Taking A Slave

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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A centaur slave is more than simply a servant to clean the house and work the field, a female centaur slave especially proves to be lucrative for her new masters.

Commission for Guri

Humans. Humans were always using the trade routes that had once belonged to their ancestors, but were no longer covered under any sort of treaty or protection. They had hammered out the original treaty hundreds of years ago, before the wars, before the shifts in territory, before they had divided when they had found a better route by sea, but they still insisted on using it. The narrow road led through the mountains and to the bordering ports, it wasn't the fastest way to travel, but it was certainly the least expensive when it came compared to ships, so no matter what the dangerous they still pushed on. Marissa had grown up listening to her parent's stories about the raids of old, when they had come from the mountain in a thundering herd, the centaur's numbers strong and bold as they took what they wanted and left arrows and bodies behind them. The days were legendary among colts and fillies alike, but hardly measured up to the way they kept their routes and roads safe.

The filly followed behind the band of rowdy colts, much like the other three fillies who refused to stay in the village where they would be bored to death by the unending recitation of their duties in growing the herd. The colts were all older, old enough to be counted as stallions if they had bothered to take the rite of passage, but most of them preferred running in a wild band. They didn't have mares of their own, they didn't have any responsibilities beyond gathering and scouting, they could fight and loll about all day if they wanted to. In short, she and the rest of the fillies followed mostly out of envy and the urge to actually do something of interest, like seeing the humans that ran along the routes and passages that had been left through the mountains. Though, she was the only one of the group of females that persisted past the distant view of the wagon train and the bit of dust and smoke rising up from the wheels.

The adults had long since ceded the route to humans who were brave enough to use it, or at least, they were no longer interested in patrolling and fighting to maintain control, but that didn't stop the youngsters from using it as an opportunity to show off and hone their skills in battle and stealth. The wagon trains sometimes were able to pass through unmolested, if they hadn't, they would have eventually stopped, but all too often the centaurs used the time to harry and drive them. In a best case scenario the humans could pay off the armed young stallions with trinkets and liquor, but other days it came to blood shed and worse. Marissa was well aware that the reputation of their people had started to come with hints that there were no female centaurs, they only bred and passed their genes on by forcibly claiming human females.

Though, they certainly aren't wrong about how often it happens. She thought and picked up her hooves to catch up to the colts, her tail swished nervously as they started to speed up into an easy cantor.

She didn't know why she wanted to go with them, but the thought of staying in the village irritated and constrained her. She felt as if she were trapped in a prison that had no bars, only the societal pressures for her to leave her foalhood behind her. Last year she had run with abandoned, she had had friends of both genders, been wild and unencumbered as their responsibilities were more games than true chores. She was uncertain how just a few seasons could make such a notable difference, but she could see it in herself as well as her friends. In the spring her puffy soft coat had shed, turning from dark muddy brown to sleek gold with bold black stockings that faded towards stripes at her hocks. Her chest had softened and grown, her tail and mane lengthened as she had become taller and her curves turned to muscled grace. She was a young mare, not truly a filly, though she refused to relinquish the title simply because she was growing older.

Her sire had already spoken of the need to learn the skills her mother had so carefully gathered, how to gather herbs and heal, how to cook and how to know the paths that led safely through the forest and the wintering valleys that they preferred. It removed her from her youthful playmates and placed her securely in a role that she had no desire to be in. Learning such trades would soon come with the burden of being presented to find a mate, one of the stallions would either pick her or sire would make the match, and she would be given away to play wife and mother for the rest of her days. There would be no more adventures and games, nothing like the wild feel of her hooves thundering beneath her and the laughter ringing in her ears. The moment she came into heat that would all be over no matter how hard she wished differently.

"Get back with the rest!" One of the colts, a bold dark one with an unruly mane that ran along his bare skinned shoulders and half covered his eyes, paused to give her an aloof look. "This isn't the place for you!"

"So? You're only going to scare them." She continued on with a bit of a challenge in her voice. "Why shouldn't I join you? It's not as if there's any risk."

"They have weapons of their own." The dark colt, Loru responded and twitched his tapered ears back a hair. "You could get shot, or fall or any number of things."

"And you don't even have a bow with you." One of the other's spoke up with a bit of amusement on his face, already having his bow in hand. "Better you pick out a position and watch, you don't have to stay with the rest, but at least don't keep tagging along."

"I won't be moronic enough to follow you all the way down, but I have never seen a human before and I very much wish to see what they look like." She retorted sharply and lifted her hooves in a smart trot, jostling Loru as she did so. He had never suggested she stay behind before, why did things have to change?

"They look like you, except the bottom half just has two legs and no hooves!" He snapped and snorted, pushing her roughly to the side as he lunged forward. "And it is none of your concern! I'm not going to have my tail docked because you manage to get an arrow in you or break a leg."

"You won't." She answered coldly and gamely continued on after them. "I will see what these humans are like and leave you to whatever it is you wish to do."

"Fine." The leader of the colts said in exasperation. "But I wash my hands of it! If you get into trouble you will have to find your own way out."

Marissa flicked her tail primly behind her, smirking a little to herself at the obvious unhappiness of the males at having her present. They would have many more raids and attacks on the human intruders, she only had today. She would see something the other fillies didn't dare to see, she would be bold and brave, and that would be what she carried on into the next stage of her life.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Fuck! GET DOWN!" Jamison grabbed Todd by the scruff of the shirt and dragged him to the ground as the arrows whistled above them.

"That was too close." Todd hunched against the carriage with his eyes tracing the fall of the arrows, the sound of hooves hammered around them. Hooves that didn't belong to the horses, two of which had already been brought down by the arrows from the centaurs.

"Where is the pepper cannon? They said that it would work." Jamison's shirt was scuffed with dirt, stains ran along the arms where he had crawled across the ground.

Todd just shook his head and shifted his musket, rolling along the bottom of the carriage to have the relative safety of the carriage above him. They had nearly made it past the centaur's lands before the creatures had burst out in an ambush that had sent them all scrambling away for safety. This time, they were safe from personal encroachment of the beasts, this time they were wise enough to have an all male party instead of attempting to bring families. He grimaced as he wriggled along the damp soil, trying not to let his mind go back to his youth and the caravans he had been on that had been idiotic enough to allow for women to come. It didn't matter, no matter how hard he tried there was no escaping the vivid recollections of the centaurs taking their 'price' for safe passage. The women who had been forced beneath the half-beasts and nearly ripped in two by their lusts were forever lurking in his memory.

His story wasn't as sad, he had only witnessed the horrors, not the women who had lived them and carried the scars or, worse, had experienced the terror of a bastard foal in their belly. Or like Joshua, who had lost his sister to one of the stallions, her death while giving birth had made the man nearly maniacal in his desire to eradicate them, he had a reason too. The sound of fired shots erupted from around the gathered carriages, most of the men having the wisdom to retreat beneath the wagons where the centaurs had little hope of catching them. It was there that he tried to aim for the flashing legs, the gleaming sides and the brief glimpses of the bows as they struck. They had the advantage of being as fleet as mountain goats and knew how to hide, but the humans had the advantage of better weaponry.

"There it is!" Todd crowed as he saw one of the guards pulling up the iron cannon, barely the side of a man's torso, but it was already packed.

"Move over!" His friend pushed closer, wriggling beneath the carriage until they were nearly exposed to see the men loading the thing.

The pepper cannon had been invented for this purpose, the broad spray made to fire widely at an area to force the enemy back. It wasn't deadly, at least, no more deadly than it had to be, it was mainly to drive them back. Todd watched as it was loaded, it should have been deadly, after so many years of attacks and battles they should have taken matters to the next level, but they were refused. They were still technically encroaching on lands belonging to the half beasts, and until the crown took an interest it would stay that way. But they could fight back, as long as they didn't start an all out war, they could defend themselves. The centaurs would overlook injuries and likely a death or two, as long as they didn't begin to slaughter their attackers.

This was the only portion of the country that they were constrained by such rules. The Crown didn't believe the route had enough traffic to fight for or give payment to the guardians. There were borderlands where they could use deadly force, and did, where the Crown had set up guards to defend and maintain their lands. Here, they could only drive the beasts back and hope it was enough to pass through without too large a loss in goods or torment for their women. They couldn't even take captured centaurs as lawful slaves since they were technically broaching into territory that wasn't their own. But the beasts could violate harmless women and only be given a blast of a stinging cannon in retribution. The idea of being bound by such rules was laughable, a bitter sort of laughter before the roar of the pepper cannon made him jerk up, nearly hitting his head on the cart.

It exploded with a hail of fire and smoke billowing out before the sound of panicked shouting rose up in the air, rocks falling and the pounding of hooves. The remaining horses screeched out in fear, but they couldn't escape, the few that remained were tied down onto their stomachs, saved from the hail of arrows and the whooping laughter. Joshua let out a fierce whoop of his own as they heard the pained sounds beyond the ridge as the sparse fire spread out to hit their marks. The second pepper cannon went off with similar results and a few of the men in the caravan began to move out from under the carriages and carts, their muskets loaded and at the ready. The aim was to get away while they were distracted, Todd knew that, his friend knew that, but Joshua got his musket up with a wild whoop as the second cannon fired with a roar, already scrambling to the top of the carriage to take aim at the bandits. He wouldn't be happy until he had shed blood, theirs.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Marissa's legs strained forward as she bolted down the rocky hillside, trying to avoid the colts that were tearing away without looking back. The explosion had sent them running, not just the crack of a musket going off, but a bone rattling sound that had momentarily deafened her even from the distance she had been standing. She had tried to stay far enough away to keep out of any hint of danger, but the first rush of the colts had lured her closer. She had never seen a human before, and her first glimpse of them was a confused eruption of movement as horses reared in panicked and the carriages were drawn towards a partially shielded overpass. She didn't know what she had thought she'd be seeing, but the humans were stranger than anything she had ever imagined.

They were covered in rough cloth, just as her

She was rocked, the impact hit her, vibrating along her chest and threw her up onto her haunches as the explosion unsettled her. Her hind legs splayed, trying to hold herself up as she, too late, heard the creak of a carriage and the wild screams of one of the horses. It all happened too fast, a flash and terror filled sound of rattling as she was knocked over by a flash of a large chestnut draft horse and a rolling cart. It was panic and terror as she tipped backwards, rearing and pawing, trying to maintain her footing as her top heavy body was flung backwards, crashing on her side against the hard rock strewn ground, driving the breath from her lungs as her legs churned and attempted to find their footing before she rolled over under the weight of her own body.

The sound of the cannons echoed in her ears as she was flung back, the sounds of her companions running away were distant while her side slammed against a tree, her hooves catching against the bark, only luck allowed her bones to remain intact as she cried out, seeing stars as the breath was driven out of her equine lungs. Her entire body rattled, her muscles tensed and her bones rattled, she could taste blood along her inner cheek where it had been driven in against her teeth as the filly reeled and trembled, hearing the charging horse and carriage rattling off in the distance as she tried to make her mind work. She could feel the bite of rocks beneath her broad equine side as she shifted and lifted her head, pushing an arm beneath her to heave her human body up and her vision blurred, a pain began to throb just behind her eyes.

The sound of the colts was gone, their squeals and laughter, the human's cannon, they were all gone, but she didn't know if it was simply because they had finally retreated or if her ears were muffled from being so near the cannon when it had gone off. She gave another shake of her head, her thick dark hair fell forward as she tried to look around, feeling the scrape of the tree against her tucked hind legs, the position awkward, but it had saved her ribs from taking the impact. Her tangled legs throbbed, her foreleg ached to the point that it was nearly unbearable when she tried to move them. She tried to get her forelegs under her, but the moment she put weight on the right it was a stab of pain sharp enough she cried out in shock. Broken?

