Chapter 9: Love and Understanding

Story by ShinyGallade on SoFurry

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#9 of Love and Understanding

Chapter 9 of "Love & Understanding"



"Normal Speech"

'Pokemon'Telepathy/Pokemon Thoughts'

'Normal Thoughts'

" Pokespeech / Ability



Jessica's POV

'That sinister aura...What has happened to my beloved? This has to be a bad dream!' I mentally screamed while watching in horror as Michael landed a vicious kick to the side of one of the Houndooms skulls, knocking it out in one move. The eyes of the man i loved, those normally friendly emerald green eyes, were now ablaze with primal rage. The human heart that beat within him was filled with anger after seeing the Professor in such a crippled state as well as the fate of his wife... 'Oh, Arceus, why? This was simply too much for my beloved to take!'

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I failed to noticed a pair of Mightyena had approached me with a look of hunger and sinister rage. Their twisted facial expressions told me all i needed to know, I was to be their chew-toy and snack. I started back and attempted to use a Psychic attack but it just dissipated harmlessly between the two of them. It then dawned on me that I used a Psychic-type ability on a Dark-type, causing me to curse under my breath. 'Of course it wouldn't work, everyone knows that!' I began charging a Shadow Ball and waited until it was too much to handle safely. Quickly moving my right palm forward to dislodge the sphere of chaotic energy from its tether I watched as it slammed into one of the Mightyena, sending it sprawling towards the other Pokemon attacking my beloved with swirls in its eyes. Panic began to set in and my back bumped against the nearby tree line, pinning me with only one way to go, with a ravenous Pokemon seeking to sink his teeth into me.

'N-NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME! M-MICHAEL! SAVE ME! SNAP OUT OF IT!' I mentally screamed at the rage-filled human, my beloved, a couple dozen yards from my location, his eyes still blazing with fury as another Houndooms skull was caved in by a Mega Punch from Michael. As long as Michael stayed in this state we had a long as he stayed in this fit of rage...but...I was severely concerned about his mental state of mind when this was all said and done. Would Michael even be himself? What kind of damage did the mere sight of the Professors skull cracked open, along with his wife having her arms chewed off as well as their Pokemon killed execution style with handguns? Would heaven be able to tell friend from foe? Would he even recognize me?

These questions soon took a backseat to current events, however, as the worst case scenario was unfolding before my eyes.

It started with a Crunch attack by a Houndoom, which Michael was able to shake off but one of the Mightyena smashed into him shortly thereafter with a Take Down. It all started a vicious snowball effect as the two Houndooms used Flamethrower, one aimed at Michaels face and the other at his legs. When the flames made contact with human skin I could hear the scream of agony leave my beloved lungs. It was unbearable, but I had no way of fighting these Pokemon due to my type disadvantage and I simply did not have it in me to fire another Shadow Ball. Another Crunch attack had locked on Michaels neck and I could see those fangs pierce his flesh, watching as blood began to flow freely from the fresh wound.

Michael began to flail wildly, diving at the Mightyena with his right leg extended and using Hi-Jump Kick but missed badly, taking another Flamethrower attack to the head from the Houndoom now behind him. The crown of his head had been scorched badly and the same attack also set his clothes on fire. Even though his skin was being torched and his blood flowing like a leaking faucet from the numerous gashes and puncture wounds I could see the determination and rage fueling his movements just from the look in his eyes. 'Arceus, no! MICHAEL! YOU'VE GOT TO-' my thoughts were interrupted by a blur of green and white filling my vision. It smashed into the two Houndooms attacking Michael while pushing away the Mightyena coming in for another Take Down. The Mightyena in front of me was then casually tossed aside like a used newspaper. When my eyes were able to focus on whatever it was that had arrived my heart stopped.

Standing before me was our son.

