Clyx - Chapter 32 - Homecoming

Story by Xadera on SoFurry

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#25 of Clyx

Thribbon draped his shirt over the whimpering girl on the ground as he lifted her into his arms. Michelle huffed in embarrassment across his chest, curling up as best she could. Her legs were too weak to stand on their own, so her father had to carry her inside.

"I missed you all so much." Seti rose from the horde of children after several rounds of sloppy kisses with tears in her eyes. She leaned forward and grappled Rael, rubbing cheek against cheek. "Oh so much."

"It was torture waiting here, not knowing if you and the girls were alright or when you would come back... Don't do that to me ever again!" Rael cried over Seti's shoulder, squeezing as if she would never let go.

::gurgle, grumble::

Seti's stomach was quick to break the mood.

Seti turned to Rael's ear. "I'm hungry..." She laughed between sobs.

Rael relinquished her hold, sniffling and wiping her eyes. "What else is new?" She forced some laughs as well.

"A lot, actually." Seti winced as she tried to slither forward, the mounds inside her stinging within the tail's urethra. "I think I'll need a little help..."

"Let me." Dae'nin kept her calm, though the glistening in her large eyes gave away her own anticipation.

Twisting around, Dae'nin faced away from Seti. Seti held onto Dae'nin's shoulders, using the life-doll as a crutch while her tail hopped from side to side to avoid moving along the belly scales. Rael walked along with a hand on Seti's butt. The faeries neglected using their mist. They were preoccupied with helping Kiir and Wylria prevent the children from jumping onto Seti's tail in their excitement.

"Oh, I hope there is plenty of food in the panty. I haven't had a cooked meal in such a long time." Seti couldn't think of much else to say as she was paraded into the house.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

One of the faeries outside sniffed the air. "Gee, they better save some leftovers for us."

The other grumbled back. "You just had to talk me into skipping out on babysitting with you the first time..."

"Just shut-up and keep cleaning." The first faerie shook his head. He went back to taking care of the large puddle of gunk from where the cloud had stopped. The packs the gang had brought had fallen in as well, so they had even more work to look forward to with the spunk-covered clothes within...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The table was alive. And quite crowded.

Dishes upon dishes of delicious delights were picked and licked at. From the sweet to the savory, the velvety to the sublime, scents and spices made the air itself pleasant to taste. Meats and vegetables, fruits and grains, and plenty of milky meals fresh from the teat. A feast.

Dae'nin herself kept at the stove, her top hanging about her waist so as to make her own various flavors easy to access. Nish and Pel helped her maintain the rations as they were devoured, which she was very thankful for. Dae'nin's legs were wobbly enough already, having thrown on a new attachment in all the excitement to surprise Xilo with and its feathers were tickling between her legs as she danced about without panties.

Xilo had managed to go all this time since her arrival without masturbating once. Her body, like everyone else's from the mess, still had a sticky coating of dried spunk, but ignored it over the fun around the kitchen. Full of the meal her mother provided, she was otherwise preoccupied with taking Yui and Peach around to sample the unique and new foods.

The fuzzy little girl pulled Cora along with them, holding tightly onto Cora's hand. Peach was somewhat frightened in this new environment, her family now twice as large as she had become accustomed to. All these people that she didn't know.

"Eat!" Miana commanded Cora as she passed by, lifting up the padded shirt. Cora came to a halt, stopping Peach's chase after Xilo. She nodded to her sister, moving in and plopping down in front of the breast. Peach stood, confused and still holding Cora's hand.

"You too." Miana glared at Peach.

Peach smiled and nodded, stepping in. She squatted down into her long feet, bringing her button nose to Miana's skin. Miana wrapped her tail about the both of them as they suckled, habitually probing Peach with the tip, while she herself leaned into Janna's chest beside her. Janna, meanwhile, sucked from one of Kiir's breasts.

Kiir sat cross-legged on the tabletop with Fil in her lap and girls in a row. Her boys were in two of the many chairs that lined the edges of the table, though they weren't sitting in them. Lily and Lilu were quick to snatch up their slimy half-brothers.

Having missed Phade and Thade their last time home, the twins already had the two at their chests with the sticky bodies wrapped around their torsos. The cloud had left Lilu and Lily feeling kinky, so their tigglies played with the boys dual penises as they squirmed around. Blu and Tal sat on the boys shoulders, obligingly massaging the twins' free nipples.

