Winding Down

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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After a long, stressful day at work, Obsidian is ready to leave for some well-deserved, long overdue time off. But on her way home, she finds the border gates to the American half of Unity Falls closed due to an emergency across the border, and is forced to stay on the Canadian side of the city. She goes to Volcan, who happily gives her somewhere to stay, but senses how stressed out and tired she is, so he graciously helps her to wind down... in every way he can.

So, was looking through my gallery, found an OLD old story, 'Deprived of Love', where Volcan and Obsidian had a night like this as well, only it was under different circumstances. I decided to make it a little more convincing, and not as brief. This was the result.

Obsidian, used with full permission, belongs to Project X on FurAffinity

            Finally, she was done for the day...             Obsidian had been waiting impatiently for her shift to finally end; one last day before some well-deserved time off, and the criminals of the city had not made her last work day easy for her. It was no secret the Unity Falls Police Department was very short-handed these days, due to the genocide war such a short time ago; many officers had died in the conflict and left the UFPD with barely half its original force, so whenever a call came in, she had no choice but to be part of the response if nobody else was available. It was for that reason she had booked those days off; she was overworked, and in need of a break.             But, as always seemed to happen before time-off began, the last day was the busiest.             Less than a half hour since she had arrived on shift, she was called out to investigate a break-in at the museum; it was Sunday, so the place was closed for the day, but someone or something had set off the silent alarm. She had arrived with Constable Jeols to find four men trying to steal a display of ancient jewelry; getting the drop on them with a little help from museum security, they apprehended the suspects and took them in. But before Obsidian even finished the report for the incident, another officer called for assistance on a high speed chase in the industrial park, a chase she joined since she was in the area in her cruiser.             The chase had gone well until another patrolman executed an ill-timed PIT maneuver that sent the suspect car crashing into a warehouse; the driver bailed before impact and ran off into hiding among the buildings. Obsidian and some other officers spent the better part of a couple of hours searching for the man until a K-9 unit was called in and caught him trying to steal a car parked at one of the factories.             When that was done it was almost her lunch hour, but on the way back to the station, as luck would have it, she witnessed a mugging down at C-Plaza. With a groan she took off after the culprit on foot, and caught him a block away, bringing him back with her to the station. Another hour later, once he was booked and placed in a holding room, Obsidian sent the next hour filling out reports on both incidents, and of course finishing the one she'd started for the museum incident.             Just to show the day wasn't done with her yet, two hours before her shift ended, there was another chase; right after the sun went down, an officer reported street racers having a drag down 73rd Avenue, which was all but abandoned this time of night, except for one businessman who had been working late and called the police. Obsidian, grudgingly, joined the unit that responded, and made yet another arrest -finding out in the process, she hadn't even gotten her handcuffs back from the mugger she'd caught, forcing her to turn her capture over to another officer for detaining.             The whole time, too, the racer she'd caught was making provocative remarks to her, including one about asking if she'd left her boyfriend handcuffed to the bed. "Probably about the only way you ever get laid, bitch; makin' sure your fuckbuddy can't leave," he'd thrown in, much to her disgust. She was used to being hit with such slander, especially from the people she caught. It was all part of the job, of course.             Still, it only added to her stress; maintaining her professionalism was becoming increasingly harder, especially with the end of her shift so close. She'd had to stay later to help locate the other street racers and finish her reports; when it was finally over she was an hour past the end of her shift, and wanted nothing more to get home and relax. It was time to clock out by about 11:30. However, before she could, she had to make photocopies of her reports, and so stepped out of her office to head to the copy room. On her way there, she ran into Chief Gregory as he was coming out of his office with some papers in his hands; she nearly slammed into him, but managed to stop in time, although her timely appearance made him jump slightly. "Oh, sorry Gregory," she said, rubbing her head in embarrassment. "That's okay," he returned, giving a dismissive wave with his hand. The blue hawk glanced at his watch briefly before turning back to Obsidian. "Well past the end of your shift; you on your way out?" "Not yet; still have to put these through the copier," she replied, flashing the stack of paperwork in her hand. "After that, I'll clock out and leave my car keys for whoever fills in for me, then head home." Gregory nodded, and then seemed to think of something. "Tell you what; you did a great job today so, why don't I go copy those reports for you along with mine? I'll just leave your copies on your desk to file away when you come back from days off, alright?" He then added. "And, while I'm at it, I'll say you stayed until midnight, and get you a couple of hour's overtime." He smiled at her when he saw her light up at his generosity. "That'd be great, boss," she replied, and passed him her paperwork. "Thanks a lot." "Hey, don't mention it," he returned, walking with her until they reached the copy room. "You go and enjoy your days off, Obsidian; we'll see you next week." "I will. Thanks Gregory," she bade him before she started to head for the front of the station. "Goodnight!" She called back to him. "Goodnight," he called back, and with that he disappeared into the copy room, and began to photocopy the police reports. Although he had to stick his head back out into the hallway and call after Obsidian before she got too far away. "One sec!" He called. "You forgot to put your signature on the Museum report." "Oops!" She hissed before sprinting back up the hall to the copy room door where the hawk stood. Gregory lent the dragoness a pen and passed her the unfinished report, where she promptly tucked it against her arm and filled in the blank marked 'Officer Signature' at the bottom-right corner of the report sheet with her handwritten name, and passed it back to Gregory. "Sorry," she said sheepishly. "Minor detail, but you want to have all bases covered before going on days off," he returned, and sarcastically added. "Now, scram; you're losing your free time." She mock-saluted him, eliciting a laugh from both officers before giving him another goodbye wave of her hand and heading out of the station, eager to head for home...   ~~~~~   "Why are the gates closed?" Obsidian asked, frustrated to be so close to getting home only to find the big steel gates of the border walls closed tightly. "I apologize for the inconvenience, ma'am, but an police operation on the American side went awry while they were trying to catch some gangsters who were smuggling narcotics into the city," the border guard explained. "Some of them got away; mayor and chief of that side gave the order to close the gates so they couldn't flee over here to the Canadian side; roadblocks have been set up at the other exits of the city, so they expect to catch them before the night's out, so if you'd like to wait, hopefully it won't be long." Obsidan dropped back against her seat and groaned. "Not my night," she muttered, and sat up before looking at the guard. "No... I'll just find somewhere to stay over here for the night. Thank you." "I'm very sorry for this, ma'am," the guard returned, his apology genuine. Obsidian waved it off. "It happens," she said. "Have a good night." "You as well, officer," he returned to Obsidian as she put her car back into drive and used the small exit running behind the guards' toll booth to turn around and head into the adjacent lane, heading back into the Canadian half of the city. "Well, this is just great," she mumbled to herself. "Where am I going to stay?" She didn't want to have to rent a motel room; she wasn't going to be paid until Friday, and due to some maintenance on her car the other day, she didn't have much money for the rest of the week, especially since she still had groceries to buy. At the thought of groceries, her stomach growled noisily and made her cringe. Crap... I forgot; I missed lunch today... she thought. So not only did she have to find somewhere to sleep, she needed something to eat, and right now her budget wouldn't cover both. She sighed, guilt on her face. "I guess... I guess I could ask if I could stay with someone. I really hate to impose on them though..." She shook her head. "But this time of night, who can I ask; who would even still be awake?" She thought on the subject; she knew of a few that lived over on this side that often stayed up late, but not always, and she didn't want to simply wake one of them up in the middle of the night. But maybe they'd understand? The worst they could do was say no... or, not be in town; many of her friends liked to wander sometimes, especially Tsume or Pavan, who were rarely seen at home at all. She knew where Vinge lived but his house was tiny and didn't have a guest bed. Besides... even if Vinge was home, he'd probably be with Yurui; the two had been spending much time together. Obsidian was glad Vinge found someone special in his life, and that Yurui had adjusted so well to the world, though; thinking of it brought a pleasant smile to her face. Her thoughts drifted back to her predicament rather fast, however; she frowned as she remembered she still needed somewhere to stay. "Well, I can always ask Volcan; he'd never turn me down," she said to herself. "I just hope I don't wake him..." Getting her bearings for a moment, she steered her car back towards C-Plaza, travelling a few blocks until she was in sight of the night club. She continued to follow the road past the parking lot before coming to a T-intersection, and making a right turn onto 110th Street, driving down two blocks before she came to the front of an apartment complex, slowing to a crawl and making a left turn into the parking lot and pulling up to the guest parking stalls, parking her car into the one across from a red jeep, which she knew belonged to Volcan. Obsidian parked the car, shutting off her headlights and stepped out; she locked the door after confirming she had her keys, and shut it. She began to make her way over to the complex, pulling her phone from her pocket and dialling Volcans' house number. She looked up to his second-floor balcony, hearing the phone ringing through the sliding glass door. She saw the shadow of someone moving inside. She didn't have to wait long before she heard the phone being picked up on the other end. "Hello?" "Hey, Volcan," said Obsidian. "Oh, hey 'Sid! How you doing?" The phoenix asked, happy to hear from the dragoness. Volcan and Obsidian were very close, so close they were often mistaken as lovers... well, the thought had crossed Obsidians' mind before, but, they both had such full schedules... Wait, why the hell was she thinking that at a time like this? She gave herself a mental slap on both cheeks before she finally answered Volcans' question. "I'm... okay, I guess," she lied. "Just... in kind of a sticky situation." "Uh oh... something happen?" "Oh nothing bad, really," she assured him. "But I... I kind of can't get home right now." "Wait, you're still on the Canadian side? But your shift ended two hours ago; the gates closed at eleven." "You know about that?" Obsidian asked, mildly surprised. "Yeah; was watching the news earlier while looking over some new songs Vinge came up with," Volcan replied. "I figured you would have been back across before the gates got closed." "I had to stay a little later," replied Obsidian. "Just one of those nights." "Ah, shitty," returned Volcan, "so, where are you now?" She held the phone away from her mouth and looked up at the balcony, cupping a hand around her muzzle and elevating her voice. "Right outside!" She called. Seconds later, Volcans' balcony door slid open, and the large, red and gold phoenix stepped out, peering down at her quizzically before he hit the 'end' button on his cordless phone and tucked it into his pocket. "Yanno, you could have just levitated yourself up to the balcony rather than call me." "That'd be intrusive," she called back up to him as she pocketed her own phone. "I only do something like that on your birthday," she reminded him with a wink, of how she'd dropped in on him on his eighteenth birthday... something the phoenix remembered well enough. "Hey, it may have spooked me but I can think of worse things to find lying on me when I wake up in the morning," the phoenix remarked. "So, since you're stuck over here I guess you need a place to stay, eh?" She smiled weakly at him. "If it's too much trouble, I could ask Tsume." "She's not at home tonight," Volcan called as he leapt over the balcony and dropped down one story to the ground below, landing without seemingly any effort before approaching Obsidian. "She went to visit Red-Grass for the weekend." Obsidian tilted her head. "Red... grass? Sounds like some kind of marijuana," she said, although was obviously joking. Volcan chuckled heartily. "I take it she didn't tell you about him?" "Oh, a person; I thought it might've been a town or something," admitted Obsidian. "But uh, no she hasn't. Who's he?" "Her knife instructor," replied Volcan. "Red-Grass taught her everything she knows about knife fighting; guy's an international champion, actually. Kind of lives in the Stone Age, you could say but, he's a good