Story Time: A Familiar Fit

Story by Bishiebunny on SoFurry

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Oh good, it's date night! Wait, do people still go out on dates? Do they go out dates with their ex-girlfriend while their current girlfriend goes out with someone else? Do they wear chastity devices while on such a date? Apparently Ardanis does, or at least he will tonight. Wish him luck, he is liable to need it.

"A story for anyone present when their past started making out with their future."

The following "date night gone rabid" was brought to you thanks to a generous grant from the FA: sinister foundation.

Special thanks to FA: moondragoness: for comma culling

Continuity note"A Familiar Fit" takes place before the events detailed in Mouse Trap. If you want to know a bit more about Andrea, Ginger, Ardanis, and their previous relationship, or if you just want to read about a naughty mouse getting punished, along with an amazing image by FA: demona69 , feel free to check it out.

Disclaimer: With the exception of Naira, the women described below are uniquely endowed with equipment more commonly associated with the male gender. This is a fantasy construct for the purpose of the story and is not meant to represent real world transgender or intersex individuals.

Please keep this in mind, and as always, treat fantasies as fantasy and actual people as people.

Characters: For image references to the characters involved, visit FA: Sinister

Please enjoy!


A Familiar Fit by Bishiebunny

Ardanis had a lot of keys. Most people do, keys affixed to loops that were likewise affixed to novelty charms and forgotten flash drives. The majority were effectively defunct, their locks long since changed, their machines either totaled, or rusting away as lawn ornaments. Countless dead keys rattled about like pocket ghosts, envying the living few who had yet to lose their purpose.

Occasionally, one of those corporeal phantoms would find itself remembered, either due to a fit of nostalgia, or else when furiously jammed into an opening it could not possibly fit. Obviously, the former was preferable. Better to touch upon a memory than get yelled at by a frustrated owner in the midst of a drunken stupor.

The dead key in the grey cat's hand belonged to the apartment of an old girlfriend, spawning the sort of memories you really shouldn't allow yourself while sitting in the bedroom of your current one. However, this was a special case, as Ardanis was only minutes away from sharing an expensive meal with both women. It had been his present's idea to invite his past, and the young feline was nervous about his future.

He had always meant to exorcise this particular spirit from his key chain; maybe bury it in the hallowed ground of an old junk drawer or a cigar box full of spare change.

Their relationship had not ended well. Specifically, it had ended with Ardanis leaving his old girlfriend's apartment in a panicked sprint, slacks in hand and exposed nethers flopping about. He had hopped his bared bottom into the car, fumbled with a seat belt he could no longer fathom, and then sped off into the dead of night. It had not been his proudest moment, but it seemed preferable to the evening Ginger had planned for him.

She had changed, in a manner so absolute and abrupt, Ardanis had to wonder if he had ever really known her. Where she wanted to go, he had not been prepared to follow. But there was something about the new her, something that said she was quite happy to drag her kitten along if he would not come when called. A wise cat knew better than to hang around when a mouse started shopping for bells, to say nothing of riding crops and latex accessories.

To be fair, their coupling had always been a bit complex. Ginger was a lovely young woman, but between her shapely mouse legs swung a little something extra. She had been so shy about that Ardanis had been the first to suggest they give it a test run. He had a history with curious endowments, and he did not mind experimenting if it would ease her fears. Her unusual addition always seemed to welcome his touch, swelling to a size that was surprisingly larger than his own. She never made mention of that fact, but now that he thought back to it, he could swear there was a glint of pride in those bedroom eyes of hers.

Still, Ardanis had found himself enjoying the cute little squeaks she would make whenever he tended to it. He liked to think he got pretty good at working her length between his lips, even if she became increasingly bad at warning him before she spilled her load. That was... okay, once he got used to the taste. That said, he had no intention of making the odd swallow a habit. It was just something that occurred every now and again, when her legs would involuntarily wrap around the back of his head, or her fingers would clutch his hair too tightly for the grey cat to pull away. She called them her little accidents.

As far as sucking her cock went, Ardanis had come to grips with it as a simple fact of their relationship, something he did to make her smile. It was when she had brought in someone else's much bigger, much thicker cock that it had all gone to hell. She said she only wanted to share, but there was an inflection in how she said it, and a telling look that had passed between her and the well-muscled, softly curved, and impossibly hung minotaur she had invited into their bedroom.

It was less "Ginger and Ardanis," sharing a bout of sexy kink with an accommodating stranger. It was more "Ginger and Her minotaur lover," sharing an accommodating pet between them. So he left. Okay, so he ran. Whatever the case, it was over the moment he hit the door, or so he had always assumed. It was not as if she ever called after that night.

And yet, was the newer Ginger the sort of person to really let somebody go?

"You keep starring at that key, kitten," a nearby voice cooed in the distracted feline's ear. "Somehow, I doubt it will fit your little cage."

Ardanis blinked, turning to face the creamy features and brilliant, mint green eyes of his current girlfriend: Naira. The beautiful bovine had caught a confused cat and set his world back to rights. At least, that was how he usually thought of her. But lately? His saffron eyes glanced down to what appeared to be a rather sad-looking kitty cock, bound tightly within a metallic cage.

No, Ginger's apartment key would not have fit that tiny lock. For that, he would need the golden key that glittered wickedly between his partner's heavy breasts. Apparently he had a type.

"So how long, again?" asked the grey feline with the speckled shoulders and face, and the lighter toned, yet equally speckled balls that hung defeated underneath the cage's cool, metal frame.

"Oh, I would guess right around five inches," Naira teased, her painted fingernail slipping down to give an exposed bit of feline shaft a little scritch. She returned to her vanity for the night's preparations, leaving her lover to stew at the foot of the bed. Tossing a playful look over her shoulder, the bovine added with a wink, "At least, that is what it said on the box."

"You know what I meant," grunted Ardanis, a sour expression on his face, ears flattening slightly. His dress slacks were half up his thighs, his silk shirt mostly buttoned, but his tie was undone, waiting to be snugged once the cat was done musing on keys, perverted partners, and the chastity device that he had somehow been talked into wearing.

The lovely woman paused in setting her hair, rubbing a saliva dampened thumb along an imagined scuff on her left horn. The right seeming perfect, she admired the twin points and gave a shake of her luxurious, glossy chestnut locks, just to be sure they would hold. Finally, she directed an arched eyebrow toward her boyfriend, a sigh setting her evening dress, and the expansive cleavage it revealed, into an annoyed heave. "Until my birthday, or so you said. Second thoughts already? You do remember that this was your idea, don't you kitten?"

Ardandis blinked, somewhat mesmerized by the shift of his lover's curves, until he felt the cold, metallic pinch from below. "What I said was that I wanted to give you something special. You know, something for just the two of us?" In fact, the "just the two of us" had been the most important part. This was the second time he had found himself wearing this particular device, and the memory of the first was both recent and uncomfortable. It had involved "just the three of us" in a way that was awfully reminiscent of his old girlfriend's proposal. Only this time, he had not run. Or had he simply not been allowed?