On the other hand, the poor Michelle was stuck in the seat beside them with the red in her scales on the verge of becoming permanent. Nika wedged herself in Rael's cleavage, having been spurned by the reptilian girl and leaving others to pass the food to her in her weakened state.

Michelle actually sat in what was usually Kiir's chair. The modifications made during Kiir's pregnancy provided a less shameful way of hiding the stuff that had yet to cease dripping from her, collecting it in a bottle underneath. Not only that, but she was rather embarrassed by her outfit.

Michelle's dresses were currently outside and dirtied in a way she tried to ignore. Her mother also had no clothes she could use. Wylria only laid an egg or two a day, so she mostly wore pants when traveling and just took occasional bathroom breaks when necessary.

The next best thing was one of Rael's dresses. Even though it was the smallest they could find, the large chest caused the neck line to be so low that the dress threatened to reveal Michelle's perky breasts at the slightest of wrong movements. Michelle wasn't exactly pleased with the setup.

Unlike his sister, Zachary was quite fond of the situation. The naked bodies, the breastfeeding, and the blatant copulation left his pants at his knees and his hands in his lap. Though Thribbon and Wylria would admonish it otherwise, as long as he was visiting this family and he left no mess, Zachary could masturbate in public. It was better than him jumping into the mix or making a failed run to the bathroom.

Too keep a little bit of humility, Zachary was put in one of the extra chairs that weren't attached to the table. That way, his actions were hidden underneath and his parents didn't have to see. Nevertheless, they still had to avert their eyes whenever Zachary snuck pieces of bread down below only to come back up with extra ‘butter' to be eaten. They would have a talk with him about other methods of ‘leaving no mess' later...

Finally, Seti munched away as she told her tale of the incestuous giant sisters. Wylria and Thribbon went quite pale once they learned of what they used her for. Rael simply laughed. Pai flew back and forth bringing food to Seti, trying to keep her from straining herself.

Seti's story wasn't terribly long and ended quickly. Kiir then started up with the account from the gang's side. She went into great detail about how the girls learned to find edibles and catch fish, and how they dealt with vicious predators. As effective as Kiir's skills were, the looks on the other adults became quite wry with their children's solutions to wild animals.

But, Lily and Lilu chimed in between quiet moans to continue on with the story. Even Cora unlatched from Miana's nipple to add her own excited thoughts. Xilo, however, shrunk amidst the food as she heard her own perverted acts, becoming much shyer than when she had done them. Michelle burrowed deeper into her seat, shaking her head and closing her eyes in an attempt to escape altogether.

Jint and his harem of ‘passionate' bird-women was rather interesting. Many could sympathize with the egg-laying. The talkative girls proudly promised to show off the new outfits that were given to them, once they were salvaged from outside of course.

Everyone became silent when thoughts of the town in the middle of nowhere came up. Kiir only told what was needed for the rest to understand Peach's adoption into the family. She was quick to change the subject to a more light-hearted topic.

Fred. Kiir also suggested bringing him home some time.

The faeries were especially intrigued with what they determined must have been a wild pixie hive. It was something they had never encountered, having interacted with only the more civilized counterparts. Rael managed to catch Miana's tail before it assaulted Kiir when the exploits of Cora were discussed. The other couples either giggled or blushed.

At last was the rescue. In retrospect, it seemed much easier than when it happened. Merely taking Seti while the giants were asleep and running for it. They made a round of cheers anyways.

"And so I think I am pregnant..." Seti pointed out her leaking breasts and the penis that had hardened against her scales while they were eating.

"What?!" Came the voices of Rael, Thribbon, Wylria, and Dae'nin. Nowhere did they hear anything that would suggest impregnation.

"Yeah... I don't know either... But all the signs are there. Even in my tail, which is why I had trouble earlier..."

Seti's appetite had finally calmed down enough to let Pai rest. "Don't worry Seti, we'll stay as long as is needed, since this may partially be our fault."

"There's enough sexual energy here to make up for whatever we'd miss out on anyways." Fil laughed, looking at the twins' bloated tigglies.

"Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. And thank you, Wylria, Thribbon, for keeping Rael and Dae'nin company all this time."

