The legend of a warrior; Chapter 25: The four warriors - Training and fun

Story by Killer Tiger on SoFurry

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#25 of The legend of a warrior

Two different units, two different couples of warriors, united for one only purpose: success.

Chapter 25: The four warriors - Training and fun

The travel was very fast for the rest, with Alexis that admittedly shown off herself in the conduction of the car at suicidal speed along the road for the training centre in the country outside town... and even if she guided rationally and with noticeable, experienced skill, Zerrex could only notice how, again, he was more comfortable on a motorbike... and especially if he was the one to drive.

They quickly overcome the various perimeters of security and defence around the training zone and easily passed the controls at the various checkpoints, and now they were already calmly wondering around what was one of the largest training and weapons trial zones of the world, and the Kendrew's centre for the developing of the new Joint Digital Warrior System, the ambitious vision of Killer to strengthen the Predators and put them in the condition to face even the newest threats discovered during the battle of Kesteven and, in the limits of the possible, making them worth even of amazing warriors like Cherry and Alexis. Another centre like that, Killer explained, was near Kesteven... the fusion of the two kingdoms in one only empire was by now complete in any aspect, and the developing of each system was being made in collaboration. The Predators had already been united in one only division, for example, based on six companies instead of three. Two companies, one of Kesteven and one of Kendrew, made up a Predator Regiment... and the three regiments made up the First Predators Division SOE (Special Operations Executive).

During their trip, they paused in front of several test places where new weapons of technologies were being tested or vehicles were shown. Zerrex had new chance to see the heavily armed jeeps Cherry had spotted out of the highway... and watched with interest the tests of mobility that saw them climb on amazing, steep and rough hills without any problem. Then he had the chance to see some of the immense Crusader tanks of Kesteven, with their unassailable armour, made up by a thick, Chobbam-type passive armour compound by hard layers of steel, titanium, ballistic ceramics, Kevlar and even depleted uranium and the active defence made by explosive reactive armours, electromagnetic-fields protection systems and even a hard-kill device mounted on the turret and capable to spot, analyze and destroy at safe distance missiles and shells with well aimed interceptor grenades.

Then Killer guided them towards the last of his creatures, a small tracked vehicle with a tank-like hull in the front section and a flat-bed carrier section behind. The tracks were made of rubber and composite materials to manage savings on weight, had holes designed to make easier the passage of sand, water or snow alike and were sustained by full sized wheels that, Zerrex noticed, were made of steel but had also the rubber part of normal run-flat wheels, each with independent suspensions.

"Christie suspensions. We remove the tracks during the fight or travel on road or easy terrains... and the vehicle is at all effects a wheeled one, faster, agiler and more reliable. Track, after all, have the bad habit to wear out very fast... and they shorten also the life of the gears. When we need to climb or fight on very rough terrains, the crew alone can mount the tracks in the space of a pair of minutes. This vehicle can be loaded even on gliders and on the smallest of our cargo planes, so that we can bring them rapidly and in a significant number in a random crisis zone in the smallest of times. This helps us to face situations like the one in Kesteven, where the destructions of roads and bridges caused an extreme difficulty in the march of approaching of the reinforces." Killer explained immediately as Zerrex bent down a bit to examine from near the strange vehicle and his weird tracks.

"Smart idea. Even a train could so bring much more vehicles in one go than with traditional vehicles... but the flat rear...?" Zerrex asked quietly, walking around the vehicle and stopping to see two small propellers on the rear. The vehicle is fully amphibious, too...

"The flat bed is used to carry the mission equipment needed. To maximise efficiency, we built independent modules complete of armour and electronics that can be carried rapidly and easily and connected in plug and play mode to the common base of the vehicle. We have Armoured Personal Carrier module, Infantry Fighting Vehicle module with armed turret, Mobile Gun System module, command posts, radar, rocket launchers and everything you can think about. The vehicle is propelled by a full electric system with fuel cells working with hydrogen and solar panels... so it's easy to hide them, because they are smaller, lighter, they generate less heat to pick up with IR scanners and they need less logistic. Besides, it's truly easy to apply power to the propellers and go at about 9 knots in the water... or just manage smartly the power applied to each wheel to overcome even the harder terrain or just avoid wastes of energy. And they can stay in ‘silent watch' for very long time, supplying energy to their systems even if the engine is turned off."

Zerrex nodded with a smile. "What about protection...? Light vehicles usually are very easy to destroy."

"For this vehicle, that we call Modular TRacked Vehicle MTRV 500, I worked on the concept: "Don't be seen. If you are seen, don't be hit. If you are hit, don't be pierced. If you are pierced, don't be killed. In other words, the hull is painted with mimetic, unreflecting colours that reduce the IR signature. Its hull it's also shaped to reduce its radar signature as much as possible and it's largely equipped with smoke canisters for hide itself rapidly. There is also a system that can pray a cloud of vaporized, cold water to reduce still more the signature on thermal sights... then we have active armour that should avoid any hit. A system installed on top can spot and identify the threats incoming and activate a powerful electromagnetic field. It proved to be able to send out of trajectory kinetics rounds... and to detonate at distance the missiles acting on their fuzes. And this is the Soft Kill mode, made up by these modules you see here..." Killer reached up to gently trace a hand over some blocks of metal with a small research seeker that were applied all along the hull, and Zerrex nodded in understanding. "Then we have the Hard Kill option, that's saying to lock-in the incoming threat and fire into it an interceptor round to destroy it before the impact on the vehicle. The weird turrets up there, you see..." Killer pointed at two small, cylindrical turrets on top of the vehicle... and Zerrex could indeed see the numerous tubes that contained the interceptor rounds ready to take down a threat. "We always hope not to have to use it, because it can generate a lot of slivers and a big explosion... and it could kill people around, likely civilians. Then again, if we are hit, there's the normal armour, even if light, that's capable to resist to 20 mm piercing rounds all around and to 30 mm rounds in the front, plus grenades and slivers caused by artillery fire falling nearby. In the very dangerous environments, we are used to add additional plates of armour and traditional Explosive Reactive Armour, too. There is also a V-shaped hull to reduce effects of mine explosions under the vehicle by deviating outwards the blast and a system to absorb the damage and the power of the explosion as much as possible by deforming itself before transfer the shock to the crew. If we are pierced, there are all sorts of features to at least protect the crew. The inside is wrapped in Kevlar to stop slivers. There are armoured panels anti-explosion to protect fuel and ammo reserves. There is a full Fire Detection & Extinction System with inert gases capable to react in a fraction of second and the seats are all inclusive of plates of protection in Kevlar and installed not on the floor but on the walls, so that the blast of a mine isn't directly propagated into the bones of the men inside."

They had later the chance to see some of the vehicles fitted with different modules, from the Samaritan one that worked as ambulance with four stretchers and medical team to the APC one, that had ten armoured, blast-protected seats along the walls for soldiers and a remote operated machine gun turret on the roof to a command post and a radar one, with the huge, flat antenna raised in the air.

But they stopped near a Mobile Gun System standing at the ready in a fire place, the huge, hexagonal gun raised in the air at forty-five degrees... and then it fired, the round coming out of the barrel with a cloud of white smoke as the gun flashed with blue-electric current and shown a very little recoil.

"Rail gun...?" Zerrex asked curiously to Killer that was standing at his side, slowly rocking Alexis in a gentle hug of his muscular arms around hers shoulders. "Yes... it was the only solution to give to a vehicle so small and light the fire power and capability to replace in the same time a normal, huge battle tank and a self propelled howitzer and the only way to pierce across the new active armours, to overcome electromagnetic defences and pierce even the UCWs..." Killer answered gently... but Zerrex and Cherry, of course, didn't understand what UCW could mean.

"The fuck is a UCW?" Cherry asked immediately from where she was sitting down on a big rock, looking unfazed by all the technology and with a clear expression of "the-Goth-Legion-didn't-need-all-this-shit" to Alexis as she turned back to her for a moment to answer. Instead, the blond tigress turned away again, leaving to Killer the task to explain.

"Remember the robot of the Wolf pack the first time we met...? On two legs, faster, bigger, better armed and with all sorts of armours and defensive systems, included a built-in tesla coil at times. Riaku used two of those in Kesteven... Ninja and Andromeda. He calls them Unmanned Combat Walkers... and they are remote controlled."

"Sounds just a touch unpleasant." The reptile made a face, then added: "Hard to lay a blow against it when it releases an electric shock. Sorta like sticking your finger in a light socket." Zerrex observed immediately, making a face as he folded his arms and looked up to the muscular liger. "The idea is that, I guess. But it didn't work too much with us... that time, at least. I bet that somewhere, people is working to make an UCW still worse... and to produce it in large series. So I'm preparing my forces to face any possible threat... and the rail guns are a solution. This one fires huge shells of 280 mm of calibre derived from the naval ones at a speed of almost mach 6 for second. If we want, we can fire a recalibrate, sabot-discarding round that would overcome the mach 8 threshold... we can fire anything, from smoke grenades to mines dispensers to enlightening rounds to High Explosives-Frag ones to piercing models that nothing could stop. We developed a dart in composite materials, plastic and a-magnetic carbons, that is unfazed by electromagnetic fields... and its frightening speed compensates his reduced density, making it pierce all the same, and easily, even the thickest armours. Besides, speed means range... and rising the gun instead to fire at 0° elevation against a tank, we can send rounds to 500-600 kilometres of distance or place in the sky a loitering ammunition, that we call Dominator, that will fly around and glide for 24 hours, searching on the ground with its sensors, sending back the images to us... and asking the permission to attack if it spots an enemy. If the operator in the tank or in the headquarter or wherever gives the ok, the drone fires a submunitions at it or dives on the target acting like a normal bomb... and the games for the unfortunate target is over in both cases."

"That scares me. So then, what's your final objective with all this?" Zerrex asked suddenly, tilting his head... and Killer looked at him in slight surprise for a moment before answer. "My target is an illusion, I guess... it is about making up such a prepared, flexible, powerful and adaptable force that no one would ever dare to challenge again. My dream is to give peace to my people and empire at least, since I can't do that with the world... and I'm firmly convinced that the only way I have to do that is to prepare myself and my forces so much to scare the crap out of everyone... so much that they'll neither try again to attack us. I'm training myself harder, because I need to be ready myself first of all... then I'm designing and putting into service all sorts of systems to create a Joint Force fully digitalized, capable to share info, orders and weapons, even... I'm strengthening every branch of my armed forces... and pulling up a complete system of anti-ballistic missile system to protect all my lands and people from any threat. And I plan to stack somewhere even a small nuclear arsenal for deterrence, too. I have nuclear submarines in service with intercontinental missiles armed with multiple warheads, some of which are nuclear... I know it's an illusion, likely... but I know it's also true in its way. The real victorious general is the one that's so strong that he doesn't need to fight. And I'm trying to reach that level, Zer." The liger answered quietly, his eyes looking over to a long column of soldiers and Mobile Gun Systems in march along a road in the distance of the huge military camp busy in all sorts of trainings and experiments. And Zerrex understood that wish... and despite the fact he too was convinced it couldn't really work, he could agree with the idea... and he was so used to the terrible danger that his family was always in, too, that he could surely sympathize. He could surely understand that wish of peace and security for the people of whom one cares. He tried to find the words to express that support... but all what he managed was a smile of understanding to the liger, who nodded slightly. "I know it'll likely not work, Zer... but I need to try. And at least, we'll be better prepared to any possibility."

"That's for sure. I never saw before such weapons and technology... and it's amazing the fact that you designed all this." The muscular lizard finally answered, punching playfully the shoulder of the huge tiger, who smiled back quietly before lead them to see other things of the arsenal he was building up... the most amazing one being a new model of his missile launcher Javelin. Now it used independent, sealed tubes with the missile already contained inside and complete of a miniaturized rail gun launch system, single use, that replaced the huge, hard spring of the first model for the launch from narrow space, where the normal flame of a missile starting would be... not so healthy for the soldier who's launching it. Now, the sight of the system was detachable and independent, and being inclusive of a thermal IR magnified sight at high resolution with a range of 10 kilometres and a laser designator of same power was used also as unit of reconnaissance by the soldiers and even to lock with the laser a target for the air force's bombs when needed. When the Javelin was needed, was enough choose between the tubes... anti-tank/bunker AT, or surface-to-air SA, fit the sight on the tube, lock the target, pull the trigger and then throw away the empty tube, retaining the sight. Easy, fast, efficient. The most amazing thing of it, anyhow, was the new multifunctional round SPEAR... it was a tri-stadium missile with a triple warhead based on three piercing darts of steel and tungsten, useful against both surface and air targets. Attached the tube to the sight, Killer used the thermal system to spot and lock three flying target-drones in the firing range, marking each with a different luminous frequency of laser... then he fired the missile, who leaved the tube at already amazing speed for a shoulder launcher, without smoke, flash or flames, pushed out by the electromagnetic field of the rail system inside... and soon the propulsion engine of the missile started in the air, pushing rapidly it towards mach 3.8, almost four times the speed's sound. Then the first engine, ended the solid fuel, was dropped, and the second pushed the missile for the cruise time at stable speed... and then the three darts were launched, overcoming likely mach 4 as each of them followed a different laser dot until smash and easily pierce deep into the targets, exploding in depth thanks to a delayed timer. In less than ten seconds, all had happened... and the three drones were only balls of dirty fire and black smoke rolling in the sky towards the ground beneath.

It left even Cherry amazed, and for once she listened as Killer explained how the SPEAR could be used against one, two or three targets at once up to a distance of 10 kilometres and 6000 metres of height... and how it was already diffused into the armed forces, used on the attack helicopters, sometimes on the fighters, mounted on different vehicles from the jeep WMKRV to the new specialized version of the MTRV 500 that had 12 missiles ready to fire coupled with a 20 mm Vulcan CIWS system and used on the ships to provide Close In defence against planes, bombs and missiles.

"... an advantage is that it helps to avoid the saturation of the defences, rising dramatically the number of missiles needed by the enemy to try such a tactic. It offers huge potential to a single soldier... and it is virtually invisible, because its system of target detection, acquisition and guide is completely passive. A fighter's pilot, for example, would not hear any siren of alarm on board of his plane when this missile is coming, because there's only a laser beam to guide it. Obviously, it can be seen on the thermal scanners, but it's already something... and again, in Kesteven our air defence was almost put out of the game when the enemy started to search our radars and destroy them with anti-radiation missiles. With the SPEAR, this can't happen and..." Killer was still cheerfully giving explanations that no one had asked when Alexis nudged his side gently and he stopped, smiling embarrassedly as he looked over them all and rubbed a hand on the back of his head, ruffling still more his rebel mane, even if the Mohawk stayed in place. "Huh. Sorry for the rant. It's a defect of mine."

Finally, they walked over to the training zone, and as soon as they stepped over the edge of the low hill, looking down to see the soldiers running and facing the war route, Cherry cheerfully licking her lips in anticipation. In fact, despite her low consideration of the Predators and the almost null interest she had in all the technologies they used, she had to recognize that the soldiers of the unit were all built like tanks... and often were also handsome.

And she wasn't disappointed, because a good hundred of shirtless, huge and muscular tigers, both orange and white ones, were running in the training course in small teams, bringing on their large shoulders heavy beams of steel. She grinned widely and rubbed her hands together, a predatory look on her features as she watched down on all those possible preys... and then she released a low, amused murr as she found the better one.

He was the larger male of the company, the instructor, and was leading them all with a good advantage, running easily and rapidly, bringing easily and apparently effortlessly his own beam, even if alone. He was really similar to Killer, of all things, even if not quite as muscular and a bit smaller. But he had the same bone spikes, the same trained and powerful body, the same tufted tail and fur... even if his head and long mane were completely white, where Killer instead had black-stripped ivory fur... and his mane, differently from the rebel one of the king, was well cared, fit into a truly impressive Mohawk than supplied him a very good looking frame for his icy, sapphire eyes.

He was also strong and in perfect form, proved evidently by how he even paused every now and then to wait for the other soldiers to arrive, even jogging lightly on the spot as he held the beam like it was a toy... and even from the distance, they could already hear his strong, masculine voice as he shouted a mix of verbal violence and encouragement to the others.

Killer couldn't help but grin a bit as he took in the sight of the muscular female rapidly walking down the hill with that predatory glance of hers, and he nudged gently the muscular Drakkaren at his side.

"What...?" Zerrex asked absently... and then he too grinned in amusement as the massive liger gestured playfully towards the muscular female. "Well, you should already know that she's a bit of a slut... And admittedly, that guy there looks very nice. Although I admit that, if he didn't have that beam, I would have said that he was just a gym-bully, the classic muscles-for-show guy."

Killer laughed loudly at that, his deep, low voice booming as he squeezed playfully a bit the shoulder of the huge, muscular lizard at his side and Alexis smiled amusedly with a snort-laughter. "You know, I say him that from years... but he'll never learn. He's one of the two chic members of the Huxley family... my little bro Siegfried. A pity that Alexander is guiding a large exercitation up in Kesteven, otherwise you could complete the picture."

