Servant of the Gods: Chapter 1; Introductions

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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#1 of Servants

New series that I have been working on for a long time hope you all enjoy it.

Life sometimes is hell. Raging fires and never ending torment especially for those so young and innocent. When their reality is shattered and they become so trapped in the life that they so longed to have. Those raging fires can consume all hope, destroying what little is left. Such a wildfire was consuming Taylor's life right now.

The poor black wolf was in a world of pain and he really wished for that one mistake to never have occurred. It was so innocent, just a peck on the cheek with his best friend but it turned into something more and it ended with him bloody and beaten and thrown out the house. His dad had caught them when he took off his best friends shorts and well it was out the door to them both, however his best friend's family was way more understanding than his were and their son was just moved to another relatives who lived in a more open part of his home country.

He couldn't call it home anymore because his father had chased him out and he wandered for days and days maybe even a few months before he was taken in by border patrol. He had somehow crossed the border between his home country of Naglia, and into their neighbor Hulia at a border town called Gatha. The Gatha police heard his plight and contacted someone and here he was waiting for that someone to pick him up. He was starved and dehydrated from the weeks of walking. Somehow he had walked south over 200 miles. The police were amazed that the kid could be so strong. But how could he not? His father saw him the day after he got thrown out and he beat him again with help from some passerby's. He just ran one direction and never stopped. He followed the roads and the forests barely eating what garbage he could.

"Taylor? Is that you Taylor?" The black wolf looked up to see a familiar face and one he never thought he ever see again.

"Mikey?" Taylor managed to squeal out as the blue mouse quickly grabbed him. Mikey was a smaller blue mouse wearing only a button up shirt and some kakis.

"Oh my god what happened? You look horrible! What are you even doing all the down in my country?" Mikey had to ask so quick taylor barely managed to register what his friend was saying.

"My dad, he found out I was gay and then got everyone to beat me up as he threw me out. I've been walking ever since. I don't know how I ended up here." Taylor remarked.

"I'll say. Kid from the reports you came from the town of Narcy. That is over 300 miles to the north of us a trek like that would take months. And how did you get here anyway? Did someone drive you?" The police chief asked.

"I walked here. I got thrown out months ago." Taylor responded barely able to lift his head..

"Taylor why did you trek south then? The eastern border was closer to you than us. You may have gotten refuge there." Mikey asked.

"I don't know alright! I just ran down this way." Taylor responded.

"Then what a stroke of luck then." He heard the booming voice of someone say behind Mikey. Behind the blue mouse stood a white squirrel decked out in Jewelry, a nice button shirt which was black and had a few buttons open along with a white dress pants. He was also wearing shades for some reason even though it was dark inside the dimly lit police station.

"Who are you?" Taylor asked as he stared at the white squirrel.

"I am the boy who is getting you a new home, new life, fresh start. Everything you need right now I already have the limo waiting outside. Mikey paper work is all taken care of but your parents won't be around to meet him for a while since they just recently went on a trip. You can have him stay at my place so long." The squirrel responded while smirking at Mikey.

"Brad. He is staying with me. My parents won't mind him being there and besides being at your place would come with way too much baggage" Mikey responded annoyed at Brad's declaration.

"Fair enough. Come on kid time is being wasted. And my time is money." Brad responded Surprising Taylor.

"Wait where are we going?" Taylor asked as he got up.

"To my house! Duh!! We are going to get you settled in" Mikey responded grabbing his friend by the wrist and dragging him along.

"Huh? What! aren't they sending me back home? To my dad? Isn't that what's supposed to happen now? At least that is what happens back home." Taylor said in mock protest. He did not want Mikey to get in trouble for trying to save someone like him.

"Brad will take care of everything he owes me a favor. And his family has lots of sway. Besides you are a refugee, they would never you back knowing what would happen." Mikey assured him and continued to pull him away. Mikey didn't want Taylor to see what was coming next.

Brad waited for Taylor to leave to room before turning to the officers. "Okay thanks for this guys.Your reward will be here tomorrow but to tide you over." Brad said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag containing some red pills. "This should tide you over."

The polices all started acting giddy and excited. Soon their uniforms were all over the place as they grabbed and swallowed the pills. There stood about twenty officers only dressed in a collar with a tag that read property of Scorpio.