"It is the least we could do. We could not leave without Michelle anyways." Thribbon's muzzle parted with a half smile.


"Speaking of which..." Thribbon stepped out of his chair and lifted Michelle out of hers. She was fast asleep, exhausted both physically and mentally. "We should be leaving soon. It seems as though this little one has had enough excitement for now."

"Aww, so soon? You are welcome to stay another night." Rael offered.

"Thank you, but yes. You have quite the crowd here and I would imagine things will get a little... rowdy for our tastes." Thribbon gave them a wink while Wylria blushed. "And I would like to surprise Michelle with awakening in her own bed."

"We should be back in a few days though, once things have calmed down." Wylria scooted Zachary out of his chair, trying to pull his pants back up.

"Oh... I will be looking forward to it then; I barely got to spend any time with you. Heheh-" ::Burph:: Seti brought her fist to her mouth. "Oh, excuse me."

"Here, let me help you with your things." Dae'nin took Zachary's hand and led him and Wylria out of the kitchen.

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"Byyeee!" Zachary called they walked off into the light of the setting sun.

Everyone else waved them off. Once the reptilian family disappeared from sight, the others trotted into the house for a much needed bath.

The tub was amazing. Rael threw a couple more logs into the fire under the floor, warming the water further. Seti stretched, nearly reaching the other end of the tub with her tail. Kiir, Xilo, Lilu, and Lily melted into the water, so much better than the cold streams and ponds they had been using.

Peach also remained on the shallow seat that followed the rim of the pool. She didn't know how to swim. That would be for another day. For now, Dae'nin sat at the edge, holding Peach's hand as the little girl kicked and jumped in the warmth.

The faeries also relaxed after the day's work, wings sputtering as they swam about. Not for long, however. The other children were quick chase after them. Waves rippled through the pool with drops splashing everywhere. Seti smiled as her tail swooped around underwater, catching unsuspecting victims and tossing them about playfully. Yui was the only faerie to escape the battling, her pregnant belly floating to the surface as she tried to sit in Xilo's lap.

It wasn't long before Kiir's kids grew exhausted from all of the fun, night looming in the windows. They swam to the seat, pulling the little faeries along with them. Phade and Thade snuggled up with Lilu and Lily, Blu and Tal in their arms. Janna and Cora flanked Peach and played with her while Miana still had enough energy to wade the water before them. The other faeries filled cracks and crevices between the larger folk, taking a bit of time for themselves.

With the opened space, Rael pushed off from the seat to make a few, lazy laps. Her hair fanned out across the surface of the water. The masses on her chest bobbed with each stroke. She came to a stop out in the deeper end, wading gently with a grin on her face.

Kiir was almost dozing off on Seti's shoulder when she felt Seti jerk. She opened her eyes just in time to see a tendril rise to the surface and soon lift itself out of the water in Seti's lap.

Curious, Kiir looked to Seti's face, only to find her gasping lightly. The only other option was at the end of Seti's tail. Kiir followed the refracted image through the water. Of course, where the image ended was where Rael bobbed up and down, slowly. Kiir returned the woman's grin with her own, reaching out to stroke Seti's other member with a hand.

"I think it's time for us to go." Xilo whispered to the twins as she watched Kiir straddle Seti's waist.

The girls nodded and Lily silently alerted Dae'nin. Quietly, the pool was evacuated. The boys stuck to Lilu and Lily as they wrapped themselves and the slimy ones together in towels. Janna pulled the reluctant Miana out with Cora bouncing behind, all grabbing their own towels.

Dae'nin lifted Peach and swaddled her matted fur in a fluffy cocoon, carrying her off. Dae'nin jumped in shock while walking out, arms crossing over her shoulders. Xilo's head rested on her neck while a large something knocked for permission to enter below.

Dae'nin obliged with a smile, having missed it earlier. She bowed her legs enough for Xilo to fit and continued on at a slower pace. She had to lower Peach a bit, though, to hold down her skirt. The attachment she had left in from earlier was close to revealing their little fling as they walked.

The faeries also climbed out. The naked males under one towel while the women in wet clothes huddled under another. Their wings covered, they walked together out of the room. Except for Fil, who stationed himself at the door.