"Little... not that much." Zerrex observed playfully... actually, the younger liger looked a good thirteen feet tall, and just as him he was built like a behemoth tank.

Killer grinned playfully a bit, amusedly looking to Zerrex before give a proposal. "Let's let Cherry sexually harass him a bit, huh...?" He suggested playfully as he squeezed gently Alexis against his bulky frame, the female wrapping her arms around his large waist and looking amusedly up at him.

Zerrex grinned himself at the idea, giving an easy nod as they continued to calmly walk forwards. "Of course. She'll likely wear him and most of the company out for a little bit, though... but at least we'll be free of her for a while."

In any case, even without their authorization, the muscular female Drakkaren had already gained a good advantage on them, rapidly and decidedly walking along the column of soldiers towards hers chosen prey, even if still answering with interest and skilled seduction to the curious and interested glances that now most of the tigers were giving her, before they spotted Killer and Alexis and saluted at full voice the sovereigns and their supreme commanders, running with renewed vigour and energy as they answered kindly.

At the head of the column, anyhow, Siegfried was once more waiting, a few tens of meters in advantage on the firsts of the group, holding effortlessly the beam on his muscular shoulder as his huge biceps bulged impressively. And even if he smiled in direction of his brother and saluted him and Alexis with a rigid and perfect military salute, he soon turned towards the soldiers to tease them once more. "Double time assholes! You are supposed to be fast... and all of you are out of time! I'll not bring such worms to war! Those beams should already be at their places into the bridge... if this was a real conflict, the enemy would already have spotted us, identified us and aimed his mortars, and now we'd be under a rain of fire. I want you to do this faster!" He paused for a moment, letting his message penetrate deeply in their minds, then he barked again. "Faster! I know you can do better... and I'm likely saving your lives with this!"

Then Siegfried caught sight of the muscular, attractive female that was easily and elegantly striding towards him, her hips swaying seductively and ever her tail dancing, her powerful arms folded under hers huge breasts and a predatory look on her features as her eyes glinted mischievously.

"Good morning, miss." Siegfried called out gently as she approached, bowing slightly as was in his style, in his stubborn following to the letter of the royal protocol. But as forecasted by Killer, that was watching amusedly the scene with Zerrex and Alexis some meters behind, Cherry had no real interest in his chivalry or in the kiss of her hand that he seemed to offer... instead, she all but leaned against him, pushing against his muscular frame and wrapping his form in her arms.

Siegfried looked terribly embarrassed, reaching up to gently sustain her and likely thinking she was not feeling well as he tried to help her to straighten, causing Zerrex and Killer to cackle silently between themselves as Alexis, leaning on the muscular form of her beloved king, snorted laughter.

"Miss...! What happens, it's all ok...?" Siegfried bent down slightly over the female Drakkaren, and she rose suddenly her muzzle to nuzzle under his own, wrapping a strong arm around his neck and rubbing at the fur of his Mohawk as she rose a curving, seductive leg to wrap loosely around his large waist and reached down immodestly to squeeze exploringly the large bulge in his pants.

"Name." She breathed out as he shifted a bit against her, clearly uncomfortable. "Siegfried. Siegfried Huxley, miss. Can I have the pleasure to know yours...? He answered, smiling embarrassedly and trying to regain the control of the situation. But it proved an hopeless attempt when she released a hot, pleased breath without leave neither for a second the hold on his crotch, and then turned towards the group and cheerfully exclaimed: "Fuck, Spikes! Are you all so big in your family...?"

Killer could only grin at that as Alexis chuckled amusedly and squeezed back herself on the huge bulge in his husband's pants. "We are all rather good sized, yes." He answered playfully as Zerrex snorted laughter, leaning against a tree and folding his muscular arms as he looked to the scene.

The female Drakkaren in any case turned fast towards the male trapped in hers hold and licked teasingly at his muzzle, grinding hers seductive body and hers huge breasts firmly against his muscled, masculine form, inhaling his scent. "The name's Cherry Blossom. Cherry works fine." He smiled at her, visibly embarrassed, but still trying to maintain his perfect and cold behaviour even if he could clearly feel his body starting to answer to such a seductive, demonic femme fatale. She pushed him backwards with her decided sexual aggression, tracing her hand up from his bulging crotch and the flush fur of his happy highway along his chiselled body to his shoulder, grasping the beam and easily pushing it away.

His eyes bulged in surprise as she pushed it away and it felt with a loud clang on the ground at their side, but especially he couldn't help but release a first, surprised and pleased grunt as her hand returned to his crotch, immediately and shamelessly opening his fly and reaching into his boxers to grasp his big, flaccid shaft and give it a first playful stroke.

Before he could express any of his contrasting feeling, from surprise to pleasure to shock, he was steamrolled by her again as she tried to push him down on the ground and reached up to whisper in his ear thoughtfully: "Not quite as big as your big bro there, huh...?" But again she didn't wait for an answer. "But still truly impressive..."

"Killer...! Help me!" Siegfried called with shock, taken aback by such approach, but the larger liger just laughed, incredibly amused. "What's this...? Who's her?"

"Let's say that... she is your training for today. Just let her do... and let her bring to the barracks all the men she wants apart from you, too." Killer answered with deep amusement, trading a wink with Zerrex.

"Really? Oh, I love you Spikes! I'll pay you later." Cherry cheerfully called from hers work on Siegfried's frame... while the male in question looked surprised to his brother. "You are joking."

"No, I'm not. You are welcome, Cherry! Have fun!" Killer answered, before he, Zerrex and Alexis walked rapidly again up the hill, leaving Cherry to guide hers numerous preys towards the garrisons as she leered back and forth along the selection of males, twiddling her fingers. And her preys followed her enthusiastically, of all things... she was a very seductive female, after all and most of these soldiers still hadn't their females, so they were always rather hungry, too. They hadn't still understood the real possibilities of the female in question, though.

"You are cruel." Zerrex grinned amusedly up to the muscular liger as they returned on their paces, walking now towards a group of low, scattered bunkerized magazines with thick structures of reinforced concrete.

"Never claimed to be a good person, if you remember correctly." He answered playfully, squeezing Alexis against his broad frame as she leaned against him teasingly. "And don't undervalue Siegfried... he's just too cold and tied to the royal protocol of behaviour and all that shit... but he'll give Cherry what she wants, believe me."

"That's for sure. He has had a good master as big bro..." Alexis added amusedly, leaning up to kiss gently Killer's cheek... and to whisper something in his ear. Zerrex watched that with attention, looking to the glint of amusement in the eyes of the massive liger and his nod... "For me it's fine, Alexis, you already know... Go on, if you wish so."

The blond tigress kissed warmly her king at that, grasping his crotch with hungry desire and grinding her form against his own... and then reaching out with always surprising strength to grasp Zerrex's shoulder and pull him closer as well.

She broke the kiss with Killer, licking eagerly at her lips as she turned to lean towards the muscular Drakkaren and wrapped a leg around his waist, pulling him roughly against her perfect, feminine body, pushing her abdominals and breasts against his masculine ones, the two flexing each against the other as he released an amused murr looking to the female with a playful question.

"Would you like to have some three-participants, adult fun with me and this gorgeous liger here, handsome...?" She asked seductively, wrapping a hand around the necks of both males and pushing teasingly down on Zerrex's powerful frame, licking and kissing teasingly at his muzzle and lips as he squeezed her gently on a hip, Killer's hand already squeezing the other as his other one teased one of her breasts gently and without shame.

"You do have spirit to ask this... he alone is huge. Adding me, things become truly serious..." Zerrex answered playfully, squeezing Killer's shoulder playfully and using his free arm to wrap around her neck and reach down with his long fingers to squeeze a bit her free, large and firm breast as Killer draw down rapidly the zip of her uniform's jacket.

"I know... and that's the interesting part of it, big boy. If one of you alone can give me so much pleasure... just how has to be having you two duelling with those spears of yours into me...?" She asked back seductively before push gently downwards a bit Killer's head to kiss him as she reached up to wrap a hand in Zerrex's white hair, changing then the position and working hungrily her maw against the reptile's one, their tongues wrestling in their mouths for a long moment until she broke the contact and gazed into his burning emerald eyes with a hungry, seductive gleam in her sapphire ones. "I'm willing to try such challenge... you don't want to, lizard-boy?" She asked with proud and teasing voice of true, natural mistress as her body ground gently against the two male's.

"Of course I do. I'd never say no to such an offer to have some fun with a wonderful female like you... and a buff, huge bulky male like you." Zerrex answered quickly, squeezing gently on her hip as he reached to punch playfully on Killer's shoulder as the huge liger smiled amusedly... but then the female took the initiative and pushed them both backwards with a low growl, licking her lips as she charged on their footprints at march pace, the two huge males backstepping with pleased grins on their features, rapidly undressing as they arrear.

Killer was flexing his bulky, muscular body, holding his heavy black armour in a hand and flexing teasingly the other arm, making all of his muscles bulge out like tires, veins coming into sight to suggest all the power ready inside those hills of strength by the time their backs bumped lightly into the armoured door of a bunkerized ammo depot... and Zerrex, at his side, had just got ride of his jacket and shirt and was now grinning as he rolled his strong shoulders leisurely and flexed outwards his rock-hard, chiselled muscles with a teasing glance. Alexis reached them, murring hungrily as she drawn closer, pushing the both of them first against the wall and then slightly aside to open the armoured door, pushing then it open like it weighted nothing... And then she released a low, enticed growl as she grasped both of their waistbands and guided them inside, their hands wandering shamelessly on her body and beginning immediately to remove her clothes as her hands lowered both of the male's zips, undoing their belts with ease, skilled moves.

She detached her hands from them just for a moment, just to reach up and flick on the lights in the depot as she kicked close the huge, heavy door... and by that time, Killer was already towering over her, pushing her against the cold door of steel and undoing fast and fully the zip of her jacket, lowering it from both shoulders and rapidly reaching down to grasp her fine black shirt. He tasted her fantastic abdominals with both hands as she flexed under his touch, pushing against his hands with a teasing grin, dancing slightly and seductively on the spot for him as she raised both arms skywards and pushed her chest enticingly outwards. He grinned as his fingers felt the power and the definition of her flexing abdominals of tempered steel even across the fabric as he slowly freed her of the shirt, uncovering her wonderful, naked body and heart attack-worthy chest. She had surely the most amazing set of breasts perched directly above her strong abs, which alone were a sight to absolutely behold. Her breasts were huge, but still in a perfect harmony of curves and proportions with her slender, tall and seductive body, and her bosom was amazingly firm, so much that she used to not wear any bra most of the time... so that any clothes she wear was moulded directly on those jewels, only underlining even more her beauty and her hard, long and seductive nipples. In front of that sight, Killer as always felt his pleasure and desire rise to new, amazing levels, and he slowly bent down with a murr to kiss gently a nipple, then the other, sucking and licking slightly on them as she released a soft, draw out moan of pleasure while his tongue delicately drew streamers of drool on her goddess's form. Zerrex, meanwhile, had bent to his knees for a moment to let room to the liger and in the same time he undid her combat belt and lowered the zip of her pants as she leaned back on the door with a murr and spread her legs wide for the two males, looking from one to the other with teasing eyes burning with lust.

She recovered rapidly, anyhow, ending rapidly her work on hers king's belt, which fell to the ground with the three big swords with a loud, metallic clang on the concrete, and then she licked her lips and fleetingly kissed him as he leaned over her a bit more, grinning down at her and trapping the tigress between his huge, muscular arms as he placed his hands on the wall, one hand on either side of her as she bent to work on his fly.

He flexed all his huge body teasingly with a low, booming growl of his deep voice that made Alexis shiver a bit in lust, all his muscles showing themselves in all their power and majesty as the light draw dozen of shadows on his rippling, bulky mass of strength, the female filling her eyes with that hypnotic sight once more as she bent forwards slowly, tracing both hands down his chiselled, rock-hard profile, climbing ridges of hard muscle and following the deep valleys of strength between his strong, bulging abdominals with her fingers before draw them down slowly into the thick, flush fur of his happy highway with an enticed moan of anticipation. She looked once more up at him, filling her eyes with his dominant, grinning expression, with those mischievously glinting lights of command in the blue ice of his eyes, his musk and manly growl filling her senses... and she meekly lowered her head, renewing once more her never regretted and always honoured promise of submission, before sink her fingers into the waistband of his pants and pull downwards to uncover his crammed, bulging black boxers.

She teasingly traced a finger down the huge bulge in those, before grasp his waistline and jerk on it teasingly, looking up to the male with a mischievous, teasing grin as she tortured for a bit both herself and Killer, drawing down his underwear ever so slowly, centimetre after centimetre... until she couldn't resist anymore to the urge and pulled his boxers down in one only, fast gesture, gaping slightly with a loud, dreaming moan at the always impressive sight of his huge, veiny shaft that was left dangling in its flaccid but already unmatched glory, its rounded, engorged head hanging almost past his knees. The female eagerly licked her lips at the sight, softly placing a hand on the hot, thick member, stroking it with reverence and adoration a few times, reaching with the other hand between his strong legs to worship his outrageously enormous, pendulous testicles as he released a soft, satisfied murr and his cock started immediately to throb, thick veins pulsating as blood flooded to feed the monstrous penis in its rise.

She started to jerk him off with sweet decision, her hand not even going close to wrapping around that powerful, gargantuan cock... and it was growing up and thickening, more and more, raising like a divinity towards its full glory. She moaned loudly and teasingly, grinning as she stared up at his eyes, squeezing hungrily on the enormous, heavy testicle in her hand, looking like hypnotized as she lowered her gaze back on his penis as it grew and grew, pulsated and grew, huger and thicker, frightening in its hugeness but incredibly exciting. Shining, musky pre started to pour out from his thick cockhead, the scent overpowering, his manly musk calling her loudly and insistently as he grinned widely, tilting his head slightly backwards with a murr, his eyes sliding half-lidded as he keept squeezing together her enormous, firm breasts, his fingers working her flesh with love and desire. She brought up her other hand as well, stroking both sides of the massive obsidian shaft, her fingers rubbing lovingly up and down his endless length, slowly and affectively, the blond femme fatale smiling in his eyes as he granted her an accomplice smile of his own, bending slightly down to kiss her warmly as his hands pushed gently together her firm, huge breasts and rolled them teasingly, his fingers playing with her hard, erected nipples. The male stepped forwards a bit, pressing against the female as their kiss broke slowly and hesitatingly, their tongues chasing each the other, dancing and wrestling still into the air as the two panted slightly with passion, his enormous cock sandwiched between their strong, toned and hot bodies as she all but speeded up and strengthened hers stroking over it. He smiled as she nuzzled him teasingly, licking on his cheek with deep affection, and he leaned with the same sweetness his large head against her temple as she rested her head on his shoulder, easily licking lazily on his massive, fully erected shaft from there as it protruded domineeringly skywards in his full glory, 74 inches of thick black and hard flesh throbbing with power. He had always been huge and she had always loved that of him as well as all the rest... and she was admittedly truly pleased that not only his body continued to grow in the years, not only his bulk of muscles with all of his trainings, but also his malehood kept growing with the time. And every time it left even Zerrex amazed seeing just how massive Killer's member was, even after seeing it so many times in their past meetings.

Meanwhile, Zerrex had rapidly removed her combat belt, reaching up to squeeze gently on her hips and drag her nearer as he slowly traced his large hands on her form, from her sides fleetingly and teasingly up to taste the firmness of her huge breasts as Killer uncovered them, then back down her strong, flexing abdominals, drawing playfully a finger around the shining diamond fit in her navel, before sliding further downwards as she smiled down at him with a soft, enticing groan. His fingers soon slipped into her pants, jerking teasingly on her waistband as his thick thumbs drew open her fly, lowering the zip with torturing slowness.

She spread her legs a bit wider, pushing teasingly towards him with her hips as she kissed Killer deeply and worked his ginormous cock towards its full erection, and Zerrex pulled gently down her uniform's pants, his large hands caressing teasingly all down the seductively curving, long legs, before returning torturingly slowly up, stroking gently her inner thighs until slide backwards and grasp her toned, rounded cheekbutts and squeeze them playfully as she flexed and ground back against his hands, grinning slightly, sure of her amazing feminine beauty. Her back, just as her generous chest, could only be defined perfect, firm and well formed as it was. It wasn't that hard to understand why males looked at her with dumb, dreaming expressions every time she walked down the streets, why every head always turned towards her... nor was hard see why Killer was always so hungry and in love for her body as much as her person.

Then Zerrex grinned up at her himself, sliding his hands slowly once more to her sides and slipping his thumbs into her black bikini bottom, jerking a few times on it, awakening an hungry, impatient growl from her before pull it firmly all the way down, uncovering her willing centre, the cared, short golden fur that crown her tight vagina, the swollen and wet sexlips protruded outwards, calling for the two huge males, her clear, shining juices of desire starting already to stream down her inner thighs in gleaming streamers as her desire all but grew stronger from moment to moment, from touch to touch.

