Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt29

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#30 of Pokémon - Darkest Taboo

Okay two more parts to go then we'll have some naughtiness, as a rewards for your patience dear readers who should get to go first in having some sexual fun with Jack?

Blaze -Blaziken.

Bunny -Lopunny.

Oni -Weavile.

Toph -Espeon.

Mystery Pokémon.


Blaze looked into Veno's compound eyes feeling the urge to shriek out an ear piercing challenge that would be felt as much as it would be herd but if she did she knew her flames would involuntarily ignite and cause yet more of the black powder nestled between her feathers to detonate and take her out of the fight.

"Stay sharp Blaze!"

Jack calls out making the Blaziken roll her eyes while holding back the desire to give a sarcastic retort of such an obvious suggestion.

"Veno my perfectly beautiful Pokémon, use Disable!"

Guy Maxwell causally calls out to his Venomoth, the Moth like Pokémon gives a shrilled cry of delight while its form becomes all mot translucent for a mere second or two as it flutters in place.

Blaze shakes her head slightly feeling somewhat strange; she could not really be sure what had just happened until she goes to make her move against this new opponent, either way without her flames she was sorely limited.

"Hang in the Blaze I believe in you!"

Came Jack's voice from behind sending a warm fuzzy sensation up through her body, part of her thought his words where corny and deserved being thrown up against the wall so she could pound some Maleness into him with her hips while screaming at him to man up.

The other half felt all gooey and happy inside not that she would ever admit to this since she was part fighting type after all, instead she gave a snort and a grunt in reply.

"Same as before let the Venomoth get closer and hit it hard and fast!"

Her trainer spoke again this time she looked back slightly and gave him a silent nod.

It was a risky move to use the same tactic twice but with her current predicament there was little really that could be done about it.

"Veno let's wrap this up with Stun Spore my delightful beauty!"

The Gym Leader sighs stretching as if bored with the battle all ready, with a malevolent cry the Venomoth moves in swiftly her wings moving a t a more rapid pace causing the purple powder from its wings to start spreading out in wide arc beneath it.

The Blaziken began to crouch down her muscles bunching and building like some coiled spring ready unleash her counter attack, but unlike before something was wrong.

It was like she had forgotten how to jump and utilise an uppercut in conjunction with it, it was all most as if there was some mental block keeping her mind and muscles from recalling how to perform the 'Sky Uppercut' move.


Jack cries out but it was too late Blaze was paralyzed her mind in a daze as she dropped to her knees swaying from side to side, as the Venomoth hovered there looking down at the Fire/Fighting type Pokémon waiting for her Trainers next command.

That was the difference between Jacks team and most other Pokémon teams, his pretty much used their initiative in battle; it allowed for quick reactions to most attacks by using combinations of different move techniques.

Of course if Jack was to give out a command they would still follow it and Arceus help him if he made a bad call, especially now she was at a more intimate level with her dear beloved Human.

Instead of just slapping him about a bit she'd just pound him in to submission as punishment instead allowing her to work out several different frustrations in one go.

"Okay Veno, it meal time ...use Leach Life!"

Maxwell's voice called out making Jacks stomach lurch, he watched helplessly as the Venomoth descends landing on Blaze before easing out and driving its proboscis into Blaziken's chest.

Grasping her Pokéball Jack goes to recall her unwilling to see her be fed upon like this, but Blaze had other ideas for while she could not move her limbs she could ignite her flames and she did just that causing an explosion as the black powder still laced amongst her feathers reacted violently.


Maxwell shouts as both Pokémon are swallowed up by the eruption of smoke and flames sending the Venomoth flying backwards across the arena a fair distance, its body was burned and clearly wounded.

Blaze in the meantime was out cold having not fared so lightly either but she had managed to take her opponent down with her and for that she was now content to allow her trainer to recall her to her Pokéball.

"Blaziken and Venomoth are unable to battle!.....This round is a draw"

The Referee announces both unconscious Pokémon where recalled, the Gym Leader grumbled whispering to the Pokéball in his hand.

"Rest up you've earned it!"

He sighs kissing the ball before it shrank and allow him to replace it with one of his other Pokémon, he frowned at Jack as if considering him in a new light, it had been quite some time since he had needed to rely on more than his first two Pokémon.

"Thank you Blaze, you went above and beyond the call of duty"

Jack whispers tenderly to Blaze's Heal-Ball, then shrinking it down he clips i back into place before retrieving Bunny.

"Okay Bunny let's do this!"

He calls out as a flash of blue energy sent his Lopunny into a physical state; she landed easily on the grass arena ground with an elegant grace, looking back at her Trainer she gave a slow mischievous wink making him blush brightly.

"Hmnnn Lopunny huh?...Interesting choice but it will fare nought against the vicious elegance and allure of my darling Belle, she is a true femme fatale!"

Maxwell declares loudly throwing his arms up to cause the wing like design of his outfit to spread out in all its glory before sending out Beautifly, a sadistic glint in the Pokémon's compound eyes made Jack shiver.

Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt30

**PART THIRTY.** Both Lopunny and Beautifly waited patiently for their commands, normally outside of a match like this they would just have it out while taking advice from their trainer who would have a better perspective on what was happening. But...

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**Tigers and Students Oh My!** First day at High School or rather Secondary School if he had been back home, Joe's Mother emigrated to 'Duran' a country once called Africa before the great war over two thousand years ago, it had from what he had...

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt28

**PART TWENTY EIGHT.** Spending their tie warming up Blaze, Bunny and Oni calmed their minds the best they could, they were rested well sort off or at least well enough for the Gym Battle but mostly they had a game plan. They wouldn't be just...

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