While Kiir drove down onto the barbed stake, with her clitoris inching its way up through Seti's cleavage, and Rael being reeled in to join them, wisps of purple mist swirled here and there.

Rael's bloated crotch found her own engorged clit reaching out, much like Kiir's. The scaled foreskin lapped at it while massaging the outer walls of the prolapsed flesh. Pretty soon, it protruded further than the belly that was filled with the massive glans. After over a month without the giant cock, and the water rushing over the growing arousal, Rael's nipples burst free of her breasts with a blast of milk.

Dripping profusely, the nipples quickly hung over Kiir's shoulders as Seti's tail pulled Rael in. Rael's clit, now well over a foot long, plunged into Kiir's buttocks. The plump cheeks guided it right to Seti's slit, where it was inhaled without hesitation. Rael lunged forward to embrace Seti, smothering Kiir with the inflating tits.

Fil did a little more work to even the score.

Kiir's head emerged from the supple mountains. Her neck grew longer, bringing her to Seti's height. Not one to forego an opportunity, Kiir immediately dove in, her tongue filling Seti's mouth.

The glans that filled Rael's belly slowly billowed out into its full, ridged form. Fil kept up with it, lengthening her clit further as she was forced to lean forward more from the bulge. The shifting position pulled her breasts down from Kiir's shoulders, pinning Kiir's arms.

Kiir wiggled her hands underneath, reaching out just below the dribbling nipples that flanked Seti. The hands crept up the front of the tits, patting around until the found the teats. Grabbing hold, Kiir pulled them forward as she tried to hug Seti at the same time. The teats sprayed milk over the edge of the pool and across the floor.

Fil also gave Rael's neck a slight extension, enough for her face to meet with the other two. She pushed Kiir out of the way only to steal a kiss from Seti. Kiir smirked, her tongue being much longer. It managed to wedged itself between the other two, licking both of their lips and tongues together.

The mixed saliva of the three dribbled from their chins, joining the harmonious waves that echoed through the water from their combined hips.

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Nearly an hour later, the adults finally made their way up to the bed room.

Dae'nin squat outside in the hall. Two faeries hid under her skirt, working to convert the spunk that dripped from her into energy, one at her slit and one at her attachment. The rest sat with the children on the enormous bed. The adventurers were sharing their stories with the others, using much more detail than before.

"Daddy, can you get taked again?" Miana pleaded as Seti entered.

Seti looked back with confusion. Kiir took her daughter's question. "Now why would you want that?"

Miana grabbed her squirming tail, stroking the exposed tip with care. "I wanna go next time!"

Seti heaved a sigh. "Sorry Miana, but daddy just got home. Maybe tomorrow." She smiled pleasantly at the girl. "For now, I think its time for night-nights."

The excited girl nodded back and rolled across the bed to grab a blanket. She feigned sleep to hurry to the next morning.

A chorus of laughs went around. Everyone gathered together, grabbing more blankets and tossing them over each other. The faeries found comfort on the many ample busts and butts, the cushioned flesh being much softer than the bed below. Yui was again the only exception, needing a flatter surface to lay upon. She sprawled over Xilo's abdomen, resting her head on the barely developed udders above Xilo's sheath.

Seti was about to lift her tail to the high, horizontal log, but the stinging that rang throughout her body told her it was a bad idea. Instead, she coiled her tail around the bed, cuddling with everyone at once. She rubbed her slightly swollen belly as she drifted off to sleep.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"WAAAHH!" Seti screamed as she woke up.

The others rustled awake with her cry.

"Waahh!" Yui shouted as well.

Though, Yui's reason was far different than Seti's. As Yui had awoken, she found herself stuck between hills of flesh with a red monster prodding her pregnant belly. She blinked her eyes and her breathing slowed, realizing what was wrong. Some morning wood had simply pushed her to Xilo's chest.

On the other hand, Seti had much greater reason for the outburst. Pai stood before her, rubbing his eyes. Though, he wasn't actually standing. He was propped up against an enormous belly behind him. It was as large as it had been near the end of her pregnancy with Xilo. Pai had slid off her breasts during the night, as they grew to be just as massive, hanging over her arms and off to the sides, spilling milk onto the bed.

Seti's hands hovered over her belly, being careful not to touch it. Her face looked past her belly, a mix of terror, confusion, and... arousal? She was desperately trying to reach her groin, but the mound proved too difficult to bypass when unable to sit upright.