She quickly stepped out the puddle of her pants and bikini, kicking away her spiked combat boots as well and standing now naked in front of the two powerful males, all but grinning in desire and anticipation, slowly and gently jerking off the goliath obsidian shaft of her king and master as she pulled it gently towards her, smiling teasingly up at him. She ground slowly against the rounded, enormous cockhead as she rubbed it easily over her chest, teasing herself and the male as his dense, musky pre poured on her white, short and soft fur, on her nipples, the female using the massive shaft to spread it all over her chest like it was some sort of precious and miraculous balm, bending down her head to lick with veneration over his strong flesh as the male released a murr and helped her out willingly, starting to push upwards with his strong hips and toying with her breasts.

In the same time, she lifted willingly her tail, leaving room to Zerrex as he reached up with a hand and started to squeeze her meaty, firm buttock, gently stretching up a finger to tease on her tailhole, gaining from her a soft groan. He rubbed slowly his other hand on her swollen sex, her juices streaking on his thick digits and down his muscular arm as she began to breath hotter and harder under the cares of the two experienced, powerful males. He reached forwards with his muzzle, breathing teasingly on her burning sex, on the short, blond fur of her groin... and then he released a surprised and pleased moan as he felt like two invisible hands squeeze gently from both sides the huge bulge in his pants, rolling teasingly his large, heavy testicles unfairly trapped into the fabric as his belt began to undue itself, the zip rapidly running down as he released an amused, pleased murr, feeling himself beginning to harden and stiffen up under her special kind of care as she grinned. I never thought about freak powers like Cherry's one before... but now that I'm learning... goddamn. This is interesting.

The muscular male lizard slipped a finger into her, rolling it slowly into her sex, rubbing teasingly on her inner walls, surprised of how much she felt tight, despite all the "activities" that he knew well she was used to have with such a powerful, enormous male like Killer... Just as Cherry is... they are... suited to be mistresses of sex, I guess. His thumb pressed gently on her exposed clitoris, rolling it teasingly as the female arched her back with a soft moan of pleasure, pushing herself forwards towards the attentions of both males... and she continued to tease Zerrex with her powers as she lowered his pants, giving room to his own enormous shaft to grow towards full glory.

Zerrex added another of his thick fingers into her, working rapidly back and forth for a few moments as she willingly bucked back against him, moaning in Killer's mouth as they kissed, the female jerking his abnormous member fast and hard in the same time as she trapped it between her large swells. She grinned as she started moving her whole body up and down along the obsidian shaft, squatting against it as much as possible as Killer hugged her and pulled her against his muscular form, squeezing even more his penis in that sandwich of hot bodies as she started to release a series of soft and pleased whimpers as Zerrex speeded up the rhythm, adding a third finger... And then she grinned with a lick of her lips as he suddenly stopped and drew back free, leaning in closer with his muzzle, his hot breath tickling her sex as he nuzzled in her sexlips and gave her a torturing, slow lick with his long tongue, rolling it teasingly around her clitoris as both of his hands grasped and squeezed her firm buttocks, pulling her closer.

Alexis found difficult maintain the concentration needed with the rising, burning pleasure in all her body as the two huge males teased her, but she managed to keep not only her hands and body responding in masterful way, but she kept her powers working as well, freeing Zerrex's huge, growing malehood from its unfair prison of fabric before his domineering, advancing erection could tear his pants and boxers apart. As invisible hands stroked Zerrex's shaft with such teasing quality to make him murr deeply and arch his back slightly, her psychic force lifted and rolled gently Killer's immense and heavy testicles, electing from him a murr of deep approbation as she kept both of her hands on his behemoth shaft, stroking along the venous, thick length as they continued to guide it between her generous breasts with combined moves. But her hunger was now rising too burning to keep playing so leisurely... Her boiling, musky and attractive desire was now streaking down her thighs and dripping on the floor from her lips as she grinned wider and predatorily, taking now in her sight both of the impossibly enormous obsidian members ready in their full glory as Zerrex stood up at the side of Killer, both males grinning as they idly stroked their gargantuan lengths. Her eyes roved hungrily over both of their huge, athletic and thick-with-muscles bodies, her predatory gaze meeting the dominance and experience in their eyes as they stood side to side, Zerrex's hand moving leisurely along his 32 inches of solid, potent shaft as Killer's stroked idly along the top feet of his rampaging, 74 inches titanic beast.

"You see... this is why I let Cherry have her way with the other boys." Alexis said as she licked her muzzle, grinning and stepping forwards to grasp both cocks and jerking them off willingly as she leaned against their thick, powerful shoulders, looking from one's eyes to the other's. "She may have at her disposal the number... but I have at mine the ultimate Alphas. And there's no match. I tasted the power of the group... And now I'll taste the nectar of the Alphas."

Zerrex grinned at that, trading with Killer an amused smile... and admittedly, that was something he liked of the blond tigress. She was proud and defiant... and absolutely not scared of the huge lengths of manmeat she had in front of her, but only enticed and burning with desire and a mix of submission and dominance all at once. She knelled down in front of them, keeping jerking them both off as she nuzzled gently into their huge ballsacks, licking on the enormous orbs inside lazily, passing from the white-furred to navy-scaled ones, releasing an enticing murr of pleasure, bending her head slightly as both males reached out with one of their hands and placed them on her blond hair in sign of dominance, pulling her towards the two spears of black, hot flesh.

She pushed the two enormous shafts one against the other, licking her lips at the sight as the males traded a slight grin, pushing their groins towards her as Zerrex took the chance to slowly rub his own thirty-two full inches of obsidian, thick and venous meat against the side of Killer's even bigger six-feet-plus monstrous goliath, smiling playfully as the liger looked for a moment surprised, and resting his free hand on his hip, tilting his head slightly backwards with a grin of pleasure as the female started to lick hers way lazily along both penis, following the complex map of thick, pulsating veins and drooling freely all over their gargantuan lengths, raising slowly upwards to roll her tongue teasingly on the flails of both the engorged, thick cockheads and climb towards their large cumslits, mixing together their musky, potent pre and tasting both males, feeling herself only pushed to do even more.

And she indeed did more, both males suddenly feeling their huge, heavy balls being lifted gently, their enormous testicles being rolled softly and squeezed teasingly by invisible, skilled hands, flexing instinctively under that touch, muscles rippling in front of her like the ocean itself in a show of unmatched power as she kept licking on their hot, hard flesh in worshipping, lapping and sucking at their cocks like a hungry dog on a meaty bone, spreading all over them their abundant pre and hers saliva mixed together, the moisture making their ginormous penis shining and slick as her hands squelched loudly on their soaked groins at the end of each impossibly-long stroke on their endless shafts. She took a pause from licking to stare openly at the display of such malehood, jerking them off hard and fast and rubbing her face all against their rock-hard penises, before draw them both down to rub on her wonderful chest and expand the mix of juices even there, the males grinning and murring slightly at that, growing more and more hungry for her.

"You know, darling... last time Cherry shown off amazing ability for oral with me... I guess you'll want to show Zerrex here that you are second to no one, isn't that so...?" Killer asked teasingly, pushing his enormous cock against her lips as she started again licking, drawing slowly her tongue over his cock and ending each tongue-stroke with a soft, adoring kiss. The female grinned up at him, then turned with the same self confident expression towards Zerrex, jerking both males off with decision.

"Is that so, huh...?" She asked playfully towards the reptile, and Zerrex nodded with a wide grin. "She is impressive at that, it's sure." He said softly, giving a slight nod.

"Dude, I have this huge mega-cock here to have practice with, all days." Alexis observed playfully, stroking down the immense Killer's length, slowly bending the liger's huge penis downwards as the male spread his legs wide and rested his hands on his hips with a wide grin. "I'll drown these two monsters of yours to the hilt down my throat... and I'll fuck you two this way until you'll show me how far and how much those cannons shot." She added with a grin, slipping her way between the male liger's muscular legs and bending his big penis until its enormous head was aimed downwards towards the floor, just over her. She grasped the back of the male's thick, muscled leg and kept working on Zerrex's length with the other as Killer held in position his gargantuan length for her, a grin of anticipation on his muzzle that told that he had already been pleased in that way many a time.

Zerrex stared in enticed amazement as the tigress looked up at the spear of meat that was just over her, licking her lips and taking a long breath as she opened wide her mouth and started to push upwards with her legs, slowly drowning down his thick, colossal length. Killer grasped domineeringly her head with both hands, twisting his fingers in her hair and starting to push down with his hips as she raised from below, taking in her inch after inch of his immense shaft as it all but made her neck bulge when its massive, rounded head sunk deeply into her throat. The male liger released a low growl of ecstasy, tilting his head backwards with his eyes closed as his huge penis invaded her throat, her muscles flexing against his hard meat and massaging up and down his massive length, squeezing his shaft in a tight, boiling hot embrace that sent lust and adrenaline running in all of his veins, pleasure and erotic bliss rising as he kept pushing downwards his colossal member, the female eagerly meeting his thrust with her own, grinning even as her lips were stretched painfully open by his colossal girth.

Zerrex too felt lust rise in his strong body, not so much for the skilled touch of her hand on his massive cock, of all things, but more for the incredibly arousing sight of such an impossible deepthroat that the female was carrying out, breathing softly every now and then and climbing her way along the obsidian shaft of the liger, even if it looked way too massive for anyone to take... And, of course, there was the burning-hot awareness that the female was in for doing the same service to him afterwards.

Alexis closed her eyes, feeling her pleasure rise to unbearable levels as the ridiculously-gargantuan penis of her lover rummaged her insides, deep into her, more and more of his veiny flesh invading her mouth as he started to push down stronger with a low, pleasured growl, grunting every now and then for the increasing effort it took, but moving his hips with more decision, impaling her on his cock firmly as she let out an endless, drawn out murr of satisfaction. The blond tigress groaned loudly from around his seeming endless cock, pushing upwards steadily and firmly with her legs as she started to choke a bit around his massive girth... but then, Killer roared in lust as her lips kissed his crotch, his immense testicles smacking in her muzzle like wrecking balls as she released a long, loud moan of lust and victory from around his girhty length, her eyes sliding closed as her terribly stretched lips curved the slight bit they could to crest into a grin.

The male liger looked down at her with a grin himself, guiding her head up and down his massive shaft by gently but dominatingly holding her from her golden mane, starting to facefuck her slowly but with powerful movements of his hips, rhythmically withdrawing more than half of his six-feet-plus penis each time before slam back into her to the hilt, slamming directly into her stomach as his testicles slapped a loud, hard tattoo on her muzzle, the female groaning loudly in lust as the male grunted in indomitable pleasure, guiding his lover with a hand twirled in her long hairs and the other resting on his hip, head thrown backwards in bliss as he murred his pleasure skywards, starting to speed up even more the rhythm of his moves, increasing even the power and sheer size he put into each movement, arching his back in feral lust. The blond femme fatale don't stayed idly receiving, squatting up and down to bob her head along almost two feet of his cock, keeping his rhythm and meeting his own thrusts with delicious sexual prowess as her throat's muscles squeezed along his colossal length, massaging rhythmically his flesh as they flexed and rolled, making Killer murr deeply as his back arched... And the incredible heat of her depths only added to the sensations, as did her drool and saliva mixing with his thick, hot pre, which squelched together in her mouth and bubbled and streamed down at the corners of her lips... And of course, Alexis was teasing him with her tongue in a way that he had thought impossible before meet her. She could literally milk him with the sweet, and yet firm movements of her tongue as it slithered amazingly around his girth and down his length.

It took a few minutes before Alexis started to choke noisily around his shaft, saliva and pre dripping out her opened wide jaw and streaking down her neck and all over her wonderful tits, but she was able to hold on all the same, keep the control and take a fast breath each time he drew back his ginormous shaft from her throat, keeping up her ministrations with unmatched skill. And the male liger all but strengthened his hammering over her, growling louder as he closed his eyes and grinned in delight, pistoning his cock up and down into her throat, his cock so huge that it slammed home somewhere deep into her stomach as his heavy testicles slapped hard on her face with a loud, rhythmic tattoo that mixed with the confused, choking and wet noises from the female and his loud lustful grunting and growling.

Alexis couldn't help herself but let go his muscular, tensed leg and start fingering herself with passion, shivering violently and groaning in lust, feeling herself pushed irresistibly towards the threshold of her first orgasm, the lust too big as her lover pistoned himself into her with all his mighty power and sizes, filling her ears of the low booming of his growl and of his feral grunts of pleasure and with the violent tattoo of his wrecking ball-sized testicles slamming on her muzzle, setting her reddened checks on fire and yet sending shivers of deep pleasure down her form by remembering her constantly of his power and sizes.

Killer continued to pummel her restlessly, and without a support, the female was almost crushed down into the floor by his might: any other female would have not managed to work back against his thrusts, nor to stand against him, but Alexis's own strong musculature bulged and flexed as she resisted and eagerly moved to please him even more. He reached down with his free hand to steady her, grasping her shoulder and keeping slamming himself to the hilt into her with loud grunts, feeling himself starting to stiffen up even more, tempered steel becoming harder than diamond as he kept moving powerfully and vociferously as his flesh heated up still more, one of his enormous orgasms rising up in his huge balls.

But Alexis reached first the point of no return. Her eyes snapped open, bulging slightly in the deepest of lust as her glance remained fixed upwards, her lustful scream going weakened and lost into such a concert of grunts and wet slapping, but Zerrex didn't missed her shivers and her strengthened bucking against her own working fingers as her juices flooded down her legs and puddle on the floor, spurting far away from her as her vagina clenched hungrily, noisily squelching on her own juices.

Killer hold on his own orgasm, forcing himself to relax, continuing to accompany her mind-blowing climax with his furious pummelling until she calmed down and her juices ceased to spurt out from her, her body slowly starting to relax and Wyvern finally started to slow down, giving her rest with a gentle, grateful murr as he drew out his goliath, boiling-hot shaft from her abused throat.

The obsidian shaft come free with a loud pop from the tight hold of her flexing throat, and when it leaved hers mouth, it drawn out behind himself a thick spider's web of thick, long strings of dense juices mixed together. Saliva, his dense pre, juices took out from deep inside her coming out in streamers and ropes still attached to both sides, connecting his shaft to her far depths... but then his cock come entirely free, leaving her stretched lips, and it sprung again skywards, slapping slightly against his muscled, furred chest and breaking most of the connections... while Alexis cut the remaining ones as she closed for a moment her mouth, licking her lips hungrily and smiling up at him in the blissful haze of the aftermath as her tongue eagerly chased and collected the moisture, bringing it in her mouth. She then pushed her face against his colossal tower of flesh, grinning as she smeared her features with their mixed juices, greedily rubbing his cock against her muzzle and using her face to clean it from the sticky liquids as she lapped and pecked at his gigantic penis gently. Zerrex grinned at that sight, feeling tremendously turned on...

"Your turn now." Killer vocalized for her, gesturing to Zerrex to take his place as he quietly stepped to the side, Alexis immediately reaching up with a hand to jerk him off gently... The muscular reptile eagerly advanced, stepping over to the female still at the ready and grasping his own enormous shaft, stroking it idly a few times as he aimed it downwards. Alexis smiled with her eyes up at him, opening wide her mouth still full of that thick, dense mix of juices to welcome his hot and still fully ready obsidian shaft. The Drakkaren grasped her head with both hands, grinning down at her as he brought his muscular legs out at her sides, the female immediately grasping them to held herself steady and hungrily inhaling the his powerful, manly scent, before he pushed into her open mouth and thrust firmly forwards his massive shaft into her throat, releasing a pleased grunt at how her inner muscles welcomed it, massaging his enormous cock eagerly and almost dragging him inside and downwards as she pushed up herself defiantly and with no fears. He wasn't absolutely used to such approach... Cherry excluded, the females he had been with had always been scared of his hugeness, of how easy it was for him to kill someone choking down his victim just with the gargantuan sizes of his malehood... and in any case, they had always choked after just a part, a fraction of his long, girthy shaft was inside their mouths. He hadn't imagined that aspect of the tigress, since in the preceding meeting they hadn't reached that point... but she was admittedly impressive. On the other hand, she just showed me how she deals with Killer's monster... So I guess she's more than well trained.

He pushed down with his strong hips into her boiling, flexing and welcoming throat, inch after inch of his awe-inspiring thirty-two vanished into her, his engorged cockhead sinking in her depths, and she eagerly bucked upwards to meet and join his thrusts, clearly at her ease. And as she drowned down his massive spear of flesh almost with ease, he looked to the side to observe her hand run up and down the sides of the goliath black cock of the huge male liger, he grinned slightly. She sure had material to have practice with, that was surely true. Killer was one of the very few ones to be even bigger than he was, after all. And he keeps growing, even. A point of being a liger, I guess...

Alexis overcome the half of his enormous shaft without problems, and she kept bucking upwards without a twitch as he pushed downwards into her depths and soon her lips kissed his crotch, his massive navy-blue scaled testicles smacking on her muzzle noisily at the end of their last, combined thrust.

