Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt12.

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#13 of Pokémon - Darkest Taboo


Walking into the bed room Blaze left Oni sitting on the floor still stunned, to be honest she had to admit to herself that she was no less shocked by what had happened either and wanted some answers. Closing the bedroom door behind her she could see the Lopunny sitting upright till astride their unconscious trainer , her hips lifting and plunging down with a ferocious pace.

The sounds of Bunny's grunt's and groans filling the air along with the heady musk of Human and Pokémon lust, she was close so very close that nothing else seemed to matter at all that was until she saw Blaze walking towards her with her avian eyes narrowed.

This fearsome site brought her from on the brink of climaxing to sudden realization of what she had just been doing; for a moment the Lopunny looked around herself confused and looking horrified, it was a sight that made the Blaziken consider that perhaps the prudish Rabbit Pokémon had been under Espeon's psychic control.

After all that made much more sense to Blaze, such assumptions where instantly dispelled as the Lopunny reached up and brought her inhuman lips to his and kissed her unconscious Trainer fully a sight that made Blaze's mind hurt in confusion.



The fighting Fire type Pokémon bellows furiously more from confusion and frustration of being unable o understand what had happened than actually being angry with Bunny, had she been able to comprehend why she was sure she'd be joking and congratulating her in giving their trainer the seeing to he needed not to mention finally understanding the benefits of breeding with Humans. But the Blaziken couldn't comprehend her friend and team member's actions as it went against everything she knew about the Lopunny for so many years.


Bunny wailed a look of shame and self loathing replacing her until then serine and contented expression, the lagomorph tried to look away as she felt shaky and fearful of what every one was going to think about her now she had actually mated with a Human.

She even began to wonder if she had taken advantage of her dear beloved trainer, maybe forced him to satisfy her vile corrupt body with his seed; had she raped him.


Blaze growled again marching up to the Lopunny and slapping her across the face, Bunny went flying across the bed and over onto the floor on other side.

Blaze froze as her own action confused her even more, normally Bunny would have blocked or avoided the blow not just let the blow hit her like that.

"Blaziken...Blazi...Ken...Ken? Blaziken?...Blaziken...Blazi?" [Oh Sweet Arceus what have I done?...Bunny?...are you okay?]

Blaze calls out raising her talon like hands to her beak as her own guilt and began to set in calming her down and allowing her to actually think a little more clearly now.

"Lopunny...Lop?..Lopunny...Pun...Lop...Punny?" [What have I done?..how could I have done this?]

Bunny spoke from the floor, Blaze hurriedly made her way around to the other side of the bed to see her friend curled up crying her small little eyes out making the Blaziken feel even more of heel for hitting her.


[No don't say that, I was wrong I shouldn't have struck you for breeding with Jack, I should have been proud of you!

Please forgive me?]

Bunny looked up at Blaze as her tall friend sat down next to her while easing her talon tipped fingers into her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Lopuuny...Lopunny...Lop...Lop...Punny!" "But...But I raped him...I must have done!"

Came Bunny's tear drenched words, as Blaze slowly wiped her friends tears from her eyes and smiled soothingly or as much as a beak could smile any way.

"Blaziken...Blazi...Ken...Blaziken...Blaziken...Blaziken....Blaziken...Ken...Blazi...Blaziken...Blazi...Blazi...Blaziken." [No you didn't, that Female Human helped you be honest with yourself and showed Jack just how you felt about him, I'm so proud of you Bunny.]

Hearing Blaze's words made the Lopunny blink for a few seconds and sit up right looking into the Blaziken's eyes, getting up Blaze offers her talons to Bunny helping her to her feet.

"Blaziken...Blazi...ken?" [So what was it like?]

Blaze asked curiously a perverse glint in her eyes, Lopunny rolled her eyes while shaking her head slowly as she replied to Blaze's question.

"Lopunny!...Pun...Punny...Punny...Lopunny...Lopunny...Pun...** Pun...Punny... Lopunny...Punny...Pun?"**

[Pervert!...Heh but yeah it felt so amazing like nothing I ever felt before, wonder if all Humans feel that good?]

Blaze slapped her talon like hand over her face slowly shaking her head in disbelief, Bunny just stuck her tongue out playfully while giving her red feathered friend a wink.

"Blaziken...Blazi...Ken...Bazi!" [We've created a Slut Monster!]

The bed creaked as Oni having finally come to her senses had crept into the room and jumped up onto the bed to snuggle up against her Human Friend and trainer, with wide yawn she curls up next to him taking in his scent as she settles down to sleep wandering if Bunny hadn't jumped the gun and rushed it with Jack or not. But what was done was done and they would have to wait for him to awaken to find out for sure or not the out come of this unexpected turn of events.

Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt13.

**PART THIRTEEN.** Day had become Night Fall as the investigation to events at the Pokémon Centre where postponed for the night, there had been few leads all of which had ended at dead ends, the tunnel leading out from the Centre was found to exit in...

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt11.

**PART ELVEN.** Laying there slowly coming down from his after glow he could feel Bunny's fur moving against his all ready over sensitive skin, with an effort he force his eyes open to see her easing down along his body her rabbit like head nuzzling...

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt10.

**PART TEN.** The door to the bed room slowly eased open as Bunny's small sensuous form slips in, the others including the Ahsoka's Espeon where still shocked by the performance psychically projected onto the television in the other room. The...

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