Circumstance part 2

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#2 of Circumstance

Well, here's part two, in which our fox has a meltdown and our bear experiences... feelings of some sort :-)

Like I said, I'm kind of using this saga as a way to gauge where I am as far as writing ability. So I hope to try out a good number of emotions, moods, fetishes,settings, sex-acts etc. Unfortunately that also means I only have a slight inkling as to where the story is taking us. So, I can tell ya the plot might seem to wander aimlessly on occasion, and some of the scenes might not measure up to others (those would be the one's you might want to tell me to work at ;-) ). But I'll give my best effort to keep you entertained.

As always, feel free to criticize, request, advise, recommend, correct or whatever you want.

Hope you enjoy!


That evening when Glen got off the elevator he was greeted with something he was unaccustomed to. The pleasant odor of home cooking. It delighted him to no end when he was sure the smell was coming from his apartment. As Glen fumbled for his keys there came the sounds of running and clanging of cutlery. Sid was already seeking his approval. Glen smiled briefly before opening the door.

The nervous fox was putting down the forks when the door opened to reveal the hulking grizzly.


Glen grunted a response as he surveyed the kitchen. Pots littered the stove top. The sink had more dishes. The table was set. It was clear Sid put some effort into this. Glen would have guess with all the money he gave the fox this morning some form of takeout would have been the logical choice.

Sid was hoping Glen would be in a good mood. He had no idea what would be expected of him tonight but he suspected it would be worse if the bear was not happy.

It was hard for Sid to read him. Most of the time the bear looked moderately angry.

Glen sat down and gave a raised eyebrow to Sid.

"I'll serve?" Asked the fox.

The bear nodded.

Sid took one of the pots off the stove and began spooning out mixed vegetables. "H-how was your day?" he hazarded.

"Things went fine. Your day seems to have been productive. I assume you bought a phone."

"Yes. And I got my stuff from my old place."

Sid scooped out an attempted pasta. He knew it was over cooked... or under cooked. Either way, he rushed for the meaty tomato sauce and hoped enough of it would distract Glen from noticing.

Glen was already eating when Sid sat down but that stopped abruptly. Glen was staring at him. Sid quickly began to feel uncomfortable.

"What the hell is that?" Glen growled.

Holy shit, Sid panicked. "W-w-what? I-I-"

Glen motioned at his eye.

"Oh," relief washed over him. "That. Yeah, I ran into my landlord."

Glen ate another forkful of food and asked with his mouth still full, "do you want me to kick his ass?"

Sid found that a touching offer. "Uh, that's alright. I'm never going back there." He forced a smile.

"It's more the principle of the matter. The only one allowed to hit you now is me."

Sid gave a forced, nervous laugh and changed the subject. "How's the meal?"

"The noodles are over cooked."

"Oh. Sorry." Sid looked down at his plate.

Glen continued, "but you did a nice job on the seasoning. Like I said, I'm not cook either. Guess it'll just take some practice."

Maybe cook your own fucking food, thought Sid. "I, um, got you something while i was out."

This surprised Glen. "A present?"

"Yeah." Sid got up and went to his room. When he came back he was holding a trapezoidal blob of newspaper and duct tape. "It's sort of a thank you for letting me stay here... and the food." Gratitude was almost as foreign a concept as charity, to Sid. Before he could get too flustered he put the gift in front of Glen. "Here."

Glen made no attempt to guess what it might be and proceeded to pull the layers of tape and paper off... something green.

"It's a fern!" Sid yipped. "I noticed you didn't have any houseplants... I'll take care of watering it for you, if you want..." Glen remained as unreadable as ever. It was starting to get to Sid. "The lady said it purifies air... makes it fresher or something." Sid shrugged and slumped back into his seat.

Glen nodded. "Nice gesture. this," he tapped a leafy tendril, "this might actually come in handy."

Sid suppressed the urge to wag his tail but the smile was obvious.

"Well, Sid, I guess we should get on the the nights festivities."

The expression on Sid's face changed so fast, he was surprised he did not get emotional whiplash.

Glen rolled his eyes, "don't pout. You knew this was a stipulation of living with me."

"Yeah... I know. But you said we won't do what we did yesterday, right?"

Glen let Sid sweat while he walked into his living room. The fox dutifully followed close behind.

"So you're not feeling up to to going down again, yet?" the bear asked with a sigh.

