Dragon Riddle part 1

Story by Tarrik on SoFurry

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A dragon has a riddle for his human; whatever can it be? One thing is for sure - they are more than a master and a servant at this point; But alas, if the very possibility of M/M dragon/human hurts your reading cortex, swift escape at this point is a lucrative idea. Still, part one is tame enought, and exposure to it should be safe.

The black dragon flew over the spot of forest, made a large, lazy circle, feeling the pressure of the wind that ravaged the plains, and lowered slowly , before touching the ground with a earthshattering drop. The echo of the impact dissipated , as fast as the little cloud of sand his impact to the ground had risen made the human on his back cough. As he moved on the dragon's back, a stronger gust of wind nearly knocked him down; the dragon moved his wings to shield the human, and noted, breathing heavily:

-The winds here are always wild.

-I didn't think such a place was even accessible through air; you're a spectacular flyer - said the human humbly, defying the desire to drop to all fours and kiss the ground repeatedly. It had not looked to him like this flight would be survivable. The dragon made a passable imitation for a human shrug, showing that he had a mastery over the foreign gesture with a smile- It's an everyday flight. Nothing out of the ordinary.

The human turned to him, and looked into the dragon's eyes; one light green, one dark blue; the dragon was mostly colorblind so he would not appreciate the beauty of them, as to him they were both gray.

-You know, you gave me quite the special flight here - said the human, faking a casual tone - If you fly like this on your days off, you should they should make a special wing just for you.

The dragon thought for a second, then grinned: - Observant. I did shake you a little to make it more...interesting.

-Dangerous? - provided the human.

-Yes, dangerous...mating instincts arise out of the sense of danger and our own mortality.

-So, it was meant to t...affect me ... in that way - asked the human, blinking in disbelief.

-It works on women - said the dragon smugly, not searching for an excuse. - Didn't it work for you?

-Well, it...moved me - said the human ambiguously.

-Probably moved your lunch upwards - smirked the dragon, stretching his limbs with loud, metallic sounding noises. The length of his spine creaked like an old door for a second, before a loud, shifting noise stopped the sound. Something popped into place and the dragon exhaled in relief, saying: -Youth is wasted on the young, Kenneth. It's only been sixty years since I was young and I'm already beginning to feel old. It was, to the human, a surprise; he would have placed the dragon in the forties of his species, if there.

-I take good care of myself- said the dragon as if he had read Kenneth's mind; - It is nothing like an actual old age, but the cold of the north...isn't doing me any favors.

-Think about the island you'll have all to yourself one day - said Kenneth happily, almost chirping the words;

the human was not very confident this would happen, nor did he particularly care - he himself had no status within any structure of the human social order and had stopped bothering with what status, of all things, could give a being, be them human or dragon. It was, of course, better for dragons; Riy could, one day, get his island, and maybe, just maybe, this would make him happy; it seemed vastly boring , and the seafood that the ocean could offer could hardly make an appetizer for a dragon, let alone a sustaining meal. Fish were, after all, only supplemental a dragon's diet, and he'd have to fly far to get his nourishment every two or three days.

Riy exhaled a wave of hot air , slowing down his breath, and noted: The place is really something. Look around.

The human took a glance at the horizon, but thought to himself that the dragon was probably growing found of certain air currents, like most dragons did, rather than the small, circular forest, or the mostly desert landscape around it, completely empty and flat as a pan. There were mountains visible in all directions, but they were so far away, it was impossible to recognize then. Kenneth realized that if he was left on his own, even if he had food and water, he could never even navigate his way back home; there was a fatal flaw to human education - maps were never shown from a perspective, and it was impossible to recognize the mountains; or even this giant, vast...too vast, the human realized, empty space he had only seen it from the dragon's back. And it was not a steady point of view, rather, as constantly shifting one, nauseatingly fast, with all the angles changing and the breathtaking view acting as a distraction to his instincts for orientation.

-This place is mine...as you say, "sort of"; there is a condition; I have to come here every term, or every eight sunsets, as you would measure it. It's a symbolic place, given to my father - with no human population to negotiate with or harass.

-Harass? -asked the human curiously, his interest peaking.

-It's like chasing chickens sometimes; childish, but...preferable to no entertainment.

-You can always do that to my village - said the human casually, winning himself a peculiar glance from the dragon that amounted to a silent smile.

-I don't think it's a good idea; rumor will start you're not serving me very well; people might be angry with you - said the dragon smugly, poking the human in the stomach with a large claw, easily the size of a bull's horn.

