Gryphon's New Pet

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Charuul glowed in the darkness, a point of brilliant purple-blue light that rippled and shifted within the depths of his home. Phosphorescent algae illuminated the cavern, spreading towards the deepest shadows in artfully arranged piles that made the most of their meager light. It was enough for the gryphon that stretched out on a pile of softly piled moss and feathers, his glowing sapphire eyes rested on the form that was crouching in front of him. For as long as the world could remember the beast had ruled the caverns. He had always prowled the darkness, always crept through the shadows and watched as the world outside of him passed him by. He had no interest in the world of sunlight above him, not with his large owl like features and sensitive glowing pupils. The sunlight blinded him, it was in the darkness that he thrived.

Of course, rumor had been spread carefully that if ever he saw the day light he would be struck down and be lost to dust. He, himself, had started that rumor decades ago when the outside world had encroached too far near his caverns. Humans were silly and violent, elves only barely more contained, he had no illusions that they would storm his cave and kill him, or at least try, if they thought he was a threat. The rumor that daylight would kill him made them confident and secure that they had a way to end him should he feel the need to attack. Let them believe it, the ancient drake had little desire to spend his days chasing screaming two legged creatures and rousing half the country side.

"You are the mage?" Charuul spoke with a soft rasp, watching as the elf startled and gave a flick of his eyes down away from the glowing form.

He enhanced his glow, drawing on the meal he had had only a few hours ago to fuel the pulsing colors that rippled down his feathers and spread along his shoulders. It was a simple bit of magic, one that any of his kind boasted, but it impressed the elves and humans for the very strangeness of it. It made him more ethereal and alien, lending him a more intimidating stance when facing one of their kind. The elves lived longer than most, but they still weren't as old as he was. Though, if he were being honest, which he very rarely was, he was truly in the prime of his life. The gryphons that nested in mountains and trees had short mayfly lives, but those who mingled so closely with the earth and sky extended their years through century upon century. And those centuries had been spent in his lair, a set of caverns that spread through hundreds of miles beneath the earth filled with lakes and streams, rivers and hidden mineral hot springs.

He still wasn't sure of all there was to see, not when a simple earth quake might reveal miles of untouched tunnels that he could flit through to find entirely new areas to explore. If he wished it, he could touch the algae to send it into dormant state, stop his own glow and still fly through the cavern without any more light than what might filter down through the air tunnels that he had laboriously drilled into the ceiling. He had been content for centuries in his home, leaving only when he wished to hunt for something that had a bit more challenge than his normal fare, but his life had changed. Evolved. Grown restless and invaded as portions of the cavern that had opened up nearly a year ago had allowed for new and.... Interesting creatures to surface within his realm.

"I am, Lord." The elf spoke softly, not quite confident, but not openly fearful of the creature that had called out for him in the forest. "I would ask why you have brought me here? Surely your magic outstrips my own poor control..."

"It does." Charuul rumbled and flexed his claws against his nest, disturbing the algae so it flared brighter green and mingled with his own plumage. "But I lack hands, elf, no matter the magic what I require needs the use of hands."

"Sir?" The Elf, Tippolin, lifted his head a little curiously. "What need you of my hands that your talons could not do?"

So curious, always so curious. _ He bit back the urge to growl repressively at the curiosity. _It has been too long since I have flown over their village if he can look at me and ask such questions.

_ _

"A potion. I need you to brew a potion for me." The drake slanted his ear tufts backwards and turned his head to one side. "Most specifically a modified version of the spell I have seen your rangers use on those that violate the law."

Tippolin blinked rapidly in confusion as the gryphon pushed himself up onto all fours and flicked his thick plush tail behind him. "There is a creature that lurks within these caverns, she is swift and canny, and I wish her captured."

"She hides from you?" Tippolin brightened and Charuul snapped his beak in admonishment before leaping down to land gracefully on all fours.

"She would be dead if I wished her to be slain. She cannot hide from death, elf." He hissed angrily and loomed above the mage, making sure the creature understood that he was not in a position to ask questions. "But I do not wish her dead, I wish her... contained."

No, he had no desire to have the stranger dead. Most of the beasts that lived in the caverns were simple dumb animals or lizards, small and blind to the world around them. True, the bats might be entertaining, especially the larger ones that were nearly intelligent enough to speak, but nothing that sparked his interest. Until _her. _ He had spied her just after an earth quake had caved in a good portion of his dwelling and opened up another. She had been a flash of deep vibrant pink and was gone with a lash of a long gleaming tail. The chase had been short and provocative as the strange creature had been fast and canny to the way the caverns were laid out. She hadn't allowed him to get more than a sniff of something that was strangely sweet on the air before she had dove into a crevice and disappeared with the barest glimpse of her form. That glimpse had been enough to ensnare his interest... and obsession. She had been lithe and smooth, walking on all fours and nearly the size of a small horse, but lighter in body than any equine he had ever seen. Something of interest, something new, something sweet and female that had never been within his realm before. A dragon.

In the days after the sighting he had stalked her through his home, but she was always able to evade him. It had become a game, traces of her scent skirted the edges of his territory, growing more intriguing and interesting by the moment. He savored that scent as it flooded his senses, often getting up in the middle of the late evening to try and find where she slept, where she hid when he was searching for her. The only time he had ever felt this way had been the few times he had risen to mate with a hen that had come into his territory and needed to be bred, but it had never been more than a momentary fascination and biological need. Not like this. He had never seen a dragon such as the female that lurked in his territory. They were creatures of the light and day, great scaled hard beasts that were as large as a tree and dangerous, certainly not something he would normally consider.