The thought cleared her fogged mind as she stared down at her leg, seeing red blood oozing from a wound right above her knee, but it didn't look broken, it just hurt. The position with her hind legs against the tree meant she couldn't use them to get up, she didn't have enough room or ability to roll over. Every time she tried to use her forelegs, her aching cut leg throbbed in pain and protested taking her full weight she fell back again with a sharp short cry. She couldn't get up! Fear went through her, terror, nothing was worse than being downed and unable to get up, it meant that she was vulnerable, a victim, no matter how intelligent they were, they could still be downed and attacked, predators could easily be the end of her if she wasn't standing up. In that, they had more in common with horses than people.

"Down this way! I heard it!" She heard a rough voice from above near the trail, the Trade-tongue told her it wasn't one of her people.

"No.. no no no.." She lunged forward, heaving with her hands against the ground to try and get away from the tree, her hind legs kicking wildly to scrape against the bark.

"Along the tree line!" Another voice, the sound of movement. Marissa pushed her hooves harder against the ground, lunging forward with a harsh cry of pain as her leg nearly crumbled.

It didn't matter now, what mattered was that she get up and out of here. The band had left, they had run the moment the cannon had cracked out, they wouldn't linger. They wouldn't even notice she was missing until they were far enough back to stop running, which meant no one was going to come to rescue her if she couldn't get on her hooves. Humans were coming, she heard the sound of their two feet on the ground and their wild chattering as they slipped into their own tongue. With a wild squeal she lunged up and got her fore hooves under her and she heaved up, her hind legs kicking roughly so she could lunge onto all fours. Her leg screamed with pain, tears welled up in her eyes as she leaped upwards and her injured leg took her weight grudgingly now that it was dispersed between all four hooves. It didn't matter, she was up, the humans were still running towards her wild cries as she got her hooves beneath her and set off for the darkness of the forest to hide her.

She didn't get more than three paces away before rope snapped around her, the edge of it brushed her head before running down the length of her shoulders and one of the men let out a wild whoop of excitement when it went taught. She was nearly driven to her knees as she was yanked backwards and felt the rope bite down against her stomach and right against the top of her equine foreshoulders. With a wild sound she reared back and twisted to one side, trying to yank the rope free of the man who was gripping it, but he was already moving to a tree and lunged around it, pulling roughly as the man joined him, yanking forward so she was left struggling against it. She took a step back, her tail lashing wildly, her foreleg screaming in protest as she dug both hooves down against the ground as they tried to yank her forward slowly and steadily.

"GET ANOTHER ROPE!" One of the men snapped out clearly, and only then did Marissa realize that she had missed out others cautiously approaching the struggle.

The second rope didn't go for her head and shoulders, but hit her foreleg to snap around, the weighed ends twisted around her other foreleg, tangling them up as she let out a protest when the rock hit her injured leg. It was a landslide, the moment her forelegs were entwined another rope came to go over her head, this one snapping around her throat so her struggles grew less violent as she couldn't pull back without cutting off her air. She tried to use her hands to pull them off, but they refused to budge as the moment she tried to gain even a hint of slack they dragged her forward again. Another rope hit her hind leg when it was lifted, and it was yanked out so she swung around, her bound forelegs tripping her up. That was all it took, as neatly as a wild horse she was captured, her body crashed to the ground for the second time that day, hitting her side roughly as the humans advanced on her, the first pair pushing through to use a booted for to force her human shoulder down towards the ground.

"A female!" Someone crowed out and she jerked up again, kicking her hind legs to try and hit them. "So it looks like they have their own women after all."

"Let me go!" She pushed up against the foot, but the man only pushed down harder. "I did nothing to you! I wasn't a part of that raid!"

"No?" The man ground his foot against her until she let out a pained sound, his companion was already reaching down towards her arms. "And what did our women do to your men to deserve their fates?"

"Y-you trespassed." She stammered, her arms were yanked backwards roughly as the push on her shoulder relaxed, not for any bit of mercy, only to pull her arms back behind her where lengths of ropes could be used to bind them.

"Well, then we are within our rights to take you, you were there for the attack, after all." He grinned, the human's features were strange and incomplete to her eyes, the round short ears, the short cropped hair on his head.

"B-but I didn't do anything!" She protested. "You can't, this our land, you can't simply...Ow!"

The rope bit her wrists as it was forcibly tied together hard enough her aching bones were ground together, her body jerking as the men began to grab her hooves. She'd never been handled in her life, and certainly not like this, large hands grabbed her fetlocks and forced her to stretch her legs out in front of her so that the ropes could be tugged free. They were touching her, strangers holding and pushing her down as she struggled and the man who had captured her twitched his lips slightly in a tight smile.

"That never stopped your people from raping and killing our women, why should you be given any mercy?" His words were cold, unyielding, terrifying. They would have to come for her, she was a noncombatant, they wouldn't let the humans keep her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Todd perched on the back of the wagon with a slight bit of amusement at seeing the mare trying to keep up with the rattling wagons. He'd never seen a female centaur before.. it was an interesting sight to see the differences. Most of their remaining caravan seemed to be equally intrigued by the female who was forced to keep along with limping steps. Granted, most of them were looking at the fact she was utterly and completely topless, her breasts bared to the world and she didn't seem to have any shame about it. She wasn't wearing anything except a satchel across her back that had been filled with various plants and a few pots of who knew what. Her trim belly was certainly enjoyable to look at as she strained forward and kept her eyes locked to a point just beyond his shoulder, refusing to look at him. Her face was lovely, with high cheek bones and full soft lips, obviously young enough to not show any of the age of a seasoned mare.

Even her equine body was lovely looking. The stallions that attacked were normally heavier looking, more along the lines of a light draft horse, but she was built like a palfrey. The dun and black coloring was exotic, the stripes along her legs elegant even if one was now wrapped in a make shift bandage that their physician had worked up to make sure that her bleeding stopped. Joshua had no interest of losing his prisoner, not yet and Todd was inclined to agree with him. She must have been breath taking when she wasn't stumbling along with her arms crossed over her stomach and her tail drooping down in defeat, he certainly could fantasize the sort of human body she might have possessed if she hadn't been a centaur. The thought made a touch of heat come to his cheeks as he stood up and moved through the back of the carriage and towards the driver's seat.

"She's not bad looking." He greeted Joshua with a smile, settling down so he could offer to take the reins. "Cleaned up she might be even better looking."

"I can just bet." He gave a tight smile. "Did anyone mention any sign of being followed? I thought for sure they'd come after her."

"None, the pepper cannon drove them off after the second volley, I doubt they even know she's missing. They might not even know she was there, I've never seen a female out before this." Todd took the reins after a moment and his friend stretched out with a smug smile. "What are we going to do with her after this?"

"Keep her." He grinned a bit wider. "It's not like they'll come after her once we get to the border, no one has ever come after a slave."

"Not sure the magistrate will let us brand her, she's not really captured in battle..." He trailed off dubiously while glancing back to the centaur. "I mean, they rarely allow any slaves to be taken on this route at all, but a female? You might as well cut her loose now and avoid the future fines."

"They will if you meet the right magistrate." Joshua winked as he stood up, balancing himself with a hand on the carriage. "I know a few posts where they're from down near Chintan and West End, both of those are close enough to centaur lands that they'll overlook her."

The cart rattled on as they drifted into silence together, Todd flicked his eyes back to see the mare trying to wriggle her arms out of the rope that bound them. She wouldn't be able to, not unless she were armed and he had made sure that she wasn't. He'd never owned a slave in his life, much less a centaur. The practice wasn't entirely common in the eastern half of the country. They had been settled for so long that it was unheard of to have any sort of combat and prisoners of war, but here in the west, it was a standard practice. If a man could bear arms and fight, he had a chance to claim a slave for his own. Human and centaur, but centaurs were more greatly prized because it wasn't simply a human that you had working your fields, but a horse that could pull loads, plow land, work longer, harder, and more extreme hours than a human could.

For men who had wealth, such as himself and Joshua, they could count on using such slaves to pull carriages or even handle a man in the saddle. It was a step up from a regular horse, something rare that appealed to even old blood. Both of them were new money, the trade roads made their cash for them, their contacts made for easy money when they went between the two halves of the continent and the money they saved on the road instead of at sea meant that they were able to amass their wealth far more quickly than conservative businessmen. This, this would be a way to gain interest of those who had been born to money, men with daughters who might be adventurous enough to take on a new moneyed suitor.

A smile teased the edges of his mouth, soon spreading all the way as he purposefully coaxed the horses into a faster walk, forcing the mare to stumble behind them to try and keep up. They would winter over in Canton, there would be no movement once the snows rolled in and typically both of them preferred to spend the winter months on Joshua's property where the wealthier man could provide amusements to keep it from growing dull. Normally they played games of chance or took the hounds hunting, they enjoyed the money made through the warmer months and healed from passages such as this. This winter would be different, after all, this winter they had a mare to break in and one that wasn't merely a beast.

"We really might put thought into seeing if she can carry a foal." He murmured softly, the idea warming him as he leaned back. "She might just be a priceless prize if she can drop a centaur foal."

Joshua's laughter was wicked as he glanced towards his friend with his eyes brightening.

"If they can breed true with humans, why not with animals, hmm?" He murmured in answer, an almost feverish glint of anger behind the amusement. "It would be fitting. Yes... truly fitting."

~ ~ * ~ ~

"GET ON THERE!" Joshua, the taller of the two men, snapped a hand against her haunches so sharply that she squealed with shocked pain.

"Stop that!" Marissa shuddered her skin angrily, humiliation and outrage barely contained as she was forced into a chute by the strike.

"As you can see, she is a treasure." The other one, the shorter one with properly long hair that was bound in a tail at the nape of his neck, was speaking with yet another human. "I want her properly kitted out, hobbles, bridle, ties and binders, saddle and harness."

The road out of everything she had ever known had been long, and humiliating. Each day she had been forced to walk behind the wagon without even an ounce of pity from the creatures. Her arms remained forcibly bound behind her back until the times when they were released, such as when it was time to eat, she was in tears as feeling went to her numb fingers. She was given no privacy, no decency, the only amenity that they provided was to care for her wounded foreleg and even that was more for the fact they seemed intent on keeping her like some sort of pet! As if she were a horse in truth! It was more than she could stand. Not even the times she had had to pass waste had been in private, instead, they expected her to do it in much the way their horses did. On the move, and in public.

Today, today they train had come to an end as they had passed through the very edges of her peoples' lands and to the filthy dank cities that she had heard of in her youth. It was an assault on her nose and ears, even from a distance, the pack of humans so large that it had terrified her as they had stood in line to pass through several gates. What she knew of humans could fit in a small box, but she had felt hope when she had been examined by one dour looking gentleman with the same regalia as the soldiers wore when they came under peace flag. Her hopes hadn't lived long, instead of being able to plead that she did not wish to come with these men she had been examined crudely, touched and poked, her height, color, markings, all taken down along with a rough description of her body.

She soon found out why. The moment she passed the gates with what the man had called her 'masters', she had seen the truth of her long walk here. Centaurs lived in the cities and not as citizens. She had passed by them hauling carts or pulling carriages, saddled with modified bridles as men road them as they might common horses. They had packs and gear on their backs, each one hobbled unless they were hooked to a carriage or under a saddle, each one obviously cowed until they didn't even look her way as she was led through. Slaves. They kept her kind as slaves, pets, possessions in a way that she had never imagined and her people had never warned her about.

"Come on, missy, lift that hoof." The strange man grabbed her injured leg roughly. "Let's see if you're healed up."

"Ask me properly!" She retorted, grunting slightly as the tight walls of the chute were squeezed again, trapping her until there was no hope of even kicking out.