"Seti!" Rael leapt to her feet, dropping Nika and a couple more from her curves.

Rael pranced over to Seti, immediately straddling the tail. Rael was expecting contractions or some other sign of birth. That was not the case. Seti's cock was gone. It had been almost completely sucked into her slit, the base looking strained from stretching...

Nevertheless, Seti's determination to get it out was enough reason for Rael to help. Seti shivered as Rael's hands spread the labia further open, digging in to get a better grip. She pulled.

Seti's back arched off the bed, despite her weight. Rael had only managed to pull out a few inches.

"Watch out." Kiir stepped in front of Rael, leaning in for a closer view.

The inner labia was vacuum sealed against the shaft. Kiir rolled her hands in the puddle at Seti's crotch, getting them nice and slick. Her small fingers carefully reached in, trying to pry their way into the barrier.

"One... Two... Three... PULL!" Kiir called as she thrust her fingers in to break the seal while Rael yanked once more.

"AAHHHHH!" Seti went hoarse as she ran out of air.

The cock slid out with tremendous resistance. It stopped at the glans, wedging the hole open. Its barbs were bent backwards, into the vagina. Kiir could feel a breeze wash over her hands as the maw tried to suck the cock back in.

"Once more... NOW!"

Seti's mouth was wide open, but made no sound. Kiir fell back into Rael as the barbs sprang out, both of them falling to the bed. Seti's nipples exploded, blasting milk over everyone present. The freed erection spewed an orb of cum, followed by several more thick, white projectiles as while the red and purple thing bucked, veins pulsating to correct the blood-flow.

"Huh-hoo-huh-hoo." Seti's breath returned to her as she collapsed into the soft expanse.

"Mommy?" "Daddy?" "Are you alright?" "What's wrong?" "Get some water!" "Get a towel!" "Where am I?" The room echoed with chaos.

Seti took a deep breath. She nodded to everyone, waiting until they calmed down "I-I... I think I am alright... The baby isn't coming. But... Something is wrong..."

Pai started to step across her chest. Seti winced and lifted a hand for him to stop. He did in an instant, petrified with confusion.

"When you touch... it's really sensitive." Seti tried to explain.

Pai buzzed his wings, lifting off. "Is that better?"

Seti looked a bit calmer. "Yes, it is."

"Does it hurt?" Xilo's voice quivered.

Seti paused for a moment. "No... It doesn't..." She experimented by brushing her hand over the taut skin of her abdomen. Her hips shook and some more cum dribbled out of her member, over her tail. "Q-Quite the opposite..."

"Could you have done this in your sleep, Pai?" Kiir considered the possibility.

Fil answered in his stead. "No. I don't feel as though there is any faerie dust here. This was not something one of us has done."

The upper-half of Seti's tail began to move as she tried to stand.

"No, don't!" Rael rubbed Seti's belly to stop her. It was quite effective in sending another bout of fluids out as well. "Look."

Rael pointed to Seti's tail. In all the excitement, nobody had noticed the other growths. Six bulging bulbs were well evident, spread out evenly along the tail's latter half. They weren't as noticeable as the protrusion on her torso, but judging by the thickness of Seti's tail they were likely of a similar size. And, of course, at the very end, Seti's other cock throbbed.

Seti tried to move a section of the pregnant tail. It didn't get very far. Rubbing against the soft fabric made Seti spasm again, a large, white drop oozing from the larger member.

"What should we do?!" "She can't go anywhere!" Lilu and Lily pleaded to the adults. They and Dae'nin hugged all of the smaller children together in fear.

"Well, she's not in pain, so that's a good thing. She can't stay here though, it's getting rather unsanitary." Fil motioned to the new room's new paint-job.

"Take her out to the leaf room, we can keep things clean there." Rael ordered the faeries.

There was no need for further instruction. Together, they created the purple mist from nothing, drawing it around Seti's entire body. She vanished without issue into the cloud. Slowly, it rose off the bed.

The family dashed out into the hall. They guided the faeries to the nearby leaf room, covered with fresh leaves. Kiir ran ahead, gathering a bunch of pillows from piles, throwing them onto a clear section of the floor. She waved the purple mass towards her. With some quick adjustments to the pillow arrangement, the cloud descended onto them.

