Unresolved Paths (Chapter 1 - Revised)

Story by Kaa on SoFurry

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Oh, boy... the crocodile/dinosaur revises yet another of his works. How unusual, eh? (Yes, that was self deprecating sarcasm.)

This time, however, it was out of necessity. As I kept planning the next two parts of this story, I came up with dialogue and situations that would had made less sense if they had not been mentioned before in some way. Of course, it only makes the story better for those of you who like my (not so) little yarns. Even more so when it is about Grell and Darkthunder. :)

One change is that the "tachyon jump" is now referred as the "tachyon traverse". Blame me for playing Tera so much.

So what's new? Besides longer dialogue and one particular scene being detailed a bit more (you can imagine which one), I have included actual terrorclaw speak in the story, the way it would sound to someone that doesn't speak the language. I am trying to build the language as I go, so I will ask for apologies -- 1) I am not a linguist, nor do I have the time/resources to find a real one to help me construct the language; 2) If some things may make little sense or end up getting changed.

Of course, terrorclaw speak will make no sense if you have no way to translate it, so here's what I have done so far:

  • An apostrophe is used to indicate a short trilling sound (similar to the "rrrr" sound made by the raptors in "Jurassic Park".) Often, this causes separate words that would otherwise stand separate to run together as a single one. How words are pronounced can vary from one individual to the next, and no form is considered preferred to the any other.

  • Plurals are made with the trilling sound followed by a short "n" sound. For example, "mahr" (hunter) becomes "mahr'n" (hunters).

  • The sound "tre" is used to associate two words, and a short trilling sound is used both before and after. It's use is similar to the English word "of". "Sor'tre'gon" would translate as "path of life".

Of course, it goes unsaid that in reality, the grammar would be completely different from anything found on Earth. But like I said before, I don't have the time nor resources to go that far. And in reality, terrorclaw speak would be of a much simpler construct. If you translate the actual words, it would sound much simpler than the "translated" speak found (in italics) in the last pages of this chapter (and in the following chapters as well). Think of the "pre-translated" text as subtitles for the benefit of English-speaking audiences. XD

And the following are words I have made so far, based on this story and the revision I am making to the original "Path of Thunder". Please let me know if you find any inconsistencies.

arekh - instincts

du - great

esh - valley

gavrek - faithfulness

greak - mistake

greh - beg

ke - tail

ket - what (interrogative)

kevet - clawed

krek - forgiveness

mah - hunt

mahr - hunter

nah'kk - not

nek - I, myself

sekh - please (as in, satisfy)

sse - dung

sse'k't - Literally, "bullshit"

ssr - river

ta - big

tek - face

Sor'tre'gon - Walking Path (the view that archosaurs have of their lives as a path that they walk from birth to their eventual deaths)

t'kr'e - soul

t'kr'e'k'k - soul mate, partner

vi - you

rrah'kr - sex

I'gak - now (imperative)

di'rek - prey

gon - life

ak'r - listen, hear

oh'r - give

eh'kre - worthless

sor - path

vreh'ren - territory

Needless to say, this is my own personal work. I will not object if you want to use it for personal role play, but don't claim it as your own, nor use it for your own stories.

Enjoy, and comments are always welcome!

Unresolved Paths


"I received a recorded, private message from General Zaron to you, Commander."

The sudden announcement had broken what otherwise had been a routine procedure as the archosaurs prepared the ship for its next jump into the Tachyon stream. From all chairs in the Dak-Tarrakhan's bridge, crewmembers announced the status of their stations, and reports from other stations throughout the ship.

Throughout it, Darkthunder did not speak one word.

Several minutes had passed since Keana had made the announcement -- a time longer than usual for the terrorclaw to remain silent as he listened and took in the contents of the message. Even when Darkthunder had not relayed its contents to his crew or raised an alert, Grell could sense the communication his Commander had received was far from a routine report from the Patrol.

Grell tried to shift the thought towards the back of his mind as he concentrated on his duties, his hands gliding effortlessly over the complex navigational controls. However, the armorback could not get the thought perish completely. He had already lived with his terrorclaw partner long enough - and as a soldier under Darkthunder's command before that - to get a good feel of the carnivore's thoughts just by looking at him. The armorback had noticed the sudden, quick rise of his partner's feathered crest shortly after Darkthunder began to watch the message. Despite keeping a calm look on his face, Grell could feel that the terrorclaw was wrestling with some internal conflicts as he pondered the contents of the sudden message. Grell had seen it many times before, when Darkthunder studied every encounter as the terrorclaw planned the eventual attack against all potential enemies of the Archosaur Alliance

The armorback turned his attention back to the navigational controls as he checked the ship's position in order for the Tarrakhan to make the final approach to its calculated location for the next Tachyon traverse. "Ship steady on course," he announced with his usual deep and calm voice. "All systems nominal. Time for Tachyon traverse is now two point six minutes."

"Acknowledged," Darkthunder finally said, breaking his silence. "Terminate traverse procedures, Lieutenant Grell."

"Terminate, sir?" Grell said, feigning not to have noticed the terrorclaw's reactions. As much concern as he had for whatever was troubling his partner, he did not want to alert the rest of the Bridge's crew to whatever was amiss with their Commander. "Did I hear you right?"

The terrorclaw trilled softly and nodded. "Ikz. There has been a change in our assignment. Bring the ship to a full stop. Then prepare to plot a different set of coordinates."

Grell nodded, and switched his attention to his console as he began the necessary steps to carry out the terrorclaw's order. "The main systems are already too far into the current Tachyon stream program, Commander. I will have to shut them down and switch to the next inline backup. That will take some time."

"Do whatever is necessary, Navigator. But please do as instructed. Haste would be much appreciated as well."

The armorback growled softly with a slight sense of frustration; interrupting a traverse already committed into the active navigational computers always required a considerable amount of tedious work to reset that bank of computers to a ready state. He could pass the assignment over to the crew in Engineering; they would be able to work the task after the ship finally entered the Tachyon stream towards whatever unexpected destination the Patrol had assigned them. His unease over the strange change in the terrorclaw's mood had grown much stronger and more demanding of an immediate resolution.

"Yes, sir. Executing traverse cancellation procedures." Even as he carried on as instructed, Grell could not help but notice how composed Darkthunder appeared. Normally, the Commander would start barking orders, his voice taking a higher pitch from his usual eagerness to get his instructions followed. The other archosaurs noticed the sudden change as well; their faces clearly denoted some puzzlement as they shot several quick glances at their Commander as they began to realize that something was amiss.

Grell continued working with his console; his thick arms and hands moved over the touch-sensitive controls with the usual grace and dexterity the armorback had demonstrated innumerable times during his time in the Tarrakhan. Eventually, the soft hum of the Tachyon engines subsided as the ship decelerated, until the only movement left was of the Tarrakhan drifting slowly through space, carried by its own inertia.

"Engines at full stop, Commander," Grell announced.

The terrorclaw rose to his feet as he turned to address his crew. "All hands, prepare for system checks for new Tachyon traverse destination."

As expected, the other archosaurs on the Bridge acknowledged the order given by their commanding officer. One by one, the Bridge crew relayed their readiness for the upcoming traverse, until the Navigator announced his readiness, his task always the longest and more elaborate.

"Tachyon systems standing by," Grell said as his hands glided and tapped various points across his console. "Navigational computer bank three is online; switching navigational console to it, and... switch completed. Bank three is now main system. Bank two switched to standby mode and over to Engineering for testing. Navigation is now ready for new coordinates, sir."

The other archosaurs followed the navigator's announcement as each one stated the conditions of the systems under their watch. Apparently satisfied that everything was normal after acknowledging their messages, the terrorclaw turned to face Grell. Once again, Grell could notice that something was not right, even when the terrorclaw's expression was that of the usual calculating carnivore that always was in command of a Patrol ship.

Darkthunder turned to his console; his three-fingered left hand touched briefly one of his own screens as he transferred some information to the Navigator's console. "I am sending the coordinates to your station, Navigator. I am leaving all parameters to the traverse completely at your discretion, but make sure the Tarrakhan is on course within ten minutes of this order."

If Grell needed yet one more clue that something was definitely amiss, that was indeed - it was not normal for Darkthunder to let even the experienced navigator to decide how to approach a Tachyon traverse. Acknowledging the order, the armorback turned to do as requested. His head cocked to the left after he noticed the strange set of numbers that appeared on his screen.

"Well, this is odd."

"What seems to be the problem, Lieutenant?" Darkthunder asked as he trilled with what sounded like a tinge of annoyance.

"My apologies, Commander," Grell replied. For a brief instant, the armorback was pleased that Darkthunder displayed the usual, irritated self whenever anyone questioned the terrorclaw's orders. "Are you sure the Patrol command gave us the right information? I have never seen the likes of these numbers before. I'm running them through all the navigational charts, but these coordinates do not correspond to anything in the ship's databanks. "

Darkthunder exhaled noisily, seemingly exasperated. "I can assure you that there really is a target there, Lieutenant. Transfer the numbers into your course plotter, and apply the Patrol translation key that I sent you with them. Store the result in one of the restricted navigational memory locations so that the _Tarrakhan_can return to that location after the task is complete."

Grell nodded and proceeded to do as instructed. "Yes, sir. But I still don't see these numbers being anything that -" The armorback did not finish his observation. All the instruments in his navigational console lighted up as the computers began to execute the calculations for the traverse with their usual, programmed logic. "Well, I'll be a dumb hatchling. We have both Tachyon entrance and exits points! I guess we're actually going somewhere." The armorback began to work the navigational console as he activated the impulse engines and steered the Tarrakhan into the correct heading. "Beginning traverse

"Commit the computers to full execution, Lieutenant. There will be no abort from the traverse this time."

"Yes, sir."

A female groundthumper, the ship's First Officer, rose from her chair and gave a full military salute as she turned to address Darkthunder. "Forgive my concerns and possible indiscretion, Commander, but I want to invoke a request for full military disclosure regarding this mission."

The feathers on Darkthunder's head swayed as the terrorclaw shook his head. "Request denied, Lieutenant Namura. There is no mission as far as this ship and the Patrol are concerned."

Namura arched her neck and head slightly backwards in the typical groundthumper gesture of confusion. "With all due respect, sir, all of this sounds highly unusual. If there is no mission, why the need for secrecy? Not to mention the apparent urgency of your request."

Darkthunder took two slow paces to stand in front of his chair before he turned to address Namura again. "This is a very personal matter concerning this ship's Commander only. General Zaron has authorized it. Although I believe the old deathjaw did not have a choice. I grant you permission to verify the matter if you have any concerns, after the ship is inside the Tachyon stream and on course to its destination." The terrorclaw turned to face Grell again as he sat back on the command chair. "Proceed as instructed. Alert me when we are ready for the traverse. I wish to spend some time with my primal mind."

"Yes, sir," Grell said again.

The armorback was glad Darkthunder had given him full discretion on his navigational actions. Keeping his mind somewhat busier than usual helped him put off the concern the armorback felt for his partner. He turned his head slightly to look once again at the terrorclaw. Even when Darkthunder's eyes were fully open, the carnivore seemed like he was not staring at whatever lied directly ahead of his eyes. Grell had seen that stance other times before, whenever the carnivore used a primal trance to switch part of his conscious mind into that of his primeval self, as the hunter preferred to use his primeval instincts to decide on a course of action. When used to think rather than an actual hunt, the trance always made Darkthunder oblivious to his surroundings. Right at that moment, however, the terrorclaw could afford the luxury. In any case, Grell knew better than to try to get Darkthunder to snap out of a trance unless it was necessary.

As was to be expected, questions about the Commander's actions soon followed. Even then, Grell sighed softly as the voice of the plateback sitting behind him reached his ear holes.

"We are waiting, Grell."

"Waiting?" Grell asked as he turned to look at the plateback. He made no effort to conceal his exasperation. "For what, Maleek?"