Kenneth knew not to pry, despite his itching curiosity, so he just nodded, and said: - It is...a mythical-looking place if I ever saw one; somehow thought-provoking and yet frightening. Lonely.

-Mythical-looking? - asked the dragon, humor and great pleasure in his voice.

-Well...there is a story about a place to which all travelers eventually go if they travel long enough- they pass through it on their way to some other place; it's a giant, desert-like landscape, on which the only road that exists is the one you take. All the travelers and all the people you meet on that road are also there because they traveled so long, they eventually entered the "in-between" by walking when they should be sound asleep; when you walk half-asleep, it is said, the nameless road can take you. The travelers may be from any place on any world, from any time; they look infinitely far away, like illusions; the world seems to expand and the road seems to never end. You can wonder there forever, forgetting a year of your life for every sunset.

-This sounds interesting - noted the dragon - So how do you get out? What's the secret of the maze?

-You don't get out... - smiled Kenneth - You can't, really. Even if you get-out of the in-between, it never gets out of you; If you realize where you are, namely that you're in that mythical place, you stay there forever. All effort should go into not realizing where you are, if that makes any sense.

-So how does anybody ever leave? To tell this very story in the first place?- asked the dragon with humor in his voice

-Well, you get there by being absentminded during a very long journey; and you are typically said to get out by falling asleep. But only if you don't allow yourself to realize where you are. If you do, you have to stay. But there is a fringe benefit.

-There is? There's always a benefit of some sort in human stories; like the world is obliged to give you something when it has screwed you over. Some magical gift, perhaps?

-You get to talk to the other travelers; even those from different worlds. You can't tell them where they are, but you can tell you their stories; it is said everybody speaks the same language there, like before the rapture. And you can tell some poor soul a story in which the truth is cleverly disguised, which is how the story supposedly got out; people woke up back in the real world, and realized with terror where they have just been. Then they remember the stories of lands that had not been, and places that have ceased to be; the stories of the other people whom they met in the timelessness. Most good story-tellers claim to have gotten their stories from just such encounters; some even go so far as to say they brave the roads in search of this place, so they can capture a story never heard before...or die.

-Interesting - admitted the dragon -So how did they knows it was real? And not some common, alcohol-fueled nightmare?

-As the story goes - said Kenneth, lowering his voice to a mysterious whisper - The In-between has no recognizable features. So when you escape it by calmly falling asleep, you don't end up exactly where you should have been in the real world - you effectively wake up in a different place, as if you've moved in your sleep for many more miles than you remember. Some say the legend originated because of tired people sleepwalking. Others said it was meant to convey some moral by using weary passengers as illustrations, but people can't agree what the moral is supposed to be.

-Something like "Ignorance is bliss"? That's the moral? -asked the dragon, stretching his back in an arch like a cat, before relaxing, lying on his belly, limbs and wings stretched, some muscles visibly twitching. His black scales shone like the faces of polished volcanic glass ring, black and hypnotizing, catching the light from the sun and reflecting it dim and monochromatic. He moved and his head was now only inches lower than the human's face, and for a second they gazed into each other's eyes, without tension or hurry.

-I really wanted to go to the in-between when I was little.

-Oh? - yawned the dragon, scratching the human unintentionally with one of his teeth

-Because according to what I heard when I was little, It was more like this - continued Kenneth, making a gesture with his hands - According to a the version of the story I first heard, if you realize you are in-between, and force yourself to fall asleep, you can wake up at any_place on the world. You can even go to other worlds, and from this moment on, you can travel in your sleep to any place you want to visit. Any place you can imagine; some say even any _time and_era_ you can imagine, until the end of land and time.

-Traveling in your sleep - mused the dragons - Humans are so lazy in their thinking. A better dream would be to be able to fly - then you can just go to wherever you want to go.

-But you can't go to other worlds - noted Kenneth, pointing at the faint stars still visible in the sky.

-Can't you? - mused the dragon. - Maybe nobody tried hard enough. The moon certainly looks close enough.

-I don't think it's that simple - disagreed Kenneth -Imagine if it was as small as it looked. If the law of perspective really does not hold over immense distances, then it can be very small and frail; or imagine if it was toxic, or sentient. Or the air around it was too thin; Or it fell on you when you touched it

The dragon turned his head, surprised: -If It fell on you? Why would it fall?