man; wise, talented, really knows his stuff. Tsume talks about him like he's an uncle, even a second father almost." Obsidian nodded. "Sounds like it." Volcan jerked his thumb up towards his apartment. "You want to come up? I can prepare the guest room for you, if you need somewhere to crash." She smiled again and nodded. "I'd appreciate it," she said, before she focused her telekinesis and levitated herself up towards Volcans' balcony, while the phoenix -being as tall as he was- simply walked back over to the balcony, reached up with his hands and literally pulled himself up by his fingers, until he was able to reach up to the top of the railing and pull himself up high enough to swing his legs over, touching down roughly the same time as Obsidian. "Why didn't you just jump up?" Obsidian asked. "Last time I did I... almost went through the window," replied Volcan, flushing with embarrassment. "Thought maybe it's better I stopped doing that before I crash through a pane of glass or smash into someone else's balcony." "And pulling yourself up is easier?" She asked as her feet touched down on the balcony. Volcan eyed her questioningly. "'Sid, I can bench press almost two thousand pounds; I weigh barely over one-tenth that. You think I have any trouble lifting myself?" She cocked her head slightly at that question. "Good point." "Yeah," he replied as he led her into the house. She took off her shoes before setting foot on his living room carpet, and looked around the place briefly as he stepped in and shut the door behind him. Obsidian walked over to the couch and sat down, leaning back against it and loving to finally sit somewhere that wasn't her hard office chair back at work; the phoenixes' couch was so soft and comfortable in comparison. As she relaxed into the soft, burgundy leather, she let out a long groan, some of it relief, the other frustration. "You alright?" Volcan asked. "Yeah... just been a really, really long day," replied the dragoness. "I'm just glad to get some time off." Volcan nodded in understanding. "Can I get you anything?" He offered her. "Well, I did miss my lunch break today," she remarked. "Can I just make a sandwich?" "I'll make it," Volcan assured, holding up his hand in assurance. "You just kick back and relax for a bit. How about a root beer while you wait?" She smiled and nodded. "Sounds great," she said. "Coming right up," he returned, turning and heading into the kitchen while Obsidian reached down to the side of the couch and pulled up on a lever, triggering a leg rest which elevated her feet and propped them up into an comfortable position. Volcan appeared from the kitchen again a moment later, carrying a cold bottle of root beer in his hand, which he held out to Obsidian. "Thank you," she said, accepting the bottle form him before she opened it and drank greedily, enjoying the cold, sweet, carbonated liquid flowing down her throat. "No problem. So, what would you like on that sandwich? I've got chicken, some leftover bacon, ham's probably still good." She shrugged. "Surprise me." "Alright then," he replied before he returned to the kitchen once more. As Obsidian lay there, letting herself completely relax in the chair, she turned her attention to the TV, which was still on the news at that moment. It was a local channel, so it was reporting incidents regarding the city; currently, it was giving an update on the gates being closed, and that the suspects the American UFPD were pursuing had been cornered and would soon be apprehended, but it'd be another hour or so before they re-opened the gates, meaning Obsidian was better off just staying here now. She hated to impose on Volcan like this... but he didn't seem to mind the company. Hopefully she could make it up to him somehow. A few minutes later, Volcan arrived back, carrying a plate with a sandwich resting upon it, which he placed on the coffee table in front of Obsidian. "Chicken bacon ranch; hope you like it," he said, pleasantly. "I'll go prep the guest room for you, now." She nodded to him. "I'm really sorry for all this, Volcan; to impose on you in such a way." He gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "If I found it a bother, I wouldn't have let you come in," he said. "You're always welcome here, 'Sid. I mean, when we learned Rex was after me, we lived together for three weeks, right? I have no problem with you being here. In fact, I rather like having you around." He gave her a warm smile, and turned towards the hallway leading to the bedrooms, walking into the shadows of the corridor and out of sight from Obsidian. The dragoness blushed at Volcans' words. It's true; they had stayed together briefly, when Volcan was put under police protection. There were no other officers to relieve her, so Obsidian and Volcan had become temporary roommates. During that time, they'd grown ever closer, and though it wasn't the first time Volcan mentioned that he liked having Obsidian around, it was still very flattering to hear. She turned her attention to the sandwich, picking up the plate and setting it on her lap, before she lifted the sandwich in her hands and took a bite, her sharp teeth taking a fair chunk out of the sandwich. She tasted the chicken first, followed shortly by the bacon and the condiments -mayonnaise, mustard, butter and some ranch dressing. She took a second bite, deciding she liked it. Before long, the sandwich was consumed; she felt a little more satisfied, but still slightly peckish. Volcan emerged a moment later, just in time to see her place the empty plate on the coffee table. "Did you like it?" He asked. "It was delicious," she replied. "Thank you." "Anytime," he returned, before sitting down on the couch with her. "So, how was work, besides long and probably a little stressful?" She fell back against the couch and groaned. "Ridiculously busy," she replied, and went through the recap of her day all in order, starting with the museum heist she'd foiled, onto the first high speed chase, the mugger she'd run after, and the second chase, along with the nasty remarks the racer she'd caught was spitting in her face the whole time. Volcan grimaced. "If I'd been there, that guy would've been spouting that bullshit through a toothless mouth." Obsidian shrugged. "It was annoying, of course, but it's part of the job," she said. "I mean, the ones who aren't going to like cops are of course the ones who have something to hide or are on the wrong side of the law, right?" "Right," agreed Volcan, chuckling. "And if there weren't people like that out there, you'd be out of a job." "That too," she agreed. "And, I like what I do. Sure, it's trying at times, but I muddle through and I know the things I do have lasting effects somewhere." "Exactly, just as I know my music does. I may not be keeping crime in Canada to an all-time low," he winked, "that often," and continued. "But I give people excitement, make their nights enjoyable, with loud music and some of Pavans' crazy jokes." "If you hadn't mentioned the loud music, someone else could interpret that 'nights enjoyable' part to mean something a bit more intimate," Obsidian remarked, wiggling her eyebrows at him, and