The plateback tilted his head slightly to his right. "For you to tell us what the hell is going on with your sickle-clawed partner sitting up on that chair."

"And as you and anyone of you archosaurs should know by now, the only terrorclaw that I see sitting up there on that chair is my ship's Commander. But to answer your question... no, I don't know what is going on. Until Darkthunder tells us about it, we continue our duties as his crew. Is that clear enough for you, Sergeant?"

"Yes, yes. Clear enough, sir."

"Good. Then get back to your station and let me guide this ship where it needs to be."

Grell turned to check his console. Barely a few seconds passed before Maleek's voice reached his ears in what seemed like another assault to his patience.

"I still have questions, though."

The armorback growled, even more exasperated. For a brief instant, he was grateful that Darkthunder still seemed to be in his primal trance, blissfully unaware of the conversation just a couple paces away from him. "About what?"

"Your relationship with him does come up often when I'm off duty with others."

"It's been some time since Darkthunder and I joined our Paths. What haven't you idiots figured out by now?"

Maleek lifted his hands slightly, gesturing his desires for a non-confrontational conversation. "Don't eat the messenger. I'm just the only apparent idiot who is speaking for the rest of this ship's crew. But he's a small, rather intransigent carnivore. And you are a brutish and equally rude herbivore. I must confess I was one of those that thought you two would not last. Yet somehow, you two have managed to work it out. Darkthunder even seems to have accepted that you are a morpher and still using karjra."

Grell snorted in derision. "Well, thank you for the confession, you dumb plateback. But in case reality still fails to click inside any of you losers' brains, our relationship stands stronger than the day I offered him the bracelets. I do not plan to walk a Path without him by my side. As for the morpher part, let's just say Darkthunder accepted them as part of the package."

"Does it ever feel odd having to address your own partner as your superior?"

"Far from it," Grell said as he stared at his console, checking for any possible last-minute adjustments as the time and place for the traverse drew closer. "Both he and I are fully aware that our personal lives are to be placed on hold when we are on duty. So you can stop wondering now, Maleek."

"But aren't you at least glad that you and him are not at odds like before?"

"Hah! I guess your small plateback brain has not been paying much attention. Darkthunder may be sound somewhat less caustic towards me, but his eyes and crest always speak volumes whenever I fail to pilot the ship just as he expects. Or the way he has ordered me to carry out his instructions every time we join the ground operations." The armorback cursed softly as he turned to address an unexpected change in one of his navigational parameters. "Even in our room I've had to endure some of his critiques about my inability to carry out his instructions right as he expected."

"There are some who still think Darkthunder has given you preferential treatment for some missions ever since you two got together."

"Those who think like that should voice their concerns directly with Darkthunder. I'm sure he does not need me to vouch for him on that regard. But what's with this interest in our lives, anyway?"

Maleek shrugged. "I'm sure our last missions were not easy for Darkthunder. Given everything that the crew of the Tarrakhan has gone through since Darkthunder took command, some of us worry about things other than our missions. As much as we respect Darkthunder, we often feel he... gets extremely obsessed at times. Even more so when he chased his renegade brother. So we think... maybe you should tell him to give us some slack. What worked with his pack does not necessarily translate here to the Patrol."

Grell had to concede - but only to himself - that Maleek somehow had a point. The missions against the mammal drug runners, the betrayal from some archosaurs, chasing after Starhunter and his crew - it all seemed too much and too soon. More heavily, the loss of some good crewmembers weighed in many soldiers' hearts.

"As strong as he is, I think my presence has helped him. But after what we lost... I think I needed him more than he needed me. I have yet to make time to discuss everything that happened with him. I'm not sure how he would react. Just because we are partners does not mean he will accept everything I want to tell him." Grell let out a soft sigh and turned to work his console again. "I'm really grateful to have him in my life. Though I can't shake the feeling there are some unresolved paths he needs to step on."

"I'm sure you're quite grateful for what he gives you. We know Darkthunder likes to take it under his tail, even if you can't fuck him like you did with Brakkus."

The armorback let the bony part of his tail drop to the floor with a loud thud. "And this is where I will respectfully ask you to fuck off, Maleek! Darkthunder and I are married, and that's the extent of what anyone needs to know! The way we wish to carry out our relationship is no prey for anyone to hunt. I'm glad Darkthunder made sure that none of you voyeurs aboard this ship can hear again what happens inside our room."

The plateback lowed in apparent displeasure at the rebuke. "Quite a change from when you and Brakkus got intimate. You seemed eager to let everyone know how hard you fucked that groundthumper."

"Well, I will happily have you take Brakkus' place if that's what you're missing. I'm sure Darkthunder would give me permission to stray once from our relationship. He may even enjoy watching me showing nosy platebacks what it feels to be my bitch." Grell growled with anger and frustration. "Good, merciful Maia! Maybe I should ask Darkthunder to remove the privacy buffer he had ordered built. Even better, maybe get him to install cameras inside our room so everyone can watch whenever I fuck Darkthunder's brains out!"

The armorback turned angrily to work his console, still glad Darkthunder remained ignorant to the conversation. Maybe Maleek was right and one of them should leave the Tarrakhan, if only for the terrorclaw to keep those inconsiderate minds trying to pry into his sexual life.

The female iguanodon snorted. "I will side with you on this, Grell. I doubt even cameras would satisfy the insatiable voyeurs inside this vessel."

"Hardly this vessel alone," Namura interjected, eyes narrowed with displeasure. "The _Sstahil_had its own share as well. I wonder what is it with some archosaurs and their need to find what others do in their private time. At least Maleek is not a spikefrill. They are the worst."

"I hear you. That 'Herd Mates' show of theirs is the worst filth they could have come up with. I still can't believe those spikefrills would lower themselves for whatever they get from it."

"I think it is funny," Maleek said. Almost immediately, his face changed as both females stared at him, their eyes glaring with disgust.

"Maybe you should join as a guest actor, then, if you like it so much."

A mature snouthorn sitting in the science station chuckled. "Sex is a powerful motivator for the betterment of species. It was one of the major drives for our evolution as archosaurs."

The groundthumper snorted loudly. "I think you are elevating the voyeurs too high, K'hamal."

"Far from it, my good Lieutenant. I am just stating the reasoning from which many scholars think the activity evolved. Obviously, its purpose has gotten a little warped now that we are driven by intelligence at a higher degree than our primeval ancestors."

Grell snorted. "A little? I'd say this dumb plateback behind me has his mind deep down in the sewers of voyeurism."

"Maybe you should watch your words, Grell," Keana said, "after what you and Brakkus used to do almost every day. I would imagine things have changed for you, with Darkthunder not being built for the kind of mating you used to have with your former lover."

The armorback sighed and just waved a hand to concede defeat early in the discussion. He was not in the mood to continue, even when he felt he could come with a good comeback. As Keana said, it was better to watch what he could say, lest he would unknowingly blurt very private matters in an outburst of anger. He turned to look back at Maleek, his eyes partially narrowed in anger. "See what you started? Now cut it out."

The plateback smiled and lifted both hands to apologize. "Sorry. I can't help if I have a bit of a dirty mind, although I don't float the same way you do. There is this lovely plateback female in Engineering that I want to ask out some day, and maybe sire some hatchlings with her. But what I was trying to say - "

"Before your mind went into the sewers?" Grell interrupted.

"Yes. No one in the ship knows Darkthunder better than you do. What could possibly be in his mind? And where could we possibly be headed right now?"

Grell sighed. "Darned if I know. Something is really bothering him after he received that message. I have no idea what the contents may have been, but somehow I feel it has something to do with his terrorclaw nature. Maybe if I can really find out at which star system those strange coordinates are pointing at ..." The armorback turned to look at his console. "Well, this is odd. I don't have the coordinates listed anymore." He touched a few spots in his panel before he hit it hard a few times in frustration. "Fuck - the entire positional recon section is also off! I don't even know in which direction the ship is moving!"

"We're definitely moving, if the constant drone of the engines is an indication."

"We all know that! But I can't make determine which heading the ship is going to use to enter the stream. And you all are aware of what could happen if we don't enter a Tachyon stream right."

Even the stoic and calm snouthorn let a soft growl of fear upon hearing those words. "A dimensional void is not how I envisioned my life to end."

"Not if I can help it. I -"

The armorback's words were cut off as his console began chirping rapidly. The noise was an apparent trigger for Darkthunder to end his trance, as the terrorclaw rose from his chair, fully alert and conscious and turned to address Grell.

"Navigator, status report!"

"Tachyon engines and computers are fully operational," Grell said as he strapped himself to his chair before he executed the last steps for the Tarrakhan to accelerate into the Tachyon stream. He relaxed only slightly as he noticed all traverse parameters were correct. "Inertia shields are online. Ship is on course. We are ready for the traverse, Commander!"

Darkthunder sat back on his chair and strapped himself to his seat. As usual, the final step was for him to give the order. "Vi sekh, mahr! Execute!"

"Tachyon engines at ninety-seven percent!" the armorback shouted as he engaged the Tachyon engines to their full power. Ahead of the ship, a small point of light became increasingly larger and brighter as the ship began to open the path into the alternate universe. "We are at ninety-eight... ninety-nine... one hundred! Tachyon portal opening... and... engage!"

A brief, violent tremor shook the _Tarrakhan_for an instant, a normal consequence of transitioning from the universe the archosaurs lived in, and into the foreign space that made their fast travel possible. In a now familiar sight for the archosaurs, the navigational screen once again filled with countless, multicolored strands of energy - the result of the ship's collision shields deflecting the alien particles within the Tachyon stream.

Grell waited for the tremor to pass and the initial, loud rumble of the Tachyon engines to subside, the first clue that the traverse was successful and the ship was stable inside a stream. He began the final checks on his console; the armorback smiled as his instruments began to display the expected results.

"All harmonic oscillation dampers are fully engaged. Post jump calculations are complete. We are firmly inside a Tachyon stream, Commander."

"Can't tell you how much I'm always glad to hear you say those words," Maleek said, sighing with some relief.

"Maintain course to our destination, Grell," Darkthunder said before turning to look at his First Officer. "Lieutenant Namura."

"Yes, sir?" the female groundthumper asked.

"The command seat is yours. Per previous authorization from Patrol command, effective this instant, I'm temporarily ceding my rank and position to you." The terrorclaw paused, apparently gauging the surprised looks from his entire crew as everyone turned in unison to stare at Darkthunder. "Until an official date for my return to active duty is determined, you are completely in charge of this ship and crew."

Grell's eyes were wide open, his jaw partially open in disbelief. Despite his concerns over the sudden and mysterious message Darkthunder had received, the last thing he expected was for the terrorclaw to leave the Patrol.

Namura bowed and saluted, even when the shock was still clear in her face. "Yes, sir!"

Darkthunder waited until Namura adjusted the command chair to fit her much larger body and sat down before he turned to walk out of the Bridge. A loud growl emerged from the science station as K'hamal fought to unbuckle his safety harness. Finally succeeding, he rose to his feet and rushed to stand in direct view of Darkthunder.

"Commander! Darkthunder, wait!"

The terrorclaw stopped and turned to look at the snouthorn. "Yes, K'hamal?"

"I'm sorry, sir," the snouthorn asked, somewhat concerned. "This is a very sudden and unexpected notification! Is there any trouble we could assist you with?"

"No, my good snouthorn. This path is one I must travel without my crew. I've just been asked to... step out of the Patrol for some time."

"Is it something they believe you've done, sir? Because if that is so, I'm sure everyone here in the Bridge will gladly take an Oath in your favor!"

The terrorclaw forced a smile. "Your concern is much appreciated, K'hamal. But this situation is nothing that anyone in the Alliance can help me solve. Much less anyone can follow me where I'm going." His eyes locked on Grell, who still tried to make sense of the sudden events. "I will be in my quarters from this moment on. Thanks for all your service. Carry on."

