Maluek and Blossom (M wolverinetaur/F inflatable raccoon naughtiness)

Story by Strega on SoFurry

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Maluek the wolverine-taur gets a visit from a friendly little inflatable raccoonette.

Yes, Blossom = Sunshine, she changed her name and the reasons why will be explained at some point. 83

Maluek and Blossom

By Strega

It was a surprisingly small cottage the messenger found at the end of the dirt road, yet it was clearly the right one. Atop a mortared-together plinth of stones high as a man's hip was a wooden carving of the couple who lived here. The messenger paused to look at it, because this couple was an odd one.

The female was of the otterfolk, human-sized and sleekly streamlined. The sculptor had carved her in mid-dive. Otterfolk were rare but the messenger had met them before. It was the otter's husband that provoked his interest.

The messenger had met many gul, those fearsome wolverine-men made by the Maker originally as soldiers for his lands. He'd met upright-walking ones, the quadrupedal 'ferals' easily mistaken for dire wolverines if they weren't talking to you, and those who could pass for either depending on whether they were walking upright or on all fours.

But he'd never seen a gul like this. From the waist on down he was feral, quadrupedal and powerful from breastbone to short, long-furred tail, but from the waist up he was anthropomorphic in the savage gul way. The usual light-colored cheek ruffs and side stripe, in this case starting at the armpits and making it way from anthro to feral body to the tail, was inlaid in a lighter wood. The only word for him was gul-taur. Or, the messenger supposed, wolverine-taur.

The 'taur was swimming with his wife in the carving, and there with them were two children that could only be their offspring. A miniature otter-wolverinetaur and a little half otter, half gul female. The messenger shook his head. Interspecies hybrids that didn't involve orcs, humans or dragons were rare and he had heard that the Maker intentionally made it so his peoples could not interbreed. Apparently the wizard had neglected to consider what might happen if a horny gul met an otterfolk.

He turned and looked at the cottage. It was a little fieldstone and thatch house, recently built from the looks of things and of no more than three rooms. From where he stood he could see an arbor grown thick with vines and a garden, and beyond that a pond. Well, it stood to reason that a family that included otters would have a pond.

He didn't know what the family did to make a living and it really wasn't his business. The messenger shrugged and went up the walk to knock on the door.

"Hi!" It was the little otter-wolverine child who opened it, and the messenger was torn between thinking 'adorable' and 'terrifying'. She was sleek and ottery in a baby-fat way but fluffy wolverine cheek ruffs framed her face and she had a mouthful of sharp, sharp teeth to go with her cruel white claws.

"I'm Lyla," she chirped, and the messenger repressed a shudder. Somehow the children were the worst. It was almost a relief when the monstrous wolverine-taur himself loomed up behind the halfbreed.

"May I help you," he rumbled, the words coming up out of that feral lower body. The messenger, who had seen even stranger beasts and who made it a habit not to linger around gul unless it was in public, pulled the parcel out of his shoulder bag.

"Package for you, Mr. Maluek," he said, and showed the wolverine the note that came with it. "To be opened only by you, and only in private."

"Hm," Maluek mused, and watched the messenger make a barely dignified exit. Humans were common enough in the Maker's lands but this one seemed rather twitchy. He shrugged. Maybe he'd had bad experiences with gul. It wasn't as though he were going to eat the man. Not without good reason.

"Open it daddy, open it!" Lyla chirped, springing upward to snatch at the package. Maluek smiled fondly at his daughter, but he yanked it clear before her claws could sink into the paper. She plopped back onto all fours and pouted, but he had seen the double runic R - back to back, one reversed, so it could be viewed as a skull or RR - and knew he had to obey the instructions.

"I can't, dearest," he rumbled. "But let's go out back. We haven't been swimming in ages."

In fact it had only been since sunrise, but that's forever for a three-year-old. They spent half an hour swimming, his huge snowshoe paws not a match for even a young half otter's webbed toes in the water, and by then she had seemingly forgotten about the package. Familiar with the deviousness of the very young he made sure it was well hidden and it wasn't until a day later that he had time to find out what it was.

