or band. It was a solid piece of leather, a sealed collar around Ash's neck.

The young goth let out a surprised yelp, his finely painted nails clawing at the skin of his neck, trying to get a grip on the mysterious, alien black substance around it... But despite his efforts, he couldn't even slip a fingertip between the collar and his throat, as if the two had somehow fused together in the span of a few seconds.

"W-what the hell...?" Ash murmured, cold droplets of sweat running down his forehead. He was too shocked to properly realize how weird and uncanny the situation he had been suddenly thrown into was; all he could focus on was the strange leather collar pressing against his Adam's apple, the way its slick and warm embrace encased his neck, and the fact that it felt like it was squirming and stirring gently, as if it was a living creature... and yet, only faintly visible in the reflection of the monitor, it was the collar he had ordered.

There was a subtle thrill to it all hidden beneath the fear... He had the collar he wanted, and with its odd fusion he couldn't remove it. He had branded himself. Everyone would see his collar and guess at his inner self. The thoughts and concerns mixed into a potent charge that traveled through his body, arousing his nipples and stirring in his groin.

"W-wait... No... This isn't... right..." Ash panted, rising on his feet and trying to take a step back, trying to get away from the computer screen as if it had suddenly become a portal to another dimension. His heel collided against a chair leg and he instead fell on his knees, his legs oddly warm and tingly, his muscles unresponsive. He was experiencing an impossible situation, and the arousal that was mounting inside him was totally out of place... and, at the same time, very difficult to resist.

No longer pent up in the chair, Ash could feel the flowing energy more clearly through his body. It radiated out from his neck like a fever, traveling through his veins. His muscles were throbbing, his skin was tingling. Even his fingernails felt oddly hot and hard... but it was a strangely pleasing sensation, like a full body massage in a sauna.

"W-what's with this... collar...?" the goth boy murmured, gritting his teeth. He once again tried - albeit with slower, groggier movements - to rip the weird accessory from his neck, with no avail. Dull pain radiated from his skin, right where his fingernails had punctured it, and tiny rivulets of blood flowed right to the thick leather... And, for some strange reason, the warm fluid was sucked in, the runes on the collar surface glowing faintly.

The heat, the pain, the pleasure all surged instantly. He could feel it course from his neck down through his shoulders, spiraling down his arms before settling in his hands. His black fingernails began to stretch and grow with shocking speed, stretching out into inhuman points - but that was far from all. The nails were thickening and curving as the skin of his fingers slowly grew over the top, anchoring the claws in place. Even his thumb claws were huge, curved and wicked.

"W-what's happening... t-to me...?!" Ash fell forward, his mutating fingers sinking into the carpeted floor. Drops of hot sweat fell down his forehead, while twin rivulets of tears trickled from the corner of his eyes; his arms, his ears, his back, his legs, his groin... Everything in his body was pulsing, twitching and spasming, even though the pain he had expected to feel was somehow dulled down to nothing but a faint stinging sensation, as if somehow the collar - along with the crimson droplets of blood - was absorbing it, and gaining energy from it.

With every passing moment, nothing in Ash's body felt familiar. There were shifts and twinges, movement beyond his control. The base of the goth's spine began to throb and ache and then, in a single instant where the fear and confusion were suddenly overwritten by pure embarrassment, he felt a sudden uncontrollable release. Fearing that he had lost control of his bowels, it was a surprise that his ass remained dry... something else had filled his pants. The fabric stretched and bloated, being drawn to its limit before there was a sudden tearing sound. A thick, luxurious black tail slipped out of the shredded seat of the pants, unfurling above Ash before drooping back down.

The goth's eyes went wide as he stared at his newly sprouted appendage, feeling its weight and the sensation of having a tail, something alien and familiar at the same time... "D-Demon Dog..." he managed to blurt out, his mouth feeling a bit misshapen and unresponsive; that was the name of the collar, after all... But how could that make sense anyway? Having blurted the name, it was as if his body kicked into high gear. Ash's teeth began to throb and stretch, filling his mouth with fangs as his tongue flattened and widened, becoming even rougher.