Ahhh, but his intruder, she wasn't hard and fearsome, she was wingless and smooth as the pads of his paws. Her eyes glowed in the light like his own and she was utterly confident within the caverns, just as he was. She knew hiding places that he had never found himself and always seemed to be a leap ahead of him. As the days passed, he grew more obsessed with catching her and claiming her, egged on by the sweetness of her scent that crept into every part of his home and invaded his dreams. Fertile scent, heat scent, perhaps not a gryphon, but close enough that his days were fueled with lust and the need to take her, claim her, fuck her, breed her. And still she evaded him, even when he tried to spread his scent and stalk her with the silence that owls were renowned for.

_She won't escape again. _ He ground his beak together at the thought of her slipping out of his territory. Or worse, being captured by another male that might somewhere be hiding deep in the caverns. Unthinkable. _She is mine. Mine by right! _ His tail snapped and he was brought back to the fact that the elf was regarding him with wary fear.

"The potion we use can do that..." The elf blinked a little nervously as the owl-like beast let out a low rumbling growl, his hackles rising up as the very thought of his female slipping free. "What would it be modified for?"

"Control, I wish to control her and bind her so that she will not be able to break free unless I will it." He trilled the last softly, a rough purr that vibrated his throat. "I know how you capture those that break your laws and that the control belongs to the ranger that is linked to the potion at its creation."

"That is true, my lord." Tippolin gave him a wary look, his emerald eyes were bright with unspoken curiosity that the gryphon shrugged off.

"Then set to work, mage. You will create this potion for me, ensure that it is linked to myself alone and enough for a creature the size of a pony, not human." He ruffled his wings and they flared brightly before he tilted his head down. "If it fails to work or live up to my expectations I hope you understand the price that you.. and your family will pay."

"Yes, my lord.." Tippolin paled in the eerie algae light while the drake shifted his eyes towards the darkest portion of his cavern. Soon, soon he would capture the elusive female and when he did.... His loins tightened at the thought of having a fertile soft hided dragoness at his beck and call... and entirely bound. Delicious.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Alexis trotted along the dark edge of the cave, her eyes narrowed to slits so that she couldn't be seen and her body held tight to the ground as she followed the breeze that tickled along her back. She could smell the small hairless rabbits that lurked this far beneath the earth and she swallowed the scents cautiously and kept her ears alert. She knew that the gryphon haunted this level, she had seen him only yesterday in the company of a two legged animal that she didn't recognize She had followed him out, carefully stalking him on her belly so that he wouldn't catch sight of her brilliant pink hide against the dark rocks, he was far gone, retreating back up to the upper levels and what was obviously his preferred nesting grounds.

She had never seen a gryphon up close, though she knew they existed as she had seen them in the past in the distance. Scaleless dragons were a vulnerable subspecies of the more powerful and violent scaled beasts that ruled the skies. She and her clan had never been dangerous or feared, they were too fragile to go into battle, their claws made for climbing instead of fighting and their teeth short as they preferred meals of fish and smaller beasts instead of great hooved creatures. Years ago they had retreated and lived between the darkness of the caves and the safety of the oceans. And she longed for that safety again as she strained to hear the slightest sound of the gryphon stalking her. She lived her life in paranoia and fear, she had for weeks now and had no break in it.

She was cut off from her clan, from the caverns that opened up to the safety of the sea-shore, from anything familiar that she could have used to find her way home. The passageway was cut off with a tumble of rocks that she couldn't dig through and any attempt to break through only drew the gryphon's attention to her. She was trapped in a game of cat and mouse that she struggled to keep ahead of. The gryphon stalked her, never losing his patience, never seeming to lose interest, no matter how often she evaded him, he only grew more obsessed. She could only imagine her death at his jaws, the beast was fearsome and strange looking with trailing glowing wings and claws that left furrows torn into the stone from where he sharpened them. There was no mercy to be found in that beast.

And so, each day, Alexis did her best to keep ahead of him, finding small crevices to stuff herself into, climbing and running, always alert for the sound of him. He was quiet, but she had years of being hunted and stalked in the outside world to keep her focused and ahead of him. It was a near thing, many days she had to sleep in fitful spurts of an hour or so at a time or less because if she remained in one place too long he always found her. She was exhausted, angry, frustrated and scared, and she still hadn't found a way to escape the labyrinth of caverns and caves without crossing the gryphon's lair. Eventually he was going to catch her if she didn't get out and she'd be just another meal gulped down the large throat and she would never find her way home.

The dragoness pulled her claws back as she crept along the shadows and wound her way deeper into the darkness. The flashes of glowing algae helped guide her as she kept her ears alert to the barest hint of a sound that might reveal the drake's return. She had already explored the northern corridors, but now she had her sights set on an eastern portion of the cave that smelled faintly of salt. It wasn't an ocean scent, but it was something new and as such it might open up to an area that would let her out into the freedom of the outside. As she followed the path and skirted the edges of the glowing areas, her nose picked up the subtle scent of something that was salty, but more metallic scented and saliva began to build up along her tongue. Blood, fresh blood, still steaming hot by the scent of it and she sped up.

