The Vampire's Servant

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#20 of Writing Prompt Group Submissions

Submission for prompt 16 of The Writing Prompt Group. The theme is relationship that is somehow determined by the main character's species.

In this story, a vampire patriarch finds out about his human boy servant. The bloodsucker has a purpose for the boy, but not before he faces punishment for his deception.

Much thanks goes to SilverrFox for his editorial suggestions.

The Vampire's Servant

The young night sky is clear, save for the full moon, as a cloaked bat walks down his torch lit hallway. Every step of his taloned feet on the stone floor echoes in the castle. He is up for the night, having slept through the entire day as vampires do, and his only companion to help pass the hours is sick in bed. He stops to look in a mirror and check his appearance for imperfections.

"I suppose I should check on the lad," he thinks as he straightens his unruly, red mane. He examines his black vest and white dress shirt with the ruffled sleeves. After smoothing out a crease on his sleeve, the chiropterian anthro scrutinizes his pleated black dress pants. Finally, he repositions the ruby-eyed, silver dragonic pendant around his neck. Satisfied by his appearance, he continues on the way to visit is ill-taken servant.

The boy has lived with the avain for close to five months now, and the lad seems to be adjusting to life in the palace. "Despite being a fair-skinned human, he gets along well enough with all the lesser vampires who patrol and guard the castle." The Master of the manor thinks on how well his latest charge has been performing. "Accustomed to the nightly routine of the stronghold, he sleeps during the day, awaking some hours before and after everyone else for his cooking and cleaning duties. He also attends to me in the bath and acts as my companion, always at my beck and call for the night to night goings on of my life. He has learned how particular I am about the world of my manor. There is a place for everything, and everything has its place; the boy, from all appearances, has learned his place. He may yet see the sixth month of his servitude."

The lad is the latest in a long line of young boys to cross the threshold of the bat's manor. In the centuries that he has ruled over this land and all who inhabit it, the brown furred bat has contracted young males from the poor villages to work in his employ as servants. They are paid in the form of monthly, monetary stipends of gold to their families, who really have no choice in the matter. On the whole, he has averaged five servants per year. The elder blood sucker has killed all who are insubordinate or useless to him, human or otherwise. Then, he cancels the stipend, finds a new family in need, and tries again.

As his taloned feet tap on the stone floored hallways, the bat continues his musings on his most useful servant yet. "This boy may just be worth keeping...what was his name again? I really should remember it before I open his door. Nigel Nomore....No...Naital Nomiare. That's it." He remembers his human servant's name just as he steps to the boy's door. "Come to think of it, he seems to get a cold around the same time each month. Perhaps I should consult the palace apothecary as to the boy's physical condition."

The bat opens the door without knocking just in time to see his young charge duck hastily under the covers. The old vampire senses something amiss but chooses not to show it on his person. Instead he states in a calm voice, "Naital, I've come to inquire about your health. Is your cold any better?"

"Yes, Master." The voice that responds is quick, rehearsed, and full of nervousness; a fact that only arouses more suspicion in the bloodsucker's mind. "I-I'm feeling a bit better, Sir...I'm not well enough to perform my duties tonight, I'm afraid, but I should be over this by tomorrow night."

"I've noticed that this cold spell seems to come over you around the same time every month. Is there anything I need to know about?"

The boy under the covers hesitates to answer. "It is just...just something that happens every few weeks, Master. This has happened ever since I was a baby."

The old chiroptera was sure that something is not right with the boy, but a cold is not it. The bat's voice is cutting and direct when says, "Naital, your voice sounds like it does every day, and I neither see nor hear any signs of an illness in your body. I want you to come out from under the covers this minute and tell me what game you are playing at."

"I wouldn't want you to catch my cold, Sir." An obviously fake sneeze follows the end of the boy's sentence.

"This is your final chance to comply before I decide on a much harsher punishment than I have in mind, Boy." Sternness flows through the man's voice as he folds his arms and lightly taps the floor with his foottalon, the sound of which reverberates off the walls of the mortal servant's bedroom.

The boy gets off of the bed, but keeps the covers around him to hide himself from his Master's sight. A soft, almost puppy like whimper from the lad catches the vampire's sizable ears. It is at this moment that the elder male loses his temper and stares at the boy hidden under the covers with his piercing, red eyes. The blood sucker raises his voice, which echoes throughout the entire castle, in frustration towards the boy. "DO YOU BELIEVE ME TO BE JOKEING, NAITAL!?" The near anger in his voice is enough to make the boy flinch and drop the cover on the floor. The chiroptera's eyes widen at the sight that befell him: the boy has sprouted wolf ears and a tail the same black color as the hair on his head.

The boy stands there, cowering in fear of his master, in his white sleep time gown. His arms raised in an attempt to make some kind of barrier between him and the now speechless bloodsucker. The lad's head is turned away from the man as he trembles in trepidation.

"Face me, boy!" The intensity and frustration in the vampire's voice causes the boy to snap to attention, an action he has come accustomed to doing whenever the count is maddened. The bat, with a speed of which the boy has never seen, swipes his talons and slices apart the sleep garment as the boy halts all instincts to move. The older man gazes suspiciously at the now nude lad with his focused, crimson eyes. "Explain yourself this very instant, lest you wish a slow end for this deception."

The servant does his best to look the chiropteran in the eyes as he speaks in a nervous tone. "W-Well, Master, I'm...I'm part lycan on my father's side...M-My...ancestor was a disgraced werewolf who left the r-r-ranks...and lived among humans for the rest of his days. My f-f-family has kept this secret...for generations."

Giving the boy no time to even take a breath of relief, the avian demandingly questions, "Why am I not able to smell the filth of lycan from you?"

"It was my great-great-great-great grandfather sir, so the wolfen blood is quite diluted, Sir."

"For what reason have you kept this from me?" With this question the count's voice has calmed slightly to a seething anger.

"Because of my father's untimely death, my family needs financial support. As the eldest male, It is my duty to do what I can for my mother and younger siblings. When your offer came to my household, it was a Godsend, Sir, so I could not turn it down. It is no secret what happens to the boys who have not met your expectations. Even knowing that, I took this job and kept my secret so that I could support my family with the stipend."