Everyone stared at the departing terrorclaw as the hunter turned, then walked away from the Bridge with his usual calm and purposeful stride.

Keana watched as Darkthunder left the Bridge, and then turned immediately to look at the armorback. "Now what was all that about? Grell? Did you two have a really bad fight? Or are you trying to convince him to leave the Patrol, and perhaps you as well?"

Grell growled in anger as all eyes focused on him. "No, and no again! Of course not! It has to be that message he received!"

"Then what is going on now? Where in Maia's sacred First Egg are we headed?"

The armorback shook his head, confused. For an instant, the entire navigational console failed to make any sense at all, as he wrestled with his own feelings. He tried to force them out of his mind as he began working the instruments. "Damned if I know!"

"You're the damned Navigator! You should know!"

"I would, if those damned coordinates that he gave me had made any sense! Let me see if I can get some information on what our scheduled exit point is located." The armorback cursed in frustration as part of his instrumentation continued to be offline. "Fuck! There's still nothing! And now I'm locked out of some of my instruments! The computer is even asking for a level eight override."

"Level eight!? That's insane! That would require Zaron or someone of equal rank to be in the Bridge!"

Maleek screeched. "Shit... have we been sabotaged by our own General? Or maybe even Darkthunder?"

"Shut off your beak, you reprobate plateback!'" Grell said with scorn even as he resisted the impulse to hold Maleek's beak closed tight. "Neither is definitively a possibility!"

"Then where are we headed?"

Grell continued to wrestle with his station, trying to get more information. "The ship is still moving in its programmed path. There are no abnormalities in the stream, and all Tachyon processes seem to be running as normal. But my console will not reveal where the exit point is located."

"Do you think it is somewhere outside of Alliance territory?"

"No. It looks like a normal traverse. It's not only as if we were headed to some uncharted location, but the navigation system is also trying to keep the actual location hidden."

"Uncharted? What is there in Alliance territory that could be off limits even to the Patrol?"

Namura brayed softly as she finally found the key in the message Darkthunder had received. Rising her neck, she turned to gaze at the Bridge crew.

"He's being recalled back to his terrorclaw homeworld."

* * *

Darkthunder stared at the colored streaks outside his room's window as the Tarrakhan traversed the Tachyon stream.

Like almost anyone in the Patrol, the strange lights always seemed to him bring comfort and awe, whenever one could stare at them without thinking about the technology and mechanics that made them possible, and the reason for their existence. However, the lights had failed to calm him down at that particular moment. There was only one place in his mind right then. Only one thought as to the call that asked to drive the rest of his life - to live again as a normal terrorclaw.


Somehow, the very word filled him with dread. A rather preposterous thought, given that he had been born as one. It was not a word that he even remotely considered during his youth, when the Alliance and the rest of the galaxy were nothing more than vague, unfamiliar concepts mentioned by some of his own kind and some off-world visitors. The word "terrorclaw" was a construct of the other archosaur species - for his species and language, the correct name was always ehk'mahr.

Pack hunter.

He had left behind the only existence he had known. With his pack's highest elder's permission, he had ventured into the same, dark void that his own brother Starhunter had taken, heading for new territories to explore, and new prey to be sought.

Living among the archosaurs had initially been a shocking, brutal change. A different set of behaviors and speech only served to make that path the hardest on which he had set his bare, clawed feet. The primal instincts that terrorclaws held dear did not define his existence. Rather, they expected all species to use the technological advancements from such a vast conglomerate of species to be their guide. The sharp words of the hunters, so perfectly attuned to his life as a predator, had to give way to an artificial construct that accommodated the existence of those who could once had been his prey. The protocols and directives of this seemingly infinite pack the others referred as the Archosaur Alliance restricted the freedoms of the naked skin.

But despite the initial, existential shock, Darkthunder had adapted to every aspect of this new pack. He had held his head high; the terrorclaw remained proud of his species, despite the resentful stares, the insults and the prejudices he had endured. He had taken on the challenges and obstacles place on his Path as he made his way among the other archosaurs. He earned admiration and accolades from his peers, leading to the command of one of the most respected vessels in the Archosaur fleet. Better yet, he had earned the undying love of a strong, gentle archosaur. He had come not only to accept the change, but also to fully embrace the archosaur existence. Perhaps, he had even grown to prefer life inside a small, metallic and artificial world of recycled air and water to the vast, warm expanses of his pack's territory.

Now... it was the end for everything. The existence he had come to know - and even desire - would be no more.

Darkthunder stared at his faint reflection on the window. A dark skinned terrorclaw stared back. There, on his right shoulder - the only colored mark in his dark, unusual body that was not natural.

A tattoo. The mark of the Ssresh-Mahr'n.

Hunters of the river valley, in his hunter language.

He still was one of the pack. Even when he had lived and hunted thousands of light-units away from his homeworld, the blood of his pack and the instincts of his species followed him close behind. They would always be a part of his flesh and mind, up to the day when he would move to whatever, unknown hunting grounds could await him when his heart stopped beating. He could not renounce to the pack any more than he could renounce being a terrorclaw.

And now, the pack wanted him back.

Darkthunder wanted to think that it was at best only a temporary request. The actual recording from his pack elder that General Zaron had included said nothing about the conditions for his return; only that the pack needed him for important matters. Zaron's own message stated very little beyond this; the deathjaw said little other than granting Darkthunder an undetermined leave from all Patrol duties and obligations. The deathjaw never spoke words that hinted about a full discharge from the Patrol. The dark hunter wished the message had arrived as an actual, live broadcast instead. Somehow he could not help wonder if Zaron was trying to avoid delivering the actual news in person.

Darkthunder turned his head and neck slightly as the pneumatic hiss of the cabin door announced someone was entering the room. Only one archosaur could come in completely unannounced. Darkthunder was not even surprised to see Grell already naked. He most probably had shed his uniform outside, inside the privacy buffer Darkthunder had ordered built around his and Grell's quarters.

The armorback stared at Darkthunder for a few heartbeats, seemingly trying to focus on something to say. His next words caught the terrorclaw completely off guard; Darkthunder's crest feathers shot upwards upon hearing the words.

"Ket nah'kk gatriak, t'kre'k'k?"

The words were clear, even if the inflection and some of the sounds were somewhat off. What is not good, my soul mate?

Darkthunder stared at his large partner with surprise. "When did you learn to speak terrorclaw?"

Grell smiled as he walked with hesitant, slow steps towards the dark-skinned hunter. "Well, I haven't learned it completely. At least, not enough for me to hold a meaningful conversation with anyone of your species. I've only been learning it when things get rather slow in the Bridge. The Tachyon traverse has usually been a good time."

"I have not heard anything from your console."

Grell tapped a small metallic implant next to his right ear hole. "I beamed the lessons through my neural connection from my console. But damned be the moment that you little carnivores refused to adopt standard archosaur speak. You meat eaters' fondness for screeching makes it very difficult for my throat. I have a hard time pronouncing some of the sharpest and shrilling phonemes. And I definitely can't trill, as you surely just noticed."

Darkthunder snorted, feigning indifference even as he really appreciated the gesture. It only made his eventual departure more poignant. "You could have used the time for other, more productive tasks. Maybe even learn something from K'hamal. You probably could become a good substitute science officer, if there ever was a need for it."

The armorback shook his head softly as he moved closer towards Darkthunder. "My strengths are survival and good reflexes to take almost any ship were needed. That's why they appointed me as the Navigator. I pilot this ship, and I fight when I have to. That is all the Patrol wants or needs from me. Besides, I figured that if I'm to know you better, it would not hurt to learn your native language." The armorback forced a smile. "And also to understand what is that you're saying when I split your tailhole wide open when we mate. Rather ironic, considering what our destination is."

The terrorclaw's crest rose again. "Why do you infer we are going to my home planet?"

Grell shrugged and smiled. "It was not hard to guess. Coordinates that made no sense, yet the Tarrakhan accepted, now locked from view from anyone? There are only a couple worlds I can recall whose locations are kept secret from anyone below Zaron's rank. And the fact that my Commander is quite upset about something, and temporarily rescinds his ship and rank to his First Officer, doesn't really point to any other conclusion."

Darkthunder sighed and turned to look out to the window again. He felt the strong hands of his lover holding him, before Grell lifted his snout gently.

"What is bothering you, my lovely hunter?" Grell asked, obviously concerned. "Aren't you pleased that you're going to visit your pack? Maybe also have a few more hunts with them?"

Darkthunder sighed and looked straight into Grell's eyes. "Can I lie?"

"You could, I guess. But given the circumstances and what you just said, lying would be obvious."

The terrorclaw turned to look away from his partner. "My pack sent the Alliance an unconditional demand for my presence."

"Namura figured out that much, from what she could get from the message that you received. What does your pack want?"

"They wouldn't say. Other than it is very important."

"What could be so important? We were still in the middle of a tour of duty. I'm surprised that Zaron didn't ask them to wait until it was over."

Darkthunder growled softly as the armorback's strong arms wrapped tightly around him in a loving embrace. As hard as leaving behind any life in the Patrol could be, it paled compared to the thought of what this meant for his relationship with Grell. "There can be no waiting where the terrorclaws are concerned. Suffice to say that it is part of the arrangement between my species and the rest of the Alliance. Zaron knows this, which is why he gave me a complete and unlimited leave from my duties."

"I cannot imagine Zaron discharging one of his best officers from the Patrol."

"No, I'm still officially the Commander of this ship. My leave of absence is... indefinite. All that you need to know is that the matters of the pack will always take precedence over those of the Alliance. Lieutenant Namura will be in charge of the ship until my eventual return. Meanwhile, I expect that you work with her just as if I were in charge and in her place. Then again, that would be expected of any soldier of the Patrol."

The gentle hold from his huge lover disappeared as the armorback took two steps back, seemingly stunned by what Darkthunder said. Grell's shocked look spoke the armorback's sudden realization at what the pack's decision meant for the armorback. "Wait... are you leaving me here?"

"You still have your duties to the Patrol, and our relationship does not trump the orders from my pack. You are forbidden from entering my pack's territory, so you must remain here."

Grell paused. Even if the armorback was trying to find some thoughts to hold onto, he seemed to understand that reality would not grant him that fleeting hope. "Isn't there some Alliance base or station in your homeworld where I could live and you to visit when possible?"

"There are none. Only very small and select group of traders is authorized to visit on approved occasions. No other archosaur is allowed in the terrorclaw world. Not even the Archosaur General or any of the Archons of the Species Circle can set foot inside terrorclaw territory without the right permits."

Grell closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. His clubbed tail tensed before smacking the floor with a loud thud. "No. Forgive me, Darkthunder. I don't think you're lying to me, but you're not giving me the complete picture, either! Are you saying we should renounce our relationship as well?"

"Of course not. It will only be a temporary leave until I resolve whatever affairs my pack needs from me."

"And how long is that leave going to last? Days? A year? Or longer, like... forever?"

"I wish I knew. But even I can't figure out the mind of my pack elder."

The armorback breathed deep and hard, anger clearly etched on his face as he stared at the dark hunter. Darkthunder resented the looks he was receiving from the armorback - he looked not like the gentle Grell he had gotten to know, but the rude, intransigent Navigator that he had met when first taking command of the Tarrakhan.

"I assure you," Darkthunder continued. "I'm not leaving you out of my own choice! Do you really think I would want to give away my post - my prey - after I hunted it so hard and for so long? I just have no say in this matter."

"Your post? Is that your only concern? What about me? Am I not equally important?"

"You are more so. But it does not factor in my decision. I am leaving for my pack, and you must accept my decision."

The armorback snorted. He turned to walk away; he only walked two steps before turning to look again at Darkthunder, eyes narrow as his anger had grown considerably.