God, he really did have a type.

"Boys! Always pledging whatever their lover's hearts desire, then trying to snatch it away once they actually get a taste for a woman's fancy." Naira walked over to stand in front of her boyfriend, who sat on the bed, looking rather sheepish. She lifted her left foot, pointing her twin hooves through a modified stocking, slipping it up to her ankle, then pressing her cloven toes up against her lover's suspended sack. "Catch the edge kitten, and be ready to cinch it before it slips."

"Alright, fine. This is what you wanted, and yeah, I did agree," Ardanis replied, obediently holding the bottom of his girlfriend's open-toed nylon in place. He tried not to watch her slide the wider end up along her fine, plump calf which curved into her lush, sensual hip. When she gave a tug, he pulled the little lace on the bottom edge that tied it tight. One stocking up, another to go, and already his cock was a near-dribbling misery. "It's just harder than I thought it would be."

"Funny, and here I thought that was the whole point," Naira giggled, shifting legs, sliding her dress opening the other way, and pulling out a second legging. "When you initially agreed, I thought you had just enjoyed it so much that you were itching to try it again. Or did you think you could master it this time? If you really want the device off, we can do that, but I was looking forward to a pent-up feline strutting his stuff after a week of frustration." Both stockings in place, she tickled her lover's chin. "Remember when we pulled it off that night? You were so excited, you just exploded without either of us really touching you. Bethany said it was adorable."

Oh yes, Bethany, the third in their little menage a trois. More like a menage a cuck, or so it seemed to Ardanis. What was it with his girlfriends always finding bigger bulls? Bethany was even sort of like a minotaur, only more cow, less bull. Well, all except that one particular massive bull bit that she had greedily slammed into his squealing girlfriend, again and again, while they both thrilled at the sight of a cock-caged cat.

Ardanis wondered what Ginger would make of him escaping her frying pain only to endure Naira's fire. Shit, Ginger. "I, look, I just didn't expect to be wearing the damn thing the next time I shared a table with my ex-girlfriend."

Leaning in with a warm, full-lipped kiss atop her kitten's forehead, Naira sighed, "Can't be helped, I'm afraid. Poor woman has been through a rough patch, and she needed the night out." Reaching down, she caught Ardanis' tie and began to square it up. "Believe me, I was as surprised as you to find out my new gym partner was your old sweetheart. And she practically teared up when I mentioned you, kitten. She could not stop talking about you, in between reps, scrunches, and thrusts, of course."

Before Ardanis could reply, a melodic bell signaled their expected visitor. "Speak of the devil," he croaked in a worried whisper.

"Oh stop it," Naira rolled her emerald eyes, "Ginger is just like you, a little sweetheart who needs a firm push every now and again. You will go with her, be your charming self, and the two of you will have a wonderful time. That is, after you've tucked that back into your pants."

Trying to process his girlfriend's peculiar perspective alongside his own, Ardanis nearly caught his bound shaft in his zipper. With that sorted, he found himself stumbling forward into the beautiful bovine's bountiful chest, before righting himself, giving a flushed apology, and then heading toward the door with a wary step. A step which he paused as something tickled the back of his brain, demanding his complete and undivided attention. "Wait, you said the two of you. I'll be going with her? You're not suggesting, I mean, you want me to do this...alone?"

"She wants some time to catch up, kitten. I would just be in the way."

"You're sending me off to play nice with my psychotic ex-girlfriend! My sexy, psychotic ex-girlfriend, if you must know, and you're not even a little bit worried?" Ardanis spun around, fingers gripping the bedroom door frame, tight enough to pale.

Again, Naira arched an imperious eyebrow, her nearly revealed chest bouncing up over her crossed arms, "Should I be?"

Ardanis coughed, sparing the front door, with its third consecutive ring, a nervous glance. "Of me? No. For me? Absolutely! And why did you bother getting dressed up if you weren't going out?"

"You worry too much. You have your phone if she tries to lock you up in her pain dungeon, or whatever it is you seem to be afraid of." Naira smirked, lipsticked lips shimmering a bright, kiss-me crimson, "And I will be going out; Bethany invited me over for dinner. Only fair that I also have some company tonight." She looked up from the overtly flirtatious heels she was affixing to her feet, and caught her boyfriend's incredulous stare. "Oh do not give me that look kitten. It is only supper, and I should be back before you get home. Besides, I told you nothing was going to happen between Bethany and I, not unless you were involved."

Again the bell, and this time there seemed to be a bit of bite to it. Shutting his eyes for a moment, pinching the bridge of his snout, Ardanis turned toward the front door in surrender. Apparently you could leap back out of the fire, and somehow manage to hit the frying pan all over again.


Standing outside, just over five feet tall, Ginger fidgeted in a dress designed to highlight every sensual inch of her voluptuous volume. Well, every inch excepting the handful she kept secreted away between her silken thighs. There was no point in making a show of it, at least not until she was ready. She always enjoyed the reveal, putting a brash young stud in his place when her shaft finally slipped free, and he inevitably came up short. Then there were the young brides, long accustomed to a desperate settle, suddenly given a chance to embrace exactly what they had been missing.

Not that she was the biggest, oh far from it. She knew better than that, had tasted better than that. Ginger had indulged beasts that made her endowment seem child-like, in the much the same way she did for the average male. But they were the exceptions to her rule, and most of them had come to find that obedience to her whims was much more rewarding than the simpler conquests they had planned. The near golden, tan-furred mouse was nothing if not complex in her desires.

Was that what this was, some twisted want that had knotted itself beyond her ability to untie? Her teacher had broken the young woman of her pettier excesses, or at least shown Ginger how use them to her advantage, to weave them into a greater, more fulfilling tapestry. Whatever this might have been, it was now the start of something bigger. It had acquired its own perilous momentum, and they would all have to ride it out to the very end... or maybe just ride him.

Ardanis stepped outside just in time to watch his ex-girlfriend suppress an aroused shiver, eyes shut, biting fiercely into her plump bottom lip. He nearly shut the door, and hid behind it. Only, one of her smokey eye-shadowed eyes had peeked, catching the boy before he could bolt. Damn that smile of hers.

Every civilized portion of his being said run. Every primal instinct screamed contrary. Well, that was that, he was now committed to the forthcoming train-wreck. Might as well make the best of it, "Sorry to keep you waiting, I-mulph!"

Her lips pressed to his, finding an old, familiar fit right where they had last left off. There were a few changes, her hair was a bit longer for instance, those satiny black curls slipping over his shoulders, or down his chest. Also, she seemed to have developed even more curves than he had remembered, curves which she seemed delighted to put to use. That had always been one of her wicked little secrets, her height put all those blissful, lush swells in a very compact package. When she held him like this, he could not help but feel every one.