-When, it's supposed to be glued to the sky by a galvanic force that would dissipate if you touch it. Like when you're walking on a woolen rug, and you touch something metal, and a small spark comes out of your fingers.

-It does? - asked the dragon, incredulously. He had many carpets as loot, but had never actually used them to cover the floor of his cave because they were tiny and colorful, and pretty; and got dirty way too easily.

-Well, at least most of the times; It does not work if you're wet; And the metal needs to be touching the ground. Then the galvanic force you're accumulated drains into it, and becomes visible as a spark. The theory is that the moon is very light, like a balloon made of sheep skin that's been galvanically charged, and it's only staying in the sky because nothing is touching it to drain the galvanic force it was once given.

-What a strange idea - mused the dragon - But if it were correct, since I'm neither metal, nor connected with metal to the ground, the moon would not fall. Also, I want to see these sparks you speak of. Are they like the sparks of a flint?

-No, they are tinier, immaterial - said Kenneth hesitantly - He paused, then started to press his feet to the ground in a dance-like motion, amusing the dragon greatly:

-If_th_is is the human idea of magic, it's at the very least hilarious to watch - noted the dragon, laughing with a rough, course-sounding voice which made Kenneth's abdomen vibrate with the sound.

The human smiled back, and shook a finger; then, with little warning, he approached the dragon casually, and touched him on the nose, saying: - Watch

A tiny "crack: followed the miniature spark, and the dragon looked at the tip of his muzzle genuinely amazed.

-This type of phenomenon does not happen to dragons - he said - Do it again!

Kenneth obliged, explaining afterwards: - Dragons don't wear leather boots; or woolen sweaters, or woolen underpants

The dragon laghed mightily at the "underpants" part. -It may sound hilarious, but it's the wool that's somehow making it, and the leather boots are a part.We've noticed if people are bare-feeted, it doesn't work for them either. It seems to be that whatever force is involved can pass through some materials back to the ground, but not through others;Leather boots seem to stop it from leaking out, so that it can accumulate in the body. And wool seems to help you accumulate it.

-Fascinating. I might need leather boots at some point then - smirked the dragon and Kenneth laughed: - It will be my great pleasure to let the city know you want pairs of giant leather boots!

-And for my tail; - said the dragon thoughtfully. - It touches the ground instinctively and would "dispel" my galvanic force, if you are right with your observations; I shall also be demanding a giant wooly sweater.

-Nothing will please me more, my friend.said the human honestly - Than to request those items for you as part of your due.

-Nothing? How about.... mounting the mayor? - teased the dragon.

-People in position of authority do not make good playthings for mounting;- said Kenneth, pretending to lament the statement.

-Oh, I beg to disagree - smiled the dragon wickedly - Many a dragon, even some on the Council, occasionally give in to the desire to...scratch an itch that only another can scratch for you.

Kenneth stared at the dragon as if the latter had uttered a blasphemy; the dragon closed his eyes for a moment, the draconic equivalent of a shrug, and teased further:

-Yours truly is often called for such service. It helps...promote me. Not to mention it is inherently satisfying to give that kind of pain to those above you in the social order.

-You seem particularly intent on shocking me today - said Kenneth with disbelief - First the insane flight here, then you're suddenly curious about human studies on the natural order, then you want a sweater and now you're mounting Council members!

-Korvin for one is a frequent of mine - mused the dragon casually - And believe me when I tell you, he's softer than the meat on a deer's hind on the inside.

-You're clearly messing with me;Korvin is a soulless monolith of stupidity - said Kenneth, nearly jumping as he realized it was too late to catch the words out of his mouth.

-It doesn't take intelligence to receive a proper mounting; or strength of character- argued the dragon, great amusement in his voice - Just some body part large enough for me not to tare through and a batch cooking oil from whichever human village happens to be nearby.

Kenneth stared wide-eyed as the dragon laughed heartily and swished his tail left and right, scraping the bare ground: - I bet you're trying to imagine just how much oil it takes; about three bottles per round, if that much; or else where will all the feeling go?

-Korvin...damn - noted Kenneth, then braved: -You needed... someone to handle the...bottle of oil for you?

-Eager to see Korvin moan? - mused Riy, fighting back another fit of laughter, and failing. When he was done laughing a full minute later, he said with an amused voice:

-I suppose since you're such good company you can watch next time; I'll make sure to call you.

Kenneth fought back the embarrassment and the blush, as he nodded: - I'd pay money to see that.

