The Military's Idea of a Foxhole

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions

Another commission, this one for Dani Bergson. I actually rather enjoyed writing this one out, partly because the content I enjoyed, and partly because I rather liked repurposing a few characters of mine. Dani seemed pretty happy with the outcome. I hope you will be too.

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"Team two is in position. Target sighted. Appears to be armed more heavily than intelligence suggested. Please advise." The whispering voice almost seeped through the communications relays connecting three units of marines taking up position around a small collection of extremists, looking to cause trouble with the impressive little arsenal they had managed to get their hands on. The commanding officer grumbled as he looked over the new scans gathered by the teams as they approached. Things didn't look good if they were to go ahead with their original plan.

"Dammit, all units standby. Do not engage, repeat, do not engage," The aged fellow pulled his earpiece and flung it across the small cabin in anger. It took months arranging this operation and it was all going to fall apart at the last second because the recon reports had missed the sizable weapons cache their targets happened to have stowed. He turned and looked to the last remaining team standing by should anything go wrong, "Where the hell did they get that kind of firepower!?"

A snowy figure stepped forward, peering at the screens and reading over the scan results.

"I dunno, but most of it hasn't been initialized yet. If we move quick, we can take them with minimal collateral damage. But it's gotta be now. The longer we wait, the more chance they have to bring one of the big boys online, like that Slayer class R-TAC."

The commander stared at the schematics of the device in question as they appeared on screen in response to mention of it, seeming to focus heavily on the acronym's explanation, 'Robotic Tactical Assault Craft' ... if they managed to power it up, things could go very badly, very fast.

"You're sure you can take them down before they can use anything? With minimal casualties?"

The white figure brushed a few golden locks out of hir face, grinning mischievously.

"It's what I was made for. You give me the green light and my men and I will have them on the ground, unarmed, and at least relatively alive in less than five minutes. Just keep the rest of your boys on the sidelines to catch anyone that tries to bolt."

The commander narrowed his eyes at the vixen and used what little time he had to come to a hasty decision. He didn't like diving into a situation like this, guns blazing, brute force shoved up against a group of heavily armed, sociopathic, cybernetic extremists. He turned away to look back at the screen once more.

"You have a go... and this time... try to be discrete. Anything gets out of hand, there are innocent civilians around who could be the ones to pay for it," He knew of hir reputation all too well, but shi was one of the best. If anyone could do it, shi could. The vixen nodded, saluting the commander before turning to make hir exit, pausing to catch the last of the his comment, knowing there would be one, "And Dani... watch your ass out there... no heroics this time."

Shi smirked and beckoned hir squad to follow. It was time to earn hir pay.

It wasn't always like this for Danny. In fact, only a few months back things were drastically different. The interstellar political situation was much more stable, life was markedly more boring, and Danny wasn't an arctic fox. He was a fairly typical human spending his time doing things most humans did when in the service of Aegis. His training was fairly basic but he did show an aptitude for what the brass referred to as "applied combat strategy" or in simpler terms, a greater ability to understand what was happening throughout the field of battle. Needless to say, it caught the interest of just the right officers.

"I've been selected for what?" The young man read over the letter hand-delivered to him by a perfectly ironed uniform which happened to be worn by a clean shaved man. Something about him didn't quite fit the military stereotype, almost as if he considered himself above the typical branches of the armed forces.

"Augmentation. We want to transfer you to our bioforce enhancement program. There are a lot of people very interested to see what you could do with a few 'upgrades' so to speak."

Danny raised a single eyebrow at the young man. He had heard of the military's enhancement program but he knew very little about it. While he was interested in the idea, he was still wary of the concept. He was already enlisted, what sort of changes in his duties would this bring about? Would he get put on the front line? Would he see command assignments? It all merited further interrogation.

"What sort of... 'upgrades' are we talkin' about here?"

"I'm not at liberty to discuss that at this time, but if you are interested in accepting our offer, be at this address tomorrow at oh-eight-hundred sharp." He then handed the confused conscript a crisp, blank envelop, perfectly sealed and baring the watermark of the Bureau of Central Intelligence. Whatever it was they had planned for him, it was rather high profile.

"Oh-eight-hundred eh? Bright and early..." He opened the envelope and looked over the address at the bottom, not bothering to read the letter that came above. He figured everything would be explained once he got there. If it was one thing government bodies were good at, military branches included, it was regurgitating information.

The sun had not even come up yet. In fact, it wasn't to be up for another six hours. The time Danny had been given was standard Core System military time. The moon on which he happened to be enjoying the last of his two weeks worth of shore leave didn't officially follow the SCS clock. Thankfully, he had a timepiece connected to the military network and able to keep in sync with their chronometer. It was chilly out. The relatively small natural satellite had an atmosphere of '0.68g,' or a little over two thirds that of the galactic standard for life-supporting worlds. Because of that, a lot of heat bled off into space on the night side. By the same token, on the day side, it would reach summer-level heat even in winter. Because of this the climate of the moon was relatively stable, not fluctuating more than about ten degrees between seasonal extremes.

The street was mostly empty. The locals were all asleep, in tune with their homeworld. Danny, on the other hand, was strolling casually down the sidewalk towards the local military installation. Whatever it was they had planned for him, he hopped it would be indoors. The cold nipped at his nose, reminding him of the temperate winters back home. He pulled his coat around him more tightly and hurried along faster, wanting to get out of the chill that was slowly sinking into his bones. The doors to the facility opened before him and a warm rush of air poured over his entire form. He sighed in relief and opened his jacket to let the heat soak into his clothing.

"Ahh, so you came after all. I was beginning to worry." It was the same young man from yesterday, standing there as he entered. Danny furrowed his brow softly.

"Why? It's just now oh-eight-hundred." The uniformed man tapped his watch as he turned to guide Danny through the facility.

"It's been oh-eight-hundred for twenty-seven seconds. I said oh-eight-hundred sharp."

The young man following the officer rolled his eyes silently, already thinking of how asinine this day could possibly get with a stick shoved so far up this man's ass.

"I'm sorry, the cold makes me move slower in the morning."

"Well if everything goes well, you won't have to worry about that anymore." He lifted a hand from his pocket, revealing an access card which he ran over a scanner on a wall. The device beeped and flickered green as the door it was installed next to unlocked. Inside, a uniform behind a desk nodded to the officer.

"Yeah, about that. Any chance I could get any more details on what you were talking about?" He hurried his pace to keep up with the cocky fellow in front of him, annoyed by the hat he wore. Not because of how it looked but because it was something of a symbol of his superiority. Oh if only he could get this guy in a sparring ring. He'd take him down a peg or two.

"We're in a secure area now, I think I can explain. We want to reassign you into our bioforce enhancement program, but this you already know. What we would have in mind for you specifically is the standard enhanced soldier program but the brass wants to take it a step further. See the usual enhancement process takes around twelve weeks to complete, and then we have to contend with training you to use your new body and that lasts another three to four weeks. We need to shave some serious time off of that."

The warmth was beginning to get to Danny and off his coat came, revealing a simple white t-shirt underneath, standard issue for the military.

"Okay... and how can I help make it go faster?"

"Oh, it's not what you can do to speed it up. It's what we can do to speed it up for you. We've been experimenting with a new method of enhancement and it has shown great potential. A new procedure has been designed and we want you to be among the first test subjects."

That caught the young man's attention. One of the first test subjects? That did not bode well for him and his healthy state.

"So if I'm one of the first, how do I know I'm not going to end up some sort of horrible, mindless mutant?"

The officer grinned, stopping just in front of another door with a security card scanner which he whipped out and swiped again.

"Let's just say we opted to go with a more 'natural' alternative. We've yet to see any sort of adverse reaction." That wasn't terribly comforting. Still, Danny wanted to hear the entire proposal.

"Okay, before you get into the whole explanation about the how, why not tell me more about the what... as in, what exactly are you planning to do to me? What kinds of upgrades are we talking about?"

The officer nodded softly as they both stepped into an elevator, traveling down several floors.

"Right, I suppose you're not familiar with the enhancements we've pioneered. First off, we'd enhance your immune system. There are a lot of biological weapons out there that can be very debilitating. We can't have our soldiers taken down by these nasty bugs so we have worked an immunity into the new genomes. Your lungs would be modified to be able to process oxygen more efficiently, meaning you can breathe in a thinner atmosphere. On top of that, you'd be unaffected by most aerosol agents that are designed to incapacitate or in some cases kill you."

"Don't get me wrong. That's impressive and all but I kinda expected something a little more... grandiose."

The officer turned to look Danny in the eye, grinning smugly. Oh how he wanted to punch that face. He couldn't figure out exactly what it was about Sergeant McCockroach that ticked him off but there was this air about him that just stabbed at Danny's medulla oblongata.

"Grandiose? Oh you want to know about things like super strength, heat vision, x-ray vision, the ability to jump buildings in a single bound. Well we've not gotten quite that far yet but we do have subjects who have shown a marked increase in strength while keeping muscle mass low. To support the new weight they can lift, their skeletons are infused with a high density metallic compound. And that's just to name a few things." When their elevator stopped, he stepped out into what looked like a fairly typical laboratory. One of the technicians spotted the pair and approached the officer and engaged him in a rather boring conversation that out of context left Danny in the dark. While they spoke, he wandered near one of the computer consoles. Being the curious fellow he was, he entered a few commands, looking for more information on what went on in these labs.

"Having fun looking through classified files?"

Danny spun around to see the superior officer standing only inches from him, grinning smugly again. What was odd was Danny no longer felt the desire to beat him with one of his own arms.

"I... I just wanted some information on the other enhancements. If I'm gonna be transferred into the program, I've a right to know what's going to happen to me."

The grin widened softly as the officer turned to put a more comfortable distance between them.

"True enough. Tell me something, do you feel like hitting me anymore?"

Danny blinked at the odd question, unsure how to react to him knowing how he felt earlier.

"Well... no, but h-" He was cut off quickly by the smug fellow adjusting his hat.

"How did I know you had an inexplicable urge to shove me into a wood chipper? This," He lifted a hand holding a small black device looking not unlike a remote control, "This has been emitting an ultrasonic tone that increases aggression. The stronger the effect it has on someone, the higher the likelihood of success in that person's conversion. We're still trying to pinpoint exactly what it is that causes this correlation but we know that there is a causal relationship. I heard you grinding your teeth in the elevator. Only a few have gotten that agitated by this little device. I think we can expect great things from you."

Danny frowned and moved around in front of his superior, feeling somewhat undignified having been tested and manipulated in such a manner.

"So, are you ever gonna tell me how this works?"

That sly grin that seemed to work so well for the young officer returned once again.

"Come with me... it's better if we just show you rather than explain it."

The room was perfectly white, sterile white in fact, and illuminated from some unknown, unseen source that provided an alien feel to the chamber. Danny sat on a cushioned table in nothing but his boxers as he waited for what was to come next. He trembled softly in the relatively cool air, recalling his reaction of shock to the process he would be undergoing. Somehow, after he knew, he still agreed despite his initial discomfort. As he sat there letting it mull over in his mind, he decided that punk of an officer had used another ultrasonic tone on him, instead of making him more aggressive, it made him more agreeable. This whole 'military mind games' thing was beginning to get on his nerves, but at least soon enough he'd have the physical ability to back up a threat of over the top bodily harm. Fear was always a good motivator.