Finally, she pulled back, her kiss wet enough to form a thin, silver bridge between them. Ginger broke it with the tip of her finger, and before he could say another word, she pressed that same finger to his lips. "Shush now. As much fun as it would be to watch you stammer your way through an apology for making me wait at the door, or perhaps for abandoning a lover in her time of need, I am absolutely starving. So here is the deal, you play the role of the good boy, follow me to and from my car, and set yourself across from me at an expensive restaurant. Do all of that, without speaking until given permission, and we will just let all things best left unsaid... unsaid."

It was a spell, it had to be. Ardanis felt his tongue lay heavily in his mouth, all rational objection shattering before it could take hold. Or maybe he was just feeling a little guilty for making her wait. Time of need, huh? Just how long had she waited? His features smoothed in sudden thought, old fear being replaced by older comforts. Whatever else she might have become, had it really been worth abandoning her like that? He opened his mouth to say something, anything, only to find it suddenly muffled by her palm.

"Especially none of that, kit-kat." Ginger admonished, shaking her midnight curls. "Please, just get your own tongue for once, and I promise there will be a reward when we find our seats." She kept her hand firmly pressed until her old lover nodded his head.

As she moved it away, she caught him looking back toward the door that separated them from his new lover, who was likely waiting for them to vacate the front porch. "You poor, silly kitty. She promised me that you would be mine for the night. Leave her to her own evening, so that we can enjoy ours."


The restaurant was as Italian as her new car and her erotic features. Or were they more gypsy-esque? Ardanis had never been sure, nor if it was a genetic, or just something she cultivated to enhance her beauty. At any rate, like Ginger, the place had a heady, intoxicating atmosphere, full of candlelit corners for lovers, and long tablecloths for holding hands underneath, among other things. The wait staff seemed to know his ex-girlfriend, only nodding with a knowing glance as she pulled him along to a favored table toward the back. No menus either, a dark-haired vixen simply came, and sat a rich pasta in front of them, along with a few other amenities, including a bottle of wine that still had a bit of dust on it.

Ardanis found himself gripping the edge of his seat. Never eat anywhere that they don't have the prices listed, he reminded himself. It was always more expensive than you could possibly expect. This was the sort of place you ordered water, hoping for a break, and ended up paying through the nose for a glass fresh from a mountain spring. Well, in as much as the tap water from the sink could be considered a mountain spring, but surely it originated from some spring at some point in its existence. The silent ride over had been a blessing, giving the feline plenty of time to think, but now he really needed his voice back, if only to wonder aloud if Red Lobster was still doing that all-you-could-eat shrimp deal.

Fork and spoon used with practiced care, Ginger rolled up a perfect pasta sphere, and somehow managed to pass it across her wet lips without spoiling a bit of gloss. It probably had something to do with the way she slipped a curved tongue under the morsel, guiding it into her waiting mouth. After a few savoring chews, with many a lustful moan, she swallowed it down with a visible bulge, apparently also practiced in slurping thick, sticky lumps down her throat.

Ardanis grunted when something metallic seemed to chew on his favorite lump as it tried to rise to the occasion, failing miserably and painfully.

Finally, after initiating what seemed a sacred ritual with her wine, savoring both scent and sip, Ginger smiled to her evening's companion with a warm, well-pleased expression, "Very good, kit-kat. It seems your girl has you well trained, or else you finally learned to adapt. You may speak, but only about the present, unless you know something about the future that I do not."

Apparently the past was off limits, and that suited Ardanis just fine. Somehow, ever since he had stepped out of Naira's front door, it had gotten all mixed up in his head. He could hardly recall why he had ran. Oh, he knew the details, but the emotional context seemed to have fallen away. Had she really wanted much more from him then than his current girlfriend was wanting now? In any case, now was a good time as any to instigate a dine and dash. "I'm not sure I brought enough, or that I have enough, or could get my hands on enough for um, this place."

Ginger broke into a throaty laugh, taking her glass in hand, and indulging her senses once more, before letting a fresh sip warm her to her toes. "I have it covered, kit-kat. You worry too much." One foot slid up, catching the heel of her right shoe and peeling it from a satin-clad sole. She let it dangle for a moment, watching her night's prey over the edge of her glass.

"Well, if you say so." Ardanis fumbled with his fork, the spoon entirely forgotten, and cut up a bit of pasta the way his mother had when he was a kit. It still came up with more noodle than he was expecting, and stuffing it all in his mouth required more slurping than was probably polite. But oh god, that sauce, a rich, creamy white sauce that was made from one of those cheeses he had never found in a store, or if he had, he could have never afforded. To hell with the wine, he thought, he would just have a cup of this, and end up twice as tipsy. "Uh, nice car. Must be new, smells more like the factory than the lot."

A muffled clatter announced her right shoe hitting the floor as she reached out her stocking toes toward the edge of his black slacks. It was just a little tease, a bit of pressure, with a slow, rolling stroke. "Oh that? Just a gift from a satisfied co-worker. Well, from her husband at any rate." She felt his foot slip back, as though pretending the contact had been accidental. With a slick grin, she pressed forward, lifting the hem of his pants up in a direct, purposeful way. "Not that he knows about it yet, but he will soon."

Ardanis choked on a gulp of wine he had never so much as sniffed, giving up on pulling his foot away, and trying to focus on the conversation above the table. "Is that the trouble Naira was talking about? She said you were having a rough time."

The mouse blinked, caught off guard for a moment. "Trouble? Not tha- ooh, yes, the trouble," she really had to start coordinating better with her playmates. "Yes, well he only thinks he is trouble. I will be quite happy to show him what real trouble is," up her foot arched, stroking the ball of it along her captive's shin. "Some other night, though. Tonight, it is just you and me."

If ever a cock could be said to be miserable, it was Ardanis's cock at that very moment. It practically beat against its surgical, stainless steel cage. At least it was no longer so brutally cold. With all the teasing he had endured, the metal had warmed up quite a bit. "Yeah, about that, uh, Ginger? I'm not sure what you think this is, but Naira and I have a good thing going now, ah-and I'm really going to have to ask you to stoOp tha-at." As it turns out, it was awfully hard to actually speak, let alone make a request, when somebody was doing that.

Ginger pulled her foot away, enjoying the barely hidden disappointment on her feline's face. It was almost as gratifying as the sudden squeak he gave when her foot pressed back into position, only this time, quite a bit higher, sliding from inner knee toward inner thigh. "As it turns out, kit-kat, I also have a good thing going, but my good thing is as open to a bit of play as your girlfriend. Trust me, sweetling, I was given very specific boundaries for tonight. I know what is crossing the line, apparently better than you do. Besides, I did promise you a reward."

Before he could reply, Ardanis felt agile, satin-clad toes pressing between his legs, her sole making firm contact with the frustrated package behind his zipper. "S-so you are still going out with umm, whats her name?" He reached down to push her foot away, only to be reminded just how deceptively strong the mouse could be, at least when it came to something she wanted.

