Ch. 8 Flushing the Portty

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#8 of Flush a Fuck

Special request chapter requested by YoshiFarts over on FA, Latrina chu is his property and was used with permission. Enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments.

Flush a Fuck Ch. 8 Flushing the Portty

The party raged on from the initial twenty or so guests more and more had arrived thanks to social media and word of mouth from partygoers. Aleck's house was swamped with furs of every color size and species. Lee was dancing with two other zebras, Jake and a couple other ponies were having a drinking competition and were getting sillier by the second. Aleck and Mark were back in the kitchen prepping more food for all the additional and having a very hurried and muted out conversation as different guests showed up from all sides. 'A few people huh? Just a few guests some pizza some wings some snacks and now we have nearly how many plus guests do you even have enough of your special additive?' Aleck bullied as he nuked some pizza bites, shoved a plate of hot wings in the oven and took out two more and a pizza to boot, Mark was slicing and adding his special test case nanites to everything before running it out to the food table, he paused long enough to say, "well you know how to solve it we just have to activate the special shrink feature and we can have a lot more fun with them" he then grabbed up some more plates of food and rushed them out. On his way out of the kitchen he let a small cyan Pikachu through the door.

Latrinachu wasn't sure how she had gotten here, she had been snooping on the world through her boyfriend's phone when a party spotter app had gone off and what was listed as a great party near her was listed. She had decided just to wing it and had dashed off without a thought hoping for good food and good music and considering drunk and nutty guest maybe some slightly disgusting things as well. So far it had been all she could do not to be trampled by the rambunctious groups of furs, she had avoided the groups of furs dancing and the others who were having a drinking contest. She had watched a couple of rabbits who had, had too much to drink and were puking their guts out in a vase. She had tried to get some food off the table but being a small Pikachu had not helped in the slightest, that and the fact that with more and more furs showing up and pigging out she had gone in for the next best option and had headed for the kitchen instead.

Aleck was so busy rushing more and more food out to the people that he had started dropping things on the floor as he went. Latrina had found a feast, a feast that would have grossed out any other fur but to her it was delicious and she engorged herself on it swelling out her tummy till it was huge. She managed to slowly make her way into Aleck's bedroom and flop down on a pillow in the corner before farting gently and passing out. She slept gently while her tummy gurgled around the large meal of dirty food. Aleck was getting frustrated with Mark and when he made his next appearance he took the time to state it, 'we need to shrink them now Mark and then decide what we want to do with them.' The smaller canid nodded and pulled out his vial, "yes cause I'm all out of the shrinking nans and by now they should all have eaten" nodding Aleck put down the tray of food he was holding and took Mark's paw. 'Okay all we have to do is access them and activate right' Mark nodded and made his eyes glow showing he was ready for the next step. Aleck followed suit and they both activated the nanites in all the furs around them, their first move was to knock out the furs in the house and make the others come inside before knocking them out too. The second step was to activate the special features of the nans and cause all the furs to shrink to micro size. The only guest who didn't shrink was Latrina because she hadn't received any of the nans.

Aleck and mark took some time sorting up the sleeping micros before striping down and having fun with some while a smaller pile was left aside for a different purpose. The smaller pile was a mix mostly of female furs but some males as well with either dragons or furs that would not be fun to vore in anyway. Then the two went to town processing the larger collection that to Aleck's amazement ranged in the low seventies or so. They made a game of it feeding them to each other until they had worked down to the low forties and Aleck had some fun feeding six or seven otters to Mark's cock. Mark reciprocated in kind feeding a couple of lions. They were both extremely stuffed at this point and were rubbing each other's gurgling stomachs. They could have both fallen asleep right there but there was still more to do such as collect up all the furs remaining and carry them in to the bathroom.