laughing when the phoenix blushed. "I bet lots of girls go chasing after you." "Well, yes. But, I don't give in to it." Obsidian irked an eyebrow at him. "Most men would thrive on so much attention." Volcan shrugged. "They're not trying to get a date with me because they actually like me; they're driven only by the fact they're fans of mine; they love my music, and the man they see on the stage, but they don't know who I really am." He shook his head. "Nah, there'd be no affection in such a thing; it'd simply be something for them to tell their friends about, and maybe a way for me to wind down after work, but there are lots of ways to do that." For someone afraid to commit, he sure has a romantic mindset, thought Obsidian. Of course, that was partly why she liked him. "I think I follow," she said. "You're not just out for the fun of it; you prefer there actually be some connection." Volcan nodded. "That's about the best way to sum it up," he said. She nodded back. "Mind if I ask you a personal question?" "Fire away." She snorted at the pun, smiling lightly and quirking an eyebrow at him again, before moving onto her question. "What is it exactly you look for in women, then?" Obsidian asked. "Or, I guess, in your case, partners in general?" She knew he was bisexual; it was a fairly recent discovery even for himself, but it was there. Volcans' gaze drifted to the ceiling as he considered the question. "Well, to be honest, if I had to pick a partner, I'd prefer it be someone I knew at least fairly well or, at the very least, had taken some time to get to know and connect with. I don't want it to be just some random fling or some party girl I pick up at the bar; I'd prefer it's someone who knows me by name, and I know them as well." Obsidian blinked. "So... what, 'friends with benefits'?" She asked, quizzically. Volcan chuckled. "I guess that's about the best way to describe it," he replied. "Although, to be frank, 'Sid, of everyone I know, I'd say you're one of the ones I like most." Obsidian blushed. "Me?" "Well, of course!" He smiled at her. "What's not to like about you? You're intelligent, courageous, you have a good sense of right and wrong -your becoming a police officer is testament to that, and you treat every one of your friends like they're your family. Heck, you and Rikyuu almost seem to have a mother and child relationship, and like a third elder sister to Tsume; she really admires you. And so do I." Obsidian was once more flattered by Volcans' words, and began to feel herself becoming warm. She smiled at him, and leaned over to hug him. "You're such a sweet man, Volcan," she said. "You know just how to make someone feel good about who they are." Volcan returned the hug. "I've never considered myself a people-reader," he said. "But I know my friends, and I know who they are." She nuzzled against his chest, but then winced as he touched a spot on her back. He noticed this instantly and gently pulled back from her. "Sorry; did I hurt you?" He asked. "No, no, wasn't you," replied Obsidian, rubbing her shoulder. "I have this horrible knot in my shoulder from today -doing all those takedowns, probably, and sitting at my desk or in my patrol car so much this last week has made my back really achy too." "Sounds like somebody could use a massage," said Volcan, smiling. "Go hop in the shower; take a warm one to loosen up your muscles, and I'll see if I can't work those kinks out of your back." She grinned widely. "That sounds perfect; I'll do just that." "I'll meet you in the guest room once you're out," replied Volcan as she stood up from the couch and began to head towards the washroom. When her back was turned, Volcan found himself staring at her, looking at the dragoness from top to bottom... she made that police uniform look so beautiful -hell, Obsidian always looked beautiful, one of those types of women who looked good no matter what, and the way she walked, confident, steady and professional, with that shapely tail of hers swaying with each step... Volcan snapped back to reality and shook his head. Why was he thinking about that? She was his friend! Sure their earlier conversation had brought up the topic of 'friends with benefits' but he didn't think of her like that; he had no right to. Surely she wasn't that interested in him, and he wasn't that interested in her... or was he? Shaking his head again to clear it once more before his imagination could get away from him, the phoenix turned his attention to the TV, hoping the news channel would distract him... Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Obsidian had stripped herself of her police uniform and her underclothes, including a sleeveless shirt she wore beneath the button-down shirt of her uniform, and set her belt of tools -her gun, pepper spray, handcuffs and baton, in the corner of the bathroom closet, where she also hung her uniform. Now standing completely naked in the bathroom of one of her closest friends, she walked over to the shower and turned on the water, adjusting the hot and cold knobs until she was satisfied with the temperature. Before stepping into the shower, she caught herself in the mirror, and allowed herself a moment to admire how fit she had become since joining the UFPD. So many people stereotypically pictured cops as overweight, lazy people only working when necessary... well, Detective Benson played that stereotype like a harp, but the rest of the officers on Gregorys' team were encouraged to keep in shape, attend regular target practice sessions, and eat a diet that Gregory himself had designed. Obsidian had always been fairly fit before joining the police force, but in the time since she had, her limbs had gained some definition, her amethyst coloured scales hadn't lost any of their gemstone luster, although she had some damage to them visible around her stomach, where she had been shot three times not so long ago -thankfully she had been wearing armour that day; only one of the bullets had penetrated. Besides that, her figure was enough to make any man of any species gawk; she was surprised herself just how attractive she looked... "I wonder if Volcan noticed..." she wondered aloud, before shaking her head to clear it, and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water flow over her to wet her scales and hair. A bar of soap caught her eye, and she used it to clean herself of the sweat and grime the busy day had brought her, leaving her scales with a clean surface and a yogurt-y smell. She was slightly disappointed there was no shampoo for her to wash her hair and tail fur with, but considering that Volcan could not even use his own shower without falling into a coma -or worse- because of his species, she wasn't really sure why she expected any less. Hell, the fact Volcan even had a bar of soap in the shower was unexpected, but he probably meant it for guests. Satisfied that she was clean, Obsidian stood before the showerhead, letting the water rinse the suds from her body. She sighed blissfully as she felt the soap washed from her scales, trickling down her legs and tail, and as the warm water helped relieve the sore muscles of her body, suddenly looking