Scarlet Necklace - Part I - Time to Begin

Story by Dikran_O on SoFurry

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#1 of FOX Academy Flashback - Scarlet Necklace

FOX Academy Flashbacks

Scarlet Necklace

Part I - Time to Begin

March 1982.

Auvert and the other students were in the Academy lounge. They had just passed the half-way mark in their training to become junior agents of the Foreign Operations eXecutive, or FOX, Canada's super-secretive espionage agency. So secretive in fact, that only a few key politicians, a handful of bureaucrats and a half a dozen conspiracy theorists knew of its existence.

Canada had created FOX during the cold war, under Canada's premier expert on espionage and counter intelligence, the walrus Sir Wilbur W. Withersby. Its operatives had to carry out executive actions in foreign lands or on foreign operatives. After extensive physiological and psychological testing it was determined that foxes, being both agile and intelligent, were best suited for the role. It is also suspected that they had a large part to play in choosing the agency's name. The intelligence school, support infrastructure and operations division were all housed in a complex disguised as a government experimental farm in downtown Ottawa. Collectively, it was called the Academy.

Tonight was a rite of passage for the students. Until now, they had been isolated from the rest of the Academy. They lived in a separate building, ate in a separate cafeteria, attended classes away from the rest of the Academy. Up until tonight, use of the Academy lounge was forbidden. Those that could still find the time and motivation to drink did so in their rooms or snuck out to the bars downtown. The only times that they saw the regular agents were when they passed them coming and going to the gymnasium, the shooting range, or other common buildings. On these occasions they were not introduced, they were ignored.

By the time they had passed the halfway mark, most of those who were bound to fail had been identified and sent back where they had come from. Now the remainder could be trusted to socialize with the rest of the staff. To mark this event, a small reception was held in the Academy lounge. Attendance was obligatory for the students and optional for the staff, but as the students were expected to pay for all of the drinks that evening quite a few of the regulars showed up anyway.

There was not much in the way of socializing going on. One of the junior agents informed the students that they were restricted to a set of old leather chairs and couches in a distant corner of the room, farthest from the fireplace, bar and washrooms. The junior agents stayed on the opposite side, near the bar, and the support staff occupied the chairs in the middle of the room. The senior agents and staff had a separate room on the other side of the bar, and if the students stretched, they could occasionally see one of them waiting for their drink. There was a large fox, as big as a well-built wolf, with golden-hued fur, an arctic fox, mostly white still at this time of year, and a middle-aged black fox in on that side tonight.

The students were equally diverse. They had started the course in the fall with almost twenty students, but now only five remained. Max was a red fox from New Brunswick whose sole talent seemed to be the ability to lick his own eyebrows. Vick was a friendly diminutive grey fox that had once been an Air Force officer. Kevin was a yellow-furred fox of stocky build from the army who was willing to try anything and go anywhere that was suggested to him. Carpenter was another red fox, a police officer that was considered a prick by the rest of the students. He introduced himself with his full name but by the end of the first day he was just Carpenter. The last student, Auvert, never mentioned what his first name was. The one student who found out and threatened to tell was pummelled in a closet one night and asked to leave the Academy the next day.

While Auvert had this one little idiosyncrasy, he was liked and respected by all of the students except Carpenter, who saw him as competition for the rare field agent positions. Only the top student was guaranteed a position on a field team, the rest would probably be sent to embassies or remain in the headquarters, maybe forever. At the halfway mark in the course, Auvert had a comfortable lead on Carpenter, and none of the other three were even close.

Auvert stood against the back wall of the lounge, sipping a rum and coke and watching the rest of the room. He could spend hours observing a room, a crowd or a field. It was a hobby that worked well with his former life as a soldier in a reconnaissance unit. Auvert watched, without seeming to look anywhere, and collected details. He noted who talked with whom, who smiled at whom and whose expression changed from a smile to a frown when the other's backs were turned.