'B-BLADE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF THE HOUSE?!' I mentally screamed at the foolhardy Gallade in front of me, watching as he ignored my question and formed two blades of purple energy on his arms, a Gallade specialty- Psycho Cut. 'THAT WON'T WORK, BLADE! THEY'RE DARK-TYPES!' He turned around to face me and I could see the look of hope and fearlessness in them. He didn't seem to care about that, he was here for one reason and one reason only, which he confirmed to me in perfect tone.

'I'm here to save you, mom! I'm going to prove how strong I am and I'll start by saving you!' His eyes were a piercing Emerald, which he took after his father, and I could see the courage instilled in their depths. 'I have to prove how strong I am so I can make dad proud of me...'

I shook my head violently and tried to be the voice of reason in his moment of insanity. Yes it was a fresh body against four tired ones but Blade had not yet perfected his combat abilities and he was facing off against four Dark-types. He had his fathers fighting blood in his veins but he still could not use anything but those meager fighting skills due to type difference. 'NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE ALL OF THEM ON BY YOURSELF! PLEASE, BLADE! DON'T DO THIS!'

'This is what dad would want me to do, mom, and I know I can do this!' Those words were followed by an abrupt charge and the two blades of psychic energy sliced through the four Dark-types...

As expected the energy dissipated harmlessly after making contact. The four Pokemon, however, lost total interest in me and began pursuing Blade. I watched as Blade used Agility not once but twice to send a few of the Houndoom into the nearby trees with fast turns and the occasional Mega Kick.

In the end, however, he wasn't really doing that much damage to the Dark-types and was merely creating distance from myself and my beloved...

'Michael! Is he even still alive?!'

I quickly made my way over to my beloveds lifeless form and placed my left hand over his heart and my other hand over my chest spike. I could feel nothing.

Michael was gone, his heart wasn't beating and his skin was already starting to run cold.

I lost it.

'NO! ARCEUS, NO! NO! NO~ YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED US YOU HAD PLANS FOR HIM! FOR US! YOU LIED TO ME, ARCEUS! YOU LIED TO ME! HE'S DEAD! MY BELOVED IS DEAD YOU BASTARD...' I began wailing uncontrollably, clutching my beloveds chest and smashing my right hand into it over and over again, falling prey to my own warning from earlier, and losing control of my emotions. This was so much different than the pain Michael had gone through, however. This particular grief, this pain was a result of a much more traumatic set of circumstances.

I was felt as though the other half of my being had been ripped right out of me, never to be seen or heard from again. My dress was getting soaked in Michael's blood but I didn't care, I didn't care about anything anymore. I had been his only friend and companion when we met twenty years ago and, until we had Blade, had no other outside communication with any other humans or Pokemon except his father. We had finally settled down, made friends in Patrick, Derrick and their Pokemon. Michael had found a good paying job and was living the life he never had the fortune of having while growing up.

Now it had been taken from him in such a twisted manner by the one who was supposedly the god of all Pokemon, the Alpha Pokemon and, ironically, the same Pokemon who had the gall to tell me there were "big plans for the two of us". Those plans may as well have been a dagger in my back. I heard a painful groan coming from Blades direction and I looked up with tear-stained eyes, my fists covered in Michaels blood.

Blade was panting and staggering, trying to avoid another pair of fangs poised to clamp down on his throat. With a sheer surge of will he punched one of the Mightyena in the jaw, breaking it instantly. Now there were three pokemon left and I could tell our son was running on adrenaline at this point. He juked to the right and ducked under a pair of flamethrowers by both Houndooms and sent the other Mightyena flying with a Thunderpunch to the skull. The creature now lay unmoving on the dry ground. There were now but two Pokemon left but they still looked fresh and ready to fight while numerous nicks, cuts and puncture wounds covered Blades skin. He was also losing a lot of blood just like Michael had and I watched as he collapsed from the fatigue and stopped moving completely. My mind wouldn't be able to take my son's death as well and I wanted the pain to end at this point. Placing my hands over my chest spike I was about to do the unthinkable...