"She's not broken yet." The shorter one, Todd, that was his name she recalled, spoke up and touched her back with a light stroke. "Just get that leg up, she stopped limping several days ago, it should be well on its way to being healed."

"Stop touching me!" She twisted around, balling up her fists, only to lose her glaring reprimand as it turned into a cry.

The fingers bit roughly along her lower leg, pinching the tendons so she had no choice but to jerk it up and let the strange man run his hands along her leg in a familiar way. All of them handled her in familiar ways, touching her when she didn't give permission, handling her and pushing her around. She had never been so humiliated in her short life. No centaur would behave this way, they might touch her, but never when it distressed her, and never like this. The man turned her leg about, rocking it back and forth, extending and curling it up so that she let out a protest when the newly healed wound was tugged the wrong way. She tried to limp backwards, the a board that blocked the chute forced her to remain miserably in place as the man dropped her leg and ran his hands upwards towards her shoulder.

When the stranger spoke again, he did so in their native language, something that might as well have been bird song for all that she understood it. Todd kept stroking her, caressing along her back in a way that made her want to kick him full in the chest. He always liked to touch her, even when he was undoing her arms, he took the chance to stroke the line of her mane along her back, rubbing and had even gone so far as to brush along her breasts. She shifted nervously, trembling a little bit as the strange man reached under her again and she felt him stroking along her leg again as he spoke. It was the sound of rattling and metal that brought her ears up and she gave a jerk forward when she realized that as the stranger was talking, he was unbuckling what looked like a pair of cuffs.

"Please! I never did anything to you at all! Let me go!" She kicked out, trying to strike the stranger, but when she did a hand grabbed her long forelock and her head was yanked down.

"Allow me to explain something that might not be understood, yet." Joshua held the lock of hair tightly, dragging her head forward until her breasts her pinned against the board in front of the chute. "You are no a free creature, you are no longer home, you have no family, no friends, nothing here."

"I didn't do anything to you." She protested again while a thick cuff was suddenly wrapped along one of her hind hooves.

"Your kind have raped and killed on that trail, even when we are prepared to pay our way through." The man dragged her head lower, forcing her to bow her head lower than his own.

"Y-you don't own that pass!" She let out a pained noise as her breasts scraped roughly against the wood. The cuff was snapped around her lower leg, nearly ten inches long, multiple buckles were tugged in place, but her attention was on her captor.

"No, but your people could accept payment or simply attack, but you rape and kill, you destroy." The hold moved to under her chin, forcing her to look at the human as another buckle was snapped around her opposing leg. "So I will explain the rules here once. You are a slave, you have nothing, no authority, no say on your body or how you live. If you disobey, you will be punished, if you fight you will have comforts taken from you."

"Wh-what comforts?!" Marissa felt Todd stroking her, the hands now being used to drag something heavy and leather over the ridge of her lower back, just in front of her hindquarters.

"As of now, you are an animal, a beast, if you obey and make an effort to live in your new role, you will be rewarded, if you do not, then you will remain a beast." Joshua kept speaking, his words low and threatening as the chute suddenly relaxed. She nearly stumbled as she splayed her legs, jerking backwards, but the hand dug more firmly against her cheeks. "Do you understand?"

"I.." The fingers bit harder into her cheeks and made her cry out sharply as the two men were fastening the leather band around her lower belly. "I understand."

"Good, this will be the last conversation we have until you earn the right to speak back." She realized that he was holding her jaw for a reason, the same reason the men were tugging the leather band around her belly.

She had seen the bridles on the other centaurs in the streets, but now she was given a glimpse of one up close as the poor thing had walked by her, and he held one in his hands. It was lightly fashioned after the ones the normal horses wore, but there were more straps and they were all shorter. She tried, belatedly, to twist her head away, her forehooves splaying to either side in an attempt to jerk, but Todd was quick to help hold her, his hand gripped the base of her tail and suddenly jerked it up in such a fashion that was beyond offensive. She jerked forward, just enough that the straps were pushed over her head, the glossy stiff leather kissed along her cheeks and was pulled back far over her ears so the bands could be pulled taut.

She squealed, the sound bursting out from her sealed lips as the man forced her hand down, the stranger aiding him in forcing her forward. The chute behind her opened, but even as she kicked out, she realized what they had been doing. Her hind hoof went out just a few inches before the leather strap around her middle went taut and she couldn't kick out any further. She tried with the other leg, the cuff went tight, preventing her from even coming near hitting the man behind her. She shuddered and twisted, trying to jerk backwards, struggling against the men that tugged the buckles into place, and the horrible feel of the bit pushed up between her lips and ground against them as she was held in place.

A normal horse bit wouldn't have fit her, she didn't have the gape in her teeth, but the humans had long since found a way around that particular hurdle. The bit that shoved against her lips was flat and broad, designed to fit over her tongue as it was shoved forward and scraped against her teeth. Even as she tried to lock her jaw in place she was wrestled down, handled like a wild animal as the foul taste of metal filled her mouth and the tongue depressor pushed down, a raised portion scraped against the roof of her mouth as they began to lock it into place by slender tough braids of leather. She pushed with her tongue, trying to dislodge it, but the men kept her head down as it was pulled in place while her tongue was firmly pinned and the leather bands to either side were tweaked and tightened.

The final bands were buckled behind her while she let out a short breath, her body shuddering as the strange man who had come with all of the foul gear gripped her head close to him as the man tugged and pulled to make sure it was in place. She had never been so horrified in her life, so humiliated, the taste of metal rubbed along her tongue, making it hard to swallow before the last buckle was tightened under her chin and something clicked into place with a snap just under her jawline. If she hadn't seen the centaurs in the city she might have been confused about what it was, but she had seen it. A metal lock was being fixed into the tongue of the buckle, making sure that even if she got her hands free she couldn't peel it off.

The men were talking above her as her head was released, finally, jerking her head up with a disgusted noise as she closed her jaws, the bit making her mouth feel full and heavy. She tried to speak, but the moment she did so the sound was garbled, the words not even sounding like words, but animalistic sounds as she tried to get her tongue to work under the pinned bit. She jerked backwards, trying to back out of the chute, but the moment she did she felt the board slide back into place behind her, locking her in the small confined area once again. Why did they even bother? She couldn't have kicked out even if she had been free, the hobbled hind legs made her little more than useless for that particular use.

"Tighten the chute, I don't want her hurting herself!" One of the men switched to trade tongue, Todd, and suddenly she was being compressed on both sides. "Keep it tight!"

Both the strange tack man and Todd were pinning her in place, her entire body caught in the thick broad rails that bit into her glossy coat. She kicked and lunged, she didn't know what was happening, but she wanted no part of it. She tried to rear up, and one of the men grabbed the underside of the bridle so that the metal bit into her tongue and forced her head down. She didn't even see the white hot brand until she felt a brush of heat on her flanks and then pressure. It was pressure, only pressure, for the barest moment and then her squealing scream rang out as she marked as the slave she was.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Marissa shifted the bit in her mouth, running it back and forth while she stood beneath the overhang that was just behind the stable. It was raining outside of the shelter, her tail was sopping wet as she couldn't manage to wedge her entire body beneath the overhang, but she had little doubt that this was what the humans had in mind when they had turned her out here. She had been here a solid week, and they had simply kept her fed and forced her to remain in a stall that was built for a horse, not for one of her kind. Her only company had been horses who had regarded her with vague interest at first, but quickly forgot about her as she didn't provide them with food, grooming or an exit from their stalls. It was frustrating and degrading, but that had only been the start of it.

She was visited daily by one or both of her masters, and each day she hated them a little bit more, her anger only grew as she was handled like little more than another beast in their stable. She would be watered, fed a mixture of grains and some allowance for fresh fruits and vegetables and then checked all over. The checks were the worst parts of her days, when one of the men would catch her bridle and the other would use a board to pin her in place so she could be handled. Their hands on her body made her skin crawl as her legs were checked, her body stroked and brushes brought out to groom her. Her hobbles were always reset each day, shifted and moved from hind legs to forelegs, she could only assume that they did so to make sure that the leather didn't leave sores on her, but she could have done without them all together. Her hands remained unbound, but that had meant little when everything was either locked in place or so far out of the way that she might have used a hoof for all the good it would have done.

They never spoke in Trade-tongue, whatever they said they did so in their own language and even if they had talked in a proper tongue that she understood she had no idea how she could respond to them. The bit was a constant, only switched out when her tongue grew sore, the newer ones always shaped a little different so the pressure was switched around. They were never rough with her, never abusive, but it was always humiliating. As humiliating as the brand pushed into her flank, the raw red wound in the shape of a curved moon with a single J marked out in the middle of it. It was the same brand on the rest of the horses that were stabled here, she'd already seen it on them. She might have borne it if things had remained the same, but the men had other things in mind.

Earlier that day she had been forced out of her stall by one of her new 'masters', the man had handled her without even a hint of decorum as he always had, but this time it was for a new purpose. A harness! The same horrible thing that they had put on the horses that dragged the carts behind them and they had wanted to put it on her graceful form. The very idea had sent her bucking and fighting, angrily shoving out with her hands She had fought the leather they tried to put on her and the man, Joshua, had not put up with it past the first few attempts. Her rump cheeks still burned where she had been cut with the whip, it hadn't injured her, but it had stung her pride so badly she hadn't even given in when they had begun to force her into the little pasture. She would rather sit out here in the cold than wear a harness like a beast.

With a sight, Marissa shifted again, her sides moving back and forth as she attempted to push further beneath the overhang where she would be partially protected from the rain. The mud around her hooves squelched miserably as she tried her best to get comfortable, but her body was exhausted and stressed to the extreme. The rains continued most of the day off and on, made worse by the fact she could see the house where her 'masters' lived. It was large, though she had no real standards of how normal humans lived, it was certainly larger than the buildings at her home. This one was multiple levels with large open windows and strangely bright flowers that edged the line of the walkways and front of the house. They had a fire inside that was glowing through the windows, a promise of warmth that she didn't have. It made her more miserable standing beneath the overhang, angrily trying to ignore the fact that her haunches ended up sopping wet and her tail weighed down from the chilly water.

It was sometime near nightfall, when it was growing colder and more uncomfortable that her 'masters' decided to leave the house and come out to the stables for their evening rounds. They made a beeline for her instead of the safety of the inner stable, both of them laughing and talking between themselves with a slightly slurred tone that made her ears twitch back on her head uncomfortably. The closer they got, the more she realized that there was something different about them. They were walking a little bit unsteadily, their normally clean and neat appearance was mussed up, their shirts partially open, their coats off. They didn't even have their hats on, that was her first realization that there was something wrong.

"Rrrrf!" Marissa tried to get her tongue to work, the sound slurring out as Todd pulled himself over the fence and came towards her.

"Stubborn." The man spoke in Trade tongue, a grin on his face as he reached out for the bridle. "Gotta get to trainin' you properly, can't have a wild mare balking and misbehaving."

The hand on her bridle grew harder, pulling her head down as she reached out to try and shove him away, but the moment she did the other man grabbed her wrists and gave a pull. She hated the way they touched her, handling her as if she were nothing more than another horse, but this time it was different, this time they were more forceful and less tolerant when she tried to struggle free. Her hands were pulled backwards behind her, her arms straining as Joshua let out a wicked laugh that made her skin crawl. What did they want with her?! What could they possibly expect from her?!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~ * ~ ~

Todd was in a pleasant haze of drink and arousal both as he helped hold her still while Joshua got the restraints for her hands. Her arms were forced back behind her easily enough, she didn't seem to understand the basis on how she should have been struggling, instead she tried to blindly avoid the hold that forced her wrists into the custom made gauntlets that pinned her arms back against the small of her back. It would have bene better to have her in the harness they had had made for her, but that adventure had ended before it even began. Eventually she'd get used to the harness, he had no doubt, but they had to break the damned pride out of her, it was pride that kept her from being trained, pride that kept her so uppity, as if she were still wild and free. Pride that he would enjoy bringing down.