Occasionally someone in the crowd would look at him, but never for very long. Auvert was on the tall end of average, but he leaned against the wall in a slight slouch that made him appear smaller. He had a long torso, a broad chest and wide shoulders, but he dressed to deemphasize these. His only really distinctive feature was the halo of silver hair around his face and head. Black-furred from birth, the grey hairs had started coming in when he was still an adolescent, now at twenty five they accounted for almost half of the hairs on his head, giving his facial fur a silvery appearance.

There were better things to look at than him in any event, or at least more interesting things. Max had taken his dentures out and was trying to amuse some of the female clerks by wrapping his tongue completely around his snout. He had lost most of his teeth playing junior league hockey. Kevin had removed his shirt to show someone the scars from his motorcycle accident. He looked like a troll with his shirt off. There was also a hockey game on the TV near the bar. Someone was beating Toronto, badly. Nothing-new there.

When the vixen with the vibrant red coat came in Auvert was one of the first to spot her, but not the only one. She came in from the cold wearing only a bark-brown leather vest over a silk blouse, a matching leather skirt they ended at mid-thigh, and a pair of high-heeled leather boots that almost came up to meet it. She stood just inside the door and shook a few flakes of snow from her shoulders and tail. Everyone looked her way and the room grew quiet. She seemed not to notice the attention she was getting. Once she was done fluffing her wind-blown fur, she looked up, picked a face out of the crowd, smiled and dove in.

She seemed to know everyone and everyone seemed to know her, except for the students. Max, ignored for now, put his teeth back in. Kevin put his shirt back on and came to stand next to Auvert. The support staff and the junior agents had formed a single group in the middle of the room with the vixen in the middle. Auvert had not moved a muscle since she had entered, but all of his attention was focused on her now.

She had the reddest fur that Auvert had ever seen, a bright, vibrant red that almost glowed. She was tall, for a vixen, and her figure could best be described as 'voluptuous'. The silk blouse was open to reveal deep cleavage and the skirt hugged her ass like a second skin. The little bit he could see of her thighs between skirt and boot was fine too, firm, round and well muscled. The hair on her head was cut short, an unusual style these days. Her bangs ended well above her bright golden eyes. Auvert suddenly realized that those eyes were looking at him.

She had been scanning the room as she talked with the various junior agents and support staff, the same as Auvert had been doing. When she saw him, she stopped. She didn't pause in her conversation, but she kept her eyes on Auvert for at least a full minute. Auvert didn't look away. Kevin looked from one to the other, noting the intensity of their contact. Finally, someone tugging on her sleeve distracted her and the moment was gone. The vixen chatted with one or two more people as she headed for the door to the senior lounge. She disappeared through it to a chorus of greetings from the other side.

"That was one good looking fox." Kevin said beside him.

"Oh? I hadn't noticed." Auvert replied.

"Yeah, right."

Carpenter wandered over to where they were standing.

"Do you know who that was?" Keith and Auvert didn't answer, they knew he would tell them anyway. "That was Scarlet, one of the original senior agents."

All of the senior agents had colours for code names. Gold was reserved for the Chief of Staff, as were Red and Blue for the American and British Liaison officers, but the rest could choose their own colour. White was an arctic fox, and Black was a black fox. Green was of Irish decent and Yellow liked the humour of a secret agent being called 'yellow'. Once having seen her, one knew why the first vixen to become a senior agent had chosen scarlet.

"Jesus, she must be what, forty now?" Kevin said with wonder. "You'd never know by looking at her. I hear that she has quite the reputation for sleeping around."

"Don't get your hopes up Kevin." Carpenter said. "You're so far beneath her you would have to look up to see dirt."

Auvert kept silent while the others traded not-so friendly insults. He hoped it wouldn't end in a fight again. Carpenter was getting beaten regularly and he never seemed to learn when to quit. Auvert went to the bar for another drink and to get away from the bickering pair. He had felt a powerful attraction to the older vixen, and he wasn't sure why.