-Pay me money? - enquired the dragon - Don't make me laugh three times in a row, Kenneth; for you, I'll call the old fucker and you can warm him up elbow-deep for a quarter hour. Hear him moan for yourself; Make him do all those little noises he tries not to voice as his innards are prepared for me. Just know that you must not tell anyone, and act servile in his presence.

The human stood perfectly still and went pale, before realizing that this was not a joke.

-The expression on your face is priceless. - noted the dragon - I wish there were a puddle of water to point you to. They should put this face on bottles of wine and the prices would go up.

-....Thank you for....-started Kenneth, this time failing to surpass the blush.

-...for inviting you to watch me mount another dragon? Especially a powerful, feared one? You're very welcome. I for one am found of being watched. If I knew you enjoyed that particular thing, I'd have taken you with me a month ago when...no, that would not have worked - mused the dragon, more to himself than to the human. Finally, he said with a defeated tone: - I will have to ask. Most dragons who prefer to be mounted require...discretion. They only tend to use their own servants for the.... preparations necessary. The ones who prepare, anyway. But since you and I are close and that is known, it should not be a problem to get you in the middle of most such adventures of mine. The dragon paused, and then added: -You should have told me you entertain such a fantasy, and I'd have invited you.

-I didn't even know such a thing happened, to fantasize about it in the first place; The human coughed nervously, then asked with a quiet voice: - The other dragons...know?

It took the dragon a second to realize what his human was asking, then he nodded, imitating the human gesture: -About you and me, as you humans say? it's very well known what I choose humans for. Companionship, friendship, pleasure.... Just about every dragon has at one time or another done that. I just have a greater appreciation for humans.

-And nobody has...objections? -asked Kenneth dry-throated, trying to picture what would happen if his village was not as sheltered as it was, and they actually talked to dragons at all; especially ones from other territories; not that a dragon would bother to tell people about _one_person they did not have any interest in...But still...one criticism of what Riy was doing with his human could mean anyone who knew Kenneth would be ostracized, starting with family. He himself had long resigned that after the dragon requested him, he had no place in his village, but there were others that would be hurt by such knowledge.

-If you're worrying again about your little people knowing, I must have omitted to share how I picked you - said the dragon with a very smug tone and a smirk; a wave of smoke squeezed between his teeth, which always meant he was about to say something shocking and astonishing and was savoring the reaction:

-how do you think I picked you? - he said finally, destroying all the tension with the innocent question.

-By...intellect? Curiosity? - hoped Kenneth, a cold lump forming in his chests.

-True; admitted the dragon - That was a big part of my criteria: open-minded, adventurous, female...

-Female?! fem...-coughed Kenneth.

-Human breasts are pretty -said the dragon unapologetically.

-How...how did you choose me then? - braved the human, with the dawning realization already making way to his conscious mind.

-I take my words back - said the dragon - This_face that you have now, _this one should be on engraved, or at the very least printed on a piece of paper. In a moral encyclopedia, under the article "what happens to devious youth who please dragonkin unnaturally"...

-You already knew I would agree to...to...

-If you drag any birds and bees in the upcoming metaphor to spare your face a pale shade of red, I'll leave you here stranded for a week - stated the dragon - To pleasure me. And not to be force** d** in doing so; to feel at least a modicum of enjoyment yourself. Do you think I would enjoy forcing someone I want to befriend?

Kenneth stood still, and went silent. _Befriend._That was the one word that stopped his upcoming tirade. He was on his own now, not a part of humanity anymore, because of the dragon, and Riy had become his friend. He had always dreamed of having a dragon as a friend, and later, when he grew up, of more than just a friend. It was like a strange, uncensored fairy tale from the thin books his father hid in a little box below the bed about satires, werewolves and maidens; only there were no princesses, strange attire and wild, mysterious magic; just a great, strange friendship. And passion.

-I wanted someone who would want me - admitted the dragon flatly - I need the emotional more than the physical, just like you do; you had the curiosity, the courage, the intellect, the imagination...

-...the desire. -finished Kenneth for him, and sat on the ground - The priests told you.

-Of course they told me. -said the dragon, disbelief in his voice - Did you really think, for a second, that you would confess all your secrets to another human being and they will not be voiced and used against you? Every secret you surrender is a future tool for power play and bargaining, Kenneth! It's not...

-Confessions are supposed to be sacred! - shouted the human, jumping up in rage, and uncharacteristically for him, silencing the dragon. - Sacred! As in, something pure and not to be betrayed!