"Now, tell me why I should even entertain the notion of allowing you to live?"

The lad's entire body jerks involuntarily from the instant sensation of frigid fear shooting down his spine. His reply is quick and pleading. "Master, I've been nothing but a compliant and respectful servant to your every need. I believe I have proven myself to be a trustworthy boy, until this point. My Lycanthropy is diluted to a mere 1/16 of my blood. My only transformation comes during the full moon, and this is as far as my form changes. I do not even receive any enhanced instincts or abilities." The boy falls onto all fours and bows his head before he continues. "Please, Sir, forgive this insolent dog of his indiscretions. I'll do any work, learn any skill, and suffer any pains to ensure my family's wellbeing. Please, Master, I implore you."

The bat looks down upon the shaking, prostrate hybrid at his feet. The boy's voice has lost its shakiness, and the chiropteran senses no deceit in the boy's words. After taking a purposefully long, silent moment to ponder the situation, the vampiric avian decides to test the boy's honesty and resolve. His eyes glow an almost pure white, and, before the boy even realizes it, two, black cloaked guards are holding the hybrid off the ground by his arms. Too scared to struggle, the lad's canine ears perk up to the sound of the count's voice.

"You say that you will suffer any pains for your loved ones, boy. Well, you are about to learn the pains that come with deceiving a vampire of my caliber." With that, the bat waves his taloned hand, prompting the guards to fly the boy down to the deepest, darkest chamber of the palace. As the boy's whimpers fade into nothingness, the count leaves the the boy's room, closing the door behind him. The anthro transforms into a feral bat and flies to his watch tower to gather his thoughts for the night ahead.


The boy sits--with his knees to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs, and head tucked into his body--in the corner of the dungeon cell. The light of the full moon shines down upon him as his young mind laments his actions and lineage. "This is my ancestor's fault. I never would have lied to Master if I didn't have this accursed lycan blood in me. Now, I am sure Master will dispose of me, and my family will be left completely without any monetary support. He may be a bit abrasive at times, but Master has never laid an ill intended talon upon me. If I was honest from the start, he may have even spared my life. However, his talon will now be the source of my demise."

The youth's string of thought is cut by the sound of a key unlocking the barred door to the cell. He looks up to see two men who have their faces hidden by hoods. The one cloaked in red is a towering, colossal, figure; in contrast, the one clad in black is much shorter and more slender. Out of instinctual fear, the boy tries to curl up even tighter as the shorter man says, "Greetings, little one." His voice is polite and inviting. "I am Balthazar, and my sizable friend here is Moralcus. The Master has sent us here to administer your punishment."

The boy is swept up in the arms of the bigger male, too fast for the lad to even realize that has happened. Naital wants to struggle, but the intimidating aura of the man firmly holding him compels him to stay still. "Good pup." The sweetness of the other man's voice calls the boys attention, and he turns his head again to the speaker. "Any disobedience towards us is disobedience towards the Master. We are not here to kill you, boy; however, the Master has given us orders to do so if you are not compliant. Let us begin."

The black cloaked figure leads the way out of the cell, and the red shrouded giant follows, carrying the boy. They walk a short distance down the hall to a cell shrouded in darkness. The shorter man raises his hand to the air, and torches light themselves, illuminating the cell and revealing all the torture devices within. The spikes of a freshly polished iron chair reflect the light of the fires; a rack, with ropes tied to rollers on both ends, sits in the corner, awaiting use; an opened iron maiden, ready for its next victim, is positioned prominently in the center of the cell.

Naital faces these devices as his canine instincts tell him to try to run away, but he fights them off, not wanting to risk further punishment. In an attempt to somehow escape his situation, he keeps his thoughts on his family as the muscle bound man places him on a circular platform and secures a long, chained collar, which is connected to the floor, around his neck.

The bigger man speaks for the first time in a deep, gruff tone. "On all fours, like any other dog." As the youth takes the prescribed position, he begs to gods for strength for what is about to come. "Do you see all these torture devices, you filthy mongrel pup? Do as you are told, and you will be spared an end by one of these elegant contraptions. Do you understand, boy?" The boy nods in obedient acknowledgement and hopes that he can still provide for his beloved family after this ordeal is done. "Good. Balthazar, you may proceed."

Balthazar pulls down his hood, revealing his white, black striped face to the boy. "That's so much better. Now, Naital, do you recognize this?" He holds out the dragon head shaped pendant belonging to the Master, and the boy nods. "This is no ordinary pendant; it is an enchanted relic. Would you be so kind as to sit up on your hind legs, little one?" The youth does as instructed. Without a word, the white tiger places the pendant on the boy's wolfen sheath. The silver ornament instantly reshapes into a tight chastity tube around the boy's penile housing, causing the boy to scream from the searing pain. He remains in the position, despite the stinging of the material that is his natural weakness. After his sounds of pain subside, the tiger continues his prepared speech. "This device is made to keep you in line. You are to wear it until the Master decides otherwise. Now the punishment can really begin. Moralcus, if you please."

The taller man pulls the chain, causing the preteen to fall backwards onto the platform. As the boy lets out a yell from the stinging on his back, Moralcus shoves his thick, rigid white cock into the boy's mouth and begins to mercilessly buck the head in and out of the helpless lad. He discards his red cloak, revealing his brawny, pale white, dragonic body. With a claw on Naital's chest, the scale slightly quickens and strengthens his thrust as the boy gags from the unexpected mass assaulting his throat. Balthazar, kneeling at the pup's opposite end, forces a dry finger in the hybrid's tight unprepared tailhole. The boy's entire being seizes from the brutal treatment at both ends, his malnourished body not used to such rough treatment.

Both men aggressively stretch the boy's holes as he steels himself with thoughts of his family and how any pains he has to endure are worth aiding his mother and siblings. Something tells him to bite and kick his assailants with everything his tiny body can muster, but he suppresses those thoughts out of the need for survival. He can feel his still maturing boy bone harden inside the chastity tube, causing him discomfort from the restriction of his own pleasure and contact with that hateful metal.