Auvert and Kevin had a reputation themselves. Auvert had a fast car. Kevin had a friend with a cottage up in the Ottawa Valley. Both had a taste for rum and coke, and being the only soldiers in the bunch, they had a common reference point. Like all of the other students, they studied at night, but they tended to quit earlier and go for a few wet ones before going to bed. Quite a few wet ones some nights. It was not unusual to see the pair roll into class with fur uncombed and eyes looking like piss holes in the snow. The two had written exams and run fitness tests while technically still drunk, doing considerably better on the former. The Academy kept on eye on the livelier ones like them but did not interfere, but one breach of security and they would be out.

Women were a frequent feature of their outings. Kevin had an evil grin that the ladies loved and Auvert could turn on the charm after a few drinks to loosen him up. Neither wanted anything permanent, or even short term. One evening, or possibly a weekend at the girl's place, was enough of a relationship for them. They told outlandish stories to explain why the girls could never see them again. Sometimes they were about how they were joining the foreign legion and had to ship out the next day. Other times they claimed that they were priests in training and tomorrow was the day for them to take their vows of chastity. Occasionally females would come looking for them afterwards, but they always gave false addresses. One of their favourites was the seminary and convent on the east side of town.

* * * * * * * *

Auvert knew that their activities were monitored. He also knew that this sort of reputation did not exactly hurt one's chances at FOX Academy. After all, they weren't training choirboys here. What he did not know was that the senior agents had a part in evaluating the students, to assess their suitability for fieldwork. It was only fair, as they would be the ones that had to work with them there. As such, every senior agent saw the files of every student that made it past the halfway mark. Scarlet had just come from the headquarters after reading up on the five and she was interested in having a closer look at a couple of the students.

Scarlet had dismissed the one with the tongue and the Air Force officer after reading their files. Neither had what it took, in her opinion, to be field agents, although they may make good handlers at the embassies. After one look at Carpenter she was ready to recommend expulsion. His body language screamed arrogance and those types never did well overseas. Nor were they ever content to work in the headquarters, where they always felt that they had been passed over unjustly. Most double agents came from that type, motivated by pride, money and revenge. The stocky yellow fox was interesting, she thought. Seeing him with his shirt off in the lounge, acting as if that was normal and acceptable behaviour, cemented her assessment that he was one of those rare individuals that made their own rules and let the rest of the world follow or not. He had the same open hearty approach as her fellow senior agent Green, who was known to share a drink and a laugh with his targets before executing the termination order. If the outgoing soldier didn't make it as a field agent, he would certainly make an excellent handler.

The other soldier, the one with the silvery mane, intrigued her. He was the most intelligent of the bunch, but whenever there was trouble, he was sure to be involved. The disciplinary notes on his file were numerous, driving his sports car on the walking paths, converting the utility closet into a giant beer fridge, taking a female clerk up onto the Academy roof for a little recreation. An astronomer had called the last one in. Auvert had not known that the telescope in the old observatory next door was still functional obviously. The surveillance reports of the two soldiers activities at the cottage in the valley were most interesting. They went up alone, they fished, they drank moderately, and they played cards in the evening with the eighty-year old female beaver that owned the property next door. No wild parties, no female companions, just friendly games of cribbage with an old lady. The surveillance reports noted that Auvert lost regularly because the beaver and his friend both cheated. Scarlet was dying to know why Auvert didn't cheat also.

Auvert was harder to figure out, standing there in a neutral, even submissive, pose while he surveyed the room through half-closed eyes. And what unusual eyes! A grey-blue that could look like a clear summer sky one minute, and a stormy sea the next according to his instructors. And while they were all seasoned agents with field experience, they all reported feeling uncomfortable when the silvery fox locked those eyes on them in an unblinking stare. She knew that he was watching her before she looked at him, she could feel the intensity. With her training, she should have been able to study him without staring directly at him, but she was forced to look, drawn to his eyes. They stared at each other for a full minute, she was certain, and she could not look away until someone tugged on her sleeve, breaking the spell. So cold on the surface, those yes, so unemotional. But she sensed something boiling underneath, an active volcano with a snow-capped summit.

