Reaper: Hades - Langley Albrecht

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#13 of Reaper:Hades

Character bio for Langley.

As you may have guessed, I drew inspiration for Langley from Walter C. Dornez from Hellsing and Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist.

Next chapter to come up soon!

Character Bio: Langley Albrecht

"The butler did it."

Background: The head housekeeper and personal butler of Winston Boswin, Langley has been with the Boswins for many, many years and has been pivotal to raising Winston's daughters. He is known by those who revile the Boswins as 'Boswin's Shadow' for the simple fact that he is always near when Winston calls. Some gives this uncanny ability to the Seal he has been infused with, the Seal of Sonic Winds.

Interestingly, it has been documented that his synchronisation rate with his Seal is at a mere 21% meaning that while he cannot materialise his Seal Weapon. Despite this, Langley has been known to possess a second Seal, a copy of the Prime Elemental Seal of Fire that he uses to serve his master. This Seal was given to him before Marcus Willows personally placed a ban on the number of Seals the Boswins could purchase or possess.

How he came across these Seals or his origins are unknown but most of the Boswin's workers are wary of him. He has only ever participated in the MODD war games once accompanying Dorothy Boswin on her debut. Though they lost, Langley demonstrated great cunning and cool in the presence of other combatants. According to MODD databases and Worldrider scouting reports, he is a foe that must be dealt with cautiously.

Primary Class:

Assassin - A class specialising in fast, stealthy attacks that deal increased damage when foes are caught by surprise. In head on combat, they will rarely win but are experts in escape tactics and poisons.

"You'll never know you were dead."

Secondary Class:

Inhibitor - Debilitating foes is this class' specialty with very few direct damage abilities.

"Slow down. Take a break. No one will hurt you."

Aeromancer - The very winds are within this class' command.

"This is a breeze."


Puppeteer - "Assuming direct control."

Langley's two gloves are collectively known as 'Puppeteer'. His right glove is infused with a copy of the Prime Elemental Seal of Fire while his left is infused with a copy of the Prime Elemental Seal of Water. It is unknown how he obtained his third Seal as Gale's edict had banned Boswin and his workers to possess more than one Seal after the ban and any who possessed more than one were to be under strict monitoring. With the two, he is able to use each Seal individually but his signature ability is to create a thick mist akin of Dorothy's Black Mist or a scalding steam that can rend flesh. Puppeteer is not a Seal Weapon in itself and all its offensive capabilities rely on the Seals infused with it.

Signature Move:

Steam Shred - "Steaming cleaning can be deadly."

Langley claps his paws together, summoning both his Seals at the same time to create a powerful jet of steam so hot that it has been known to cook the very flesh off people with frightening ease. Some have suspected that it is actually some form of corrosive gas but those that have seen it or know about it are either dead or unwilling to share the information.

Willow O' Wisps - "Who you gonna call?"

Tongues of fire appear around Langley and surround him defensively. They can be thrown at foes to act offensively as well.

Misty Shroud - "Who needs a hug?"

Langley generates a thick mist when pressing his paws together. It is thick enough and cold enough to sap those caught within it of warmth and impair visibility.

Thunderclap - "Encore! Encore!"

Langley's only true use of his primary Seal due to his low synch rate. After clapping his paws together, Langley creates a powerful blast of wind so strong that it knocks foes off their feet and throws them back. Additionally, a sonic boom is generated that can deafen and disorient foes.

Statistics - Total 30

Strength - 3 - Congratulations. You are now officially as strong as a prepubescent teenager.

Agility - 4 - When someone say's 'run', you skip. When they say jump, you hop. When they say dodge, you shuffle to the left. You get hurt but at least it's funny. Until it gets sad.

Endurance - 5 - 'Well, at least you have your health'

Intelligence - 9 - 'Holy crap, you know what I'm thinking! Sorcerer!'

Special - 9 - 'So you have enough magic to become your own Dark Lord. Just make sure to beware the power love. It a killer and leaves little orphan boys with lightning shaped scars, apparently.'

Reaper: Hades - Chapter 6

## Chapter VI **Pollenburn** "It's time to go, Gabby. You don't need to worry. You'll see them again soon." Hades watched from his perch as the mysterious Sixth Chaos Lord strode from corpse to corpse, speaking to the deceased. Though he could not...

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Reaper: Hades - Callum 'Cal' Reichman

## Character Bio: Callum 'Cal' Reichman _"Can you believe his name means 'Dove'?"_ **Background:** Callum was born in Rillotia though he is of Falmanian descent. From a young age, he has always dreamed to be a member of SWORD and geared his studies...

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Reaper: Hades - Chapter 5

## Chapter V **Pollenburn** Situated on a small hill in the richer suburbs of Pollenburn, the Boswin Estate was a display of excess and luxury. High Seal-infused brick walls surrounded the entire one and a half acres of land. To complete the...

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