The dragon went silent for a quite a while, then said quietly: - If they had not told me, I would not have picked you. You wouldn't be here - and we'd both suffer for it. I would not give you up; if I had to go and spy o you myself to have you here today, I would do it; and not regret it. Do you know how rare a willing human is? And how rarer still among those few are those with intellect, charisma, humor, curiosity? And trustworthiness? I have had people betray me for other dragons, as they cares not who fulfilled their fantasy, so long as someone did. I do not see you ever doing anything to betray me, stronger and meaner as I am than you; you are willing to forgive me and to endure me, and that, my friend, is priceless. Plus, I threatened your priests to flame them; one even wet himself. A decent defense reaction, considering bladder fluids can protect from flames...somewhat - said the dragon and Kenneth laughed; he wiped his eyes with his sleeves, and looked up in the sky angrily, saying nothing.

-So whether you choose to give it meaning and call it providence, or vilify me because I was honest and tried to find someone to really connect with...it's your choice.

A long,tedious minute passed in thought; Kenneth was honest enough with himself, and the people he cared about had not been in harm's way last time he saw them - they were, if anything, being given a better treatment, considering Kenneth's "sacrifice". And in a way, his most hidden, most forbidden dream had come true, to spectacular results, and if his trust had not been breached, it would not have come to be. In a way the priests had done him a favor; or perhaps they had given up on saving his soul; more likely, they had struck a bargain, and chosen him because he had a chance of stepping into the role he'd been given without undue drama.. And without displeasing a giant, fire breathing dragon that the town wanted to keep pacified and happy. He sighed and walked over to the dragon, leaning against the giant, armored chests silently, before agreeing:

-I suppose I would not trade this for the world either. .

  • I'm the happy to hear that - said the dragon honestly -You matter to me and the last thing I want to do is cause you turmoil. I'm sorry to have brought it up. I was not concealing it on purpose; I thought you'd heard a rumor about what I sleeked in a companion and.... had thence volunteered... your secret. I half-expected you to blurt that as I teased you a minute ago; I was sure you would try to amaze me by saying you volunteered your willingness to....please your territory's brave, beautiful dragon. Riy puffed his chests, making a stance that truly was majestic.

-In a way.... I suppose I did - considered Kenneth -And I'm very glad for doing it. But that's a wind from the past. It left us both where we are better of for it, so let's ride the next one.

-An ample draconic wisdom, if ever I heard one - complimented him the dragon, laying a frontpaw on the human; he proceeded to try to whisper something in Kenneth's ear, but failed, so he voiced it quietly instead.

-This place is a very, very special thing for me; that is how you convery a secret with human customs, yes? A secret - he admitted, and Kenneth looked around the nothingness of the desert bewildered.

The dragon pointed with a claw towards the small,thick forest behind, yawning: - I suppose a hint and some general directions will be enough for you to see through the deceptive simplicity for yourself. In any case, so much flying as today's, without warming up and proper rest isn't going to do; shall I show you my secret way of refreshing in these, as you called them, mythical lands of mine?

  • I can give you a good, strong massage - suggested Kenneth, rubbing his hands together demonstratively.

-If by that you mean walking all over my body to exorcise muscle cramps, then, I should think not. I'm not really in pain this time, and you're heavier than you think. - disagreed the dragon.

-I'm very sorry for last time; I went overboard; I just want to see you feeling better, happy and all. - confessed Kenneth - You're troubled by something. And it's weighing down on you, by the looks of it. Tell me.

The dragon considered than, and stretched his wings again: - The affairs of my people right now are honestly...an unholy mess. Even by human standards. Even by low troll standards, if such beings ever were, things are a mess. Too much power play. Not enough concern for the common good. Or for long-term interests; or common sense itself, for that matter! For all the natural affinity for logic my kind seems to have, our decision-making...is not much superior, in the end of the day, at least on a large scale, to that of a pride of wild lions, at least as I think. But I am digressing, as usual with politics - huffed the dragon, exhaling a scorching hot wave of air carefully, so as not to harm Kenneth; a small ember flew out of his mouth and smoldered onto the ground.

-Hardly true, my sir-disagreed the human, surprised to find himself trying to cheer up the dragon - The piece has been holding for a millennia now; decisions being made to maintain it are both smart and wise.