"Get those arms secured properly." He used their own language to address his partner, as he clipped a lead to the bridle and was rewarded with an outraged noise coming from her throat. She gave a rough shake of her head, twisting this way and that as she glared at him.

"I am. Mmph, she's trying to kick me." Joshua grunted and moved to one side, slapping her haunch roughly. "You'd think she has learned nothing in the past few days."

"She hasn't, the males at least realize they've been beaten down, she's high strung." He yanked at the lead and pulled her forward, tolerating the angry looks. "Don't worry, I think she'll get her new position after tonight."

"You're sick, you know that?" Joshua let out a laugh as he followed behind, dragging the mare along towards the opening of the stables. "Are you really going to go through with it?"

"Why not? She's not a real animal, and just think of it this way, any port in a storm. " The girl was looking at him blankly, which made it all the more appealing. She had no idea what was going to happen to her.

He had spent days tending her, admiring her body, her nude form. Her human half was beyond lovely, her breasts high and tight, the pink nipples perfect rosebuds that invited him to occasionally stroke over them, to feel the mounds against his hands. The fact she was loud, demanding and angry, often times hitting the stall door and trying to kick him, made him fantasize about what it would be like to see the horror on her face when she realized that she could be used as more than just another slave. If she had been human he never would have considered it, it was outside the bounds of civilization, but she wasn't human. Her people had been raping humans for as long as they had existed, it was fitting that one of their number find out that they could be abused in turn.

They entered the barn, and she immediately started to pull towards her stall, tugging at her stall, but he forced her away from it. She wasn't going to go back to her stall until she understood what it really meant to be a slave, to have no control over her body, her life. Perhaps once she understood that she could be trained to wear a harness, to pull a cart or work under saddle, and if she couldn't do that, she could be used as a brood mare. The thought sent a pleasant shiver down his spine as he dragged her to the cross ties they used for grooming, pushing her between the poles as she high stepped and tried to protest, her lips working around the bit angrily, tail lashing wildly behind her haunches as she glared back at him. He didn't know if they went into heat as a mare did, but he had no doubt that even if they didn't he could coax one of their studs to take her. Most of the stallions were more than happy to try to mount any mare or filly that passed them, heat or no.

"I want you to get her foreleg tied up and under her, that'll keep her off balance and make it easier for us to get her down on her stomach." Todd began to clip the leads to either side of the bridle, seeing the confused look in the girl's eyes.

"Don't want her standing?" Joshua drawled out as he ran his hand along the curve of the haunches, his fingers stroking lightly.

"Too awkward, besides....." His grin grew wider as he spoke. "I think Iron might enjoy her, it's been an age since we've had a proper mare for him around here."

"Really, now?" Joshua's eyes lit up as his hand reached right along her tail, his fingers curling enough that the mare let out a muffled squeal and tried to kick back, rage burning in her eyes. "Of course, it would be very wrong of us to leave her unprepared for him..."

"Of course." Todd answered, his hand sliding down to caress right under her breast, savoring the way her cheeks darkened with red fury and humiliation. "It's only proper."

"Grab my saddle bag, I have something to make sure she enjoys it." Joshua gave a gesture while pulling out a rope.

"I would have thought you'd prefer the opposite." He answered, mildly intrigued by the offer. Not that he really had interest in hearing her squeal and squall, but he imagined Joshua would have preferred it that way given his past.

"And miss out seeing her crying out and bucking under a human or animal? She's already humiliated by simple restraints, why not give her the entire gauntlet." Joshua's hand dipped lower and suddenly the girl let out a shrill noise as his hand went out of sight. "I want her to be taken down to the level of a base beast, just like the males are."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~ * ~ ~

Marissa was slowly understanding what they were trying to do, their hands were on her, touching her in ways that had nothing to do with how they handled their horses. She tried to pull away, yanking at her bound arms, but the hands remained along her breasts, the fingers caressing so that she let out an outraged squeal that sounded more like an animal than a centaur's voice. She had assumed they were going to try and put her back in the harness that they had attempted earlier, but they weren't attempting anything of the kind. Their hands on her body were mockingly sensual, caressing along her breasts, the hand ran beneath the base of her tail lightly so that she snapped it down with an angry sound of protest, but the man kept at it.

With horror, she felt the finger sliding down until it brushed right along the dusky filly folds nestled between her legs. It was a shock, no matter what she realized about their intents, she tried to kick out, her tail snapped down, but there was no stopping the brush that ran right along the outer lips in a way that made her muscles tense up. Her ears pinned back flat, twisting around as much as she could with her hands bound and the fingers slid down to either side, pushing the plush thick folds apart while she did her best to writhe away. It was invasive, disgusting, this... this creature touching her in this way! She tried to kick again, hitting hard enough that the leather band scraped roughly against her belly in an effort to keep her legs firmly bound.

As quickly as it started, the man moved his hand away from her, a smile teased the edges of his lips as he moved along her side and said something in their foreign language again. She let out a rough noise, scraping a forehoof against the ground as she kept her ears firmly pinned down flat against either side of her head. No stallion would have handled her in that way, he wouldn't have dreamed of touching her like that until they had courted and her family had agreed that she was to be wed. Were humans so primitive that they didn't even court? Dimly, she felt the faintest twinge of guilt regarding her thoughts on their males, she knew the young colts frequently had their way with human women, but it was different! It was-

"SHAA!" Marissa tried to call out as a hand grabbed her foreleg as she shifted and suddenly pinched roughly on her tendon, heaving it up in the air before she could fight it.

She tried to jerk free, but the hold curled her foreleg up and towards the back of her upper leg, leaving her to jerk at her leg to try and escape the hold. The man didn't give her much time to escape, not when a rope was suddenly wrapped up and around her leg, twisting around the hoof and pinning it in place roughly. He pushed against her shoulder, setting her off balance, hopping on three legs as loop after loop was wrapped around the limb, her hoof ground right against her upper leg, bruising her as she hobbled this way and that, jerking against the cross ties roughly.

"Poor thing, you're so lost aren't you?" Todd spoke up, her head turned to him as she understood the words. "Don't worry, darlin', you just gotta learn to accept your new role in life."

_They can't do this! _ She hobbled to one side as the man approached her with a jar in his hand, his lips curled back in a drunken smile.

He said something else, but this time in their own language, which she'd come to realize meant no good for her. And she was right. As soon as the man spoke, Joshua reached out and caught her good hoof with his leg, hooking out and pushing roughly behind her knee making her stumble forward with a little hop step before the cross ties forced her head back, her human torso being jerked backwards awkwardly. She couldn't move properly, not on three legs, she was too top heavy and the man kicked out again making her rock to one side. Her hooves scrabbled, hind hooves locked by the hobbles, there was no chance that she could keep her footing, not now, not with the humans handling her as they had since she had been captured.

Her foreleg dropped, her body crashed to the ground with only the pair hint of control, but the cross ties went taut and forced her head up high in the air, the line of her spine straight as her haunches dropped heavily, hind legs awkwardly tucked beneath her. She was shaking in place, her breathing short and heavy while she tried to find a comfortable position with her bridle stick in the cross ties. Neither of them made a move to help her, instead Todd swept in close and suddenly caught the base of her tail and his knee pushed down against her haunches. The knee dug down roughly against her, the pressure bringing her tail up so that she felt the brush of cool air on her loins.

She had never felt nude, never felt exposed, despite the fact that she had never worn clothing like most of her clan, she had also never had anyone look at her this way, gaping at her with obvious interest. Joshua's hand moved down, the heavy hands reached down to cup against her breasts as she tried to get her tail back down to cover her dusky folds. Her breathing came out in short quivering bursts as, once more, a hand reached beneath her tail and curled right up against her thick equine folds with a damp feeling finger. Thick slick cream was being spread out against her, she felt it smearing back and forth as she let out a protesting noise deep in her throat, trembling in place as the fingers curled inwards. The sudden smear pushed along the inner folds and with it came a sudden burning heat that made her cry out and lunge forward, rocking the man above her.

Where the fingers touched it ached and itched, smearing along her with a wet slippery feel that tightened her folds in an intimate and horrifying way. Her cheeks flushed hot red, squirming in place as she tried to kick her hind legs back, forced to feel the fingers running along her breasts, the rough thumbs dragging right along her nipples as she twisted back and forth. The finger pushed a bit more firmly against her, pushing more of the unguent into her body, forcing her folds open wider as a finger began to ease itself into her virginal body. She cried out, her eyes squeezing shut as she felt a wave of horror at the stroke of wet heat rubbing through her, forcing her skin to flare to life. Where the finger reached, the flesh grew tight and swollen, her walls contracting around the digit that pushed in deeper and deeper, rubbing back and forth, dragging backwards slowly, tugging lightly.

It was violating, she had never been touched this way, she had always imagined that she would be caressed by a well practiced husband, not a filthy human, she wanted to snarl in her anger, her humiliation and rage, but that wasn't the sound that escaped her. The sound that burst from her was a whimpering groan as the man began to work his finger in deeper, rubbing lightly and stroking back out to catch right against her clit. She let out a shrill whickering cry as there was a draw backwards before the finger pushed in again. The man in front of her let out a mocking laugh, his fingers curling along her breasts firmly, squeezing hard enough to bruise, but she didn't protest as the sensations of her body were flaring hot and eager under whatever was being spread over her. What was he doing?

He moved his finger out slowly, and horribly she felt her walls flexing, her puffy cunny winking as if advertising her heat in answer to the touch. Her cheeks burned in hot humiliation as Todd moved his knee from her haunches, her tail could have fallen down, but it remained hiked as the light fingers strummed over her clit, making her moan out again, the sound bursting from her lips unimpeded. Her inner walls started to contract around nothing, feeling painfully empty as the man cupped the palm of his hand right against the tear shaped folds, rubbing delicately so her hips started to give little twitches, her muscles bunching up and tensing. Fingers pulled roughly against her nipples, drawing them taut, the nails gripping down firmly enough that she squealed out, the sound high pitched as the fingers that drew away were slick with more than simply the unguent, they were slick with arousal that had been forced on her. Marissa could feel her throbbing heart beat in her loins, her body rocked in forced need that had her equine stomach flaring hot need.

"You first? Or me?" Todd murmured from behind her as she felt the fingers drawing her nipples tighter, her mind fogged strangely as she shuddered. "Poor girl, you are feeling needy aren't you?

_No! No I'm not!! _She tried to make her mind concentrate on those thoughts, but the fingers ran along her winking folds again, forcing a shudder of unwilling pleasure from her.

"Oh you, I think I am going to make things a little more easy for us to handle her." Joshua answered, and she focused on him, her ears burning in utter humiliation. Humiliation that did nothing to keep her body from reacting to the touch.

"Poor girl, you just need to be ridden properly." The hand moved to grab the base of her tail and forced it up higher along the line of her haunches. "No wonder you hated the harness, you wanted something else."

Mocking, the words salt in her wounds as she felt the hands sliding downwards, teasing along her in a caress that sent a tremor rippling down her haunches, her breath caught in her throat. It felt good, it made her squirm in place, dulling the alarm and panic as she felt one of her nipples drawn out tight, the man holding them and pulling roughly. She was locked in the moment of seeing the man sliding his shirt off his body, his smile eager, his eyes bright as he reached for his pants. It didn't matter what was happening to her aching breasts, all that mattered was the sight of the buttons being undone and the pants being spread open to reveal the flash of his pale stomach. She knew, she knew, with every fiber of her being what the man intended and that she stop him, but all she could feel was the way her own inner walls were squeezing and pulling around nothing, her puffy outer lips winked and flexed.