"Mina, and we are a bit beyond just going out," Ginger cooed, though she also was a bit perplexed. She had expected resistance from the boy, but this was closer to a panic. Also, what was that rough bit scrapping along the bottom of her inquisitive foot? Had Naira convinced the kitty to pierce himself? Curious, she slid down a bit in her chair, and concentrated agile toes on the task of gripping, then tugging her date's zipper. It took a bit of effort, but it was always a delight when her partners found themselves suddenly exposed in a way they had not considered possible. "We found kindred spirits within one another, with enough differences to keep things interesting. A sultry seductress does enjoy a rough and rowdy lover. So many itches that girl manages to scratch, hitting parts no man has ever quite managed." Pausing in mid-unzip, she arched a playful eye-brow, "Certainly places you never found."

"Well I'm hAppeeEE, fo-for you both." Aradnis gasped, finding himself free to the world, the air under the table cloth cooler than the heat of his slacks. He had to give her credit, she really was gifted at this sort of thing. And better to focus on her little party trick than to think about what she was really saying.

Hitting parts of her he never found? Well, yeah, obviously. If his memory was exaggerated, Mina had to have been bigger than even Bethany, and Bethany was a monster. Still, there was something about Ginger's words, mixed with the way she insisted on teasing him, that had his cheeks flush, his heart sinking, and his mushroom cap of a cock-head trashing against its metal binds.

It had been this way several nights prior, watching that blonde she-cow make his brunette she-cow gasp in delight. Bethany had made a game of it, teasing Ardanis about everything from his size, to his virility, to his girly posterior. She questioned all of it, suggesting he focus less on his dick, more on his bottom, or maybe those nice lips of his. He should have left then, told them both to go to hell, or maybe just grab his pants at make for the door, like he had with Ginger. Instead, Naira had caught him short, told her well-hung guest that it sounded like an excellent idea, then detailed to her kitten exactly how she expected him to service their playmate. When he objected, the look of disappointment on his girlfriend's face, the way she turned to the woman pounding her, it had made his blood boil, a sudden need over-taking him, a need to prove himself.

What he had proved was that he could wear a cock cage while suckling on a bigger woman's balls. Funny, now that he thought about it, Ginger had been good training for that night. Maybe Naira would turn out to be good training for this one. "That hard crap your toes are fumbling with? Yeah, it's a cage. Naira locked me in, so no, I don't think either of us are going to have much fun tonight."

Ginger blinked, spreading her toes around the ribbed device. Okay, she most definitely needed to coordinate better with her conspirators. Or maybe Naira had done this on purpose, her way of making sure the boundaries she had laid out were respected. Clever girl, but the mouse made a mental note to have a long, hard chat with her the next time they hit the gym. Or at the very least, the next time she hit that bovine's bountiful bottom. "Well, one of us might be out of luck. Still, I-" she cut off to the sound of Radiohead playing in miniature, coming from round about her ex-boyfriend's left pocket. "I think you have a call."

"Kinda in the middle of something," Ardanis replied, though he wasn't exactly sure what that something might be.

"So answer it, and tell them you are otherwise occupied?" Ginger asked, lifting her other foot up, the shoe still firmly in place. She idly began pressing the pointed heel of it against his speckled balls. "At the moment, I am not in the mood to compete for your attention."

Ardanis was about to respond that she had his full and undivided, when a more intense press of her heel put the command to her question. One hand up in surrender, the other slipped into his front pocket, retrieving his GPS, Google-surfing, You-tube watching device, that was also sometimes a phone. The familiar number had his eyes open almost as wide as Ginger's shoe scraping in a semi-circle along his bared flesh. "Hello...Naira, sweetheart?"

"Mmm, kitten, when you call me that, and I have a face full of...," Naira trailed off, her voice heavy with a heated anticipation. "At any rate, you are now officially involved."

Suddenly, the pointed heel threatening his favorite bits was no longer quite so pressing. "What do you mean, involved? Are you back home? How was Bethany?"

"Oh she is doing just fine, kitten, though she did ask about you, even demanded I make the call. Even though I knew you would be far too busy to chat. How is Ginger, by the way? Everything," she paused, there was a sound, like something satiny sheer being removed from something big that tugged at its edges, "everything you remembered?"

"Yeah, pretty much." He was growing cold, that weird cold that sort of flipped around his innards, like a dozen arctic butterflies fluttering about. "Naira, what are you doing right now?"

Ginger lessened the pressure on her playmate, settling into a state of ease that indicated she had expected this call. Or worse, had been waiting for it. She focused on her wine, and her tease, rolling both covered and uncovered toes along her date's inner thighs, letting her touch, and his frustration, work its wonders.

"Before I answer that, kitten, answer something for me; is your cock out?" Naira said the last without a hint of accusation or tease, just a simple matter-of-fact. When Ardanis could not find an answer, she continued, "So that is that, and I'm sure you can guess what comes next." There was a slick sound, the wet press of heated lips against a hotter shaft. Then came another, followed by a moaning slurp, and Bethany's familiar voice, muffled by distance and arousal, telling his girlfriend that she was a very good girl.

He sat there, listening, half the butterflies turning to ice and shattering on impact as they fell. The others began to melt, to boil, to burst in an inexcusable, shameful flame.

A slick plop, another kiss, and then her voice again, sounding somewhat changed, likely from a throat stretched by something too big to be a kitty's cock, "Mm, I don't think I quite have the hang of it yet. I try, but she still says you do it better. So does Ginger, by the way. You really have to give a girl some tips." Naira cooed, followed by the slick sound of a tongue sliding up Bethany's quivering length, before she continued, "Come now, don't pout lover boy. You knew I couldn't just wait a whole week without some playtime. No point in us both being caged, is there?"

"J-just tell me what this means," Ardanis tried not to whimper, hand up to the bridge of his muzzle, body trembling in frustrated confusion. "You and Bethany, huh?"

There was a pause, than a bright, affectionate laugh. "Oh no! Not at all, kitten. Bethany is a lovely young woman, with a lot of what I've been missing, but I chose you special. I have no intention of letting you go. And I expect to enjoy all that released feline fury on my birthday, just like we planned. Nothing has really changed, just your awareness of certain...realities."

"Like what?" Ardanis grunted, too sour to play much more with these insane women who seemed crazier by the minute.

"Like be a dear, and put Ginger on. Please?"

Ardanis blinked, then shut his eyes, chest squeezing in a way that was indistinguishable from that nervous tightness he felt his first time. God, let Andrea still b- be...oh that's right, the feline who had taken his virginity had worn latex before Ginger or Naira had figured out what they wanted from puberty. Either he totally had a type, or there was really only one kind of woman in the universe. With a sigh, he handed his phone over, "It's for you, apparently."