She lost some of her caution as she dropped her pink nose to the ground and crinkled her upper muzzle up. How long had it been since she'd had a good meal? There were creatures to eat here, but none were like what she had in her own lands and certainly not fulfilling her needs or her belly. Her stomach cramped painfully as she snuffed against the ground and caught the tell tale scent of meat, real meat. She licked her lips, trying her best not to drool as she picked up the blood trail splattered along the rocks. The gryphon must have made a kill while he stalked her, perhaps that's why he hadn't seemed to linger overly long, he was full and ready to sleep. That meant she was safe, he wouldn't be on the hunt for her so soon after eating.

The blood trail ended in a deer that had obviously been dragged down from the surface so the beast could glut himself in peace. Most of it had been picked clean as he expected, the bones tossed this way and that, but that didn't matter to her. There was little chance he had eaten it all, even as she sniffed around she could see still fresh meat here and there that she snapped up greedily. It had been so long since she'd managed to really fill her belly that she didn't care about anything else, she snatched up the food and gulped down, pushing through the left over bones and searching through the ruins. The meat was salty and sweet on her tongue as she cast about this way and that, rapidly chasing away the feeling of emptiness that had become a part of her life down in the middle of this hellish land.

Her prize came in the form of a large bit of meat that had obviously been overlooked by the drake and pushed to the side of the rest. Alexis snapped it up greedily, her teeth sinking into the flesh and her throat working automatically. It all happened too fast, fast enough that she couldn't escape it as something spilled from her jaws. Something thick and rubbery lashed out from her maw and twisted around, coiling along her neck as she reared up and hissed out in shock at the feel of it sliding over her. It stretched and clutched, caressing her with a mocking stroke that had her twisting her head back and forth as it ran along the length of her head. She reached up with a paw, scrabbling at it with her claws and trying to tear it away while she shook her head back and forth in growing panic.

It stretched further up along the bridge of her muzzle and twined around the paw she attempted to use to pull it away. The long strands coiled around the paw pad and twisted about her ankle so that she couldn't even put it down. She snarled out and bit against what little of the rubbery stuff she could, but her teeth sank against absolutely nothing that she could pull away from her. It was too thick, it moved and wrapped around her teeth, it evaded and morphed so that she no sooner found a hold before it slipped away again leaving her struggling to find a way to get it off. It was clinging to her, stretching up her muzzle and thinning out into a sheet that caught up towards her head and began to slide along her eyes to bring about total darkness.

She panicked, she couldn't see, couldn't smell, every sense that she depended on to keep herself alive was taken away and she twisted back and forth, throwing herself against a side of rough rock so she could drag her head against it to try and peel the stuff away. Still, the goo pushed higher up, slipping down the length of her neck and pushing lower while long tendrils wrapped around her other foreleg and started to twist around her body. They clamped down tightly and squeezed to the point that she could barely breathe, leaving her wheezing roughly as she tried to draw in a breath. The tendrils ran along her belly and she felt them reaching for her hind legs as she scraped against the hood. She could breathe, but only just and only then while she was sucking against the clinging stuff.

The tendrils snapped tight around her legs, twisting and pulling roughly so she let out a ragged little shriek as she was thrown to one side and the long things jerked her legs up against her under belly. She couldn't fight them, they drew up and dragged her appendages inwards as a thicker tendril twisted around her tail and began to twine its way towards the tip as she struggled against it. She felt the hard ground beneath her as she twisted and kicked, but every kick only made the tendrils close down around her tighter, as if they would squeeze the life out of her if she didn't stop her attempts to get free. The thin flap of material along her head clung to her, making it impossible even see the barest hint of light, like the hood on a hawk, it forced her to grow still for fear of being heard.

Her heart hammered against her chest as she went still and shaking, she was helpless, the tendrils were curling and caressing over her smooth pink hide, dragging over her in the most intimate possible touches. She let out a wheezing breath and felt the grip shifting, the tendrils were continuing to wind around her one after another, pulling towards her paws. She let out a shrill noise in her throat before going silent. The gryphon was in this place, he was full and sleeping now, but when he woke up he would patrol again. She swallowed, her tongue dry as she tried to make herself small and silent. She couldn't do this, she couldn't end her life like this, trapped by some strange creature in the darkness of a cave that was not her home! She couldn't be ended like this!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Charuul let out a trilling noise low in his throat as he moved down along the path and felt the tug of magic teasing in the back of his mind. The elf mage had done it, he could feel the strands connecting him so he could control the restraints. It was like a bright spot in his mind that flared every time the female moved and kicked, letting him tighten whenever he needed to. He had felt it the moment she had snapped up the potion, making him nearly screech out in victory at how simple it all was. She was an animal, of course she was tricked by a bit of meat left behind, there was little doubt that she hadn't even thought it could be a trap when she'd happened on it. He hadn't been able to get the elf out of his lair fast enough when he'd felt the trap go, it was exactly what he'd been waiting for.

The elf had certainly guessed what was going on before too long and the disapproval had been palpable, not that the gryphon cared what the villager thought of him. All it had done was solidify the idea that it was time for him to pay a nightly visit to the place, they were growing too bold, too confident and he had to remind them that he was not some benevolent monster. He was a creature to be feared, his wings and the sound of his scream should send them into hiding and praying for daylight to come. He had toyed with the idea of making sure the elf never returned to his home, but he wasn't about to risk the spell that had been put into effect fading. He needed to keep control of the new toy, he would worry about the rest of the world after he had filled her with his seed.