Seti moaned as she leaned into the pillows. Kiir had done well, propping Seti up so that she wouldn't have to move. Seti laid on one side, her breasts sinking into each other. Milk still gushed from her nipples, but now it landed onto leaves instead of cloth. Her member swung down, just inches above the ground. It was still half-erect, drooling with pre-cum. Most importantly, her belly-scales were turned to face out towards the family, much easier to inspect.

Rael roved across the tail, cautious not to touch. "I don't think her tail would normally sustain being this swollen..."

"Yes, true." Fil answered. "Are you sure you're not in any pain?"

"No, it doesn't hurt at all. And it is not numb, either. I can actually feel how stretched it is, but not in a bad way... It is hard to explain. It all feels... warm." The only thing Seti could do to watch everyone was adjust her head. Anything else would create a rise in her genitals.

"Well... If there's no pain, then I'm hesitant to do anything about the stretching with our dust." Fil zoomed in closer, inspecting her belly-scales and actual belly. "I don't even see any stretch marks or surfacing veins, so it all looks alright otherwise. Unless something comes up, I would prefer to avoid any of our magic while we don't know what's wrong, especially with babies inside."

"You're probably right. We should still keep a close eye on her though." Kiir was at a loss for ideas.

"No worry, we aren't going anywhere." Pai promised. "Seti is exuding a huge amount of sexual energy. We can survive off of it alone."

The rest of the faeries nodded.

"Umm... Could you at least clean up the bed room? All that stuff is going to soak down in and be impossible to clean later..." Seti was rather nonchalant for the situation.

Fil smiled. "Yes, yes we can."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The next few days passed benignly.

The bed room was cleaned without problem. The only other messes in the house came from Seti, which was taken care of by replacing half-a-dozen leaves every few hours. Not even Phade and Thade masturbated, not even by accident. Though, Janna, Miana, and Cora were dripping constantly between their legs, but that was due to the ever-present weight of worry that filled the household.

Everyone generally spent their time in the leaf room. Very little went on. Usually Dae'nin or Kiir tried to lighten the mood by getting the children to toss a ball around or something. Occasionally, there would be forced breaks to take baths. Dae'nin also worked with several faeries to supply Seti with a constant supply of food while Rael, Lilu, Lily, and Xilo kept up the forging for raw ingredients outside.

Seti's appetite grew with her bellies. They did not cease where Xilo had before. Oh no. It was as if the faeries had been using her as a canvas, and most wished it were true. Without the slightest bit of pain or visible physical damage, the bulges grew to double their size. Even triple!

Seti looked like an off-balanced barbell. Her face was quickly hidden behind her just as large tits as they groaned with a plentiful supply of milk. Rael had attempted to squeeze out one of the head-sized nipples to reduce their contents, but was only met with a moan coupled by a blast that left her dripping and needing another bath. It took a constant sigil of faeries at each teat just to keep up with converting the milk that leaked, so the family didn't drown.

It was becoming quite difficult to move about the leaf room. Not that they were running out of space, but rather running out of ways to avoid brushing up against Seti.

They had to walk around the rumbling breasts to feed her. They had to dodge her tail to enter and exit the room. They were lucky Seti had made the place so big to begin with.

Hourly attempts of wedging behind her main belly had to be made to prevent her slit from sucking her member back in. At first, Kiir attempted to plug the hole with a large ball, but was quickly scolded for doing so as, even though it was at least four times the hole's diameter, the vagina managed to swallow it, lost forever. Well, almost forever.

Fortunately, after two days, Seti's penis was producing so much hardening pre-cum that if they could avoid causing her to ejaculate, the stuff anchored the penis to the floor.

Unfortunately, the same thing was happening at the other end as well. Miana, Cora, and Janna took the job of scooping the stuff out of Seti's urethra to make way for birth when it came, and the girls were happy to do it to be helpful in some way.

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"What the..." Kiir focused her ears to follow the sound. She walked around Seti's body, the sound getting louder and louder. There!

Kiir's eyes went wide. Seti's thighs were already pale, the sound being the stretching of skin as it rapidly inflated. Her testicular sacs were currently visibly ballooning, resting against her thigh and the floor.