"No. No! NO!" Grell said as he banged the bony end of his tail on the floor with each loud pronunciation of the word. "I'm sorry, but I refuse to accept this! You can't just up and leave me without a full explanation!"

Darkthunder could feel his own anger grow. Even when he understood completely Grell's displeasure at the news, it only intensified the terrorclaw's own pain. Darkthunder had never considered breaking his relationship with Grell, even if that would ultimately be the result of his pack's orders. Getting the intransigent armorback to accept it was beginning to show a much harder fight than any prey he could possibly fight in his homeworld.

"The affairs of terrorclaws are our own. You archosaurs are not to be involved."

Grell lifted his hands in the air, shaking them violently as he turned to walk away from Darkthunder in rage. "There we go with that terrorclaw shit again! And you wonder why we archosaurs in the Alliance have a nasty disposition towards your kind. You keep perpetuating all the wrong perceptions everyone else has towards your species. Good Maia, you sound almost like Brakkus when we used to be together!"

Darkthunder's lips curled slightly as he spoke. "Maybe you should go back to someone like him. You always seemed to like sluts like his kind."

"Don't... don't bring Brakkus into this." The armorback pointed an accusing finger at Darkthunder. "He... he never left me. He would had never left me the way you -!"

"You are the one who brought his name up." Darkthunder growled back at Grell. Whatever hopes could had existed of an amicable breakup were shattering like dry leaves in a hungry herbivore's jaws.

"Just leave him out of this!"

"As you wish. What you think about it is inconsequential. We terrorclaws owe you no explanations. My species made its nest, and we are quite pleased to lay in it. Without any of you other archosaurs in it."

"All right. If that's the way you want to keep it, fine." The armorback let out a loud snort. Even if Grell's words seemed to indicate him conceding the battle, Darkthunder knew it was not even close to be finished. "But don't complain if I ignore your desires about me not to speak ill of your pack. Because I have some nice choice words about your little tribe right now."

The terrorclaw hissed slightly - it was his own turn for his anger to rise by a few orders of magnitude. "Grell... no. _Don't_go there, Grell. I am grateful for what you did, when you saved me from the ambush Arokh had set for us. Despite our differences, I still liked you, and your actions only made me see how deep our feelings really ran for each other. But even as my partner, I will not tolerate insults towards my pack!"

The armorback sneered as he placed his hands on his muscled hips. "Well, guess what, my dear terrorclaw? Fuck you and your foul-smelling pack of stupid primitives! And if you go back to them, I hope you all go fuck yourselves and die, you brainless feather duster!"

Darkthunder screeched. His mind raced back to his time at the Patrol Academy - back to the day when a female longcrest hurled that same insult at him, and he almost killed her, his mind clouded with rage. When he next spoke, his words sounded less like those of a sentient archosaur. "What...what did you just call me!?"

"You didn't hear me the first time? Why, are you too stupid to understand the archosaur language?"

Just like then, Darkthunder felt the anger rising, consuming almost every part of his rational mind. And like then, he felt powerless to stop it. Darkthunder raised his right leg, ready to slash at the armorback. Just as sudden, the armorback grabbed the rising limb. Using the momentum from Darkthunder's attack, Grell sent the terrorclaw flying through the air. Darkthunder twirled in the air, trying to get his body under control, only to realize at the last moment that he was doomed to fail. He fell face down and hard on the large bed in his room, the same one he and his - now apparently, former - partner had shared many dreams and deep passions. Before he could react, he heard Grell bellow as the armorback launched himself towards him.

Darkthunder screeched as the sudden, heavy pressure of his partner's weight pushed him down to the bed and kept him pinned there. The terrorclaw clawed at the bed and empty air as the larger armorback made Darkthunder unable to move his arms and legs.

"Get the fuck off, Grell!" Darkthunder screamed as he tried furiously to get from under the armorback. "Let me go! I'gak!"

"Like fuck I will!" Grell shouted, his voice loud with anger. "Not until you calm down and tell me what I want to know!"

"There's nothing you need to know, you worthless armorback!" Darkthunder shouted as he continued struggling under the heavy armorback. For an instant, he was glad that he had ordered that privacy buffer built around his quarters. Nothing good could possibly come out of his crew hearing him scream insults towards his own partner. "Get the fuck off me, soldier! Oh, you are dead! You are so dead after this, you s_ke'tek!!"_

"And so are you, ke'gitza!"

A loud, primal shrill escaped from the terrorclaw's throat. "Aaahhkk!! Is that why you learned my language, you idiot? So you can use profanities towards me?!?"

"No! But I'll be happy to call you what you are right now!"

Darkthunder continued screaming as he futilely tried to break free. "I'm going to bust you so low, you'll be saluting Academy recruits!"

"I thought you said you are on leave from the Patrol! Besides, this is only between you and me!"

"Then let... me... go! I'gak!"

"Only if you manage to get from under me, you dumb carnivore!"

Darkthunder let out a loud, primal screech of anger. He could feel his mind already beginning to revert to a primal state. And yet, he fought this almost as hard as he tried to fight the armorback. Despite his anger towards Grell, he would not be able to forgive himself if the armorback did fall under his claws. "You brainless armorback! I have told you everything you need to know!"

"No! No, you have not! For the love of Maia's eggs and her sons, Darkthunder! What the fuck are you hiding? As your partner, I need to know!"

"There's nothing else, you stupid karjra addict!"

"I've been called worse!" the armorback shouted. "Keep struggling! You'll get tired before I do!"

"What the fuck did I see in you, you stupid armorback! I'll be pleased to leave you behind when I arrive at my planet! And I'll stay there forever, and out of your ugly morphed face!"

The terrorclaw continued flailing his legs, unable to get his large sickle claws anywhere near Grell's skin, where they would be useful. In their current condition, Grell would certainly outlast him. Darkthunder felt his anger beginning to dominate his conscious mind. The archosaur language

"Vi nah'kk t'kr'e'k'k!! Nah'kk t'kr'e'k'k!! Ta greak tre gon! Vi di'rek! Eh'kre di'rek! "

Darkthunder could feel Grell's grip subside, even if his hold on the terrorclaw was still too strong for Darkthunder to break free. When he next spoke, the armorback's voice made clear that Grell's emotional state was far weaker.

"Please... Darkthunder," the armorback said, his voice now breaking up from emotional pain. "Nek greh... nek greh krek!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please... calm down! I only want to help you!"

It was Darkthunder's turn to feel sorrow. Even if Grell had stated he did not know much of the terrorclaw language, he understood enough from the loud outburst to recognize the injury Darkthunder inflicted with his words. And in his pain, he even sought the correct words in the hunter's language to express his sorrow. The terrorclaw ceased his struggling, lying completely still on the bed, the immense weight of the armorback still holding him down.

"Very well," he said his voice sore and weak. "Nek ark's ... I'm listening."

The otherwise tough, mean armorback cried profusely as he lifted the exhausted terrorclaw from the bed before holding him in another tight lock. This time, however, was out of his deep love, and the sorrow for their quarrel.

"I'm so sorry," Grell said quietly and repeatedly as he nuzzled the terrorclaw's snout, his voice breaking as he sobbed. "Oh, good Maia... I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Grabbing one of Grell's head spikes, Darkthunder gently turned the armorback's head to look into his eyes. Even more tears welled in the armorback's eyes before these also ran down the paths already left by the previous ones. Their eyes locked for several seconds before Darkthunder closed his and opened his jaws slightly. Soon after, he felt the warm breath of his partner before Grell's own lips met his, followed by a deep kiss.

Darkthunder returned the kiss with the same affection, the same intensity he did whenever both wanted the strong intimacy of a mating. He felt a warm hand move between his back, down to his tail, and then between his legs, finally stopping at the usual place. Darkthunder held onto the kiss as Grell's hand rubbed his balls and cock. The terrorclaw's reaction was both quick and expected, as his phallus hardened, aroused at the gentle touch from the armorback's hand.

Finally breaking the kiss, they each looked at the other's eyes. There was no exchange of words, nor it was necessary. Grell tilted his head slightly to his left, unsure how to proceed.

"Sorry... that was not what I meant -"

Darkthunder nodded slightly, he bit tenderly on the bony tip of the armorback's snout.

"Vi oh'r rrah'kr?"

The armorback blushed. It was the first time Darkthunder asked for sex in his language, which the armorback clearly understood.

Grell released his hold on the terrorclaw, letting the carnivore glide gently away from the armorback and onto the bed. Darkthunder rolled to lie on his stomach before he lifted his tail up and to the side, exposing his warm tailhole to the armorback. "Rrah'kr, he said as he slowly waved his tail, making the feathers at the end sway, inviting Grell to partake in the warm opening he now offered.

Five scant seconds had passed before Darkthunder heard the wet noises of Grell furiously lubricating what could only be the armorback's hard, erect phallus. Soon after, he felt the large weight of the armorback again as Grell pinned him down on the bed again. This time, however, there was no anger - only the eagerness of an armorback already dominated by lust as his thick cock probed for the warm hole below, then finally finding the correct spot.

There was no pause. Grell said nothing other than a loud grunt as the tip of the armorback's massive cock touched the terrorclaw's opening, then forced its way inside in one hard, powerful push. Darkthunder followed with a loud screech as his sphincter opened wide, and then the walls of his rectum distended as Grell buried almost his entire length into the terrorclaw.

Grell lowed with pleasure, like all the other times before, as the terrorclaw's flesh held tightly around his cock.

_"_Deep and hard," Darkthunder muttered, shivering from the carnal desires that now began to dominate his mind. "And make it last."

Grell grunted in agreement, and slowly began to work his hips, moving his cock in and out of the terrorclaw's tight hole.

The armorback quickly picked up the pace. With each downward push, the terrorclaw screeched with lust and pain as every push on his tail hole forced him down into the cushioned bed. Soon after, Grell was pushing hard and fast, making the terrorclaw shriek louder with each thrust, a peculiar scream that the armorback had learned to recognize as Darkthunder's delight. Likewise, the armorback growled and bellowed his pleasure.

The intensity increased. Soon after, Darkthunder felt himself dominated completely, abused by almost the same intensity that Grell had used with the armorback's former lover, Brakkus. It was not something Darkthunder was born to experience. Many painful practice sessions had to come before it could come to this. Some had even been under the watchful eye of the ship's chief medical officer. Darkthunder had felt slightly guilty about involving the medic in his intimate life - from a medical perspective only, of course. Ty-Grich had been obviously flustered and embarrassed at the things he had to witness and give opinions on for his ship Commander to have a satisfying sex life. Although Darkthunder was sure the fleetfoot had gone to relieve some of those feelings after each session.

Ultimately, it had come to something Darkthunder would never confess to anyone other than Grell and the ship's medical officer. Morphed archosaurs included changes contained inside. Darkthunder's own morphs started at the base of his tail. The operation had taken Darkthunder out of service for some time. Other than Grell, only the chief medical officer and General Zaron knew. For the crew of the Tarrakhan, their Commander had been recuperating from a small accident suffered during a hunt.

Even when he could now withstand a rough mating with Grell, it still was not without some pain. It had been painful before, and this time it was not much different. A brutal, rough mating was something that Darkthunder very rarely allowed, but Grell deserved as much pleasure from this act as the armorback could get. Darkthunder growled and screeched with each savage thrust, fueling Grell's desire to continue their intense mating. Which the armorback seemed happy to oblige.

Several times Grell paused his thrusts; most certainly, just as he was getting close to his peak, to let some of the tension building up in his cock to subside before he resumed the savage thrusts into his smaller partner's body. Darkthunder's legs twitched with each push, each brutal movement of the massive cock into his rump. Pain mixed with intense pleasure, he felt the beginning of a primal trance forming in the back of his mind. He encouraged the trance, and the pleasure multiplied.