He had been so busy with family and work on the farm that it had slipped his mind and it wasn't until woke with a start, curled up in bed with his wife and children that he remembered it. He gave his mate Melikka an affectionate nip, nuzzled Lyla and tauric Mrek, and stood on his hindpaws, forepaws against the wall, to retrieve the package from the rafters. It was ten feet up but that was an easy reach for six hundred pounds of gul-taur.

Only he could open it, the note said, and only when alone. Maluek bucked on his harness, dropped the package into one of his saddlebags and retrieved his spear. You never knew when you might need to defend yourself, after all. He also thought about what might be in the package.

The Maker had taken a great interest in him since he was a cub, the only tauric gul ever born, so the package might teleport him somewhere when he opened it. It had happened before. With that in mind he wrote out a note.

'Received a note from the Maker who has some questions. Probably wondering why I am the only gul-taur again. Not sure how long I will be gone. Kiss the kids for me. Love, M." And out the door he went.

He had received a note almost word for word to that effect last year and that time the Maker had 'requested' that he mount two feral gul females who were on heat. It was of course his duty to perform this service and he went home with a smile though Melikka tore a strip off him afterward. She couldn't really complain since the Maker sent a small stipend every month in return for this occasional demand for his services but that didn't spare him a frosty reception at home each time it happened.

They had sworn their mating vows knowing the Maker would require this of him but even so he couldn't find it in his heart to blame her for being jealous. When a woman has children to think about, of course she worried when her husband's eye wandered.

They had also vowed to protect each other, as a certain gnoll with designs on Melikka's virtue had found out. That gnoll was now fertilizer in their garden but Maluek hadn't eaten anyone in a good long while and regarded himself as retired from the warrior game. He was a family man now, barring periodic training with the town militia.

He flicked an ear irritably. He was overthinking this. He had an order from the Maker and he would obey that order.

There was an abandoned barn down the road the local teenagers used as a meeting place. This time of the morning it should be empty, with the young ones off to their apprenticeships, working or hunting. He padded in and sniffed. The usual scents: gul, volpa foxfolk, praka, halflings, the occasional human. So keen was his nose that he could name them by scent and what they had been doing. Being teenagers, what they had been doing mostly was drinking and sex. Other-species sex was a tried and tested way to avoid accidental pregnancy and the teens practiced it enthusiastically. Or at least it was normally safe. He dreaded the day his daughter began to look at men, because there was no telling who could make her belly fat. He had never imagined he could get Melikka pregnant and here he was with two growing cubs to take care of.

He found a spot that didn't smell too strongly of fresh sex and pulled the package out of the saddlebag. He had to kick a couple of earthenware jugs out of the way and reminded himself to give the next teenager he saw a cuff across the ears. Part of the deal that kept the eyes of the adults off the teens was that they kept the place tidy.

"So, Maker," Maluek rumbled, "What do you have for me this time?" Carefully he slit the tough parchment wrapping with a claw and found a layer of thin, tanned leather underneath. Between the two was another note.

'Maluek', it read, 'And if the one who reads this is not he, know that my eye is upon you and that I always lack for experimental subjects. Open this package with great care and do not fear the one within. She is in my service and not of the ones who I warned you against most recently.' At the end was the double R again. The man behind that abbreviation had many names and titles, but Maluek only needed to think of one to obey: Maker.

"Hmf." Very carefully he peeled off the last of the parchment and saw how the leather was wrapped. When he removed enough of that to see the shiny, smooth surface underneath he almost dropped it.

It was praka-gray and charcoal-black and he saw the rubbery claws and thin fingers of one little raccoon hand. Not taxidermy, not a skinned and preserved hide. He knew at once that he held a deflated praka-balloon and he knew just as surely that it was dangerous. Maluek set it down and stepped back a pace to think.

Less than a year ago the Maker's messengers had posted fliers on the town posting-boards about these creatures. Masquerading as toys, they let themselves be inflated and used for sex...and then they ate their lovers. This was a predator that was a real danger if you underestimated it. Maluek wouldn't, and the Maker had said it wasn't a threat. Hadn't he heard that one of these things was working for the archmage now? A praka?

