Glimmer Gold

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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A request for someone on FA

The darkened sky rumbled, promising rain. The two hikers, Connor and Vahn, came to a halt. They looked up at the monstrous clouds that hovered far above the mountain path they stood upon.

"Looks bad," Connor spoke.

"Looks terrible," Vahn replied.

"Nothing we can't stand."

"I'd rather not."

"Can't argue with you there, buddy, but I don't think we have much choice. Tree cover and what we packed is probably all were going to get."

Vahn shook his head. "No..."

"No? What do you think we're going to find up here? A house? A cozy little cottage? The ruins of an ancient castle? A--"

"--cave." Vahn finished, pointing in the distance.

Connor squinted and and followed Vahn's direction. He looked past trees and craggy rock formations and higher up the mountain's heights until his gaze fell upon the darkness of an open cave mouth.

"I know we're not spelunkers," Vahn continued. "But I think we could make do with it. It'll be like Ichsis in Narrow Noose. As long as there's no bears, we'll be fine."

"Ichsis?" Connor snorted. "The focus of Leslie Orey's latest books?"

Vahn nodded.

"My sister never mentioned you were into that stuff."

"It's hardly what Miriam and I talk about."

"Of course not. She always called me a nerd for reading those when we were younger. Funny she's fine with her boyfriend being into it." Connor folded his arms and looked to the cave. "Honestly I think the Ichsis books are crap. Focuses on the wrong character--he's just a minion! Whatever happened to Shadowcast?"

"He was defeated when the Maw of the Void was destroyed, the Nascent Empire broken, and then he was exiled to the Vast Despair, where he presumably perished."

"Nah. Nothing ever dies, especially something like Shadowcast. He's a fucking dragon, one of the ultimate powers in the series and you're telling me he just slinks away? That's bullshit. The badass dragon should be the focus, not this stupid shapechanger. This Ichsis stuff's terrible. Why do you read it?"

"It's entertainment?"

"So is the news, and you don't see me watching it."

The sky rumbled again and both hikers felt the slightest hint of precipitation fall on their cheeks. Vahn wiped the water away and turned to Connor.

"So," he said. "The cave?"

"Yeah," Connor nodded. "But we're not hiding in the cave like that stupid shapechanger. We're seeking shelter like--"


Connor frowned. "No. Yes--he did, but no. Not like that. It was bad writing and--you know, that's stupid. Just get moving."

Vahn shrugged and did as Connor instructed. Connor followed closely behind and together the two young men made their way towards the cave. They both winced and stopped for a moment when the darkened sky suddenly flashed with lightning.

"Geez," Connor said. "Better not be any bears. Now I definitely don't want to sleep outside. Good eyes spotting that cave, buddy."

"Thanks," Vahn mumbled.

Together they continued walking to their destination a few seconds later. The path to the cave was steeper and rockier than the smooth trail they had been traversing before. They weren't even halfway towards the cave when the clouds let loose their burden and the real storm began. Vahn was ready with his umbrella in an instant, but Connor was less prepared. While he fumbled for it, the umbrella fell out of his hands and onto the already soaked and muddy ground.

"Damn it!" he swore, grabbing the sodden device from the ground. He opened up the umbrella and looked to Vahn, who had remained moving despite Connor's predicament. "Little prick didn't even stop!"

Lightning struck again, closer this time. Its brightness momentarily blinded Connor and the thunder that followed it certainly deafened him. Though he could not hear, a voice still sounded in his head even above the whirling wind and cracking thunder. It spoke softly, uttering only one word:


Connor stood completely still, not even raising his umbrella when the rain continued to soak him. He was momentarily stunned, not believe that he had just--


"What?" Connor shouted.

But there was nothing. He shook his sodden head and opened his umbrella. Weighed down by his gear, he ran as best he could until he was by Vahn's side.

"Buddy!" he yelled. "Are you hearing things? Like, voices?"

"Yours," Vahn answered, not even bothering to look at Connor.

"Of course, but I mean--you know," Connor huffed. "What, nevermind."


"Probably just in my head."

"All right."

Connor scowled. He was tired of Vahn answering him so shortly as he had throughout most of the hiking trip. There were only two of them. Couldn't he spare his fellow man a few words, especially when--

Come and find ultimate power.

--there was a serious issue, like hearing voices. Well, really one voice. It had been the same soft, but stern voice all throughout. Was he going insane?

Not insane--chosen.

Connor placed a hand to his head and slowed his pace. Thus, Vahn reached the cave before Connor, not that he cared. The voice bothered him far more than even the rain. Thankfully, it did not speak again, at least not until he too entered the cave.