His feathers ruffled up along the line of his neck as he turned a corner and his feathers flared brightly, the color spreading around him with his excitement. Her scent was fresh as he turned a corner and made a line straight to where he had left the bait. He heard her before he saw her, there was a sound of scrabbling and twitching as he lifted his head up and let out a low noise deep in his throat. His long tail flicked back and forth lightly, the sound of struggling stopped as he turned the corner to see the dragoness sprawled out against the ground, right up against the wall. He had waited so long for this...

He got his first good look at her, not just a quick glimpse, and his heart sped up as he ran his eyes along the line of her bound form. Her pink hide stood out against the darkness, bisected with the tendrils that twisted around her appendages. They ran up and down her legs, trailing along her throat and tail so that her head was tucked down close to her forepaws and her tail was curled along the line of the hind legs so she was curled up almost like she was sleeping. Her head was covered in a makeshift hood, but she still twisted her head to face him and her muscles went tense and quivering as she gave a furtive jerk, twitching her hind legs and Charrul tightened his hold, watching the tendrils coil more firmly around her to stop her struggle.

"Sooooo you are the little invader." He drawled out and stepped forward so he could lift a paw to touch her hind. The dragoness hissed out violently and writhed in place, twisting and kicking wildly. "Far more lovely than I anticipated...."

Her hiss picked up in pitch and she twisted her head up, but he only slid the tendrils over her, controlling them so they caressed over her bare hide and she fought against the hold. He let her get a bit more freedom, but only so he could run the tips of the tendrils along the inner curve of her legs and trailed over the sides just to watch her struggle to get away. She got herself up partially, rolling onto her belly, but the moment she tried to stand up he tightened the tendrils to keep her pinned in place. She was a lot more lean than he had thought she was, almost delicate looking as she put her full strength into fighting with her head twisting this way and that. She didn't know where the threat was, which only amused him more.

"What's wrong, lovely one?" He crooned and ran a paw down her back, his claws curling just a touch to scrape over the pink so she let out a harsh snarl and twisted her head back, nearly falling over as she twisted to one side. "You certainly are a fighter..."

The scent of her was thick in his nostrils, warm and arousing, though not like a hen, they were still intriguing. The scent of her heat was a sharp musk that made him open his beak to draw it down with interest as he padded around his captured toy. Her body wasn't covered in scales at all, her hide was glossy smooth, much like the tendrils themselves, but warm to the touch. Her head was covered, but he could see the long elegant neck that was curved under the pressure of her bonds, while her body looked swift and built for speed and stealth. The lack of feathers and fur was strange, but appealing none the less, especially when he slipped his eyes down towards the curve of her haunches. He could just barely see the heat swollen vent between her hind legs, the pale pink flesh so beautifully puffy and inviting, but that would have to wait.

He teased the tendrils over her, but it was only a few gentle strokes before he reached down and gaped his beak open to grab the back of the creature's neck. He hauled her struggling form up, using the tendrils to lock her legs beneath her, he wasn't about to simply drag her away hanging from his beak. The tendrils could be controlled by his mind, forcing her legs to move the way he wanted as they moved away from the trap. He wasn't about to slake his lusts beside the remains of his lunch, no, he was going to enjoy her, savor her, take his time to break her in to be exactly what he wanted her to be. And when he was done, she would be egg heavy with a new generation.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Alexis couldn't stop the tendrils from making her move, they dragged at her legs step after step as she tried to find a way to get out of the gryphons hold. She kept waiting for his beak to tear into her, to have her life ended with a brutal strike of the claws, but it didn't come. She couldn't see with the hood on, but she felt the light increasing, a slight grey tinge came to the darkness as the large body of the beast slipped along her with a brush of feathers and fur. The tail flicked out, slapping lightly along her haunches so she shrank to one side, tugging at the tendrils that caressed along her ankles and the tips caressed up towards the edge of her elbows.

There was a sudden grip against her head, claws slipped against the back of her neck making her let out a shrill noise. She squeezed her eyes shut, ready to feel the deadly blow, but the claws only hooked beneath the hood and dragged it up and over her head. Light dazzled her eyes as the beast pulled the hood along the line of her muzzle so she could try and shake it free. Not that, that helped in the least bit, the moment it slipped along the edge of her nose and it tensed up and thickened. She let out a noise as it reformed over her maw and clamped down tightly, sealing her jaws shut as she tried to readjust to the glowing algae that surrounded her. Except, she didn't look at her surroundings, she was looking at the gryphon.

He grinned at her and said something in a strange language as his beak opened up wide. It wasn't large, his face was far too sharply curved and owl like, but it was wickedly sharp and threatening as he stepped towards her. She reached a paw up, trying to paw at her muzzle, but the tendrils clamped down tightly and pulled her leg up at an awkward angle. She hobbled backwards, but the gryphon followed with his eyes glittering in the light, stalking her while she had no chance to escape. Why was he torturing her like this? Couldn't he just put an end to it?! She growled out, the sound muffled, but she tried to intimidate him, but he only trilled out and flicked his wings up with a bit of laughter.