Balthazar, pulls out his finger and tosses away his black cloak, his barbed, green dick standing proudly out of its sheath. The vampiric feline takes the young male by the legs and impales the lad's anus with his unlubed tool. The boy's screams arm muffled by the dragon's flesh spike, and Moralcus moans from the vibrations, which drive him to assault Naital's mouth even harder. As the hybrid concentrates on his goal, both men quicken their stabbing insertions, adding to the boy's increasingly painful punishment.

After a few, relentless moments of continued pounding, the vampiric men pull out of the boy simultaneously. The boy has not a second to breathe before Moralcus demands, "All fours, dog!" Despite the pain, the young man complies, ignoring all instincts to attempt fleeing. "Turn around." Naital repositions himself so that his downward tail is facing the dragon. "Raise your tail, mutt." While refusing to lower his head from shame, the young lycan makes his jet black tail stand straight at attention. The dragon takes hold of the boy's hips and slowly forces his cock into his victim. The boy's resulting shrieks crescendo into high-pitched silence.

After forcing the boy onto his hilt, the dragon ruthlessly fucks the boy's tailhole as Balthazar roughly grips the boy by his hair and stares deeply into his desperate, seemingly endless, blue eyes. Speaking in the same manner as before, the white tiger questions the boy. "What have you learned, little one?"

Naital speaks between the dragons breath expelling thrusts. "Never lie to Master."

"I'm afraid you'll have to speak up, pup." The feline tightens his hold on the lad's hair.

"Never lie to Master!"

"And what will you do the next time Master graces your undeserving being with his gaze?"

"I'll apologize...and beg his forgiveness...and and...promise to tell him everything...and become worthy of him."

"I think the pup has learned his lesson. Your thoughts, Moralcus?"

The scale pulls out of Naital and flips the boy onto his back, causing a painful THUD to echo in the dungeon. Looking down upon the boy's sexually battered body, the burly dragon declares, "I think he needs to be demoralized a bit more to get the point across. A good soldier knows his station; a great soldier knows his station well."


Both vampires stroke their erected manhoods as the boy watches, powerless and unable to even protest from a combination of fear and physical agony. Both men soon approach orgasm. The dragon speaks again to the brutally fucked Naital. "You may want to cover your mouth, mongrel, but keep your eyes open." The lad takes the hint, manages to fight through the hurt, and cover his mouth with his paws. The bloodsuckers moan as their vampiric seed fires from their cocks, and the boy despite his instincts, looks while every drop lands on his chest, stomach, paws, and face. As the vampiric males catch their breath, the boy takes advantage of the moment and thanks the gods for his survival.


The boy sits on his knees as the dragon and tiger have a serious sounding discussion with the bat in and ancient tongue that the boy does not understand. For the moment he is ignored as he reflects on what has happened. He stares downward at his cum covered body and silver sheathed cock. The hybrid thinks about how rough his punishment was; how the two men detached the chain and paraded him around the manor for all the other residents to see; how he was made to climb the spiral staircase up to the Master's room with every step sending pain through his entire body. Now, he is hoping that the pain is over, and he can begin regaining the count's trust and continue to support his family.

While Naital mulls over what happened this night, the three vampires discuss his behavior. The dragon speaks in his same gruff tone. "Your thoughts of the boy have been confirmed, my liege. The boy took every insult, order, and pain without any resistance or protest. He also suffered through the walk around the grounds and up the stairs with a physical endurance that exceeds a mere human's. In his eyes I saw a focus and disconnection befitting a soldier on the battlefield. He may be the candidate you have been looking for."

The chiropteran anthro runs his taloned, wing through his mane in thought, pleased with what he has heard so far. Addressing the scale in a serious, yet light, manner, the master declares, "This news is most welcome, Moralcus, most trusted captain of my personal army." He turns his attention to the feline. "Balthazar, my wisest scholar and advisor, what are your thoughts of the boy?"

"Sire," the white tiger begins in a dutiful, respectful tone suitable to an academic, "I concur with, Moralcus. I have spent many a year studying humans and werewolves, and I have never seen anything like ne so young managing to fight off his human instincts to run and his lycan instincts fight. He bore pain and humiliation that would drive those much older than him to losing consciousness. I dare say that the boy would have endured even beyond the ascension of the morning sun, should we have decided to carry out the punishment any longer. I also must confess a personal interest in the boy's potential."

"I have yet to decide whether or not go through with the endeavor." The bat speaks with his usual regal bearing. "I have my own test for the boy, and his performance will be the deciding factor. Leave us. I shall call upon the two of you tonight with my final decision."

"Yes, Master," the two say in unison before disappearing like the wind.

The count looks to the boy, who is still on his bare knees on the stone floor and looking downward. "To the master bath, boy." His commanding voice snaps the boy out of his near meditation, and he snaps up to his feet and goes into the next room. The chiropteran follows the hybrid into the restrooms and waits in a patient, almost menacing silence as Naital runs water through the metal faucet into the circular, marble tub.

Bending on one knee so that he is closer to the boy's level, the vampiric male declares, "Remove my cape. If you get anything on it, it will be your head." The lad nods and does as instructed, detaching the cape from around the bat's neck and hanging it neatly on a near-by rack. He gets a strange feeling. Usually the man would undress himself, and the lad would be there to scrub his back and listen to his talks of the night-to-night goings on of the castle. However, tonight the vampire is having the boy take a greater part in his bathing ritual. The boy quickly inspects the garment, to make sure that no stray drops of semen had fallen onto it, before returning to his station at the side of the bath. "The vest, boy." Naital's clumsy paws fumble nervously as he unbuttons the black top. He does manage to undo each individual fastener without incident, until his shaky, anxious, padded digits tear the final button off the garment.

While the count looks in the boy's eyes, the hybrid recoils with his tail and ears instantly standing straight up. "I-I'm sorry, Master. Please forgive my ineptness. I swear I will learn to sew and fix it myself."