Scarlet retreated to the senior's lounge to assess the situation. This was an unusual situation for her. Next to Green, she was considered the friendliest and most approachable of the senior agents. She could usually read a person straight off and choose the best approach for the situation and outcome she desired, but Auvert gave no clue as to how she should approach him. She went to the bar to order a drink.

* * * * * * * *

The bar in the Academy lounge was between the two rooms and served both sides. The openings themselves were offset, so the senior agents didn't have to stare at the junior agents or engage them in conversation while they waited for their drinks. It also prevented one side from seeing what the other side was up to. But if one stood at the extreme left of the bar on either side, one side could see the other. The left end was the end closest to the dingy student's table, so that is where Auvert waited his turn. On the senior's side, the left end was closest to the door, and that is where Scarlet stood after entering, to order her drink.

Auvert was looking down at the bar, waiting for the bartender to bring his drink. He traced patterns in the spilt beer on the Formica counter and tried to think, but all he could see was the face of the scarlet vixen and those golden eyes. Scarlet was looking down at the bar on her side, studying the grain in the mahogany, wondering why she was so strongly attracted to the student. She had not felt this way since she had a crush on the male's gym teacher in high school. They both looked up for the bartender at the same time, and their eyes locked again.

"Buy you a drink?" Silver asked with a lift of his brow. As soon as the words were out he cringed inwardly.

"In your dreams youngster." Scarlet replied, and hated herself for cutting him off like that.

They both kept staring at each other however, until the bartender blocked their view. When he stepped aside again, they had both left the bar.

Auvert slumped in a chair in the student's corner, sipping his drink and watching the door to the senior's lounge through partially closed eyes. He watched for an hour, but she did not appear. There was another exit, he knew, but he remained where he was for another hour. Finally, convinced that she was not going to come back into the junior's lounge, he set his glass down and stood up to leave.

A lot had happened in the intervening two hours. Carpenter had left with a bloody nose. Kevin had left with two females from the administrative section. Vick and Max had left alone, again, and most of the junior agents and staff had wandered off. Auvert pulled on the padded leather motorcycle jacket he habitually wore all through the winter and headed out into the cold March night. Turning left at the end of the walkway, he followed one of the walking trails that led to the student's dormitory.

Halfway back to the dorm he noticed that there was a car parked on the walkway up ahead. After the trouble he had gotten into for mistaking the walkways for roads, he didn't think that anyone else would be so foolish. He did not recognize this car either. It was a Ford Mustang II, that was evident, but the body styling was a little different, smoother than the normal Mustang. It had a white vinyl roof, another unusual feature. In contrast, the body of the car was bright red. All's it needs, he thought, was a red maple leaf on the roof and it could be Captain Canada's car.

The car looked empty, and the engine was off. I had no frost accumulation, but then it was a cold dry night, a few degrees below freezing, so it could have bee there for minutes or hours. Auvert did not pay it much mind. Academy security was very good at keeping unauthorized vehicles away. But he kept an eye on it just the same as he approached.

He was three meters away when the driver's side door swung open, blocking his path. What was interesting was the fact that the interior light did not go on when it opened. The high-heeled dark-brown leather boot that had pushed the door open remained hanging out of the driver's door.

Auvert kept walking, but angled to the far edge of the walkway, until he was parallel to the open door. There he stopped and turned toward it. From this angle, he could see the senior agent Scarlet leaning back against the red upholstery of the passenger door, her head below the level of the white leather seats. She had one arm across her chest and the other stretched out along the door. Her left leg was extended out of the driver's door, the right bent back to rest on the transmission hump. Even in the dim light Auvert could see how this pose made the skirt ride up, exposing more of her wonderful thighs.

"You drive a stick?" She asked.


"Then get in." She pulled her legs back and sat up in the passenger seat. Auvert waited a second, maybe just to establish that he was doing this of his own accord, and then slid in behind the wheel. As he closed the door he noted the plaques mounted on the frame.

"A Ghia?" He asked.