The tendrils along her hind legs suddenly tensed up and she squeaked out as they snapped together and forced her legs together before she could catch her balance. Another tendril pulled away from the rest and ran along her throat, tightening and pulling her head back as she dropped down onto her stomach, her foreleg struggling to hold her up as the gryphon padded by her with a flick of his tail, one of his paws moving out to casually swipe her one unbound leg to drop her hard beneath him. She hissed up at him, her eyes widening with rage and fear as his foreclaw shoved down against her shoulder and put his weight against it as she tried to escape the tentacles that held her bound. His eyes were wicked looking as he leaned forward and parted his beak against her neck. Instead of biting down, his narrow rasping tongue flicked out and dragged up along her hide in a slow casual caress.

The paw on his shoulder gripped down tightly and squeezed, the claws hooked against her hide hard enough that he nearly drew blood while she tried to writhe away from him. He was tormenting her, taunting her, but she had no recourse but to remain in place as the tendrils ran along her hind legs. They coiled and caressed, the tips slipped along her inner thighs before the grip on her shoulder shifted. The drake yanked roughly, flipping her onto her back while she struggled to keep on her belly, his paw shoved against her chest and held her down before he said something. She had no idea what language he was speaking, only that it wasn't her own and she couldn't pick anything out of it, it certainly wasn't enough like her language to even make a guess on what he was trying to say.

There was a sudden coil of a tendril, her legs were yanked a part, splaying open wide while the tip brushed right between her haunches. She let out a startled hiss as the slender tip dragged right over her vent, a deliberate stroke that made her writhe and fight harder to get out from under him. He nipped sharply against her neck in response and the claws gripped down harder as she felt the tendril slipping harder along her plush outer lips. It was a startling feel of pleasure and humiliation, her eyes bulged as another tendril curled around the base of her tail so she couldn't jerk his tail up to fight the feel of the tentacle pushing harder against her.

It was a stroking invasive touch that ran over nerve swollen folds that sent a shudder spilling down her spine. The narrow tip pushed and wedged forward, flickering as it did so and she lunged upwards. She meant to try to snap at his neck, but the muzzle only bumped roughly against him, harmlessly battering against his shoulder before he nipped against her again and rumbled a warning. His foreclaw slipped up and curled against her throat, squeezing roughly before the muzzle shifted around her maw. The thick material began to push inwards, she felt it prying against her lips. It rippled and moved, warming and loosening up as something hard and thick formed against the tip of the muzzle and pushed forward.

It was combined with the feel of the other tendril wedging into her body, she could feel it spreading her soft silken body wider and wider. She kicked roughly only to have the tendrils clamp down so tightly that they nearly cut off circulation in her paws. The tendril pushed into her birth canal, sliding past nerves that were overly sensitive and swollen lips ripe from her estrus. It was a slow stretch, the muscles being spread open wide and clutch down around the appendage. She twisted and squirmed, letting out a weak sound before a tendril suddenly plunged into her maw, pinning her tongue down and pried her jaws open. The drake lifted his paw with a rough noise, his eyes fever bright while she squeezed her eyes shut as the tentacle splayed her walls open obscenely wide with a lewd squelching noise as her wetness was pushed out of the edges.

The tendril suddenly pushed deeper into her maw, a stabbing thrust that made her jaws open wide while she bit down against the thing, her snarl muffled around the thing. She choked around it, struggling to roll back onto her belly but the hold on her legs kept them splayed open wide as the thickening tendril began to wedge in deeper. Her heat riddled body began to suckle and pull around the thing, instinctively trying to pull it in deeper as she gave a little jerk upwards. The tip of the tendril flickered inwards with a slow rub that made another shudder run along her body. The base of the tendril was growing wider and wider, painfully wide as her muscles began to ache and burn from the way it dragged through her passage.

The way it stroked her and pushed through her forced her body to flare to life, stimulating parts of her that had her eyes opening wide as she swallowed around the tentacle in her maw. Her teeth scraped over the thing, but it didn't make it hesitate as she violated. The gryphon let out a low noise and stepped over her mockingly, his powerful hind legs splayed open wide making her eyes flick over him. She felt the instinctive terror that she was about to be killed, but that was before she looked down along the line of his belly. Something dark black was jutting out beneath the line of his belly, slimy and oozing down towards her bared pink belly. The harsh rank scent of the male filled her muzzle as the tendril suddenly drove into her throat, burrowing and choking her as she tried to fight the steady penetration that made her throat splay open wide.

He's not wanting to eat me!! The terror rose up, choking her as she saw the equipment the gryphon was flaunting. Terror, and forced arousal as the tentacle began to work within her passage, stretching and straining her obscenely wide.

She couldn't help the arousal, her body was being triggered, forcibly making her grow slicker and wetter with her own estrus flavored juices. They coated the tendril that began to push forward a bit more firmly, another one was twining around it, she felt the narrow base push up against her outer folds and tease her, nudging and caressing as she writhed. The gryphon let out a rough laugh and stepped forward, the dark black cock was bouncing under him as glowing bright purple precum welled up from his cock tip. She violently snarled, her teeth scraped the tendril that was violating her muzzle as the first drop of wetness splattered down against her exposed throat in a wave of uncomfortable heat.

It ran along either side of her neck, the harsh musk was cloying on the air as she felt the gooey liquid marring her hide. He stepped forward again, dipping his haunches down as she struggled against the feel of another trendril forcing it's way into her body. She felt them twisting together, her walls screaming in protest as they were forced wider, the braided length creating new sensations and caresses as they scraped along her soft glistening inner lining. Her muscles squeezed and caressed, digging down roughly to ripple along rubbery tendrils that tortured her by slowly pulling backwards and then slipping inwards once more.