Latrina was woken with a start in Aleck's bedroom hearing a loud gurgling flush and two laughing voices that faded slowly then returned and several smaller splashes were heard. The voices headed off again and she curiously snuck into the bathroom to see what was going on. She was amazed by the size of the room and the special toilet up against the far wall. Slowly and cautiously making her way over she hoped up on the strange throne and looked down into the bowl. She found a squirming mess of micros who were desperately trying to escape by climbing up the sides of the bowl "pika?" she said in a confused way before she heard the voices heading back in and she dodged out of the way and hid near the bathtub. "All I'm saying is that it was a success for the most part" Mark said as he came in with a few more micros in a bowl followed by Aleck with two bowls full, 'yes but the biggest problem has to be the amount of people who showed up here' Mark sighed and nodded then upended his bowl of micros into the toilet bowl before eyeing the two that Aleck was carrying.

'No I think these are going to have a more fun end' Mark smiled at that and grabbed a small hand full and swallowed them whole before planting himself on the toilet seat. Latrina peeked out and watched the dalmatian take his seat she noticed the slight wiggle of the dog's balls and belly but as Mark sat there his stomach rapidly deflated and his balls smoothed out. She listened as the dog gave a loud fart and she then heard a thunking splunking sound. The micro furs in the bowl had been awoken when they were splashed into the water and had at first been greatly confused. Their confusion had only been magnified when two spotted half-moons had eclipsed the lights and come to rest overhead. Then had come the sudden blast of hot smelly air before they all realized what was going on, and the sphincter overhead opened up and began to drop fresh hot turds down on them all. Latrina listened as the dog murred and groaned pushing out all the fresh scat in his colon before pointing his semi hard shaft towards the water and pissing. Mark finished up with his little trip and cleaned himself before standing up and smirking down at the poor furs below, "see ya later" with that he yanked the handle and flushed them all down the trap letting them be transported away. Aleck had finished off half the bowl of the other micros, 'let's go give the house another once over make sure we didn't miss anybody', Mark grabbed up one of the other bowls and swallowed half of them, "sure and we can finish these off as well." Latrina watched the two canines exit the bathroom shutting the door behind them. She was in luck they hadn't closed the door to Aleck's bedroom but when she got in there she found that the door to the hall was closed and just out of reach.

She briefly considered using her power of fart flying to reach up to the doorknob and set herself free. She discarded that when she remembered her tummy was still slightly swollen from all the food and she also realized the noise from the fart would alert them to their guest. Mark and Aleck by this point had finished off the micros stuffing them down their throats or into their balls and were hunting outside trying to figure out if anyone had been missed at all. Latrina meanwhile had managed to hop up onto Aleck's dresser and was trying to open up his window not realizing the window was both locked and painted shut from the outside. Her next attempt was made in the bathroom trying to escape from the window in there. She wasn't worried about being flushed, she was more worried that these two would eat her. She had seen the advertisements for the Flush a Fuck services and like most had been curious but not entirely prepared to give it a try though flushing other furs or other pokemon or yoshi's seemed like fun especially if they got to come back. She had even considered flushing herself to escape but the problem was she didn't know how to work the commode and was worried she might be drowned if she did it wrong. All the hoping and jumping and dashing had, had a strong effect on her tummy and she felt a low growling coming from her little colon.

Luckily she was trapped in the bathroom so she could make her way over to the toilet, hop on up and perch on the seat before giving a little toot and pushing out the first of a long line of logs. She was doing her best to hurry so she could keep trying to escape, but was stopped by the fact that she had really gorged herself and was nervous that she would be caught at any moment. She had just finished her pooping and was perching over the bowl to get a better angle to empty her bladder when Aleck and Mark began their return. She heard their voices at first and that caused her to spray pee all over the bowl and the seat. When they opened the door she lost all her footing and fell with a splash into the bowl along with her poop.