Take him for instance. He was sitting quite still in a brightly lit room waiting for a procedure that would result in him waking up seven days from now needing to be taught how to walk all over again. Normally fear would have him looking for a way out of this situation, but a greater fear overrode this. In its place, fear of what the military police would do to him if he attempted to refuse his transfer. They were known for their ability to break hard-to-break bones. A desire to preserve self kept Danny in place. That and a strong sense of curiosity. Watching the surveillance footage of the first conversion process getting underway brought forth feelings of disbelief and sheer, morbid curiosity. Soon, all his questions would be answered. The door slid open and the young man whipped his head around to face it, seeing just who walked in.

"So, you're Danny Bergson. Nice to meet you. I'm Layla Corvina. I'm going to be your surrogate for the next week. Before we just dive into things, do you have any questions?"

The young man simply stared at the woman that stood before him. This Layla wasn't human in the slightest, but he had expected that. What he didn't expect was for hir to have such an awe-inspiring body. There were fashion models who would be jealous of this beauty, and men who wouldn't be able to help but stagger forward and try to grope hir. Shi was a jackal, covered in luscious tan fur, wearing a simple button down shirt and a pair of shorts, no doubt meant to be desert wear. What held his interest the longest was hir chest. Two, large, blatantly visible breasts stretched hir shirt, providing the human with plenty of cleavage to gawk at.

"Yeah... were you born with those or did they come with the fur?" The minute the words left his mouth, he winced expecting to be slapped, or at least scolded harshly. Instead, all that came was a chuckle and an all to brief answer.

"They got an upgrade when I did. Now, anything relevant to the process?" Shi walked around the table and sat down next to the young man, wrapping an arm around his shoulders while hir free hand set down a small case next to hir.

"Um, will I be awake at all during the whole change?"

Layla shook hir head with a smile.

"Nope, you'll sleep through it like a baby. Literally. Anything else?"

Danny nodded, slowly returning to a normal mental state, partially due to the warm fur brushing against his exposed skin. The added warmth fended off the cold and allowed him to relax.

"A few. I was told I'd have to go through training to learn how to use my body again. Does that mean I'm gonna be as helpless as a newborn?"

The jackal shook hir head and gave the lad a lick on the cheek, seeming to be quite affectionate.

"Nah, you'll be a little wobbly at first but you'll still be able to walk. You're going to spend a week almost completely immobile so there will be a small amount of atrophy but not much. It'll be like stretching your legs when you get out of a car after long trip. You'll get your bearings back. After that it's more learning your limits all over again. It's kinda fun really. You have this preconception that after your change, you'll need to get back in shape, but you'll surprise yourself with what you can do."

Danny nodded softly, liking the sound of surprising himself with maybe being able to lift a car or outrun one. Lofty goals but likely unrealistic. The modifications he was told about didn't sound to be that dramatic.

"Will it hurt? Am I gonna feel any pain while I sleep?"

Again, Layla shook hir head.

"Nope! It's all painless. The nanites that do the work deaden pain sensors before they begin working on an area and then bring the sensitivity back when they're done. And since the hibernation will shut down several of the body's processes that hinder them, they can work even faster. You'll wake up wondering if it's really over." Hir answers were quite encouraging, and with hir demeanor, how could it not seem like a good idea?

"I guess my last question is how do we get started?"

The canid grinned, pushing a few locks of chocolate hued hair out of hir face. The case shi had brought with hir was opened and out came three hypodermic vials. Danny thanked the powers that be that they had developed technology that removed the need for the dangerous, intimidating needles. Instead a series of microscopic, high-pressure tubes, pointed much like the needles of old, delivered whatever substance needed to be injected with astonishing effectiveness. The first was pressed to his shoulder and a soft hiss came as Layla depressed the injector. A rush of coolness flowed through the young man and suddenly the room didn't feel quite so cold.

"What was that?"

The canid put the first vial, now empty, back in the case before taking the second and pressing it to his shoulder. This time a rush of warmth, making the room cooler again.

"The first was a mild sedative which will help you sleep once you're in place. That second one was a collection of genetic samples containing the attributes we want to imbue into your system. And the third one here," shi held the final vial for him to look at, "contains about two billion nanites. They'll activate as they pass through your system and absorb a small charge from the natural current in your nervous system. The base of your spinal cord will act as their on switch. They'll run until their program is complete and then they'll all shut down at once. They're networked so they can work as one massive team. Now, once I stick these in you, there's no going back. The other stuff can wear off with no problem, but this is a one way ticket. I'm required by the brass to ask if you are sure you want to consent to this one last time."

Danny sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Like I have any choice. I say no, they probably stick me in the old program... the painful one. Let's just go ahead and get this over with. I'm nervous enough as it is," He grumbled quietly, still feeling like he was being strong-armed into this. The jackal chuckled and nodded softly, pressing the last vial to his shoulder and another rush, this one feeling quite cold. Danny shivered and sighed with a sense of finality, "Alright, s'that it? We ready to get this show on the road?"

Layla shook hir head, reaching back into the small case, retrieving a plastic bottle of grey capsule-shaped objects.

"You need to take these. It's raw material for the nanites. If you don't take these... all of these, they'll pull from whatever source they can, that means your muscles, skin, bones, organs, everything. They would rebuild you completely and not in a good way. You'd come out far more frail than when you went in... hell you might not even make it the full week. So, down with them."

That was all the encouragement the young human needed. He snatched the bottle from Layla's hands and popped the top. Fear motivating him again, he quickly swallowed every last capsule, leaving a distinctive metallic taste in his mouth.

"What the hell was that I just swallowed?"

"About a pound of various metals and compounds that will make up the new systems in your body. The sedative will slow your digestive tract so they'll just sit in your stomach until the nanites need them. Oh, that's something else. When you come back out, you'll likely be rather hungry." Shi closed the case back up and set it aside before standing, working to unfasten hir shorts. They dropped to the ground and Danny's gaze immediately fell to hir rump, tempted to reach out and feel over the supple curves.

"I assumed that much. So, I hear all the surrogates are hermaphrodites."

The jackal turned, answering his 'are you one too' question before he could even ask it. What met his gaze was a sizable sheath and fuzzy scrotum hanging just below it.

"That's right. For some reason, only us herms have enough elasticity to pull off this little trick. They've been looking into it but still don't have a solution. Still, we're willing to do the job. Who knows, you might get a chance to try it out yourself." A sly wink concluded the comment, confusing the human.

"But, I thought I was just getting some internal upgrades. No one said anything about turning into anything like you!"

"Well, it's likely you'll come out looking pretty much like you do now, but there is a slight chance you might jump the species barrier, and even smaller a chance you'll jump the gender barrier. About one in every fifteen don't come out human. And one in every eighteen change genders. As for becoming a hermaphrodite, I think they said the stats were somewhere in the neighborhood of one in every thirty. To do what I'm about to do, you'd have to turn animal and herm, so that means," shi paused and looked off into space to do the calculations, finally looking back at Danny to offer up the results, "your odds of turning into a fuzzball like me are about one in four hundred fifty. You have two tenths of a percent chance of turning into something like me."

That seemed to calm him.

"Two tenths of a percent... those are pretty good odds."

Layla smirked and nudged him softly.

"Well keep in mind. I landed in that two tenths. Just because it's rare doesn't mean it's impossible, just very unlikely. Now let's get you into bed. It'll feel weird if you're awake and they start going."

Danny nodded and looked around, unsure of what to do next. He expected his canid companion to explain.

"So, I need to be naked I know... but other than that, I'm kinda at a loss."

"Well, strip down and lay down on your back. I'll do the rest."

He nodded, and so he did, removing his boxers. For a human, he wasn't poorly sized, just above average one would say. Part of him hoped that would change when he woke up. Well, he jokingly hoped. As per the lady's instructions, he laid down on his back atop the table, long enough to support two people laying end to end. Layla then climbed atop the table after shi removed hir shirt, exposing hir supple bosom. Danny blushed deeply seeing hir completely nude, unable to help but feel some attraction to such a fantastic form. He wouldn't get a chance to see it again for another week so he decided now would be the best time to drink in as much as he could.

Layla chuckled seeing him stare as shi moved into position, sitting up, legs spread in front of him. Had he a stronger sense of smell, he would have detected a stout rise in the jackal's pheromones. Shi scooted in close to the young man, reached down, gripped his ankles, and took a breath, bracing hirself. Shi was fully aware of just how intense this was going to feel. A sharp inhale came forth as a sudden moist heat surrounded Danny's feet. Soft flesh gripped his ankles, the passage beyond undulating and flexing, massing and tickling his toes. He lifted his head to gaze down at the jackal's groin, utterly amazed that this was actually working. Layla meanwhile was more concerned with actually finishing. Shi slid hir hands up along the human's legs, gripped his knees and pulled firmly. Danny slid along the padded table until his knees were trapped in the jackal's vulva. It felt surprisingly nice, and the sight alone was enough to leave him speechless.

By now, Layla's abdomen had bulged lightly, the shape of Danny's feet visible in hir pelt. Shi shivered and breathed slow and steady, trying hir best to maintain hir composure. Again, hir hands slid up along the human's form, gripping his hips this time and pulling with more noticeable effort. No doubt the larger thighs were providing much more resistance than his calves did. Shi grunted and paused as shi reached his hips. Danny's legs were gone, forced to bend at the knee inside the jackal's belly. A moan escaped the young man as the same heated passage passed over his groin. He wasn't a virgin by any stretch of the imagination, but this was decidedly a new experience. Danny's eyes drifted shut as the slick flesh inched its way up along his abdomen, independent of Layla's manual manipulations. The jackal, hir chest rising and falling rapidly, reached down between hir legs and collected the young man's arms, carefully feeding his hands into hir hungry vulva.

Moisture pooled in various crevices and creases across Danny's body, staining him with the canid's scent. Hir scrotum dragged across his stomach as he was pulled deeper, hir tall, proud member pulsing as it stood upright over him. No doubt, he would be tainted with another particular scent if his inward progress continued so slowly. Eager to finish the job and get his transformation underway, Layla reached as far as shi could over his form, rest hir hands on his shoulders, and pulled with all hir might. A loud, long groan of unadulterated, erotic stimulation filled the room as a full foot of the young man's form was lost from sight. Again, shi pulled with hir hands, stuffing Danny in as best shi could. Another powerful moan filled the chamber as the human's shoulders were devoured. There he lay for the moment while Layla fought to catch hir breath, flopping onto hir back, a hand on hir chest.

"Oh god... almost... almost there... just... hold on honey. Just... need ta rest..." Shi shivered and clenched hir eyes shut as the young man began to squirm in place. The movement under hir fur was simply too much to withstand. Shi arched hir back and cried out, hir voice echoing off the walls as shi screamed in agonizingly glorious climax. Hir passage clenched firmly around the young man and drug him in right up past his nose, leaving the jackal's balls to rest directly on his forehead as a powerful geyser of canine seed erupted above, coating Layla's grossly swollen middle. Another ripple of contraction surrounded Danny and his vision, concealed by the jackal's taint, was quickly clouded in darkness, the puffy lips that had consumed him returning to a relaxed, unstrained state. Deep inside, he found himself forced into a fetal position, shifting and moving about as fatigue set in, slowly claiming him and pushing the young man off to a week long's nap.

