Chapter 6: Inquisitive Dream

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#6 of The Longest Game

After the second challenge is won, Graafen falls asleep and the Host speaks to those who remain....

It was hot and humid in the cell when Graafen pushed his way free of the narrow tunnel that had led back from the arena. The walls had been slick gel like before and they had closed in around him forcing him to really exert himself to push his way through. Staggering away from the black wall he looked back with a shudder as the tunnel sealed shut with a wet slurping noise. A single ripple spread across the wall, the whole surface jiggling before it stilled and solidified leaving no trace of the tunnel. Running a paw through his hair Graafen made his way to the bunk beds and crawled onto the bottom one and sprawled there limply. He felt exhausted; the adrenaline of winning the desperate fight in the arena had worn off during the long slog back to this small cell. Slowly he let himself nod off, succumbing to sleep, mind and body shutting down as he finally let himself relax and dream. He wasn't hungry, wasn't thirsty but he needed to sleep, to rest and willingly the darkness engulfed him.

It was strange, he knew he was dreaming from the moment he opened his eyes and yet he didn't feel alarmed by what he saw around him. Suspended above a large pit full of green lit mist were a series of steel platforms linked by a grid work of narrow bridges. Looking around, counting the platforms Graafen filed away the knowledge that the grid was a seven sided square and his feet were firmly planted on a platform a few steps removed from the centre. Frowning and scratching his chin Graafen tried to grasp why this was an important location. He thought knew what it was but it kept slipping away from him as if the knowledge was hiding. It was the same with his nudity, some part of his mind told him this was wrong and yet he couldn't muster the energy to care about it. Looking about the wolf took stock of the others standing on platforms at random points around the grid. There was a large hulking lizard and a svelte furred dalmatian and there a red panda across from a sturdy mouse and directly opposite him a sandy coloured monkey. Looking into the simian's eyes Graafen was struck by a deep sense of familiarity, he knew them, it was important.... they were.... he was.....

"Sandson?" Graafen called hesitantly, cringing inside at the deep sense of revulsion he felt in the pit of his stomach as he spoke. "Where....." shuddering he fell to one knee retching, his stomach was heaving as everything inside seemed to roil. It took effort but the wolf managed to hold down whatever wanted to come back up, swallowing heavily as bile burned the back of his throat.

"Don't speak," a soft voice said and looking up Graafen was shocked to see a ferret standing in the exact centre of the grid. He was as naked as the others but he stood with such poise that it seemed natural and right. He was exotic, erotic and the more Graafen looked the more he wanted to do as this dark creature asked. The horns, the glowing amber eyes, the dark metallic bands of red fur around his wrists and ankles made part of his somnolent mind shriek that they were bad. He ignored it as he clambered back to his feet and stood there waiting for him to speak, there was something about this dark figure that made him not care.

"Better...." the creature said turning away from Graafen to look at the others in turn, his appraisal of them was long and the wolf saw each of them freeze beneath his piercing amber gaze. Then without a word or outside indication of what he was doing the ferret would turn to the next person leaving the previous to sink to their knees. Again something inside Graafen tried compelling him to shout, to move but all he could do was stand their wrestling with the idea and before he knew it those eyes fixed on his own. For what seemed an age he stood there staring into those eyes, unable to move or speak, not even breathing as the presence behind those eyes seemed to shuffle through the dusty pathways of his memory. This caused Graafen to recall parts of his life from previous years, walking forwards from his dimmest memory to the present day and then the eyes released him and he sank to his knees in stupefied silence.

"I know you all, you six are what remain of the thirty I picked; each one of you is here because I commanded it. You play the game because I invited you too and you accepted. But now heed my words, only three can enter the final chamber and play the last game. Fail the next challenge and you will lose your chance to play again. Those who are unworthy will be reduced to the ranks of Legion, all form and mind and thought removed. Those who lose but have the glimmer of decency within them know you will be rewarded as this realm sees fit. Speak now from the depths of who you are, tell us why you fight, why you seek to win."

Sweeping his arms wide he turned in a circle and stopped facing the dalmatian, a beam of light engulfed them from out of the gloom and he rose to his feet. Turning to face the shadows that filled the far end of the grid the dog then spoke, "I fight because your servant made me." As soon as the words left his mouth green mist rose up from beneath the platform, he started to twitch and jerk and howled as he was engulfed entirely. For a moment the writhing pillar of green mist boiled, bulging with the outline of the canine before it sank into the void beneath the platforms once again.

To the red panda the demonic ferret turned next and the same saga was played out as first the light shone and he spoke to the darkness, "To beat the others, to triumph over them and have them know it!"

"I want to find out what this is all about, to learn what the mystery behind all of this is," was the mouse's answer before the green mist took him.

"Because I'm better than all the rest, I'm strongest and deserve to meet this Dark Knight and claim victory," Mick the lizard crowed with an arrogant sneer before he too was lost to the green fog and the light turned to the monkey and his voice rang out across the now nearly empty grid.

"To go home, to survive this challenge and be allowed to leave," his voice rose to a fever pitch as he was shrouded in green mist. Graafen could see his head whipping back and forth, a strange expression of pleasure etched on his face before he was lost to sight.

Then the light illuminated Graafen and he felt his senses, emotions and desires rushing back to flood his mind. With a jerk he stood up and turned toward the figure that he could now perceive at the end of the grid. The Dark Knight was there and without hesitation he spoke the words that flowed from his thoughts, "For the chance to meet the Dark Knight and maybe serve him in some small capacity."

As soon as the words were out the Knight lifted one hand and the green mist rose, sliding over his body and bringing with it a rising touch of pleasure. As the fog flowed higher up his body the pleasure increased rapidly and soon enough he was screaming and writhing where he stood. It took second's but for the wolf it felt like an age as he was teased to the brink, his rock hard cock caressed by the smothering touch of the Dark Knights signature attack and just as he reached a point where he could stand it no more he woke...

Sitting bolt upright in bed Graafen whacked his head on the bunk above his head and cursed even as he cradled the rock hard tent in his shorts. He wasted no time in pushing his tight shorts down and wrapping a hand about his shaft but he froze as a pair of sandy furred legs swung down from overhead. Sandson landed with a thump on the ground, naked as the day he was born, stiff simian cock shamelessly on display. Their eyes met in the dim gloom of their cell and then the monkey was scrambling onto the bed, straddling to either side of Graafen's larger body, hips pressing his dick toward the wolf's muzzle even as his mouth wrapped itself about the wolf's cock. He returned the favour, powerful canine tongue wrapping about the monkey's shaft, his hands resting on the curve of Sandson's arse pushing him deeper into his throat so he could lose himself in the moment. In the darkness of their cell, lost in the lust caused by the Dark Knight's touch the two bonded through carnal desire, aiding each other in their quest for satisfaction and release from the unquenchable desire that had been bidden to infect them. How long they pleasured each other they would never know just that for this one night they were joined until exhaustion finally claimed them and they lay with their limbs tangled together in each other's arms. They slept then, tired and spent until the call to the third challenge came...

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