Eventually the armorback could not hold any longer. Thrusting deeper and faster into Darkthunder, he lowed for an instant before his voice turned into a large bellow as he let out a powerful torrent of semen deep inside the terrorclaw's guts. Darkthunder followed several heartbeats later, as his own cock shot his own terrorclaw seed into the bed and his own skin.

The terrorclaw grunted as Grell, panting and breathing heavily from his orgasm, finally collapsed from exhaustion. They remained joined for almost three minutes as the armorback gathered some strength to pull out. When he finally did, Darkthunder screeched one more time with delight as his bowels emptied from the thick meat, along with a good portion of the thick armorback juice injected inside him. Warm, strong arms wrapped around Darkthunder's spent body, holding him close to the armorback's pulsing chest as Grell lowed, relishing the lingering effects of their afterglow.

They remained in their embrace for some time, breathing the heady air, packed tight with the smells from their bodies, as well as sweat, semen, and their pheromones.

"Apology... accepted." Darkthunder could barely form the words as he rubbed his snout against that of his partner.

Grell smiled, his eyes still closed. "Thanks." The short, wide muzzle of the armorback pressed against the terrorclaw's, and both saurians locked lips in a strong, deep kiss, which they held for the better part of a minute. His body still tingling with the orgasm, the terrorclaw tightened his hold on his large lover. The intensity of the kiss and the caresses made him think Grell wanted a second mating right there and then. Eventually, though, the armorback let go of the kiss to catch his breath before he lowed softly with unmistakable delight as he held Darkthunder close to his muscled body.

Darkthunder twitched, relishing the feelings that still coursed through his spine and mind. "Do you really think... I would want to miss this?"

The armorback ran a hand over his partner, gently caressing Darkthunder's naked body. "I'm sure you don't want to."

"I'm sorry, Grell. But I really have no say in the matter. I must rejoin my pack."

Grell sighed even as he continued caressing the terrorclaw. "You make it sound as if you're not capable of forming your own destiny, that your pack owns you as their property or something."

Darkthunder said nothing. He felt it was better for the words to come out of Grell's own mouth rather than for him to speak them.

The armorback raised his head to look at Darkthunder. "Wait, that's really it? You mean, they can order you back, and keep you there... and you have no say whatsoever!?"

Darkthunder let out a soft whimper as he held onto his partner's right hand, then brought it close to his snout to take in the armorback's scent. "You could say I was on indefinite loan to the Alliance, subject to recall at any time."

Grell lowed; a rather pitiful sound that Darkthunder had only heard once before, when the armorback mourned the loss of another soldier. "Good Maia, no... no, please, no. Now I have to give you up as well? Just like that? And why did you keep this a secret from me?"

Darkthunder said nothing. Lowering his snout, he turned away from his partner. "Because I never thought... it would really happen. Just like you were happy to have found what you sought in me, so was I to have found you. And I was afraid that if you knew... you would not want me."

Grell let his head drop onto the bed with a loud sigh. He remained silent for the best part of a minute, as Darkthunder let him absorb the realities of their situation. "Why, Darkthunder? Why do you accept this?"

"Because I was born a terrorclaw. It is my nature."

"Fuck that! That is no nature for any archosaur! For all the savage hunter and excellent Patrol commander that you are, you certainly gave up without a fight, like a little lizard caught in a carnivore's jaws."

Darkthunder sighed. "A terrorclaw's duties lie first with his pack, then his species. For all purposes, my pack's authority supersedes anything the Patrol and the Alliance's have over me as a citizen of the Alliance. Terrorclaws are their own, independent group, even if we reside within Alliance territory and the Patrol protects our world by keeping it hidden. It was a stipulation my kind requested from the Alliance for the actions that some terrorclaws made that cleared the path for the Alliance's Foundation."

"Given the nature of your species and the negative feelings archosaurs harbor towards terrorclaws, it won't surprise me if it's something you can't talk about with pride."

Darkthunder walked away from the bed. "Honestly... I never wanted to know. But Prion insisted, so I could understand the prejudice that still exists towards my species. This is something only those of the higher circles in the Alliance know. As my partner, I feel it is time for you to know as well. What I'm about to tell you must remain confidential. I will need your Oath."

The terrorclaw waited for Grell to recite the familiar Patrol oath.

"Millennia ago, just as the process for the Alliance's foundation was underway, three archosaurs of considerable power still kept the Alliance from becoming a reality. They would stand to lose that which had given them power, so it was not in their best interests if all archosaurs were to form an alliance. They wielded their power, quite successfully, to keep their own empires and fortunes.

"Even back then, terrorclaws wanted no part of this planned Alliance. It would mean giving away the packs and the lifestyles my species has relished and kept even as we evolved into sapience. Giving away our language, born of the hunt and the packs, for an artificial construct, was also too much for my species. This resentment against terrorclaws has existed since then, with my species seen as another obstacle to the foundation by those who sought to form the Alliance. The three archosaurs recognized this as well, and clearly sought my kind's help against the others. They invited several terrorclaw pack leaders for a meeting. If terrorclaws pledged their assistance against the Alliance, the terrorclaws could keep their ways of the hunt.

"What the three archosaurs did not know was that those in favor of the Alliance had already offered my species a better offer - not only we would have a world for our species, we would also be completely isolated from the Alliance while at the same time our world would be protected against intrusion. In exchange, we only needed to have those archosaurs... removed."

Grell grunted in surprise. "I guess you can skip the messy details. Needless to say, the terrorclaws succeeded."

Darkthunder nodded. "Yes. Once the three archosaurs were dead, those in favor of the Alliance replaced them with others that would vote favorably. All the brave terrorclaws who carved the path for the foundation of the Alliance were executed for murder, as a way to keep the pact hidden. My species was deemed unfit to ever join the Alliance, and was ordered to stay away, as it has been ever since."

"But you are here."

"An exception. My pack elder thought it was time for one of our kind to experience life outside the packs, to see if we could open the path for terrorclaws to join the Alliance. My brother was allowed to leave, and then myself after I pleaded to be allowed to follow him." Darkthunder let out a soft growl. "Not a lot of good that brought."

"Why do you say so? The good is all around you! You certainly exceeded any expectations."

"And for what? To go back and leave everything behind. My brother is the one who is lucky. He gets to keep his winglizard partner, while I..." Darkthunder said no more

"Maybe you should speak the truth, and force the Alliance to keep you here."

"Do you realize the consequences of what you have just said? I am under Oath of silence, just as I made you swore. My career in the Patrol would be gone! And what about the rest of the archosaur species if word would spread that would the Alliance is possibly an illegal construct? Do you think I want that on my shoulders?"

"Why do you stick it with the Alliance, then?"

"Because part of me wanted to be the one who could change things. That I really could open a Path for others like me to follow, and bring acceptance. If not for my whole species, then for those who would want to move beyond our lives as hunters. But it now appears that my pack now wants none of it."

"But shouldn't your allegiance lie first and foremost with the Patrol?"

The terrorclaw sighed. "Those terrorclaws, however, managed to keep a rule. If they ever needed something, the Alliance was to give it to them unconditionally. And to terrorclaws, the pack trumps everything - even the Archosaur Patrol. When the pack called and requested my presence, Zaron had no choice but to grant their request."

The armorback rested his head on the bed, clearly frustrated. "Maybe you should drop that pack and live on your own."

The feathered crest rose up in alarm. "You have no idea... what you've asked me! I cannot renounce my pack any more than I can stop being a terrorclaw!"

"I would never belong to any group like yours. My life is my own."

"You are here in the Patrol. And you were in a criminal syndicate before that."

"That's different! I was part of a guild only for mutual benefit, but I was m own independent soul. AI joined the Patrol only to redeem myself to the Alliance. I can resign any day if I wanted to, after the Archosaur General rescinded my probation from our successful run against those drug runners and that traitor Arokh."

"Then why you are you still here?"

"It is the only thing I have that is close to a family. Friends, close comrades. And you." The armorback turned to stare silently at the terrorclaw. "I know the pack means everything to you, Darkthunder. But I thought I would be more important to you than your species."

Darkthunder walked back towards the bed. Crawling back in, he rested his head on one of his partner's muscular arms. He sighed and rested his head on Grell's massive chest; the terrorclaw closed his eyes as Grell used the other arm to draw him closer. "I really don't want to lose you. I will try to reason with my pack elder. I will tell him how much the Patrol needs me."

Grell paused. "Well, you're damned wrong if you think that I'm accepting that as the only solution. I'm stopping this ship once we are back into normal space so you can get in contact with Zaron. And you better get your deathjaw boss to call all the necessary people as soon as possible, because you're not going to that planet without me."

"You can't set foot there!" Darkthunder said, frowning. "Didn't you hear what I said?"

"I heard. But damned if I listened. I fought hideous mammals and worthless traitors to earn the love of a caring archosaur like you. And you can bet that I will fight your entire pack to keep my quarry if I have to. Because I am not just going to let some primitives take you away from me without a fight of my own!"

Darkthunder let out a weak growl, again upset at hearing Grell speak ill of his pack. Even when he was not pleased with his current situation, the terrorclaw was still unwilling to tolerate hearing his pack getting insulted. "Don't start again, Grell. I can smell your anger, and I don't want to fight you again."

The armorback moved away from Darkthunder, letting the smaller carnivore look at his half-erect cock. "Then how about we skip the fight and the tears, and you let me apologize to you again?"

Darkthunder smiled before he turned to lie down on his stomach again. "Just... make it slow this time. My morphs will never let me take it rough many times like you used to fuck Brakkus."

The terrorclaw trilled as he felt the immense weight of his partner on top. Pressed gently against the bed, the carnivore growled with delight as he felt the massive cock aiming for the small archosaur's tailhole.

"No complaints from me," Grell whispered into Darkthunder's right ear hole. "This time... I want to really make it last."

Darkthunder only growled as the armorback pushed the terrorclaw's tail up and to the side. The more painful - and far more pleasurable - feelings followed soon after.

* * *

"Dock bay doors open. Shuttle seven, you are clear for egression."


Only the sound of small engines was heard as the shuttle lifted itself gently from the bay's floor. The small ship proceeded slowly towards the doors and into the empty space outside. Even before the shuttle had reached the exit, its occupants' destination drifted into view, fully illuminated by its parent star.

"Shuttle seven, you have cleared the doors. Doors are closing. You can proceed at full speed."

"Acknowledged," the deep voice said again.

"Good hunting, Commander," the voice of Namura said over the intercom as the shuttle left the bay. "See you soon."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Darkthunder replied. "And plentiful pastures to you. I will have the Patrol contact the Tarrakhan whenever we are ready to return."

_It's only a "we" if they let you return,_Grell said softly under his breath. Darkthunder decided against saying anything to his partner. He was unwilling to let his First Officer and anyone in the Bridge find out the real details concerning his sudden leave. If all came to that possible outcome, he would rather leave Zaron break in the news to the ship's crew.

Namura brayed softly. "And don't worry, Commander. I'll take good care of your ship and crew. I'll be a good substitute terrorclaw to keep them in line."

The hunter let out a soft chuckle in amusement. "I have my outmost confidence that you will. Darkthunder out."

Both archosaurs watched silently as their shuttle moved further away from the Tarrakhan and towards the planet below. Once the shuttle had placed some distance from the ship, Grell turned it around so he and Darkthunder could look at the Tarrakhan. Gracefully and slowly, the majestic ship began to break its orbit around the terrorclaw homeworld as it accelerated. Turning around in a wide arc, the Tarrakhan changed its heading back towards the shuttle's position. Passing overhead, it dipped to starboard in a salute to its commanding officer. Grell turned the shuttle around once again - neither he nor Darkthunder said a word as the Tarrakhan accelerated until it disappeared into the dark star field.

The deep voice of the armorback finally cut the silence inside the shuttle. "Feels odd to see the ship leave without me. And while I am in the middle of fucking nowhere."

Darkthunder snorted, feeling insulted at the comment. "It is not nowhere. My planet is down below."

"Same thing."