Joshua's hold on her nipples shifted, curling roughly around it so that they rolled back and forth teasingly so that it remained tight and stiff. It felt good, even when it became painful it felt deliciously good, the only touch that was keeping her body on edge. The man behind her slowly pushed his pants downwards, giving her the first glimpse of a naked human that she had ever seen. She had seen stallions and colts, it was impossible not to see them when the youngsters were often swinging half out of their sheaths, but the human shaft was laughable in comparison. Pale pink, it was tipped in a darker mushroom shaped head and was barely a quarter of the size of a stallion and even the thickness was mockable. It wasn't threatening in the least bit, or stirring, even as it rested right along the curve of the man's belly as stiff as it could be.

And she wanted him, her body contracted at the sight of him, it reacted in a way that had nothing to do with her mind and everything to do with the achingly sensitive body that was clutching around nothing. Todd left his pants hanging along his hips as he approached, letting out a mocking laugh as her tail hiked up of it's own volition and she jerked he eyes away. She couldn't look, didn't want to look, she was helpless, bound and locked in place, and all she could think was the throbbing need ripping through her. The hands moved to glide along her haunches caressing her while something stabbed painfully into her nipple, striking hard enough that she let out a shrieking squeal of shock.

The hand grabbed her bridle and yanked roughly as a needle sank into her hard overly sensitive nipple, slipping through smoothly and dragging through stiff nub while she trembled in place. Dimly, she realized that a ring was being forced through the narrow opening the needle made. The hand gripped her breast, kneading against it lightly, caressing and pulling as the grip on her haunches tightened. The weight pushed over her, she felt the narrow chest pressed over her before Marissa felt the human cock sliding upwards right along her puffy quivering folds. He hissed out, a sound of shock as his prick rubbed up and down, making her fight the urge to buck back against him as he nudged forward. Her body knew what she wanted, a wild need to feel him sinking into her. She forgot about the strange weight of the metal ring sliding through her nipple, forgot about the horror of the men handling her, she forgot about everything the moment the narrow human cock tip began to force it's way into her slick forcibly aroused body.

Todd let out a groaning sound of pleasure as she felt the shaft slipping inwards, her walls wrapping around the too thin shaft, vainly trying to clutch around him as something warm and slippery dribbled from his tip. It felt good, but not good enough, she wanted more, she let out a short whickering squeal when the hand moved to grip against her other breast, gripping tightly. The human drove against her, a rough thrusting buck hit against her haunches as she felt the fleshy balls pushing between her legs as he pushed himself in all the way to the hilt. There wasn't enough of him, he couldn't reach the parts that were aching to be caressed, he just pushed inwards and bottomed out long before he neared the point of filling her. His breathing came out in a rough groaning cry before dragging backwards, startling a whicker past her lips as her walls tried to close down around him. It wasn't enough! She wanted more! She hated herself, but her body was screaming for more.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Fuck... she's tight..." Todd growled out as he pushed in as far as he could go, feeling the feverishly hot muscles closing around him. "Thought.. she'd be loose..."

Joshua was watching him with some amusement on his face while he remained fixated by the human breasts that were being stroked and teased. Not that he was just fondling the girl, they had already discussed the possibility of decorating the filly properly, and now was a good as time as any. Especially when he felt the walls clamping down any time his partner's hands clutched too hard, the walls suckling and pulling along his shaft as he drew back. It wasn't just her body that was beyond pleasurable, it was the unguent that was being pushed around his cock, sliding over the edges and rousing him beyond simple deviant pleasure. He had expected her to be loose, after all, she was the size of a mare, but her walls were delightfully gripping and every pulse was a delight as he drew backwards.

Her wetness clung around him, wetter than any human female, when he plunged forward he felt it squelching out around the edges and her body tensed up before she cried out again. The entire stable was growing more animated, most especially towards the back three rooms that housed the stallions. Their whickers and sounds echoed as they scented the air and he gave a tight smile before drive his hips forward harder, reaching forward to grab the girl's bound hands roughly and gave a pull, hearing her let out a shocked sound as the walls suddenly tightened almost painfully and her haunches went tight.

"Don't do that!" Joshua hissed out from the front of her, letting out a sudden laugh. "Listen to her, perhaps she's just like the stallions, eager for a bit of human flesh."

He said the last in trade tongue, deliberately egging her on, reinforcing the girl's helplessness, and Todd could only grunt out an answer as he started to drag out and drive forward harder. The equine haunches were warm and foreign along his stomach, the tail was pushed up to one side, the long strands brushed along his hip as he pushed himself in all the way to the hilt at each and every buck of his hips, feeling the swell of his balls clapping against her equine udder. It should have felt wrong, bestial, sinful, but all he could feel and hear was the female crying out in pleasure beneath him, her hips tensing strangely, trying to push backwards as he dug his hands against the bound wrists, pulling roughly as if they were a pair of reins to be used to guide her.

"She'll get all she wants then," He panted out roughly, his eyes squeezing shut as he felt her bucking upwards awkwardly, her cry coming out in animalistic bursts as he felt the quivering walls trying to draw him in deeper, greedily suckling along his stiff length.

He had never been small, some women had complained about his girth so he had always had to be careful with them, not wanting to hurt them with a sudden too fast thrust, but not her. She took every thrust without hesitation, all but begging for more as he intimately felt the bestial folds contracting and winking, wrapping around him in ways that made him tense up and groan out in wild pleasure, his free hand reaching down to grab her tail, trying to uselessly drag her back at the apex of each and every thrust.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~ * ~ ~

The second piercing happened in a stab of pain, a sharp spike through the otherwise pleasurable heat that built through her body and made it impossible to fight back. Every thrust caressed places just within her passage that kept her on edge, pushing her towards something that was building low in her belly, but never over it. He couldn't reach deep enough to satisfy her. Marissa felt half wild, almost like the animals she had been forced to stable with as his thrusts grew shorter and harder, every movement more frantic as the moments passed and she felt him grunting and calling out in his own tongue. She stopped caring what he meant, she wanted to stop feeling the aching swollen need, she wanted it all to end, somehow, someway.

The human's grip on her tail suddenly grew tighter, painfully yanking it high in the air as he pushed in deep. Not deep enough! She groaned out a protest, her ears going flat down against either side of her head as the hips arched tight against her haunches and his weight rested along her back. It was an intimate touch, a pressure that made her tremble in place as she wildly tried to buck against him, wanting him just a bit deeper, if he were deeper it would have... something. She didn't know what, but it was throbbing through her body like fire, burning through her veins until it was all she could think about... And was denied as his hips pushed forward and he started to shake, his groan echoing in her ears as he fully claimed her virginity with the too small human cock.

She felt something warm gushing out of his tip, spilling out into her passage as her walls uselessly started to milk to try and draw it deeper inside of her body. The hands on her breasts squeezed, cupping against them so that she could feel the fingers digging in to the point of bruising her while Todd's hips gave a few gentle bucks back and forth, dragging through her quivering passage, but still not enough to even come close to giving her what her body was screaming for. She tried her best to stop herself from letting out a whimpering groan when his hips pulled backwards, the slow tug that slipped the cock from her with an obscene wet sound, some of the oozing cum spilled from between her lips in a dribble, marring her dark outer lips with her humiliation.

"Poor girl, are you still needy?" Joshua murmured in front of her, making her eyes open as she felt her cheeks burning so hotly that she could feel her heart pounding in her ears. "Perhaps you would feel better if you had a proper stallion."

"NNF!!" She jerked back while the hands moved to trail the fingers right along her freshly pierced nipple, the aching nubs so sore she couldn't stop a whimper from burst free.

"Are you saying that I'm not enough for her?" Todd spoke up from behind her, his hand rubbing along her still hiked tail. She didn't want to, but she twitched it further to one side, her loins ached and pulsed, wanting more even though she knew he didn't have it to give.

"No, I think she wants to try out one of our stallions. Iron should fill her up properly, at least, and help tend that itch that has her going." Joshua murmured, reaching down to run his nail over one of the silver hoops on her nipple. "I think that she should find out what it's like to be mounted by a beast, just as our women did."

_No.. I've already been humiliated! _ She trembled in place as Joshua moved away from her, sliding his hand one last time over her breasts as her 'masters' moved away, leaving her tied and helpless on the ground.

Marissa was horrified and embarrassed, she had never imagined herself being put in this situation, and it was made worse by the fact that her body was still roused. She could feel the cum oozing from her folds as she remained in place, her breathing came out in short little bursts as her ears splayed to either side. She felt cheated, her loins so sensitive that even drooping her tail down was a torture that sent both tremors of pleasure and frustration through her. What had they used on her? Would it wear off? Was this how she would feel now? The raw burning nerves that wanted nothing more than to feel the powerful strokes she hadn't been given with the human. Her puffy swollen lips winked and flexed still, every movement made her feel the rippling walls close and relax around nothing, advertising her arousal as shamelessly as any beast.

It was an advertisement that one stallion picked up the moment the stall door was open, the sound of his hooves on the stone wasn't loud, but it brought her ears up as the trit trotting sound sped up. The cross ties made awkward to turn around, she could only strain her head so far back, but it was enough to see the men standing in the hall near an open stall door and the little beast erupting out of it. Unlike her, they didn't even bother with so much as a halter to hold onto to stop him, they merely leaned back to let him go. And his aim was her, his ears up, nostrils flared open wide with an eager appearance that made her stomach turn cold.

The iron grey pony was barely as tall as her shoulders at the head, but his neck was arched as he tilted his head back, throwing a dark black forelock away from his face before whickering out excitedly. Another one of the stalls erupted with a wild squeal and thud, but her eyes were locked on the sight of the beast snuffling towards her without a single restraint. There was no reassurance he might be a mare, she couldn't look away from the obscene bobbling length that swayed under his belly with each and every step. The human cock had been laughable, barely enough to make a centaur mare consider it as anything near to true sex, but the pony stallion's shaft was easily half the length of her arm, the thick head bobbing up and down.

"NNNN!" She tried to speak around the bit, her eyes widening in fear as the beast's upper lip curled all the way back and he began to puff eagerly, trying her scent.

The men were talking among themselves as the pony snuffled closer, the solid black cock flexed under him until it slapped upwards against the curve of his rounded belly. Everything about him was soft and silly looking, nothing like a proud muscled stallion, even a horse had a certain grace, but the pony wasn't built for grace. He had short thick legs and heavy scruffy feathering along his lower legs, his head was broad along the forehead with a delicate little nose sweeping down with a broad set of soft dark nostrils. She should have towered over him so that even bound he would have merely been sniffing at her and nosing under her tail, humiliating, but it would have been something that posed no real danger. He would have been the least threatening beast in the entire place, if it weren't for the simple fact that she was stuck on her belly, her haunches easily at level with his short legs.

She clamped her tail down, hating the thrill of need that rippled over her in reaction from the long hairs brushing against her, but she forcibly kept her tail down tight, ignoring the throbbing of her fluttering heart. He jerked his head down towards the movement, snuffling eagerly as he sidled in closer and extended his neck out, sending a hot blast of air against her as she tried to move away from him, her ears pinned down flat to either side of her head with alarm. His cock was dribbling out something wet and syrupy, spilling towards the ground as the obscene length swung back and forth, his nose nudged right against her tail and he puffed out a hot breath as she tried to jerk away, squealing out in protest. The pony ignored her entirely, even when she tried to kick out he only snorted and jerked his head back before returning to his investigation.