'Good there are only full believers here.' Brad thought to himself before leaving the orgy that descended behind him.

"Alright Mikey everything is set just take him home." He said as the two friends got into the limo. The limo pulled away and soon Taylor drifted off into dreamland. Letting the events of days wash him over.

"He is sweet so when will you offer him to me?" Brad asked teasingly.

Mikey stared at him blankly. "Why can't he become one of mine?"

"Because you are in my country. Because you lost your own and owe my family for taking you in. Because Salliemis is still on their crusade against us and still have the place where you call home." Brad said while leaning back into the seat causing Mikey to look at him in annoyance.

Mikey then clenched his fist. "Those bastards have already taken so much from us but we shall get it back eventually." Mikey then pointed at Taylor and then pointed back at Brad. "you aren't taking him. I'm going to heal his wounds before we introduce him to our world. Can you at least leave him alone until then?"

"Sure I'll make sure Nick knows not to touch him." Brad said while smiling. Mikey looked at him in anger knowing Brad would try and weasel his way around any agreement they would make.

Mikey though remembered something. "Speaking of Nick? What's going on between...?"

Brad quickly cut off Mikey. "Don't even go there. It's complicated and leave it at that. Now you have your work cut out for you. How are you going to start repairing this boy? His family threw him out for being gay and he walked for months to get here! I am amazed he is still even alive. His entire life was shattered to pieces. How are you going to get him to accept that he is gay and that his parents were just pricks?"

"Well those were his adoptive parents actually. I just need to find his real parents, something his family could never do." Mikey said as started going through Taylor's belongings.

"Alright then how are you going to go about this? You've got some kind of clue?"

"He once told me he was found with a book when the orphanage took him in that should be the first thing." Mikey continued to rummage through Taylor's backpack. "I can at least determine where his parents came from."

"Let me check this one out then" Brad started searching for the book in Taylor's second bag pack. When he found it though his eyes went wide. "Mikey! This book! It's..." Brad stammered. Brad held up the front of the book where it had the symbol of a lion's head on it.

"That's the symbol of Leos! That is a priest's book. Why does he have a priest's book? Taylor? Where are you really from?" Mikey had to ask but he didn't expect Taylor to rustle around and almost wake form his sleep.

Brad started flipping through the book. "It's a priest a book alright, I can tell this is written in Leos symbols. But the first page of the book is different it is written in a mixture of god languages except Leos. I'm going to send the page to my grandfather and have him translate it. I can barely translate the Scorpios parts right now and I doubt you can translate the Geminis ones either."

Mikey grabbed the book from Brad for a moment to confirm his suspicions. "I can't and my dads and granddads are away for Mason's trials. So I can't get to them." Mikey said to Brad before closing the book.

"Well then I'll see what I can do. You should wake him now we are almost there. Are your dads going to be fine with this? You said you can't contact them so are they going to be alright with you suddenly bringing home a boy to live with you?" Brad said as Mikey reached over to shake Taylor awake.

"We'll be fine. You know how my dad feels about people who are thrown out of their homes for something so foolish." Mikey had given up trying to shake Taylor awake.

Brad stared at the sleeping wolf. "Yea yea. Anyway." Brad took a deep breath. "Wake up Taylor!" He shouted and got the poor tired wolf to wake up.

Taylor shook himself awake and rubbed his eyes before noticing that his book was in Brad's hand.

"What're you doing with my book? That's a memento from my biological parents be careful with it" Taylor protested about to reach for the book.

"Don't worry I'm going to treat this thing right. After all something as precious as this deservers the best treatment." Brad said as he handed the book back to Mikey.

"Something precious that no one can read. My parents left me something written in a language no one has ever seen." Taylor grumbled as he took the book and hugged it.

"What if we know what language it's in? And know someone who can actually read it?" Mikey grinned while asking Taylor that knowing full well his reaction.

"Wait what! No one could ever find the language that it was written in how could you two find it?" Taylor asked trying not to get hopeful.

"Because my grandfather is an expert in lost cultures. He has shown both me and Mikey a lot of his work so we at least can identify the language from looking at it even though we can't read it. We'll take you him tomorrow to get it translated." Taylors ears poked up and his tail started wagging.

"Really! I can't believe it. I might be able to get a clue about my real parents." Taylor fell backwards in a show of excitement.