Ten minutes passed as Layla finally found the strength to sit back up, drifting down off the explosive reaction to 'adopting' Danny. Shi cooed and stroked hir massive girth while hir length softened, but only momentarily. It throbbed hard once more and grew stern under the heavy dome shi now carried. Likely, it wouldn't go away until hir 'baby' was born. That didn't bother hir in the slightest. Shi had ways of dealing with it. This wasn't hir first round after all.

"Night night sweetheart. I'll see you again in a week. Don't worry, mommy's gonna take real good care of you." Shi giggled, slipped back into hir clothing, though it would not do much to conceal hir swollen abdomen or the raging stiffy below, and exited the chamber to greet several technicians waiting to take initial readings and scan the young man now trapped in hir uterus. It was going to be an interesting week for hir, and a rather quick seven days for Danny.

The most bizarre images floated through Danny's mind as he slept, culminating in disjointed, incoherent dreams. Layla was there of course, and time and again he envisioned hir lovely form pressing close to his before watching himself pulled back into hir warm womanhood. Every time this occurred, he felt his entire frame tense and tremble. It was a wet dream. No doubt he was leaving a few white smears between him and the walls that surrounded him. Slowly, the dreams faded into a more ordered, more logical environment. It almost felt like he was watching a computer boot up for the first time from inside. Instead of staring at a screen as the machine warmed up and processed the new data, it was as if he was the device trying to sort through the information. It was difficult to make out and what he managed to discern he still didn't understand in the slightest. Perhaps it was machine code or some other programming language. It didn't trouble him for very long. Soon the world went dark and the dreams faded, leaving nothing but the warm, loving embrace of the jackal's womb. Seven days passed.

"Alright honey, wake up. It's time for momma ta get hir figure back."

A firm poke came from somewhere around Danny as he seemed to float in a warm, tightly enclosed space. His mind was sluggish, lethargic, and oddly calm for being in such a state. He didn't particularly care for tight enclosed places in the past. Did the changes rid him of his mild claustrophobia? It would be nice if it did. He grumbled and tried to respond.

"It's done? Already? Are you sure it's been a week?" It didn't sound at all like his voice and yet the words he wished to utter had been spoken. He felt the vibration in his throat from speaking them and yet they sounded quite different. Perhaps it was due to being cramped up in a jackal's belly. It didn't register with him that it might be something more.

"Yeah, I'm sure. And as much as I'd love to haul you around with me forever, I gotta letcha back out. We're about ta get started out here so just relax. You're gonna be fine."

The need to reassure him seemed to make him worry. Why would he need reassuring if everything was in fact going to be 'fine'? He was still quite groggy when the first contraction squeezed his world quite tightly, shoving him into a tightly confined ball. That was why. It was quite disconcerting a first but quickly he came to realize what was going on. Layla was in labor, or at least, shi was just shoving him out. He wriggled and pushed with his feet, attempting to assist the ravishing canid, bringing a series of moans from the gravid lady. Shi chuckled and stroked hir tummy as shi rested for a moment.

"Why'd you stop? I thought you wanted me out?"

Layla giggled and hugged the dome affectionately, unable to help but feel like shi had adopted the lad.

"I need a breather... gimme just a sec and we'll get started again," The sound of hir breathing was easily identified, as was the rapid thumping of hir heartbeat. This was rather strenuous on hir it seemed. No sense in prolonging it he thought, so he pushed again, eliciting another sharp contraction and a moan from outside, "Ho god! Easy in there! I'll getcha out soon enough!"

He finally made some progress, his head pushing free of the darkness and into the bright light of the same chamber he had been in previously. Danny winced and pulled a hand free to shield his eyes.

Something was odd though. His hand did not at all look the same as it had before. Still, it was something to address in just a moment. Right now, he was protruding from an exhausted jackal's birth canal and something told him he wouldn't appreciate an idle conversation from hir if their roles had been reversed. Another good push with his feet and a mighty squeeze from inside saw his shoulders and chest freed. With his other arm pulled loose, he began dragging the rest of him free of what had been his home for the last one hundred and ninety hours. Once his legs were free, he groaned and rolled off the table, landing solidly on his feet. At least, it was a solid landing at first. Almost immediately, his knees gave way and he slumped unceremoniously onto his rump. Layla sat up quickly to see if he had been hurt, but it appeared everything was as it should have been.

"I feel really weird. And not just 'cause my legs are wobbly," he paused hearing his voice again, noticing the changes had not been relieved by his 'birthing' as he thought they might have been, "And my voice is different. I sound... well... like a girl."

The jackal giggled softly and slipped to the floor with Danny, reaching out to run a hand over the 'newborn's' cheek.

"You kinda look like one too. See for yourself. There's a mirror over on the wall." Shi helped the confused Danny to his feet and walked the two of them to the reflective surface in question. He blinked at the image staring back at him a few times as it came into focus. What he saw was not the mildly attractive human male he had seen looking back at him so many times before. Now, there was a snowy white figure with a black nose, exceptionally long hair, two pointed ears, and a large fluffy tail looking back at him. That alone would not have shocked him as much as the other features. 'He' indeed looked like a girl: tight, narrow waist; ample, luscious breasts that rivaled the jackal's in size; wide, curved hips; and in between them something of an upgrade indeed. Before, it was only average in size, perhaps moderately larger than most, but nothing that would cause people to stare. Now, there was a third arm hanging between those silky fur-covered legs, and it was black as pitch.

"Holy crap! What the hell happened!?"

Layla squeezed the still moist vixen, licking hir cheek affectionately.

"I guess you got a few more upgrades than you bargained for."

The tone of the new lady's voice was that of shock, but oddly absent of any sort of anger or fear.

"I thought you said there was only two tenths of a percent chance this would happen!"

The other canid nodded as shi gave hir 'daughter's' form a good long stare, drinking in hir curves like a horny college student.

"Well, yeah, it's a very small chance, but it's still a chance. And apparently, you're one of the lucky ones. Guess you'll need a new name. Danny doesn't sound too girly."

Luck? How did this qualify as luck? The new fox stepped forward, slowly acclimating to the new legs below hir as shi reached up and cupped hir chest, turning this way and that to look over hir new body closely. The more shi thought about it, the more shi came to realize that it was indeed luck. Hir luck. It was always one thing or another happening to hir, be it good or bad. It seemed that the rather outlandish happening was always hir luck, and this had to be among the most outlandish of them all.

"I swear, story of my life. I come in thinking I may come out looking a little more buff than before and I come out looking like a girl with a horse's dick! And personally, I'd like to keep my name the same."

Layla stepped forward and attempted to correct hir.

"Actually, a horse's would have a flattened head. Yours is definitely a canine. Like mine. And it's really up to you, but if you're gonna keep it the same, I say at least spell it differently. How 'bout... Dani? One n and an i at the end?"

The idea rolled around in hir head softly as Layla grinned, stepping alongside the vixen, hir own rod standing proud and tall, sleek and dark not unlike hir 'baby's new manhood. The fox tilted hir head at the thing, then glanced back at hirs for a moment, comparing the two.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. The whole 'hung like a horse' thing only works if it's actually shaped like a horse's?" shi paused softly for a moment, letting the spelling sink in, "I could live with that."

"If you wanna be anatomically correct. It's still a nice comparison for size though." Layla smiled and hugged hir vulpine friend, pleased that Dani was taking it so well.

"Still, I bet the military's not exactly interested in how we use this thing." Shi gripped the spongy flesh and shivered lightly, surprised by the sensitivity. Slowly, as the cool air began to seep into what skin was still exposed, the chubby, mammoth rod receded back into its hiding place, a hefty sheath pointing up towards hir sizable bosom.

"You'd be surprised what all they've found we can be trained to do with these things... but that's for another time to discuss. For now, we need to get you into the lab so they can confirm that all the desired changes took hold. You're a new model sweetheart, gotta make sure everything under the hood is what we ordered from the factory." An odd little metaphor but apt none the less. Dani followed the jackal out of the chamber into the lab, hir head still a little dizzy from all the new sensations and information. A regular physical was conducted, scans taken, samples collected, and results determined. Save for hir change in species and gender and all the attributes that went along with both, it seemed shi was just as the higher ups wanted. The very instant the good news was passed along, training was authorized, and what brutal training it was.

Two weeks of running, lifting weights, hand to hand combat training, debugging, and experimentation left Dani utterly spent. Every night shi would crawl into hir little cot in hir standard issue quarters out of breath and sore all over. Still, shi found it hard not to like what shi was capable of now. Especially hir nose. Shi quickly grew to love hir new sense of smell, able to detect individual aromatic impressions on clothing, walls, doors, inanimate objects, and even people left there by whoever interacted with it last. It was almost as if shi was learning forensics. As of yet, shi had not dared to attempt any sort of sexual adventure to test out hir new body. Shi lacked the energy. Going to bed dead tired and waking up after getting just enough sleep to recover for the next day's grueling schedule. Still, it was worth the effort. In only fourteen short, twenty-seven hour days, shi had learned almost everything there was to know about hir new body, save what shi really wanted to try.

The sun had not yet risen and the fox was up and dressed in hir usual warm-up clothing, a sports bra custom tailored for hir, and sweatpants. Shi didn't bother with shoes while on base, something about wandering around barefoot, or rather barepawed now appealed to hir. From hir quarters, shi navigated the hallways until shi reached the gym where shi began rigorously punching and kicking at a sparing dummy, pleased with how much damage shi could inflict. Prior to the change, the readouts weren't terribly impressive. Sure it would have been enough force to knock down an enemy, but now, if shi poured all hir strength into hir arms and legs, shi could shatter bones, even crack cement if shi were so inclined. It was a great way to wake up to a day's worth of endurance and strength training. Maybe shi would get a chance to work a little weapon's training in as well. Shi didn't need it, but it was a nice distraction.

"Looking good there Dani, enjoying being a fem fatal?" It was Layla. Immediately, the vixen stopped and spun around, wrapping hir arms around the jackal and pressing hirself close.

"Kinda hard to feel that way when you're not given a chance to have a little private time with yourself. Any chance the brass is giving me today off?"

The dusty canid shook hir head and offered the fox a lick on the nose, hir own arms wrapping around Dani's hips, their groins mashed together oh so deliciously.

"No, not yet. But they are changing up your regimen. They wanna move you to ATCB training. Trust me, you're gonna love it."

The arctic vixen tilted hir head to one side, mildly confused by the acronym.

"What's that now?"

"ATCB, All Terrain Combat Biosuit. The name's a little misleading, but you'll understand once they get you going. C'mon. I'll introduce you to your instructor." The jackal attempted to pull away to guide Dani onward, but found it quite impossible, the fox's arms not letting hir go. A black tongue, shiny with saliva, snaked out and lapped at the other canid's muzzle, a little display of affection shi was beginning to deeply enjoy.

"What's the rush? Are we supposed to report there immediately?"

Sensing what Dani wanted, Layla shivered and rumbled happily.