A Gardevoirs chest spike serves many purposes, from acting as a catalyst to sense emotions to being a pleasure font for mating. It was also the source of strength for a Gardevoir and acted as a vessel for their tremendous psychic powers. The truly crucial purpose of the spike was actually rather pragmatic: it served and acted as the heart of a Gardevoir.

Within that spike pumped the same lifeblood that kept it alive and proved how, like every other Pokemon, it was more like a human than it was ever given credit for. If anything were to ever happen to a Gardevoirs chest spike it would prove disastrous to its well-being. As a result the exterior of the spike was made incredibly durable, enough to withstand the force of a bullet fired from a small caliber gun. It had been said that the only way the spike could be damaged was because the Gardevoir wished it to happen. In fact, the only recorded documentation of a Gardevoirs chest spike being damaged revealed the cause as attempted self-destruction...

They would have committed suicide by forcing their spike to crack down the center, effectively splitting their body and soul in two.

I felt I had no reason to live anymore and my hands squeezed down on my chest spike, sending shockwaves of pain through my body. it didn't matter anymore, Michael was gone and I would be joining him alongside Blade, who was motionless on the ground. I could see my life flashing in front of my eyes as I felt the spike bend ever so slightly, delivering a painful jolt up and down my spine. I closed my eyes and bit down on my lower lip to hide my voice and keep it contained, not wanting the two Houndoom to hear my cries. Just before the spike could be shattered by my own hands I saw a wall of light form overhead and illuminate the world around me.

I watched as light poured into my beloveds body, his form levitating off the ground. I saw his wounds being sealed shut by the mysterious light. The punctures closed and the numerous gashes and scars were erased as though they had never happened. I could feel a pounding sensation in my skull andnchestbas my spike began molding back into its proper shape. The light eventually became too much for my normal eyes to handle so I used my minds eye. I could see a mysterious presence standing next to my beloved, its body in the shape of a centaur but more lithe. A golden ring caked with several spikes of the same material surrounded its central frame in the appearance of a Dias. Its hooves were floating just off the ground, surprisingly causing no disturbance on the surface whatsoever. I looked up into its eyes and saw what appeared to be a set of metal plates serving as its face and its eyes were a soothing crimson. Just staring into them made my heart settle and caused my breathing to fall lax. I stood in awe before what was obviously a Pokemon but I had no idea who or what it was until it spoke...and I fell to my knees in quick subservance.

'It is good to see you again, my child'

it was Arceus! The Alpha Pokemon itself! My mouth opened and closed rapidly, wanting to say something but then having second guesses about whether I should even allow myself to speak before the deity in front of me.

'I want you to know it is alright, my child, I have already forgiven your anger and rage for it was said in the moment when all hope seemed lost. Rest assured I hold no ill will towards you.'

I finally let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding in, tears forming in my eyes as I then gazed upon the still floating form of my beloved.

'The one you call Michael is not yet ready for death, my child, he has yet to play his part in the cycle of life. It would be a terrible thing if I allowed misfortune to fall on him just as I had promised you and him so much'

'W-what do you mean, A-Arceus? I know you said he was the ancestor of the one destined to bring Pokemon and humans together in every way but-'

I was interrupted as a vision filled my minds eye, and I could see a monumental structure composed entirely of glass and rock, steel, grass and ice. Its height dared to reach for the sky and I could see numerous Flying-type Pokemon smash into the building with nary a scratch being made on the resilient structure. I then heard a commotion below and turned my attention to the ground, spotting a group of people and Pokemon standing before the towering giant. They were all enveloped in shadows but i could still see their eyes. Two of the figures immediately stood out to me.

It was Michael and myself, at least I was assuming this because of the intense emerald green and piercing amber that shone from their faces.