"That is for tomorrow anyway we are here so let's go." Mikey responded opening the door. During their conversation the limo had reached their destination.

Taylor nodded and then followed Mikey out of the car staring at Mikey's mansion. Brad handed Taylor his bag packs then finally waved goodbye as the limo took off. And so Taylor began his journey not knowing that there were others who would soon have their fates intertwined with his.

Servant of water

Somewhere in the southern seas off the coast of the island region Caribs, A Salliemis plane was flying above but with something terribly wrong. The entire crew was gone and no one was on the plane except for two figures.

The first lay on the ground bloody and beaten. His name is miles, a blue otter just in his teens. The other was cloaked figure who had the face of a black feline with a white fur mark over his left eye that looked like the moon.

"Who the heck are you?" Miles who laid on the ground said to the figure. He got a response when the figure in the blink of an eye swung a sword hidden in his cloak and cut Miles across the left eye.

"I'm a professional and you just happened to be after the same thing I am. The heavens must have it in for you. But I guess that is not the case for a young priest in training." The figure taunted.

"How! How do you know I am a priest?" Miles responded still in pain over his lost eye.

"You've no need to know that. I can tell you that this plane provided me with a nice haul of information." The figure held up a hard drive in his left paw while his sword was in his right.

"So much information just waiting to be sold. And I know the perfect guy to sell it too." The feline walked to side of the plane and cut a hole right in the side of the plane which was now falling to the ground. "See you around priest! Well if you manage to survive the crash anyway!" The feline waved and then jumped out of the hole.

"DAMN IT!" Miles screamed as the plane finally crashed and erupted into a huge inferno.

Soon afterwards an army of otters dressed in blue wave like uniform arrived at the scene.

"Find the Prince Hurry!" Their leader screamed as they started searching for Miles.

Servant of Thunder

Elsewhere in the northern Seas on a boat heading to the island chain known as Galups a ferry was about to reach the island on their late night trip. There are four furs on this trip of high importance. The first was a Salliemis information officer. His name is Brandy a brown bear who is traveling to the Galups to investigate the tribe that lived there. To keep his mission a secret he brought along his best friend Lee. His two sons Zhu and Zheng were brought along after Lee lost his job in salliemis and finally gotten word that his wife that went missing years ago had finally been identified and confirmed dead after ten years of being missing.

"Brandy when will you tell where you are taking us? A late night ferry just to get to this place? You drag me halfway across the world for what?" Lee asked. Lee was an artic wolf with snow white fur which was also passed down to his sons, Zheng was sixteen and Zhu was eleven. Zheng had a black moon fur patch on the palm of his hand while his father had his on his chest and his brother had his on his right shoulder.

"Well since there is no way for you to back out now short of drowning in the ocean I'll tell you. We are going to the galups. A nice place for you to relax and get over this. Your wife was just found dead your job let you go. You are in shambles right now. How are you going to provide for your boys now? This is just a trip to take your mind of things for a few weeks." Brandy responded while smiling.

Lee's eyes went wide as he heard the location of where they going and soon brandy noticed the surprised reaction as well.

"Brandy! You should've told me. This isn't first time I am going there and last time I ran into some trouble. You should've told me a long time ago where you were taking me" Lee quickly waved over to his sons and called them over. He went into his bag and pulled out a cloth wrapping and started wrapping it around Zhu's shoulder and Zheng's palm.

"Listen boys whatever you don't take these off in public or even mention them. The locals have this weird thing about a birth mark like this so just don't show it around them okay?" Lee instructed his two boys. Zhu just nodded and returned to his seat where his game was waiting for him although Zheng wanted to listen to his father's and brandy's conversation.

"What was that about? Has that mark on your chest caused you problems before?" Brandy had to ask.

"I rather not mention it. Let's just say it was a huge inconvenience and I would prefer to leave my boys at home when I come here." Lee retorted.

"Alrighty but anyway. I hear that the locals who run the town aren't present at night even though the ferry runs all night. They run the town but trek back to the village in the forest at night. And only a few times is it the same locals and only the males. The females never leave the tribe and no foreigner can get near the tribe because of some their medical plants that emit a deadly toxin into the air that kills most foreigners and renders them brain dead even if they survive. Somehow the locals are immune to it. Even when scientist go to collect samples of the plant they get infect through all the protection they have they still ended sick and brain dead. So we should not go anywhere near that forest." Brandy lectured but he was really just confirming information through a secret microphone on his body.