"Well, not immediately, we've got a little time. Want me to introduce you to your new body?" The vixen's tail lashed behind hir silently, a grin spreading across hir lips.

"You read my mind."

A finger lifted and pressed against the fox's lips as Layla corrected hir.

"No, I read your scent. You smell like a bitch in heat and I think if we don't take care of that before we head to see your instructor, things might get messy... but in a good way. You'll understand when you meet him. Now c'mon!" Finally, the jackal was allowed to slip out of Dani's grasp and off they ran to the nearest room with a bed. Clothes were thrown aside quickly as the two canids pressed against one another again, lips brushing over one another before locking them both into a passionate kiss. Fingers traced over tender flesh and fur, pushing arousal higher. Without either one asking what would be done first, Dani pulled away and practically threw hirself onto the cot, legs spread wide, a paw on hir sheath as it bulged and dribbled with musky ooze. Layla just chuckled and moved in to fill the needy gap. Moans of ecstasy filled the room as the jackal's firming shaft slid free from its prison, only to be shoved back into another one, spreading the vixen's virgin slit around it. The sheer strength of the sensation caught Dani by surprise, a gasp escaping hir as hir whole body went stiff.

"Holy hell! D-does it always... f-feel that good!?" The jackal nodded with a sinister grin, not giving the fox enough time to acclimate before simply cramming the whole of hir aching shaft into the moist tunnel below. Dani cried out in surprise, arching hir back as electricity fired up hir spine, and before shi could relax from the initial burst, Layla was already pulling back to thrust back in once more. A relentless assault began as the desert hound practically raped hir vulpine companion. The ivory fox grit hir teeth and pushed against the jackal, not to stop hir but to gain leverage, aching to feel that wonderful intruder sink even deeper. Hir hips began to buck in time with hir lover's as the new feminine orgasm that was building welled up in the back of hir mind, crushing all possible notion of once being a human. Growls of lust echoed off the Spartan concrete walls, claws raking through fur, teeth flashing, eyes narrowing as the two succumbed to their more animalistic sides and reveled in it. But it would not last long. Dani was still far too new to the experience.

Hir eyes opened wide as a warm, hot spurt of ooze filled hir belly, sending hir over the edge to plunge into the ocean of climax. A howl echoed down the halls as shi twitched and shivered, relishing the sensation of being filled, hir own rigid staff erupting onto hir chest in the process. When all was said and done, the two lay together, jackal atop fox, panting furiously. It was an intense, vulgar, primal, liberating experience, and Dani was not about to let that be the last one shi would ever have.

"Holy fucking crap... that... that was... the most... amazing thing... ever..."

Layla chuckled through hir pants, tenderly nuzzling the fox's cheek.

"It gets better. That's just normal sex."

Dani snickered and wrapped hir arms around the canid atop hir, licking hir nose with that black tongue again.

"What is 'normal sex' between a hermaphrodite fox and jackal? Can anything they do qualify as 'normal' anymore?"

Layla giggled and rolled hir eyes, relaxing against the new convert as they recuperated. Roughly ten minutes passed before shi slowly sat up, longing to remain but knowing what was to come later if they didn't move. Shi leaned down to lick up the snowy vixen's belly and groin, then began to dress, tossing Dani's clothes to hir.

"Normal for us? Doubt there's such a thing. But that's the way I like it. Now hurry up. Sirius is probably waiting for you in the hanger. He's patient... up to a point. Though I think he'll cut you a lil slack."

The fox raised an eyebrow as shi dressed alongside the jackal.

"Why? Because I'm a girl?"

"Well, that's part of it. He knows how new you are to all of this. He'll probably be able to tell what we just did. He's a convert like us, a wolf. You'd like him."

Dani smirked a little as shi slipped hir clothing back on, hir tail flicking lightly behind hir.

"A wolf huh? Tall, dark, and handsome?" The jackal grinned, fastening hir pants back around hir hips.

"Tall, yes. Handsome, yes. Dark... not so much. He looks more like you actually. He's been called a pretty boy by more than just a few folks around here. He's very easy to get along with. Now get going before he comes looking for you."

The fox nodded and slipped hir sports bra back on, departing shortly after. The walk to the hanger shi was told this instructor would be found in was a short one, most of the time spent riding the elevator. Eventually, the doors opened to the biosuit hanger and shi stepped out, looking around. It felt more like a massive stable than a hanger, but the machinery stowed in key areas did help to shake off the feeling of agriculture that surrounded hir.

Further down, near the main entry stood a furred figure, silhouetted almost as a ghostly image by the darkness of the heavy metal doors behind him. Clearly, this was the instructor shi was to meet. In front of him stood a much larger creature, looking to be a simple grey fox that could have easily been five meters tall. Its head was dipped low and the pale fellow's arms were wrapped lightly around its muzzle. It was a sweet image, making Dani smile as shi approached.

"Now that has to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen... provided he doesn't try to rip you to shreds."

The smaller of the two canids chuckled as he pulled away from the large vulpine, both of them turning to gaze upon the white fox. The wolf had a curious mark that kept the whole of his pelt from being nothing but pure ivory, a black star over his left eye. If that was a natural occurrence, it was quite the marvel.

"He won't do that. He's a big sweetheart. I'm Colonel Sirius Nocturne. I take it you're Dani?" He extended a paw in a warm greeting which the vixen took and shook firmly.

"That's right, I'm supposed to report to you for... biosuit training?"

Sirius nodded and turned to look back at the fox watching them both.

"That's right, I'm gonna teach you how to work with these big guys. This one's mine. His name's Brian and he's gonna help me train you. Sound good?"

Dani just blinked softly looking up at the large silvery-furred creature, challenging hir concept of what a biosuit was.

"Yeah, I suppose... but... I thought I was gonna learn how to operate some sort of powered armor unit. What does fluffy here have to do with that?"

Sirius snickered and beckoned the vixen closer to him. Shi obeyed and the wolf took hir hand, resting it softly on the large vulpine's muzzle, running hir fingers through his fur until they came across what felt like some sort of seam in his skin.

"You feel that?" Dani nodded, perplexed by the discovery, "That is just one of countless connection points hidden in Brian's chassis. Those connection points allow us to attach various mission packages onto him. Ya see, 'Fluffy' here isn't just a big-ass fox, he's a big-ass fox with a lot of the same upgrades you've got, only his are a little more extreme. His brain is a combination of organic and synthetic neural pathways. His spinal column is composed of a special, high density alloy that flexes and shifts rather than cracks and breaks under repeated use. His vision is keyed to make use of typical binocular sight like you and me along with thermal imaging, night vision, and to a limited extent, penetrative sensory perception."

Dani had heard that phrase before, blinking softly as shi let it roll around in hir head, recalling exactly what it meant.

"X-ray vision? This guy's just a giant pair of x-ray specs?"

Sirius laughed and rolled his eyes lightly, wrapping an arm around the snowy vixen.

"He can do a hell of a lot more than just that, but yeah, he's got something you could call x-ray vision. It's not terribly powerful and it isn't a true "X-ray" system but he can see through certain materials as clearly as you can see through crystal clear water. Armor plating gives him a little trouble, it's a little fuzzy but you can definitely make out distinct figures, combine that with a sensor grid designed to penetrate over three kilometers of igneous rock and you can get a pretty accurate picture of the interior of an enemy base, find out where hostages are being held. Brian here's an earlier model, but he's still got game. The newer units are a little more sophisticated."

It was all a little dizzying for the arctic fox, looking up at this behemoth, wondering just how someone as small as hir or Sirius, or any normal humanoid could even begin to pilot him.

"How the hell do you expect me to drive this big guy?"

The wolf snickered, and pulled the fox along, walking along Brian's side as the grey fellow watched quietly, laying down comfortably in his stall.

"I don't expect you to drive him. He's mine. I link with him. I expect you, a newbie, to start out on something a bit smaller," He brought two fingers to his muzzle and whistled sharply. Within moments, another vulpine appeared from around the grey fox, padding over to the white lupine, looking very much like a puppy coming to its master. This one looked much more typical for a fox, orange coloration, smaller build, slender frame, but it was still quite large, just over three meters tall, "This is Angela. I use hir to train new folks like you. Shi's smaller, more compliant, and very friendly. Shi's the scout model and Brian's the light ATCB. I've already gone through the appropriate channels to look in on your assignment. You've got a medium build on the way. It should be ready for deployment in about three weeks. That gives us three weeks to get you used to how the link feels and get you some experience piloting a biosuit. We should only need two, but whatever extra time we have left over we can just spend going over the basics, unless you get called away on other orders."

"If they're only biosuits, why do they have names? It's like naming a car John or Becky, isn't it? Aren't you anthropomorphizing them?"

The wolf nodded softly, giving the smaller of the two beasts a warm pat on the shoulder as shi sat down before the two of them.

"I suppose I am. Call me soft-hearted but I've kinda bonded with Brian. When you link with one of these guys, your mind and his are joined. You share thoughts and ideas, feelings and instincts, so don't be surprised if you end up developing a kinship with yours as well. As for Angela, well... ya see, normally these guys are grown in big vats, parts assembled and integrated into the organic construct as it grows. Not too long ago, the brass wanted to try something a little different. I volunteered Brian as a test subject for one of their experiments. They figured why not use a biosuit to make a biosuit. After all, they do have all the same biological components as any sexually reproducing species has. It worked perfectly, but with one little drawback. They couldn't figure out how to produce larger models like the heavy or the assault. They're still doing research but for the time being, they're sticking with the test-tube style system. I doubt they'll come back to this method unless they need to pump out more ATCB's than they have tanks for. After all, it took Brian out of commission for four weeks, not that he seemed to mind. I think he enjoyed the whole process."

Dani listened carefully and batted hir eyes as shi came to the conclusion Sirius expected hir to.

"Angela is Brian's biological daughter? Brian is hir father? I mean... mother?"

The wolf snickered and nodded lightly.

"Either one would work, all the units they produce are hermaphrodites. As a pilot, you're going to be curled up in your suit's uterus. You'll link with it and from there, you'll command it to do whatever is needed for your mission."

It sounded an awful lot like what shi had been put through just to turn hir into what shi was now. Still, shi wasn't turned off by the idea. Something about it seemed to make the whole prospect that much more interesting.

"So, to climb in, Angela here is essentially going to let me crawl into hir vagina?" One might expect the vixen to sound uncertain or disgusted. Shi did not in the slightest. Sirius nodded, tilting his head as if to ask if that was a problem. Before he could ask, shi just shrugged and looked back at the eager orange vixen before hir, "Sounds cool. When do we start?"

The next two hours were spent in something of an orientation, Sirius explaining key differences between models, how the link worked, what Dani should expect during hir first integration and how it would change once shi was used to the connection. It was all information that shi would certainly need. Finally, as they began wrapping up the wolf's little crash course in piloting a scout class vulpine all-terrain combat biosuit, a message came through on his com station. He answered it to find that it was the biosuit equivalent to air-control, granting them clearance for deployment.

"So um... what all is involved in this training session you're going to put me through?" Dani had changed clothes, slipping into what could be called a flight suit. It wasn't necessarily required but it was preferable for prolonged piloting sessions. Sirius equated it to flying a fighter craft without putting on the environment suit. Sure it was possible, but over long missions, standard uniforms or civilian clothing could end up getting uncomfortable, not to mention being unable to compensate for blood flow during hard maneuvers..