forward to that massage Volcan had promised her. But that was not all she thought about; as she imagined feeling Volcans' powerful hands working the knots and kinks out of her back, she began to feel hot, hotter than the shower should've been making her. She shut her eyes, picturing seeing the phoenix rubbing her back, with her head turned to look at him, meeting the loving gaze of his sky-blue eyes and seeing his handsome, avionic face. Completely unaware that she had begun to feel herself up as she fantasized about the phoenix, Obsidian snapped back into reality very suddenly. Shame on her, fantasizing about one of her best friends! Even though she and Volcan had been discussing... romantic topics earlier, she shouldn't be thinking such things. Besides, she doubted Volcan was attracted to her; she didn't know for certain, as she'd never read his mind in his presence out of respect -or caution, in the case of the day they first met, during the Genocidal War so few years ago. But Volcan was couldn't possibly be so attracted to someone like her. She pulled her right hand away from herself; it had been stroking her breasts, and her left hand had been dangerously close to her crotch. Shaking her head once more to clear it and flinging water against the walls of the shower, Obsidian turned off the water and stepped out, angrily grabbing a towel off of the wall to start drying herself off, still frustrated with herself for letting her mind conjure up dirty images. Once she was dry, she let out a sigh, using some breath control strategies to calm herself down. She'd lost control for a moment, but she was fine now; the thoughts were past, and now she just had to look forward to... the very thing she had been fantasizing. Realizing this was going to be more difficult than she thought, she considered perhaps kindly refusing Volcans' offer and just going straight to bed. An ache in her shoulder changed her mind. "Damn it," she grumbled. The dragoness redressed herself, pulling on her panties and undershirt first, but left off her bra; it'd probably just get in Volcans' way when he rubbed her back. Finally she pulled her pants on, buttoning the back where it wrapped around her tail over top of where it met her lower back. Fully dressed, she stepped out of the bathroom, leaving her gear, uniform shirt and badge in the closet where she could find them in the morning. Although she briefly considered putting her gun somewhere that it would be hard to find, until she remembered, she wasn't even in her own house, and Volcan was no stranger to guns, having been shot by a few of them in his time, so she left it where it was, although closed the closet door to give herself some peace of mind. "Okay, Volc; I'm done!" She called. "Alright; I'll see you in the guest room in a sec," he called. "Just starting up the dishwasher." She nodded, despite that he couldn't see her, and went to her immediate right, heading up the hall to the last door on the right, where she entered the guest room. The place was very plainly decorated, with white walls, the same brown carpet as the living room, an oak dresser and a double bed. With her body so tired, that bed looked like its own slice of heaven, and she eagerly climbed onto it and rested her head on the pillow. "Why does my friends' guest bed have to be so much more comfortable than my own bed?" She wondered aloud, shutting her eyes and nearly drifting off to sleep until she heard the light footsteps of the phoenix coming up the hall; she couldn't hear his talons clicking on the floor, due to the carpet, but the soft footfalls still caught her keen ears. Obsidian rolled onto her stomach and used a pillow to prop herself up as Volcan stepped into the room; she smiled at him as he entered. "Thanks for doing this Volcan," she said gratefully, trying not to blush. He chuckled. "The pleasure's mine, 'Sid," he said as he cracked his knuckles. "Now, ready for me to get those knots out of your back?" "Please," Obsidian replied, and rested her head on the pillow, laying as flat as she could as Volcan stood by her side. She felt his palms touch her back, and begin to rub through her shirt in small circles, massaging the muscles through her scales, and feeling the warmth of his body transferring into her. The phoenixes' body heat was no surprise to her, but feeling it flowing into her through his palms made her feel like putty in his hands, reshaping her as they worked their magic on her body. Obsidian sighed blissfully as she felt aches and pains she didn't even know she had vanish from her back, her tail flicking contentedly while she lay there. Volcan was careful to keep his claws from raking against her shirt, mostly using the heel of his palms for the massage, starting from her lower back up to her shoulder blades. But that's where the Phoenix paused briefly as he felt the lack of something below under her shirt... she wasn't wearing her bra. His mind betrayed him at that moment as he suddenly found himself picturing Obsidian shirtless, her scaly breasts out for him to see in his minds' eyes, and that shapely figure of hers feeding his gaze with beauty... He forced the thoughts from his head and went back to his work before Obsidian noticed his pause; if she had been reading his mind at that second, he had no doubt she'd have stormed out of the apartment angrily and gone home, or to stay in a motel if the border gates were still locked. Thankfully, Volcan managed to find something to distract him; Obsidian suddenly tensed as he touched a spot below her shoulder, and pulled his hand back. "Did that hurt?" He asked, apologetically. "A little," she returned. "I guess you found a really tender spot there." "Sorry," he said; how very Canadian of him, apologizing for something that wasn't really his fault. "It's alright," she assured him. "Let's just get that knot out, shall we?" He nodded in agreement, and put his hands back over where he touched her before she'd tensed up. "Here?" He asked. "Couple inches higher," she replied, and winced again when she felt pressure from his hands on that spot. "Ah! There..." She said, trying not to whimper. "Alright, let's see if I can get this out... let me know if it hurts, okay?" "I will." Volcan focused some more of his body temperature into his palms, letting his heat flow into the dragoness and bathe that sore muscle in warmth, and gently went back to massaging it. Obsidian squirmed briefly and let out a slight whine at the pain, but she never told him to stop, and after a few short rubs, the knot finally released, and her pain was gone, elicited by a pleased sigh. The phoenix went on to her shoulders, rubbing the tension and the soreness out of them and followed suite to her neck, fumbling with that mane of hair that she had but managing to successfully massage there as well. It was all too soon for the massage to end for Obsidian; she was greatly enjoying the attention Volcan was giving her, but with all the pain in her back now gone, his work was finished... until he surprised her when she felt his hand on her foot. "Mind turning onto your back?" He called. She looked over her shoulder at him, seeing him kneeling