After another moment of purposeful silence and stillness, the bat speaks as he lets his vest fall to the ground. "You'd do well to do so, boy. Now, boy, my shirt." The lad responds quickly but acts carefully, undoing each button slowly until he reaches the bottom. Softly sighing in relief, the boy hangs helps the vampire with his shirt and quickly places both items in the dirty clothes bin. The topless, slim bat stands as he commands the boy upon his return. "The pants." The boy has seen the count nude every night since he began his servitude, but he has never touched the chiropteran below the beltline. With shaky paws, he reaches out to unfasten he button. Naital slowly unbuttons and unzips the pants but does not catch them in time, and the bottoms fall to the ground. As the boy looks upon the meaty sheath of the older male, the master steps out of the garment.

"In the tub, boy." The hybrid stares blankly at the elder male, unable to understand what the count is planning. The vampire raises his voice and uses a more demanding tone when he declares, "I mean now, boy." Naital flinches and is in the bath within the second. The avian steps in and sits in the marble tub, relaxing with a long, soft grunt as he closes his eyes and rests his wings on the edge of the tub. "Wash me." The boy dutifully complies as he continues to work past his physical pains without showing any signs on the outside. He works a white cleansing solution into the bat's brown fur. Straddling the elder's lower body, the younger male washes his master's arms and chest, then uses a nearby cloth to wash out the suds. As he reaches for more solution, the chiropteran grabs the boy on both sides and command's. "After the stress you put me through tonight, boy, I believe you owe me some relief.

It is then that Naital feels something prodding at his recently used tailhole. Fearing for his life and his family's continued support, the hybrid lifts his bushy, black tail to show his cooperation. The man gently pushes his black cock into the boy's loosened entrance, causing the boy's own caged rod to fill his silver bound sheath. The servanlt grits his teeth and stifles a groan as he clenches his paws and tightly shuts his eyes. "Lean on me with you paws around my neck, boy." The violated hybrid does as instructed, as the bat continues to push his rigid manhood into the tight, tender confines of the boy's young tailhole.

After hilting inside the boy, the elder man uses his taloned hands to rub and fondle the boy's ears as he gives the lad time to adjust. In response, Naital murrs and squirms unconsciously, moaning whenever the rod inside of him hit pleasurable spots. The avian traces a gentle talon down the preteen's back and forcefully grabs the unguarded, bushy, black tail at the bottom, causing the impaled boy to roughly jerk and moan from the ensuing pleasure. Keeping hold of the tail, the count slowly pulls out of the boy until the tip of his scepter is clenched by the boy's inexperienced hole; then, he slowly pushes back in against the boy's natural response of pushing out, which makes the action easier and even more satisfying for the chiropteran. The immortal leans in and takes the boy's ear into his mouth, the warm sensation driving the boy to move his own body to meet the repetitive, upward movements of his master's hips and compound both of their pleasures.

Naital could not help but be overcome by a feeling of pleasure and lust. He never thought he would be feeling desire for the bloodsucker, but now he wants to serve this man's every possible need. At the same time, he fears that the count is playing with him before cleaving him in twain. The thought of which made him fear for his family more than himself. The storm of conflicting emotions and thoughts in his head is something never before experienced by him, although he knows what he has to do. The lad resolves to do whatever is necessary to earn the vampire's favor for his own sake and his family's.

"Master," Naital declares in a voice filled with pleasure and obligation, "What can I do to give you the pleasure you deserve, and make amends for my betrayal of you?"

The bat speeds up his pumping of the boy's fragile sphincter as he relases the boy's ear and tail and speaks in a calm, commanding, almost sadistic voice. "Do you promise to be an honest and loyal little servant boy?"

Caught off guard by the sudden change of pleasured intensity, the hybrid responds, "Yes, Master, I promise!"

"Will you do as commanded, without question, in addition to your usual housekeeping duties?"

"Yes, Master!" The boy can't help but tighten his hold around the man's neck and buries his head in the red mane of the bat.

"Would you be my devoted boy for as long as I will have you?" He grabs the young boy's body and thrust in as hard as he can.

From the desperation, heat, and immense pleasure of the moment, compounded by the final impalement of his unprepared frame, Naital shouts with a scream that echoes through the halls in the entire castle. "YES, MASTERRRRRRRRRR!"

Forcibly pulling out of the boy, the count fires his sweet, sticky, vampiric juices onto the boy's back as he lets the lad rest upon his torso. He pants heavily, causing the hybrid to rise and fall with the movements of his diaphragm. Before Naital has time to process what has happened, the Chiropteran grips the young male's headfur and brings the boy's head up. Their gazes lock, and, the moment crimson meets cerulean, the boy passes out, placed under a hypnotic spell.


"Wake up, little one." The red-cloaked white tiger's voice is sweet and warm as he stands at the side of the master's bed and paws at the sleeping boy. The lad's lycan ears twitch from the sound of the feline's words, and Naital groggily sits up as he slowly awakes from his spell induced slumber. Balthazar offers the servant an apple, which the food deprived hybrid readily accepts, without a word, and begins eating the fruit right away. After allowing the boy a moment to finish, he sits beside the lad with a smile.

"The master has graciously decided to let you live, boy. Not only that but he has also decided that you can be useful to him in other ways." Naital opens his mouth to respond. "Hold all questions until I am finished speaking." The hybrid closes his mouth and nods. "Good pup. Now, do you know what happens when a mortal is inseminated with vampire seed?"

"No, Sir, I do not."

"Balthazar is fine, lad.

"When a pregnant or ovulating, mortal female is inseminated, her child will be born half vampire. When non-ovulating human females or human males are inseminated, the vampiric seed integrates into their bodies, and they gain some amount of vampiric abilities and partial immortality. This means that, provided they have a steady source, those inseminated humans can live on forever. Now, when a lycan is inseminated they gain an incredible increase in their capabilities from the seed mixing into their own bodies. However, insanity soon takes over their minds, and they are driven to blindly tear down anything in their path. My theory is that the blood-feud between vampires and lycans truly does run deeper than territory and history. I digress.

"Master, Moralcus, and myself have been discussing your fate based on what you have demonstrated tonight. With-out exhausting your still developing mind with facts and examples, suffice it to say that we think you have the optimum mix of human and lycan blood and traits that makes you perfect for our project of creating a true hybrid that brings together the best of human, lycan, and vampire. You won't be inseminated right way; you will need to build your physical and mental strengths for a time before we take that step. If all goes well, things will work out for everybody. Are you interested, little one?"