Ginger held the phone up to her large, mouse ears, listening for a long moment before replying, "Why yes, I did, and it seems you have gone and caged a kitty, you naughty girl." Another pause, than a chuckle, "No, I suppose it doesn't really change anything, not for what I had planned. Hmm? Yes, of course I'll treat him well, I always have. Ah? Yes, I was thinking the same thing."

Her other shoe fell, tumbling down his pants' leg, and lightly striking his right foot. He felt her place both stocking soles on either side of his bound sack, playing with it idly as she chatted. It was bot infuriatingly casual, yet undeniably pleasant. Ardanis realized he was getting a lot of that, sensations that seemed to play from both ends of the spectrum, making it hard to find his footing. Finding her footing was a bit easier, especially with their current focus.

"Well, I suppose that is all sorted then, you two have a wonderful, oh...hmm." Ginger chewed lightly on her index finger, her plump lips rolling about in a wonderfully erotic way as she seemed to be done talking, and was now focused on the listen. Finally, she shook her head, tapping his phone against her glossed mouth, "Apparently, no goodbye for either of us," She chuckled. "And it seems she has dropped her phone, forgetting to shut it off. Listen."

He tried to pull away as her feet slipped from his crotch, and her impressive curves practically tumbled across the table in a forward lean. She pressed his phone against his pointed ear, making sure he heard everything there was to hear. The whole time, her eyes settled on his, until he found himself unable to meet her gaze. Instead, his sights drifted down, filling with heavenly cleavage, while his hearing was filled with the sounds of something a bit closer to hell.

Slurp, gulp, moan: a mouth working long and hard on something longer and harder. It all sounded so wet, like his girlfriend must be salivating over the prospect of tending to her bullish cow. She must be making sure to catch every inch, to hold it for as long as possible, before finally pulling off in an exaggerated, slick pop. There was a pause, a moment or two to catch her breath, touching something intimate, then with a muffled, incompressible word from her companion, she was back down again, or so he imagined. Fuck, why could he not stop imagining? Hell, how could he stop? What else was there to do, besides stare at his ex-girlfriend's breasts while his current girlfriend provided conflicting audio stimulation?

And then, it stopped, with a sudden finality. For a second, Ardanis thought he might ahve gone deaf. No, there was sound all around, the little clink of fork to plate, of hushed conversation, the steady, tipsy breath of his aroused companion. The room that had faded while he listened, came suddenly into focus, and with it came that look in Ginger's eyes, a look that only ever led to one thing. "You can't be serious."

"Oh I am beyond serious, kit-kat," she practically purred. Who knew a mouse could even do that? "She said it was only fair, for you to enjoy yourself the same way she was enjoying herself. You have to want to, at least a little bit. The pasta here is divine, but I've seen that look in your eyes before, that touch of saliva on those sweet lips."

His eyes? His lips? "You really are crazy," Ardanis choked, turning away from those swaying, feminine curves, which somehow seemed to emphasis the less feminine bit that waited below, waiting for a taste it had been missing. Wait, taste? Who was missing what now? "Totally fucking crazy!"

Ginger settled back in her chair, sniffing, sipping, swallowing, and then setting her glass down with a sigh, "Maybe I am. Maybe I really only see what I want to see, what I've missed seeing, feeling, for far too long. But tell me this, kit-kat, are you really going to let this night pass with a stomach full of pasta, and a head full of your girlfriend sucking someone else's cock? Do you plan on gulping more wine, until you're even more confused than you are right now, and head home to an empty bed?"

The red burbled in his system, making everything exterior a bit warmer, while everything interior seemed chilled to the bone. "Or what? I let everyone here catch an eyeful of me sucking on yours?"

"They are so much more discrete than that, love," Ginger smirked, leaning her chin forward to rest on the back of her hand, bent at the wrist. "I picked this place for a reason, the moment your girlfriend and I realized we had so very much in common. They never ask, they never tell. You are not the first man, or woman, I've taken to this table. You are the first one I ever thought I might have to ask twice."

"You haven't even asked once," Ardanis shot back, though it was a weak shot, without much venom to it. The wine was doing its work, and old familiar intimacies were gnawing away at his resolve.

"One shouldn't have to ask for the expected, not when we both so obviously need it." Her foot came up, lifting his bound shaft. Her eyes lidded, in that sultry, seductive way she had long since mastered. "This, is not coming off for a week, or so I hear. But nobody wants you to go without. We're just trying to encourage you to fall back onto old, bad habits. You were always so good at them, and to be honest, I admit to being a bit jealous that Bethany got some of what I've been missing."

Ardanis took another swallow, then starred at an empty glass. He let it churn about, mixing with the pasta in a way that was usually more filling than this. Somehow, he seemed strangely empty at that moment, somehow not quite complete. "You'll tell me when you're about to umm, blow?"

"Oh kit-kat, I won't have to," Ginger teased, sliding her foot back, spreading her legs wide under the table, "you'll know."

Fuck me, he thought, trying to snatch a gulp from an empty glass. Finally, he swallowed, eying this way and that, making sure no patron or passing staff happened to glance their way. And then, just like that, he was lost in the dark under the table, hit by the musky scent that had been gathering there, along with a pressing humidity. Crawling along the floor, he gathered Ginger's shoes, and carefully placed them under her chair. Then he let his gaze wander, up satin-clad ankles, along tensed calves, between spread thighs, and there, something thick pulsed underneath her shimmering dress. Damn, if that bulge did not seem twice as big as he had remembered it.

She lifted one foot up and over, catching his back with a teasing stroke, coaxing him ever forward. Every breath she took caused the fabric-covered cock to bounce in anticipation. Ginger let him come to her, though she did slip down a bit, making sure everything that required attention was properly presented. She played with her leftover pasta, dragging a single, long strand about the gooey, white sauce, trying her best not to snatch the boy by the head, and press him into immediate service. There would be time enough for that later. For now, she had been as direct as circumstances would allow, and it could still all fall apart.

It really could, she realized, for all her training, all their history, he could disappear once again, and leave her with that emptiness, she was not Andrea. She would not think like that. Come on, you little cock-sucker, do that thing you do so well. We have so much more we want to show you, but it all begins with this.

Ginger smiled as she felt the hot breath splash about her inner knee, felt the kiss that lingered a bit longer than a friendly kiss might. It was certainly quite a bit lower. And yet, not quite high enough, not yet, but he was getting there. Inch by inch, nibble by nibble, she felt a familiar sparkle dance along her spine as her kit-kat, Naira's kitten, and Andrea's mistake, began to work his way up.

The grey feline lifted the edge of the golden mouse's dress, revealing her unbound cock to the same cool kiss she had shared with his. His warm breath caught it before it could chill. No panties he realized, she had obviously come prepared.