"It's actually a few things rolled up into one. First of all it has the mental component, learning how to work with your ride, forming a sort of synchronization between pilot and suit so that the two can function more like one. Second, it's a type of survival training. You could end up getting assigned to a mission that requires a lot of ground travel. You may have to pilot your suit like you're going on a long road trip, stopping to rest, to camp for the night, to find shelter, things like that. Third, it tests just how long you can stand being connected. Some people just can't take it. Others handle it just fine. And a handful... well... it's almost like an addiction to them. They get so attached to being linked with their particular suit that they don't want to come back out. One of the other scout units, his pilot hasn't come out for seven whole months."

Climbing in and never coming back out, the idea did sound somewhat appealing, if a little boring. But then Dani had not linked with one yet and didn't know how it would affect hir.

"Wouldn't that kill you eventually? I mean sure it has life support and all that but, what about food, water, um... going to the bathroom?" Sirius was just finishing sealing up his own suit, adjusting a few parts of the fabric here and there.

"The life support system isn't just a means of providing breathable atmosphere, it actually links you to the suit's biological systems. It provides you with nourishment and removes waste as if you were its unborn child. It's why pilots have to be put on intravenous diets eight to ten hours prior to a lengthy mission, if time allows. More often than not though, you can just climb in and not worry about that stuff since you'll likely only be in there for a few hours at the most. Now, you ready? They're waiting for us to signal a go."

Dani nodded and stood up with hir superior officer, letting him take the lead.

"Ready to go when you are, sir."

The wolf grimaced a little as if there was a bad taste in his mouth.

"Please, don't call me sir. I never liked military designations. Just call me Sirius."

Dani shrugged and gave him a pat on the back.

"Alright Sirius, let's get me tucked away in a giant fox's belly," Shi found himself more eager than shi might have been had shi still been human. Maybe the transformation had a rather powerful mental component to it. The colonel grinned and walked hir over to the eagerly awaiting Angela. The larger vulpine sniffed the air lightly and saw them both in piloting suits, realizing exactly what was to come. Shi quickly stood and spun around, tails lifted and back arched slightly for easy egress, "I meant to ask you earlier, why does shi have two tails?"

"Because Brian had two. Just a genetic 'hiccup' if you will. At first they thought it was a sign that things had gone wrong with the gestation tank and his organic components had grown incorrectly. After several diagnostics and scans, they figured it was nothing to worry about, just... more added to his personality so to speak. Now, just push your hands in and Angie will do the rest for you."

Dani nodded and stepped in close to the large fox's rump, unable to help but inhale hir aroma. Shi smelled as if shi were going into heat. Was shi actually aroused by the prospect of sucking someone into hir womb? Was shi that intelligent? A soft whine from around front answered the question. Shi wanted Dani in and soon. Shi was getting impatient.

"Easy girl... I'm on my way," Carefully, slowly, the arctic fox pushed hir hands between the moist, pink folds looming before hir. A noticeable shiver ran up Angela's spine as shi murmured, pushing back against hir temporary pilot. Shi was quite eager indeed. Dani stepped forward and pushed hir hands deeper, sinking in up to hir elbows before feeling a firm clench grip hir forearms. Shi found it impossible to move in either direction, "I'm... I'm stuck. Shi won't let me pu-" Immediately the vixen was cut off by a sudden, powerful tug, dragging Dani right off hir feet and into the warm, spongy chamber that would serve as hir 'cockpit' for the duration. The word passed through hir mind and shi snickered at the irony. Sirius chuckled as he watched Angela's belly stretch and sag visibly below hir. Shi chirped and cooed as the smaller fox settled inside, lowering hir tails, having made short work of the latest in a long line of pilots shi had devoured with hir impressively hungry cunny.

The wolf moved around behind his own ride, giving Brian's flank a loving pat as he passed it, signaling that it was his turn. The grey and white tails lifted out of his way and Sirius moved in behind his companion, pushing his arms in with little grace or tentativeness. In one smooth, fluid motion, he was slurped up as he pushed in, stretching his own fox's tummy though not quite as noticeably. The two kitsune models rumbled happily and pressed their sides against one another as their respective pilots acclimated to the environment within.

Dani found it especially shocking despite the primer Sirius had given hir. Several tendrils emerged from the flesh surrounding hir, one working its way gently past hir lips and into hir throat while others probed at the feminine form. A soft jerk claimed the vixen's body as another tendril pushed its way past the tight ring of muscle under hir tail. Shi then felt a powerful shiver run over hir as another wedged itself into hir folds just as shi had been stuffed into Angie's passage. A warm presence made itself known against the front of hir groin as something explored hir sheath, almost as if there were a suckling mouth wrapped around it. Shi moaned and shivered as hir arousal hit hir full force, hir member sliding free into this alien object's grasp, encasing it in its own little world of mildly stimulating undulation. Being for such a serious purpose, these biosuits had quite the erotic overtone. Shi began to understand why some didn't want to leave once they were in. But the true reason was yet to come.

Out from the soft, tender flesh emerged something more rigid. It wasn't metallic by any stretch of the imagination, and it didn't even feel like bone. It felt more like rubber, flexible yet stiff, perhaps it was cartilage. The new feature had a ringed shape and seemed to expand and contract easily as it slid down over the fox's forehead, pulling taut but not uncomfortably tight. A series of warm and cool sensations, almost a tingling, passed over the regions that made contact with the ring and Dani saw hir vision, clouded by dark flesh tones in the absence of light grow brighter, showing shapes and forms. Within a matter of mere seconds, shi could see the interior of the hanger as if shi were standing on the floor. The field of vision moved to drink in the sight of the silvery fox as he stood, turned around, and seemed to nuzzle Dani. Shi could even feel his fur brushing against hir muzzle, but it wasn't hir muzzle he was making contact with. It was Angela's. Shi was seeing and feeling through Angela's body. Shi could even register the sensations brought on by hir presence in the four-legged vixen's belly. It was mildly confusing and yet at the same time, quite enjoyable. Now shi really began to understand why some chose to remain inside. Just as the experience began to overwhelm hir, Sirius' voice chimed in, feeling half like telepathy, and half like a traditional radio headset.

"Alright, I'm linked in. How are you doing over there? You all hooked up?"

Dani shivered again feeling as if it was hir own stomach distended out under hir, nodding softly. What was odd was shi noticed the vision fed to hir nodding as well. Shi sighed softly and attempted to concentrate, finding the computerized end of the connection and making use of it. Within moments, shi found hir new voice.

"Yeah... yeah I think I'm all wired in. This feels... really strange. I feel me, then I feel hir... and then I feel me through hir."

"That's normal. You'll get used to it. Are your arms and legs comfortably positioned?"

Dani shifted softly, finding the 'pockets' he had described earlier meant to keep hir limbs restrained while in motion. Shi slipped hir hands and feet into place and suddenly, things felt much more natural.

"Okay, that's better. I don't feel like I'm going around in a sensory input loop."

"That's because once you're positioned, the link suppresses your body's natural sensory perception. It's still there in the background and you can even check on your health through Angela but it helps minimize confusion. Some people like it turned up a bit stronger, some don't like to feel it at all. They like feeling like they are the suit. Now, try and walk forward for me. Just out into the middle of the hanger."

Dani nodded again, slowly figuring out just how to send commands. Slowly, Angela stood and wobbled a bit, steadying hirself, assisting hir pilot. It felt quite strange, almost as if Dani was trying to stand up rather than just tell the fox shi was inside to. Shi urged Angela forward and a few steps were taken, slowly working the pilot's mind into trusting this new environment.

"It feels really strange when I make hir walk. It's like, I'm trying to walk but shi's doing it for me."

A soft chuckle came back over the com.

"That's because that's exactly what's happening. Shi's reading what signals you're trying to send to your body and interpreting that as commands for hir to execute. It'll take a little doing but you'll get to a point where it feels like second nature. Now, bring up the HUD and have a look around while you keep walking."

The snowy vixen nodded again, trying to break hirself of that habit and begin saying 'roger' for confirmation. An artificial holographic display seemed to fade into view, lines and graphs visible for a moment before taking on what looked like a typical heads up display for a military space craft. Text readouts gave hir detailed listings of the environment around hir, Angela's status, hir own status, and even scans of the room. This portion shi quickly got the hang of but the walking was still a bit clumsy.

"Alright, I have the HUD. Everything checks out. All systems nominal. The board is green."

Upon hearing that, the grey fox stood and padded up along side his daughter, giving hir a soft lick on the back of the head. Dani giggled quietly at the contact, wondering if it was Sirius doing that or just Brian showing affection for his baby girl.

"Good, then let's get a move on. And don't mind Brian's little licks and nuzzles, he's just like that with Angie. Some folks like the attention when piloting hir."

"Heh, I kinda like it myself. Lead the way boss... or should I call you 'daddy' while I'm in here?" Shi smirked, resulting in Angela producing a quiet, happy little yip. Sirius laughed and neglected to answer before contacting ground traffic control.

"This is Col. Nocturne, Bravo Romeo India requesting two light recon packs and permission to depart, over." The voice responding crackled through the radio granting their request once the wolf had confirmed Angela's status as well. A pair of military green containers, looking like little more than glorified backpacks, lowered down from the ceiling. Sirius urged Brian forward until he was in position. Several panels concealed under the larger vulpine's fur parted and folded back, allowing one of the two cases to lower down inside. Once it was in place, the armature that had placed it retracted and the panels covered in Brian's lustrous fur sealed back up, returning him to his natural appearance. Without needing any sort of command, Angela stepped forward as well, an alert appearing on Dani's HUD, reading 'dorsal panels 2 - 5 open.' No doubt the fox was taking hir own mission package as hir companion had.

A new alert appeared once the case was in place, sending its signal to confirm that it was locked down and ready for concealment. Without needing any sort of command from Dani, Angela sealed hirself back up and shook hirself lightly once the panels were locked in place. They were ready.

"Light unit Bravo Romeo India and scout unit Alfa November Gulf, packages in place, exterior doors are opening. You have a go for departure. Good luck on your survival training. We'll see you again in two weeks. Try not to rough this one up too much Sirius."

The controller's last comment seemed to shake Dani up a bit but hearing the wolf's chuckle seemed to pass it off as a joke. Directly ahead, the wide, heavy metallic panels covering the main entry began to slide open as a third on the exterior side rose to reveal the world outside. It was dry and sandy, a desert that stretched on for miles beyond. Immediately, the vixen began to doubt hir potential performance. Shi had undergone survival training in a desert before. Shi did well during the day, but at night, the cold got to hir, especially when it was on a moon like this one. Still, there was no turning back now.