Sid shook his head.

"Fine... You better be thankful I'm so fucking generous."

"I am!" Sid fiddled with his paws trying to think of an alternative before Glen could put his sadistic mind to it.

"Take off your clothes."

Too late.

Sid tugged at his shirt and reflexively glanced around, of course they were alone.

After the fox pulled his shirt off, Glen spoke from the plush easy-chair, "come closer, foxy. I want to touch my property."

The fox fought back the urge to roll his eyes. "Do you want me"

The bear chuckled. "Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?"

Sid hopped from one leg to the other as he pulled off his pants and underwear. "No..." He held his hands in front of his foxhood while Glen looked him over.

Glen's hand reached slowly for Sid. To his credit, Sid refrained from recoiling.

The bear batted away Sid's hands and proceeded to molest him. It did not take long before Sid was brought to full attention by that sensation.

"Hmph," grunted Glen. he looked disapprovingly at what the fox had to offer. Sid burned red. Glen put both his hands on Sid's hips. A squeeze that forced a gasp out of the fox. The inspection worked its way up. The bear's thick fingers playing over Sid's protruding ribs.

The bear leaned back and shook his head. "You don't look like you can take much punishment."

"I- I-... what kind of punishment are we talking about?" The tone in Glen's voice scared Sid more than the death threat he got from him yesterday. He had experienced this tone before. Usually before he got fired.

The bear just sat staring at him. Disapproval very evident. This was not good. Sid needed to salvage this. His mind flashed with images of dying in the street from exposure.

"I- I know I'm weak," he fell to his knees, "but, please," Sid looked up with as much pleading his eyes could convey.

Now it was Glen's turn to resist rolling his eyes. He wanted the fox on edge, but this was almost too easy. There was no real intention of throwing him out, but the fear in the fox's voice was music to his ears.

Glen lifted his foot and pushed his large boot into Sid's chest.

Sid fell back but got back to his kneeling position as fast as he could.

"Please, Glen... I can't make it on my own..." A tear welled in his eye, threatening to fall.

"You're right. You'd probably already be dead if I hadn't pitied you."

Sid whimpered.

Glen continued, "I'm sure you're grateful..."

"Yes! Yes, I am, Glen. Y-you've been so nice to me. I really do appreciate it."

The bear lifted his foot again. Sid flinched but the bear just let the boot make contact without pushing the fox over. "Show me."

Sid put his hands under Glen's ankle and slowly raised the boot. He placed a kiss on the toe. A tear fell, but he looked up at the bear for approval.

Glen remained unmoved.

Sid placed another kiss, this time longer and louder. And another, this time on the sole of the boot. Sid notice the treads were caked with what he hoped to be old and relatively clean dirt. He wished he had kept his eyes closed.

Glen spoke, "why don't you take it off. You don't want to put that stuff in your mouth. who knows where it's been."

In a quivering voice Sid said, "thank you." He began a struggle with the laces.

Glen laughed at the fox trying to pull the knots apart. Sid's hands were shaking. Glen started getting aroused.

As Sid gave a final yank, he tipped back holding onto the boot. A smell was already burning his nostrils. Apparently Glen did not wear socks.

Sid lifted the sweaty foot up to his face once more. His arms were getting sore but he dared not complain. Before he could plant a kiss Glen gave another order.

"I want you to tell me more about how pathetic you are. Tell me why this is where you belong." His erection was aching for release now.

Sid voice was wavering. "I'm pathetic," he agreed and kissed the bears damp sole. "Y-you are so much better than me..." Sid experimentally ran his tongue up the bottom of Glen's foot.

The taste was horrible and the odor was turning his stomach, but he kept debasing himself between licks. He was crying now. If there was not so much truth in his confessions, he might have been able to hold it together. The cruel bear was making Sid say things he would never even admit to himself.

"I had to leave home because I was an asshole to everyone." Lick. "When I was in school I would be bullied everyday." Slurp. "I pretended I didn't care." Kiss. "My last girlfriend wouldn't fuck me, but she made me watch her give my roommate a blow-job." Slurp. "I didn't deserve her." It went on as the sounds of Glen fapping grew faster.

Deeper into his past and through his darkest fears, Sid's life was sounding like an unbroken chain of suffering.

"Suck my toes like you did my cock last night."