-Only because if we were at wa r, both sides seize to be able to reproduce;- smirked the dragon - Even a mountain gorilla with half a brain and alcohol poisoning would know what that means: EXTINCTION. The piece is not the result of rationality; look around you, and you'll see a closer example of what I mean. Or at least, you'll see something that illustrates my effort to use rationality; a power so infrequently used these days.

Kenneth took a wide sweep of the landscape with his most attentive stare, but failed to see anything. It was all empty, really - and It was a small wonder that the sandy plane was not a dusty cloud of tiny dirt particles each time the wind blew. There wasn't a single stick or plant...except the perfectly green oasis behind them.

-This is an oasis...of sorts, right? - asked the human, realizing for the first time how strange a little speck of forest looked on this desolate landscape. There was no trace of any vegetation outside the green spot.

-Of sorts - agreed the dragon modestly, all but admitting that he had had something to do with it. -But that's not what I was hoping you'd see.

-There's_nothing_ else to see; or it is too far from me to see and you forget your eagle sight, and my shortsightedness - sighed the human in frustration, scratching his head; the dragon was trained in different modes of thinking as a hatchling, then in philosophy as a youth, before becoming a warrior, and often tried to train Kenneth in one draconic thing or another, but there was really nothing to be deduced or observed here, from any analytical angle.

-Nothing - repeated the dragon - The nothing is everything. It's the remainders of a great, powerful and truly ancient forest that used to be here.

-There's absolutely no evidence there was a single tree here - observed Kenneth, certain that the dragon was putting him through some test of logic.

-Ow? - asked the dragon - How about the little snug forest behind you?

-Other than that -admitted Kenneth - But there is no sign of tree trunks, remains of trees, or anything to signal this was a forest.

-Ah. But that's just a matter of time. Time, unfortunately, has erased any trace of what used to be here. It's been generations, in dragon terms, not human, since anyone has seen what this place used to be. I've reconstructed views from second-hand descriptions of long-lived beings, and it's not just a forest...it was the forest.

-Now you're the one talking of "mythical" categories - noted Kenneth , smiling - But I believe you.

-Without evidence? - asked the dragon suddenly.

-I believe you always. It's a matter of trust. If you say there was a forest in the desert, there was.

The dragon concealed his enjoyment of those words, and pointed at the small speck of forest they were now facing: - This is all my deed, Kenneth. I planned it. Designed it. Took care of it. And only I know it's true purpose. Now I want you to try and solve the mystery of what I've made.

The human looked very surprised, then said cheerfully: -That is truly amazing But this place seems pretty... waterless; whatever water there is , it probably barely suffices for the trees.

-True - admitted the dragon-then asked -how did you realize that? We haven't gone in yet

Kenneth caught the clue and froze, pressing his mind to think as never before. He decided to stay silent, waiting for another clue to come, and when it did not, he pressed with his sucessfu guess, trying to take it further:

  • you clearly lament the lack of trees;You've planted... some. The fact that you haven't planted any _more_suggest that it wasn't possible. And there's plenty of land - so there must be a deficit of water. You did say the forest was like an oasis; so there was at least some water at this spot originally.

-Excellent thinking - said the dragon proudly - You're thinking better than me today; Better than most dragons in fact , who fail to realize what I have tried to accomplish here as they fly over it and empty their colons on it.

-I failed to realize that, - admitted Kenneth, shivering and wrinkling his nose; he could not imagine what wrath such actions evoked in the dragon; not only to cross his territory, but to also...

-Sicne it is a fertilizer I am willing to hold back on killing them, for now at least - said the dragon mindfully, adding - Ignorance offers further excuse, plus, it's to my credit for making it this discrete that it crosses no one's mind, and for some time now, too.

-you're the only one so far to have deduced why I haven't placed more trees, if I desire them here, which I clearly do. But....-the dragon's voice trailed off - There's another secret that nobody has realized is here. Because it's hidden in plain sight.

-That's the best way to hide a thing - agreed the human and approached the forest curiously, waiting for a reply from the dragon. Riy stayed silent, not encouraging, but not prohibiting the exploration either. He stood motionless, like a lizard baking in the sun, still breathing heavily from the flight, and looking exhausted, but only to Kenneth, who knew him well. He continued to circle the little, relatively round patch of forest, and immediately realized something: -These trees are too thick; I can't see inside the forest much. It's like a green wall! How did I not see that before? Are these...elk trees? With moss? Or... mandrake giants?