"Yes. '76."

"V-6 or the 302 V-8?"

"351 Windsor 'W'. Special order."

"Four-speed manual?"


"Sweet. But why not just buy a Cobra?"

"This model comes with a quartz clock and a vanity mirror." She shrugged. "Head out to Price of Wales, but make it quick."

Auvert could sense what she wanted, and he left the curb with a squeal of rubber, accelerating through the gears as he approached the junction with the real road. Shifting down hard he pulled the parking brake and let the car skid sideways until it was pointed in the right direction. Then he released the brake and hit the gas, jerking the wheel hard to bring the car in line with the tires. At the traffic circle, he calculated the speed of the cars already entering and slid the Mustang neatly in between two of them. Once headed south on Prince of Wales Drive he asked her "Where next?"

She waited until they were almost into the intersection with Baseline Road and called "Turn right."

Auvert braked and pulled at the wheel, letting one startled driver through before shooting across the traffic to head west. She continued to give him directions at the last second, and Auvert continued to find ways of getting the responsive car where she wanted to go. Finally, they had circled back onto Academy grounds and were cruising back up the road that led to the lounge, and the senior agent's quarters. Without being asked, Auvert pulled into the parking lot reserved for senior agents and slowed to a crawl.

"Space number seven." Scarlet informed him.

She was out of the car before Auvert could shut off the engine. He leaned over to lock the passenger door and then got out. She was already halfway to the entrance. He locked the driver's door with the key and followed after her. The senior agent's dorm had a mechanical keypad and Scarlet punched in her code and entered without looking back. Auvert had to run to catch the door before it could close. Scarlet walked down the hall to the third door on the left and stood there waiting for him.

"It's the big brass key." She informed him. He found it and turned it in the lock. Scarlet pushed the door open as soon as it clicked and strode in ahead of him, turning on lights as she went. Auvert followed, pulling the door shut behind him.

The senior agent's suites were a far cry from Auvert's single room in the student's dorm. There was a short corridor with closets on one side and a laundry area on the other. It opened onto a living room-dining room-kitchen combination that had all the necessities, but wasted very little space. An open door on the living room end revealed a bedroom with an en-suite bath. The apartment was painted in institutional, neutral colours, but the occupant had obviously selected the furnishings. They were a collection of mismatched chairs and ottomans in various colours and styles. The decorations were more of the same, African tribal masks hung beside Chinese peasant paintings over Siberian antler carvings. None of it was of high quality, like one would find in the posh hotel gift shops. These items had the crude homeyness that you could only get if you visited isolated villages. Although they clashed, they were displayed with evident pride. Auvert was sure that there was a story behind each item.

Scarlet stopped in the middle of the room and turned to face him. Her eyes blazed, her chest heaved and there was a snarl on her face. She looked like she was about to go into battle, and perhaps she was. Auvert threw the keys onto the kitchen counter as he passed the threshold and strode straight up to her, his face expressionless, his eyes ice.

They came together like two powerful magnets. Auvert snapped her into his arms and she pressed hard against his chest. She pulled his head down to hers, not that he needed the incentive, and theirs mouths were locked together with tongues exploring deep into each other in an instant. He put his paws on her backside and pulled her hips against his, grinding against her like it was the last dance at graduation. She peeled off his leather jacket without breaking facial contact then started on the buttons of his shirt. His paw found the catch on her skirt above her tail and it dropped to the floor where she kicked it aside. She pulled his shirt back and off and then she ran her claws down his chest, leaving furrows in his fur and faint red lines where she scratched the skin.

Scarlet broke away from him then. Auvert could see that her silk blouse was more than that, it went down between her legs and under, almost like a paratrooper's jump smock, he marvelled. She reached under her blouse and did something with her paws. The next instant she pulled a lacy black brassiere out of her sleeve. Then she took his paws in hers and backed up toward the bedroom door.