You are here.

_ _ "Shut up!" Connor yelled.

"What?" he heard Vahn shouted back.

"Nothing," Connor growled, shaking his head. He hung his umbrella on his pack and took the flashlight out of his pack. He turned it on, patting it a few times until the beam shone strongly.

He cannot hear me. He is not worthy--it is you I have chosen.

"Why?" Connor whispered this time.

You wish for it, you lust for it as all do--power. You desire power and this I can offer. Ultimate power.


Before Connor could speak any more, visions filled his sight: a foresight of flight, of wing and wing, of tooth and tear, of shimmering scales, and fire and flame, all part of an invulnerable form with an indomitable will. Then there was naught but the dark of the cave. For a moment, Connor was unsure what to do. It was not long, however, before he knew exactly what to say:

"Badass," he uttered.

Yours. All that is required is a sacrifice of sorts.

"Sacrifice?" he questioned. "What type of sacrifice?"

The voice was silent, even if Vahn was not.

"Connor!" Vahn shouted in the distance, his voice echoing amongst the cave's walls. "You've got to see this!"

"Coming, buddy!" Connor answered.

He walked slowly towards the sound of Vahn's voice. While he delved further into the cave, the walls began to glimmer the reflection of gold light and the temperature rose to a comfortable warmth. The walls were practically shining by the time he reached Vahn. This barely caught his notice; rather, the large, circular pool of a golden, flowing substance that Vahn stood in front of was far more interesting. Connor turned off his flashlight and put it up before taking his place by the other man's side. He bent down and looked at the substance. From such a close distance, it felt like he was standing next to a very hot fire. He was already beginning to sweat.

"Is this--" Connor began.

"Molten gold? Maybe."

Connor gritted his teeth. There was something else that annoyed him about Vahn--finishing his sentences. He knew it really shouldn't bother him so, but it did. Why couldn't the punk let others speak for themselves?

A sacrifice of flesh, the voice finally answered.

"This doesn't make any sense," Vahn said.

"Him?" Connor whispered under his breath.



Connor looked up at Vahn. The younger man stared back, a concerned look on his face.

"Are you ok, Connor?"

"Yeah," Connor answered. "I'm feeling great."

Connor stood to his full height. He took his pack off his shoulders and threw it to the ground.

"Pretty hot, huh?"

Vahn nodded and turned back to the pool. "Yes. I don't quite understand it."


Connor took a step towards Vahn. Was he really going to do this? Was he going to kill a man for the promise of power from a voice he couldn't even confirm existed outside his mind?

The answer was yes. Not only had the visions and the pool of molten gold convinced him of the reality of the promise, but in the end he wanted to kill the little prick anyways. He had only gone on this trip with his sister's boyfriend at the urging of Miriam. She had said to give his soon to be brother-in-law a chance, that he was really a great guy. Connor had found Vahn insufferable the whole trip. The other man had been barely talkative and responsive, even when Connor had been nice to him. Connor knew his hate was irrationally intensified at the moment, yet he didn't care. Here was an opportunity to rid himself of Vahn forever, and there was a reward for it too--ultimate power. And who could punish him when he possessed such power? No one. And even if he was experiencing a bout of insanity, no doubt due to overlong exposure to Vahn, how would anyone ever know? Who could recover a body from a vat of molten gold or prove that he had been the one to push?

His mind made up, Connor took another step towards Vahn.

"Maybe you're not meant to," he finished.

Vahn was silent of course, enraging Connor further. He snarled and lunged towards him. With both arms he pushed Vahn with all his might. The other man yelped and grabbed at empty air, maintaining his precarious balance only a moment before he fell into the scorching pool. He screamed and flailed his arms.

"Why?" he wailed as the molten metal burned and consumed him. He sunk slowly in the pool, slower than Connor had been expecting. "Whyyyyy?"

Connor looked on and laughed while the voice in his head joined in.

"It burns!" Vahn screamed, the molten gold now up to his shoulders. The last phrase he uttered before it totally consumed him was: "It burnssssss..."

Then Vahn was gone. Connor laughed for a moment longer, his laughter turning into screams when he found out it was his turn to burn. He fell to his knees and screamed in agony as his flesh writhed and boiled.

Your reward.

Connor held out a hand towards the pool and watched as it grew longer, his fingers lengthening and thickening as the main portion of his digits grew into curved, wicked talons. Hardened red scales rose above the seared flesh and replaced it, relieving some of Connor's pain. From there they moved past his rest, covering and changing the portions of his arm they passed over. By the time the scales reached his shoulder, he possessed a lengthy draconic forearm that would've looked out of proportion with the rest of his body had his shape not already begun to alter to match. His other arm underwent the same transformation while his body exploded outwards with extra mass and muscle, tearing his clothes to shreds.