The terrorclaw trilled, slightly more annoyed. "In case you forgot, you twisted Zaron's virtual arms until he agreed to have you come with me. So how about you just deal with it and pilot this shuttle to the planet below, Lieutenant?"

Grell shrugged, not even staring at Darkthunder as he slowly made the necessary adjustments on his console. "Sure. And in case you forgot, you're not even supposed to be a Commander right now. So how about if you just call me by my name? Hmm?"

"Just do as I asked you, Grell," Darkthunder said with a loud sigh.

The armorback turned his attention to the navigational controls ahead of him. Much simpler than the ones in the Tarrakhan, they were equally deserving of attention and importance. "Very well. I'm adjusting the shuttle's guidance system to home in that frequency you gave me. Shouldn't be too hard. And..." A soft noise filled the cabin - repeating twice every two seconds, the beeping continued endlessly. "I guess that's the one. Sounds almost like something in your language."

Darkthunder's crest rose slightly. "It does. The name of my pack. Ssresh-Mahr'n."

"Odd. I thought your kind did not use technology."

"Remember, we are not complete primitives. My species just prefers to live the same way our species evolved. Just because our lives are simple, it doesn't mean we do not know what technology is. We keep quite a few tools and instruments for some tasks. How else did you think my pack elder sent that message to the Patrol?"

"Point taken." The armorback turned the shuttle into the correct trajectory for its descent. His eyes focused briefly on the massive orange star that presided over that entire planetary system. "Shit, I hate those large stars. Give me a yellow dwarf any day. Why your species picked this planet is beyond me. Doesn't anyone in your pack worries that thing could go supernova some day?"

"Not many among my species even think of our sun as anything but a bright, hot spot in the sky. Regardless, I researched a bit while I was still in the Academy. Alliance astronomers estimate that this star is still some time away from creating iron in its core. Probably has another couple million years left. Terrorclaws could well be extinct by then. Or we may have evolved and moved someplace better."

"Unless those scientists lied, and it's going to happen any day now. Because what better way for the Alliance to get rid of one little thorn under their foot than to let the universe handle it? No dirty hands that way, and nobody would be the wiser."

The terrorclaw sighed and shook his head slightly. "Must you always be so negative, Grell?"

Grell assented. "It's what kept me alive for so long when I was a gun for hire, and even after I made it to the Patrol." He gave another quick glance to the star before turning turned the shuttle in the right direction. "Hopefully those brain heads in the Alliance are right. I'll be mighty pissed if that thing explodes while we're here. There's no lotion powerful enough to keep us from getting fried. And if I were you, and you do come back, I would start pressuring Zaron about getting your whole race onto a safer planet."

"You are asking too much of me. I'm just a soldier."

"And commander of one of the most prestigious ships in the fleet. That has to account for something. You might also use that dirty little secret you told me about as a lever as well. That old deathjaw is bound to know it as well, so you would not be breaking your oath. Just make sure you get him in a good mood. Like, soon after he's finished fucking yet another female and has left another clutch of eggs inside her would be a good time."

"I'll... consider it." Darkthunder could not decide what made him more uneasy - actually discussing the subject with his superior, or the fact that the deathjaw's sexual exploits were the subject of many conversations throughout the Patrol.

The terrorclaw jostled in his seat as a sudden jolt rocked the shuttle. He turned to look to lights and hot plasma forming outside the shuttle's windows. Unlike the relatively smooth flight of the Tarrakhan through a tachyon stream, the shuttle rocked and jerked in various directions as the air thickened around it. Even after the lights and heat subsided after it crossed into thicker atmosphere, it continued to shake from the strong, high wind currents that existed at that altitude.

"All right," Grell said with a slight chuckle. "Fasten your seat belts and keep your air suits at ready, because we're going in fast."

Darkthunder snarled. "Careful, you dumb armorback. This is not a combat dropship that you're piloting!"

"I thought you wanted to get this done as soon as possible."

"Yes, but I want to get there in one piece! Ske!" He let out a sudden outburst in his terrorclaw language as another heavy jolt rocked the small ship up, followed by a sudden drop.

"Relax!" Grell said almost matter-of-factly, not a single trace of concern in his voice. "These are high wind currents. This shuttle can withstand even worse. Besides, there's not one shuttle pilot in the _Tarrakhan_that would had handled this better than I would. Namura is probably cursing your name right now because we convinced the Alliance that I should visit your planet as well. Now she doesn't have my skills to take her wherever she's going."

Darkthunder trilled. "Don't make yourself sound more important than you are. It's not like you're the only good Navigator the Patrol has."

Grell sighed and shook his head slightly. "Good Maia. I hope this terrorclaw family reunion of yours gets resolved quickly. I want my old Darkthunder back."

The buffeting subsided not long after as the ship finally crossed into more breathable atmosphere, leaving Grell free to follow the signal of the beacon that led towards the terrorclaw's territory. From his sea, Darkthunder watched as the blanket of clouds drew closer, until it surrounded the shuttle into a hazy, gray mist. A few seconds later, it too disappeared, giving way to the features of solid ground several kilopaces below.

Unfamiliar features appeared. Forests, lakes and rivers that he had never seen before; lands occupied by terrorclaws, but obviously off-limits to those who carried the same symbol in their right shoulders that he had. It was, after all, the natural ways of the terrorclaw packs. Yet somehow, it seemed incongruent with the tenets of interspecies friendship and cooperation that the Alliance spouted. He let out a soft squeal, feeling uneasy over a sudden feeling of betrayal towards his own species. Even if the Alliance's foundation had roots in deception, its ultimate path had been one for the good and betterment of all archosaur species.

Except terrorclaws. Perhaps the Alliance was correct to shun those too selfish to follow that Path.

"Everything all right there?" Grell asked. "You are unusually quiet. I don't even hear your soft, random growls as you think."

"I'm... fine. Just a bit overwhelmed."

It's all right, he thought. It was natural to feel like that. He just changed his mind to live and survive inside the Alliance. He just needed time to adapt back into the ways of the packs. The _true_ways of his kind. The ways of the Alliance only masked the problems it also caused. Archosaurs who had no packs to help them survive. Drug runners to fight. Planets where vices and sexual abuse were rampant. It had been the other archosaurs who shunned the ancient truth.

A few more minutes passed, while down below more features of the land appeared into view, staying only for a minute before they disappeared as the shuttle advanced and descended. A mountain range appeared, from which a few rivers flowed. Towards the east, a large lake, seemingly familiar, came into view.

Soon after, a wide valley appeared, surrounded by dense vegetation. From the north, two large rivers crossed it, meeting halfway in the valley before continuing southwest. Just south of the confluence and separated from the large river were three small lakes, like pools of clear water. From high in the sky, the features of the land very clearly resembled the tattoo on Darkthunder's right shoulder. The symbol of his pack.

"I would say... we have arrived," Grell announced, almost as a matter of fact.

"Yes!" Darkthunder screeched, a high-pitched shout that did not mask his enthusiasm. "Mah vreh'ren! That's my territory!"

"For someone who would rather not have to do this, you sound quite excited." Grell paused. "You remember what this would mean to me, do you?"

"Forgive me. This... is still an emotional sight for me. I left here... so many years ago. This is where my eggshell broke open. Honestly, I never thought I would miss it. But I do. I guess I was too busy with the Patrol to notice."

Grell nodded. "Glad that you have a place you can remember fondly as a place of birth. Not everyone is that lucky." The armorback turned around the shuttle to get a clear view from his side. "I see where you get that tattoo on your shoulder. It certainly looks like a peaceful place from up here. I'll give you that."

"Head southwest. You should see a clearing in the forest. The pack's commune is in that direction."

"Commune? I thought you all lived spread out through the territory."

"Every terrorclaw lives in the commune at different times. Those of able age and bodies would move back and forth. The young and old stay there."

The beacon's noise increased as Grell aimed the shuttle in the direction the terrorclaw had indicated. Darkthunder's heartbeat accelerated as the ground grew closer with each passing second, and he could see everything in more detail. In one spot, a small herd of large herbivores graced peacefully. Nearby, five terrorclaws stalked the group, their bodies tilted forward in the way of the primeval hunt.

Part of his pack.

"I think I see a few terrorclaws down there," Grell said.

"Don't fly too close to them!" Darkthunder said, his voice taking an angry shrill. "Turn away, Grell! I'gak! They don't need to be distracted when in a primal hunt. And you're going to spook their prey!"

The armorback snorted. "All right, all right. No need to get so testy about it. I'm sure they can manage, if they are from the pack that birthed you."

A clearing in the forest opened as the shuttle turned to the south and upwards. Inside it, several very primitive structures - made mostly of wood and other local materials - occupied the land. A single, much larger one, better constructed than the rest yet certainly far older, occupied almost the exact center of that community. As Grell circled to examine the area, terrorclaw after terrorclaw began to pour out of every structure, becoming a huge crowd looking at the sky. A large throng of sharp teeth and claws that now stared upwards, alerted at the shuttle's arrival.

Up until that moment, Grell's voice had been that of the usual, cocky armorback. The armorback apparently now realized he was setting himself into a very uncomfortable situation as the only sentient herbivore among a decidedly immense mass of carnivores.

"Oh, merciful Maia!" the armorback said, his voice tinged with slight fear. "That's way too fucking many terrorclaws! And they're still coming out!"

Darkthunder smiled, feeling the fear in his partner's mind. Even as he felt somewhat sorry for the big herbivore, he relished the sense of fear the size of his mighty pack instilled on the strong armorback. "I told you. Terrorclaw packs are big."

"Big!? How about gigantic! There has to be thousands down there!"

"At least. And that is not counting the rest that are roaming the territory, hunting and defending it. Probably three times as many as you see down there."

The armorback sighed. "Fuck... maybe I should have stayed in the Tarrakhan and leave you alone in here. I don't... function well among so many carnivores."

"You could just drop me and leave," Darkthunder said, unable to contain a mischievous smile.

Grell turned his head to look at Darkthunder. Eyes now, it was apparent that the armorback was infuriated that the terrorclaw was enjoying the armorback's panic. "And go where!? This whole planet is full of terrorclaws!"

"Well... there's that. Not to mention that my pack is the only one that would be expecting a ship to arrive. All the other packs would certainly kill you without asking if you were to land in their territory."

Grell brayed with despair, a sound that almost never crossed the large armorback's bone-tipped snout. "Then I guess my only other option would be to go into orbit and die a slow death as the shuttle's batteries and fuel run out." He snorted in apparent resignation to some unknown, painful fate. "I hope your pack is merciful enough to grant me a quick death whenever they see fit to eat me."

"Calm down. There was a time long gone when any of my kind would have considered you a worthy meal. We don't eat sentients anymore. Well... not unless you give us a good excuse."

"Wait. You said... us? Why? Would you eat me if you had the chance?"

Darkthunder lowered his snout and turned to look outside one of the windows. It would be best if the thought that formed in his mind remained unspoken. "Just keep flying. The landing area is northwest of the central commune."

Following the beacon, Grell reached a smaller clearing some distance away from the big throng of carnivores. Several patches of varying sizes denoted where the pack had cleared the thick vegetation to make some crude port for ships to land. No other ships were present, but that was to be expected. Visitors to the packs were very few and very far apart.

"Go into that particular clearing," Darkthunder said as he pointed to one small patch surrounded by tall trees on almost all sides; a bright, red spot blinked with the same frequency as the beacon they had been following. "That's where they want us to land."

Grell snorted as the shuttle hovered above the general area of the crude landing port while he studied his approach. "Those other spots are much bigger than that one. Why can't I just land there?"

"Those are for the trading ships that visit us."

"I don't see any large shuttles here. A spot is a spot."

"You don't want to start by contradicting what the elders are asking. Remember what I said about giving us a good excuse?"

"And what is with this 'us' thing? You keep talking as if you had never left, and always had been one of them."