Once in the bedroom she turned and backed up against the bed. As soon as she felt it behind her, she released his paws and let herself fall down onto it. Putting her arms behind her neck in a pose that made her breasts jut out, she raised one leg languidly until her ankle rested on his shoulder. Auvert undid the long zipper on the inside of the leather boot and let his claws trail along her leg as he pulled it off. They repeated the process with the other leg. Scarlet wore only the silk teddy now.

She raised her feet, inching them along his thighs until they were on a level with his waist. Then, to his surprise, she undid his belt and fly using only her toes. That was a skill he definitely had to learn. Still with her arms behind her head, she worked his pants and underwear down over his hips, freeing an already erect penis in the process. She smiled. Auvert bent to take off his black leather boots and stepped out of his pants and shorts. He kicked them backwards out of the way, and stood over her, cock standing straight up and ready.

Auvert wasn't one for quick and dirty sex however. The interaction between male and female, giving pleasure as much as taking it, was what he craved. He dropped to his knees between her legs and caressed them each with one of his paws. She brought her legs to rest on his shoulders with a sigh. He kissed the inside of each thigh where the fur was sparse, running the tips of his claws along the lines of her muscles, where the skin was most sensitive. She put her paws on his head and caressed it, tugging at the hair, folding his ears over. He used his teeth on her, but gently, just squeezing the flesh between them.

Auvert could smell the scent of arousal coming off of her beneath the silk. He studied the catch that held it together between her legs. Two snaps connected the front to the back. There appeared to be a considerable amount of strain on the area as her hips rolled and she pressed her thighs together against his snout. He put two digits under the edge and flicked them up. The snaps popped simultaneously and the silk parted to reveal a mons swollen with desire, the pink inner lips already showing glossy and moist between. The tuft of fur just above them was trimmed into the shape of a heart, and dyed bright red.

Auvert pressed his thumbs between the top of her thighs and the outer lips, making them open more. He extended his tongue and drew the tip along the exposed moist area, turning it sideways so that it cut through like a knife opening an envelope. When he reached the top, he pressed harder until he found the button of flesh buried there. He circled it once, and then he started at the bottom again.

While Auvert opened her with his tongue Scarlet continued to knead his head and ears. She pulled her legs up until her knees were beside her breasts and let her toes join in the massage. She alternated between gazing down at his busy snout and letting her head roll back in ecstasy. As the level of moisture increased between her legs she pulled on his head more, urging him to drive his tongue deeper, to press her clit harder.

Until now, he had had his arms wrapped around her thighs, teasing her along the line of her hips lightly with his claws. Now that she was responding, he pulled one paw back and inserted the middle digit into her vagina. Sliding it in and out while his tongue concentrated on her clitoris, he sought out the area inside where the flesh felt rough, like it was ribbed. When he touched it, he knew, because she shuddered and moaned just a bit. Those symptoms increased as he rubbed the spot harder, feeling it fill her up inside.

Auvert moved his other paw to her cleft and circled her hardening clit with his thumb. He pulled his head back as the paw took over from his tongue. He looked up along her, saw her looking back with golden eyes unfocused, her tongue sticking out one side just a bit, her breasts straining at the silk that contained them. He stood up, and keeping his paws to their duty, bent his head until he could take the lowermost button of the silk blouse in his teeth. Now it was his turn to show off. He undid the button with teeth and tongue alone. He moved up to the next button.

When he had them all undone the blouse fell open. The fur on her chest was white, all the way down to the red heart. Her breasts were large but still firm, standing apart from each other now that they were free. He paused to lick and suck on her nipples. Already erect, hey became hard as diamonds under his tongue. After licking the light fur around the pink aureoles, he stretched until his mouth was on hers again.

He had to hold his hips up away from her in an awkward position in order to kiss her passionately while his paws continued to work down below. However, he did not have to hold that position for long. Increased secretions and involuntary thrusting of the hips told him that she was about to reach climax. Now it was time for his neglected cock, left throbbing alone between his legs while he pleasured the vixen, to come into play. Pulling his digit out of her slowly, he guided the tip of his penis to the slippery slit and rubbed the tip up and down to moisten it. Her cunt seemed to reach for it as she pressed her hips forward, and he eased it in, a bit at a time, until its length was buried inside her.