"That's very amazing. I admit I had never expected you to be able to do these kind of tricks until today... but I do have to say it's very pleasing on my end, too." He said softly, grinning down at her with glints of dominance in his emerald eyes as he twirled the thick fingers of his hand in her golden hair and gently but domineeringly guided her back down the shaft, pulling backwards with his hips to draw out his huge length, the female moaning quietly in anticipation, still feeling high for her recent orgasm but in the same time hungry and lustful. Killer traded a grin with the reptile, together with an easy nod, and the Drakkaren slammed himself at home right to the hilt, his grapefruit-sized testicles slapping on her muzzle as he already started to draw back. "Let's see if I can double that orgasm of yours..." He said teasingly, grinning as she looked up at him with predatory eagerness in her icy sapphire eyes.

The Drakkaren drew out almost all of his ginormous shaft, before charge again forwards to the hilt, starting up a rough facefucking as he stood up fully and spread his legs a bit wider, arching his muscular, powerful back to slam himself into her to the hilt every time, speeding up his rhythm and the power of his thrusts as she bucked firmly back against his movements, expressing her own pleasure with incomprehensible sounds, muffled by his length as the huge male worked his huge tower of flesh hard up and down into her, using his weight and body power at his advantage to bury himself over and over again.

Alexis groaned quietly in bliss as this new assault renewed after so little time the treat that Killer had just gave her, her body shivering in lust as his enormous penis rammed into her over and over again, forcing back easily against the flexing muscles of her crammed throat that flexed eagerly and expertly against his flesh, making him murr in delight and urge as she skilledly sucked his penis and ran her tongue along his shaft with an impressive ability. She could feel his thick pre leak deep into her as his engorged, thick cockhead rummaged in her depths with a vicious rhythm, and she fingered herself with passion to only add to the bliss from the show of power of the two huge males, her vagina still clenching quietly, squelching on her same juices for her just-finished orgasm as she added another finger, anticipating in her mind the awe-inspiring orgasms of the two giants and the sex to follow as she almost fisted herself.

She could soon feel another orgasm approaching rapidly as she teased herself powerfully, her thumb rolling her clitoris expertly as all of her body rocked with the rhythm of the male's thrusts, breasts bouncing hard on her toned, muscular body as they worked together powerfully to build up each other's pleasure, his muscles bulging powerfully as he thrust downwards and Alexis's toned musculature flexing and glistening with pearls of sweat as she squatted to meet each thrust with eager, amazing prowess. She could feel not only her orgasm near and ready to strike, but she could easily feel how Killer's shaft in her hand was stiffen and harder than diamond, the powerful male liger releasing a deep, low growl of erotic bliss that all but warned her he was ready to let go an orgasm of his ones at any moment... and Zerrex was speeding up even more his rhythm as well, his testicles slapping her almost painfully for the strength of each thrust as he stiffened rapidly up, hardening, becoming titanium-like as he grunted loudly in lust and growing orgasmic bliss...

And then her orgasm hit. Her scream of lust was muffled by the thick, pistoning shaft in her maws, her blissful moans hid into that concert of wet noises, of slaps and squelching of mixed juices as her pleasure flooded once more, her vagina clenching hard as she arched her back with a murr, her body spasming hungrily for the second time as they rocked and bucked together.

Zerrex closed his eyes and thrown his head backwards with a growl of lust, feeling his orgasm closer and closer as her own slowly faded away, and he pummelled her even stronger for a few more moments before pull back fast with his hips, releasing a murr of anticipation and warning as his enormous cock come free and he started to stroke himself hard and fast in front of her.

The female, anyhow, grinned, with more elaborated plans for that too, turning away from the wall she was almost leaning against and quickly heading for the other side. Killer and Zerrex couldn't help but trade a grin as she got down on her knees at some paces of distance, putting behind hers back the long, shady depot of munitions with its long racks of sealed boxes and crates, Alexis obviously giving room to their powerful orgasms to fully show off themselves... and both males grinned as they stood up, side to side, jerking their massive cocks off hard and fast as she grinned up to them teasingly, opening wide her mouth and stretching out her tongue as a target, making it dance playfully as she folded her strong arms just below her firm, huge breasts, all but making them rise and buff out even more, offering them too to the two males as they finally hit their own climaxes.

Killer roared and Zerrex released a low, deep growl of lust of his own as thick, long streamers of dense seed arched high into the air, splattering easily over Alexis's body and drawing long, wide streams of sticky cum on the floor before and past her, their jets keeping coming and coming, each much bigger than the average male's entire orgasm, leaving Alexis there, swaying back and forth willingly under the flow of their mixed seed, staring up at them to catch in who lasted longer or sprayed the most impressive of loads as she gulped their cum down and let herself being doused into the essence of their maleness and power.

When it was finally over, the female was covered in white, hot cum from eartips to toe. Alexis was left covered by a thick mask of cum, the tigress easily and eagerly licking away what she could as she collected it up with her hands as more dripped down her muzzle, puddled in her ample, impressive cleavage and streaked down on large part of her toned abdominals as numerous other wads covered most places of her wonderful body, more seed puddling all over the floor for distances far over the ten feet. Actually, the two grinning males had done generally much better than just ten feet... and some of the spurts, a good number of Killer's ones, had splattered on the floor even well over the twenty feet, leaving an amazing display of rivers and torrents of hot seed twisting on a large area.

Alexis stood up with a grin and a pleased and hungry glance, striding back towards the two giants as she licked slowly her lips, her hips dancing with her seductive, natural elegance of feline... and she leaned with a hand against each of the muscular chests of the male, trading a teasing grin with both as they kept stroking idly their enormous penises challengingly. And she indeed all the intentions to accept that new challenge.

"Now, as all the good queens of history, I want my knight's fight." She said playfully, leaning closer to both of the males, still perfect and seductive in almost demoniacal way, still capable to inspire power, resolution and dominance even with their abundant seed still splattered on most of her features and body. "We have the knights..." She said softly and teasingly, grinning to both of them as she traced her hands down their muscular, powerful forms. "... We have the swords..." She added as she reached down shamelessly to grasp both of their ginormous cocks and give them a few decided, powerful strokes. "Perhaps, I should say spears..." She grinned to them, reaching to kiss first Killer's and then Zerrex's massive shafts. "... and we have the battlefield. I'll be your battlefield. I want you two to take me... both, at once."

Both males grinned, even if the surprise almost made them blink. "Aren't you asking too much to yourself, darling...?" Killer asked teasingly , grinning and ruffling a bit her golden hair splattered with sperm as his other hand went down to gently caress her soaked vagina, slipping his fingers teasingly inside, finding that she was indeed extremely ready, at least. She embraced him back, but ground her body teasingly against his own with decision, a hand reaching down to grasp the thick base of his shaft and guiding it to rub over her swollen sexlips as she slowly stroked his deadly massive length. "Don't you go doubting on me, of all the persons of the world, lover... I truly want to try how incredible it is to have two males like you two duelling into me, when you alone pack enough cock to make of me a mess. You two just do it... I care of the rest." She lifted her tail, moving seductively her well formed buttocks towards the near reptile as her long, soft tail caressed him on both sides of his muzzle, tickling then softly under it before slid down along his muscular body and wrap around his large chest, pulling him gently forwards as she grinned at him predatorily from over her shoulder.

The two males traded a glance over her blond head... they hadn't need of any other encouragement. Killer walked forwards and drop down to his knees, Alexis going down as well to lean in his lap and push her chest against his hard, erected tower of black flesh. Zerrex walked in closer, sandwiching the female between their huge, powerful bodies as they grasped their huge cocks and lowered them towards both ends of her, rubbing their hugeness against her entrances as she pushed on Killer's wide shoulders and lifted herself a bit to grant them better access. She pushed down teasingly to rub her wet, hot and sensitive centre on both cocks, moving her seductive, curving body back and forth, from a male to the other, her eyelids half closed as she waited for the blows of the huge warriors, trying to relax herself and her body as Killer affectively nuzzled her. He slid one of his muscled arms around her waist gently, ready to pull her closer as he started to push forwards gently with his girthy shaft, his enormous tip starting to open her willing, soaked folds and stretch her a bit as they kissed, Zerrex rolling his hips calmly to gyrate his own enormous cockhead on her small, tender rosebud, spreading on it the mixture of slick juices that still covered and lubricated his malehood as he grasped one of her hips, holding his cock aimed at her hole.

Then Killer hit, slamming forwards his great length firmly, pulling her closer with his powerful arm as he pushed forwards and upwards with his immense shaft with a light growl, gazing down hungrily in her willing eyes as she bucked firmly back against him, releasing a loud groan of dreaming ecstasy as the male she loved and venerated claimed her once more with his power, his thick meat tearing deep into her, stretching her wide as she shivered in lust and moaned loud, squeezing on his shoulders almost violently as his rock-hard muscles flexed powerfully, almost half of his impossible length buried into her with their combined effort.

She leaned over her liger mate with a loud groan that almost turned in a shriek as her already stretched lower half was invaded again, this time from behind, as Zerrex forced forwards his strong hips with a grunt, slamming himself into her tight tailhole, pulling her backwards from the hip as he thrust hard forwards with his mighty power, his muscles bulging as he arched his back with a blissful, sharp hiss of pleasure at how strong hers anus squeezed his large penis, at how the strong female bucked willingly backwards against him, rapidly impaling herself on his cock until he hilted as she turned slightly to grin at him with a murr from over her shoulder.

Killer started to move himself a bit into her, going back and forth with his hips to prepare her for another combined assault as a bit of her juices already started to flow down his thick shaft, lubricating his movements even more as his strong hands went both down to squeeze gently her hips as she rocked against him slowly, looking in his eyes with hungry sexual lust in her sapphire ones as she breathed hard against him, her hands squeezing on his muscular form, arms wrapping around his neck tightly. She pulled him forwards hungrily, slamming her hips forwards as the two males thrust forwards again, this time together, both growling lowly as their enormous penises tore into her deeply and powerfully, Killer slamming himself into her to the hilt this time as their enormous testicles slapped hard and noisily on her inner thighs and taunt buttocks, and smashing together in a clash of titans as clear juices squelched noisily in the slap.

Alexis shrieked in pain and pleasure together, shutting her eyes tight and gritting her perfect white fangs as small bursts of her juices sprayed from her lower body at being stretched so much in so little time, arching her back with a shiver as the two males grunted loudly, Killer grasping her buttocks and squeezing on them as Zerrex slid his muscular arms around her chest, hugging her tight, both males moving slowly up and down inside her their enormous penises, reading her to the ride as she groaned in bliss, pain and pleasure mixed together into her body, that felt like it was on flames, the pleasure rapidly taking the upper hand with the passing of the seconds and the slow but growing movements of the two giants.

She moaned again and again, reaching forwards with her muzzle to join Killer's one and lock their maws in a kiss, their breath hot as fire on their muzzles, the female grinding her huge breasts on his muscular body, nipples scratching teasingly on his chiselled form as he ground firmly back against her, starting to easily lift her up along his massive black shaft, her juices dripping and flooding down it and on his crotch, running down his enormous, pendulous testicles as both males worked their hips back with rising speed and energy.

It was amazing. Alexis was in heaven at the feeling of their two enormous spears buried who-knows-how deep into her body, at the feeling of their impossible sizes, of their girth tearing into her, even the bit of blood running down Killer's cock as he as always stretched her so much, even the pain only adding to the lust and the pleasure as the males drew back and she almost bit on Killer's maw for how hard they kissed, both lost in lust.

Zerrex too grunted loud as they drew out most of their long, veined shafts, murring in pleasure as her tight anus squeezed powerfully down along the cable-like thick veins of his penis, feeling clearly inside her body the imposing mass of Killer's own shaft moving with power from the other side. He could feel it so well that it felt like their enormous cocks were almost rubbing each against the other, effectively duelling into her body as the two males exchanged a slight grin over her shoulders. He squeezed stronger on her wonderful breasts, pinning her nipples teasingly between his fingers as he leaned over her back with his strong body, the female sandwiched between the two giant walls of steely muscles now as she hugged still tighter on Killer's neck, their kiss never ending as both cocks remained into her almost only with their girthy, engorged tips...

And then she moaned deeply into his mouth as both males slammed into her to the hilt again, Killer lowering her down their massive spears of dark flesh as they slammed upwards their amazing sizes with the strength of their hips, their muscles flexing powerfully as both males gave voice to animal, lustful grunts and growls, starting to tear regularly into her with amazing force.

She arched her back, rocking her head from side to side as her throat launched loud, confused lustful moans and groans into the air, muffled into her lover mouth as their tongues danced with restless passion, wrestling each other as both dared towards their throats, lust rising with amazing speed as their three powerful bodies worked in concert, Alexis trying hers best to buck against their working hips at their amazing rhythm, managing to follow their moves and combine her own might with theirs, moving with prowess and making both males flex and grunt at how well she was milking them.

She forced herself to give show of her amazing ability, of her strength and resistance, bucking eagerly against their moving hips as minutes passed by, their sex only growing harder and faster as minutes stretched into tens, sweat glistening on their powerful bodies. Killer grunted in pleasure as he slammed upwards to the hilt, her swollen, torn sexlips kissing his crotch warmly as his gargantuan cock duelled deep into her body with the reptile's own tower of flesh, pushing hard against it before draw out easily his goliath penis, her juices and a bit of her hot blood streaking down as her vagina clenched over him stronger and stronger, ready to soon achieve an awe-inspiring orgasm as she bucked eagerly against his working hips. Their crotches noisily slapped together over and over as he growled in lust, breathing hard and pistoning himself faster and harder into her, feeling his thick pre leaking into her like a forceful torrent, flooding into her tight, clenching love tunnel, feeling clearly the other massive cock work its way into her as the female shivered in erotic bliss, feeling her climax nearer and nearer as both males worked on her powerfully. He roared in lust, starting to add new power at his movements, tearing his cock deep into her again and again as each backstroke pulled outwards almost painfully her inner walls and lips, each thrust forwards pushing those inwards, tearing and stretching her wide with amazing strength and pace. Zerrex was amazed of how rough the two tigers could go... but even if Killer looked almost busy in fucking a street-whore inside-out, Alexis only lustfully enjoyed the ride, worked against him eagerly and all but asked for more. Even now, even as he assaulted her rear end with the same rough hardness, she was licking it just fine... And that sure was surprising.

Then Alexis broke the kiss, almost falling all over Killer as she wrapped almost violently her strong, toned arms around his neck and leaned her head on his large shoulder, shrieking in total ecstasy as she shut her eyes even narrower, gritting her fangs almost painfully as a mind-blowing orgasm flooded with the strength of a hurricane over her as Killer continued to slam easily her entire body up and down their working, gigantic cocks as his black tower of flesh tore into her deeper and deeper, his force almost brutal as he slammed himself into her to the hilt over and over. His enormous testicles beat a hard tattoo against her firm buttocks, but they weren't alone, that forceful slapping doubled by Zerrex's large ones, sometimes interrupted for a moment as their enormous ballsacks slammed together, each into the other, both males pistoning into her powerfully and vociferously, pummelling her over and over again.

Both males grunted and flexed and growled and roared in lust at the sequence and force of her orgasms as she all but ride them for the next hour. Her vagina clenched like a vice around Killer's pistoning, gargantuan shaft, seeming to almost try pushing it out even if she all but bucked to get more, to fight it as it forcefully invaded her over and over, busy in fighting the duel with the other mighty shaft that rammed her from behind as their pleasure too build up to new heights. Her hot juices flooded down his huge cock, splashing all over his crotch, squelching loudly as their bodies slammed again and again each against the other, streaking down his muscular, slightly bent legs and dripping on the floor as a bit of her blood tinged them of red, only adding to the hungry lust of the huge male as he released a loud roar of primal pleasure, tilting back his head with a grin.

Zerrex grunted loud as her tight anal passage constrict with such force on him, even if he rammed forwards whit his mighty power and muscular strength, hips working forwards restlessly as he speeded up his pistoning, tearing up into her again and again, deeper and stronger, duelling with the furious goliath of flesh that he could feel pummelling her on the other side with incredible might. It was amazing, something never tried before... and evidently Alexis was loving it as well, her strong orgasms following each the other every few minutes as she screamed and cried in erotic bliss, mindless of all the rest as she still bravely bucked against them, even if out of time. She was tight and hot as hell, and the concert of screams, growls, squelching and slaps was something that turned on the three perhaps like never before. He could almost feel every single one of the thick veins of Killer's cock scratch over his own across her battered body, and his testicles beat against his own with amazing strength, weight and heat... he knew that both of their orgasms were rapidly growing. Alexis was a mix of paradise and hell around their cocks, her body burning with heat and squeezing them with amazing strength as her movements and skills pushed them beyond every limit. If they hadn't come already, it was only thanks to their superb and trained control... and to the fact she was literally using her powers to wrap their cocks with powerful ties of force, restraining their orgasms while all but adding even more pleasure to each of their movements.

Alexis felt clearly how close they were to the point of non return and grinned as both males growled, leaning down further over her and amazingly pummelling her even faster, as if their energy had increased instead of drop, working themselves harder against each the other and against her as their ginormous cocks stiffened up rapidly, from their hardness of steel passing to new levels of power, becoming painfully hard as the two males grunted in hot pleasure, Killer now slamming her down their long shafts almost with violence as the heat grew and grew into their girthy, great lengths, veins pulsating and flesh hardening... and she screamed in lust and anticipation, finding the strength still to ride defiantly and indefatigably against them, her muzzle cresting in an expecting, dreaming grin.