He was not surprised when it moved, but he kept his paws away from the thing as it began to inflate itself. The fliers had mentioned this too. If he had not known better he would have thought it a self-inflating magical toy and he could see how they might lure in prey. Supposedly they were stronger than they looked but usually ambushed victims about the same size. Maluek was cautious but not too worried about an inflatable praka that, if flesh, would weigh a tenth what he did at most.

He settled down on his belly a couple of yards away and watched as it filled out with air. He soon realized the whistling sound came from a nozzle at the end of the ringed tail, which inflated before the rest. That made perfect sense. As the little balloon praka's breasts took shape he considered that a nipple would be a good place for a nozzle as well, and if he were a balloon he knew where he'd put his. It would not be on his tail! If the idea was to trick someone into blowing him up, which was another tactic these things used, there was a much better place for a nozzle.

When it was nearly done inflating he looked it over with interest. It really did look like one of the raccoon folk from the bandit mask to the molded-in jagged edges between the gray and charcoal rings of her tail. There were seams down the inside of each limb and further seams at the join of each color to another. A black rubber nose sat at the end of a sharp little muzzle and bright beady little eyes winked back at him. He wasn't surprised when she spoke, either.

He was surprised at the words, though. He understood praka perfectly, having grown up around the little coonfolk, but she spoke common!

"Good morning, Maluek," she chirred, vibrating the walls of her throat somehow to make the sounds. It gave her voice a purring note but other than that it was Common. He'd never met a praka able to speak common without magical assistance.

"My name is Blossom,", she purred, and that was a perfectly good praka name. He'd met a couple of Blossoms in his time. "Thank you for not tearing me to bits. I'm why the Maker sent out all those warnings, you know."

"I don't," he rumbled. "Why don't you tell me?"

And so over fifteen minutes she explained how a balloon gul and a balloon volpafemme had eaten her and her halfling lover, digested the two of them into liquid rubber, and blown her back out into an inflatable mockery of her previous self. Her lover, she went on sadly, had not re-emerged, but was instead absorbed by the vixen. They had kept her as a toy and servant, and the second the opportunity had arisen she had run straight to the Maker and told her tale of woe. Her captors had underestimated her badly and now the Maker's lands knew what hunted in their midst. The rubber gul and volpafemme hadn't been caught, nor any others of their kind, but the land was safer for the knowledge.

"So why did the Maker send you to me, Blossom?" Maluek rumbled. "Not to turn me into rubber. Not even for the Maker will I do that. I have a family to think of."

"Of course not!" The little coonfemme was visibly shocked. "I would have to eat you, and even if I could...if I wanted to eat people I wouldn't have gone to the Maker! I've only ever eaten one person and that was because the Maker asked me to. You've eaten people too, and it wasn't because you were ordered to, was it?"

Maluek grimaced. "Fair enough. I apologize. So why are you here, then?"

"Well, he is working on an important project. The most important one, he says, since he made your people. What do you think of praka, Maluek?"

"They are pleasant. Industrious and clever, handsome for little folk. Prakafemmes are cute," he rumbled, forgetting for a moment he was speaking to one. When he was young and horny he'd met a plump older ladycoon who very much liked gul. Afterwards her fur was all stuck together....

"Ahem. They get along well with other littlefolk and the Maker's other people. How they do outside his lands I couldn't say."

"It is not as good," she said, looking troubled. "Some do well but small folk who can't speak the local languages get picked on. Sometimes it's worse than that. There is only so much the Maker can do to help them but if he made it so they could speak other languages than our own," and she continued in praka chitter-speak, "It would be a little easier for them to get by."

"Can he do that? All of them, all praka? I know he's an arch-mage, but still."

"He thinks he can. There's a sort of ritual magic, very complicated, he says. Very time consuming. It wouldn't work except he made us, you see. He can change every praka who swears allegiance to him all at once with enough work."

Maluek wasn't sure he liked the sound of that. What if the Maker decided all gul should be feral, or have four arms, or some other crazy thing. He shook his head. No, he trusted the Maker. He would die defending him, if it came to that. In a very real sense most gul, and most volpa and praka, worshiped the man. He'd heard two priests talking about that in a bar, one arguing that the Maker might become an actual god when he died. Apparently making multiple races and steering their development for nigh on a century was viewed favorably in high places.

"All right," he rumbled. "That would be good. How do I fit into all this?"