Scarlet let out a sigh and tried to pull him down onto her, but he had other plans. Holding himself above her with one arm extended, he pulled back with his hips, until all but the head of his prick was out. This left enough space between them for his other paw to continue caressing her clit as he slowly slid in and out of her. Her clit stood out hard against the pad of his thumb now, and a crimson flush that extended up between her breasts could be seen through the sparse white fur of her belly. He continued to rub and slide until she was gasping.

Auvert suddenly released her and pulled out at the same time. Her open-mouthed grin and the gleam in her eyes told him that she knew what he was about to do, and that she wanted it too. Grabbing her hips, he flipped her over onto her knees. Her sex was now on a level with is his as he stood at the base of the bed. She dropped her shoulders to the mattress and tucked her arms under her, raising her hips and tail. He took her tail and folded it down onto her back. Taking a step closer, he brought his hips back. He put the tip of his cock against her, felt for the entrance, and then he drove it deep inside her with a cry of "aghhh".

Scarlet responded n the same manner, crying out as he filled her. He pulled back and drove in again, his hips slamming against her as his balls bounced against her swollen clit. He reached between her legs and found the knob of pleasure. The pad of his middle digit circled it in a frenzy. His other paw was on her back, holding her steady as he pounded her from behind. Both fought to hold back and not be the first to succumb.

Scarlet came first. The vibrating digit against her clit was too much. She ground her hips into him with a moan as the warm fluids gushed from her. That was enough to trigger Auvert, and he leaned back to let his prick sink as deep as it could inside her, holding it there while his cum spurted and his balls jerked.

When there was nothing left inside him, he collapsed on top her. She stretched out to lie on to the mattress, turning on her side. Auvert rolled with her so that he was lying behind her. His cock was still inside her, softer but still erect. His paw still caressing a clit that had retreated between the lips of her mound. She shuddered and cried out each time that his digit found it.

"Enough!" She slapped his paw away. "You're going to kill me."

"Would it be such a bad way to go?"

"I'll take you with me." She replied, squeezing his prick inside her. He moved his paw to her breast.

They lay like that for a while, neither talking. He traced patterns in her fur with his digits. She rolled against him and reached back to rub his hip. Opening her legs allowed her to reach down and caress his balls where they rested on her thigh. She felt him swelling inside her again. She tickled his prick where it entered her and felt it twitch to life. A loud beeping noise came from the living room.

"Damn." She pulled away from his embrace and off of his cock. "Duty calls."

She trotted naked into the living room and searched through the cast-off clothing for the pager. She came up with one, a chunky black box that Auvert had noted on the belts of several other senior staff about the Academy. She glanced at it and frowned, and then continued to search. A moment later, she retrieved a second pager. It was a slimmer model than the other, almost tiny. Auvert wondered why the senior staff did not carry the less obtrusive model exclusively.

"I've got to go kit." Scarlet said as she passed through on her way to the bathroom. "Come get yourself cleaned up and I'll drop you at your dorm on the way out." Auvert rose to gather up his clothes.

* * * * * * * *

A few minutes later, she was behind the wheel of her red Mustang and racing down the deserted lanes of the experimental farm. She had dropped the student Auvert off in from of his quarters with an invitation to call on her for tutoring, should he be having a hard time in one of the subjects, or just whenever he was hard. Alone now, she drove much the same way as she had forced Auvert to, enjoying the sense of control that it gave her.

She turned north on Prince of Wales and took the Queen Elizabeth Parkway into downtown. Once there, she found the office tower that she had been told would be the new meeting place, now that the park by Dow's lake was getting too popular. The tower had an underground garage for tenants only. Scarlet pulled up in front of the automatic door and held the slim pager against the card reader. The door opened instantly. Scarlet entered and circled down the ramp, headed for the lowest level.