And then both males exploded their enormous loads into her, and it was like having two huge cannons firing at high rate directly into her tunnels, as huge spurts of seed ran up her body again and again, filling her up easily as they continued to pummel her body at a hard rhythm, roaring their own lust as they fired their semen into her battered depths, seed leaking abundantly out from her sexlips from where they sealed their kiss on Killer's goliath penis, spurting out on his crotch with amazing strength as he kept tearing deep into her, thick semen puddling on the floor as he continued to deliver load after load. Zerrex, on her other side, worked back filling her up with generosity, seed leaking down out from her as she felt his spurts up into her intestine as they continued to ride her.

When at the last they slowed down and the flood ended, they were still slowly and gently pumping her with their still fully ready and powerful cocks, Killer smiling down at her as he nuzzled her gently, almost to say... "Thank you", since Zerrex was sure he had never doubted, neither for an instant, that Alexis could not manage such a ride. And Alexis indeed licked his cheek gently back, smiling herself, before reach backwards with her arms, wrapping softly around Zerrex's neck as she tilted her head playfully backwards, looking up at him even if turned upside-down, grinning teasingly as she licked her lips softly.

"Good, good boys..." She said playfully, her voice low and weak but not as he would have expected... she was still full of energy, seductive, and full of desire, and as she talked, her eyes burned with new lust as she regained all her might, no longer looking sexually tired or weakened at all as she launched her new challenge. "But the queen deserves more, I guess. Why now the two big, strong knights don't exchange the corners and have a second round...?"

They spent long, busy time in the barracks, and as forecasted Cherry ended up wearing out most of the First Predators Company, while Alexis enjoyed the company of the two huge males again and again, showing to have an incredible resistance and stamina as well as mostly anything else. They also spent some time joining a short patrol simulation of a section of the second Predators Company, and had the chance to try personally some of the new digital and satcomms gear as well as a powerful jeep WMKRV. Killer had then so much insisted to have the two Drakkaren as guests that at the end Zerrex and Cherry had accepted the offer and the huge apartments in the west wing of the palace, near to the royal ones.

That evening, during the dinner at the palace, Zerrex had the chance to get to know better Siegfried, who looked very tired, while Cherry was still cheerfully harassing numerous males, from Zerrex to Killer to some of the muscular soldiers on duty in the castle... and the reptile got to know also some of the females of which Killer had often talked about, even Serene, the young and seductive panther that he had chosen as minister. And later that night the couples separated to their apartments, and even if Killer had gently offered a good number of females to Zerrex to serve him and Cherry, and in every possible way, he decided that he had had enough... and that having Cherry harassing him continuously was already more than enough for that night.

Killer instead took care of his "institutional duties" of king for some other hours, receiving numerous females in his apartments apart from Alexis that, the reptile was sure, wasn't tamed, just as Cherry... and Zerrex was left amusedly thinking that the liger was likely the only one that could beat him for perverseness and sexual hunger... and that Alexis hadn't lied about his stamina and his leonine capabilities.

The morning, Zerrex woke up early as always, sliding silently and carefully away from the hold of Cherry, that was still snoring quietly, sleeping in an impossible position in a bag of sheets, and after getting dressed he walked out from the apartments to have a walk along the luxurious corridors and find out some more of the palace before breakfast, and he walked in front of the huge double doors of massive, chiselled dark wood that were the access to Killer's apartments... and was left staring as a tall orange tigress that he had know the night before as Nike walked out of them, barely dressed in a mostly transparent kimono and holding the pieces of her bikini in a hand as she looked cheerfully satisfied, licking her lips and fingers still covered in unmistakeable sticky gel.

This guy isn't normal... Zerrex thought amusedly, watching after the tiger as she left in the other direction along the corridor with her elegant and seductive pace, giving him an enticing look of interest from over hers shoulder. He was just thinking that maybe he could have the same kind of good morning that his liger-friend had had when he saw Siegfried holding some fascicules in his hands running towards his brother's apartments.

"Somethin' bad happening...?" The reptile asked when the tiger come nearby, knocking immediately on the massive door. Siegfried looked up to his side at that, meeting the glance of the slightly taller, muscular reptile. "Good morning Zerrex. Well, let me say that the king will not be too pleased of this..."

"Not too pleased of what, exactly, bro...?" Killer asked gently, opening the door and standing on the threshold only in a pair of black, crammed boxers, Alexis leaning slightly against his side and toying idly with her fingers twirled in his mane, wearing a simple kimono. "Good morning, Zer..." She said gently, smiling to him before Killer too turned slightly to see the huge Drakkaren standing in the corridor. "Good morning, Zerrex. Come inside, if you want... but seems I'll have to deal with some sort of problem."

"It seems it's not such a good morning for you... but I'm here to help out however I can." The muscular Drakkaren answered quietly, stepping inside after Siegfried as the two sovereigns walked towards the bed. And gods, it wasn't a normal bed...

It was huge, to start... a square-sized bed that could surely welcome the huge male liger and whatever company he wanted. It had the shape almost of a boat, with the bow that faced the door, rising truly like the front of a ship until change its shape in a decorative, sculptured spike of rock from where an unevolved tiger and lion of marble were jumping in an attack, side to side, anterior paws already risen and claws extended, their terrible fangs opened in a roar and their eyes focused on their target. The entire structure of the bed was made of marble, included the tall chiselled pillars that sustained the soft, fine curtains of red silk that hided and protected the large, comfortable bed. Across the curtains, Zerrex could outline a forest of large pillows... and the curving silhouettes of two or three other females quietly asleep. On both sides of the bed, coming down from the tall, dome-ceiling, were the standards of Kesteven and Kendrew.

The room itself was circular and had just a huge cupboard of chiselled wood, two beside tables of the same style and a circular table with some comfortable armchairs placed on a carpet near a huge fireplace on the wall at the right of the door... while most of the left wall was a huge, arched triple window with slender pillars, opened on a balcony with a wonderful view of the park and the town. The slight breeze of the morning was just moving the soft curtains... and all in the room suggested peace, apart from the huge, crimson Wyvern and the belt of the male liger with the other two swords on the right bedside table... and the SMG9, the special sword "Blue Vixen" and the holsters with the multi-barrelled magnums of Alexis on the other.

They walked towards the Kendrew standard just in front of them, and Killer, who leaded the way, moved it away and pushed a hidden door mostly invisible in the wall... and they emerged in his personal office, the room at the end of the weapon's corridor that they hadn't visited the first time. Even this room was largely filled up with display cases of ancient weapons, bullets and models of tanks and aircrafts... and a huge model of an aircraft carrier that was at least seven feet long rested on top of a drawer against the wall in front of them.

Killer slipped behind the huge wooden desk and sat down into the throne-sized and shaped armchair, Alexis seating in his lap and wrapping an arm around his neck gently as Zerrex and Siegfried sat down into two of the four seats in front of them. "So. Explain what's on today." The huge liger said in a tone almost bored, suggesting that he was more than used to such events.

Siegfried coughed a bit, then produced a large, high definition black and white image. "As you know, 72 hours ago we first had the first weird lecture of our recon satellite over the Chattam fortress, a few miles into the kingdom of Brunei, at our south-eastern border. Our analysis confirm that the entire complex is actually in the hands of a numerous and well equipped group of action of the New World Order Army. We have to suppose that the govern of Brunei continues to deny just to defend its prestige and not have to admit that he managed to lose such strategic position for its unmatched incompetence. Because otherwise, we have to assume that it is actively helping and supporting the terrorists of the NWOA." Siegfried explained flatly, and even if Zerrex missed to understand fully several passages, it wasn't hard to understand the general meaning and the troubles it meant. Anyhow, likely catching sight of his doubts, Killer rose a hand to politely interrupt Siegfried and turned towards the reptile with a slight smile.

"Do you have knowledge of what is the NWOA, Zer...?" The liger asked quietly, looking curious. But Zerrex shook his head a bit. "Not very much. I heard many a time of it, but I've never been into the Northlands or any of the surrounding territory. The most I ever heard about it was from Vampire, since he grew up near the border of Northern Ire on a military base."

"I can remedy to this... You have know that the Northlands are divided in numerous kingdoms ruled by packs of tigers... and this lasts from centuries, from the last battles of my race against the arctic wolves for the possession of these lands, and the great victory up in Syrane, on the arctic pack. Obviously, anyhow, even most of the races that supported us against the wolves, soon were tired of the tigers, too... mostly because most of the first kings shown absolutely no respect, gratitude or care, establishing a type of domination absolute and brutal that represented no progress from what the wolves had done. This goes on even now in most of the Northlands, you know... You either are a tiger, or you are just shit. And believe me when I say I'm proud of the fact that Kesteven has always been tolerant and respectful, instead... I guess it's pretty obvious, too, since me myself, thanks to that equality, have blood of dragon and lion in me, so that I'm a... weird mix that the term liger doesn't explains fully. And I'm also proud of the fact that I can say I always ruled my territory with the same metre of tolerance and, I hope, justice... And in fact, as you have seen, I'm in a very good relationship with all the races here, and I have Serene to represent them all to me." Killer paused, giving Zerrex a look with a question in his eyes... and Zerrex nodded easily in understanding.

"Well. Now, as always in history, oppression causes hate and wishes of rebellion... and years ago a series of powerful leaders and rich exponents of most races, from the Northlands and from the rest of the world, established a collaboration to start a war and change the situation. Was born the New World Order Army... and I admit that the Huxley family at the start placed even a certain sympathy in the new group. Our overture towards everyone had always been seen as a crime by the others tiger's royal families, Glacial's one excluded..." Killer gently kissed Alexis on the cheek and she smiled before kiss him back warmly.

"It is the major reason because Kesteven was daily in war with the kingdoms nearby... we had always been a bulwark for all the races against the intolerance and the useless brutality. My family was convinced that the NWOA would have recognized that and never touched Kesteven... someone had even the hope that the two opposites could find the way for a stable peace, in a way or another, with the collaboration between the superpower of Kesteven and the new para-military organization. And for some time, it seemed that this prophecy was destined to become solid reality. The NWOA started with some successes. Mostly with terrorist attacks, they managed to bring the fear into numerous tiger's kingdoms... once or twice, they managed to eventually kill a royal family and establish a republic. Most of the time, those republics changed the situation like in a mirror, meaning that the discrimination was shifted on tigers... But soon or later, the NWOA commanders would fix the situation to a balance. Anyway, every one of these republics lived shortly, just to be crushed soon by a violent reaction of the other kingdoms of tigers. The NWOA was about to ask for negotiations with Kesteven, and we thought peace was possible, maybe even close... And then, a commando of tigers from Alfaya managed to find out about the major officers of the NWOA and especially about the major financer of the organization, the multi-billionaire Rex Rockland... and they killed them all during a meeting of the organization in Sarawak."

Zerrex nodded in understanding, shifting a bit on the chair and folding his arms. "I remember the homicide case of Rockland and all those people. All found dead with their throats torn apart, right? It was a clean work, without noise. I never knew about the executors, though... and the news reported it as a mafia killing, I remember, since it looked almost like they were garrotted."

"In the Northlands is notorious. The Raja family has always publicized a lot his successes." Alexis observed calmly. "And that was a rather big one, of all things. Raja governs the kingdom of Anubia, one of the most intolerant and discriminative and oppressive kingdoms... and makes his greatest glory of that successful and bloody raid." She added, her voice going cold.

"After that, things changed radically. The NWOA remained silent for a pair of years... and we all were by now convinced that it was only a memory of the past. But in reality it was just gaining new strength after its new birth. Much more cruel, skilled and well equipped, wrapped in a curtain of secret that still we don't manage to pierce entirely, it attacked again... and this time, Kesteven was in the sight. They assaulted and occupied a school... and without wait, they blown up themselves, killing almost everyone inside and reducing to ruins most of the palace. Other ten terrorists, instead, reached strategic positions around the zone of the attack all along the streets of the block... and fired over the rescue teams, keeping them away as long as possible and adding other victims to the count as poor wounded cubs and young teachers died of horrible agonies. In the meanwhile, they kept clearly announcing that they were the crusaders of the NWOA, until the Predators killed them one after the other and managed to open the road for the rescue teams, sending there even armoured ambulances to overcome the terrorists. We were astonished... and disbelieving. But the NWOA never contested that demanding, instead confirming it proudly every time... and preparing other attacks, some of them successful. In those years of chaos and fear, my career of soldier had shortly begun... and I fought always, with all myself, against the NWOA, first as soldier of the parachute regiment, soon as general and Predator... passing across the covered missions, the aimed kills of heads and financers up to the major battles, up to the Wycherley's one... and I still do it, because the NWOA still lives and threats Kesteven, me, and all the persons and things I care of. I never understood why... but they now see Kesteven as symbol and centre of the tiger's power. And they are apparently convinced that if they destroy Kesteven, the days of the tigers will be over."

"Thanks for the explanation. It makes things a lot clearer... sorry for the time I've stolen from the briefing, though." Zerrex said gently, smiling in understanding... and Killer just smiled back with a fast gesture of his hand to say that it was ok before nod to Siegfried to make him proceed.

The tiger started his report from where it had been stopped, professionally carrying on like nothing had happened... And Zerrex smiled a bit as he saw that Killer was right about his little bro. Siegfried was cold and professional and formal in everything he did. "The satellite also apparently reported sign of something flying at over Mach 3, to our great surprise and scepticism. But the last investigations prove that it wasn't an error of the satellite. We picked up the signs again and again... and a recent flight of our manned Typhoons for Reconnaissance gave us the last proof."Siegfried bent down a bit on the voluminous fascicle in his hands and rapidly produced another black and white pic of extremely high definition and much more clear. It was, as the satellite's one, made by a thermal-IR camera, but not from the top... as all the modern systems of aerial reconnaissance, the one mounted on the Typhoon had to be a lateral scanning one, Zerrex thought... and a rapid glance on the left, low corner of the white frame of the pic confirmed that it had been took from about 100 kilometres of distance that night. It was a normal procedure... but the recon system had to be tip-top of the last generation, because the quality was truly amazing. Zerrex could outline everything bigger than the two meters perfectly... and even the smallest details were still amazing.

Also Killer and Alexis leaned on the image, studying the photo of the vertical, rocky side of a tall mountain and a tight plateau, almost a flat, perfect step into the slope... so much that it looked artificial. On the extreme right of the image, Zerrex could see clearly a line of four of what looked like naval-gun turrets, placed side to side and with their long bores aimed skywards at forty-five degrees. In the background of there, a huge, square-based fortress with square bulwarks at each corner, surmounted each by what looked like a CIWS multi-barrelled gun system... around the fortress were also parked several vehicles, mostly jeep and pick-ups with machine guns, but also four tanks were visible. Then a turreted wall separated the plateau in two zones, and there was what looked like a small STOVL-dedicated airport, whit a skyway stretched out in the nothingness from the side of the mountain, coupled with another CIWS on a small, dedicated balcony and three huge, armoured doors of hangars opened into the rock, with an isolated, high control tower and a façade of armoured concrete always into the wall of rock, likely a bunkerized garrison. Then, at the extreme left of the image and at the end of the plateau, another wall with high turrets of surveillance protected the only access... a frightening, hanging bridge of likely 200 meters on the nothingness. To complete that all, on the top of the mountain was a square, gloomy bunker of concrete with on top a huge, flat radar array.

But the true detail was another... a big fighter plane was slowly landing vertically on the short runway, in front of an open hangar and under the glances of a little crowd visible all around.

"And so it exists..." Killer said quietly, leaning back into the chair as he kept a hand over the picture and slowly tapped with a clawed finger on the image of the plane.

"In fact. We were convinced that the NWOA hadn't the money nor the know how to realize such a project... but here it is the prototype, instead. And it's already flying, landing vertically... and we know for sure that's invisible to the radars and that it can overcome mach 3 easily." Siegfried observed, producing another image, an enlargement of the detail of the plane, that now had touched down and was slowly rolling towards its untouchable, bunkerized hangar into the mountain.

"Mach 3...? That's ridiculous... and stealth, too...?" Zerrex asked, looking up from the image of the aggressive, slender machine with the two distanced engines, the canard anterior control surfaces and the taillerons on the rear, with the two rudders inclined outwards on the tail and the large, two-man cockpit.

"They call it Panther... we named it X57. It's long time that we hear voices about it... but it seemed a project way too ambitious, especially for a terrorist formation, even if rich and powerful. We believe that this plane is a two-seats fighter-bomber with an internal payload of weapons that's likely around the 15 tons... much more than even the 9 of our Typhoons. Despite this, its incredible engines develop so much power to lift it at full load with a very short run of take off... and they give it vertical landing capacity and the capability to take off vertically at reduced payload. It's also capable of a supercruise without afterburners of mach 2.8, when the Typhoon reach only mach 2.2 in full afterburn... and its maximum speed is claimed to be nearer to mach 4 than to 3. Even if we don't have confirm about all these facts, it is a new, unmatched champion of air warfare... and it is in the hands of our enemy, which doesn't makes me happy. Stealth and fast as it is, a wing of those could violate every air space of the world... and bomb to ruins every target they want to. And it's not something I can permit." Killer answered calmly, but his eyes cold and focused already roving over the image of the base.