"Part of the work I mentioned is studying the spells he used to make his people to a depth he's not attempted before, he said. To do that he is looking at those of his people who have changed or are different. He looked at me, there's a big foxtaur who used to be a volpa he keeps talking about, a couple of others...and then there's you."

"I am the only tauric gul," Maluek rumbled. "Despite efforts to the contrary. I've mated with females upright and four-legged at his direction and the result is always one of the other three types of gul: feral, upright or the in between type. No 'taurs. I have a dozen cubs in the care of the Maker." It sometimes bothered him that he had children he'd never met, but he was assured they were being well raised. The gul lifestyle being what it was there were always plenty of orphans or otherwise fatherless cubs in the care of the Maker or trustworthy families.

"So, does he want me to come to him again? He need only ask."

"No," said Blossom with a little smile. "All he needs is a sample. I've come here to get it. Two, three samples would be better."

"A sample of what?", Maluek rumbled, but he had a pretty good idea already and she was a cute little thing.

"I don't eat people, but my kind - what I am now - we need live prey to absorb. I didn't want to do that, and I wondered if I actually needed whole creatures. Maybe I could get by just on, shall we say, donations. The males at the Maker's keep have been most helpful and it turns out I can live just on that, plus the occasional rat."

"Needless to say I won't absorb your donation," she purred. "It can just...slosh around until I return to the Maker."

"My wife is going to yell at me, you know," he rumbled, but as he rose to his feet the long ridge of sheath along his belly was already stiff. He was still young and healthy and he'd always had a thing for prakafemmes. A swollen black tip protruded from the long streak of pale fur that ran from his balls up along his belly, and she didn't hesitate when he stepped up over her. Her little rubber teeth tickled as she slid her muzzle around his tip.

One of the benefits, or drawbacks depending on who you talked to, of being a taur was that his lower body had something of a mind of its own. The moment he was in her mouth his lower body began to hump powerfully. Not that Maluek minded. He'd known what would happen when he steered the boat into this harbor and uncontrollable as his lower half was at times like this he still experienced the pleasure as it - he - mated.

A normal praka, if not a 'gulper', would have the greatest difficulty taking his shaft in her mouth, much less deep throating it, but it turned out there were advantages to a lover made of stretchy rubber. On just the second thrust he was to the balls in slick elastic gullet and pounding away. Little hands with spongy rubber claws dug into his belly fur and there was never a whine of complaint from the three and a half foot tall prakafemme with more than a third her height of hard black cock in her throat.

One thing he hadn't expected about being married was he had rather less sex than before. There were plenty of gul females, feral or otherwise, curious about what he was like in bed, and a fair number of praka and even volpafemmes who might not be able to take his cock but were happy to end up dripping with gul-taur goo. He'd mated with Melikka and had found her a very pleasant lover but never in a million years had he imagined she'd end up pregnant. Yet she had, and when you had a couple of cubs running around it was hard to find as much alone time as you were used to.

It'd been several days since last they managed to find that alone time and the slick sucking grip around his shaft was like nothing he'd ever felt. A male gul might take an hour or more to finish if he'd mated recently but Maluek hadn't, and it was only a few minutes before his balls clenched up tight and the big muscles in his haunches began to twitch. The latex sheath of her throat was massaging the cum right out of him and the little rubber praka knew exactly what was happening. The soft claws dug harder into his pelt and the latex throat around his cock rippled as though she had swallowed. It was just as well she did because nothing could stop the lust welling up in Maluek's loins.

Maluek let out a guttural snarl and if she'd been within reach he would have dug fangs into her scruff in the instinctive mating bite of his ancestors. The big muscles in his launches locked up solid, forcing him to thrust to the limit into what his lower body perceived as a pussy. That it was not made no difference and great ropes of gul-taur semen spurted into her latex gullet. The gulp that followed was hardly necessary; his tip was already in what passed for her stomach and there was no place for his seed to go but there.

She gripped his bellyfur, her smooth slick throat squeezing every last drop of seed from his shaft. By the time she pulled back he was panting, standing with hands on his hips and tail drooped down over his balls.

"Maker," Maluek gasped, and flopped down on his feral-half belly as she appeared between his forepaws. "Don't tell my wife, but that has to be the best blowjob I ever had."