"Well, well, well, what do we have in hereee?" Mark asked as he crossed over to the toilet and lifted Latrina out by her tail. She was dripping with water, pee, and the muck of her own poop. She was also panting and struggling slightly. 'It looks like a Pikachu poor guy wonder how he got here', Latrina glared at him, "Chu pika pika pika Pikachu", Mark held onto her a bit tighter as she struggled some more, "I don't think it's a boy Aleck either that or she really doesn't want to be here" Latrina nodded to both of the statements. 'Well we can take care of that...course you are all out of those special nans', Mark nodded, "yeah but I think we have eaten enough furs to deal with them today we probably should have just flushed them all anyway but still it means we can have much more fun with this one now." Aleck flushed the mess that Latrina had made, 'how can we have more fun?' Mark's answer was to make the toilet bowl grow as big as a small fountain basin with larger sides and the tiny seat, "we can send her down but first a little bit of fun.

Latrina was struggling to get free and hadn't heard half of what was said other then have fun with her and eating more micros. She decided to go all out and try to overpower them with gas. She took a deep breath and forced a large fart out flooding the room with the strong smell of sulfur. Aleck and mark were left coughing and gagging on the smell in the midst of it all Mark dropped Latrina into the expanded bowl. He pawed at his eyes while Latrina began trying to find a way out, it was harder then she expected because her own gas had blinded her and the sudden change from being held to floating in cool water was strange. Aleck managed to switch on the bathroom fan as well as up the minus ions being pumped by the Flushmaster and the air was soon clear, 'She is just full of surprises isn't she? What happened to her?', Mark was still coughing but in between the coughs they both heard some splashes and confused "chu, pika Pikachu chuuuuu" as Latrina wailed in desperation to escape them.

Mark managed to compose himself and took a peek under the new rim of the bowl. He gave aleck a mischievous wink and plopped his butt back down on the seat and altered the front so he had the hood from a squat toilet for his paw session. Latrina went from low visibility to no visibility. For the first few seconds it was quiet just a gentle drip as some condensed water dripped off the sides. The silence was interrupted when mark let out a huge fart flooding the bowl with gas that rivaled Latrina's, then a low trickling hissing sound came and Latrina swam/slogged towards it. Up top mark had given off a strong fart and was now pissing to his doggy content emptying out his bladder. Latrina was just in time for Mark to press gently and with a couple of light farts, press out the tip of a large brown log that shot out and splashed down into the bowl followed by a hot slurry of semi liquid poop. Mark groaned in pleasure while Aleck doubled over laughing at what Latrina must have to be going through inside of the bowl. Mark wasn't even half finished after the semi liquid mess he pushed harder and felt a few sausage sized logs make their bid for freedom as his cock got a little harder. Latrina was in her own personal heaven surrounded by rich stinking smells of scat, and musky urine, she wasn't rolling in it yet but was close to its source. While she was sitting there she noticed a small amount of light had been let in to the bowl, this was from mark pawing at his hard shaft while a particularly large log was pressed free from his cheeks.

Mark was getting off slowly on the act of letting his bowels free and with each larger and thicker log he had gotten harder and harder until he was at the point of near eruption for his balls. Latrina was just reaching up to poke at Mark's ass when a sudden glurking was heard and cum dripped down onto her followed by more cummy water as a micro flush was heard. Mark had managed to paw hard enough to shoot his load into the special hood and after he had drained his balls good and proper had pulled the little silver wash handle on the front sending watery cum splashing into the bowl. Then he bared down as hard as possible on the last log in his colon and with several micro farts and some serious straining he felt it pop free and land with a thunking splash in the bowl. Latrina reached up to poke and see if anymore was coming and shortly after she did the water began to bubble around her as Mark activated the break up feature thinking his pile was too big.