Another goopy strand of precum hit her, splattering right along her chin and nearly hitting her muzzle as the glowing stuff smeared over her and she got a good look at the cock the drake was mocking her with. A series of three bulges ran from the very tip all the way down towards the base where it was wide enough that the furry sheath was pushed down. The glowing precum stood out at the tip, bubbling up messily to run along a ring of fleshy looking barbs as the gryphon contorted himself to watch her. Her fear of being eaten was lost, he had never had any intention of eating her, it was all about something far darker. Mating her was what was on his mind and that was even more terrifying and invasive!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Charrul pulled at the tendrils in his mind, the dark desire to see her writhing and impaled toyed with his mind the moment he realized that the tentacles could do more than simply hold her. He watched her face as he shifted up and dragged his cock tip higher and brushed right against her muzzle. She turned her head to one side with a rough angry noise, her eyes flashing with pure outrage, and oh how he loved it. He loved the way she writhed and twisted, obviously trying to free herself when there was no where she could go. The glowing dark purple precum spilled out and he smeared it against her, rubbing with his cock tip against her wonderfully smooth hide. It was a similar texture to the tentacles, but oh how it teased along him in the most marvelous way possible.

She was so warm and smooth, the stroke forward began to slip higher in the air, pushing towards her eyes as she gave her head a rough shake back and forth. That only helped his arousal to grow and another hot goopy strand spilled out as he dragged back and pulled along the line of her neck, leaving the trail behind as he marked her as her own. He had been half convinced her hide would be rough, scaley or patchy, but it was a delight to feel on the line of his cock. His barbs stroked along her as his mind flexed and he sent the second tendril plunging into her prone body. She immediately stopped trying to swing her head about, instead she arched upwards with a ragged noise as she was violated by the tentacles in the most intimate way possible. He let out an approving growl of pleasure and narrowed his eyes before lifting his hips, a heavy strand of precum clung to the tip of her muzzle and the top of his cock.

"Such a pretty little hen.." He crooned down at her before standing up all the way and stepping away from her. "Do you enjoy having that itch scratched?"

She flailed wildly with her eyes closed as he watched the tendrils pushing their way deeper into her body. He flexed the link between himself and the restraints so that the tendrils were yanked open wider, forcing her to put herself on display with both of her legs stretched open as far as they could possibly go. It might have been painful for her, but he didn't care, he was watching the way the tendrils were forcing out her nectar from her folds in wet strands, her folds splayed open as he forced them to go in deeper, rubbing through her to make her choke out a protesting noise. Did she even understand what was happening to her? Was she truly intelligent?

The gryphon truly didn't care, he had a toy, and he planned to make the best of her possible and that meant breaking her in so that she was properly obedient. With his tail lashing back and forth he moved forward and felt his cock pulsing beneath his belly. He wanted to pin her, to sink every last inch of his breeding spire into her cunny and feel her writhing and tightening around him, but he knew better than that. He wanted to build up her need, to take it slowly until the moment he did claim her it would be so pleasurable it was nearly to the point of pain. With his tail tip lashing he stepped over her again, but this time he faced her glistening violated folds, his paw reached down and ran his talons right along her swollen vent lips to feel her hissing out in rage.

The magic that bound him to the restraints was easily manipulated, the magic used to create it simple, though hard for any beast without hands to create it, it still was absolutely perfect. He might have to have the elf create more such potions for him if the prey he caught was as sweet as this. The 'hen' hissed and snarled at him, her body tensing and quivering as he pushed the tentacles deeper and untwined them, spreading the slender tips open to run deep inside of her, teasing and tickling the enflamed nerve endings as he leaned down to run his rasping tongue along her outer folds.

No, he'd not claim that snug little cunny tonight, but he had another hole he was more than eager to try out. His mind flared with lust. She was a fighter, she'd likely bite his cock if he so much as touched it to her unmuzzled lips, but what did he have to worry about her teeth when he had control of the tenticles. He carefully sent his will towards her muzzle, feeling the way the tendril was plunged into her throat and nearly choking her. He spread it open, hollowing it out and opening up the middle right along the tongue so it was set free. Her first sound came in a screeching roar of outrage, her body twisted and kicked, writhing and struggling as if she tasted freedom.

She hasn't tasted anything yet... The drake rumbled to himself, his crest rousing as he moved one paw back to wrap around the base of his cock and draw it downwards. But she soon will..

~ ~ * ~ ~

Alexis gulped down air as the tendril suddenly flattened and spread over her muzzle, opening along her tongue so she could spread her jaws wide. The rubbery stuff slid to either side of her maw, wrapping up and pushing along her teeth to form a barrier, but her mouth was free! She closed it, rolling her tongue around with an angry noise as the drake's tongue ran along her folds again. It was unbearable, this wasn't the natural mating behavior of any male, it was obscenely violating and rough. The tentacles parted inside of her, running through her as her slickness only started to grow worse and worse by the moment. The flickering tips rubbed her, stroking and swirling in a way that sent shudders over her body.

When the tendrils drove right up against her cervix, making her belly cramp down in reaction so she gaped her jaws open and let out a short high pitched sound. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, which meant she missed what the cruel gryphon was doing above her until it was too late. Something drooled over her tongue, salty sweet and goopy before it was followed by a thick fleshy glans that stuffed it's way into her muzzle. Her eyes snapped open and she watched as the glistening black cock stuffed its way into her muzzle. The ridges rubbed right along the line of her tongue as she clamped her muzzle down, but it was too late.