Brian began trotting casually towards the exit, the three doors stopping once they had provided an opening just large enough for the great vulpine to fit through with ease. Before Dani could command Angela, the eager fox trotted on forward behind the grey. Heat immediately soaked into hir fur as they emerged, but it didn't seem to bother the animal, nor did it affect the pilot too much. Once the two were clear, the doors sealed shut behind them and Sirius began pouring on the speed.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road! Let's start off with a nice, fast run in a straight line. Don't worry about Angela, shi can keep up with hir daddy easily. Just give hir a lil kick!" Had he meant literally, Dani would not have been able to comply, but as soon as shi saw the silver fox turn into a silver streak, hir thoughts immediately turned to 'punch it, Chewy!' and Angela was all too happy to comply. The orange fox was off like a shot in no time, catching up with Brian and Sirius in a matter of minutes. Dani could sense the emotion behind Angie's performance, the absolute glee of being out and about, running like the wind, smelling the clean, fresh air instead of being sequestered in that cold, sterile hanger all day. It made hir almost feel sorry for the poor fox. Still, there was nothing about this girl that came across as unhappy.

"Alright, so, we're running now. Any particular place we're going?"

"Don't think about it like that. Just embrace the experience. Switch off your HUD and really get a feel for Angela. Let your mind sink in and lose yourself in it," His suggestion sounded hazardous, losing hirself in a large, powerful animal that wanted nothing more than to run until shi couldn't run anymore. What if shi couldn't take back control? As if able to sense hir thoughts, Sirius tried to sooth hir, "Don't worry about Angie, shi's not gonna go feral and take off with you in hir, never to be seen or heard from again. Shi knows why we're out here. Shi's done this dozens of times. Shi wants you to let go and have fun with hir. Just go for it!" His reassurance rolling around in hir mind, Dani switched off the display, drinking in the purity of Angela's vision and the sensation of the sand under hir paws.

The adrenaline began to rush as the primal desire to just run began to overtake hir. It felt good. Real good. A grin crept across Dani's muzzle and shi embraced the moment, giggling happily as shi and Angela bonded more deeply. A happy howl of repressed wild nature filled the air as the smaller of the two foxes cut loose, leaping and jumping this way and that, turning flips and rolls in the air, even jumping clear over Brian now and again. Sirius grinned seeing this release of passion and sank into Brian's mind, two becoming one as father and daughter took off into the distance.

Two weeks like this. Shi could deal with that.

The first day passed quickly, spent with the vixen inside the vixen learning the basics of coordinated efforts when piloting such a creature. The exercises continued on even into the night, allowing Dani a chance to experience low light and no light conditions. Hir instructor had quite a grasp of the lay of the land, leading hir through valleys and mountains, and even into small cave systems just large enough for their larger counterparts to fit through. Eventually though, Sirius decided shi had gone through enough for one day and brought them to a small outcropping, protected from wind and weather.

"Alright, you've had a good first day behind the eyes and ears of lil miss Angela, I think it's time we made camp." Camp sounded wonderful. While the new convert was thoroughly enjoying hir training, shi was tired, ready to walk using hir own legs and breathe without having an organic life-support system crammed down hir throat, as naughty as shi thought it might be. The wolf on the other end of the com talked Dani through the 'ejection' process, which to hir felt more like what happened with Layla only two weeks ago. Within only a few moments, shi was out on the ground, surprisingly drier than shi expected.

"Well, that was interesting. You gonna stay in yours?" Shi looked to Brian who had taken up a position near his daughter, laying comfortably next to hir as his passenger made his own escape. Within moments, Sirius emerged and strolled around alongside his own ride, giving the fox a pat on the shoulder.

"We've a lot to talk about and if you're outside while I'm inside, it makes conversation a bit difficult. For starters, we need to talk about survival techniques should you be placed out in the field for long periods of time. These big fellas do come with their own rechargeable internal power supply... which we usually just hook up back at the base and give them a good juicing from the grid. But out here, you don't exactly have a readily available high voltage plasma network to connect to."

It made sense that they would need power to operate, but it made Dani question if they needed that power to actually live, or if it was required for their inorganic components.

"Okay, so let's say I don't have a power source just lying around for them to connect to. What happens?"

The wolf grinned as his vulpine companion opened the paneling along his back to allow access to the contents that had been loaded earlier. A relatively small green duffel bag was retrieved and the fox's form sealed shut again. Sirius unzipped the bag and retrieved a few key items before going about starting up a camp fire for the small group.

"Out here, you hafta resort to a more... primal nature. If required, Brian or Angela could hunt, capture, and devour their own food. They can store it for later, or just go ahead and do what should come naturally. It's not required very often, but it's possible. The higher ups don't like thinking about resorting to that kind of activity. They prefer such consumption to be used as a means of transport. Angela could carry only one additional person, say... a freed hostage, or a suspect that needs to be brought in for questioning. Brian here could fit three additional passengers easily. You'll be getting a medium, which means he'll probably be able to handle a grand total of about six, including yourself. He'd feel a bit bloated but he should still be able to move easily enough. Hell the heavies and the assaults are used as carriers rather often, deploying armed units in combat situations."

That seemed to blow Dani's mind. The very idea that a living creature could swallow someone alive and simply carry them for whatever purpose that might be necessary and to just... 'drop' them off again; well it seemed absolutely surreal. Shi gazed over the two vulpines watching them as they huddled close to the campfire for warmth. Brian turned himself to shield the pilots from the wind, able to cope easily enough with his thick pelt.

"So they can just... eat people..."

Sirius nodded with a broad grin.

"That's right. They can eat people. The larger units sometimes require more than one pilot to coordinate efforts, usually when equipped with more complex mission packages... sophisticated weapons platforms, enhanced sensor arrays, things like that. Usually such equipment comes with its own internal power supply to augment performance, but long term survival is a completely different matter than combat." Somehow, all this information was quite shocking and yet at the same time, somewhat arousing. Dani had been wondering about such things since initially learning about the conversion process. If someone could fit in another's womb, why not stomach or somewhere else?

"Ah... um... is there anything else I should know? I mean if we're gonna be going over all the details of these guys..."

The wolf chuckled and sat down next to the snowy fox as the fire blazed to life before them both.

"We'll talk more in the morning. For now, why don't we just get comfortable. I know for a fact that you've still got an 'itch' to scratch... I could smell it on you the minute you walked in the hanger." He grinned, wrapping an arm around Dani. Shi cooed softly at his contact, finding hirself leaning against the lupine. Shi offered him a soft nuzzle under his chin and nodded a little.

"Yeah. It feels like I can't get enough. Not two minutes after Layla and I had our fun, I felt the fire come right back... it's like I never got any relief at all."

Sirius laughed and pulled his warm companion closer, licking along hir cheek affectionately.

"Believe me honey, I know the feeling." It was an odd comment to make. He didn't look at all feminine. Dani had just automatically assumed he was male. But as he slid out of his clothing, a rather powerful feminine aroma wafted up to hir nose, telling hir otherwise. Almost as if it had a mind of its own, the vixen's sheath bulged and hir dark shaft slid free into hir rather tight-hugging suit, the swell undoubtedly visible to the lupine.

"You're a herm too?" Sirius nodded with a broad grin.

"Oh yes... most definitely. I just didn't come out with breasts. I was a little upset that I ended up 'on the fence' so to speak, but after having a bit of fun with the new me, I can't imagine ever being anything else. Now, what say we both help each other out and 'scratch' some of those 'itches' of ours?" He offered his companion a coy little wink. Dani didn't need to be told twice, stripping out of hir flight suit in mere seconds. When both were clad it naught but their fur, the vixen leapt at the wolf, throwing hirself at him. He embraced the overwhelmed lady and kissed hir passionately, their groins mashing firmly to one another, both a little confused as to who would do what to the other first, but eventually, the fox's desire won out over the other. The lupine's firm rod found its way into Dani's tight grasp, filling hir just as Layla had only hours ago, pumping and grinding deep into the moist crevice.

The fox could only lean against hir lover, moaning and grinding hirself without reason or thought, driven purely by the newly formed instincts clawing at hir mind. Heat and friction built between the two of them, putting the campfire to shame as they mated. The two large vulpines watching kept their gaze affixed on the two, not really reacting in any way as the sounds and smells of sex filled the small alcove they had taken shelter in. Deeper Sirius pumped, plumbing the depths of the new pilot's passage, longing to feel a similar sensation of fullness once he was done. Growls of lust filled their ears and nectar matted down fur. Just as Dani had given in to hir animalistic side while linked with Angela; shi submitted to that same primitive mind again, bouncing hirself atop the wolf with reckless abandon. Hir chest wobbled with every downward thrust, prompting one of Sirius' paws to cup the ample swells.

All thought was gone, driven out by the powerful reaction below. The two functioned together like parts in an engine, gliding past one another effortlessly, energy exerted to build up a sort of critical mass, and what an explosion it would be. Claws raked through fur, tongues danced together, flesh brushed over flesh; the two canids remaining locked in the throes of passion until twin howls of climax filled the air. A burst of hot wolf essence flooded into the vixen's womb as hir own nectar gushed forth around the invading member. The two remained locked in each other's embrace for several minutes, simply riding the wave of ecstasy back down to earth. When at last composure was regained, the wolf chuckled and licked along his friend's cheek.

"Still not used to that yet are you..." He had given many a convert a 'test drive' so to speak, and this one was proving to be quite enjoyable. Dani shook hir head and nuzzled under his cheek, wanting to begin again but the lupine stopped hir, having other ideas in mind, "Let's try round two somewhere a little more comfortable." There wasn't really much more to their shelter than a stone wall, an earthen floor, the fire before them, and the two large foxes watching them. Shi paused as shi considered this for a moment, then looked to the wolf.

"You mean... in one of them?"

He nodded with a grin, beckoning the two closer.

"That's right. I'm talking about curling up nice and cozy in one of their bellies. Angela sweetie, could you come here please?"

The smaller of the two vulpines quickly moved to hir feet, padding over to hir father's pilot, giving him a gentle nuzzle. He ran a paw softly along hir chin and gave hir dark nose a tender little kiss before gesturing for hir to open up. The rather large maw parted before them both as Sirius and Dani watched, the vixen waiting for hir masters to do whatever they were to do. The wolf grinned and pulled his snowy companion off his length, coaxing hir forward.

"You're sure it'll be okay?"

"Of course it will be. And I'll be climbing in right after you so it's not like you'll be alone. Go on, shi's waiting."

Dani nodded and with a hint of trepidation shi pushed forward into the dark mouth, letting hir head press against the soft palate at the back of Angela's throat. Shi murred quietly around hir pilot and swallowed, tugging the smaller fox in past hir chest. A visible lump formed in the large girl's neck while her tongue slid down over Dani's body, tasting over hir groin, seeming quite interested in that massive, black member poking just up under the lady's breasts. A moan of approval came from within as the owner of that dark shaft shivered, enjoying the attention, but unfortunately it was short lived. The large vixen lifted hir head and swallowed again, pulling all but hir meal's feet into hir lips. Another good gulp saw those vanish as well, the bulge in hir neck quickly sliding down through hir form until hir belly was nicely distended again. Shi sat on hir haunches and thrummed in satisfaction, quickly licking hir chops.

Inside, Dani slid deeper and deeper until shi landed with a moist plop in a dark, surprisingly spacious chamber, able to stretch out as much as shi needed to find a comfortable position. There was some luminescence but only enough to just barely make out shapes in the darkness. Still, it wasn't altogether unpleasant. It felt very similar to climbing into the 'cockpit' and of course not too different from the 'room' Layla had given hir for the duration of hir conversion.