Naital knows that there is more he is not being told. He also understands that this decision is the master's wish, and that the master gets what he wishes. There is also the fact that he made an oath to the bat and will have to hold up to it, lest he be slain and his family left to financial ruin. "What about the stipend for my family?" Naital's straightforward question is asked in a polite and respectful manner.

The vampiric fur takes a moment to clear his throat before responding. "Sire will continue to pay out the stipend, as well as increase the amount handsomely. In the event that the experiment is a success and you uphold your promise to serve him with your entire being for as long as he keeps you by his side, he will pay it out to your family indefinitely. Master also sees it fit to grant his protection to all the villages under his rule, should you accept this momentous offer."

"And this device, Balthazar?" Naital points to the sliver covering on his wolfen sheath.

"It will come off after you are inseminated. The master promises that."

With his questions answered and his curiosity satisfied, Naital resigns himself to the designs of his superiors. "I accept Master's offer."

"Most excellent, little one. Let me explain what we will be doing for the next few years."

Meanwhile, the scale and the avian sit in armchairs by a fire in the hearth, the only source of light in the castle's sitting room. The two vampires discuss their plans for the boy while they share a bottle of fresh blood. The night has been a very busy one for all involved, yet there is still much to be done in the foreseeable future.

Moralcus is clad in his black cloak. Lustrous armor reflects the light of the roaring flame "My Liege, I have already pieced together the first few months of the boy's training program."

The bat runs his talon through his mane in thought as he sits upon is imported chair while wearing nothing but his wine red bathrobe. "I am very pleased, Moralcus. The boy has more strength and endurance than he knows. Also, he also has a certain drive that we have not seen before. I know that he has instincts deep inside of him that need to be brought out. With proper training and teaching between you and Balthazar, this boy can be all that I need him to be.

"What if the lad fails, Master?"

"He won't. I have looked through his eyes and into the depths of his very soul; I know that what drives the boy is something so dear to him that he will refuse to let himself fail: his loved ones."

"With all due reverence, my Liege, why not make him your devoted slave? Surely, a man of your power can do that."

The count stands and walks to the window. He gazes at the nearby village that the boy originates from as the scene is illuminated by the full moon "As strange as it may seem, the boy and I are a lot alike. He strives for his family's preservation; I strive for the preservation of our race. I cannot bring myself to take that away from him. Besides, even with hypnosis, he is more devoted to those who he left behind than he could ever be to me. It is that very same devotion that will allow me to mold him into my perfect servant."

During the next two years, life for Naital takes an entirely new meaning. In addition to cooking and cleaning for the count, the hybrid trains in combat with Moralcus, studies subjects and learns various skills under Balthazar's tutelage, and performs numerous errands for the master off of the castle grounds: shopping, spying, assassinations. Daily sexual liaisons with Master and anyone else the boy is told to pleasure also take place, much to his conflicting needs and emotions. As his body and libido are constantly pushed to their limits with every passing day, the lad's lycan instincts begin to manifest. He channels them with every training exercise, scholastic lesson, errand, and passionate sex session. In time, he becomes a very capable young man.


On the night of a full moon on the anniversary of the discovery of the boy's hybrid heritage, a nineteen year old Naital stands in a spotlight created by lunar light shining through an uncovered stone window. Wearing a white dress shirt, and black vest, pants, and dress shoes, he almost looks like any other member of the vampiric castle's court. A dark red collar adorns his fair skinned neck as he looks around the room in his human form. He is watched by the Master, the captain, and the scholar, all of who sit upon a balcony and wait to witness what is about to take place.

Suddenly, freshly-turned, feral vampires come out of the shadows of the room and charge headlong for Naital, and the hybrid readies himself for the onslaught. He crosses his arms as he draws his twin rapiers from the scabbards at his sides and puts up his silver weapons in an x-shape, planting his feet in the ground in a combat stance. When two maddened bloodsuckers attack him from behind, the young man spins around, slashes both over the heart, and stops facing his original direction. He quickly pierces three vampires in front of him before jumping over the three of them and bringing both swords down upon one more before landing the ground.

He sheaths his blades when he hears the sound of reforming bones; turning around, he sees five more mindless, lower vampires transforming into wolves. The hybrid closes his blue eyes. When he opens them, they are an emerald shade of green. His fangs extend slightly beyond his bottom lip; his ears take a canid shape; a bushy, black tail forms at the bottom of his back; his hands become padded, clawed paws. The small scale changes take less than five seconds before his controlled, demi-lycan transformation is complete. While the enemies are in still in mid-transformation, Naital, with his upper body leaning down and his silver polished claws out to his side, charges towards them at full speed. He moves almost too fast to see. In a flurry of accurately timed and placed slashes of his bare claws, he mows down the transforming vampires, leaving a trail of blood in his wake.

The windows are suddenly closed, cutting off the room from its only source of light. As his eyes adjust, Naital's increased sense of smell alerts him to the scent of gunpowder. He hears the sound of gunfire; he performs a spinning dodge with just enough time to avoid the bullets. As he dashes toward the source, his eyes adjust, allowing him to see the full-blooded, vampiric guard reloading his musket. Recognizing that the target is sane, the young man grabs the firearm just as the guard takes aim on him. He pushes the weapon into the air just as its trigger is pulled. The hybrid sends a padded palm to the gunman's chest, causing him to release his gun as he grabs his torso in pain. After completing his unarmed disarm. Naital knocks out the enemy with the butt of the musket, tossing it to the side after the guard is down.

The three onlookers begin to clap as magic torches light themselves, illuminating the empty training hall. Naital looks up at the bat, dragon, and white tiger before bowing, on bended knee with his left arm bent and over his chest. The young man stands at attention when the applause is over, and the three men, who have been the center of the boy's very existence, instantly appear in front of him. The hybrid, still in his transformed state, stands as he waits for the chiropteran to speak.