The soft muzzle nudged against her tail roughly, pushing and forcing forward with a rough flip to try and get beneath it. He sidled closer, swinging his body so that there was no missing the sight of the swollen cock flexing upwards, stiffening to slap up against the underside of the chest with a lewd clapping sound. A splatter of precum hit her side wetly, striking against her in a way that made her haunches go tense before he nosed harder against her tail, trying to get what was underneath. She didn't care that her body was burning for exactly what he was offering, she wasn't going to be lowered any further than she was already knocked down. She struggled to keep her tail snapped down, curling it all the way until it was grinding right against her puffy overly sensitive folds so she felt herself winking with her forced arousal. Her eyes kept drifting to the swollen length, so like a centaur, all the way down to the leathery black orbs that swayed between the hind legs, full and threatening looking.

The stallion only put up with her hiding herself for so long, the nose pushed and nudged this way and that, snuffling as another splatter of precum hit against her from the drooling tip. Teeth suddenly snapped out and caught her haunch, biting down so hard she let out a muffled cry of pain as they gripped right next to her tail and she jerked it upwards to snap right at the animals nose to try and drive him off of her. It was her first mistake, and the last one, as the beast didn't hesitate to push his nose down and under her raised tail, the thick soft muzzle nudged right down along her violated folds with a steamy blast of breath that made her tremble in place. It tickled over the edges as the thick whiskered lips nudged and pushed this way and that, a thick push of a tongue suddenly ran right out against her puffy swollen folds, startling a noise from her throat that wasn't a protest.

The warm tongue was large, so large, and it rubbed right along the edges with a caress that parted her glistening folds open and swiped upwards in a sweet caress that made her body shudder in forced pleasure. She wanted it to feel awful, she wanted it to feel as wrong as it really was, but the tongue caressed and rubbed along the inner lining as the stallion puffed and snuffled eagerly, dragging in her scent. It wasn't the scent of heat, but it was still mare, which seemed to be all the beast needed to make his stiff black length just up proudly beneath his rounded belly. The edge of the teeth dragged lightly along the outer lips, pulling just enough to send a startling shiver down her back and her tail hiked up high of its own volition, twisting to one side to bare herself to the creature.

Her winking folds were lavished with powerful strokes and caresses, rubbing and pushing in ways that had her letting out soft breaths as the thick lips rubbed along her with increasing interest. The human's finger hadn't reached anything, the cock was even more useless, but the thick equine tongue was promising enough that she shifted awkwardly, splaying her hind legs as her tail remained hiked up high and the stallion lifted his head up with a soft whickering sound. The upper lip peeled all the way back as he sucked in a breath and pranced in place, his sides spreading open wide with each eager breath and her puffy folds winked wetly, glistening with pony saliva clinging to her lips. Why couldn't she control such a simple part of her body?

The little head slipped along her haunches as the pony swung around with his tail sweeping back and forth eagerly as he pranced forward. Too late she realized what he was going to do with her, his chest pushed up against her haunches roughly as he strained his head forward with an eager whicker, his body pushing her tail all the way to the side. She should have towered above him, making it impossible for him to actually do anything, but laying down he barely had to rear up to push over her back with an eager little noise, his forelegs clambered to either side, his chest pushed along her back as intimately as her chosen stallion should have done. And his cock, that stiff pony spire, slapped up against her haunches so that the blunt tip jabbed blindly against her hind legs.

"Here now..." Joshua's voice made her ears snap up, her body trembled as she felt a hand along her haunch and her tail was held up by the man's hand. "Let's not put off what you so obviously want any longer."

The man's voice was rough with desire and lust, an offensive mixture as she tried to snap her tail down, but it was hopeless, not with the man holding it so tightly it was almost painful. His other hand moved out of her view, but it was soon apparent exactly what was happening as the bulbous cock tip of the stallion was dragged down along her inner hind legs, grazing against her pucker. Her body flared with heat and need, a desire to feel that thick tip sinking inside of her despite the fact it was beyond taboo for any centaur to mate an animal. She strained forward, her head being pulled with the cross ties while the little stallion let out a squeaking squeal and his blunt teeth suddenly clamped down against her bare arm, yanking roughly as the human guided his black thick cock tip towards her glistening folds.

The moment the tip kissed against her she let out a shrill protesting sound, her body quivering with a flash of desire as the cock tip wedged forward and the beast suddenly lunged all of his weight forward. The swollen cock tip drove into her, forcing her walls open in a way that the human cock hadn't managed to do, prying her wider and wider as a warm ooze of precum was flung out into her passage as he battered his way inwards, spreading her virginal walls open wider and wider. It was far thicker than the man had been, caressing her in ways that she had longed for just moments earlier. She groaned out as she heard the wet squelching sound as the beast pushed his way deeper and deeper, his hooves scraped against her roughly and he gave a sudden short jerk that forced the medial ring up against her outer lips.

He still wasn't what her body craved, but it was so damn close that she squeezed around him eagerly, pulling as the tip suddenly drove so deep that the base began to strain her open wider, her walls aching painfully as they were splayed open. The puffy outer folds were forced in on themselves as she felt saliva coating her skin as the beast grunted and jerked forward again, his haunches cupping against her own with a powerful strike, the leathery sack slapped up roughly against her as the base sank all the way in, the sheath kissed against her outer lips messily as the tip caressed deliciously deep inside of her. Her inner walls contracted and squeezed, pulling around him with a rush of pleasure the cock dragged backwards slowly and steadily, caressing so a groaning cry of pleasure spilled from her throat.

It was so close to what her body was made for, the shape was perfect, the medial ring designed to stimulate her so that when he dragged it free she whimpered out and tried to push back against him. She hated it, acting like a filly in heat, but there was no denying the way that her body reacted to him when he drove forward with a powerful buck. He grunted out, the snorting breath hit against him as he forced his way all the way into the base, yawning her tight walls open wide as a warm rope of precum was flung out into her body, pushed deeper by the blunt tip as the little beast pranced on his hind legs eagerly, the hand moved away from her tail, letting it drop uselessly to the side as she whimpered out in heated pleasure. The tip that dragged backwards found the spot that the human cock had never found, caressing as the swollen throbbing prick dragged back nearly until it popped free of her body.

"Do you like that, girl?" Joshua snarled out, his voice rough and angry for reasons she didn't understand as the stallion lunged forward again, his hard hooves scraped roughly, pulling to either side of her hind legs. "Our human women got to be treated to this... pleasure, do you find it everything that you though they would? Or are you animals that only cared for whatever flesh that you could force yourself on?"

Marissa had never done anything to the humans, she had never fought them, never struck a blow. The colts behaved that way, she had never cared for it, but it was a fact of life she could change, but she was given a rough insight into how the human women must have felt. Except, the pony was a real beast, a true animal that was hammering into her with rough brutal rocks of his hips, the wet squelching sound echoed in her ears as the human cum was forced out around the edges, replaced the warm smear of precum that liberally coated her passage, working deeper as the apex of each thrust hammered the swollen orbs up between her legs with loud clapping sounds. The thick edges of the tip dragged over and over her, stimulating her, forcing her to grow slicker and wetter around him.

There was no denying the fact that she was growing wetter, her honey coated him in wet heavy strands around the length of the black cock, clinging to her spread outer folds as they were stuff full of the animal. The teeth yanked against her shoulder eagerly, pulling backwards, tugging at the apex of each thrust that bottomed out deep inside her, her larger form easily able to take his inches with only a bit of stretching as the former ache of the base faded rapidly into the back of her mind. The saliva coated her arm, but the hold didn't last for long as he shifted his head and suddenly the hot thick lips worked against the back of her neck, pushing through her mane to scruff her. The hooves scrabbled as her cunt was impaled time and again, the powerful thrusts rocking through her body as she felt the tip starting to flare open wider and wider.

She felt, intimately, the way the thick ridges of the dick began to raise up, spreading her inner walls open wider, forcing her contractions to mold around him in ways she should have only molded around her mate. She was squeezing him, pulling as her body began to tense up, but not with fear or humiliation. It built up, the trembling tension in her lower belly that was spreading through the edges, running along her loins, bursting from her body in a rush of dizzying pleasure that had her crying out wildly. Her quivering walls began to milk, stroking and pulling around the feral cock greedily as the length kept hammering into her wildly, drawing out her first orgasm, pulling through her as she dropped her ears back, unable to hide what was happening.

The pony leaped forward, his sudden wild thrust forced every last inch inside of her body, holding her open as wide as he could as she tried to swallow and suckle around him. Every pulse, every breath was locked in that moment of pleasure as the little stud froze above her and shuddered. His balls were hot and damp against her inner thighs while the shaft began to throb and quiver within her tight grip, the flared tip suddenly giving a throbbing twitch before a hot wave of pony cum erupted inside of her vulnerable form. She felt it, warm gooey strands were coating her inner body, spreading ever deeper, flooding her, being pushed inwards by the sheer thickness of the flare as the beast snorted and squealed out his own pleasure at claiming the 'mare'.

Every last vestige of Marissa's virginity was taken ruthlessly by an animal that had no other thought than a tight hole and the scent of female on the air. The warm oozing seed was smeared through her, rubbing this way and that, pushing out around the edges with a squelching sound when the beast gave a little jerk forward, the wetness dribbling down messily between her haunches before the stiff girth began to softening with her passage. Something hotter, thicker, suddenly poured out of the tip, thick heavy gel uselessly tried to seal the sperm rich seed into her unreceptive womb, the last of her pride crumbled, her head drooping as far as the leads would allow. She had no power here, in this place.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Come on, girl! Lift those legs up now!" The sting of a whip hit Marisa's haunches, not hard enough to hurt, but enough that she struggled forward with a leap that made the harness tug tight around her. "There we go, good lass! Keep that tail up now!"

The carriage rattled behind her as Todd called out, the words humiliating as the whip brushed right up along the underside of her tail so that it was forced to remain hiked up in the air no matter how badly she wanted to drop it down. It was only her fourth time in the harness, and it was no less humiliating for having gone through this already before. The harness was custom fit for her, designed by the same man that had come to look at her leg, it fit well and didn't pinch or hurt in the slightest, it was padded wherever there was any amount of pressure that might wear sores against her and the leather was polished and softened perfectly to mold around her. It was the carriage that was truly humiliatingly for her, drawing it like the animals she had seen on the road, with the two men seated in the light trap and forcing her to haul them along the road.

She had tried to fight, but since the night with the pony in the barn, she had found it harder to fight, harder to want to make a stand. They had the power over her, they went from being outrageous creatures that humiliated her to something far more terrifying. They were the ones that fed her, they were the ones that let her have a stall, and they were the ones that knew how to bind her and force her body to react no matter what she thought about the matter. Better that she lowered her head and made herself obey their commands than end up in that position again. The reins pulled along her sides, tugging roughly so she let out an a short cry as they drew taught against her sides, they didn't pull on the bit in her mouth.

It was a crowning glory to their domination of her, her pierced nipples were clipped to the reins so that the lightest pull dragged against the sensitive nubs and she had to instantly respond or she would end up feeling true pain as they yanked on them and forced her about. She had already experienced that once, the ache and pain of them being yanked on to the point she had gone to her knees crying out, now she just obeyed and stopped with her legs trembling, her sides heaving and the men shifted in the carriage behind her. She had walked into this city horrified to see her kind bound like this, now she could only wonder how long they had withstood the humans demands that had made them slaves.

"Alright, easy easy..." One of the men murmured behind her softly. "Let's try this again, shall we?"

"She walks like a plow horse, you would think she would show at least some pride." Joshua drawled out, his voice was poisonous as ever as the hip lightly brushed the base of her tail and signaled that she was supposed to walk forward again.