"What you suggest, then...? To bomb down the Chattam fortress? To ambush the plane at the next test-flight? What's the plan?" Siegfried asked flatly, leaning back in the chair and folding his arms.

"I have an idea... but first I want you to explain all what we know of the situation and operational environment." Killer said back, leaning back into his chair and pressing a button on the desk. One of the large wooden panels that covered the wall at their left slid away, revealing a huge flat screen, and all turned towards it to watch as a 3D digital image of the fortress come into sight. Zerrex looked over it thoughtfully... he could see a forest and a glacier covered of snow on the top of the mountain, on the right side of it, with the radar station on the top, far corner... then there was the vertical, rocky step that descended to the plateau where the structure was and that had the three hangar's doors and the bunker-garrison dug in its front.

"The Chattam fortress is one of the strategic point of defence of the kingdom of Brunei, and it's placed on the tallest mountain of the valley at the border with Kesteven. We are talking of a 7000 metres plus mountain, all-day long tortured by icy winds and often by snow storms. This is especially true for the glacier of Siva on top, on the side that watches towards the Brunei. On the small plateau, that looks towards Kendrew instead, climate is less rigid, because the wind is mostly cut off by the top of the mountain. The glacier is believed to be absolutely off-limits and an impossible environment for any sort of soldier or vehicle, so it isn't supervised by anything apart trees and ice. Anyhow, near the slope that descends towards the plateau with the base there's a road of patrol that at the two extremes has the radar station, with a detecting range of about 400 kilometres for aerial threats, and a small bunker/observing post at the other side, that guards over the only ground access to the base: a frightening, one-lane hanging bridge that connects to the road on the other mountain nearby. The patrol road is connected to the base with a steep road and stairs that come down to the airport. It is all lighted up like a Christmas tree by lights, and for major security there's a fence of razor-wire facing the glacier. We believe it's electrified. Capabilities. The fortress itself is literally built around a vertical silos with 128 tubes for vertical launch missiles for Air Area Defence and cruise Land Attack missiles with a range of about 100 and 1500 kilometres each. Four large launch tubes in the middle are capable of intercontinental ballistic missiles ICBM, possibly with multiple nuclear warheads, even if we know for sure that Brunei doesn't has nuclear capability and uses only 8 GPS guided, 500 kilos HE bombs on each of those. The close defence is ensured by five CIWSs plants with Vulcan guns, four on top of the fortress and one near the sky jump. Near the fortress has been built an underground, bunkerized structure that hosts four naval gun turrets with fully automated, long range and high rate of fire 280 mm guns capable to hit with extended range, GPS guided shells mostly everything on the roads of the valleys around for a good 150 kilometres. The base around the fortress is separated in two zones by a wall with turrets for machine guns and snipers. Zone 1 contains a parking for vehicles and tanks and the fortress itself... Zone 2 is the airport. This consists of a runway with skyjump and barriers for arrested landing like on an aircraft carrier, and a completely bunkerized, underground structure based on three large hangars, fuel reserves, ammo depots and dedicates zones for the pilots. Actual strength and composition of the air wing based there, unknown. There's also a bunkerized garrison... number of soldiers and equipment unknown. We have knowledge of a squadron of four tanks deployed there, plus a dozen of jeeps and pick-up armed with machine guns. Perimeter defence. The bridge of access arrives to an armoured door into a tall wall of concrete with turrets with projectors, snipers and machine guns, so they can literally close a enemy out of the base and destroy it in various ways... we suspect that the bridge itself is mined and ready to be blown up if needed. The second, internal wall of separation is identical... and even the side of the glacier is isolated by the razor wire, the current, the winds, the fucking four meters of fresh snow, the ice, the lights and the patrols and all the rest. Presence of thermal scanners not confirmed, but believed very probable." Siegfried paused, giving them all a glance to see their reactions and verify that all was clear. Killer nodded to him quietly and he nodded.

"If this all sounds already nasty enough... Enemy presence in the area. Consistence of the garrison of the base, unknown but believed very high. There is also a large command-staff, at least 50-60 scientists and engineers linked to the plane, civilian or nearly-civilian personnel, some teams of pilot and a large number of men of the aviation personnel. Besides, down in the valley at about 20 kilometres of distance is based a brigade-sized group of terrorists of the NWOA with a large fleet of vehicles and tanks. Time of reaction... 30 minutes from the alarm to reach the fortress and join the fight. And there's no hope to use Electronic Counter-Measures or something to cut their communications... every building of the fortress dialogue with the others thanks to an underground, optic fibre isolated channel. Same with this camp... the only way would be cut literally the cables."

"How the hell did they manage to lose the control of such base to a group of terrorists... and why haven't they counterattacked, at least against the camp in the valley? It's ridiculous. They have to either be or allied in this, or extremely stupid." Zerrex observed flatly, and Killer nodded silently. Alexis instead turned towards the large lizard male to explain.

"In fact, we actually believe they agree on the same plan, as already happened in the past with other kingdoms that helped secretly even the NWOA in order to damage Kesteven. The most extreme application of ‘the enemy of my enemy, is my friend', I guess you could say." The blond colonel explained calmly, looking cold and focused on the problem and very professional, even if she was wearing just a kimono and sitting at legs primly crossed in the lap of a mostly naked, huge and muscular male liger of whom she was wrapping the large waist gently in her arms. All together, an image to behold.

"And this leads directly to the worst part of the briefing. Political matters." Siegfried said flatly, crossing his muscular arms with a look of distaste. "Brunei isn't trustable. It hates us, and it's not a secret. Besides, it still keeps saying that the Chattam fortress is still under their full control, despite the evidence of the contrary. And it continues to even deny the existence of a camp with a brigade of terrorists of the NWOA in its territory at just 180 kilometres from our border. Worst of all, it keeps threatening us of vengeance if we invade again their air space for any reason, and they already regularly try to intercept our flights of recon. We offered our help and knowledge to regain for them the fortress, but they cut every contact. We can't forecast their possible reactions to our attempts to assault the fortress or bomb it or whatever... we already deployed on the border four full brigades, in any case." He paused, then looked up to his older bro with curiosity- "So. Everyone keeps saying that Chattam is unassailable... I want really to know how you plan to proceed this time around to surprise us." Siegfried concluded, leaning backwards into his chair with a grin over his joined palms as he waited for the plan.

"Me too." Zerrex added with amused voice. "I'd like to help you out, too... me and Cherry owe you quite a bit, after all."

Killer looked amused at that, smiling as he rested back a bit more in the chair, Alexis too looking touched and not surprised. "You know, my biggest fear was to have something like this happening with you here... because I knew I was gonna hear a proposal like this." Killer said gently. "You and Cherry would be a great help... but I don't want you two to sink in my sticky problems. And especially I'd not like to have to go to Cindy and your young daughter and say that I brought you two to die on a fucking, icy mountain when you come to me for a friendly visit."

"Like hell. It's not that easy to kill me... and I want to show that I can be useful at least a little even here in the Northlands, even surrounded by giants with way more military knowhow than me. You know that Cherry and I like to play rough anyway, after all." Zerrex said with a grin, making Killer smile.

"I bet on it. But this is not your war, and I understand that you could even feel more sympathy for the NWOA than for us, so... think on it." Killer proposed quietly, giving a slight smile.

"Oh, what the hell. Like I can feel any sympathy for terrorists who blown up a school just to ask for attention... and I don't like most people anyway, you know." Zerrex answered playfully... and Killer nodded. "Well then. Happy to have two warriors like you in the team. And thanks for the confidence..." Killer said playfully, grinning a bit. "Chattam is indeed a great fortress... but I think I have the right idea to take it." He paused and grinned widely, leaning backwards a bit. "With eight men." He concluded with a smile.

"Eight. Men." Siegfried observed with playful disbelief. "What else, before breakfast...?"

"Before breakfast, nothing more. I have some appetite, right now..." Killer said amusedly as they all chuckled a bit and he reached down to press a button on the interphone on the desk. "Nike, I guess I'll have my breakfast here, today. Would you like to bring me full breakfast for five?"

"Of course, your highness."

"Thank you." Killer closed the communication and looked up with a smile. "Siegfried, i'd like you to go in and wake up Cherry and bring her here... I want to explain my plan at hers presence, too. And call on the video-conference line also Talon, Maverick and Ken, please."

Siegfried nodded and stood up rapidly, even if looking a bit worried of the task that he had received, and started immediately towards the secret door, but Zerrex politely reached up to stop him.

"About Cherry... um. Try poking her with a long stick or throw her something and stay a good distance away, if you don't want her to harass you. She's dangerous even in the morning." He said with a slight smile as Siegfried turned back.

"Indeed, I had no doubts, after yesterday. But I'll keep that in mind, Zerrex." He nodded with a slight smile.

Later on, they were again all in Killer's office, the huge liger now fully dressed to at least limit dangerous approaches from the muscular female Drakkaren that had come fully dressed with jeans and tight belly shirt but all but hugging Siegfried teasingly as he carried her in his arms, terribly embarrassed. Alexis too was now dressed in her full uniform, the red beret resting on her lap as she sat down at legs primly crossed in the small file of chairs prepared by some females for the briefing where also Zerrex, Cherry and Siegfried were, waiting for Killer to explain as they finished the rich breakfast that Nike and a small team of barely dressed females in g-strings had brought. And Zerrex didn't doubt that the normal breakfast of Killer was inclusive also of these beautiful maids. Four men of the intelligence and logistic team were busy on several notebooks to prepare maps, images and info for them all... and ready to take notes about the definitive plan to make up copies for each man involved. Talon, Maverick and Ken soon appeared in small windows on the flat screen as well, ready to take part into the briefing from their current positions in two different military facilities in the kingdom, and Zerrex and Cherry were very surprised to see that Maverick wasn't a tiger, but a cheetah.

"Some presentations, first of all, seem appropriate. Richard West, nickname Talon." Killer said gently, pointing to the screen where Zerrex could see the handsome features of a young orange tiger with a short mane of white fur as hair. "Talon, these are Zerrex Narrius, codename Ravenlight, and Cherry Blossom."

"Nice to meet you. I don't know too many lizards, myself. It's quite a novelty." The tiger said amusedly, waving a hand from the screen in a fast, gentle gesture. Zerrex and Cherry nodded quietly, smiling to the screen. "Pleasure is mine."

"Talon is our better fighters pilot... and yes, to answer to your question, he is my son. Not of me and Alexis, but mine and of a girl named Joy." Killer added as he intercepted a questioning glance from Cherry, guessing the question before she could actually place it. She nodded with an amused grin up to the huge liger, leaning back again in the chair with an absolutely not-trustable glance of hers. Killer hid a laughter with a soft snort at that, rolling his eyes upwards a bit and trying to recover the string of the conversation. "And he is David Harrow, or better Maverick, and he's our better Weapon System Officer, or shortly WSO. They both have also Predator's training."

The cheetah smiled from his screen with a gentle salute and then Killer pointed at the last window on the screen with an amused smile cresting his features. "And this guy here is Ken Gatling, our better sniper... after Alexis." Killer said amusedly.

"Oh, yeah... you never lack to remind me of that. Thank you, truly gentle of you, really. Put the case I forget it, huh...?" The orange tiger exclaimed playfully, before greet the two Drakkaren kindly.

"Ok, now, if for you all it's ok, i'd now explain my idea." Killer said gently, looking over all of them as he walked quietly towards the screen where still the image of the fortress was on. He waited a moment to see if anyone had something to say, then nodded and restarted. "I want you all to make your suggestions freely... a plan can always be made better by new ideas and minds working on it, and I want you all to be as comfortable with it as much as possible. You all have been briefed about the target... and I plan to take the Chattam fortress with a squad of eight elements, separated in two teams. I thought to codenames Alpha and Beta, simple, linear and fast, to use on the radio... Alpha will be formed up by me, Alexis, Cherry and Zerrex. Beta will include Siegfried, Talon, Maverick and Ken." Killer paused for a moment, letting his words reach everyone in the room and waiting for a possible objection, but everyone nodded as the four REMFs continued to type on their computers.

"The only way to infiltrate successfully the Chattam fortress is from the sky, in my opinion. We'll use a squadron of four of ours Ghost stealth bombers... one will be modified with the habitable module for special mission in one of its weapons bay, and we'll fly there. In the other bay, the plane will hold a parachutable container with the heavier and bulkier equipment for the mission. Radio callcode, Ghost 1. Ghost 2 will instead fly with a weapon bay filled with 8 Stealth Cruise Land Attack Missiles Deadly Shadow and the other filled up with 16 Submunitions dispensers SB21. Ghost 3 and 4 will instead have only 8 Paveways each... but only for the emergencies. Their task will be tow each a stealth transport glider full of 3 sections of Predators and a SPEAR MTRV 500 vehicle and wait for our signal in a loitering circuit at safe distance from the fortress. Equipment of the soldiers. Essential. Weapon, grenade, sword and knife, Osprey tactical combat vest, helmet-visor, integrated Communications unit, handheld and, in my case, the Command Board. In the container we'll have two Javelin Common Designation Units and a good number of missiles, plus Wyvern and, possibly, Blackheart if you want Zer,,,"

"Of course." The reptile observed quietly.

"... plus two assault-rope gravel-guns." Killer continued, again pausing to look if there was someone who wanted to say something.

"Execution of the attack. The bombers will fly from the base of Flyngdales, to the north of here, down to the border with Brunei with the escort of two wings of Typhoon fighters and three KC400 air tankers for air refuelling. These aren't stealth, so they'll remain into the Kendrew's air space, while Ghost 1 and 2 will go ahead and invade the air space flying at about 15.000 meters. When over the glacier, we'll jump down. High Altitude, Low Opening, to avoid radar detection, so we'll have to carry a full system of respiration with oxygen bottle, cause the rarity of air at such height. We'll dive in free fall until our visor will signal the height of 100 meters from the ground, so to avoid any possibility of serious, extended radar detection that could be extremely dangerous... the overture of the parachute will be like a slash, so be ready to it. The container with the material will do the same thing automatically and descend towards a precise point with GPS autoguide. We already tested the method many a time, the maximum circular error probability is of about 10 meters so it should be easy to do things well. We'll have very good chances to avoid detection and... what?" Killer paused, looking with a question to Cherry as she made a grimace.

"Parachute?" She asked with almost tangible distaste and disapprobation. Killer coughed embarrassedly in a fist, looking at that with slight surprise. "I was guessing that it was something used by the Goth Legion, too..." Killer said quietly.

"Well, yes... we were trained to use the parachute... but then we never or almost never used that bullshit. Possible that there isn't another way?" Cherry answered, shifting a bit in her chair as she moved to cross her legs in the other direction. Alexis, from the side, snorted loud and turned slightly away, folding her arms. "If you fear it, you can still remain behind and wait while the real warriors get it done."

"Fuck you, bitch. I fear nothing." Cherry answered flatly, giving her a death glare. "I'd much rather just run in, kick down the door and proceed to beat the shit out of everyone, though..."

Zerrex snorted, rolling his eyes upwards before turn towards her and open the fascicle of images that she hadn't touched and was still lying in her lap. The first image was a photo of the mountain and the base from the sky, with the frightening, narrow hanging bridge in evidence. He roughly pushed her nose against the image and asked dryly. "Look. How the hell do you think even you can reach the door before they set you on fire?"

She struggled against him, howling irritably loud curses until he let her go and passed a hand in his long hair to brush them off his eyes... and Killer coughed to gain again the attention. "I'd like to do that myself, Cherry... but I need to know another good way to reach the base without being used as target for missiles, rifles, guns, rockets and all the arsenal. The other alternative that I can see is free climbing over the mountain... but I prefer by far the parachute, sincerely, because that would be... seriously high level trekking, and on a very noticeable stretch of vertical cliff."

"Ugh. I guess we'll go for the motherfucking parachute, then..." Cherry snorted, folding her muscular arms and looking grudgingly to Zerrex.

"Thanks. Ghost 2, meanwhile, will launch its cruise missiles over the camp of the NWOA in the valley... the missiles are stealth and fast, and they'll hit precious targets in the camp and cause the alarm. The time is calculated with precision. They'll have just the time to exit from their shelters and Ghost 2 will be in position to drop the submunitions and water all the zone. At that point, that garrison will not be able to defend itself, surely not the fortress. Besides, if we are very lucky, one of the survivors will panic and ask for helps and reinforces to the fortress... and the number of enemies to face up there could drop. But this is, I repeat, the more optimistic possibility. On the ground, team Alpha and Beta will move to recover the equipment and pierce their way into the perimeter, and then they'll separate. Beta will go towards south to take silently possession of the observing post at the first extremity of the patrol road, Alpha will instead attack the radar station at the other and put it out of service. After reaching those results, Beta will assume a good position of fire on top of the stairs to keep under control the airport and the garrison and stop with its fire any possible attempt of counterattack or threat of any sort. Alpha, instead, will destroy the CIWSs and gain the roof of the fortress with the assault ropes, invading then the entire building, putting out of service the missile plant, eliminate every resistance and search to find useful info or precious targets. As secondary target, I want to take a good number of prisoners to question later to gain info about the NWOA. After this, Alpha will have to join again Beta and complete the occupation of the airport and establish a perimeter of defence while Talon and Maverick take possession of the X57 plane and bring it away. I want it intact... we'll all protect you two as you prepare your flight and we'll defend your take off. Then, you'll fly towards the meeting point, where the Typhoons will take on the role of escort you at home at Flyngdales."