"That is because my body and mind were away. But I never did leave the pack. Do as I tell you."

"Fine. It's gonna make for a rather difficult landing trying to get this shuttle to fit through all this vegetation. Couldn't someone clear more of it?"

"We try to keep our lands as natural as possible. It is bad enough that terrorclaws are not native to this world."

"I'm surprised the place hasn't been overrun and destroyed with so many carnivores here."

"We hunt the native species that are large enough to sustain us, plus others that were placed here to help grow herds. And the occasional small prey. We are not above eating anything that can sustain us. Terrorclaws just moved in to become an additional predator. But unlike any of the native species, we think. We know when our own populations starting to get higher than what the land can sustain, so we stop reproducing in stages. We try very hard not to damage the ecosystems."

"Well, I hope then that your pack doesn't complain if I break quite a few branches on the way down."

Slowly and carefully, Grell took the shuttle down the last few paces. The armorback groaned and cursed under his breath as he kept hitting branch after branch, until eventually some of them broke with several loud snapping sounds, then hit the ground before the shuttle did. "Well, there's some lumber for your campfires, at least. Thankfully the shuttle has enough clearance from the ground so as not to rest on them."

The ship's landing gear touched the ground, and the engines began to idle automatically. The armorback looked through the front window as he pushed the controls to turn the engines completely off. He seemed relieved to see that that whole pack was not rushing towards their position, even when they had plenty of time to have done so already.

"Where are they? I thought they would come up to meet us."

"Only five or six will come, not long from now. It would not be wise for the whole pack to turn into an easy target for any possible invader, would it?"

"I see your point. Though I don't see how an intruder would make it here. Isn't this system surrounded by surveillance probes to alert anyone to stay away?"

"Several, yes. But you can't expect them to catch everything, if one intruder were really smart."

Grell turned to look at Darkthunder. The terrorclaw had already gotten off his seat and out of his space suit, and now stood completely naked inside the shuttle.

"You seem to be a bit eager to go back to your roots," the armorback said.

"Far from it. But my pack would not expect me to return wearing anything from the Alliance. And since you have no choice left but to live among my pack for a while, you need to take off your clothes as well. Unless you plan to live inside this shuttle until we return. Just make sure you put on a loincloth."

"A loincloth? What for? Your kind never wears clothes. So how could they be wrong if I show what I have?"

"It's a territorial thing. Only adults born or accepted into the pack are to breed; any terrorclaw from a different pack has to cover their crotch when passing through a different pack's territory. Otherwise, the pack who controls the territory will think of it as a challenge. They will think that the intruder wants to breed with another of the pack. And you cannot be Ssresh-Mahr'n yet, so you need to cover yourself."

"Yet? What, did you want me to become part of your little tribe? I may have morphed my feet to have three toes, but that doesn't make me a theropod like you. I don't have real sharp teeth, much less some wicked sickle claws on my feet. I'm sure they will notice that."

"Yes, but maybe they could make you a respected visitor. It could help, if I am to return to the Patrol."

Darkthunder smiled as he looked at Grell. Having stripped nude already, the huge armorback tried to comply with the clothing request. "And make it so that the cloth wraps between your legs and doesn't show anything. And never take it off, unless the pack accepts you."

"Why can't I just stick to my Patrol clothes?" the armorback said rather frustrated as he tried hard to conceal his massive girth and balls behind the cloth.

"You need to show as much of your body as possible, so they can see what a strong male you are. Other than what's in your crotch, of course."

"But what shall I do when I have to take a piss or a dump?"

"You go away from the commune. There are many places you can conceal yourself. But don't go too far, or stray away. As I said, the majority of the pack is away from the central commune. Anyone outside defending our territory who still doesn't know about you will take you for an intruder and attack if they don't see another hunter with you."

Grell scoffed. His large, clubbed tail swayed lazily behind him. "You say that as if I couldn't defend myself from even bigger predators."

Darkthunder frowned at the same time he curled his lips slightly to bare his teeth. "You kill or hurt anyone in the pack, and we both will be in trouble. So put away that tough, angry armorback stance while we are here. You are not a hunter, so that means you can be prey. Your size, strength and vaunted tail would mean very little against the entire Ssresh-Mahr'n if you had to fight them all. Myself included."

The terrorclaw let the thought sink in the armorback's skull. It was not a position Darkthunder ever wanted to find himself in, but one that could indeed happen. In the middle of a hunting trance, his mind would not be able to see Grell as anything but prey.

The armorback paused, seemingly pondering the terrorclaw's words. He just let out a loud snort to signal his displeasure and unwillingness to accept the ways of the terrorclaws. "Fine, whatever you say," he said finally.

The armorback sat down on the pilot's chair. He pressed a button, and the exit door opened slowly. The climate-controlled, cool air gave way to an oppressing assault as hot, humid air rushed inside the shuttle. The armorback was quick and loud to voice his displeasure. "Rotten eggs from a breeding slut's cunt! This is worse than how you keep our room in the Tarrakhan! How can anyone live in here?"

"This is not unlike the climates from which we archosaurs evolved." Darkthunder could not help hurl a thin insult at the armorback. "The rest of you have gotten soft."

"I'll take civilization and its weaknesses any day, terrorclaw. What I don't understand is why your species still has such an attachment to this primal existence. You never see Zaron or anyone of his kind living like one of your species. Even Dherek, as dumb and ugly as I think hornskulls are, lives in the present. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't terrorclaws used to be civilized for some time, like all the other archosaurs?"

Darkthunder walked to stand at the exit. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, holding it before exhaling. He remained silent for a while, letting the memories flow into his mind, easing his worries. The terrorclaw grabbed a small communicator from a small drawer next to the exit, and attached it to his right ear hole as he turned to look back at Grell. "My species was dragged kicking and screaming into the Alliance. We helped the Alliance get what it wanted, and then we parted ways, as you know now. Terrorclaws thought that our Path was to go back to hunt and live closer to when Maia laid the first terrorclaw eggs. I am not to second guess or decry why they chose to go back."

"Good Maia, what a fucked up mentality your species has. Are you sure you came from this place?"

Darkthunder snorted softly with disgust at his partner's thoughts. He let the insult lapse, lest it degenerated into another fight like the one both had in the Tarrakhan. Down on the terrorclaw world, sex with the armorback was definitely out of the question. "They will be here soon. Close the door to the shuttle after I step out. Now, remember - no matter what you see or may happen, do not go outside! Stay inside until I tell you."

"As you wish."

Darkthunder stepped into the soft grass and soil, and the shuttle door closed behind him. He took a few steps forward and in front of the shuttle, to stay in full view of the armorback. Darkthunder trilled with delight as he felt the orange star's light and heat on his skin. The terrorclaw extended his arms as he took in he let a soft breeze flow over every scale of his naked body while taking in the soothing heat.

The terrorclaw stood there for a few seconds, letting the feel of the grass and dirt run through his toes. His big toe claws twitched as he trilled with delight. The air and the soil were just as he remembered them. The smells, the sounds of insects and other small creatures reached his ear holes; a natural serenade he had not heard for a long time. He made a mental note to have Grell make a recording of it to play both in his quarters and in the hunting grounds aboard the Tarrakhan. Almost immediately, he began to wonder if he actually did want to return to that ship, or even the archosaur society in general. Deep inside him, Darkthunder could feel his ancient, primal soul screaming with unbounded delight. The hunter in him was back where it had been born, where it truly belonged. It - he - pondered why they had left; why would anyone consider a life away from their true nature.

Perhaps staying here forever was not as bad as it had seemed before.

Ahead, he saw five terrorclaws fast approaching towards his location, their bodies slightly tilted forward in the indication of a partial primal trance. Darkthunder tried to see if he could recognize any of them from their scent, but they were downwind from him. Three of the group - obviously the younger ones - quickly moved ahead of the welcoming pack as they picked up his scent.

Darkthunder waited until the three stopped just a few paces away and looked at him, both with curiosity and wariness. Two males and a female, all of them were not much different from the average terrorclaw - one large solid color made up the majority of their skin, broken only by other patches in their snouts. The female was mostly a light green, with very little in the way of other color patterns. One of the males was ochre with some faint red stripes along his arms, legs and tail, while the other was a rather common tan also with some reddish stripes, much like Darkthunder's own brother, Starhunter. All of them were quite young, possibly near to their breeding age.

He somehow found them somewhat familiar, as if there was something in them he should recognize. Hands forward with claw tips aimed towards the ground, he began the usual greeting in his terrorclaw language.

"I greet you with my claws down, Ssresh-Mahr'n!_ It is me -"_

Suddenly, the female lunged forward, jaws opened wide. The attack took Darkthunder completely by surprise, and the young one clamped his jaws firmly on his neck. As Darkthunder tried to break free from the first attacker, the tan-colored male followed the female in attacking him. The male one held onto Darkthunder's legs. Together, both terrorclaws quickly overpowered the older hunter, and Darkthunder found himself thrown against the moist ground, his head held firmly in place by the strong jaws of the female.

"Foreigner!" the second male shouted._ "What are you doing in our territory?"_

"Wait! I am one of you!" Darkthunder tried to explain as he felt the teeth from his first attacker digging into the soft flesh of his neck and throat. "I am Darkthunder! I am of the Ssresh-Mahr'n!"

The second male hesitated before he screeched again in defiance. "Your name is not one of this pack!"

"My arm! Look at my arm!" Darkthunder tried to turn and show the symbol on his right shoulder. Far from obtaining the desired result, it only served to infuriate the ochre-skinned youngster.

"Why dare you have the pack's mark, intruder! You are dead now!"

"Darkthunder!" Grell's frantic voice came over the communicator. Darkthunder could hear the armorback frantically trying to open the compartment inside the shuttle that held all the Patrol regulation guns and rifles. Even if Grell could only new a few words of the terrorclaw language, he had picked enough through the communicator and from the attacker's actions to realize the danger Darkthunder was in. "Hold on! I'm coming to help you!"

"Stay in the ship, Grell!" Darkthunder said, finding it hard and confusing to switch back to using the standard archosaur language. "Don't come out!"

"No! No! I'm not letting one of those bastards kill you!"

"No! That's an order, soldier! I -- AAHHHK!" Darkthunder could not say more as the female tightened her bite around Darkthunder's neck.

"What words are you speaking, invader?!"_the ochre-colored male screamed. _"Who are you speaking to?!"

Darkthunder gasped, unable to breath from the jaws closing in on his throat. Unable to fight, he began to think it was definitely over for him.

A sudden, loud voice from another terrorclaw erupted among the chaos. "Stormclaw! Sharpscale! Smartwind! Release him!"

Just as suddenly, the two attackers released the hold they had on Darkthunder upon hearing the commanding words of their elder. Darkthunder gasped and coughed, relieved to find his throat free again. He continued coughing as he slowly got to his knees. He rubbed his throat to soothe the lingering pain, and felt a warm liquid, just as a metallic smell reached his nostrils. The attacking female had drawn a small amount of blood from what appeared to be nothing more than a superficial injury. Still, the scent of blood could have incited her to the final, fatal outcome.

The same hunter that had made all the threats turned to address the elder. "Riverpath! This intruder claims to be of the Ssresh-Mahr'n_! He even has the mark of the pack in his right arm! And he's offering himself for breeding!"_

The armorback's voice burst again through the communicator, still tense as Grell tried to force a laugh. "Maybe you should have also worn a loincloth, Darkthunder."

"Shut the fuck up, Grell," Darkthunder said softly as he turned off the microphone, rather miffed that his partner continued to be able to understand at least part of the exchange.

"He challenges the pack! We should kill him now!"

The same voice of the elder that had come with thunderous alarm, now spoke softly yet firm. "Hold your claws, Stormclaw! He is not an intruder. Just a good terrorclaw that our pack has not had the pleasure to share hunting trails with in many years."