The harness tightened around her as she stepped forward, the small light carriage required little effort to pull as she stepped out and felt the whip teasing lightly along her tail so that she hiked it up higher. Not that she could really drop it, the harness came complete with a crupper that was notched so tightly that it was forcibly held flagged with only the long dark strands hiding her vulnerable plush folds. The road dust lifted up around her as she trotted in the direction indicated, not caring for the beauty of the cultured trees to either side of the road or even the fact that there were other people about passing along the road way that led towards the farm. She found it easier to not stare or think about others looking at her as she was taken out in public.

The centaur stallions saw her, that she knew, a few of the slaves had looked at her in sympathy and anger, but none of them had spoken up about it. They also didn't stop and help. Or have pierced nipples and forcibly raised tails. Her lot seemed to combine partially a slave meant to draw a carriage and partially their whore to be looked at. Her cheeks flushed at the thought and she sped up, lifting her hooves up high so that the men let out a whoop of laughter and allowed her the quick trot. It almost felt good working out in the harness, though she would have never admitted it, she had been feeling pent up for days now, nervous and restless in the stable, unhappy at being trapped in the too small stall and only given exercise when they saw fit to take her out.

"That's a girl, Oras! Lift those legs now like a proud filly!" She pinned her ears back and shuddered at the name. They had never asked her name, but she had one now, a name that meant gold in their tongue.

As she went down the lane she came up to another carriage, a heavy farm carriage that rattled slowly down the street with a large man holding the reins. As they passed it, she had to slow in order to keep the carriage from being run off the road, guided by the lightest touch that tugged against her pierced nipples. A stallion pulled the carriage, not a centaur, but a true heavy bodied beast that was throwing his weight against his collar with his head halfway down. He was shaggy and ill kempt, his tail bobbed short and had obviously been worked hard most of the day judging by the sweat along either side of his broad chest. He was lost in his work as she stepped by him, moving as far away as she could to one side of the road warily.

As she came abreast of him the beast snorted and lifted his large blocky head up, the white blazed face turning a little with a snort as he seemed to realize that another horse was close to him. Marissa started into a trot again, trying to put on a burst of speed as the stallion began to edge closer to her and turn his head despite the fact his owner was tugging roughly at his head, attempting to pull him away with rough drags this way and that. As she sped up, the reins suddenly drew back, pulling taut so that she nearly dropped to her knees from the feel of her nipples piercings being pulled so tightly it brought tears to her eyes. She shuddered to a stop and the horse, the stallion, picked up his pace with an eager sounding whicker that made her skin crawl in disgust.

"Flirting with the farmer's horse, Oras? For shame, girl!" Todd called out with a merry laugh, making her swallow a snap back that would have only came out as nonsense. "Get on now, you walk properly, won't you?"

The reins loosened as the stallion came even with her and he tried to reach his head out snuff at her with his ears up with interest. She wasn't allowed to go faster, instead her masters began to talk to the farmer as she was walked along the beast that kept trying to strain his head over towards her with soft whickers and eager little snorts. The sounds were absolutely humiliating, but it was better than what she was seeing as he tried to stretch his neck out to nibble against her shoulder. The touch was an electric shock, but it didn't take away from the fact that the low slung sheath was disgorging a swollen cock tip, drooping it outwards to swing back and forth along the heavy belly, the swaying movements bouncing it this way and that as the mottled girth was obscenely larger and made her shudder.

He smelled like horse! More like a horse than any of the horses in her masters stable, he reeked of musk and unwashed fur so that her nose wrinkled up. His muzzle bumped against her side, exploring the human skin so that she struggled to move her hands out of the way, jerking roughly, only to feel the lips plucking delicately before his farmer yanked at the reins and forced the beast to pay attention to the road again. He wasn't deterred, instead, he kept trying to find excuses to stuff his head over towards her, his ears up and interested while she watched a few fat inches of soft wrinkled horse cock spilling out, soon five inches swinging back and forth lewdly beneath him, displaying himself and his interest in her body.

She tried to speed up again as she felt something rise up in her chest, a flutter of interest that was terrifying to experience, but the reins jerked her back into place and made her slow, fighting every touch of the reins. If it had been on her mouth she would have ignored them and bolted, but the tender nipples made her restrain herself as the stallion reached over again to snuffle at her, grooming with his large blunt teeth so that she felt her body heating up in reaction to his touch. His scent. It wasn't a reaction to some cream slipped into her, it wasn't a reaction because of anything the men were doing, it was a reaction to her own body being touched, the warm heavy stallion so close was stimulating.

No.. no not now. Now... She thought as horror dawned at her own strange feelings, they weren't normal for her. Not at all, but they were normal for a centaur mare entering into her first heat.

She tried to ignore the sensations, she could only hope the men were doing this just to taunt her and make her uncomfortable as the stallion tried again to nibble along her back. His chin rubbed against her as the farmer laughed and said something, the conversation sounded distracted, not paying attention to their carriage 'horses' and she saw the monstrous cock slithering out and hanging lower between the powerful haunches. It was bobbing this way and that, soon disgorging the medial ring so she was left gaping at the creature that was flaunting himself with absolutely no shame. He was bigger than a centaur, too large for her, too thick and her body still tensed up at the sight of him. She felt the all too familiar sensation of her soft cunny lips winking beneath her tail, a wet sensation making her cheeks burn in horror. She was getting aroused by the beast.

They continued along for nearly a mile with the stallion happily snuffling and pushing at her, sometimes nipping her so that she leapt forward, other times trying to sidle back behind her to investigate the part of her that was of interest to him. The men continued to talk, they didn't do anything to stop him, but they also didn't allow his nose to go any further then the middle of her back, for which she was humiliatingly grateful. When they came to the road that led to her farm, she felt nothing but relief. She hated going back into her stall, but today she would gladly bolt into the too small home and be happy for it. The floppy cocked stallion nipped her just as she started to make the turn, and the reins suddenly yanked against her breasts, bringing her to a dead stop on the side of the road. She was only a few feet from the turn off and safety and the farmer stopped beside them.

"It seems you're out to make friends, lass." Joshua's venomous voice taunted her as the carriage creaked, the man was getting out. "I had hoped you would choose a far more elegant stallion, but I suppose a cart horse could have it's possibilities and we wouldn't want you to tease poor Clyde and leave his master to fight with him on the way home."

A hand brushed along her flank and she kicked out, striking with one unhobbled leg to crack against the back of the carriage in her fury. They couldn't be serious! It was one thing to force her to submit to the damned pony that had clambered on her back, but this was another matter entirely! The whip struck out along the underside of her tail, making it hike up in shock, and Joshua's hands caught her reins firmly to keep her under control.

"I saw you winking under that tail, to think we might have let you go into and out of heat without even getting you properly cared for." The man rebuked and her eyes widened, flashing white as Todd got out of the carriage to join his friend. "I'm sure you'll have a fine foal by that drafter you had sniffing you."

_No.. he can't be serious! _ She paled and stepped back as Todd suddenly snapped one of the ever present hobbles onto one of her legs.

Every filly was warned from the time they could run to keep well away from stallions when they were in heat, stallions, colts, any feral horse was a danger to them. They could interbreed with horses just as well as they could interbreed with humans, but the result of a feral horse siring a foal with a female centaur didn't beget a centaur, they would carry a dumb animal in their wombs. Perhaps the beast might be smarter, sleeker and more clever than it's kindred beasts, but it would be a pure beast none the less. There was no greater shame for a female than to grow fat and drop a feral foal to show that she had either allowed or been overpowered by an animal.

She was struck dumb in horror that they would be this cruel. They had been harsh masters, they had abused her, raped her, they had forced her into humiliating situations, but she had never thought they would do this. If they wanted a foal there were half a dozen centaur slaves that were stallions that could have been brought in. Even thinking it made her want to choke in disgust at being given to another slave and bred like a horse, but that was better than this! She didn't fight the hobbles, she couldn't find the fight in her as she watched the farmer, begin to unharness the heavy draft horse that had been taunting her for the last mile.

He wasn't even attractive! He was dark brown with white stockings and a large white blaze, there was nothing striking or interesting about him. The stallions that Joshua owned were all prizes, glossy and brushed so that they were beautiful looking, obviously well bred and cared for. This one was sweaty with dark patches on his rough winter fur, lines where the harness had rested on him and his mane a tangle. He was enormous, the hooves the size of plates as he snorted and shoved at his owner roughly, his attention fixated on her as the obscenely large cock hung down under his belly like a third leg. Belatedly she tried to jerk away, swinging to one side and crashing against one of the carriage poles as the hobbles hampered her.

"STAND!" The reins yanked roughly and she squealed out her protest, turning her eyes wildly towards Todd, looking away from Joshua.

Todd always seemed softer than the other man, more apt to offer a treat or to pet her, she was willing to do anything, make amends however she could with the man if he would only speak up for her. The shorter man didn't seem to be interested in helping her, though, he tightened the hobbles, the leather drawing tight enough that she felt the pressure on them even as she was standing, she couldn't even move her leg a few inches back before she was stuck. The carriage poles were unhooked from her harness before she was tugged forward, given no mercy or help from any quarter as she shuffled forward awkwardly, trying to lower her tail as the damned crupper forced it to remain high up in the air.

The farmer said something in their tongue and she looked over, seeing the man holding the reins firmly in one hand as the beast continued to snuff over at her, his ears held up high and proud on his head while she fought against the crupper. He looked impossibly larger now, at least three hands higher at the shoulder and all of that weight was pure muscle that rippled under the sweaty rough coat. As he watched, that heavy prick flexed under him, the obscenely large base was disgorged and pushed out of the leathery folds of the sheath as he shifted and the movement sent the thing swaying back and forth. She stared at him, hating the fact that she was gaping at him like she was some sort feral mare, but the urge was still there. Instinct told her that it was what she wanted, no matter what she thought of the sold equine head and lack of human like hands.

She could feel her dusky folds, they weren't like when the man had smeared the unguent on her, they were just sensitive feeling, the skin a bit too tight to be comfortable. Her masters forced her about on the side of the road, her hooves thudded this way and that roughly as she side stepped and Todd suddenly threw his weight against her haunches to force her to face away from the draft stallion. She struggled against it, bucking awkwardly as she tried to catch the kinder of her master's eyes, he couldn't do this! Let them find a centaur! She would let it happen, she wouldn't fight, if only it wasn't some crude farm beast that was being allowed to stud her because he had sniffed out the state of her body! She was willing to do anything if only to avoid bearing some beast in her belly to suckle at her teats.

"Hey hey... easy easy... hey now..." The farmer wasn't talking to her, instead he was talking to the stallion who was prancing in place, chewing on the bit eagerly.

There was another set of hoofsteps as well, the sharp clopping sound of a trotting equine making his way down the road. She barely registered it as she was gaping at the stud stepping towards her, tugging roughly against the bridle each time the farmer tried to stop him from blindly lunging forward towards her. His hooves were kicking up dust while he whickered towards her brightly, his eyes focused on her rump as she tried to swing it this way and that to avoid him, fighting Todd who kept shoving himself against her to keep her bared to him. The hoof steps grew louder, ringing in her ears as they slowed and a centaur passed by them on the road, pulling another carriage much like her own, but he slowed and stared at her. His face was horrified and disgusted as he looked at her, and Marissa turned her head away in absolute shame, trying to hide herself as the centaur's owner snapped the whip and made him speed up.

She was in plain view of anyone going down the road, any centaur, any human, they could see her positioned like a brood mare on any farm. A hot muzzle brushed her haunches gently, a caress that ran right along the edges of her tail and a puff of breath that made her squeal out in shock, hopping forward awkwardly. The draft stallion whickered to her as seductively as he had to any big mare that had been set to him, and his muzzle returned with a brief caress that ran along the edges, trailing along the back of her leg before the farmer pulled his head away with a firm tug. The dumb beast let out an angry snort and he stepped to one side, the massive hooves rising and falling before he strained his neck forward again, hummering a low sound in his throat.

