The Rampage - Part 03

Story by Grahckheuhl on SoFurry

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I always wondered why giant creatures never make better use of the rather conveniently flat roofs found inside cities.

Hoisting his head, several human figures dropped down from the gigantic reptile's lips. Either he presented himself as being only half hearted in his munching, or his nature caused him to care not for possibly being a messy eater. More simply, he just plain enjoyed the feeling of those bodies rolling about on his tongue for the brief seconds they were allowed to, which gave him an overall slack expression. So much so, in fact, that a sparse few people managed to shift about as they were caught between the scaly lips. The smell of the restaurants along the street eventually blew away from where his nose best caught the scents, which allowed his attention to be divulged elsewhere.

Slurping the last few folk into his mouth with a pointed and short tongue as if cleaning crumbs off his face, Zilla begun to notice a few chirps coming from nearby. Even when he didn't purposely stomp his feet to indulge himself on humans, the toes clenched and smashed any life below despite only turning his angle to find the source of the recognizable sounds. It took him several seconds, if not for the reason of unconsciously wishing to feel a few more little squirms from below, it was to notice a small moving wave of people atop a stout structure.

Bending down to gain a better sight of the situation, the mighty creature was rewarded with a shockingly loud appeal of happiness from the crowd. Many of them whooped and hollered into the air, throwing their arms up in a wave as though to greet him. When his eye came down to their level, the orb able being to encapsulate a full human body due to difference in size, bright flashes came forth from small handheld box-shaped contraptions. Squinting and dashing with his vision, he also noticed how some of them held signs. He recognized them as being symbols for greetings and cheer, to which he got a most scrupulous idea on how to best greet the humans back.

Posing like that of an idol for a magazine shooting, Zilla never once took his eyes off the small horde. Hoisting his head back up, he heard a large and collective sigh of disappointment to him leaving so soon. In truth he did nothing of the sort, as he would quickly prove to the humans, as he began to once more turn in place. Twisting his head he heard another sigh, but this time in a swooning moan, as his head stayed in such a position that his blinking made it look as though he winked every few seconds to the crowd.

Leaning forward and lifting his tail, the crowd quickly got a glamorous view of the reptile's scaly behind. Poised precariously above them, the massive appendage blocked out the sun and twitched up and down, quickly revealing a fleshy pucker from between a slit at the tail base. It was here that the humans were forced to notice the anal region as the creature proudly sported it, along with everything else. One would be able to gain sight of how beautifully crafted the larger scales on the underside of the body happened to be, let alone the impressive musculature upon the rippling thighs and down the legs. A snarky grin overtook the scaly face, letting all other witnesses know for the future that admiring his form gained one a chance to get a much closer look.

However, nothing which held true beauty ever presented itself as free admission, this case not happening to be an exception to that rule. Shifting back and forth on his legs, showing off the bulging flesh hidden beneath the scales of those legs in fuller detail, he at the same time aimed his clenched anal sphincter above the small populace upon the flat building top. The density of flashes increased dramatically from the little square objects, and he took that as his cue. Releasing the tensing muscles in his legs, Zilla forced himself into a sitting position upon the people. A massive crunch echoed across the nearby building tops as several cracks formed in the brickwork of the structure, glass near the top shattering. All of it had been almost enough to mask that of the scrunch given off from the hoard of human bodies which found themselves willingly caught underneath the mighty rump. Literally all of the people, however, had been smashed between the concrete top of the building and that of the fleshy anus.

Lifting up, the sphincter opened ever so barely to allow a vast majority of the people to be caught and dragged within via powerful and undulating muscles. The others, however, managed a glimpsing view of the world below them as the giant reptile pulled away. Only a couple of them got caught in an awkward position between the flesh and the protective scales, slowly being sucked up and between the slit region. All of the feelings together, however, translated to nothing more than utter bliss for the big beast. Despite them being so small, he could feel each little creature squirming along with the flow of his rippling inner-anal flesh. Closing his eyes, the widest smile yet stretched across his face.

The Rampage - Part 02

Tiny sounds of bodies cracking and bones snapping filled the air. Even through the cacophony of entire avenues being torn apart, Zilla seemed to hone in on specific noises which humans created when caught underfoot. To them he gave a pleasured smile;...

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The Rampage - Part 01

Thunderous cracks rippled through congested inner streets of a major city filled to the brim with a healthy population of folk. Curiously enough, not a cloud covered the sprawling jungle of glass and steel. The sun shone bright, revealing the region to...

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Lunch Break

Waddling along, an aquatic dragon traveled along the side of a street. Blue scales shining in the light, still wet as if having come from the water, and aqua tinted fins made a very identifiable object when surrounded by on all sides by the drab colors...

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