"Well, you know, I have to eat. Males are more likely help me out if I make it fun for them, and I like to make my friends happy." Maluek looked down at the little rubber praka framed between his huge forepaws. Not a drop of semen had ended up on her face or neck. She had milked him of every drop before relinquishing that sucking grip.

"Normally I'd be happy to go again soon," he rumbled. "But you just sucked it out of me. I may need a little while."

She smiled. She really was adorable, even without the whiskers of a real praka. One rubber-clawed hand made a sleight-of-hand motion and a fruit much like a plum appeared on her palm.

"The Maker provides," she purred. "He has quite a few alchemists working for him, you know. One of them grows these. He has a long name for them but everyone else just calls them sex fruit."

"I won't ask where you carried that," Maluek said, sure that if she were a normal praka it would be moist. She just giggled as he popped it into his mouth. It was tart, with a hint of lemon. A gul's teeth are not meant for lengthy mastication and he simply crushed it between his molars and swallowed.

He wasn't sure what was supposed to happen, aside from the obvious, but there was no noticeable effect at first. He shrugged and looked down at Blossom again. "You say you did eat one person?"

She looked a little sad. "When I came to the Maker's castle he had a tied-up volpa. I don't know what he did but apparently someone was going to eat him. The Maker said he needed a test subject of my kind and he didn't want it to be me, and pointed at the I ate him. The way it works is we turn what we swallow into liquid this," she rubbed the smooth gray rubber skin of her arm, "And absorb it. Or, we can blow it back out into a bubble replica of what it used to be. That's how the rubber gul made me, and now there's a rubber fox in the Maker's menagerie."

There was a tickle and a growing warmth along Maluek's belly. He was getting hard again. He'd wondered what the fruit would do and thankfully it didn't seem to be the sort of sex potion he'd heard of. Those sometimes led to rape as lust overpowered the drinker whereas this one just reset the timer, so to speak. It was as though he hadn't just spent himself in the smooth depths of Blossom's throat. The itch he'd scratched five minutes before now begged to be scratched again.

"But I didn't want to eat anyone else, so now I get my food from friends," she went on. "And sometimes I deflate so people can roll me up and use me as a sex toy...oh, hello!" She said with a giggle, for Maluek had risen to his feet and she looked past his shaggy chestfur to the thick black shaft emerging from its sheath.

"Let's try something different," she purred, and rolled over onto all fours. He was already stepping over her as she moved her tail aside and the size difference would have made accuracy difficult had she not reached back and guided his shaft with a soft-clawed hand.

There was a surprisingly loud squeak as he penetrated her, and despite the fact that he'd just shoved a cock thicker than her knee up her ass it wasn't one of pain or, for that matter, even from her mouth. All that came from her muzzle was a purr of pleasure; it was flesh against her latex anus that made the squeak.

Like fucking a balloon, he thought as he once more began to hump. A very sexy balloon. This time there was no muzzle wrapped around the base of his cock to contain the noise. The squeaking was off-putting at first but there was also a firm little rump bumping into his belly and a ringed tail slapping his thigh with each thrust.

While he'd enjoyed the company of quite a few women not a single one of them had expressed an interest in having him up her ass. Their pussies were tight enough in his experience and every woman he'd been with, even the largest of the feral females, had complemented him on his endowment. No doubt it would have hurt them to have more than a foot of bone-stiffened black shaft rammed over and over beneath their tail but Blossom was like no woman he'd ever met.

He'd only ever met one praka who could manage even the tip of his cock in her pussy, and ass was out of the question. Blossom on the other hand was letting out rattling churrs of pleasure as he humped. There was an enticing novelty to buggering a praka and that just made him thrust harder.

The tight ring of latex slipped up and down his shaft as he worked, and inside it was the same sort of slick tube he'd found past her rubbery fangs. She had none of the natural lubrication a fleshy woman had and didn't need it. Smooth tightly gripping rubber was enough.

Enough for both of them. As the pleasure grew toward an unstoppable climax he looked down between his forepaws. He couldn't even see her. She was down beneath his feral half yelping in pleasure. It seemed that even a rubber praka could enjoy herself if he put enough into his work. His only regret as his haunches began to twitch once more was that she wasn't big enough to stroke and claw and nip as he came. It was probably just as well given her lack of a tough furry pelt but he regretted it nonetheless.