down at the foot of the bed, one of his hands on her dragonic foot. "A foot massage too?" She asked, doing as he asked and rolling onto her back. "Hey, what's better than a full-body massage?" He replied as he wrapped his fingers around her foot, and began to rub the underside with his thumbs. It wasn't until then Obsidian realized just how sore her feet really were, and though it tickled a little, the foot massage felt almost orgasmic to her, absently curling her tail around one of the phoenixes' wrists. How long had it been, she wondered, since a man had given her a foot massage? Hell, how long had it been since she he had foot massage at all? She couldn't recall the last time she got one, and had become so used to the soreness of her feet that she didn't notice it anymore. She hummed in absolute ecstasy as she shut her eyes and leaned her head back, savoring the feeling as Volcan worked her feet like a professional. "That feels amazing," she said, barely audible. Volcan smiled at her, happy that he was making her feel so good. His hands worked over both the tops and bottoms of her foot, until he was satisfied with his work and moved onto the next one, spending a little longer on this foot as he watched the dragoness thrive on the pleasure of his massaging. Obsidian's body felt hot as she took in the feeling of Volcans' hands on her feet, but it didn't take long for her to realize that it wasn't because of the warmth emanating from the phoenix. On the contrary, it was her own, and she felt an itch coming from between her legs. She suppressed a gasp as it dawned on her that she was becoming turned on by Volcans' attentions, already her mind filling with images of what would happen if Volcan realized that he was arousing her... Would he indulge her, and help her relieve her need, or would he be insulted that she was actually letting herself fantasize about one of her own friends -especially one younger than herself! She started to sweat a little, and was afraid Volcan would notice. She pulled her foot back from him, and forced a smile. "That felt great Volcan; I really appreciate it," she said. "I think I'm good now." "You sure? I was going to massage your calves next," he said, standing up. 'Oh gods no; I can't let him start massaging my legs or he'll see I'm becoming aroused for sure!' She screamed in her head. "N-no, that's okay; my legs feel fine," she said. Volcan blinked at her, but then suddenly his gaze fell to her brow, and the pupils contracting in his eyes alerted her that he was zeroing in on something on her head. 'Oh crap, oh crap, he sees my sweat!' She thought, panicked. 'I had to get aroused by someone with eyes like a telescope and microscope, didn't I?!' "Obsidian, you're sweating," he said, confirming her fears. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine just... it's a little warm in here, after all," she lied. He wasn't buying it. "'Sid... is something wrong?" The phoenix asked. "You know you don't need to hide anything from me." "I... but..." She stammered, swallowing nervously, and clenching her eyes. "Obsidian... was I making you uncomfortable?" Volcan asked. "Was maybe that all a little too... intimate?" Obsidian let out an exasperated sigh. "No... nothing like that," she said. "Then... was it that talk we had earlier?" He pressed further, but kept a respectful distance from Obsidian. "No, not that either. It's..." she hid her face in her hands. "I'm a lousy friend..." "What?" Volcan asked, astonished. "How are you a lousy friend?" "Because of my dirty mind," she replied, scornfully, although her scorn was directed at herself, not at Volcan. "I've been having fantasies since I was in the shower before, and they've been coming to life since we started... this." She sighed, ashamed of herself. Volcan blushed brightly, his gold feathers almost turning orange as it dawned on him what Obsidian was saying. "You've...been fantasizing about me?" He asked. She nodded, and hid her face from him again, curling up her legs into a fetal position. He eyed her with some sympathy, knowing she felt terrible for having such thoughts about one of her own friends. Of course, she didn't realize that Volcan had been having those same thoughts almost since she arrived at his house. He reached over to her, putting a hand under her chin and elevating her gaze to meet his. "Read my mind," he bade her. She eyed him quizzically, her curiosity blocking out her shame for a moment. "Huh? Why?" "Trust me," he said. Obsidian blinked at him a few times, not knowing why he actually wanted her to intrude upon his thoughts, but knew he wouldn't actually ask her to without a reason. She reached up with a trembling hand, and placed it upon the side of his hand, focusing her mental energy to link with his as both of them closed their eyes, and she was given access to his mind. The first thing she saw were recent memories and thoughts the phoenix had, starting from when Obsidian had arrived, up to when Obsidian had gone for a shower... She almost lost her focus as she noticed, Volcan had actually been checking her out since she arrived... he liked the look of her police uniform on her body, how it complimented her purple scales, and how he thought it made her look tough. She dug a little deeper, up to when he had been massaging her, and how he'd realized she wasn't wearing a bra; learning that had caused him to picture Obsidian topless -she blushed as she saw herself half-naked in her friends' mind, and how his mental projections made her look so... Beautiful... Was that really how he thought of her; how he saw her? The shame washed away from Obsidian almost immediately; she could tell Volcan had been sharing those feelings in the moments he'd been fantasizing about Obsidian himself. But it was clear to both of them now; they weren't in love, but both of them found the other very pleasing to the eye, and of course, they knew they loved each other in another way; as the deepest of friends, as someone they could share their life with, without really committing to it. Their eyes opened at the same time, and their gazes met. "...I'm not sure if this is awkward... or a relief," Obsidian remarked. "That makes two of us," replied Volcan. "Guess we were both getting worried over nothing... given, such a thought was justified." Obsidian giggled nervously. "Yet, it turns out, we were worried for nothing." "I guess not..." They stared at each other for a long moment of silence, before Volcan spoke again. "So... what should we do now? Just forget this happened and, say good night?" Obsidian didn't want the phoenix to leave just yet, and her tail slowly slid around his lower back, tugging on him a little. "No..." she whispered. "I... I want you here, with me." Volcan blushed again, but didn't protest, and when Obsidian removed her tail from him and slid over, he joined her on the bed, walking around to the opposite side and climbing on with her, the two of them meeting in the middle and leaning against each other, pausing only momentarily as they had a last bout of hesitation... But as their gazes met again, it was clear to both of them what they wanted... Volcan made the first