His lips, trembling, tentative, not entirely convinced he was even doing this thing, pressed against the hilt of her engorged member. He found his old, favorite spot, right where those heavy balls met the root, nuzzling them in a sudden fit of familiar affections. When he finally applied a talented tongue to Ginger's flesh, he heard the muffled screech of a fork digging through expensive china. It would have brought a proud smile to his lips, had it not been immediately followed by a tumbling pearl of precum landing hotly on his cheek, defusing all ego.

Was this really where he belonged? He wondered as the sticky, heated substance rolled down his face, over his jawline and began to tickle his throat. Was he meant to be on his knees, tending to someone bigger, harder, while his girlfriend bounced on the same? It hardly seemed to fit his self-image, and yet, why else was he so good at it? He kissed about her slick shaft while he considered the possibilities. His lips moved along intimidating inches, tugging at the thicker bits of flesh at the sides, then moving to flick the edge of his tongue along her swollen glans. It prompted another spill, which he only just kept from his eyes with a quick turn.

Every one of his partners had either been ridiculously well-endowed, or knew someone who was, and all of them seemed to think he was at his best when tending to his betters. You would think a feline that identified as mostly straight would have an easier time avoiding impossibly thick dicks. To be fair, he had found them in places no one would have expected. They all seemed to swing below a pair of heavy breasts, and full, feminine lips. There had to be a reason he kept stumbling across so many who were gifted in a way that was supposedly so rare.

Unless...well, with so much smoke, there had to be at least a bit of fire, right?

She caught his hair at the moment, no longer willing to endure a teasing tongue while he fumbled with the inconsequential. Ginger knew exactly what sort of shameful confusion he was struggling with, and she had little patience for it. He would learn, if he didn't know already, what he was truly good for. And if he was especially good, he would find more grateful bulges waiting for his oral attention, and for more besides. Oh yes, there was that too. Naira had wanted to watch his first time, but the mouse was past the point of waiting.

He had been hers first, after all. Well, technically second, but Andrea had wasted the opportunity. Ginger had not intention of making that mistake, not twice at any rate.

Suddenly he was caught, and all rational thought fled in a sudden panic. Her bulbous head aligned itself with his lips, smearing yet more excited precum against his cheeks, before pulling him forward, and down. He never thought to close his mouth, or to turn away. At that moment, it seemed somehow unthinkable. Besides, he had already come this far, what was he stalling for? Her fat cap ground along his slick tongue, demanding full, unreserved entrance. Ardanis gasped as she filled his mouth, pulling herself deeper still as her second hand joined the first.

Fingers twining above the back of his head, she pressed down while pushing her hips up. There it was, everything she had missed, as warm and welcoming as it had ever been. When she had settled his lips to her balls, she gave a few encouraging pumps, the tip of her cock finding its way over the edge of his throat, and then just beyond. It was admittedly, a brutal way to assert her privileges, but when she felt his tongue responding, slapping wetly against her tanned sack, she knew she had won. Her grip loosened, one leg thrown over his shoulder, pinning him into his duty, but letting him set his own rhythm. "Mmm, good girl."

Funny how that set his cheeks on a fresh blush, given a good third of her shaft was pulsing merrily down his throat. He gurgled for a moment, trying to reclaim his composure, heart beating fast enough to burn. His hands had moved to clutch at her thighs, one wrapping around to squeeze her bottom as she had forced the issue. Now, with the pressure relaxed somewhat, he tried to stifle his panicked reflex, and remember how to breathe again. When he finally caught a full breath, pulling up till his head nearly hit the table, what he got reeked of her musk so deeply it hardly seemed different than mouthing her sack.

Ginger pressed into his hands, rolling her plump bottom against his grip, reminding him that, cock to the contrary, it was a woman he was tending. Her left leg slipped forward, rubbing along his upper thigh while her right continued to lock him in place. The toes of her right foot gripped the back of his shirt, pulling till it slipped free of his slacks, letting her press downward, touching stocking sole to his exposed, bent back. All about him, she ground and growled, repaying every suckle and slurp with a sensual writhe.

It was all coming back to him, though she had never been quite this enthusiastic before. Even when she had let loose a cry that had rattled his dorm windows, there was always something held back, a shy vulnerability that made him feel more like the giver, less like the taken. Apparently, she was long since over all that. Instead, she was all over him, pressing every sweat-kissed, perfumed portion of her lower half against his face, making sure he could taste the heat of her day, the frustrated moments before this evening's impending release.

And here he was, rutting in it. She had him, collar tight, and whatever he had thought to hold back, it was now raw and exposed. Her nylon-wrapped toe-nails dug into his flesh, her tensed calf ground hard against his shoulder. When her left foot found his bound member, it somehow seemed to sooth the built up tension. Down he went, taking her fully inside, easier than it had been a moment ago. Then up, and back down once more, even easier. Again and again, he let her thickness remake his gulp, shaping it to fit.

She gripped him more tightly as something below began to boil, her legs wrapping him up in a possessive embrace. The fingers she had relaxed began to dig once more, her right hand catching his left ear, her left digging perfectly manicured nails into the back of his neck. Down, she demanded, up she cried, again and again, closer and closer, and with every slap of muffled, suckling, slurp that resounded from below, she knotted a bit tighter still.

What was about to come would be no accident.

By the time Ginger full erupted, she had already been flooding the whimpering feline with splattered pearls and tumbling precum. His mouth had long since become a sticky, hot mess, so that he was no longer able to distinguish between her viscous dribble and his own gathered saliva. His cheeks all battered, his head in a shameful daze, Ardanis had figured she must have already cum. There could not possibly be more, could there?

When the more hit, the grey cat finally realized just how wrong he could be, about damn near everything. Her shaft swelled, her grip turning into a stranglehold, and then, with a cry that had to have been heard through-out the entire restaurant, she released. Suddenly his mouth was full of a searing, sticky mess, a mess that had actually originated in his throat, only to bubble its way back up. The majority of it hit his stomach, coating what was left of his pasta in a sauce that was whiter, and twice as gooey.

It was a porn starlet load, fit for the camera, the kind that welled up on some beauty's reddened backside, and trickled down between her thighs. No longer used to the odd flood, Ardanis choked in a sputter around Ginger's pulsing beast. It went everywhere, both internal and external. Down his chin it ran in molten rivulets of cream, pooling about his tie, or settling into a sticky puddle atop her balls. Inside, it filled that curious emptiness from before, and something triggered within the abused feline, something that shuddered and convulsed beyond the more straightforward pleasures of a stroked cock.

Whatever she was doing to him, some part of him had been waiting for it, had almost given up hope, and now that it was finally indulged, it made a nest in his subconscious, a passion that would not be dislodged. With her tension released, with her own quiet suffering finally allowed to howl, Ginger found herself a lazy mess, lounging about her pinned playmate. There was no tension to her touch, or to her thighs. He could extract himself whenever he wanted, but she was not in any particular rush to let him go. If he wanted free, he would have to do it himself. As for her, she played idly in his hair, toes curling and stroking at her lover as little aftershocks rocked them both. When she felt him finally dislodge her spent cock from his face, she could not help but peek under the tablecloth, breaking into a pleased giggle at what she found. "You are an absolute mess. Did you know that, kit-kat?"