Sid hated himself for feeling grateful that while he sucked he would not be able to continue his hellish confessions, though by this time it had devolved into heaving sobs and mantra like apologies for existing.

Sid's arms were numb and as he lowered Glen's foot to get his mouth over the top he saw that the bear had undone his pants and the monolithic cock was throbbing.

Sid bobbed his head moving from toe to toe. Glen was stroking in near rhythm with Sid's sucking.

The fox barely noticed the shots of cum hitting his face. His fur was already damp with sweat and tears. It was not until Glen pulled his foot away and gave another kick to Sid that the fox realized his ordeal might be over.

Sid curled into a fetal position and tried to stop crying so hard. It looked like it would just have to run its course as Sid could focus on nothing but how much of a loser he had become.

I don't want to live anymore!, his mind screamed.

Glen was breathing deep. Masturbation was never his cup of tea but with such an aide as Sid... Goddam! was all he could think while he waited for his strength to return.

"Goddam, Sid!... That was..."

Sid moaned from the floor.


A wailing sob.

_Fucking hell,_thought Glen. "Look, Sid, I know that was probably rough for you..." Glen listened to the fox cry. If it was not for the post orgasm blanket of zen like peace that enveloped him, Glen was not sure he could have resisted taking the broken fox, right then and there. But his lust was spent and now those damn feelings of sympathy and compassion were gnawing at his sadists psyche.

Glen sighed. "Relax, foxy, you made me a very happy bear. And when I'm happy, you're happy."

In a weak voice the fox mewled something that might have been "please," But Glen could not be sure.

_I think I broke the little fucker,_he thought. As tempting as it might have been to leave Sid in this wrecked state, the Grizzly began to feel bad.

"Damn my heart of gold," Glen whispered to himself. He got out of the chair and closed his pants. He looked down on the quivering vulpine form. With his bare foot he prodded Sid until he lifted his face from his hands. It was a jizz streaked mess.

Sid squirmed his top half closer to Glens foot and licked across the top of it.

"Sid, you don't have to..." sure it felt great and was normally something Glen would encourage, but Sid may have been pushed too far, he thought.

"Sid! Knock that off!" His roar was loud enough to freeze Sid in mid lick. It would probable scare the shit out of those in the neighboring apartments, but Glen did not care.

"...sorry," squeaked the fox.

"I know this was hard on you, but like I said, when I'm happy, you're happy. So pull yourself together, tomorrow I'm going to reward you."

Sid's eyes darted back towards Glen's foot. "I don't deserve a reward."

Glen loosed another exasperated sigh. "For fucksake, Sid."

Sid had run out of tears but he felt the urge to cry more. Glen's vice like grip clamped on his arm and pulled him upward. Sid offered no resistance and until Glen shook him sharply, he did not stiffen his wobbly legs to stand.

Glen lead the fox across the apartment. Sid only dimly recognized that he was in Glen's room, not the guest room he woke up in two days ago.

Glen stripped his own clothes off and ushered Sid into the bed. He spent the night holding Sid. Glen was not sure if that would help the situation but his repertoire of comforting moves was exceedindly limited.



Sid was exhausted mentally and physically. The only thing he could think of was how pathetic he was. He admitted it last night. He could not take that back or pretend it never happened. This had the air of permanence about it.

Sometime during that endless night, Sid realized a second thing. Glen was holding him.

The warmth of his contact was miraculous to Sid. He had just given a litany of every fault and transgression he could think of and yet the bear was holding him. This was an undeserved show of affection, in Sid's eyes. Undeserved and unrepayable. He had nothing to give the grizzly but himself.

A warped love was beginning to kindle itself in Sid's soul. He never realized how starved for affection he had become until the reality of the other fur's embrace sank in. When was the last time he had physical contact for such a prolonged period of time?

He shut his eyes tight and let warmth and sent and sounds of another body sooth him.

Force of habit brought Glen out of his slumber around five in the morning. He still had his arms wrapped around Sid. The fox was still asleep. His breathing was hypnotically rhythmic.

It had been a strange few days, he thought. Glen was a creature of habit. For years now, his sole focus had been on his job. There was no room in his life for meaningful relationships, and his sexual proclivities did not help.

So it became a three or four a week habit, picking up prostitutes. There was something honest and straight forward about them that Glen admired. He would purchase a hooker to abuse for a night to sate his dominant need and kick them out (well compensated of course) once he got his fill.