move, wrapping his left arm around her middle and pulling her close to him, bathing her body in his fiery warmth. She leaned into him, nuzzling his chest a little with the side of her head as he felt his hand reach around to stroke her belly. She moaned in pleasure as his warm hand massaged her abdominal muscles, taking all of the tension from her torso faster than sound, and let her tongue hang out slightly as his hand moved up, rubbing its way up to her chest. She put her hand over his and pushed it towards herself, pressing her breast into his palm. The phoenix pulled his hand down though, much to her disappointment, but that passed immediately as she felt his hand slipping under her shirt, and sliding up her torso to cup her breast with his hand. She moaned again as the sensitive, scaled flesh of her tit was fondled by his hand, leaning her head back and closing her eyes to savor the sensation. She felt something wet against her neck, and something hard as bone running across her scales; though she couldn't see it, she knew it was Volcan, tasting her with his tongue as that hand of his continued to stimulate her breast, his other hand wrapping around her middle to pull him closer. She wrapped her arms around to his back in order to balance herself, fully submitting to him. After a moment or so, he leaned her onto her back, and crawled over her, lifting her shirt up over her head; she raised her arms so that her could remove the shirt, and cast it aside when it was free of her hands. And there, he saw what he had been picturing in his minds' eye before; that angelic figure of the eastern dragoness, and those perfectly shaped breasts of hers. The phoenix could not resist leaning down and running his tongue over her nipple, bringing a sharp gasp of pleasure from her, and he went back to fondling it again while he continued to lick it, occassionally rubbing her nipple with his thumb. Obsidian looked down at him, and watched lustily as she saw him crawling up her body, running his tongue one more time until his face was level to hers, letting their eyes meet again. And then... he kissed her; she didn't try to stop him, or try to push him back as his beaklips encompassed her surprisingly soft reptilian lips, forming a better seal than she had imagined a beak to be capable of, but as they tasted each other her arms wrapped around his body, pulling him against her and pinning herself underneath his weight, letting him grind his hips against hers as she wrapped her legs around his body. As they kissed, her hands began to slid down his back, past his wings and down to the velcro fastening below them that held his shirt on, which she pulled apart. Hearing the velcro being undone, Volcan hesitantly broke the kiss and pulled his shirt off, tossing it over to where he'd thrown Cid's before, and used this time to undo his belt as well, sliding it free and dropping it to the floor. Obsidian watched as Volcan undid his pants, and took the time to do the same for herself as well, sliding them down to her ankles; Volcan got his down to his knees, before propping himself up on his hands and kicking them off the rest of the way, wearing only his boxer shorts now, while Obsidian had only her panties on. Both pairs of pants were discarded over the foot of the bed, where they lay forgotten. The two of them were almost completely naked now. Volcan began to kiss Obsidian again, letting her feel his dense muscles, and those plush, silky-soft feathers of his. And his warmth, oh the warmth that radiated from his body; it was like she was making out with a living furnace, and loving every minute of it! Volcan loved the feeling of her perfectly sculpted form against him, his hands rubbing her sides as he kissed her, finding her scales much smoother than he originally thought they would be; he knew her scales weren't rough, but to feel them so smooth, like a gemstone after it was hand-cut by a master gem cutter, was a pleasant surprise. Finally, they stopped kissing, catching their breath for a moment as they gazed into each other's eyes again. "You doin' alright there, 'Sid?" Volcan asked. "I'm loving every minute of this," she replied, and moved her face closer to his again, touching her nose to the tip of his beak. "Volcan," she said. "Yes?" He asked. "Would you..." She paused, and then leaned closer to him until she could whisper in his ear. "Sleep with me?" When she pulled back to look at his face again, she saw he was beaming, a wide smile on his beaklips. "I would love to," he replied. They kissed again for a moment, tasting each other once more as Volcan reached down, sliding his hands past Obsidians' hips and fumbling with the rim of her panties. He pulled back from her and elevated her legs as he began to pull them down, teasing her with intent on taking his time, until they slid over her feet, and he dropped them over the side of the bed. However, he didn't undress himself the rest of the way yet, and began to lower himself down to her crotch, his eyes feeding on the beauty of her exposed form until his face was level with her wet passage. Obsidian watched with a mix of interest and impatience as Volcan lowered himself down, curious as to what he was doing, until she felt his tongue against her slit, and gasped sharply as he ran his tongue along her puffy lips, until he reached the sensitive nub of flesh of her clit, and licked it, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. Obsidian writhed against him, her knees squeezing his shoulders, silently begging him to continue his work, her body feeling hotter than ever now. Then, he did; the wedge of Volcans' beak pushed her labia apart, and she was rewarded with even more pleasure as her sex was spread out wider than she knew it could, but he didn't push too far, or he'd risk hurting her. Instead, his tongue entered her passage; she arched her back as she felt his bird tongue slip inside of her, writhing against her walls like a worm on a sidewalk, touching the sensitive nerves of her inner walls. She whimpered in pleasure as the phoenix tasted her insides, her legs squeezing his thick shoulders more as she felt his hands on her hips, pulling her towards him to force his tongue deeper into her. "My god... Volcan you're good at this," she breathed. He couldn't answer her of course, but to reward her for the compliment, he made his tongue vibrate inside of her as he exhaled over her hot passage and savored the taste of the dragoness, bringing a squeal of delight out of her as she felt his tongue shiver as if it were suffering a chill, the toes of her feet curling inwards as her muscles shuddered with pleasure. "Yes... keep going," she pleaded; the phoenix complied graciously, eating her out for a long moment until she began to feel her peak rapidly closing in, her body tensing as she tried to prolong it for as long as she could. It wasn't easy though; Volcan, as if sensing her approaching climax, worked her double-time, wracking her body with pleasure as he drove his tongue even further -just how long was that thing? The wedge of his beak spread her wider, and he brought up one hand to her crotch, stroking her clitoris with his thumb.