The dragoness bit down roughly against the cock, but the rubbery material that wrapped over her teeth kept her from biting hard enough to hurt, it even covered her teeth so she only pulled around the spire that pushed into her muzzle. The ripe furry balls dropped down towards the bridge of her muzzle as he lowered his haunches, the weight of them bumped against her as inch after thick hot inch of turgid flesh was forced inwards. The splatter of precum hit against the back of her throat, nearly choking her as she let out a gagging sound only to have him push harder down against her maw. And the tendrils moved, twisting inside of her, coiling together and stirring her achingly sensitive body. Every twist and turn created a new sensation that made her stomach cramp down and contract tightly as the oozing precum was flung down her throat.

A third tendril flicked up, she thought it was edging towards her already overstuffed cunny, but it pushed up and ran right along the opening of her pucker. The rasping tongue began to push and rub along her outer lips, scooping up her wetness as she felt the narrow tip of the tendril starting to push up against her pucker. She twisted and swallowed, her throat worked along the dark black shaft as an edge of wetness drooled out of the corners of her lips. When he dragged his hips backwards the fleshy barbs pulled and caressed along the length of her maw, the glowing precum fell in strands along her chin and cheeks as she wheezed out and felt the tendril prying at her anal ring, spreading the walls open with a probing touch that was aided by her own heat arousal slipping down along the line of her pucker, helping to ease the tentacle inwards into her unprepared body.

She worked her tongue harder, pulling and swallowing around the cock as it plunged inwards again, slipping past her covered teeth as the drake let out a deep snarl. He tasted like musk and salt, it clung to her tongue and the scent of him overrode her senses so that her body flared hot with need. Her walls suckled and pulled around the tentacles, the contractions made her that much more aware of every curve and bump that worked against her. The twin tips spread along her cervix, flickering and teasing as she let out a hissing noise and gulped down a breath when the cock pulled backwards. The length of the tentacle began to plunge into her anal passage, rubbing and pushing through her as her last passage was stuffed full. She felt as if she were about to be torn apart, her body overwhelmed with the violation.

As the cock plunged forward into her muzzle again, nearly choking her, but all she could do was swallow and work her jaws, gulping down the gooey precum. Her breathing came in short bursts while she writhed in place, feeling the way the thick ridges tugged in and out with lewd wet noises. As the tentacle pushed into her pucker further, straining and rubbing along the barrier between them as they moved against each other. Her body arched and twisted, her hind legs kicked out against the restraints as she let out a higher pitched cry, soon gagged by the narrow tip plunging back into her throat before there was another slow drag backwards. She swallowed around the ridges, suckling and stroking with her tongue while her body tensed up under another ripple of pleasure forced on her by the violating tendrils.

The drake said something, his beak nipped along her inner thighs while his hips started to push a bit harder. The warm shaft stroked outwards, each knot popped out of her jaws with a wet sound before another thrust forward sent the balls bumping over the bridge of her muzzle. As the tendrils plunged into her passage, forcing inwards with a painful rush of pressure and pleasure working together as her pucker yawned open wide around the thickest portion of the base. She let out a shrieking cry that was cut off as the shaft plunged forward into her throat, the knot at the base began to throb and spread open wider, prying her jaws open with every single throb. She let out a cut off noise as the twined tendrils in her passage suddenly lunged forward into her body.

She felt something prying against her cervix, the opening started to be spread apart as one of the narrow tips nudged inwards and began to spread her open wider and wider. The walls contracted down tightly, she felt the tension flooding her as she started to wrap around the length and pulled tightly. She caressed and stroked around the things, her toes curling with forced pleasure that made her let out a strangled noise while the knot spread her jaws open wider and she felt the length quivering. When she tried to turn her head to one side, yanking backwards, but the knot caught inside of her muzzle as the other two flared open wide to join the first. She felt her heart pounding in her ears, throbbing and building as her inner walls began to milk greedily around the tendrils, pulling and squeezing them, trying to draw them in deeper, to get what her body needed.

Wings flared up above her and started to beat in the air as the drake suddenly snarled out, his beak gripped down against one of her hind legs as his cock began to pulse along her tongue. The fleshy barbs pulled along her, making her swallow to try and adjust to them before a hot powerful stream erupted from his cock tip and powered into her throat. The rush of creamy semen splattered into her, forcing her to swallow and gulp around him while she squeezed her eyes shut. It was a confusing build up of pleasure and pain, delicious fullness and terror as the furred haunches kept pushed down over her muzzle, the knot pulsing along her tongue and the roof of her mouth. She swallowed around him again, strands of thick seed oozed out over her cheeks and muzzle, sticky sweet strands marred her pink hide in glowing sperm laced goo.

The drake let out a low trilling rumble and rasped his tongue along her inner thigh, his breath hot and humid as another pulse sent a splatter into the back of her throat. He made no move to pull away, even if he had she wouldn't have been able to do anything to free herself, the knot was swollen open so side she'd have to disjoint her jaw. She was trapped beneath him, her body aching and stuffed full of the tentacles, his toy, his treat, and nothing she could do to save herself until he had enough 'mercy' to let her go.

Please let him have mercy...