"Seti, Seti! Are you alright?!" Kiir noticed now how fast Seti was breathing.

"It's- huuuuh- They're- hoooo- Coming!!!" Seti let out a moan, her eyes fluttering up into her head.

"Everyone! It's happening!" Kiir called out as she ran around to the front.

The melancholic veil lifted as people dashed about.

A few faeries and Xilo monitored Seti's respiration. Xilo dared to grab Seti's hand and was gripped back. The touch was still sensitive, but it was overshadowed by the rest of Seti's convulsing body.

Yui, Lily, and Lilu hugged the other children into a pile of pillows. They were all antsy to help Seti, but it was too dangerous, especially considering Seti's last birth. Even with its bloated size, the tail managed to thrash across the ground and shred the leaves.

Kiir glanced quickly at Seti's groin. The cock was shiny red, full of blood to the point where it looked like it would burst. From its tip bounced a pillar of hardened pre-cum with a dangling leaf. Behind it all, Seti's vagina had dilated to the point were Kiir could have easily crawled in.

Fil, Pai, and Nika, flew around the room, ready to use the purple mist in a split second should the need come up. The last of the faeries joined Rael at the tip of the tail, where they watched the masses lurch toward them, slowly. The engorged glans had expanded to twice its size, the vagina and urethra combo opening wide. Rael could easily see several feet into the giant cock, a low river of semen beginning to flow out onto the floor.

Kiir continued to stare as Seti's thighs grew. The side on the ground roiled out in all directions, the membrane almost purely translucent. It was far more cum than Seti had ever produced, aside from faerie-work. Speaking of which...

"Rael! Get away from the tip! Stand to the side! Faeries, reinforce that wall!" Kiir pointed at the section of wall that Seti's tail currently aimed at.

Pai and Fil knew right away what Kiir meant. They split from their sentry detail and instructed some others in strengthening the wall. Forming a circle, the faeries then stationed themselves with a cloud of purple mist before the bigger cock, ready to convert as much as they could to energy.

Soon enough, the masses in Seti's tail were lining up behind the bigger penis. The base of the great penis expanded, matching the size of the first mass without the slightest bit of tearing or other dangerous signs. However, the mass only made it halfway through the shaft, stopping as the rest shored up the space behind it.

Seti's breathing became the only sound in the room. Anticipation had silenced everything else. A full ten seconds passed, and nothing changed. Even Seti's main belly had stalled, her cervix clearly visible from the gaping maw with a round object just waiting to pass through. The ball from some days ago rolled across the floor.

"Blu, Tal, grab Phade and Thade and bring them above Seti's belly here!" Kiir commanded as she ran to it herself.

Blu and Tal nodded, though they had no idea what Kiir meant. Phade and Thade were lifted from the ground. The boys' eyes darted about, waiting for their mother's next order.

Kiir reached for Seti's crotch, stretching to not touch the belly . Again, she coated her hands in the lube that steadily dripped from Seti's vagina. Her fist opened up around the pulsating cock nearby.

"Ok boys! Get really slimy now and give daddy a great big hug on the count of three."

Thade and Phade grinned, understanding their duty. Without the slightest bit of effort, a sheen engulfed their bodies. Blu and Tal had to press their own bodies against the boys to hold on through the slippery goop as they prepared to drop down onto the skin below.

"One... Two... THREE!" Kiir squeezed the cock as the boys came down, vigorously masturbating. The boys belly-flopped onto Seti's belly, slapping their soft hands and legs across the skin, sprawling out to rub as much as possible.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In the minds of those that remember it, it was as if time itself had come to a crawl.

Seti's belly quaked, shivering with pleasure. The boys kept egging it on, inching their way over the taut skin, their wall-climbing skills coming in handy. Tal and Blu stayed with them, ready in case the boys were to fall or something else bad were to happen.

Kiir's hand glided up and down the ribbed shaft. Each vein was stiff, beating to the tune of Seti's pounding hearts. The lubricant splashed and sprayed, flying gracefully through the air.

As the cock wobbled with glee, the rock-hard pillar cracked. It broke right at the tip of the glans. The leaf stuck to the pillar wiggled and swayed, like the flapping of a butterfly's wings. It sprung out, angling daintily up for a moment before arcing back down to the floor. The leaf snapped off; the rest of the pillar bouncing, end over end, before being stopped by stray pillow.