True, he had a type. Smaller builds, feminine features, the kind that he could physically dominate without much effort. And, yes, Sid did meet those qualifications. But Glen felt something different with him.Empathy?, Glen wondered.

For the first time in a very long time Glen experienced guilt. Not a lot, and certainly not enough to stop getting off on Sid's misery... but maybe enough to keep it to intermittent, rather than permanent misery...

_Hmm,_thought Glen. Something was different. It took a moment to pin point it but he now was sure the fox's breathing was different. He was awake.

They both lay there for a time. Neither one seemed to want to end this, but in the end Glen decided it was time to get up.


the fox jerked in his arms. There was little point in his pretending to be asleep now.


"Are you ok?"

The fox considered this. "I am, if we are."

The grizzly grunted an approval. "As fun as spooning is, I think we should probably get up."

"Oh," Sid sounded genuinely saddened at that. "You have to go to work?"

"No, Sid. It's Saturday. We're going to have some fun."

Sid's hair began to bristle.

"I promise it will be fun for you this time, Sid."

The promise relaxed Sid. He did not fully believe the words but even if Glen had come right out saying he wanted to spend the day electrocuting him with jumper cables, Sid would not have fought it. There was a sense of obligation now.

While Glen was in the shower Sid made his way to the living room. His clothes were still in a heap near that chair. Glen's boot was also there. Sid took the boot into Glen's room and put it with its counterpart.

Leaving the bathroom, Glen nearly tripped over Sid. The fox had been sitting on the floor right outside the door, hugging his wad of clothes and daydreaming about God knows what.

Glen looked down at the fox.

Sid asked, "did you want me to shower or just get dressed?"

Glen blinked. Note to self: be more gentle next time."Go ahead and shower... I'm taking you out for breakfast."

He watched the bushy fox tail swish as Sid smiled and walked into the still steamy bathroom. "What the fuck am I doing?" Glen asked himself.

Glen drove them to a cafe. The sign was in an opulent cursive, which Sid could not read, and the atmosphere intimidated him. The clientele seemed to be comprised of hipsters and young professional types. Some even wore ties. The soft muzak was avant-garde jazz. And the food and drinks? Sid could hardly guess what language they were written in, but he knew it was not his.

Sid stuck as close to Glen as he could. Leaning into him for a feeling of protection.

Glen looked over. "What do you want? Have anything, it's all on me." He smiled down at the fox. He looked nervous, Glen guessed, but this was pretty far out of the element he was used to. "I could order something I think you would like, if you want."

Sid gave a nod. His eyes glancing around for imagined threats.

"Go find a seat. I'll be right there."

Sid hesitated but broke contact and walked away hunched over in a vain attempt to make himself invisible.

Glen found Sid in a corner table, partly obscured by a plastic plant. He sat across from him.

Sid looked sheepishly at Glen's polo-shirt and black khakis. Even with his hulking size, the bear fit in. Sid tried keeping a count of the disgusted looks he was given (mostly from furs that thought he wasn't watching, but Sid was) but had to give that up when he lost count.

It was a very nice establishment overall. Modern aesthetics and the ubiquitous offer of free wi-fi. Sid was convinced he would have been asked to leave if Glen was not with him. His sense of obligation deepened.

The drinks came, along with three flat sandwiches. "I got you a few drinks that most people seem to like," said Glen.

Sid never liked coffee but promised himself he would at least pretend to like the drinks, for Glen's benefit. The first one Glen handed him was in what looked like a soup bowl with a handle. A mountain of whipped cream, dusted with shavings of imported chocolate and drizzled in a rich syrup. Sid's eyes widened.

"This is a mocha," said Glen.

"I've seen them before. But this looks a lot more impressive than that the one on the poster on the McDonald's window."

Glen laughed.

He drank the cherry-blossom cappuccino, drank half of the cafe latte before deciding his did not like it, and took sip of the americano which he found too bitter. The mocha however was delightful. He cautiously asked Glen for a second one to which the bear cheerfully agreed.

Sid was finishing his flat bread sandwich, that Glen assured him was not like the fast food burgers that become flat when kept under a heat lamp too long. That is when the caffeine started to kick in.

Sid's muzzle was frosted white with whipped cream by the time he finished his second triple-trenta mocha.