He shrieked as his bones and organs grew internally to match a form far larger than the one before. His legs grew out from under him, extending into scaled limbs less flexible and dexterous than his forearms but more supportive of his growing weight. He nearly choked when he felt his neck broaden and lengthen. He brought his foreclaws to his collar as scales climbed up his much longer neck and over his broadening chest and back.

The near dragon shivered as the scales completely overtook his scorched skin and what remained of his hair, somewhat quenching his pain. Greater hurt came when his skull extended forward into a lizardlike snout while his ears and nose melted in his face. His old teeth fell out, new ones forcing themselves through spots new and old so that he had a mouthful of jagged teeth. He closed his eyes and forced the last of his tears away. When they opened, he possessed cruel reptilian eyes and a new fire had arisen in his throat. He touched his altered cranium with one foreclaw and his soft belly scales with the other. He almost had what he desired, but he knew there were a few changes still left thanks to new pain within his backside and spine. He lay his body flat and pushed against the pain. A few seconds later, the beginnings of both tail and wings burst from his body. He winced as the tail lengthened and stretched while the already fully-grown wings unfolded and extended to their full wingspan. There were a few more adjustments in that a few scales turned blue that had been red before, several more teeth grew in, and his nostrils modified themselves so that small lines of smoke drifted out of them, and then Connor's transformation was complete.

Connor looked at his new form and was immediately disappointed. It had not been quite what he had been expecting; it wasn't what the visions had shown him. He was slender and smooth where the one in his visions had been bulky and rough. His scales were tough, but they were nothing like the near invulnerable plates of the other. In addition, the coloration was all wrong: red with a few scales of blue when it should have been all gold. In addition, he didn't feel all too powerful. He was a dragon, sure, but he had expected much more.

"This--" Connor began to say, pausing his speech at the sound of his own voice. It was higher than before, almost lilting. "This isn't what you promised."

"Do you want to know why?" The voice said, this time not in his head.

The dragon looked up and saw the strange apparition of a man floating above him, a smile streaked across his face. He looked down at Connor and winked.

"Well," the apparition asked. "Would you like to know?"


The apparition chuckled. "I lied."

The dragon cocked his head. Before he could speak, the cave suddenly rumbled. Molten gold splashed onto the cave's floor as a large foreclaw burst out of the swirling pool. Connor watched in astonishment when another claw joined this one. Both strained, pushing up the mass of something large. When the tips of two white horns poked their way through the molten gold, the apparition spoke more:

"What fun would you just killing him be and letting you be rewarded? Not a very happy story for him, hmm?"

"What did you do?" Connor asked.

"It's not what I did. It's what you did. You chose this."

"I chose ultimate power!"

"From an unknown, untrustworthy source. Not the wisest of actions. Nevertheless, this was still your decision. Vahn certainly wouldn't have pushed you in. He didn't like you either, but he would never have accepted murder for power. That's why I chose you. Oh, it's so fun messing with you mortals."

Connor looked over to the pool and stepped back on four legs in shock at what he saw. The horns had fully risen out now, revealing a dragon's head with scales the same golden color as the substance it resided in. The dragon's eyes gazed hatefully at Connor. It pushed with its arms and managed to free the rest of its body, using it hindclaws to leverage and climb out of the pool. Free of its confine, the dragon flapped its large wings. Any molten lava fell harmlessly off its golden hide. Connor gazed at awe at the dragon, for it was the one he had seen in the visions, the one he should have been but wasn't. In fact, he was smaller, less fearsome and almost...feminine in comparison.

"Ah," the apparition said. "Here's where the real fun begins. Well, I'll let you two at it."

With this, the apparition vanished, leaving just the two dragons in the cave. Connor cowered in fear under the gaze of the other. For a time, there was only silence between the two. Connor considered trying to escape, but he doubted he could. The other dragon had much longer reached and could probably move faster. In addition, Connor was terrified and paralyzed in place. He couldn't run even if he wanted to.

"You pushed me," the other dragon finally rumbled, its voice low and deep.

"Vahn," Connor replied, his voice weak. "I can explain."

The other dragon snorted smoke. "I am Vahn no longer. I am Vahn's vengeance and you will pay dearly, little dragoness."