Ardanis had to swallow several times over before he could form a coherent reply. He seemed rather lazy himself, enjoying the hug of his lover's thighs, and the musky slick of her messy crotch. When he found his voice, it was a bit different than before, a bit deeper, a bit stickier, "I guess I am. And I'm covered in cum, too." He wondered if she caught that, the inference made while his cheek nuzzled against her semi-hard member. The girl certainly had her stamina, "Ah-any chance this place has a decent bathroom?"

Ginger reached down, rolling her finger tip across a cream-spattered cheek, catching a taste of her own essence, then pulling it up to her lips. She did make a lovely sauce, didn't she? "Mmm, there is. Another reason I love this place, a private one, in the back. Nobody should see you, they're all involved in their own candlelight rendezvous." One final hug between her cum-puddled thighs, and she released her hold, letting her lover free to slowly work his way out .

He swayed where he stood, not quite used to the relative cool out from under the table. It had seemed like an entirely new world, and now that he was back in the old one, certain uncomfortable realities were coming into focus. What had been a playful tease involving a happy spill was now cooling about his face, smelling heavily of spent cum and masculine musk. W-what the fuck did he just do? Reaching up, he tried to adjust a tie that was a practically a lake of her release, giving it up as a lost cause, trembling hands slipped down, zipping up his exposed, locked member.

"We shouldn't have done that."

"Yes you should have," Ginger corrected, adjusting her dress and carefully stepping back into her shoes.

"No, we... I, I really shouldn't have. It's going to mess everything up. I mean, doesn't it always?"

"Your everything was already messed up, kit-kat. And now I'm setting it all right," Ginger fiddled with his phone, before directing the frosted feline. "To your left, past the long table, presumably for mafia meetings, you will find the bathroom. See to yourself for a bit, I have a call to make."

Still in a daze, Ardanis shook his head, "She's not going to answer, you know? Mouth's all occupied with Beth cock."

"Yes, but Bethany should have an ear free, and she knows better than to avoid my calls."

Ardanis blinked, "I don't have her number. Why would I?"

"Of course you don't, kit-kat, but I do." Ginger hit the proper digits, while gesturing back to the left of her date, "Restroom, splash some water on your face, now."


The grey cat speckled in both lighter shades of grey, and now even lighter shades of white, starred at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He liked to think he had rushed back here because it was the only sensible option, and because he was starting to reek like a marked cat. Truth is, he would have probably would have still been out there, cranial hard-drive locked in a spin, unable to process the past half hour or so. It was easier to obey, almost too easy.

Steam from the sink full of hot water, began to obscure his reflection, and he forced it up to careen against his features, dislodging some of Ginger's release. She was right, of course. This was exactly what he needed. His head was clearing, his face was less a goopy mess, now more of a soopy one. It gave him a moment to think, to question. "Why does Ginger have Bethany's phone number?"

The knock at the door filled the question away for a later time. Ardanis splashed a bit more on his face, calling out, "Occupied," in a wet squeak.

It was a nicely stylish, impeccably clean, single occupant washroom. There was plenty of room to walk about, and the porcelain all seemed sturdy and well-tended. There was also a lock, as there were on all doors leading somewhere someone might want to spend with an expectation of privacy. Only, it was a lock Ardanis had not thought to flip.

Technically, he was just washing up, and probably looked less a mess than when he had first stepped in. But the grey kitty was feeling awfully vulnerable at that moment, so when the door swung inward, he repeated his cry from his stance at the sink. "Occupied! God-dammit, somebody's in here!"

"I know, now listen," hissed Ginger, stepping in with the phone at hand, knocking the door shut with her full bottom, then locking it behind her with a smooth motion. Before her date could object, she pressed his Mandroid up to his ear, filling his head with new, damning imagery.

At first, it hardly seemed that bad, just a rhythmic squeaking, punctuated with a muffled slap. It went steady for seconds that felt like hours, until a low, melodic moan began to overtake the pulsing baseline. "Yes, oh god yes, BethannNny. I-it's so big, bigger than last time, fu-fuck you must have really missed me." Naira's voice, Naira's moan, Naira's plump rear supplying ample cushion for what sounded like furious push'in.

Ardanis gripped the edges of the sink, growing icy hot once more, unable to unravel the conflicting sensations, the impulse to both cry and moan, all overloading him at once.

Ginger reached up, running her fingers through the humiliated, yet aroused kitty's hair. Then she pressed the speaker option on his phone, turning the volume up, before setting the small device, bursting with erotic noise, on the edge of the sink. Finally, she called out, in a clear, commanding voice that had to have been heard on the other end. "Naira, love?"

A moment passed, a moment filled with the wet exchange of thrust and a milking, feminine grip, until finally, "Y-yes, what is it dear? Nnf, k-kinda, kind of busy."

"I just wanted you to know, you are now officially involved." Ginger smiled, pulling a small purple bottle from her purse, and squirting a generous portion into her palm.

"Hmm? Involved? H-how do you," there was a long pause, before, "Oh, god! Ple-please, keep the line open! Bethany, nnng, sl-slow down a bit, would you?"

Ardanis was lost to their conversation, listening without hearing as Ginger applied the now warmed lubricant to her newly rallied mouse cock. That mouse cock which would have looked substantial, even on a lion. He caught up quickly and with a sudden urgency as he felt her hands slip around his waist, unbuckling his slacks. "Ginger? What are you doing?"

"What I should have done when I first met you," Ginger cooed, as his pants fell to a heap between the fine calves which she spread along with his thighs. "What Andrea wanted to do, but never found the nerve. Hands tight on the sink, kit-kat. This is going to be very new for you, but trust me, I'm an old hand at this. And now, I won't be especially gentle, but I will keep the line open, so we can all share in the moment."

It was not that the grey feline had no objections. He was full of them, and no small measure of fear. It's just, with the steady slap, slap, slap of his girlfriend's pounding on the other end of the line, they could not manage to crystallize. It would have been a mistake to call him numb at that moment, he was far from that. If anything, it was like he felt everything all at once, and it gave him no time to rationalize or ponder the consequences. By the time he found his voice, Ginger's fat plum found his pink back door.

Apparently he had forgotten to lock that one as well.

Ginger groaned as she sunk her cap forward, folding up a bit to gain access to his tight warmth, then spreading out fully once inside, indulging in his trembling grip. Her hands moved to his, twining their fingers together, gripping the edge of the sink. She leaned forward, so her heavy breasts could lay fondly against his back, and then she sunk a few more inches in sudden jab. His gasp was intoxicating, prompting another, and then yet another, pushing herself into a suckling depth that was every bit as welcoming as his wet throat, if quite a bit tighter. "Shhh, it will get easier love, just relax. Don't push, don't pull, just a unclench."