Glen noticed the fox become more fidgety than normal. When he started blathering on about much he enjoyed the grizzly's company, Glen decided he should not have gotten the fox the largest size.

"You're not used to caffeinated drinks, are you, Sid?"

"I don't like coffee and energy drinks are overpriced. And I'm usually pretty energetic on my own. It must be my nature," declared the wide-eyed fox.

"Wipe that pointy little mouth of yours. That fucking cream is giving me ideas."

Instead of recoiling, Sid laughed. It was high pitched and sounded like it would be more natural coming from a hyena. Glen realized this was the first time he had heard Sid really laugh.

On the drive home Sid treated Glen to a surprisingly wide variety of karaoke and dashboard drum solos. Glen's satellite radio's presets were mostly classic rock stations, but even as he switched over to a pop-station, Sid seemed to have extensive knowledge of the current chart toppers.

Some tape? Rope? A ball-gag. Yeah, I'm going to need something to keep his mouth shut sometimes, Glen thought. But for now he would let Sid have some enjoyment. He earned it.

Glen stopped at a department store.

Sid was in mid chorus when the engine shut off and he was left to sign how he was buying a stairway to heaven unaccompanied. "What are we doing now, Glen?"

"I'm buying you some clothes."

"What's wrong with what I got?" he asked while absently scratching at what was probably died semen on the sleeve of his hoodie.

A few hours later and Sid was hauling five bags of new name-brand clothes behind Glen who was fiddling with his key chain. The auto-starter was completely unreliable. Glen made a mental note to get vengeance on the mechanic who had installed it.

"I wish I could wear hats," remarked Sid as he piled the last bag into the trunk.

"Hats?" That was out of left field.

"Yeah. You never have to think of it with those nice, bear ears of yours. But my ears are huge. And they have a mind of their own. Even if I could find a hat with big enough ear holes, it would always get twitched off."

"I think your ears are cute. In fact, I think I would forbid you from wearing a hat even if you had one."

Sid beamed.

Back at the apartment Glen had Sid put on an impromptu fashion show with his new clothes.

It was a strange experience for the fox. Most of his shirts now had buttons and collars. That was two steps too close to a tie for Sid's liking. But Glen let him buy a few t-shirts more to his tastes. He particularly liked the blue one that informed the world of his "boobie inspector's" credentials. Glen was not as impressed with it.

After that Glen had the fox clean the apartment. The grizzly said Sid needed to work off some of that caffeine that was still keeping the fox in a restless state.

While kneeling with a damp sponge, scrubbing hard at various spots on the living room carpeting, Sid decided he was not generally a cleanly fur. Of course he never thought of himself as many things he was now becoming.

Glen was on the couch poking away at an open laptop. Sid debated weather to make any sexual advance towards him. His previous experiences were less than fun.

A nagging sense of dread slowly crept in with the early fall of the autumn sun.

The bear cleared his throat causing the fox to start. "Well, Sid," Glen noticed the change in Sid's demeanor. "Relax, foxy. I told you, you were being rewarded today." Glen closed his laptop. "We are going out tonight... and change out of that 'boobie inspector' shirt."

"Aww," Sid whined but felt relief at not having to push anymore of his limits tonight.

Sid left with Glen. He was too distracted by the feel of the exotic fabrics against his fur. If these are clothes, what have I been wearing? he asked himself.

It was a short drive. Only two blocks from the apartment. Sid looked out the windows at the glittering neon. "You don't strike me as the clubbing type, Glen."

"How would you know?"

Sid shrugged. Glen was not into the club scene, but these were extenuating circumstances.

The SUV pulled to the curb in front of a crowded sidewalk. The neon read "Yoot Er Us." Sid did not get it but the place looked packed. The line extended down the block.

Glen gave his keys to a valet. He walked up to the bouncer, Sid following close.

"Name?" asked the zebra. He wore a thick leather jacket and his mohawk was striped blue and gold. Sid guessed the pay had to be pretty good if he let his hair get color coordinated with the club's primary color scheme.

Glen leaned in and bellowed their names.

Holy shit! We're on a "_the list"_thought Sid excitedly. Yet another first for him.

The zebra gave a long, hard stare at the scrawny fox, but waved them both through.

The doors opened and the thudding dubstep seeped into the street. "Asshole," Sid yelled at the bouncer, knowing full well the music drowned it out. But it made him feel better.