"Dragoness? I'm not--"

Connor clamped his muzzle shut. He lowered his head between his legs and glanced down to where he thought his crotch was. He had to adjust his gaze a bit before his eyes fell upon what he presumed to be a genital slit. There was nothing poking out, but why would there be? He was hardly excited or aroused. Yet the longer he laid his eyes upon the slit, the less he believed in his masculinity. The lips of the slit were slightly swollen and he could feel a welcoming warmth down there. He sat on his haunches and reached a foreclaw to the slit and pushed it in. He gasped at the immediate feedback of pleasure, moaning slightly as the slit moistened even as he played with himself. Herself, she realized with wide eyes, removing a slick claw from the crevice.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself," Vahn spoke.

The dragoness looked up at the dragon and immediately returned to a four-legged standing position. When her pussy only dampened at the sight of the imposing dragon, she pushed her hindquarters down against the ground. Though this hid her sex, it also made her all too aware of how it slickened the stone. She wasn't quite sure where the sudden rush of arousal had come from--she had barely touched herself! It certainly couldn't be the dragon in front of her...the handsome drake--

Connor shook her head and awkwardly backed up away from Vahn whilst maintaining her stance. Grinding her slit on the ground only provided further pleasure and humiliation of her newly realized sex.

"You can feel it," Vahn said. "You won't be able to resist it for long."


"Vahn is dead!" the dragon roared, rushing suddenly at Connor. He reached out with both foreclaws and forced her head to the ground. "You killed him. You killed us both."

Connor whimpered, lifting her rear and scrabbling at the ground, willing to do anything to escape the dragon's grip, ready to do anything to undo her what she feared to be fatal mistake.

"What's done cannot be undone. Our forms have changed and so has our...relationship."

"Don't--" Connor whined. "Don't kill me, Vahn!"

The larger dragon snarled and leapt off Connor. The dragoness was only given a temporary reprieve, for she soon found that the dragon was merely repositioning. He clambered onto her and mounted her.

"I am Vahn no more. I am Barroth the Greater. And you--" He leaned in close to the sobbing dragoness. "You are Lioth the Lesser."

"Stop!" Connor begged. She felt far more than physical pressure exerted upon her. Now something pushed at her mind, a force she could only just resist for the moment. "What are you doing?"

"Taking my mate," Barroth said. "What else?"

"I'm not--" Connor shuddered when she felt something hard and stiff brush against her swollen sex. The pressure on her mind increased and it was becoming increasingly harder to think. Instincts were easier. "I'm not your mate!"

"Why of course you are! Who else would you be?"

"I'm--I'm--" The dragoness's mind reeled as she sought the answer. She should know it! It was so simple, just her name! It was there. She knew it!

"Connor," she finally mumbled. "My name is Connor!"

"Is it? Doesn't sound like a name for a demure dragoness as yourself. Sounds like the name of a treacherous fiend. Is that how you want to be known?"

"No," she replied, lowering her head. "I mean--yes? I want to be Connor. No, I am Connor!"

"Are you human? Connor is a human name."

"No, but--" Connor shivered with pleasure when something caressed her sex again. She glanced back and found that the dragon's cock was out and already dripping with precum. The sight strengthened her arousal whilst weakening her will.

"But what? You are Lioth."


It was becoming increasingly difficult to exist. The combination of physical and mental struggle was proving too much for the dragoness.

"You are Lioth."


"You are Lioth, my submissive spouse."

The dragoness's eyes widened. "We're married?"

"Alliteration, my dear. There is power in words. Ultimate power. Are you ready, Lioth?"

Lioth blinked. "For what?" "For me to ride you like you've never been ridden before. For me to seed your eggs so that you may be broodmother. For our bond to complete."

Lioth lowered her head. "Whatever you wish."


In the next moment Barroth penetrated Lioth's virgin slit. Though he was big, the dragoness's slickened sex stretched wide enough to accommodate him and the inner passage proved just as flexible. Lioth hissed in pleasure as he thrust in and out of her, not even caring what she had lost, only caring about what she had gained. Their bodies rocked in the rhythmic motion of their mating, their tempo only sometimes broken by a harsh growl and a burst of flame from either's throat. Lioth loved the feeling of him so intimately inside her and of him atop of her, a loving procreative embrace for both. Soon enough, it was as if nothing had been wrong before.

Barroth continued to pound Lioth for a little while longer, but in the end their first mating was short and sweet. They both trembled in orgasm as he came inside her and he did not miss his mark. The dragoness's fertile womb would be full of eggs soon enough. The spent dragon clambered off Lioth, his cock already retreated into his genital slit by the time he took his place by her side.

"How was that?" he asked.

"Perfect," Lioth replied, pressing into his side.

"Good." He looked over the dragoness. "You'll be a fine broodmother."

"Will I?" "Yes, you will," Barroth chuckled, looking to the pool. "And perhaps others will join you..."

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