The bat reaches out and pats Naital on the head, an action whixh makes the demi-lycan wag his tail unconsciously. "You have come a long way, boy." The avain speaks with a tone of objectivity. "You have learned much in these past seven (This conflicts with the two years mentioned earlier. Sevensounds more right to me. ) years. You are no longer the boy you were when you first arrived. Through your own willpower, you have strived through the rigorous training and lessons that have been set in front of you. Every order you have followed, and every expectation you have met. You have done our undertaking proud, boy."

The bat ceases his petting, pulls a photograph out of his breast pocket, and offers it out to the boy. Naital takes the picture without a word and looks at it. He begins to tremble at what he sees. The scene is his younger sister's wedding. The image shows her in a white wedding dress and holding her betrothed's hand. A maidenly smile adorns her face as she prepares to throw her bouquet. The hybrid turns the photograph to its back side to read the message: "To my dearest elder brother: Thank you for your sacrifice."

The bat lays a talon on the shaking youth and speaks with a tone of empathy under his seriousness. "Remember, boy, that she was only able to have her healthy life and dowry because of your works." After giving the hybrid a moment to gather his nerves, the avian speaks again. "After dinner, we will be performing your insemination ritual tonight, so any chores you have yet to perform before that time will need to be postponed until tomorrow." The three men turn to leave when the young man gives a nod of acknowledgement. "We are going to prepare for the ritual. We will see you at suppertime. Take care of any emotional business you have before then." Before Naital looks up from the photograph to respond, the three vampires are gone.

He looks around the empty room, freshly scrubbed of all signs of the battle by a quick and efficient team of vampire cleaners, before he falls to his knees and releases his floodgate of emotions. The tears that flow freely from his eyes are a strange mix of happiness for his sister's betrothal and sadness for his estrangement from his family. "I've been through so much in these last few years, and these few precious moments when Master leaves me alone to grieve are the only solace I have in this Gods forsaken place. However, my family's continued good health is enough to give me purpose no matter what I have to do. " He cries for a few minutes until it seems that his body has run out of tears. The hybrid gets onto his feet and walks to the scullery to prepare dinner, returning to his human state the calmer his emotions become.

Naital's musing continues on his way to the kitchen. "Even after all these years, I still don't know what Master, Balthazar, and Moralcus have planned for me. They've given me a lot of training and taught me so much. All I really know is that they plan on making me part vampire tonight. I don't know why they want me of all people, aside from my lycan heritage and my devotion. I also don't know why they waited this long to inseminate me. I've had meaningless, non-passionate sex almost every day since that night, so they could've sown their seed in me anytime. What is my fate after the insemination ritual? Well, I suppose it doesn't matter, so long as Master keeps his end of our deal. He has continued to provide financial support for my family and protected the surrounding villages form attacks from lycan, vampire, and human alike. Just so, I will let him do with my body as he pleases." When he crosses the threshold into the scullery, he put's these thoughts aside and focuses on preparing dinner.

The three vampires sit in armchairs by the roaring fire in the fireplace, sharing a bottle of fresh blood between them. The candles and incense are ready to be lit, and incantations on the room's energy have been spoken. They are conserving the rest of their focus for the ritual while they talk about their subject's progress.

"I do believe the little one is ready." The feline takes a smooth, slow sip from his wineglass. "He has learned every skill we have sought to teach him, and he has a thorough understanding of all human, lycan, and vampiric lore. Despite his age, he is a very motivated individual. I foresee no problems for the ritual's success. What say you, Moralcus?"

The dragon leans in, resting his elbows on his knees, and heaves a satisfied sign. "Balthazar, I couldn't agree more. The boy has the aura of a seasoned recruit. As well as a strange combat ethic unknown to vampires or lycans. No matter what time of day or what the weather conditions were, he toughed out every exercise I put him through, without a single complaint. I'd love very much for every soldier in the army to be like him."

The chiropteran smiles uncharacteristically as he clasps his hands together. "Gentlemen the hour is at hand. I must admit that I am particularly thrilled at the prospect of our success with the boy. Finally, the object that I have sought for so long is finally within my grasp." The patriarch refreshes all of their glasses as he continues his elated words. "The training and lessons have built his mind and body. The empty sex sessions have caused him to let his guard down from jaded emotions towards sex. His continued devotion for his family continues to drive him through it all. Everything has culminated onto this night, and I will have that which has eluded me all these years."

The bat raises his glass into the air dramatically for a toast. "To tonight!"

"To tonight!" the dragon and white tiger respond as they copy their leader's action. All three vampires empty their glasses in one long, celebratory gulp.


Naital enters the master bedroom after washing all the dishes dirtied by the palace residents at dinner. Moralcus, in his usual unaffected demeanor, closes the door behind the young man as he walks into the Master's bedchamber. Without uttering a word the dragon points in the direction the white tiger, who stands ready by the bed holding a bowl of red liquid. "Greetings, young one. I trust you have prepared yourself for the ritual which is about to take place tonight." Receiving the nod from the hybrid, Balthazar continues his explanation. "Before we begin, I need to paint the traditional symbols on your body while Moralcus lights the sacred candles. This is all really for the sake of ceremony, so you will have to bear with us. Shall we begin with you disrobing?"

Naital takes off his clothing, article by article--first the vest, the dress shirt, the shoes, and the dress pants--without uttering a single word. He places his clothes in the hamper, as he does whenever he undresses in Master's room, and walks to stand in front of the feline, wearing only the collar around his neck and the chastity device over his neglected cock. "Such a good lad," the striped male says in an objectively proud tone before he sets out on his designated duty. Balthazar softly speaks in the ancient, vampiric tongue as he inscribes various symbols on the boy's human body. Moralcus, lights every single candle in the room, muttering the same words as the feline. Soon, Naital's entire body is covered head to toe in red runes that he doesn't even recognize, despite his seven years of obligatory studies. The room is filled with the flickering candles as its only light source. As Balthazar paints the final symbols the lad's face, The dragon lights various incense sticks around the room, using the recently lit candles. The captain joins the hybrid and the tiger in the room's center to continue the next phase of the night's event.