"All clear. It shouldn't be too hard, even if I'll maybe need some moments to figure out all the commands of the plane. It depends on how different it is from our own kind of instrumentations... Anyway, I can do it." Talon said with a quiet nod, Maverick nodding himself as he folded his arms and leaned back in the chair, closing his eyes in approbation.

"At this point, we'll defend the runway and call in Ghost 3 and 4, that will violate the air space of Brunei and release the gliders with the reinforces for the occupation of the base. As always, who dares wins." Killer stopped his explanation, clapping his hands together slightly and looking over them. "These are the general lines I thought for the operation. Obviously, a lot could change when we'll be on the ground, depending on the situations that might arise... anyone has any suggestions to make?"

That afternoon, the plan of Killer was ready and finished, and the REMFs had already prepared and distributed to each of the men involved a detailed little manual on it, with all the images available of the base, a map with the moves that Killer had shown and even all the images and info about the plane itself.

Zerrex was studying his own, amusedly going over that way of fight a battle all characteristic of Killer... after all, some of the phrases in frames on the walls of his office told everything about his way to do his work of leader and general. Zerrex had particularly liked the one that said "a battle is made of manoeuvres and massacres. A general is as greater as much he uses manoeuvres and less claims massacres"... something that told a lot about the sense of responsibility that the liger had for his men. Cherry, of course, had said it was only bullshit... but Zerrex had found that interesting and reassuring. A vision of the war much different from the ones he had seen in his career as soldier.

He had also chuckled a bit at the cover of the little manual with the instructions, which reported red writings like "For your eyes only" and "Be sure to know only what you have to. Less you know, less you can say." But he had also noticed how the Predators had that as absolute belief... no one of them ever leaved a manual or an order exposed, neither to the sight of the comrades. And even if they were united as brothers, in their discussion there were never words about their next missions. It was a measure to save themselves and the possibility of success of their different missions... and talking with some of the black-uniformed bulky tigers whit the red beret, Zerrex had discovered more about them and the risk they daily ran... and discovered also that one of their major rules was about... "If you are surrounded, escape, but if you are arrested, shut up."

The mission was planned for that night and they were again in the training zone, because Killer wanted to face with them a short exercitation to let them familiarize a bit with weapons, technologies and tactics of the Predators before charge on the battlefield. The liger was also very worried about the HALO launch... because both of the reptiles hadn't used the parachute in forever, but there wasn't enough time to organize a test, and so the huge male tiger had gone on a short lesson about the basics with both Drakkaren. Zerrex had to admit he felt rather unnerved about it, but he was ready enough to face it in any case. It wasn't that hard to do, even if the days of the training were so far... and well, it asked cold blood, but it was something he surely didn't lack. Cherry, instead, was just as cocky and supremely self confident as always, even if she would have likely preferred a faster and more aggressive approach. Zerrex knew that she was still thinking they should just attack running along the bridge... but it was part of her aggressive and dominant nature. She was calmly leaning against the empty barrel he was sat on, hands behind her head and eyes closed in relax, her manual just sunk into a pocket, obviously thought useless.

"We can give an eye to the equipment we'll use this night and then have a bit of exercise and fun at the Killing House, if you want." Killer said cheerfully, walking towards them holding in his hands different instruments as Alexis brought the rest.

"Killing House...?" Cherry asked amusedly, seeming suddenly interested as she opened her eyes and looked up to the huge liger.

"Yes, but it's not the building full of creepy sexual games and persons to kill and poor males to torture that you are imagining right now." Alexis observed with almost bored voice. "We call so an old palace that we restructured and equipped with systems and targets for the advanced trainings with live-ammunitions of the Predators for anti-terrorism duties." She explained idly, elegantly going down to stay on her knees, placing the gear she had in her hands in front of her. It was clearly a tactical combat vest, which she arranged on the short grass like if it was being worn by someone.

Killer coughed slightly into one of his large fists, trading a sly glance with Alexis and stepping forwards a bit to poke slightly at the armoured jacket on the floor with a clawed toe. "This is the last model of the Osprey Tactical Combat Vest in use in our army. It is a modular vest... the soldiers, for example, wear it over shirts with reinforces in Kevlar anti-stab wound, and its level of protection can be changed easily with the addition of modules to better face the threats of the possible environments to face. The basic jacket is made up by two layers of Kevlar 49 and Twaron, synthetic fibres at extremely high resistance and flexibility and lightness, plaited together in multiple layers on multiple senses. Between these two layers, there's a dragon skin-like layer made up of small scales of ballistic ceramics and high performance polyethylene known as Dyneema or Spectra, that sliding one over the other add extreme flexibility to incredible resistance. The jacket itself is complete of an internal temperature-conditioning system, with two small reserves of cooling and heating liquids in a special pocket on the left side... there's a small circulation system inside the entire jacket. There's also a wireless architecture that will automatically interact with the rest of the equipment, supplying a direct line to all of them to present the data on the tactical visor in automatic. Wires so are used just as backup. The jacket is also ready to be fitted with additional protection: a breast protection can be strapped on and there are several pockets all over the vest to add in ballistic plates of increasing thickness, plus a collar, shoulder-armors, plates for the hips, the groin and the lower back, all with straps already available to add all the pockets, holsters and whatnot that a soldier wants." Killer stopped, making a bit of a face as he observed the reaction of the two lizards... Cherry was unfazed, still lying in the same position at eyes closed and legs crossed, a booted foot dangling slightly in the air... something that made Killer grudge a bit, despite the friendship and the awareness that she was made so. He wasn't used to being ignored... and anyone else would have paid such insolence at a very high price. Zerrex, on the other hand, looked interested in such progress of the armors... but he also looked quite neutral. "Neat but... what's your point?" He asked quietly, looking up to the huge liger.

"I'd like you two to wear the Osprey interceptor body armour, too..." Killer said quietly, making a face and a slow countdown with his fingers... and as forecasted, as soon as he had lowered the last one, come the irritated howl of Cherry, followed by a loud curse.

"No fucking way, Spikes. I've never worn and never will wear such bullshit." The female then exclaimed, opening slightly a cold sapphire eye to look up to the male slightly. But Killer looked back at her flatly, his eyes narrowing a bit.

"I'm afraid that I need to insist this time around." He said with a voice but was unusually cold. "You may dodge the bullets, but you don't have a power that will save you from turning into a beautiful ice-lolly on that glacier without a proper protection... and I don't want to become the target of useless, avoidable attention because they spot you on a thermal scanner because your clothes aren't isolated or take sight of you on an Infra-Red sight because your gear reflects the light of the starts or of whatever else or because I have to roar over the wind to give you instructions because you don't have the radio, the tactical visor or the wireless data link. I could face it, Alexis would just say fine, but I'll have a few of my soldiers coming to this party as well, and I'll not bring my men in the middle of the most-supervised fortress of the world to be killed stupidly, because of errors and lacks we could have fixed at home and with no troubles." Killer paused, meeting with firmness her hurt and furious glare... and for a time he was the one steamrolling her when she opened her mouth. "Fight at our side following the rules, or stay here and wait. This time I really cannot give other chances." He concluded gently but firmly.

Even Alexis looked with attention to the scene, seeing the rebel fury in the eyes of her rival and the cold firmness that she well knew in the eyes of her king, waiting for something to happen... but Zerrex took the moment to intervene.

"I understand that you don't want to put your men in danger more than what's needed... and you fought with my rules last time. We'll wear it... right, Cherry?" He looked over at her pointedly, pushing Cherry lightly as she opened her mouth to bark her loud and surely eloquent protests. She sulked, crossing her arms with a grimace of offence... but at least she ceased to struggle.

"I appreciate that, Zerrex, a lot. I'm sorry, but this time is vital." Killer said quietly, starting to show the rest of the gear. "The tactical visor and communication system will allow you to talk with who you want in any moment, without never detach your attention from the world around you. It includes an advanced Identify Friend of Foe IFF and presents the images of people and things with a thin surrounding line blue for indicating friends, red for enemy and green for civilians/unknown. It has a useful automatic analyzing system that provides a first evaluation of the enemy's strength, skills and gear, providing automatic zoom over the major threats. It also presents a head-up projected map of the area with your GPS position and the known ones of both friends and enemies. It can be used also for video-calls and protects against any kind of blinding and deafening, even nuclear ones. The visor itself has a high resistance against bumps and even against low-calibre bullets or slivers, so the eyes are safe." He explained calmly as he show to the two Drakkaren what looked like a pair of glasses attached to a group headphones-microphone with two micro-cameras on the headphones. "It works to give infra-red nocturnal view and thermal lectures when needed, and you'll be always in contact also with the headquarter. They'll receive the images took by the camera of the visor in almost real time. And you'll receive the instructions I'll eventually draw on this Tactical Command Board." The liger paused, then produced a square, flat board with a touch screen and some other commands in a fast-use keyboard built in. "This is for sketching down rapidly plans of action and attack patterns and send them in real time to the soldiers interested."

Then Alexis placed her own visor on her eyes and stood up, drawing out her customized-multibarrelled magnum Desert Storm to show them the tactical aiming sight over it. "This sight includes a tactical, luminous Red Dot aiming system at 1,5X fixed zoom for fast aiming, but it has especially a digital video camera linked in wireless mode to the visor. The major advantage is that you can stretch the lonely weapon out from a corner and, without never expose yourself, give a glance all around and aim easily to any target you may see... However you hold the weapon, even if you turn it upside down, the image that will appear on your visor is automatically stabilized on the axes to allow an easy and natural aiming. You can aim perfectly even keeping the weapon low and leaning against your side to less stress your arms and shoulder, or simply to avoid exposing yourself. We noticed a dramatic improvement of the efficiency of our soldiers, of the precision of theirs shots and of suppression fire, the lower spending of ammo and the much lower number of casualties in urban warfare from its introduction in active service." Then the female show another detail of her Magnum, a small device mounted under the group of barrels and that looked like a small electric torch. "This is a laser projected aiming dot of new design. It can be used to create a larger zone illuminated, and blind completely for a while an enemy if you point the light in his eyes. We'll use this to blind people up, this night... so we'll take prisoners without nasty problems. People tends to become inoffensive when they cannot see what they are doing."

Zerrex nodded quietly, rather amazed of the level of the military technology common in the army of Kendrew and Kesteven, and taking for a fast test both the weapon and the visor. Killer looked at that for a short moment, then produced a small electronic device, about the size of a cigarette's packet, from a pocket of his black armour, drawing out with it two long wires with tiny microphones all over them that had been lying into his armour, up to the shoulders. "This other system proved to be extremely useful during the battle of Kesteven... it's a system of microphones designed to catch the sound of a shot and that will give automatically on your visor a small red harrow pointed in the precise direction of provenience of the fire, and signal the generic position of the enemy firing on the map of the visor, allowing a fast response immediately effective."

Killer and Alexis then guided the two Drakkaren in one of the barracks near the two-floors tall Killing House and all of them prepared themselves with armour (all of them limited it to the basic Osprey jacket, while Killer had his usual armour that had been already modified from some time with the same gear of the tactical combat vest), visor, integrated SATCOM-RADIO communication plant and with the sniper-detector device, before walking out and reaching the training zone.

"What weapons do you want for the mission of tonight...?" Killer asked gently as they approached a long rack covered by all kinds of firearms and with the classic Type 0 Predator's swords.

"I've already got all I need. My two .52 magnums, the revolver and Blackheart are the only weapons I'm any good with, thank you." Zerrex said quietly, even if looking with interest over the huge assault rifles and machine guns lined up in front of his eyes. Killer nodded slightly, taking up a magnum Type 91 standard and his enormous rifle in addition to all his swords, Wyvern included. The Cobra MK2 wasn't exactly your average rifle, anyhow... it was rather a heavy machine gun of 20 mm of calibre, normally operated at team level by four men or over on board of a vehicle like the WMKRVs, that he had deeply modified and inserted in a rifle-style body of tempered steel, adding an underslung 60 mm grenade-stacked launcher with three grenades ready to be fired. It was a monster, rude and violent... its firepower was terrible, and a single burst of the gun was enough to spread crumbs a wall and what was behind it, or more than sufficient to pierce across the armours of everything that wasn't a heavy battle tank. No one else apart he had never tried it, because the weight alone was prohibitive, and in the hands of anyone else it was just enormous, bulky and uncomfortable, its recoil being a true horse's kick into the shoulder... but in Killer's hands, it was a platoon of artillery and snipers put together. His fire was precise and accurate to the extreme, and thanks to a laser range-finder and a remote control built in into the tactical aiming sight 1,5-4X, he could even detonate a grenade when he wanted, using it for example to water of slivers an enemy hidden behind a wall of concrete or a tank or to obtain selective effects at range. Alexis had already a formidable load of weapons as well, with her twin customized pistols and the special sword with the SMG9 built in, but she still didn't hesitate in picking up her usual enormous, bolt-action sniper rifle that looked like a portable anti-tank gun of low calibre. And it wasn't a so wrong definition. The X13 fired the same rounds of the Cobra, but with a much longer and heavier barrel to gain additional muzzle-speed and range, with ten-bullet clips and a bolt-action system to ensure maximum accuracy. It was used to destroy things, as much as heads, over distances of more than 3 kilometres, and officially named Heavy Anti-Material Sniper Rifle... and Zerrex don't dared to think what the cold, blond tigress could do with it.

"Well then. I was about to suggest a weapon a bit more ranged and with some more capabilities, but I know it isn't your style... Place the aiming sights and laser projectors over your pistols, anyhow... the visor will take on them automatically and a wireless connecting will settle itself in automatic." A bulky officer with a perfect uniform and the red beret handed three complete couples of devices to Zerrex, and he rapidly and efficiently mounted them on his weapons of choice.

"Cherry...?" Killer asked gently... but the muscular female was already putting at hers belt a pair of SMG9 already fitted with all the devices needed and a large supply of clips... and he felt a slight, amused grin crest his muzzle as he saw an enormous X13 fully ready on her shoulders, too. And Zerrex reciprocated it, looking towards him with an amused glance... and his grin all but spreading wider when he saw Alexis mount an aiming sight and laser even on a special rack that he hadn't noticed on her special sword, a cold look of fierce determination on her features.

They spent some time at the range of the Predators, an enormous, replicated war-torn wasteland of about ten kilometres of side, with true tanks and vehicles transformed in remotely-operated targets for the Javelin missiles, aerial drones for anti-air practice and robots and mobile targets for normal fire practice. It was extremely realistic... and Zerrex could understand easily the advantage of all the training with weapons being made with moving, near-to true targets... and it easily shown why all the Predators were effectively snipers. And why the Predators snipers were looked up to as if they were divinities.

Then, it was finally their moment in the Killing House. Alexis and Cherry discharged their bulky X13, useless for such close range fighting... and they approached the zone, reaching Siegfried and also the other members of the squad. Talon, Maverick and Ken had arrived early on board of a helicopter of the army air force. They had had some time to get to know themselves a bit more and better, and Zerrex had so known Ken and seen his robotic arm, a wonderful piece of technology implanted on his nervous and muscular system to replace the one he had lost in action during the battle of Kesteven... most of his new arm had been made by Riaku's technicians, much more expert with robotics, and that had been one of the very first moves that the black tiger had made to remedy to his errors and to the disasters he had caused to his friends, father and homeland. They had also discovered that the weapon of choice of Ken Gatling was an ancient bolt action Lee Enfield No4, customized, fitted with the usual state-of-the-art aiming sights and enlarged to fire at major distances bullet bigger and, most of all, Magnum-explosive. His choice, in any case, was understandable... the Enfield was believed to be the best bolt action in history, and had many a war fought and generally won to prove its value. Later they watched a team of Predators use the killing house for some realistic firing-training and then, after the fast works carried out by the Royal Engineer and Royal Electric and Mechanic Engineer corps to remedy to all the damages and destructions of that first test, they were finally added to a group of Predators destined to the successive raid in the Killing House, for an anti-terrorism advanced training.