Fuck, it burned, as he might have guessed it would. Friction was not his friend at that moment, no matter how much lubricant she applied. It did have a soothing agent to it, and as her bulbous intruder found newer, deeper depths to conquer, that subconscious passion began to make itself known to his conscious self. W-what was she doing to him? When her cock head finally began to press against his prostrate, her found himself ready to rip the damn cage right the hell off, with his teeth, if he had to. "GiNNgger, I- I- fuck!"

"MMm, I intend to." She cooed, rearing back, pulling a bit of his inner muscles forward as push became a pull, and then with a sudden, brutal need, slammed it all back into a push. Then a bit out again, one hand moving to clutch his shoulder, the other delivering a sudden, jarring slap against his right cheek. "We've been too gentle with you love," she pulled back, she thrust forward, "I see that now." Back and forward again, burying the entirety of herself within his body, adoring the heat they shared. "No more wasting time."

Ardanis rolled up on his toes, arching his back, caught between her thrust and the sink, which clinked as his metal-bound shaft slapped into it. "Gentle? Y-you have beenNnf...?"

"Yes," she cooed, "And I should have known better. Aludiana trained me better than that." Slap, her hips thrusting against his bottom, setting those girly curves of his to bounce, and echoing the filter slap coming from the other end. If Naira was listening, it was while her own inner walls were trembling under renewed, frantic assault. "I didn't want to lose you again, none of us did." Another thrust, her hand moving around his waste, holding him close as she nuzzled between his shoulder blades.

"And we won't," she crooned, emphasizing her declaration with another pump of her cock into his hole. "Not now," another thrust, her balls making hard contact with his own. "Not ever again." So close, so very close, she rutted, she writhed, she pounded his ass while miles away, Bethany practically lit Naira's abused sex on fire.

"Better," Ginger groaned, after several, frantic, feral minutes had passed between the four of them, "better be ready, Bethany. Because I'm about to fill up our little slut, with everything he's been missing." Up and in, in and out, hands to his bottom cheeks, spreading them, then spanking with a double-handed pop. "You about to do the same?"

Bethany's voice was unmistakable, but far off, tinny due to reception, and her floodgate, finally bursting free. "Too late!" She cried out, soon to be joined by a howling Naira, whose body was trying desperately to find some place to store all that freshly pumped cream.

"Nnnng, no," Ginger grunted, "not... too... late... at all!" What had seemed a simple jerk and pump down his kittens throat, turned into a fitful thrash of expelled mouse semen. Her hips slapped forward, married them at where sweat-kissed flesh met the same. She held on tightly to his waist as she poured a load into Ardanis that she had been saving since the break-up.

He had nothing to say, no response that seemed the equal to the orgasm that overtook him. It seemed to come somewhere other than his trapped kitty cock, though that was now leaking its own white through the stained stainless steel. It was more internal, feminine in a way he could not quite describe. And somehow, though he knew he would spend a lifetime trying to deny it, it felt more fitting than any other cum that had came before.

Ginger tipped forward up on tiptoes, her cock still pumping, but pulling out by an inch or three. White magma slipped out the edge of where her cock sealed his anal rim, turning into a drip that was destined to absolutely ruin those slacks of his. "You are ours now, pretty kitty. Ours to play with, ours to fuck, from here on out." She cooed as close to his ear as her stature would allow. "You can fuss all you want, lie to yourself if you like, but you better get used to the idea, because this a thing now, and there is so much more to come."

Ardanis could only moan in reply, pressing into the comforting curves of his ex-girlfriend who was no longer quite so much an ex anymore.

"Naira, why don't you spend the night with Bethany?" Ginger directed herself toward the phone, one hand reaching over snatch it up. "I have an old friend I've love to reintroduce our kitty to."

"Mmm, sounds divine," Naira replied. "Just don't keep him too long, we have a birthday party to plan."

"Oh yes, we do, indeed." Ginger smiled wide and wicked, "Have a wonderful night you two, we surely shall."


"If you don't stop pouting, I'm not sharing any of this ice-cream with you," Ginger smirked at Ardanis, pulling up into a familiar drive-way.

He laughed, shaking his head, "I'm not pouting. I'm stewing in my own juices. Actually, mostly your juices. We could have at least stopped by my house and snagged a change of clothes."

Ginger laughed in that deep, rich voice of hers, "I am not giving you a chance to put a locked door between us. If I let you have too much time to think, you'll start second guessing yourself again, and we'll have to break you in, all over." Reaching up, she brushed an errant lock of hair from his brow. "Though, I suppose that could be fun too."

"I... I suppose." Ardanis admitted, turning toward a familiar building. "Still live in the same place? Figured you would have moved a bit upscale."

"That is coming, do not worry yourself at all about that." Ginger shut off the engine and opened her car door, "For now, it suffices. Mind getting the door while I see to the evening's treats?"

"Sure," Ardanis reached out for her keys, only to have her snatch them away before he could make contact.

"You still have your own, don't you?" Ginger teased, "Naira seemed to think you do."

Ardanis blinked, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the resurrected hunk of toothed metal. "I suppose I do. Never could throw anything away, I guess."

"Neither could I."

Her words twisted about his cranium, Ardanis stumbled up the walkway, found that the third stone was still just as loose as ever, and found himself standing in front of a door he had last seen the back of, while running the opposite direction, sans pants. "Miss me?" Without waiting for an answer, he reached up and slipped his key easily into the lock in which it would always fit.

Before he could give it a turn, the door was suddenly snatched inward, and something well-muscled, softly curved, and impossibly hung blocked out most of the interior light. "Well now, Ginger did say was bringing home dessert. Glad I brought my biggest spoon."

"Hello, M-Mina?"

"Got it in one, squirt! God, you're just as cute as the first time I saw you." The towering minotaur flashed a few impressive muscles, which barely fit in her stretched tank top, to say nothing of the impressive breasts that seemed desperate to tumble out. "Hope I don't disappoint either." Tilting her head, she glanced at the lock, and laughed, "I see your key still fits our lock."

"Yeah," Ardanis blushed, "I guess it does."

"Well come on in then, girly boy. I wanna see if my key will fit into yours."

The End of the Beginning

Story Time: Fancy That

"A story for anyone who has ever found themselves flirting with the stranger in the mirror." The following fancy dress party is brought to you by [FA: driftli]( thanks to a generous donation from the [FA:...

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Story Time: If Wishes Were Tigers, Leopards Would Ride

"A story for anyone who has ever woken up in another person's lingerie." The following tale of private things made sinfully public is brought to you by a generous donation from the [FA: tigertau](

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Story Time: In a Hole in the Wall

"A story for anyone who ever found comfort in a welcoming hole." The following tale of a misguided bun bun, stumbling into the "wrong" restroom, was made possible by a grant from the [FA: Myrilla](

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