"Ya know, it's not so bad in here. I expected acid and slime and all sorts of nastiness but, it's actually rather cozy. You comin' in Sirius?"

The wolf laughed and reached forward, caressing Angela's shifting belly, giving the swell a kiss.

"I'll be in shortly. Just hold on a minute," he stepped away from the vixen's stuffed tummy and turned to look hir in the eye, giving hir cheek a loving stroke, "That's a good girl. Now... once I'm in, if you want, you can curl up in your daddy's tummy. I'm sure he misses having you in there."

Brian's tails began to wag slowly behind him, apparently delighted by the idea. Just as the wolf finished his statement, the vixen parted hir jaws again and quickly pushed down over hir second course, slurping and swallowing firmly, being sure to get a good licking over Sirius' crotch just as shi had with Dani. Down slid the second swell in hir throat and out puffed hir belly as he settled within, right on top of hir first meal. Shi cooed softly and stood, hir sides stretched considerably to contain the two.

Sirius snickered and wrapped his arms about his roommate, snuggling tightly against hir in the now somewhat cramped chamber. He shifted about and positioned himself just right until a gasp rose from Dani, taking hir monstrous length and tucking it away somewhere even warmer than their environment.

"Ooooh, damn you're tight! I don't think I'll be able to fit all of it in there."

The wolf smirked and just pushed on further down atop it, sighing happily as their hips finally met. A lump formed in his belly as he felt Dani's oversized shaft squeezed inside him, pressing at the back of his own womb.

"Mmm, that's the thing about us herms... we're very accommodating. In fact, we're the only ones who can stretch enough to be able to convert others. I bet the brass will be looking into signing you up for duty in that department once we get back. They've got me slated for my next conversion the end of the month. I can't wait either." The fox just laughed and silenced the wolf with a passionate kiss as their world shifted and turned about slowly. They were both squeezed together tightly for a few moments while Brian worked his daughter down his throat, swallowing quickly, and straining a bit to work such a big meal down. Angela's hind legs kicked lightly in the air before they vanished along with hir two bushy tails and a quiet belch escaped the grey kitsune, his own stomach distended to ridiculous proportions to contain not just his daughter, but their pilots as well.

He lounged against the ground, exposing his belly to the warm fire having achieved full occupancy. Already he could feel movement inside, not from Angela, but from Dani and Sirius, quickly throwing themselves towards another orgasm. It would be a long night for the two of them, but Angela was quickly lulled to sleep, powering down for the night, and hir father drifted off in short order as well, soothed by the activity in his belly. He rather enjoyed these training missions.

Morning came fairly quickly, but no one stirred deep in Brian's middle. Not even the stuffed fox himself woke. It wasn't until late afternoon that the entire group awoke and was evacuated from the silvery kitsune's secure insides. When the pilots were freed once again, they dressed, tended to their own dietary needs, and climbed back inside their respective foxes, returning to their training sessions. The first day was over and the second day was just getting started. Dani was giddy about the entire experience, adoring the link between hir and Angela, not to mention the fact that shi had to crawl back inside hir again. The curious life support system wasn't too shabby either. Once their camp was restored to a state that seemed relatively untouched, they were off again, darting through the wild, this time letting Dani test Angela's sensory perception. It was little more than a rather interesting game of hide and seek; Brian and Sirius hiding and Dani tapping into hir vixen counterpart's resources to locate them. After a while, the tables were turned and it was hir turn to conceal hirself as best shi could.

Night fell again and the games continued, Angela and Dani both getting a feel for one another and beginning to truly function as one. From the plains and rock outcrops of the desert came a vast mountain range, ancient and slowly shrinking away under the blasting wind and sand. Here there were countless caves and crevices for them to explore. Camp was made in one of the larger subterranean systems while the sun shined brightly outside, heating the scorching earth while the cavern remained rather cool. Instead of climbing back out and building another campfire, Sirius and Dani remained linked and slept as part of their rides, the two foxes not minding in the least as they curled up together for warmth.

Days passed like this, the entire time spent never leaving the safe confines of the kitsune's womb, and yet while still able to relish the warm comfort, Dani could still remain active through Angela. Shi came to understand better and better why some chose never to leave their suits. Still, shi couldn't just stay in there for the rest of hir life. Shi liked walking on hir own two paws too much, not to mention the sex. If all the converts were as amorous as both Sirius and Layla were, shi would definitely have incentive to pull out.

The last day of the mission finally arrived and the pair started back, but there was one more lesson the wolf had to teach the new pilot. And it was a lesson that was his favorite, always saving it for last.

"Alright, so you've learned just about all there is to know about piloting a little fox like Angela, your suit won't be too terribly different but you'll still need to spend a few days getting the hang of him. But there's still one thing I should teach you before we go back."

Dani padded alongside the larger grey kitsune, stepping closer to offer Brian's form a nuzzle, which Angela was all too happy to agree to.

"Yeah? What's that honey?"

Sirius chuckled quietly, rather liking hir casual demeanor around him. Most pilots simply called him 'sir' even after a good romp.

"We're still not entirely sure what it is that causes this, but there's a somewhat unusual way to temporarily disable another biosuit and its pilot. You up for a demonstration?"

Already, Angela knew where this was going and all but pranced alongside hir father. Dani wasn't quite sure why shi was so giddy but enjoyed it none the less.

"Yeah, sure. Angie's already giggly over it. Go ahead and get started."

Sirius smirked deep in Brian's form, commanding him to do exactly that. The larger kitsune began to fall back as Angela trotted along before coming up directly behind hir. Just as Dani was about to ask what the wolf was doing, a sudden weight came down atop the smaller fox. A happy little noise of surprise escaped the pinned fox while hir pilot simply stirred in confusion, not sure how to respond and react, or if shi was supposed to at all. Immediately, a large, forceful intruder shoved itself into the vixen's folds, pushing so deep that it brushed up over Dani's back. While hir body's perception was somewhat muted by the link, shi could distinctly feel Brian's massive, engorged shaft pressing down on hir spine, trapped between the flesh of Angela's womb and hir own body. But then, the link was providing a great deal more sensory input than just that sensation. The arctic vixen gasped in amazement as shi could feel through hir ride's form, feel hir pushing back against Brian as he mounted and humped firmly. It was incredibly powerful, and to a very modest extent, a little demoralizing, probably one reason why this technique worked so well.

Sirius commanded his friend to push onward, moaning happily through the com as he heard Dani's noise of ambivalence. Shi loved the idea of sexual stimulation but something about it still didn't quite sit right with hir. Hir vision through Angela was getting fuzzy. The HUD was fading. Hir control was slipping. Shi could feel the vixen's heart racing, pounding away in hir chest, in turn quickening hir own heartbeat. Faster Brian bucked his hips, grunting and growling as he nipped harmlessly at Angela's neck, pushing hir gently to the ground as he thrust away. A great swell grew at the base of the silvery fox's shaft, pushing against the smaller kitsune's entry until it forced its way in with a firm pop and a torrent of vulpine seed flooded around Dani. The link was all but useless by now, still providing a firm tactile connection but all other senses were blurred incoherently. The fox panted heavily and moaned as shi came down off hir own climax, triggered by Angela's, who now simply lay there thrumming in delight, squeezing Brian's member as he began to calm as well. Sirius chuckled through his own pants, audible through the mental connection.

"And that... is how you disable... an enemy unit... without killing... or hurting them. It gives a good... swift kick in the ass... to their pride... but they're unharmed. The act of... mating... disrupts the link for the one... receiving... since there are so... many more... nerve endings... in the vaginal wall. At least... we think that's why. There's evidence to suggest... that very act... of cumming... into another unit... has an effect. The semen itself... has some sort of... disruptive... quality to it. We're not sure why or how. Still need... to research it... some more. But god damn it works. It can last anywhere from five... to fifteen minutes... depending on the strength of the orgasm."

Dani was unable to respond, utterly breathless after such an ordeal. Save hir inability to link back up with Angela, shi liked the maneuver. Perhaps more than shi probably should. When systems started coming back, shi chuckled at the wolf who had just fucked hir through their suits.

"I volunteer... for as much research... as you need. But... you just made father and daughter have sex... isn't that against the rules or something?"

Sirius snickered and gently pulled back on Brian's hips, finding the knot still too firm to remove at the moment. That was the only draw back to this particular technique. If you weren't careful, you could tie into your target and have to wait for your ride to relax to pull free. That could end up giving the target enough time to get back on their feet.

"You're worried about incest?" He didn't sound worried at all, while Dani nodded through Angela, "It's fine. It's not like Brian can get hir pregnant, especially while you're in there. And they both seem to enjoy it. Hell, I've walked in on them in the middle of it... both of them without pilots. I think it's pretty clear they've got no complaints."

The white fox laughed and wiggled hir hips, bringing a firm squeeze to hir ride's passage. Brian rumbled happily, pulling himself free once the inconvenient, but rather enjoyable, swell had shrunk back away. It was just as shi was gaining control again that Dani made a silent vow to come back when shi had hir assigned unit and practice disabling Brian and Sirius.

With the last lesson taught, the training was complete and the two returned to base. It was a shame it was over so quickly, but then maybe shi would get a chance to go back out once hir assigned suit arrived.

Every combat situation came with some expected amount of gunfire, and this was certainly no exception. The extremists quickly took up defensive positions the instant they felt their little stronghold had been discovered and much of the military hardware they had procured was brought online. It made things difficult for the squad leader, but not impossible. Shi drank in the excitement through the eyes of a large, dark wolf as his paws pounded along the ground, dodging gunfire this way and that, pouncing the robotic assault vehicle and sending it to the ground as any good hunting lupine would do to its prey. He snarled and gripped one of the mechanical limbs, digging his teeth into the great machine before tearing it loose.

"Max! That's enough! It's down! Focus on the ground fire!" Dani was still having a little difficulty controlling hir 'pet's exuberant attitude, but then that's what shi loved about him. His crimson mane fluttered in the breeze as he moved, his brilliant yellow eyes piercing through the darkness as he snatched up one of the targets on the ground. Without even a second thought, he tilted his head back and gulped the poor terrified fellow down and moved on. The entire battle lasted less then five minutes, just as the vixen had promised, and the casualties were light. Only a few minor injuries, most of the damage concentrated on the stronghold itself, and several captives trapped in a rather satisfied red and black wolf's stomach. He trotted back to the command post, rather proud of himself and lowered his head, depositing his prisoners into a holding area, several soldiers already waiting for them. The commanding officer watched as the vixen climbed out of hir suit's hold, giving the cooperative lupine a pat on one of his legs.

"Good job Bergson. You managed to keep your promise. But it sounds like you're still having trouble with your suit."

Dani chuckled and looked back up at the large dark figure as he sat on his haunches, eagerly watching his pilot.

"Yeah, Max still needs a little breaking in, but he's a good boy. He just gets a little excited."

"Well, I'm glad you and he are such good pals but I don't need an excited puppy in my theater. I think you two should report back to Col. Nocturne for a little remedial training."

The fox laughed softly and looked back to hir wolf.

"Yeah well, you knew he was fresh off the line when you brought us out here. I can't be held responsible for his reactions when I haven't had enough time to really bond with him."