"A force of terrorists has occupied that building, taking several hostages. We don't know anything of their actual position inside the palace, or about their actual equipment and preparation. They are doing various claiming and they threat to kill the hostages if they aren't satisfied." The instructor officer shouted in a clear, powerful voice, walking slowly up the line of black uniformed soldiers. Every Predator had the full Osprey tactical combat vest, with shoulder, neck, chest and waist well protected, their helmets worn over the light red berets and complete of the visors, wearing also protections over elbows and spiked pads on the knees, together with steel-reinforced, long-spiked combat boots. Each of them had a Type 91 Magnum and a sword Type 0 at the belt and a SMG9 held tightly in their hands. They had also very tight professional gloves reinforced with plates of steel on the knuckles and on the cut of the hand. That was, as Killer had explained, because the standard, bare-hands lethal move of the Predators was a violent blow with the cut of the hand on the nose of the enemy. It was enough to send the nose-bone directly into the brain... and that always resulted in a game over silent and immediate. And Zerrex, even if not surprised in the slightest, could only be amazed of the level of loyalty, respect and reverence shown by the soldiers towards their king and commander, and towards their queen. And also their always perfect discipline, timing and even elegance in their constant show of training, experience and cold efficiency.

"As you all know, we don't negotiate with terrorists. Nor we want to see again happen a massacre like that of the school of Kesteven. No prisoners if not requested specifically. We want such people dead and inoffensive in the shortest possible time. As always, we'll act with Swiftness, Aggression and Surprise and aim specifically to the head. They could have armours, or worst, explosive jackets. AIM ALWAYS TO THE HEAD. You all have some standard Flash Bang grenades... they'll give you 15 seconds while the enemy is blind and deaf. And in 15 seconds AT THE MOST, I want this building clear as the soul of a pup and the hostages free and safe. Execution: you'll open some tiny holes in the walls with the silent drill and fit into them the cable-cameras to gain info about enemy's number, disposition and gear and to keep them always under control. Team one will attack the ground level. Not from the door, where you are expected and destined to be slaughtered even by a basic grunt, nor by the windows. You'll use special-designed, low power explosive charges to open your way across the walls. The explosion will be deviated by the shaped charge backwards, to grant the hostage's safety. You stand at 2 METERS or less at the side of the placed charge, ready to throw the Flash Bang inside as soon as the wall crumbles. Then you charge inside. Team two, you have assault-ropes with hooks and the special rifles to fire them. Select a point of the building where the enemies at the windows can't see you, launch the ropes and climb to do the same surprise-entrance on the second floor. You'll be coordinated on the radio to act with the very same timing. We want the attack to start in the same second... and to end as fast as possible." The officer stopped his pace, turning to face them all and putting his hands behind his back, looking to the soldiers with a teasing expression of provocation. "Don't try to do the part of the astute. We officers see everything you do, and have an internal system of view in the building that will give us the eye of God and the one of the terrorists at the same time. If we spot you, the mission fails. If you are killed, mission fails. If a hostage is killed, mission failed. If you fire to the body instead of the head, mission failed. If you shot to a hostage... that will result in a martial arts process in reality and in a mission failed here. If the time overcomes the 15 seconds or it isn't done properly in the same time for both teams and all the men, mission fails. And if the mission fails, you all lose your next licenses of free exit of the month and will spend the next Sunday doing Karrahy. Do you understand?"

Killer smiled amusedly at that, leaning slightly to the side to murmur in Zerrex's ear. "Karrahy is a special session of physical trainings particularly massacring. It's the nightmare of any soldier, here... but it admittedly helps a lot to develop strength and resistance and even emotive self control in the difficulties and in the supreme effort and pain. Doing it in team, as they do everything, helps to develop their capability to work together. It was much harder for me... it was my standard training when young, and I was forced to do it alone... even if sometimes William, my instructor and friend, would follow me out."

Zerrex smiled at that, turning slightly towards the massive liger and eyeing a bit his muscular, powerful form... and he grinned a bit. "It worked very well with you, though."

The officer, meanwhile, had variously harassed and verbally tortured a bit the soldiers... and now he was sitting down with other officers at a control post full of computers and placed in a metallic container nearby. "Start, now!"

The Predators slid agilely and rapidly in small teams towards angles of the building where the sight of the "terrorists" inside was cut off, and so did Killer, Zerrex, Cherry and Alexis, charging fast in a blind-corner with the special assault-ropes rifles on their shoulders. They reached the angle of the square building and went down to a knee in perfect time with the other small groups of the second team, divided along the perimeter of the entire palace. Then, in the same moment, they all shouldered the bulky but light special rifle and aimed skywards, firing the strong ropes of nylon with the steel grapnel at the end. They all arched their way in the sky like a mortar round, pushed by compressed air, before fall back down towards the roof and make a solid grip on it. "Start climbing, faster!" Come the voice of the commanders in their headphones.

The first team, as well separated in small groups, was already opening the tiny holes in the walls and fitting inside the cable-cameras, micro IR video cameras mounted at the extremity of an optic-fibre cable that could be connected directly to the soldier's handheld or even to the visor to give immediately images of the inside.

The second team soon was climbing up along the assault ropes, Alexis and Cherry opening easily the way and literally running vertically up the wall with soft, gracious paces, using then the rope to stay in position and work with the miniaturized electric drill to open the first holes. Killer and Zerrex were the second to arrive, trading a look of amused amazement at the as always incredible and somehow scary agility of the females before start their work and rapidly slid the cameras inside.

Zerrex snorted slightly when the first black and white images come to him on the visor, showing three robot-targets with submachine guns and a hostage tied on a chair... and then he produced the small magnetic charge for the demolition of the wall, placed on top of a long metallic stick.

"Charges in position." Come the voice of the commander in the headphones, and both the first and the second team worked to ensure the explosives in the better position possible, holding the fine cable that was the detonator in their hand, together with a ready Flash Bang.

"Three, two, one... GO!" Killer pulled violently the cable, together with all the other soldiers, and the charge exploded backwards as forecasted, throwing out a cloud of smoke and dirt as concrete and pricks crumbled, and he immediately threw inside his Flash Bang, jack-knifing easily the break in the wall as soon as it exploded, the visor protecting him by both Flash and Bang, and he took down easily the four robots in the room with cold single shots as they realistically swayed back and forth, blind and deaf. Then he walked fast towards the open door of the room, just in time to see two robots run down the corridor sliding on their tracks in his direction... the first in line was clearly a hostage, with the terrorist using it as living shield. But before it had time to shot with its colour-loaded gun, the huge liger took a perfect head shot in the small surface uncovered, before decapitating neatly another mechanic terrorist with a hard swing of his huge, muscled arm as it run out from behind the corner.

In the room nearby, Zerrex easily slid inside from the large smoking break, finding indeed that the weird, green laser mounted on the gun was ridiculously effective and simple to use. He had drawn out both of his huge magnums, and now the green light of the lasers was "blinding" the already out-of-service, Flash-Banged robots in the room, making it ridiculously easy to place rapidly and perfectly a bullet in each forehead. He then jogged lightly to leave the room, using experimentally the camera-sights on the guns to watch in the two directions of the corridor without expose himself from the corner. And it was indeed an astute move, because the two floating windows projected on his visor in front of his right eye allowed him to take two easy headshots into other two terrorists ready to blast him as soon as he exited from the cover and turned the corner. Goddamn. I'm starting to like this kind of things. I never managed before such shots. And this armour truly is light and flexible, after all... and gods. When he added the conditioning thingy, he proved a genius.

The huge Drakkaren exited in the corridor and advanced rapidly but with care along the corridor... and he aimed the pistol as shadows begun to exit from other rooms, but they were victorious Predators and he lowered the weapons with a soft gesture that they reciprocated.

In the same time, Cherry had been shattering targets in a large room at the other end of the corridor. She had entered the room with a rather spectacular jump, almost decapitating the nearer target with a blow of her booted foot, before take two single shots to other two targets... and the ricochet of them, as she had seen in her ghost-vision of the future, was more than enough to pierce across the remained two as she easily landed in a crouch with a sly grin. And it just grew wider when the ghost of a charging robot-target firing with a gun loaded with paint appeared in front of her eyes, her precog kicking into gear automatically... and she easily reached for her belt, snapping forwards in a elegant gesture her deadly whip. The slash, as always, was perfect-timed... and the sharp metallic links and the deadly spike at the extremity pierced deeply across the forehead of the robot as soon as it appeared in the doorframe.

Alexis, meanwhile, had liberated another large section of the Killing House, using coldly her new powers to get the maximum results and beat down all her already largely unmatched records into the house, now threatened by Cherry. Indeed, the blond tigress was excellent. She fired a single time from one of hers customized magnums with all four the barrels together even if she was still passing across the break in the wall and the haze of smoke... but thanks to the clear IR image on her visor and to her special telekinesis, while she landed on her feet and strode towards the door of the room the four targets all around her were already decapitated wrecks. Hers control was improving at amazing speed... and even in so short times and so narrow spaces, she was able to control multiple bullets at a time and redirect them all however she pleased. All what she needed was even a fleeing view of the target, just to know where she had to hit... and her thought was enough to direct the bullet towards it, without any possibility of error. It took concentration, sure... but she was by now able to do all sort of things with her power, and do multiple things at once. She grinned wide as she aimed her gun in both directions over the frame of the door... and again, without any need to expose herself, she observed the main room of the second floor: a large living room where a good number of hostages were tied on the chairs around a circular table and eight terrorists stood all around, still blind and deaf from the numerous Flash Bangs that had been launched inside but clearly rapidly regaining functionality... and she grinned with cruel amusement, firing once more and concluding the game as Killer, Zerrex, Cherry and the Predators reached the room from various directions just to gape at the bullets hitting targets spread all around in a echoing storm of metallic thunders, rising a rain of sparkles and fragments.

"13.36 seconds. You should do better, but you are safe from Karrahy, at least." Come the voice of the officer in all their headphones. "Out for the debriefing, double time."

Alexis walked out from her room, blowing slightly on the smoking barrels of her gun with a satisfied grin, walking towards her beloved king with her elegant and seductive pace, but not missing to give a glance of victory towards Cherry, who glared back irritably. "This is how a real warrior does with a gun, babe." The blond tigress said with sly voice... and it was her retribution. The first time they had met, Cherry had used that same phrase on her, after showing off an impossible shot of her own and blowing out a truck full of gangsters hitting the fuel tank after having made it sway violently on the road hitting a wheel... and all without aiming. Cherry made a face at that, idly giving the finger to the tigress... but Alexis only reciprocated it with a grin from over the large shoulder of her husband as she embraced him tight.

The two huge males only traded a slight, knowing smile between themselves, rolling amusedly their eyes upwards, and when they walked out, the two gained a pair of paces of advantage over the two dangerous, bickering females as Zerrex removed his visor to show it to the liger.

"What's this count?" The muscular lizard asked amusedly. "You are trying to change war in a shooting game or something...?"

Killer frowned a bit at this, leaning down slightly to watch as the lizard pointed in a corner of the visor, where a small script signalled: Soldiers: 6. The huge male white tiger straightened and smiled slightly, looking amused. "It's a much more serious thing, believe. The visor keeps a count of the enemies you spot, kill or hurt, of the vehicles you destroy and all this, and periodically sends the data to the headquarter, allowing to keep a count extremely accurate of the damages we inflict to the enemy, helping to update regularly and in very detailed way our info. Of course, being confirmed and validated even by images, it's used also to value the behaviour of the soldier and, for example, give the owed reprimands or awards." Killer nodded, then smiled a bit. "We try not to leave space of action to case... War is nasty enough as it is. The finest we are prepared, the better."

They spent all the afternoon in the training zone, having other practice with weapons and systems, particularly useful for the two Drakkaren that had never been in contact with Kesteven's gear before and that needed to know as much as possible to be truly effective in the mission to come. Then they dressed up with comfortable, hot and flexible clothes, wearing over them the armour and all the systems related... and then finally they were ready to head towards the base of Flyngdales, a few miles to the north of the training zone, of which it was actually a part. This time, Cherry was unassailable on her resolution, and Zerrex had to follow with her in the Cherrymobile, with his noticeable regret, actually... he would have much rather travelled over the WMKRV that Ken, Maverick and Talon were using, or at least over the roaring Aston Martin drove hard and fast, but seriously, by Alexis... instead of being in the hands of the muscular female and hers "I-see-in-the-future" style of guide.

And now the strange convoy was running towards the base, keeping in sight the huge tower of the radars of the airport as guide...

"You think it's a good idea to bring with us our friends....?" Alexis asked quietly, leaning back into the driver's seat and driving with her usual prowess, made up by years of passion for powerful cars and races. She was someone in the environment of the races, in Glacial, after all... and she had many a victory in the championships up there to prove her unusual abilities and skills, too. Cars hadn't secrets for her... and she had admittedly always loved the Aston Martin just as her king had.

"They are some of the best warriors I ever seen, with you, Riaku and someone else. I'm sure they'll do really well, and despite their behaviour that at time it's so different from us and apparently headless of risks and tactics, they'll prove a great help. I just hope that everything will go well and turn the right way. I'd hate to lose some of the friends of this squad..." Killer answered simply, looking quietly out of the passenger window at the large countryside used for the trainings of the squadrons of tanks and IFVs that even in that moment were running and fighting around... and before Alexis could answer in any way, a roaring car overtook them, playing insistently the horn as Cherry waved cheerfully a hand to them.

"But look at that bitch!" Alexis exclaimed irritably, grasping the wheel almost with violence as Killer looked at that amusedly.

"Oh oh. You'll not leave her overtake you, now, will you...?" He asked playfully, pulling her leg as he set himself comfortably on the seat for the little show.

"Hell, no!" Alexis answered seriously, speeding up to follow. The huge Aston Martin had a formidable engine, and the acceleration was burning, launching them fast on the track of the Cherrymobile, gaining rapidly and steadily terrain. Alexis grinned with almost cruel pleasure, changing the gear with her usual perfection and now sure to overtake the modified sports car... but it was too soon to cheer for victory, because Cherry compensated the inferior speed of her car with hers precognition, turning unfailingly in the right direction to close the way to Alexis for any attempt of overtaking.

The muscular female lizard turned back towards them, grinning wide as she gave cheerfully the finger to the tinted windshield of the black Aston that roared to ask terrain... and then a huge cannon emerged from the back of the Cherrymobile and turned rapidly towards the luxurious, fast jet black car.

"What the hell..." Killer said amusedly, looking interestedly over it as the two cars roared together, dangerously near, as the gates of the air base begun to approach very fast. "I think that sounds like a challenge, isn't so...?"

"I guess it does." Alexis answered back, coldly focused as she pushed a button on the central tunnel, turning on the active weapon system of the Aston Martin, and immediately two big, long 40 mm grenade machine guns emerged from the bombed hood of the car and turned to frame Cherry's gun, ready to fire bursts of rounds to intercept any incoming threat... and posing one to the rival. It was an automatic aiming weapon system that Killer had decided to add after the recent and vicious battle on the highway between Kendrew and Kesteven, and it was the first time they pulled it out.

Alexis grinned wider as they saw the surprise on the muzzle of Cherry for a moment, and the two cars continued to run at suicidal speed along the straight road towards the luckily opened gates of the air base... and finally the blond tigress saw a hole in the defence of the muscular reptile female when the road enlarged near the gate... and she immediately exploited that to throw the powerful Aston forwards and place it side to side with Cherry's car for the final sprint as the two guns in the front of the black car turned slightly to keep the target under aim. They entered the perimeter of the air base side to side, and then both violently braked, the cars turning in opposite directions and stopping with a loud scream of the wheels.

Alexis wasn't completely satisfied, of course, and Cherry was furious... but Killer was deeply amused of the little race all the same. Zerrex, instead, was still more of the idea he should have travelled on the huge military jeep that arrived only several minutes later, much more calmly. But the moment of the mission was arrived, and soon seriousness was again into everyone as the airport grew busier and busier with the passing of the minutes towards the X hour, the moment fixed for the take off of the planes. Two entire wings of Typhoons were ready to take off: twenty-four delta fighters with aggressive look and impressive load of missiles under their wings, surrounded of pilots, WSOs and technicians busy in the last controls... while on the longest runway, three enormous air tankers derived from civilian transport planes modified and painted of light grey were finishing the operations of refilling of fuel, the four black delta-winged stealth bombers Ghost waiting behind them at safe distance, with the special squad waiting near Ghost 1 and the opened doors of its modified weapon way where the travel would have been made. Last came the two bombers with the transport stealth gliders towed, that were waiting as lasts of the queue, with the 60 Predators taking some more moments of freedom and fresh air before the mission, vehicles and equipment already loaded on the black gliders. Again, Killer wondered if he could do things better, if he could find another way, less risky... but he couldn't. And the only thing he found he could do, was hope in a success without loses.

The legend of a warrior; Chapter 26: The four warriors - The raid on Chattam fortress

A fortress thought unassailable, eight warriors and a bet... Chapter 26: The four warriors - The raid on Chattam fortress Later that night, Killer opened his eyes, exiting from those useless but inevitable thoughts that he had learned were...

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 24 - The four warriors - Friends

In life, luckily, there are not just enemies. Even in war, there are friends... and always is during a fight that comes to life the strongest of friendships... Chapter 24: The four warriors - Friends Zerrex Narrius, known as "the Boss" by...

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The legend of a warrior: chapter 23 - The ride

The enemy is close... yet, shadows hide it. But its viciousness, that is in full sunlight already. Chapter 23: The ride The night had been long, but not enough. The promise Killer and Alexis had made to each other and renewed every day...

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