It was too much for Obsidian to handle; she suppressed a scream as she climaxed, bathing Volcans' face with her fluids and arching her back again. "Oh my god!" She cried out as her body convulsed with her orgasm, her legs on Volcans' shoulders pulling him closer to her still as his beak became drenched in her cum. She sat panting as she basked in the afterglow of his attentions, her chest rising and falling with each breathe. When Obsidian had relaxed enough for Volcan to pull back, she felt another shiver of pleasure run over her body as he retracted his tongue and pulled his beak away from her sex, tilting his head back and licking some of the juices from his beak, enjoying the sweet taste of her before he looked at her again. "How was that?" He asked. "Amazing," she replied. "Where did you... learn to do that?" He shrugged. "Just came to me, really," he replied. "Was the first time I actually tried doing it, to be honest." "Well... It was fantastic," she complimented him, and then grinned lustily as her tail suddenly wrapped around his waist. "But now it's your turn." Before he could say anything, she grabbed him by his shoulders and turned them both over; Volcan let her turn him onto his back, making sure neither of his wings would be crushed by his weight as he was pinned down beneath her. He grinned back at her as she straddled him, pushing off his boxers to bring his erect, throbbing birdhood into view, where she proceeded to rub her sex against it, letting the tip become coated in her juices as she kissed Volcan again, tasting her own juices still present on his beak. Volcan returned the kiss, wrapping Obsidian in his arms and pulling her down against him, pressing her breasts flat against his chest and feeling her every female curve against his body as he kissed her. He pushed his tongue past her lips and into her mouth, touching hers with it, and she responded in kind but brushing her own tongue against his; the two danced their tongues around one another's, and when they broke the kiss, a tail of saliva linking their tongues was left. Obsidian raised herself up, her tail squeezing Volcans' waist tightly as she poised her love tunnel over his rod, and slowly lowered herself onto it, feeling the pointed tip spread her as she entered him, shivering with pleasure; he was bigger than she thought he'd be, but not as wide as some other men. However, he had a lot of length going for him, and as she lowered herself down on him, she felt his rod pushing deeper than she first expected, and gasped sharply as she hilted him, squeezing his hips with her knees. Volcan moaned in ecstasy as he felt his cock taken deeper into her every second, and squawked slightly as he felt her crotch meeting his. "Ah..." He groaned, pushing his hips against hers and folding up his legs, somewhat. Obsidian responded to his need, and began to move her hips against him, using her legs to lift herself halfway off of his length, and the tail coiled around his middle to pull herself back down. She placed both hands on his stomach to steady herself, letting out moans of her own as she felt her sensitive inner muscles being stimulated by the intruding length in her pussy. She rode him for several moments before she felt him move, and looked down at him to see him sitting up and pushing himself back to the headboard of the bed, before he wrapped one arm around her lower back and pulled her against him, kissing her again and holding her close to him as he bucked his hips against hers, trying to match her own rhythm when she began to thrust herself onto him again. Obsidian moaned into the kiss as she tasted the phoenix again, wrapping both her arms around his neck, and shuddering in pleasure as he reached up which his other hand and began to massage her breast, more aggressively this time, clenching it with his fingers and fondling it. She whined in ecstasy from the combined feeling of his fondling and riding his cock further, her kiss becoming passionate as she pulled him into her with her arms. Thrust after thrust, the two were brought closer to a joint climax, feeling their hearts thundering in their chests and forced to break the kiss just to breath, moan and grunt. Volcan pulled herself close to Volcan, laying her head on his shoulder to steady herself and raised her legs to wrap around his midsection, squeezing him tightly as she closed her eyes and clenching her teeth as her orgasm approached rapidly. Volcan put one hand on her rump, and another on her back, and thrust hard into her, using the leverage of his lower hand to push her onto his length as she bucked her hips against him, both of them moaning and grunting louder and more heavily with every passing moment. He felt the pressure building in his cock, but tried to hold on, wanting to share this climax with Obsidian, his hands squeezing her body hard enough to almost dig his claws into her scales as he fought to prolong his final stretch. And then, Obsidian came first, fighting hard to suppress the scream lingering in her throat, resulting instead into a long drawn out moan as her vaginal muscles clamped onto Volcan's cock like a vice, forming a tight enough seal that none of her fluids flowed out onto the bed. The tightness of her passage brought Volcan past his limit, and his load erupted into Obsidians' love tunnel, filling her with his hot seed and making her whole body heat up. They were hugging each other so tightly throughout the afterglow, it was like their muscles had frozen like it; aside from an occassional shiver and breath, neither one moved, until the afterglow faded, and a wave of exhaustion fell over both of them, their muscles losing their tension; Obsidians' passage was relieved of their combined fluids, which flowed out and drenched both of their crotches in dragon and phoenix cum, along with the blanket of the bed they were sitting on. Volcan let out a long, drawn out 'Aahh' in bliss as he let his body relax, and gazed lovingly into Obsidians' eyes. "That was... indescribable," he said. "Oh Volcan," she said. "I don't think... I've had a night like this... in years," she said, before hugging him, pressing their naked bodies together again, her tail around his waist squeezing his middle. "I don't want it to end yet..." She whispered. Volcan blanketed Obsidian with his wings, covering her in even more warmth and covering both of their heads with his feathers, giving them a dark red cubby just for the two of them. He held her like she really were his truest love... maybe she was, and they just didn't know yet, but one thing was for sure, there was no one else he wanted to be closer to at that moment than her... "It doesn't have to yet," he replied as she began to pull back from him. She smiled at him, and the two kissed one more time, laying there propped up by the pillows on the back of the bed, as they shared that kiss. Whatever the future held for both of them, if this would only be a one-time thing or one day they would have a moment like this again, neither one knew, but as they kissed, and slowly drifted off to sleep wrapped in one another, it didn't matter what they would be in the future. Because at that moment, they were already lovers...

Chasing the Devil

The Os-Nàdarra Sentinels Chapter 3: Chasing the Devil   -The hidden lab of the I.T.O.U.E, August 1st, 2010-               The playing video illuminated the room as Kyle watched the recorded battle of Volcan against the strongest member and third gang...

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First Job

**Voyages of the Mara** ** ** Chapter 2: First Job Five days passed since the crew of the Mara's Hope had returned home to the Mara Colony. After a meeting between the five they had decided to take one of the jobs Gustav had found aboard...

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Arc 2 Prologue: The Aftermath

The Os-Nàdarra Sentinels Prologue: Aftermath -Unity Falls, June 3rd, 2010             Volcan stared down at the streets below, eyeing some of the damaged buildings with some melancholy as he reminisced on the cause of their damage. This particular...

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