The two vampires cast away their usual robes, revealing their nude bodies. "Now, boy," Morlacus addresses Naital in his usual strict, gruff manner, "you shall do your usual duty and pleasure us as one should properly thank their superiors. On your knees and get to it." The hybrid drops to his knees and uses both hands, one on each man, to caress the genitalia of the two bloodsuckers. His efforts soon cause both the dragon's thick, rigid staff and the feline's firm, barbed rod to come out from their natural coverings. The servant runs a well-trained hand over Moralcus' dick as his mouth tends to the white tiger's schlong.

The young man suddenly feels something come over him. He is actually enjoying servicing the two men. Naital begins to unconsciously work his hand and mouth harder and murr from the feel of ridges in his hand and barbs in his mouth. He tries to stop himself but is unable to pull away from his increasing lust for the moment. "Just let it happen, young one." Balthazar speaks in between his moans. "Your inner, animalistic urge for sex is being brought out by the special incense we had made just for you. Fighting it is a waste of time and energy, so just let your true needs be known, lad."

The teen has no choice but to let his body do as it wishes; however, he begins to let the lust take over and he starts to feel physical pleasure that he had discarded years ago. He switches his attention to Moralcus' dragonic staff and attacks it eagerly with his tongue as he gets on all fours and instinctively wags his bare, painted ass infront of Balthazar. Naital's rune adorned body, along with his desire driven actions, made the sacrilegious display all the more carnal and defiling to the jet haired adolescent's soul; however, he couldn't deny what his body has been needing for far too long: pleasure.

The two vampires nod to each other, signaling their mutual readiness for the next part of the ritual. Balthazar and Moralcus grunt as they begin to transform. The feline gents on all fours and his limbs become less human in appearance; the dragon rears back his head as it grows and his body gains muscle mass; the two men transform into their feral forms as the boy continues to lap on the dragon's growing member. Naital wants to scream at the site of these never before seen forms, but his mouth continues to yearn for the dragon's even more massive man meat. Balthazar mounts the hybrid's hole and begins rapidly impale the entrance with abandon, causing the lad to scream as his tongue tries to coat every centimeter of Moralcus' too big dick. As the barbs scrape away on the servant's insides, the taste of pre from the scale's manhood in Naital's mouth causes him to triple his efforts, despite his mouth going numb from the semi-forced licking.

The feral feline pumps faster, harder, in anticipation of his orgasmic tremors. He roars as he hilts the boy's anus and releases his seed into the hybrid as he shakes violently from the unadulterated pleasure of finally breeding the adolescent. The indentured lad removes his mouth from his desired object for the first time to raise his head and moan in the unexpected bliss of being seeded. Balthazar roughly pulls out of the freshly fertilized boy. Naital's body moves on its own again. He lays on his back, grabs his legs, and raises his ass for the dragon's use. Moralcus immediately thrusts his widened cock into the hybrid, who screams as his hole is stretched more than it ever has been before. The scale thrusts in and out, boring deeper into the lustful lad with every push, and Naital's screams turn into moans of unmet desire. The feral reptile pulls all the way out of the teen and forces his cock all the way to the hilt and erupts inside the tenderized rectal tunnel, prompting Naital to arch his back as his own cock strains inside of its restraints and wanting to be attended to after seven long years of neglect.

The dragon pulls out in one forceful pull as the feral tiger paws a sizable butt plug over to the panting, worn out youth. "Put it in, young one." Naital does as commanded, moaning and shuddering when it enters his hole. "Good pup. Now, lay on your back and let the seed do its work." The youth lays flat and tries to relax his tensed up body, a task made difficult by his sexually intoxicated and needy state. The feral dragon lays on his back as the feral tiger climbs onto his belly and curls up. Out of energy and with the vampiric jizz beginning its work on his system, the hybrid closes his eyes and falls into a deep sleep.


Naital violently awakens from his slumber with a snarl and tries to get off the floor, only to be pulled back to the ground. Feeling around his neck as he kicks his legs, he realizes that an iron collar, which is connected to the floor with a chain, has been fastened around his neck. He feels his transformation coming without his calling upon it, and the hybrid growls unconsciously as his eyes, ears, fangs, paws, tail, and sheath take their wolfen form. The newly transformed teen claws at his restraint as he begins to feel like a caged animal, needing to be freed. The youth knows that what he is feeling is not normal; rather, it is foreign to him. His transformation has never before brought on such strong instincts.

"You look positively delectable, boy," a voice says from the ceiling, prompting Naital to turn his eyes upward. The nude chiropteran hangs from the ceiling by his foot talons, with his wings wrapped comfortably around him. "That was quite a lustful little display you put on just a few moments ago." The chained young man can only grit his teeth and growl in response as his lycan instincts take over, forcing his conscious mind to play the role of observer. "Now is the time for the final part of the ritual." The bat releases his hindtalons to let himself fall towards the ground from the rafters. He expands his winged arms, revealing his erected manhood, and glides gracefully onto the stone floor. He stands in front of the feral hybrid and looks down upon him with his characteristic dominance. "The vampiric seed is working its way through your body, and your lycan instincts are trying to fight it off. However, your human blood weakens the effectiveness of your wolfen blood as well as preventing the side effect of insanity found in every pure lycan subject thus far. Now, all that is left is to let it work through your system. I know just the way to do that."

The hybrid lashes out, hopping onto all fours and jumping towards Master in an attempt to attack the avian, but the chain's short length stops him just inches short of the older male. The bat's winged foretalon quickly runs across the youth's face causing him fall once again onto the floor. The boy's eyes widen when he feels a trickle of blood from a small cut on his cheek. Naital, in his feral minded state, tries to attack the patriarch again; he is met by a strong kick to the face from the man. Before a third attempt can be made, that same foot is placed on the boy's chest to hold him down. The hybrid struggles against the elder male, but Master only increases the pressure of on the youth's chest, eliciting a growl of pain from the helpless humanimal.

"That'll be enough of that, boy." The bloodsucker's voice is assertive and cutting. "Remember your family and the village you hold dear. You wouldn't want to make me go back on my word." The demi-lycan calms down and ceases his fight immediately upon hearing the chiropteran speak about his family, looking up to the bat with a look of feral desperation. "If you want to assure the eternal safety of your village and everlasting prosperity of your family, you will retain some extent of control until the vampiric seed is finished being processed in your body. Is that clear?" The question is accompanied by pressure, applied by the foot on the lad's chest.