"N-no... Stop..." Ash growled. He could feel his body transforming, his mouth reshaping, the little fat he had on his body burning away as it was converted into lean striated muscle. "I d-don't... want this..." he moaned, despite the undeniable pleasure the change was giving to him; it was wrong, it was scary, and most of all it was being forced over him, and he didn't even know why. It was clear Ash would find no solace in his room. He had to try and find an implement to cut the collar off before it was too late. He would have to risk leaving his room.

There was a sudden ache that ripped through Ash's feet as the heel contracted and the toes elongated. Black razor sharp claws clicked out like stilettos, the flesh starting to tint and darken with each passing moment. The transforming goth boy tried to get back on his now alien, weirdly-shaped hind limbs, but his center of gravity had apparently shifted in the meantime; Ash fell back on the carpet with a loud thud, his new fangs clicking one against the other. With an impotent groan, he started to pull himself forward, in a desperate and slow attempt to leave his bedroom.

Despite the weakness and awkwardness of his changing body, Ash's new claws anchored in the carpet with ease, allowing him to advance. As he moved, though, the friction of the carpet against his groin was centering his focus on the hot, throbbing, needy ache emanating from his swelling manhood... as well as the very alien sensation that his shaft was getting some sort of wet, oscillating massage inside his pants.

Ash let out a long, weak, broken howl as new tears - this time out of surprise and pleasure - wetted his changing cheeks. He had to advance, he had to find some blade he could use to cut the otherworldly collar... But on the other hand, the warmth and the weight of his inflating dick was clouding his mind and threatening his desperate attempt at stopping the transformation. There was only one possible solution to that: while Ash kept crawling with one hand, the other slithered inside his pants, in order to take care of the ever growing erection.

With some work Ash managed to get his fly undone and slide his underwear down, but the tube of flesh he got in his hand was as alien to him as the clawed fingers that held it. The flesh rod was encased in a strange loose, almost velvety soft coating... and beneath the surface he could feel his rock hard cock shifting about, begging to be released. Another discovery came with each time he advanced toward his door, his swollen hairy balls slapped the base of his hand, feeling heavier with each passing moment.

"N-nngh..." Ash couldn't help but moaning as his clawed hand started caressing the smooth, slippery surface of his new cock. There was something different in the palm of his hands, he realized, something that allowed him for a better grip, something that was massaging the fleshy tube in all the right places. He could feel the tension rising, the pleasure spreading from his groin to his entire body like a blazing white flame. His tongue started lolling from the side of his face, before a look of horror appeared in his already glazing eyes. "N-no... no, I c-can't... I can't give up..."

"But it feels so good..." The words were barely more than a heated whisper. For a split second Ash tried to find out who was there, where the words had come from, but it became clear the words had been spoken in his own voice. The changing goth stopped his futile attempt to reach the door and opened his mouth again, his lips trembling.

"W-who are you... why are you using my voice?!" he asked in a terrified murmur. His left hand, however, as if it had developed a mind of its own, kept jerking off his impressive mutated dick. The brand new sheath steadily pulled back, revealing the slick and wet cherry red organ beneath. The mushroom shaped head had honed to a point, the base had swollen with faint lumps, but most of all it was continuing to grow with each moment, pulsing larger in his palm. The organ throbbed once more, leaving a translucent, fat pearl of precum on the floor and causing Ash to let out another horny moan.

"Ash, I'm you..." The voice left his own lips before his ears ached and stretched into points, growing black fur across them that trailed down his cheeks.

"...m-me?" Ash replied to himself. His new pointed ears curled a bit in confusion as his head cocked in a decidedly canine manner. The rhythm of his masturbation increased, making his dick ooze more milky white fluids. "Mmmh... N-no, please, make it s-stop... " he murmured, trying to interrupt his self-pleasuring to no avail. His balls were throbbing with more than just the pleasure of transformation. They were swelling larger and larger. Each testicle swelled larger than golf balls, kiwis, even tangerines. Deep inside, Ash's prostate was growing as well. The two worked in tandem to create far more juices than any human could. The pressure of the white syrupy fluids leaking from Ash's red rocket of a cock was increasing with each stroke.