"I know all that, they have a tight guard though. As I said I've been here before." Lee said in some annoyance not knowing that his friend was not talking to him but to someone else.

The two continued talking while Zheng kept with in ear shot feeling something was really off. This trip was proving to be complicated he was wondering what had spooked his father and why was the wrapping necessary.

Soon their boat arrived late at night and they were greeted by two of the dock workers one a white husky the other a white wolf. Both only wore some silk shorts and had the same black moon mark that Zheng had on their chests.

"Welcome to Galups. We are sorry but at this time of night most of the tribe has returned home already but we have lodgings prepared and ready for those who arrive this late. A guide will go over the rules but I am sure most of you have already heard of them. As stated the forest is dangerous for non-locals so please stay clear of that area. We hope you enjoy your stay." The husky guide said and then led the group to their lodgings.

Soon Brandy and the boys were put into rooms in the local inn. Lee managed to get his boys into bed and then got them to sleep before sleeping himself. Brandy however had to contact his handlers.

He pulled out his satellite phone and dialed his handler. "I'm in"

"Good now use all the methods at your disposal to get us into that forest and find the tribe. We need more information on them and their herbal products." The voice said form the other end.

"Okay what's the full mission objective?" Brandy responded.

"Gather samples of the plants in the forest using the tech that we will have delivered to you. Also try and gather a blood sample of a local. If we have that it will make this process easier. Then finally pinpoint the location of the village and get us an image of the chief. Once we have all that we will launch our invasion and hopefully they will be more co-operative than that tribe in the south." The voice responded.

"The Carib otters sir?" Bandy inquired.

"Yes that tribe, we've been at war with them for ten years now and we have nothing to show for it but dozens of sunken ships and crashed planes and hundreds of captured solider which we can't locate, We're going into this one more prepared so I must stress the importance of this mission gather all the data you can." The voice said with a stern tone.

"Consider it done sir." Brandy said and then hung up the satellite phone. The first drop was scheduled for tomorrow night's ferry so he had to scout the area tomorrow and his friend gave him the perfect cover and also the perfect fall guy if anything went south.

'Thanks for playing along Lee you have no idea how valuable your are right now.' Brandy thought to himself before heading to bed.

Servant of Fire

Elsewhere in the world. In a forest in a war torn country a cloaked cheetah watched from a cliff as an army marched.

"Salliemis! They are advancing. If they get much further than this they will impede my mission even more. I hate to do this but I have to intervene this time." The cheetah said as he saw the flag of the army waving it had the Salliemis flag. An Eagle with inside a star on a red background. But the other flag is what caught the cheetah's attention. It was a green flag with letter W in white on it.

"General Washington one of the three great generals who destroyed this continent. If his squad is moving north then they must be planning something huge. Maybe even an attack on Ruam. But my last report said he went home to spend some time with his son." The figure said to himself.

"Well time to move." The cheetah said out loud and disappeared leaving some scorch marks on the ground below him.

And so these young boys began their journey. But a dark cloud is looming close by. A darkness that will enslave the world, a Darkness that can't be stopped.

Servant of Darkness

Elsewhere in the Salliemis heartland at the most secure prison a white husky was approaching it. The husky looked over the isolated prison that was once the castle of the King of salliemis hundreds of years ago. The husky stood on a nearby Cliff watching the giant foretress.

"Hmm a perfect place for a king like me to reside." The husky said and then slowly began walking to the prison.

Servant of the Gods: Chapter 2; Darkness

Chapter 2 Servant of Darkness "Master Nessi! Are you sure you want take over this place? Will it suit your needs master?" Asked a white polar bear as he accompanied the white husky. The husky had a black tail with a stripe that extended from his tail...

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Trapped and Trained: Chapter 13: Antonio's troubles

Chapter 13 The boys arrived at the facility where Atlantic was waiting for them. He along with Aquas escorted them to the battle arena where the tests would be conducted. They were led down to an observation area overlooking a room with black walls...

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S under D{arc 5: The forgotten] Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Tylan walked out of the pool of water that he, Fred and Jamison had all teleported into to back up Leon on this out of the blue mission. Blue and Red were at home base working on support from their end trying to figure out any escape routes...

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