Naital can only reply in a gasping growl. "Yes...Master."

"Very good," the bat declares as he eases his foot off of the boy and places it at the youth's face. "Now, I do believe you owe me an apology for that little display of rebellion."

Without needing to hear another word, the hybrid runs his tongue over the bottom of the avian's hind talon. Tasting dust and sweat, Naital pushes himself to remain in control, while giving up his control once again to the vampire. The chiropteran wiggles his toes and strokes his cock in dominant satisfaction. The boy's feral lusts take hold of him and his tongue quickens his attention to the foot talon looming over it, causing the boy's conscious mind to feel even more humiliated and degraded. Naital's cock once again hardens on its own within the chastity tube sealing his sheath as the smell and taste of the elder male's foot fills his snout and maw. In a hungry, audible growl, the demi-lycan begins to beg. "Mastgrrrrrr...please grrrrrrrelease."

The brown avian removes his foot. "Sit, boy." The command he orders elicits an instant obedient reaction from the youth, who sits bare butt and places his forepaws dutifully before his body on the cold, stone floor. Master reaches out a foretalon and pets the hybrids head, giving light scratches behind his ears. The lad, preferring his subservient qualities to his feral ones, submissively closes his eyes and moves his head up towards the loving paw as his tail wags unconsciously, like a pet receiving rewarding affection from his owner. The bat reaches behind the boy's neck with his free hand and pulls the chain out of the floor. The vampire then pulls both away from the hybrid and walks towards his bed, using the chain as a leash, which he tugs gently yet demandingly with the command, "Come." Naital does as he is told, following the older man to the bed and hopping onto it when the bat pats a spot on it.

The chiropteran crawls into bed and lies on his back, with his hard flesh scepter pointing up towards the rafters. "Swallow." At the command, the hybrid latches his muzzle onto Master's cock. The avian murrs in satisfaction as he grips Naital's head with both foretalons and takes control of the youth's oral ministrations. He forces the boy to gag on his big, blood red dick and mercilessly skull fucks the lad into submission. After he elder male removes his hands, Naital continues forcing himself all the way to the rod's base and gagging as tears run down his face. The servant's saliva runs down the thick shaft and coats the sizable testicles.

Sensing the hybrid's lust reaching a fever pitch, the bat pushes Naital's head off of his staff and raises his legs, exposing his tight, pink tailhole to the horny teen. "Lick." The hybrid dives into the puckered mound and runs his tongue uncontrollably over the wanting entrance as his member pulsates, reminding him of his seven years of forced chastity. "Good, pup!" the anthro exclaims is sadistic delight as he moans from the hot, wet organ on his tight, quivering anal ring. Now, even his conscious mind wants it to end so that he may experience the sweet sensation of orgasm once again. The very thought drives his animalistic instincts to take over him completely; he growls hungrily as he eats out Master's hole like a predator feasting on the carcass of its prey. Master almost snarls from the increased enthusiasm of the lust driven, orgasm denied, instinctually hungry adolescent.

"Sit up." Naital pops up to his hind legs. Master speaks in the ancient, vampiric language and the silver tube around Naitals lycan sheath loosens; the metal reshapes itself into a cock ring, taking a Mobius shape and separating the shaft and testicles as it tightens both loops. Naital moans as his black, canine cock emerges from his body for the first time in seven, long years. "Breed." The hybrid impales the bloodsucker in one desire-fueled thrust, causing the bat to scream in pleasure. "Is that all you have, boy, after all the times your slender frame his been violated by me and everyone else in this castle?"

The chiropteran's words drive the demi-lycan into bestially fucking the brown furred avian with every bit of energy is body could muster. He plants his paws firmly at both sides of Master's body and increases the intensity of his impalements. The boy is successful and causes Master's moans, murrs, and screams to echo throughout the castle. Naital's restrained, knotted cock begs for orgasm, which is still denied because of strangling hold of the cock ring. The hybrid growls with every thrust until he is on the very brink of his fragile psyche's sanity. "MastGRRRRRR...please GRRRRRRRRElease!"

Master's eyes glow white, and the silver cock restraint loosens enough for the youth's long-awaited time to come. The unexpected ecstasy of the sensation compels the boy to thrust his knot into the chiropteran's waiting sphincter and scream in unbridled sexual bliss as his cock fires shot-after-shot of hybrid cum into the bat's rectum. Every level of Naital's being shakes violently from the overload of the moment: the warmth of his seed, his inner animal coming completely out, Master's screams of ultimate pleasure. After the orgasm subsides, the spent lycan falls on top of the toned frame of the vampire, and the adolescent passes out from the overstimulation.

The elder male strokes the headfur of the slumbering teen as he thinks about the fruition of his machinations for the hybrid. "After all these years, he is finally ready. I have no doubt as to his capabilities and suiting all my needs. With the insemination of vampirism and the domination of his animalistic instincts, the training for my devoted butler, pet, pleasure toy, and bodyguard is now complete. On the subject of devotion, I believe I should grant the boy a reward for his continued service. Perhaps I shall allow him to finally visit his loved ones. After all he has held up his end of the deal, and I am a man of my word." The chiropteran nestles the youth into his chest and lets his own sleep overcome him.

Facing the Storm: Ending

**Facing the Storm: Ending** You awake the next morning to find that the kit is not with you. You call out his name, and Barnaby, wearing only a frilly, yellow apron, comes to the room you are in. He has made breakfast has been waiting for you to...

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Facing the Storm: Stress Relief Approach

**Facing the Storm: Stress Relief Approach** You take his paw and lead him to the door at the end of the hallway. You tell him to open it, which he does without any questions. You flip the light switch to reveal the basement, which you have...

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Facing the Storm: Affection Approach

**Facing the Storm: Affection Approach** You take the boy by the paw and lead him to through the house to your back porch, which, over the years, you have converted into a huge, carpeted room that is enclosed by walls of clear bulletproof glass....

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