Ash panted, his now bigger, larger and flatter tongue glistening with drool. The stroking movement of his reshaped hand-paw increased once again, becoming a confused blur of black fur and shining opal claws; even if he knew it was wrong, weird and it would have probably accelerated his transformation, he realized that there was no point fighting the need for release: he had to cum, he had to experience the orgasm, to cover himself in his own sinful fluids... he had to feed the collar.

The thought crystallized inside of Ash's mind, reshaping all of his perceptions. It was no longer cause and effect, fear and pleasure - it was all need, it was all organic. The fur continued to creep up from his extremities, stretching toward his core. The fur had already spread out from his fuzzy balls and tail to loop around like furry underwear. His paws were complete, new nipples had started to form down his abdominal muscles and his once pristine youthful face was pushing out around his sharp canine fangs to form his muzzle... but all Ash could see, all he could focus on, was that resplendent, throbbing, aching, enormous wolf cock. It was like a pillar of pride, something worthy of worship. Ash's paws were praying as best he knew how.

The former goth boy rolled on his back, no longer wanting nor needing a tool to cut the weird magical collar; and why would he want such a thing anyway? The power, the ecstasy coursing through his veins and arteries like white hot blood... It was unlike anything he had ever felt in his entire life. With a rapacious glint in his red eyes, Ash stared at the huge dog prick towering over his own body, and a manic grin bared his pointy fangs. "It's... glorious..." he murmured, his voice hoarse and much deeper than before.

The demonic wolf cock seemed to respond well to the worship, pulsing and throbbing. The amount of translucent pearly liquid leaking out of his shaft and pouring down his hand made it look as though he had already reached his orgasm, but the excessive fluids were simply a prelude to what was coming. Ash could feel it build and build, reaching toward crescendo.

"Yes! Yes!" Ash, now completely lost in the endless stream of pleasure that was pushing him more and more closer to the edge, closed his eyes and tensed his legs in an unconscious gesture. One of his paws kept pumping his massive cock, but the other went up and caressed the blazing runes on his collar, tracing them one by one with attention even though he couldn't see them, as if he was trying to complete a dark, unholy ritual... or as if the collar in itself had become an erogenous zone of his warped body. "Oh, fuck yes!"

While Ash's changes had been random at first, everything seemed to be fleshing out in a more fluid fashion. His nose upturned, turning black and spongy as it was carried away from his face. Whiskers pushed out of his new muzzle, the fur filled in all across his face and neck and his shoulders broadened. He had the head of a wolf, though his shaggy black hair was still there, cascading down the back of his head and framing his cheeks like a mighty mane.

Every muscle had defined and developed, giving Ash superhuman strength without going overboard. His tail was lush and full, his legs were shapely and his arms were long and sublime. Everything seemed to be falling into place, though his massive demonic wolf cock was not the only oversized part of his anatomy. As everything else seemed to fall into place, his feet were still growing. Centimeter by centimeter and inch by inch, his foot paws were elongating, widening and thickening. He could feel every movement as if it was an erogenous zone. His paw size felt as important to him as his cock size, for the best wolves had big paws...

Ash growled in delight, brushing them against each other, feeling the wonderful sensation of his rough, leathery pads, so sensitive and so resistant at the same time... A small howl of pleasure escaped his darkened lips as a shiver of absolute bliss travelled from the soles of his hind paws up to his crotch.

The heat that had originated in the collar and transformed Ash into the demonic wolf he was began to turn inwards, creeping back through his mind and memories, saturating his soul. Every childhood memory of injustice, of pleasure, began to be seen through new eyes. There was more of a mischievousness to his life, a more playful attitude. There was no need to seek out the dark and grisly - he was the dark.

The collar, of course, couldn't change him completely: deep down, he was still a nerdy goth boy... but now he was a powerful, amoral, beautiful and savage beast with a giant cock and paws to match. He was every blackest night, every ominous shadow on the wall, every secret desire lips and minds couldn't bear to express... And he was finally ready to reach his climax.