-No ; and no again- laughed the dragon - but nobody ever notices that this is the only forest in the world that you don't have the ability to peek into. And this is how forests used to be - because of a little secret. Can you find it for yourself?

The human walked into the forest, or at least, tried to; the trees were an assortment of pines, perfectly normal, but there was a thick, green mass entangled like spider web through the branches, covering the trees from top to bottom, which sprouted tiny, teardrop-shaped leafs and hundreds of stems as thick as a hair. These were entwined so close together, that they effectively turned the trees into a uniform, green mass, entangling them in a web that had become effectively a wall.

-It's... some sort of plant that's doing it - announced the human, and the dragon remarked:

-This is not just "any" plant, my friend; It's the parasitic plant that used to infect all the forests in the North. See, you teach me about galvanic force, I'll teach you about the past; my schooling in history is second to none, and my kinds' memories run deep. Not to mention how many deeper memories I have consulted...-said the dragon mysteriously

Kenneth dug deep in the recesses of his human memory, trying to remember something, anything, about such a parasitic plant, but only managed to produce one meaningful question: - Is it safe?

-It's toxic to rabbits, if that warrants a worry - said the dragon- Humans, being susceptible to silly things like being potentially allergic to everything known and unknown, may have the occasional fluke with this plant. Proceed cautiously. But there is more to the forest in front of you than a prehistoric plant cultivated anew, I assure you of that. Many a dragon have passed it by, paying it no attention, despite the fact that green on this desert would mean water even to brainless iguana.

...if I did not know you better, I would say you've find a way to repel dragons from this forest - smiled Kenneth sheepishly.

-And if I did not know you better I'd say you wanted to know what the "repellent" is -remarked the dragon, his equivalent of a smile spreading on his muzzle revealing two rows of teeth on every jaw, some white, some gray, and one particularly dark yellow. Kenneth would need to remove that one soon to let the one growing underneath it emerge, and made a mental note of it.

-Okay, you win. Toothy grin wins; I'll keep exploring- remarked Kenneth, still examining the strange green plant which pervaded the forest; it covered every inch of the trees, using them for support, filling every empty space with its leafs...but somehow not overshadowing the trees completely, or else how were they still so alive and healthy underneath the growth?

  • I can guess it myself, I am sure of it - said the human bravely

-That was my hope for today's entertainment - admitted the dragon - Guess, and I'll reward accurate guesses with the word "warm", and possibly with pleasure later, of your choice. Good enough?

-I'll take what I can get - admitted the human, who was used to solving draconic riddles of the sort of "What is yours, but others use it more than you do?", to which, the answer was "Your name". Dragons made decent riddles, better than the ones he'd read in his human books, but he felt the award for such a tuff one would have to be a promise of pleasure for several days at least; Riy liked making up new, harder riddles for him, but was skittish with awarding his human, confident in his way of "keeping" a companion in a constant state of eagerness. Kenneth scratched the chastity belt that hung on his groins, under his garment, locked with a key the dragon kept safe, and craved for the early days when Riy was not enforcing such strict discipline.

The human slowly entered the forest, squeezing his way in, pressing against the thick, green wall, which felt like an ocean sponge. It gave a little, but then pushed him back relentlessly. He went along the green wall as if it were a fortress wall, searching for a crack or a way in. And he found it.

There was a masked entry, a corridor where the trees parted; the uniform green made it practically invisible from the outside, but the corridor was wide enough to permit a dragon to enter; in fact...

-So this is your way in -said Kenneth smugly, and the dragon answered;: - Regarding this statement, "warm"; regarding the question of "how do I keep dragons out...cold..." You're not getting the key tonight at this rate; Try harder.

Kenneth swore silently, took a deep breath, and went in

Dragon riddle part 2

-So this is your way in -said Kenneth smugly, and the dragon answered: - Regarding this statement, "warm"; regarding the question of "how do I keep dragons out...cold...very cold." Kenneth took a deep breath, and went in. The green embraced him with a...

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Savannah Heat

The day was even warmer than expected and Sam hated the school dress code more palpably than ever. The heat of the savannah sun seemed to be focusing entirely on the accursed schoolyard; "I can bake bacon on the ground on a day like this" thought Sam...

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Dancing sunlight

In the semi-lit room the tiger's stripes seemed to burn with the sunset's light. Through the metallic blinds on the window the golden light formed horizontal lines on the bed, as the red half-sun sunk behind the buildings seemed to grow distant. Duncan...

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