The next thing I knew the entire structure in front of them began to groan pitifully, leaning dangerously on one side. The sudden shift in weight was all it took to cause the entire structure to buckle as pieces began tumbling from the higher floors and crashing to the ground with a deafening clap of thunder. I could see raging rivers and pillars of fire scorching the sky and fear-inducing battle cries filled the landscape. I could see dragons circling the dying behemoth composed of twisting metal, the ground itself opening up to swallow the structure whole before sealing itself shut. A brutal clap of thunder and countless peels of lightning filled the sky before the sun broke through the clouds and illuminated the aftermath. There was not a single trace of what had once been an unmissable goliath left, the shards of glass, rock, ice, steel and grass were nowhere to be found. More importantly, however, the shadows that had enveloped the figures suddenly lifted and my initial suspicions were confirmed.

Standing before the scene were Michael, myself, Patrick, Derrick and a man I knew was Michaels father from his messy blonde hair which, interestingly enough, had begun to gray while those commanding emerald green eyes still glowed with a luster that never seemed to fade or dull. The rest of the figures were not familiar to me though I did recall Arceus mention a "Chosen One" with a Pikachu. Surely he or she would be part of such a magnificent spectacle. I narrowed my eyes and, standing near the end of the first row of people, I saw a young raven-haired teenager with fierce golden eyes. On his left shoulder was a Pikachu and I could see the wisdom in their eyes that revealed hardships and travels spanning the entire globe. Their youthful appearance betrayed that wisdom and I was certain I heard someone's stomach growling, to which all eyes were trained on the teen.

Before the vision faded I could also see a tall man with dark skin and spiky brown hair. His eyes were slitted and his lips were formed in an empty manner, likely serving as a facade to hide the emotions running rampant inside his mind. He was wearing a pair of brown pants, an orange t-shirt and a green vest hanging over it.

'_You have many questions I am sure, my child. Know that the answers will come to you as you and Michael fulfill your destinies to finally unite humans and Pokemon in every way.' _I could only nod my head before a thought occurred to me.

'What had happened to Blade and the Houndoom that were still attacking?'

'Look around, my child, and the answer will be revealed to you.'

Everything had stopped, frozen in place as if life itself had been put on a permanent "pause"

'What you have just witnessed was seen by no one but you and Michael. What you two have seen must not be revealed to anyone that you saw in the vision as it will disturb the balance needed for your destinies to intertwine with the others. Rest assured, everything you have seen will come to pass and your beloved will be coming his new form...his true form.'

With that Arceus began to fade from existence and the real world resumed its motions. I could hear the pair of Houndoom growling threateningly back at Blade as he got back on one knee. I was about to rise to my feet and shield him with my body when the same glow from earlier engulfed Michaels prone form. This time the light was concentrated solely on my beloved and the two Houndoom turned their gaze to the divine display as did Blade. What transpired could only be seen as a miracle As the light faded and a tall figure was standing in the lights wake.

The figure standing in place was human in shape and looked roughly a few inches taller than Michael. The top of its head was separated into layers, with a dirty blonde helmet-shaped piece of armor encompassing the sides of its cranium while a sickle-shaped protrusion separated the layers evenly. The protrusion was menacing in its own right with its metallic silver sheen. The creatures' body was, in a word, fit. Muscles easily flexed against peach-colored skin and its shoulders had a slight curve to them. Its chest and back were lightly bulging with muscles and they seemed to throb when its body flexed. Its arms had an unnatural shape with only three fingers instead of five on its hands. The digits were fused together into a sharp point and its elbows extended back above its head, giving its arms the appearance of a pair of blades. A trim waistline was quickly pushed out in a completely circular shape, dividing its body into upper and lower halves. The lower half of its body was fairly unremarkable except that the skin was a deep shade of navy blue, appearing to look like a pair of dark jeans. After taking in the strange sight which, oddly enough, resembled a Gallade I saw it turn around...

Its eyes were the purest shade of emerald green I have ever had the fortune of seeing, their depths freezing my body and mind in their tracks. I searched through the creatures emotions and found only love and compassion. I kept looking into its eyes, which seemed to be calling out to me, begging me to acknowledge it.