The squeaking of cock through stretched rubber asshole grew louder and faster and he couldn't stop now if he wanted to. Some things were just meant to happen and he was going to spill his seed into her again. He panted and pawed at the dusty straw that smelled of not so old sex and beer as the orgasm built and built until a startled gasp made him look up.

There in the doorway silhouetted by the daylight were a young volpafemme and an even younger male praka of the semi-feral variety. Their state of undress and the male's erection made it clear they'd been tussling in the undergrowth until the increasingly loud commotion in the barn attracted their attention.

"Piss off!" Maluek roared at the wide-eyed kids, and they fled as the roar trailed off into a long growl. There was no stopping it now and gul-taur semen once again spurted into his little rubbery lover. A yowl from beneath him and a clenching tightness around his cock told him that yes, even a rubber raccoon could climax.

When the shuddering growl subsided into panting and the slick latex grip had slid from around his cock he settled down on his belly once more, a very relaxed rubber coonette sprawled out against his breastbone. It was a couple of minutes before either bothered to talk.

"So," Maluek rumbled at last. "Why can an inflatable coon come?"

Blossom shrugged and giggled. "Because we were first made as sex toys? That's what the Maker guesses. You know, that fox I ate and made into a balloon still ejaculates, and it's real fox cum. The Maker found a volpafemme willing to mate with him and is eagerly awaiting the cub to see if it's a half-latex hybrid. Wizards."

"Children," he grumbled. "By nightfall everyone in the village is going to know I was fucking a praka. Hopefully they didn't see what you really are. Even if they just think you were a blow-up doll the gossip will be endless." He leaned down and gave her ear a careful nip. Her hide was thicker than he's thought, from the feel of it. "I should go. They may come back."

"No you don't," Blossom purred. "I've decided I want three donations and a third I am going to have. Roll over."

"Now, hold on," he complained, but he let the little lady push him over. She wasn't satisfied even then and he complied with her little shoves until he was stretched out full length, humanoid and feral halves in line and flat on his back. It only took her a moment to climb up his fur and the sex fruit must still be working, because no sooner did a little latex tongue start licking his balls and little hands start kneading his sheath than the stiffness came on again.

Or maybe she was just that sexy, he thought as he leaned up over himself and licked her pussy. She didn't taste like any female he'd been with. She didn't taste bad, exactly, but the taste and smell were certainly different. With her scent came others; this close he could smell previous lovers. Gul, volpa, praka, humans, and some that probably were actual animals. A warm reptilian scent that might be a dragon, and things he couldn't identify. Even after bathing a trace of who knows how many males lingered. Well, she had to eat.

He switched to licking a rubbery nipple as she turned in place and impaled herself. It seemed he would leave a deposit in each of her holes today, or rather in the hollow space inside her that served as a stomach. Little rubber claws gripped his fur tight as she began to bounce, and her belly bulged as a ponderous gul-taur penis went further into her than it could ever safely go into a fleshy praka. The squeaking started again and he watched in wonder as the pink expanded lips of her latex pussy swallowed his cock again and again. It was almost as long as her leg and thicker than her knee and it didn't bother her at all.

"My wife is never going to believe this," Maluek muttered.

"Of course she will," the little rubber coonie said. "You have witnesses."

The lust was slower to build this time and Maluek tried to ignore the rustling in the undergrowth around the barn. He began to growl rhythmically as that tight smooth pussy rode up and down his shaft, and Blossom echoed each growl with a chirp of passion.

Maluek smelled fresh gul semen and it wasn't his. One of the onlookers couldn't contain himself. There were several scents now, some adult, mostly younger, and from the sound of it some of those watching were enjoying each other's company along with the show. He was going to have a lot of explaining to do when this was all over.

In the glow of a building orgasm Maluek looked past his chestfur at the little rubber lady bouncing between his thighs. Six limbs worth of claws dug into the dry straw floor of the barn as he went over the edge.

"I'm never going to hear the end of this," he muttered, and with a long snarl he gave Blossom that third donation.

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