The bubbling did little for poop that mark had dropped off but it did bounce Latrina and the more solid logs around mixing things up and making things even messier. Mark wiped his tailhole clean and stood letting light shine down. Latrina was covered with cum and filth but she was enjoying herself, "pika pikapoop" she muttered happily as Aleck replaced mark on the throne and let loose. Latrina had enjoyed the fresh air as briefly as it appeared before the gray moons of Aleck's butt shadowed over her and the huge wolf dick began to spray piss all over the mess in the bowl. Aleck had snacked quite a bit during their search so he had more stocked up then Mark had. Latrina was right underneath his tailhole when the first mass of brown slid out and wrapped around her continuing on and slowly growing till it was around six feet long. Latrina was covered in it and after it broke off Aleck let of a small fart and a mess of liquid scat began to flood its way out of his butt and fill the bowl. Up top Aleck was actually feeling a little sick with how much was flowing out of him but luckily enough he was almost done. He gave a much smaller fart and a few pebbles of poop broke free and splattered all over Latrina. Mark came over and gently rubbed over Aleck's back, "poor wolfy guess you weren't ready for the nanites to do some of that huh", Aleck shook his head, 'I think we found your side effect they cause food to digest rapidly. I just checked the usage log and this toilet has seen people multiple times tonight shortly after eating. Ugggggggghhhhh' he groaned towards the end and another mess of diarrhea shot out and all over Latrina.

Mark grimaced at the sounds aleck made, "guess that's why my balls feel swollen again too." Aleck rubbed them gently as the dog offered them for examination, 'I can help with that well sort of because mine need some help too' he then accessed the Flushmasters design specs and brought up the alterations making it grow a tiny toilet bowl on the front about the size of a serving salad bowl filled lightly with water. Both began to paw furiously into the front bowl until they sprayed load after load into the small amount of water. Mark added a long stream of piss before he let his flaccid length slip back in its sheath. 'You all finished with it Marky boy?' Mark nodded and went to wash his paws. Down in the bowl Latrina had discovered a strange pipe had grown into the bowl and was sniffing it curiously when it began to spray her with a messy mixture of cum piss and water. Up top Aleck had just flushed the smaller bowl and let the mixture drain down as he activated the bidet feature to wash his butt clean. He finished up with a large amount of paper being dragged across his butt before standing and reviewing the damage he and mark had wrought.

'Looks like you didn't fare that well little pikachu' he said with a bit of smugness in his voice, 'Oh well all that's left to do now is flush you and let the plant fix you up and zap you back home. Ha ha ha' he began to laugh as he reached over and gave the handle a quick tug. 'Oh that is too rich mark get it they are gonna zap a Pikachu home' Aleck went over to wash his paws and he and mark left the bathroom together. Latrina felt the sudden riptide as the Flushmaster drew even more water into itself and began to flood the bowl "pika??!!" she uttered as she began to swirl around and around with the liquid and semi-solid and still solid logs toilet paper, piss, and cum. She made several passes around the bowl as more of the stuff was sucked down the trap till the trap caught her tail and began to suck on her. She was slowly swallowed down the trap which expanded like a throat, she was just able to utter one last little "Pika!!!" before she was sucked down the trap with a large gurgle and transported away. The Flushmaster went to work flushing again to clean out its pipework and shrinking back down to a smaller size. Latrina meanwhile was transported away had her mind wiped gently and was then zapped safely back home. The mind wiping only worked to a slight degree she knew she had been to a party and that she had left via the toilet but that was all she could remember. That wasn't important to her right then though, she hoped out of her bed and made a rush to the bathroom to take care of some nasty business.

Ch. 7 Solstice Swirl

Down the Pipes Ch. 7 Solstice Swirl "Ooph" was the exclamation as a reddish orange ball of fur tackled into a grey wolf and a black furred dragon who were lounging on a couch. The fox snuggled into his friends...

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Ch. 9 Unexpected Shrinkage

Flush a Fuck Ch. 9 Unexpected Shrinkage Mark woke up slowly and in some slight pain. He had returned home after helping Aleck clean up from the party and since he hadn't gotten anything fun had played with some of his toys. He was now...

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Ch.7 It's Portty Time

Kitsu Skyrex belongs to KitsuTheFox Flush a Fuck Ch. 7 It's Portty Time "Oh come on Aleck lots of people plan spontaneous parties at their friends places" Aleck looked at the shorter dalmatian and stared daggers, "yes but lots of friends...

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