"Riverpath," Darkthunder said with relief as he recognized the old terrorclaw._ "By the good eggs of our mighty pack... you are a good meal for an aching hunger."_

The older terrorclaw was much thinner than Darkthunder remember last seeing him, and obviously had lost some of the strength and speed of his youth. Nevertheless, he was still strong to carry authority. And certainly still strong enough to breed.

"I greet you with my claws down," Darkthunder said again as he again placed his hands together, fingers aimed at the ground. He was pleased the gesture drew a different outcome this time, although the three youngsters remained tense.

"Welcome back, brave Ssresh-Mahr_. It has been a very long time."_ He extended a hand towards the old female standing to his left. "You certainly remember Sunstalker as well?"

Darkthunder turned to look at the old female, who smiled as she greeted Darkthunder with the same claws down gesture.

"Welcome back, Darkthunder."

"Yes, I remember you as well,"_the dark terrorclaw said as he took in and recognized her scent. _"You are Cloudsong's mate."

"Indeed, but I am mated to Beyondsight now. Cloudsong did not return from a hunt."

Darkthunder paused, slightly taken aback to know that Cloudsong was dead. Even when death was always a possibility during any hunt, the news still bothered him. "I am sorry to hear that. He was a good teacher. Some of what I learned about the stars I owe it to him."

The female nodded. Darkthunder could not help notice a sad look on her face as she stared at him, as if she wanted to say something, but knew it was not her place to say so.

The old male turned to circle Darkthunder, seemingly admiring the younger terrorclaw's body, with a rather keen interest on the size of Darkthunder's genitals. His claws held onto the younger male's body, feeling the strong muscles below, until the old male finally held Darkthunder's cock and balls in his right claw. The gesture was far from indicating sexual desire, but rather pleased that the dark hunter would be an excellent breeding partner. The dark hunter could not help think how the species of the Alliance would interpret that gesture. Still, right then it told Darkthunder the reason for the request he received from the pack. The pack wanted his genes back into their breeding pool.

"By the eggs of time, you sure have grown to become a strong hunter. You would sire some strong hatchlings, too. And you have grown feathers on your head and tail, too. You are very special, indeed."

The observation seemed to change the attitude from the youngsters. The one named Stormclaw looked even more irritated, while the other two remained attentive but less confrontational.

"I recall you had some little stubs on your head, but never imagined they would grow to form such a nice crest,"_Riverpath said as he continued observing Darkthunder's strong physique. _ "That is quite a change from the young hunter who left us many years ago. _ Your paths have been good and your hunts plentiful, I believe?"_

"Most plentiful, my good elder. Hard, but very rewarding." Darkthunder tried to fight a slight feeling of inadequacy. Not only it had been a long time since he spoke his native language in earnest with anyone, but the idioms of the terrorclaws now felt somewhat alien to him.

Stormclaw growled. He made no attempt to conceal his displeasure as his upper lip rose to display more of the sharp teeth underneath. "Riverpath, who really is this terrorclaw? You say he is Ssresh-Mahr_, but I do not recognize his smell. It is not of the pack."_

"Have you been sniffing those green mushrooms again, Stormclaw? Don't you recognize the smell of one of your own blood?"

Darkthunder's feathered crest shot upwards at the revelation. "Brother? I have another brother?"

Riverpath nodded, and gestured towards the three young hunters who had attacked Darkthunder just a few minutes before. The tan-colored male and the female were now quite submissive. Apologetic, even, as they lowered the tip of their snouts in a signal of their embarrassment. "Two brothers and one sister. From a clutch laid after you and Starhunter left the pack."

The terrorclaw cast a quick glance at the elder before he then turned to look at Darkthunder again, his eyes still narrow with anger. "Wait... what? How can we be brothers? His skin is black with strange marks! None of us among the pack has anything that resembles that! And I certainly do not come close to his looks!"

"Darkthunder was born different,"_Riverpath continued. _"Even your parents were very surprised when he hatched. But they felt he was special, and loved and raised him as they would any hatchling. Your parents had only decided to have the clutch from which you were born when Darkthunder here left for the stars, after his brother Starhunter did. Certainly they must have talked to you and your brother and sister about your older siblings at least once."

"They may have spoken those names before, but they never mentioned what this one looked like." Stormclaw spat the words, as if still disgusted._ "Certainly nothing that looked like a stupid bird."_

Darkthunder rubbed his throat, still aching from the strength at which the female's teeth had held him, trying not to let the insults get to him. "I remember now. After I decided to follow Starhunter, my parents agreed to breed again. It was the only way Sunmarch allowed me to leave the pack." Darkthunder paused. "Is he -?"

"Still alive, yes. And still of his usual mind."

Darkthunder nodded. He probably should be pleased the old supreme leader of the pack was still alive. But it certainly made any return to the Patrol far less likely. "Good Hunter, has it been that long already?"

"Indeed it has," Riverpath said as he smiled. "You certainly don't remember me looking the way I do now, do you?"

"Yes, I guess it has been some time, if I... stars..." Darkthunder paused, struggling to come up with the right words, only to realize he had none. Concepts so familiar to his life in the Archosaur Patrol had no equivalent in his old terrorclaw language. "Forgive me. I learned many words I cannot speak in terrorclaw."

Stormclaw hissed, anger still etched on his face. "Why are you here?"

"I was called. The pack needs me."

"Why would you need to return? We have managed quite well without you!"

"Well... I just -" Darkthunder began to say before Riverpath interrupted him.

"Enough of this!" The older terrorclaw turned angrily towards Stormclaw. "Darkthunder is Ssresh-Mahr_, and this territory is his as much as any one of us! And if you cannot treat him like the blood relative that he is, you will treat him like one of the pack!"_

The terrorclaw snorted softly in disgust. "Yes, Riverpath."

_ Darkthunder bobbed his head twice slightly, as a gesture of friendship to the young terrorclaw. _"It's good to see one more of my lineage, Stormclaw. I guess we -"

Stormclaw hissed as he cut Darkthunder's words short. "Save your words, hunter. I have nothing to say to you now."

Riverpath pointed at the three young hunters in succession. "All of you, back to the pack! Tell everyone that Darkthunder has returned."

The three young terrorclaws turned and began racing back towards the commune. Darkthunder and the two older terrorclaws turned to look as the youngsters made their ways into the trees.

"At least he managed to call you hunter once," Riverpath said with a sigh. "That is a start."

Darkthunder could not help feel some resentment towards his younger brother, even if he was pleased to have met him. "What is his problem? I would had been pleased to find out I have an older brother."

"I am afraid he had plans. And your arrival has ruined them. Rather than kin, he sees you now as competition."

"For what? I am here because the pack called me. That my presence was needed. Why is that?"

Riverpath's face turned somber as he paused. "It is about your lineage. You are the eldest now."

"The eldest? But how -?" Darkthunder warbled as he suddenly realized the meaning of the elder's words. Instinctively, he turned to look desperately towards some trees, in the direction where the pack's communal area would reside. "Oh... no. My father... is dead!? What happened!?"

"He was wounded in a hunt, twenty-three days ago. One of the armored creatures pierced his stomach with a head horn when it tried to butt him away with its head. We other hunters brought him to the commune quickly. We wanted him to live to see your return, but his death followed soon after, perhaps before the message even reached you. Do not feel sorrow for his death, for he passed onto the next hunting grounds the way any of us would be pleased to follow."

Darkthunder lifted his head onto the sky and wailed softly for a while, as the two elders let him cry in sorrow. The time passed since his father's death meant the corpse had already been disposed for, according to terrorclaw tradition. He was still absorbing the impact of the news when he suddenly realized there was more to come.

"But your words... they can only mean that... my mother -"

"Sadly, your mother's passing had preceded your father's by many seasons. She was struck by the sickness in her blood. Finally, she left the pack one night. We found her body two days later, already feeding the smaller hunters of the forest."

There was no word for it in the terrorclaw language, but Darkthunder knew what Riverpath meant. Cancer was treatable in the archosaur society, but fatal among terrorclaws, who had shunned most forms of technology. Only the communicator in the pack's area was the sole technological device, used only when terrorclaws had a request for the rest of the Archosaur Alliance.

The wailing continued, now louder, as Darkthunder screamed his sorrow into the wind. Death for the terrorclaws was as much a part of living as eating, sleeping and breeding. Sorrow would never last long, for life needed to continue. Darkthunder would not be much different. He knew the sorrow would persist in his mind for a few days, but he too would have to move on and join his pack mates in continuing the hunt.

"But there was so much I wanted to speak to them!" Darkthunder said, unable to hold back some tears. "Everything I have done, what I have seen, among the stars."

The elder female waved in the direction of the commune. _ "I'm sorry, Darkthunder. It is life for us terrorclaws, after all. But even if they are gone, you still have your pack. Come on. Plenty of food and drink awaits you. The whole pack waits to greet your return. You can share your stories with the other hunters tonight."_

The two elders had turned and walked a few short steps before Darkthunder shouted at them. "Riverpath! Sunstalker! Wait!"

The terrorclaws stopped and turned, staring at Darkthunder with curious eyes.

"There's something... I need to talk about first." Darkthunder paused, looking for the words to voice what he needed to say. "I wish to ask for permission to bring a visitor to the pack."

Riverpath cocked his head to the right in surprise. "A visitor? Those packs you lived with, they don't allow visitors to any of the packs' territories."

"My... pack leaders, with the other saurians... They respect me there, and they allowed it. They said it would be good for this visitor to learn more about our pack." Darkthunder paused, thinking of the best way he could break the news. "This visitor... is my partner. A mate."

"How can that be? There should be no terrorclaws outside, other than your brother Starhunter. He would be the eldest, as he hatched almost half a day before you did. But the Alliance would not provide us with any information. They simply said they could not locate him."

"That... is a different story,"_Darkthunder said, not willing to go any further about his brother's actions. For an instant, however, he cursed his older brother's free willing lifestyle and obvious disdain for the pack that had birthed him. "But you are right. My partner... he's not a terrorclaw."_

"He? A male!? Are you... a two-spirits?"

Darkthunder nodded. Even if a hunter preferred someone of their own gender for company and sex - a hunter of "two-spirits", as terrorclaws called it - the act was not an offense among terrorclaws, not anymore than it would be among the other archosaurs. Darkthunder did not feel that he was letting both elders down, but more like putting them in an unexpected position.

"Well... that complicates our problem a bit,"_Sunstalker said. _"But, if you found another type of hunter that can help the pack, I guess he could take a place as a second, non-breeding partner for you to mount whenever you have a need to -" _ The female paused as she noticed Darkthunder's face. _"There is still more to this?"

"Grell," Darkthunder said as he activated the small communicator in his right ear. "You can come out of the ship now."

The door to the shuttle opened again. The two mature terrorclaws gasped at the sight of the towering armorback as Grell exited the shuttle and calmly approached the terrorclaws.

"Riverpath. Sunstalker. This is... Grell_. My partner."_

_"I greet you with my claws down,"_the herbivore said, as best as he could pronounce the words in the terrorclaw language.

Riverpath stared at the tall armorback for several heartbeats before he turned to look at Darkthunder, concerned.

"Well... now this really complicates things."


Unresolved Paths (Chapter 2)

** ** # _Unresolved Paths_ _Two_ Enduring the oppressive heat and humidity of the terrorclaw homeworld would had been enough torture for the armorback. Grell had expected them, although not in at the levels now felt by this...

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Unresolved Paths (Chapter 1)

** ** # _Unresolved Paths_ _One_ "I have a recorded, private message from General Zaron to you, Commander." Several minutes had passed since Keana's announcement. Minutes during which the terrorclaw listened and seemingly...

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** ** # _A Path of Thunder_ _Part Seven_ _"Resolutions"_ "Feeling a bit overwhelmed here, Commander?" Darkthunder's body shook violently as the terrorclaw's mind fought back against what his senses feverishly forced it to...

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