The club was symmetrical. One half gold with blue accents, the other gold with blue accents. Glen lead them to the bar on the gold side. He took out two hundred-dollar bills and passed them to Sid.

"What's this for?" asked the fox. He almost had to yell it to be heard over the music.

"Pick up a girl and get yourself laid."

"What?" He heard that, one of the perks that came with being a fox was good hearing, but he did not know if he understood.

"It's the best stress reliever and you've been seriously high strung since we met."

Sid opened his mouth to protest but was cut off before he could start.

"No arguments, Sid. You obviously don't get off on the same things I do, so take advantage of my fucking benevolence and go score," He gave the fox a light shove, "Take her back to the apartment. I won't be back until late."

Well, considered Sid, it has been awhile. He shrugged to himself and made for the bar that lined the opposite side of the club.

Glen observed the fox between sips of martini. Sid was surveying the prospective females. He slid between two vixen's only to be tapped on the shoulder by a snow leopard motioning for him to keep moving.

Ouch, thought Glen. Strike one.

Sid appeared to use a pickup line on a fox girl holding an elaborate cocktail. Glen hoped this was not a bad idea. He figured anyone reasonably attractive with a few hundred bucks could get lucky at one of the more popular clubs. True, this was not Glen's usual scene and he was only on the list via a wealthy client that owed him a few favors, but it was going to get some of Sid's confidence back... right?

"Swing and a miss," observed the bear. Sid now looked to be losing his nerve. By the fourth drink the luckless fox had bought for unresponsive furs, Glen knew he needed to step in.

While Sid retreated to the can, hopefully for a piss or to gather his nerve, and not to burst into tears as Glen feared the fox might, he stood up and made his own quick inventory of the bar on his side of the room. Sid definitely had a type, making the next part easy. The fox had tried his luck with three vixens and a buxom fennec who turned Sid away with surprisingly vulgar hand gestures.

Glen was not one for games. Spotting the first girl that matched the requirements and it was straight to business.

A massive grizzly paw holding large denomination bills slammed on the bar. The surprised vixen immediately noted the money. "Well, hello, big guy."

Glen rolled his eyes. "You are barking up the wrong tree. But I've got this friend and he really needs some action tonight." Glen raised his hand to preemptively quell the obvious coming objection. "I know, I know. You're not a whore and I'm an asshole for suggesting it, etcetera. Think of this as a good deed and a I'm just God giving you an earthly reward."

Glen glanced at the restroom doors hoping he could do this quick enough.

He began dealing out bills one at a time. The vixen watched, transfixed.

"He's a nice fox, thin and financially well off. I'm going to keep dropping these bills, you tell me when you start feeling charitable."

As the vixen walked across the dance floor to watch for her charity case, Glen noted his out of character actions and had to ask himself, "what the fuck is wrong with me? That little fucker is becoming quite the investment."

Meanwhile in a stall in the men's room, Sid was raising similar questions. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked the distorted reflection in the stainless steel stall door.

Weighing his options, it was: hide in here the rest of the night, or hope Glen did not yet leave and beg him to forget this idea, or keep getting told to "fuck off" until his money ran out.

At least the last one might mean he got to get drunk in the process. "I wish I was wearing that boobie-inspector shirt. That would have made a_killer_ icebreaker."He sighed heavily and left the crapper.

Almost as soon as he was out he walked right into someone.

"Sorry," muttered Sid, rubbing his arm.

"It's alright. I was just looking for my friend, but I think she left."

Sid looked at the vixen. Why not?, he thought. "If you still want to have a good time..." Sid motioned to himself with a wide grin.

"Cute and funny," giggled the vixen. "Does my mystery man have a name?"

"Y-yeah. It's, um, Sid."

"Awesome! I'm Greta," she extended a dainty hand.

Circumstance part 3

7 Sid lubricated the situation with liberal amounts of alcohol. More for his benefit than hers. Greta was willing to leave for Sid's place almost as soon as they met. And much to Sid's disappointment, she held her booze better than he did. Greta...

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Circumstance part 1

1 The twisting pain of hunger helped to steel his resolve. It was this or starvation, he told himself as he walked the last few blocks. The emaciated fox gripped his stomach again. It could have been nerves as much as hunger. Prostitution was...

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