With a thunderous roar, Ash arched his muscled back and pushed his hips into the air as a fountain of white hot jizz was expelled from his tapered dick with enough force to splatter against the ceiling and then fall down all over him in a sticky, salty, gooey rain. The demon wolf wriggled in ecstasy as the cum kept flowing out of his incredibly capacious ball and into the air... The orgasm kept going and going, but even after a minute, the sheer power of it still didn't seem to diminish in the least; Ash groaned, his brain turned into a sappy mush, his mind obliterated by the exquisite bliss of his very first ejaculation as a creature of the dark side.

Somewhere beneath the blinding white orgasm flooding his former bedroom was an instinctive need. He had pride in his new form, pleasure in his body, but he needed something more. There was a subconscious yearning that while things were good, there was a piece missing from the puzzle. Still, the orgasm was too good to focus on it for the moment. Minutes passed, then over a half hour before finally his orgasm began to subside.

The bedroom was hardly recognizable anymore. The carpet was saturated, the bed was soaked - even the windows had streaks of cum running down in rivulets. There was a heady, musky, spicy scent that filled the room. It was humid and hot and smelled like virile sex. This was Ash's scent, the scent of a demonic wolf in heat. It was an existence so much more sublime than being an outcast, a wallflower, a nerd or a goth. He was something more and destined for greatness.

The black, otherworldly creature got back on his hind paws, tearing away from his body the last tattered remnants of his old clothes; no more a frail looking nerd, he was now easily eight feet tall, with a strong and imposing physique and a three and a half-long tail, bushy and glorious. Most of the cum that soaked his fur had started to evaporate despite its viscous density, leaving only a few patches to cling to his paws and groin.

The demonic beast looked around, his nostrils flaring as Ash savored the smell of his own masculinity thanks to his sensitive nose. "Great..." he growled, a slasher grin appearing on his muzzle. "But something's missing..." he added, looking down before he grabbed his gigantic dick. The red rocket was still hard and filled with blood despite the impossibly long orgasm. Ash pointed it towards one of the corners of the room and let nature take its course.

A hot, satisfying, yellowish stream of high-pressure piss bounced against the wall and dripped on the carpeted floor in a smelly, filthy waterfall. The acrid scent punctuated the almost sickly sweet cum, giving the room a bite - Ash's bite. His territory had been marked in more than one way, but it felt like an oddly hollow victory. Sure, it was his territory... but who was he marking it against? More importantly, who was he marking it for?

The incomplete feeling Ash had started to feel near the start of his orgasm returned. He was a handsome, strong and virile demonic wolf... but he was a collared pup without a master, an owner, a partner; despite having just marked his former room as his territory, he still needed a true place to belong, and someone to be at his side, someone who could withstand the mighty power of his demon dog dick, and maybe even manage to top him... The answer to the lingering doubts in the creature's, however, didn't take too long to appear.

There was a sudden sputter, a shudder, and then a whirring. Despite being cum soaked and without electricity, the pc tower snapped on once more. Red light spilled out of the fan grills and every LED had shifted crimson. The screen warmed back up, showing the same swirling, mesmerizing pattern before a ring of fire ignited on the countertop. A heavy, thick black leather collar appeared from the flames, sporting thirteen long, sharp spikes radiating outwards from the center of pentagrams and engravings.

Having delivered its next package, the screen returned to the badly designed web page from before, showing the inventory in all of its unholy glory. Ash grabbed the second collar carefully, examining it, hoping that the magical artifact would have made its will clear; unfortunately, whatever dark force was inhabiting it, it was dormant, so the demon wolf had to resort to browsing the page. It took some scrolling through the web page, but soon Ash found his answer. The collar that appeared was the 'Master Maker', guaranteed to bring out the strength, vigor and virility out of any man.

"Awesome," Ash murred, another crazed smile appearing on his dangerous muzzle. "Now I only need to find the perfect specimen. Someone I can make a real man out of... And maybe something more." It seemed at last that the demon wolf had outgrown his doghouse and the world beyond was waiting for its newest creature of the night.

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