When she could go no lower she looked for the red zone where the tenants could leave their cars to be washed for a small fee. It was deserted at this time of night. She parked in the middle of the zone as instructed and shut off her car. Getting out, she walked towards the nearest column without bothering to lock it, thieves were the least of her worries. As she passed the column, a voice cut the silence.

"Good evening, my dear."

Outwardly cool, but boiling with adrenaline inside, Scarlet had turned and drawn her Berretta as soon as she had sensed the other's presence. She re-holstered the gun as soon as she recognized the voice.

"Hiding like that can get you shot." She told him as he approached. She allowed him to kiss her and caress one breast, tickled as always by his whiskers. He left her breast and picked up a cross that rested against her chest. It was large, silver and heavy. She had not worn it earlier, having put it on just for this meeting.

"I see that you still have my gift." He said. He turned the cross upside-down. Doing so made a weight inside shift. An oval decoration that had been immobile before could now be depressed. He did so and four inches of double-edged stainless steel shot out of the base to lock into place. He now held a small dagger. He reversed the sequence and converted it back into a cross.

"Do you think that would be a market for toys like this? Cars and such that converted into robots maybe?"

"You've been snorting coke." She replied. "Why did you call me?" She asked impatiently. "Why risk meeting like this?"

"Because it is time my dear. Time to do what I placed you in FOX to do." He caressed her cheek as he spoke. "You have done well, as I was certain you would. You are a senior agent, one that is liked and respected by her peers and subordinates. People tell you things that they should not. They let their guard down when you are there. You can use that to get me the information that I want."

Scarlet sighed. She had almost forgotten about her real purpose for being in the Academy, almost. She looked into his eyes, but said nothing.

He had to proceed carefully. Youthful idealism and enthusiasm gave way to comfort and a desire for security and familiarity. Many sleeper agents were lost to the comforts of their new lives before they could be activated, some even turning on their former masters. He let the tips of his digits drift down to the tease the fur where he knew that she was most sensitive.

"You know that this is the right thing to do." He crooned in her ear as he nuzzled her. "It is always more difficult, however, doing the right thing as opposed to the easy thing, or nothing."

She nodded against him. "Yes." She said. "Is time."

He didn't let his triumph show. He continued to hold her. Then he changed the subject.

"I hear that you have meet one o the new students. Tell me about him."

"He's a deep one. Talented, intelligent, but hard to read. He could be one of the best, or spin out of control. Either way, he's one to keep an eye on."

"Hmmm. I'll take that under advisement." He tuned to stand beside her and encircled her waist with one arm. He started walking, heading toward a large black foreign car that was parked in one corner of the underground garage.

"Do you have, oh, an hour to spare for old times sake?" He enquired. "I have some of that Italian wine you like so much on ice in the back." He raised one arm and squeezed a small black device. The car's light s flashed and it beeped and Scarlet heard the 'click' of the locks opening.

"What the hell is that thing?" She asked as she loosened the collar of her blouse.

"They call it 'remote keyless entry'. It's the latest thing."

The Curse of the Yellow Monkey - Chapter 8 - Termination

FOX Academy: Book I - The New Breed Book II - The Werewolf of Odessa Book II.5 - The Love who Spied Me Book III - The Curse of the Yellow Monkey Chapter 8 - Termination "I'll take care of you." Silver said softly from behind her. Then he...

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The Curse of the Yellow Monkey - Chapter 7 - Reunion

FOX Academy: Book I - The New Breed Book II - The Werewolf of Odessa Book II.5 - The Love who Spied Me Book III - The Curse of the Yellow Monkey Chapter 7 - Reunion Lao Huidan was in the bar of one of his gambling dens in the virtual...

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The Curse of the Yellow Monkey - Chapter 6 - I've Been Burned Before

FOX Academy: Book I - The New Breed Book II - The Werewolf of Odessa Book II.5 - The Love who Spied Me Book III - The Curse of the Yellow Monkey Chapter 6 - I've Been Burned Before Tancred Williams sat at one of the outdoor tables in...

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