The Ex-O sighed quietly and rubbed his eyes.

"You pilots and your spiritual connections... it's just a machine. Get it trained, work the bugs out of it, and have it ready for field duty ASAP."

That seemed to catch the vixen and rub hir just the wrong way, frowning softly.

"Sir... have you ever piloted a biosuit?"

He crossed his arms indignantly, not liking being interrogated.

"Do I look like I have the necessary equipment to control one?"

"Then with all due respect sir, please do not call him 'just a machine.' Maybe you should look into conversion so you can try one on. You just might find out there's a hell of a lot more to these guys than you think."

The officer grumbled and turned to walk away.

"Have him ready for the field in two weeks... and don't be surprised if you get called in for a consult in the conversion division. They've been nagging at me to assign a recruit to you."

A recruit just for hir. It was finally time for Dani to try hir hand at Layla's job. Shi had been wondering about it for a while now. And shi would have to wonder a bit longer. Hir orders were clear, report to Col. Nocturne. A grin crept across hir muzzle at the thought.

Back out on the desert plains, Sirius and Dani put Max through his paces, chasing the silvery kitsune as he barked happily. Somehow, he had managed to develop a connection between Brian and Angela, though not nearly as strong as the link between pilot and suit. It was more a mild form of remote control, and seeing the little vixen darting about alongside hir father made Dani giggle. The object of the game was to pin and disable Sirius, but every time shi moved in to get Max atop him, the confounded little girl would sneak up on the big wolf and try to pounce him.

"Dammit Angela! Quit that! Don't make me pin you too!"

Sirius laughed at Dani's amused frustration, goading hir further.

"You do that and I'll have you pinned!"

Clearly, two foxes were more than shi could handle. Shi had to somehow take one out of the equation. Then it hit hir... the first night they had spent out on hir training. Shi grinned and turned Max around, changing targets and tactics, bringing Brian to bare on the large dark wolf's tail.

"I'm gonna get you, you little squirt!"

Angela was fast and amazingly maneuverable, able to provide quite the challenge for the medium sized model, but without a pilot to provide hir with any advanced strategy and tactics, shi was just running wild, and having a great time about it. Max closed in with every turn, growling happily until finally he had hir. His jaws came down upon the little fox, making hir squeak in surprise. Darkness claimed hir vision as the great wolf swallowed firmly, dragging the much smaller construct down. Within only half a minute, shi was gone, wiggling away in Max's belly. Just as Brian leapt to finish the wolf, he spun around and lunged at the vulpine, catching him off guard.

Down went Sirius, the swell he made in his fox's belly poking up from the rest of his form as the kitsune lay on his back. Dani laughed triumphantly while hir companion rumbled in satisfaction. A tremendous shaft emerged from the excited lupine's sheath, spending little time in the air before cramming itself into the fox's nethers. Sirius' voice came through the com in a loud yowl while Brian's ears folded back, not in pain but in embarrassment, he had let himself get caught... but then at least he was getting to enjoy himself. Immediately, the large wolf began humping powerfully, the movement in his gut completely ignored while Angela struggled to climb back up the way shi had entered, but to no avail. Sirius removed his arms and legs from the restraints and wrapped himself around the great dark spire pushing against him, shivering happily as he squirmed and wiggled until it had actually pushed its way into him. The sensation translated back through the link to Brian who howled in instant climax, clenching hard around Max's shaft.

Dani shivered at the sensation, not realizing the white wolf was able to stretch so far. The mental image made hir moan as shi lost hirself in hir companion's orgasm. A powerful jet of thick lupine seed filled Sirius' belly like a fire hose, bloating him visibly inside the fox. He grunted and shivered as Max finished and pulled free, quickly slipping his arms and legs back in place before powering Brian forward, taking Dani completely by surprise. Within seconds, the fox was atop the dark canid, humping away with unbelievable strength.

"Hehe... f-forgot to mention... y-you can... partially protect yourself... from being disabled... by letting the other ride just... fuck you... instead of your partner. But... ooo... it takes... a lotta practice." He panted through the com until Brian howled again, flooding Dani with his own seed again. Max fell to the ground and panted, quivering happily. He loved these war games, and it was hard to get him off the field once it started. Thankfully, they had all worn each other out to a point where he was content to return to base. Angela was released and the group returned to the hanger where Dani and Sirius slipped out of their respective suits, the lupine looking as if he were just about to give birth. He snickered and held his sloshing belly, out of breath and quite pleased with himself.

"Damn honey, he could'a popped you. I didn't think you could do something like that..."

Sirius snickered and gave the rather musky smelling vixen a firm kiss, licking some of Brian's release off hir nose.

"If you can fit a person inside you, you can fit a wolf cock that big in you. I'd suggest practicing with Max... that way you can turn the tables on your opponent like I did."

Dani smirked and stroked the snowy lupine's belly.

"I think I could do that. But whatcha gonna do about this?"

"Oh I'll go let it out somewhere. I could use a shower anyway. I'll see you later for another session if you're interested."

The arctic vixen grinned and nodded, slowly backpedaling towards hir rather large 'puppy' who was now curled up against both of Sirius' foxes.

"You bet I'm interested. Go get cleaned up," Shi waved as the wolf disappeared down a nearby hall and Dani spun around, grinning at Max, "Alright big boy... you and me. Roll over for momma."

The dark wolf barked and rolled onto his side, then onto his back. The vixen quickly climbed up onto his tummy and grinned, leaning forward to give that monstrous sheath a firm licking. Shi loved his taste, and obviously, he loved being tasted. The large wolf rumbled and squirmed softly as shi continue to slurp at his groin, savoring his musky flavor until his shaft was firm once more. The vixen then laid back and let the great, heavy thing rest atop hir, giggling as shi hugged it. With hir feet pressed against the lupine's scrotum, his shaft easily reached past hir head. This was going to be interesting to say the least... and thankfully, the ground traffic controllers were all busy.

With no one watching, Dani slid up along Max's belly and guided his humongous shaft to hir groin, trembling as shi let the head brush against hir folds. Shi began to doubt whether or not shi could handle such a large object but before shi could let those doubts convince hir to climb back down, Max bucked his hips, sinking himself into his pilot's crevice. Shi cried out immediately, only in surprise, but surprise of both the sudden intrusion and that shi could actually handle it. Shi then began to settle, cooing happily as shi wiggled and pushed down over the hard thing. There was no way shi could fit the whole of that gigantic cock inside hir, was there? Surely not. But it seemed Max was determined to find out for hir. He bucked his hips again and deeper he pushed, making hir moan and gasp for air, a huge swell forming in hir belly as he pushed onward, the lump rising further, pushing free of hir abdomen until shi could feel hir own belly fur press against hir breasts... then hir face! He was actually doing it! He was cramming the whole of his monster member into hir, and somehow, shi was able to manage it! Shi was breathless, but shi could manage it!

A firm rolling of hindquarters came as the wolf shifted on the ground, pumping himself deep in Dani's warm embrace, hir arms wrapped back around the heavy throbbing fifth leg shoved inside hir, drooling from both mouth and cunny. Hir own member was raging, dribbling its own pre freely. Faster and faster the wolf thrust, groaning and growling as he humped. Silently, Dani began to wish shi were back in Angela again so that shi could stand on all fours and accept such a tremendous pounding. Perhaps Sirius would let hir try that sometime.

Max's growls grew louder and louder, disturbing the other rides in the room as he thrust, his teeth nipping fruitlessly into the air until finally, an ear-splitting howl filled the hanger and a biblical flood of warm wolf cum burst into the vixen's womb, immediately bloating hir even further. Spurt after spurt of the thick essence coated hir walls while hir own orgasm drove hir mad, screaming mad. Finally, after an eternity of pleasure, everything fell silent and still, the wolf panting softly, the vixen gasping hungrily for air. Shi had not the strength to pull hirself off, but as Max rolled over and stood up, gravity did the work for hir. Shi landed with a soft plop on the ground, the wolf's member sliding free and giving hir one last good spray of white as shi tried to catch hir breath.

"God damn Max... Good boy! Good boy!"

He rumbled happily at the praise and laid down beside his pilot, licking hir clean. Eventually, Sirius returned and found the vixen bloated and happy, leaning against hir wolf, nuzzling into his side affectionately. He chuckled and sat down with hir, giving hir own sloshing belly a pat.

"I see you took my advice and practiced," His fingers played about through hir fur as shi nodded, remaining silent for the moment, "It'll take more than one good session to be able to handle it in combat and turn back around to return the favor," Sirius noted how tired shi was as again, shi nodded and simply smiled, hir eyes closed as the warmth of the afterglow shined through, "And I'm sorry but I have to cut your fun short. The brass wants you to report to one of the conversion rooms. Your recruit's been picked and you're supposed to go get him started."

Shi moaned a little at the idea of moving.

"Aww, right now?"

Sirius nodded with a chuckle, giving hir an affectionate kiss.

"Yeah, sorry... right now. C'mon. I'll walk you there." He rose and hoisted hir to hir feet before walking the two of them to the nearest shower so shi could clean up just as he had. After all, a belly full of wolf spooge would make for difficult entry and it would certainly end up making a big mess.

Dani cleaned up quickly and reported for duty as requested, taking hir first 'child' into hir just as Layla had done with hir. It was a long, grueling, wonderful experience, one shi hoped would be repeated many, many times. When all was said and done, shi stumbled out of the conversion room and chuckled groggily at the two figures waiting for hir, Sirius and Layla, both quite round middled themselves. Apparently, they had been given recruits of their own to convert.

"Hey there sexy, how's it feel to be a mommy?" The jackal cooed to hir vulpine friend, embracing hir warmly and offering the dazed vixen a firm kiss.

"Mmm, it feels very, very good. And I get to spend a week like this, right?"

Sirius nodded, patting his own belly before moving in to assist with the weak-kneed fox.

"That's right, a full week. All three of us do. Now why don't we get you to a bed. We're off duty while we're carrying... well... active duty at least. It gives us plenty of time for all kinds of naughty fun."

Layla snickered and nuzzled along Dani's cheek, cooing happily to hir.

"I told you you'd like him, didn't I?"

The vixen nodded with a grin.

"Yeah... you did. Ya know, I think I could get used to this kind of life... just bein' a fox-hole for the military." The other two laughed at hir little joke as they whisked hir away to their own little standard issue quarters which could have been a five star resort for all they cared. It was going to be a rather enjoyable week indeed.

One Way to Cure Loneliness - Part 2

A quiet groan filled the bedroom of a picturesque farm house. The source of that groan was a young lady trying to sit up in bed. With a bit of effort, the equine managed to do so, resting a hand on her rather sizably rounded middle. The reduced...

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One Way to Cure Loneliness - Part 1

Life bustled about the farmers market. It was a rather warm day, one of the first days of summer in fact. It promised to be bright and clear while not becoming oppressively hot. Fruits and vegetables were being sold as well as livestock, and that was...

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Patience is a Virtue

The weather had been somewhat depressing for the last couple of weeks. Storm systems kept lining up and passing through one by one. It left Carrie feeling down. The rain always did that to her when it stayed dreary for too long. Hannah knew that, and...

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