Now free, the grateful member did not wait for a single moment more. Practically burning in Kiir's hand, the cock heaved in preparation for its stunning debut. It opened wide, its voice building at the base of its underside. Its song came out with a shout; a continuous line of spunk so thick you could literally cut it with scissors. Kiir's eyes followed as it grazed her hip, ricocheting ever so slightly.

Kiir's neck twisted back to her job. The cock drove through her hand, slamming her fist against Seti's belly. Kiir sprawled backwards, barely able to hold on, as she was gently pushed away by the birthing mound.

Meanwhile, Rael heard a low rumbling emit from the great hole as she rubbed a nearby ridge. She caught onto what Kiir was doing and was trying to do the same at the other end. It didn't take long until the sound had grown into something akin to an oncoming train. The waterfall of semen at the hole came to a peculiar halt.

First, there was just a small trickle. It was a teeny-tiny spray of white, the drops barely visible. Yet, they managed to spray far enough to be caught by the purple net the faeries had set up. No problem there.

Then, another trickle joined the first on the opposite side. Again, it was caught by the net.

A third. Great. This is manageable. Yet, the rumbling did not stop.

There was no fourth trickle, unfortunately. Instead came a wave so white, it was almost blinding. The tsunami trumpeted a deafening roar.

The circle of faeries braced themselves an instant before the eruption hit the net of mist. They were barely able to keep it from ripping open. It caved immensely, forming a large bowl. Some of the white stuff curled back on itself as it collided with the barrier, becoming a swirling whirlpool.

Even with all of that, enough punched through to leave a hefty dent in the reinforced wall. Then came the masses.

One, two, three; one right after the other they followed the flow; giant green spheres. The faeries cut down the velocity of the things, refracting their trajectory enough to fly off in a much safer direction.

Four, five; they slid across the wall, spinning down to the ground. They bounced once, then twice, then into a comfy pile of pillows. After the very first one, the faeries could tell, these spheres were made to withstand the trauma.

Six. The last came out with a slight problem. It got caught up in the net. The whirlpool had diverted it from its original destination, keeping it within the bowl. The green shell was soon lost to a sea of white.

As Seti lost all track of time, the final one within her belly beat out the constricting cervix. With a loud ::schlick:: and a ::pop::, it hit the floor and rolled away, gathering an extra layer of green from the leaves caught in the juice.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Seti! Seti!" Kiir tapped Seti's cheek lightly.

The lamia blinked open her eyes. "Kiir?"

A dozen arms wrapped themselves wherever they could, along with several smaller ones. "You're okay!" They all shouted, overjoyed.

Seti blinked some more. Her mind and body still felt fuzzy all over, but no longer as sensitive after who knows how many orgasms. There were seven green spheres lined up in the middle of the room, each about three to four feet in diameter. There were also two massive mounds still spraying milk into the three inch deep puddle that encompassed the room, leaves floating about everywhere. It was a good thing someone thought to form a short wall at the doorway in time to contain most of the mess.

"It... It didn't hurt this time..." Seti spoke lazily. "The babies?"

"Umm... You don't have to worry about those, I think." Kiir walked over to the green spheres.

One had a large crack in it. They had eventually fished it out of the whirlpool of cum once it all died down. Kiir placed her hand on the outer shell. Touching it alone made her hand tingle. She shook it slightly.

Several green seeds spilled out of the crack and into the liquid below. Kiir was quick to catch them with a pillow, avoiding any direct contact. She brought them closer so Seti could get a better view.

"Look familiar?"

Clyx - Chapter 33 - Another Lesson - Part One

"Now what?" Seti finished the enormous meal. She had become extremely hungry after the ‘birth', with much of her body's weight having been lost to the pool of milk and spunk that covered the floor. White footprints adorned the hallway beyond the...

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Canine Kimi

Kimi was a grade-school student about oh... four and a half feet tall. She had nice, long brown hair and a slim body. A little too slim, she often thought to herself, as she barely had a chest to speak of. Her school had a uniform policy, so her...

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Bad Hare Day

Monalle heaved a sigh as the Master drove off. With the Master gone for the weekend, there was no need for the chef or personal assistant or any other workers. It would just be her and the Young Master today. She lifted a long foot from the...

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