It all hit me in that moment.

'M...M...Mi-chael?' My voice was trembling, afraid to believe what I so desperately wanted to believe at that moment. It wasn't until those long arms spread wide that my body went on autopilot. I ran towards him, towards my salvation, towards my pillar and my strength...

Towards my beloved.

We embraced, my chest spike pressing against his own yet we didn't care. We had each other again, even if my beloved looked different he was still there. Those eyes, the same eyes I fell in love with twenty years ago, held the same love and compassion as had an even more profound layer of emotion that could only come from losing what you love but getting it back again. This was the same look I had as well.

'Michael...tell me its you...please...I need to hear it...' I said through my mind, all doubt had already been cleared but I still wanted to hear his voice.

'I'm right here, Jessi, always have been and always will be.'

Our faces leaned in close, lips parting and eyes half-lidded as I saw my beloved in a new light. I could still feel his human heart and soul beating and resonating as strong as ever, but now I could see him as the most handsome Gallade alive. A Gardevoirs natural was still Michael and no physical change or manifestation would ever change that.

It didn't hurt though how incredibly sexy he looked as a Gallade.

Finally our lips met and I could feel every ounce of passion, every motion of his body, every exhale of breath, everything that was good and right in the world was in this kiss. It was a kiss I thought I would never have the joy of receiving again. I could feel his mind link with my own and he quickly jumped into the air with me pressed against his strong chest. I could have died happy in his arms...

'Don't you go and die on me, missy, not after I came back for you.' I couldn't help but giggle as he reciprocated the same thing I told him that day years ago. My thoughts were suddenly cut short as a low, guttural growl filled the air. I glanced down and saw the two Houndoom had completely forgotten about Blade and were now intent on ravaging Michael and myself. Before we landed I felt the weight lift from my body and I was in a state of suspended animation. I looked at Michael and saw his eyes glowing a fierce emerald, showing off powers I didn't think possible for a Gallade. 'I'll finish this quickly...'

He landed with the grace of an Absol and was launching punches and kicks at speeds that would make a Ninjask jealous, too fast for the naked eye to discern. In less than five seconds one of the Houndoom lay broken, battered and bloodied with its horns broken off at the halfway point. The other saw its partner fall in battle so quickly and took the smartest course of action given the situation...

It charged at my beloved, seemingly uncaring if it wound up the same way as its partner and Michael was quick to prepare for the attack when the Pokemon suddenly jerked to the side and, with a burst of Agility , began charging straight towards me. I threw up a quick Reflect but it would not be needed. I dared glance at the scene in front of me and saw the Houndoom completely still...

...suspended in the air thanks to my beloveds silver arm-scythe impaling the Pokemon cleanly through the center of its body...

Chapter 10: Love and Understanding

** WARNING: THIS IS A VERY GRAPHIC CHAPTER, IF DISMEMBERMENT AND PAINFUL DEATH OFFEND YOU DO NOT READ ON!!!!!** * * * * * * POKESPEECH/THOUGHTS: "Normal" '_Telepathy/Pokemon Thoughts'_ 'Normal Thoughts' " **POKESPEECH/Abilities" ** (ex:...

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Chapter 8: Love and Understanding

POKESPEECH/THOUGHTS: "Normal Speech" 'Pokemon _Telepathy/Pokemon Thoughts'_ 'Normal Telepathy/Normal Thoughts' ' **_Subconscious_**' " **POKESPEECH**"/ **Ability** * * * * * * **DISCLAIMER: I CALLED MY AGENT AND HE TOLD ME I STILL DON'T OWN...

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Chapter 7: Love and Understanding

POKESPEECH/THOUGHTS: "Normal Speech" '_Pokemon_ _Telepathy/Pokemon thoughts'_ 'Normal Telepathy/Normal Thoughts' " **POKESPEECH/Abilities"** * * * * * * **I must give a special thank you to Lord Genesis Shadow. His story "Man with the Gallade's...

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