"PHHRRSH!!" She tried to scream her plea, only to feel the teeth lightly nibbling and working along the back of her leg while the stud was kept just far enough away that was all he could do.

She tried to kick back at him, but the tightness of the hobbles meant she was helpless as the nip and rubbing of the muzzle worked against her lightly, the breath teasing lightly as he worked down to the back of her knee and then up again. He wasn't rough, he was gentle and interested, the teeth finding sensitive parts of her body that sent shivers through her, pleasant ones that made her flush uncomfortably. The harsh scent of musk and male was on the air, even in the air it was filling her senses while the rasping of the tongue ran against the inside of her hind leg and the muzzle bumped up between her legs, pushing through her thick length of tail. The muzzle rubbed right along her pert little teats, the stiff whiskers tickling and prickling against her while she shuddered and squeezed her eyes shut.

Another set of hoof beats, this time they didn't sound like a centaur, but it didn't matter, she was being put on display for all the world as the rough tongue pushed out and ran right along her pert teats with a powerful roll. She hated it, the warm saliva coated them, pulling along the edges so that they started to tighten up in reaction to the stimulation, feeling the broadness of the muzzle grazing right beneath her folds. She couldn't stop herself from flexing them, winking her clit instinctively while the hoof beats slowed and the person must have lingered to watch the show as the teeth nibbled against her teats before the head was pulled back. He let out a short whicker and snort, prance stepping backwards as she turned her head just enough to see him being tugged away, his cock bobbing up and down beneath him, wet heavy strands of precum being flung beneath him.

She didn't understand why they kept jerking him away, she was grateful, but she didn't know what point it served as the reins were loosened again and the muzzle pushed down once more to snuffle at her. She let out a muffled noise as the massive muzzle darted under her tail and pushed the strands aside, the thick lips pushed along her estrus swollen folds as the tongue rolled out suddenly with a rough curling right against her outer folds for the first caressing touch. It was fire and heat, an erotic and rousing sensation of it running over the edges gently as she felt him huffing in her scent eagerly, his hooves prance stepping on the ground before his head was jerked backwards a few inches, but he fought it. He jerked forward again, struggling back to the source of what he wanted, straining against his master as the tongue wedged her open in a brief rolling stroke that had her tail hiking up higher in the air in open invitation.

The head jerked away and she flashed her eyes open to see the massive drafter half rearing and throwing his head back and forth. He was allowed to drop it down again, but it was pulled away before he could do more than get a sniff of her hiked tail. Dimly, she saw that a man on horseback had stopped to watch with a frown of disapproval, but her attention was centered on the imposing beast that suddenly lunged forward, shaking his head with a short angry sound as he tried to get back to the mare he wanted. He knew a mare in heat when he sniffed her, and this one, strange as she was, reeked of an empty womb ready and willing to carry his foal, and the small human trying to stop him became less of his master and more of an obstacle that he needed to get past to get what he wanted.

Marissa let out a shrill sound as the chest crashed against her and heavy forelegs scrabbled along either side of her body while the too large beast tried to lunge forward onto her back. Her haunches nearly collapsed under the weight and she attempted to side step out from under him. Todd hit her hard, forcing her to remain in place, gripping her harness as the chest pushed over her rump and the weight splayed her legs open as far as they would go. The sweaty stallion pushed along her, the forelegs hooked tightly against her as the blocky head suddenly shoved against her shoulder, his breath blasted against her cheek as the massive cock slapped up against her hind leg roughly, dragging along the back of her hind leg and left a dark foul smear against her.

Voices came from behind her, men talking in their own language, watching her so that her cheeks burned hot red, her hind legs dipped down low under the weight while the stallion grunted and jabbed against her. The cock swung up the moment his hips pulled back, the fist sized cock jabbed against her this way and that, battering against her pucker and dipped down to push along the edge of her teats and left a warm smear of his precum behind to mark her. The hot muzzle snuffled and pushed against her, the damp rubs slipped downwards as Clyde examined his strange mare, rocking his hips and sawing back and forth as he tried to find his mark.

He found it, one moment the stallion was drawing backwards and the next the massive cock tip suddenly hit right against her estrus swollen cunny lips. She splayed her forelegs and teeth clamped down against her shoulder as the beast suddenly lunged forward, his legs tightening roughly as the massive glans battered its way into her body. The pony, the human, they had stretched her slowly, but it hadn't hurt, not at all, but the mottled pink and black cock nearly ripped her in two as he swung all of his considerable weight forward and pried her body open around him. She shrieked out, her legs shuddering and struggling to hold up the weight pushing her down as she was stuffed with the draft cock, her heat swollen passage caressed and strained open wide, molding around the shaft until she was sure she was about to be torn in two.

"Do you hear them? They're watching you, you don't even get to have so much as a stall." Joshua snarled out in a harsh whisper as the stallion jerked forward, wedging a few more inches into her violated body. "My sister always said that this was her nightmare, knowing others saw her shame as your people raped her."

Marissa tried to think of something she could say or do, but all she could think of was the slow steady press of the shaft shoving into her too small body. The beast had to struggle to fit his cock into her, feeding the inches slowly and steadily as she was pried too wide. Her inner walls started to tighten around him, squeezing and spasming as she felt the haunches lunging forward and her hips were nearly raised up from the ground. She had to lock her forelegs in place to keep from being dropped down to him as something warm smeared along her passage, thick oozing precum plunged into her as the beast tightened his teeth roughly, bruising her pale skin and the forelegs curled forward along his sides, the hooves bumping against her as he lunged forward with a rough buck.

She cried out again, stifling a whimper as the beast dragged his haunches backwards slowly, pulling through her suckling walls as the inches spilled out, her juices clinging in strands around him before he bucked forward again, the massive hooves clopping under him with a prance step as the weight stuffed her wider and wider. She almost imagined she could feel her stomach swelling with the sheer size of him as he drove himself in all the way to the point that his medial ring pushed up against her obscenely spread outer lips and began to buckle them inwards. He was too large, too thick, she let out a high pitched noise that turned into a groan as she felt the medial ring slipping into her, the heavy tip suddenly pushing up right against her cervix, threatening to batter his way through all the way to her womb.

He didn't hesitate before dragging backwards again, pulling the inches from her once again, stroking through her with a caress that sent ripples running through her walls. Pleasure and pain mingled together, the ache of her walls straining open so wide and the caress of the flesh in places that made her body react to him, eagerly milking as he pulled back so that his tip bulged and threatened to pull free before the next thrust rocked through her. She was thrown forward, her legs almost crumbling as he battered his way inwards with a wet sound, a shot of heavy precum was pumped out into her and pushed right up against her cervix with a rough grind that nearly pushed the cervix in against the tip, rubbing up and down as the stallion shuddered and snorted against her shoulder, drooling against her messily as he tried to stuff his entire length into a body that was far too small for him. She was so tight that he hardly cared, too busy feeling the way she kept squeezing and pulling around her.

Her eyes flashed open as he dragged backwards a few inches and hammered back, his heavy form rocking above her with a ragged thrust that made her feel ever last inch rubbing through her achingly splayed folds. She was impaled on him, her hips nearly pushed up to the point her hooves left the ground from the force of the thrusts. She looked back wildly, and as she did so she froze. She was being watched. The man on the horse had gone on, perhaps not wanting to see the filth of the centaur being bred by an animal, but he had been replaced. Another man had stopped to watch, this one seated on a saddled centaur, staring with a hint of amusement as her fellow looked away in utter shame. Shame for her, he wouldn't even watch as she was violated by a beast and bred.

Another thrust snapped her eyes shut while she shrilled out another call, a wild sound as the cock hammered home once more, bowing in her cervix with the brutal stroke before dragging backwards again. She couldn't stop herself from caressing and squeezing around him, pulling and tightening each time he tried to drag all the way out before the medial ring popped in and out of her messily, squelching and forcing the wetness of precum and her own juices down from her aching folds to hit the ground. The beasts sweat and dirty fur were rubbed against her back, caressed strangely so that she could smell the stink of his musk flooding her senses with each gasping breath.

The hammering drives grew shorter, the tip constantly worked to try and pry open her cervix uselessly. The girth bowed under the pressure as the heavy throbbing prick began to thicken within her passage, prying her wider and wider by the moment. Her heart thudded rapidly against her chest as she sucked in a breath, crying out raggedly when the next hit came, building up on each other time and time again. Each movement, every timed drive, they were all working together for one reason and one reason alone, one that she couldn't forget, to fill her stomach with his foal. She shuddered, belatedly trying to strain forward as the thrusts built wildly, the hooves tightened roughly and yanked her backwards as the next thrust rocked through her and she felt the blunt tip bruising her cervix brutally as it began to spread open.

She pinned her ears down tight to her head, her breathing came out in a wheezing cry as the rough jerk of the hooves rocked through her and she felt the tip starting to spread open wider and wider. It cupped right up against the spongy barrier to her cervix, flaring open so wide that she could barely contain it as it splayed her open and the medial ring stood open wider, dragging through her. Her cry came out in a plaintive squeal as the heavy cock began to throb and pulse as the beast shuddered. She intimately felt his loins tightening, the muscles growing tense and eager as the urethra jutted out to cup right against the dilated opening her vulnerable cervix before the thick creamy cum erupted inside of her.

She felt it in a pressured wash, spraying out hard and flooding her vulnerable body in a wave as she betrayed herself by locking tightly around him and started to squeeze and pull, suckling and stroking along the length of him, trying to draw him deeper and deeper into her body as she let out ragged short breaths, each one gasping out wildly. Rope after heavy rope of sperm laced seed was forced in deeper, so much of it that she couldn't possibly hold it but she had no choice. The thickly swollen flare made sure that she couldn't escape the spray that was pouring into her, pushing deeper, weighing down her belly as the hooves shifted and relaxed, the rough teeth released her while Clyde snorted out, well pleased with himself. She couldn't deny it, there was no way to stop it as he made a bid to make her belly swell.

It was an eternity before the last thick goo spilled into her, the last dribbles making her squeal out weakly as a tug to his reins go the beast to step backwards. The mottled cock slithered out with a wet splatter of cum that fell down in heavy ropes towards the ground before the tip popped free. It was a waterfall that spilled from her achingly stretched cunny, splattering down between her hind legs in testament to what had been done to her. The beast stepped back with a pleased snort as the farmer patted his sweaty neck, the slimy cock swayed under him, soft and drooling to the ground as he snorted towards her curiously before allowing himself to be placidly led away, quite content that his job was done.

"H'up! Come on girl!" A snap hit her side as the circingle that held the hobbles were attached too were unclipped allowing her to move at last. "Come on now! Move on!"

To Marissa's utter degradation she was hooked back up to the carriage and the men climbed back into the seat once more, drawing up the reins. She was forced to take the men back home, her tail hiked high and drooling the draft stallion's seed from her freshly bred cunny. But not all of it... not even most of it. Deep inside of her, a new generation was sparking to life.

Born This Way: Chapter 14 (Part 1)

My heart slowed down, the sound of the beats the only sound in my mind from the moment I started to move. The operator on the emergency line had ended up talking to Sanmer, not me, not when I couldn't make the words come out, no matter how hard I...

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Winter Release

The crowded marketplace was alive with voices, echoing sounds and loud barking cries of the vendors hawking their wares to the people that had managed to stuff themselves into the crammed avenue that was filled with tent tops and vendors. Twice a year...

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Blackmail Gone Wrong

"What the fuck are you doing, Mark?! Come here!" Kate hissed from behind him, her voice high pitched and frantic as he neatly hopped the front gate and tilted his head back to grin at his twin sister. "I have to see Ms. Minder, I told you I had...

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