~ ~ * ~ ~

Charrul flicked his wings down and dove through the opening that led to his layer, the primaries folded down to either side to avoid the sides of the rock wall and he turned about neatly. The moment the moonlit clarity of the outside world turned into the darkness of the cave he set himself aglow, his feathers flaring brightly to life to show a path that he had passed through a hundred times. He could have taken it in the dark, but he preferred to see what he was flying over, especially after he had raided one of the local villages. There was always a chance that they would set up archers to take down the 'beast' or some other dubious sneak attack to punish him. Smoke still came from the edges of his tail and wings, he shook it off while he took a dive down a shaft that was so narrow he was falling instead of truly flying. There wasn't enough room to open his wings, not even a fraction.

The villagers had grown too bold, so he had spent the last several evenings raiding and overflying them. He hadn't taken down any of the cringing people, but he had enjoyed the addition of fattened beef and mutton on the menu. The first few days they had had the audacity to try and shoot him down, but now they hid from him, the first flash of glowing violet-blue on the sky had them bolting away to hide deep within their homes. That was what he wanted, he wanted them afraid, to remember why he ruled over this territory and suffered them to live within his realm. A few more raids and he would retreat, if he did any more he would risk them having an uprising that would bring them raiding his lair. And he had too much to lose to have them try to uproot him.

He flexed his claws down against the haunch he had saved from his kill and erupted from the narrow shoot with a flourish of his wings. It was a daring maneuver, just a dozen feet above the ground that meant he had to time it perfectly or be dashed to death on the rocks. He normally didn't take this entrance to his lair, but now he did so because of what awaited him in the darkness of his home. He took in the scent of heat that filled the area, rich sweet female estrus that had only grown stronger with each passing day before he dropped down in a neat backwinging. His eyes flicked through the glowing algae to see the dragoness watching him, her eyes filled with rage from her bound position in his nest, her body stretched out and coiled with her restraints.

"I hope you have rested well, my dear." He crooned mockingly, dropping the haunch of lamb on the ground and stretched his wings out. The dragoness hissed at him, Alexis, he knew her name now, though he had only found it out after two full days of seeing if she knew his language.

It would be good if she did, but what do I care? I know what I want and it matters little if she can communicate.. He gaped his beak as she gave a token struggle against the tentacles, but he only flung his mind out to tighten them.

"Such a shame, you look as if you were trying to escape again.." He fluffed up his feathers while he pulled in the scent of her that was so deliciously warm on the air. "Perhaps you need to be weighed down to keep you from fitting through the exits, if you're busy growing eggs you're not going to be concerned with escaping."

He swallowed down a breath of her scent on the air and automatically his sheath stirred so that the tip of his cock started to push out of the furry pouch. He lived in an absolutely delightful state of arousal as her scent and body kept him on edge the further she got into heat. He kept the restraints on her like hobbles on a horse, her legs bound together tightly enough that she couldn't do more than waddle forward at a slow pace, running was absolutely against the question, but she could at least move around. If she did try to run away, she rarely got far and his punishments were always swift and merciless. He now knew just how talented her muzzle could be, and how to make her groan out helplessly as the tentacles pleasured her. He liked breaking her in, watching her dissolve into a moaning quivering beast ruled entirely by her estrus and her bodies need.

He settled down on his belly while she watched him nervously before going towards the meat and her meal, her tail was held down tightly along the line of her haunches as she tried to hide herself. He could almost feel the warmth radiating from her as she passed him by, his eyes focused on her as his cock began to push out from his sheath to slide along his belly. Her scent had changed, it had become sharper, sweeter, it clung along the line of his throat and curled over his tongue like a sweet promise. The start of her heat had been delightful, but after days of being taunted, teased, fucked with tentacles with her womb left empty of even a drop of rich sperm. She was being kicked into overdrive, the need to be bred spiking to the point that he could see the glittering nectar on her puffy vent even now, just his scent had roused her.

Tonight he had no intention of simply filling her muzzle, tonight he was going to breed her properly. He wanted to feel just how tight and needy she was. After the tentacles, he was sure that her body would be locked in pure bliss at the feel of a proper breeding shaft slipping past her swollen sensitive folds and finally giving her what she wanted. His claws flexed against the ground as he watched her gulping down the meat with furtive looks to him. He wasn't paying attention to her forebody, his eyes lingered on her haunches, the glimpse of plush swollen folds, the feel of the tentacles that held her in place. How would he take her? Push her on her back to watch her struggle beneath him, or pin her down on all fours so he could push in deeper.

Either way she will be perfectly, absolutely deliciously perfect... He roused his feathered ear tufts up high in the air as her tail flicked up slightly, held at just the right angle so she wasn't touching herself. Poor thing, so sensitive...

_ _

Charrul let out a low rumbling laugh to himself, making the girl's head jerk up and glare back at him before spitting out something in another language. He only grinned further, he hoped she never learned to speak in his language. Then he'd have to muzzle her daily to keep her silent.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Alexis finished her meal with the gryphon staring at her. Every mouthful felt like lead in her mouth before she gulped it down, hating that she was having to eat something he had caught, hating that she was being taken care of like she was some sort of pet. She finished her meal as fast as she could and glared over at him, not feeling content with the meal, just on edge as she shuffled to the other side of the beast's layer. The tentacles rippled over her, caressing along the line of her belly and her legs in an intimate touch that made her tense up, but not with fear or disgust. The light touch made her body flare hot and sensitive in ways that humiliated her, especially with the way the gryphon was watching her as she moved as far away as she could.

She had been in heat before, but now it was a torment, something that throbbed through her body and mind, tearing through every thought as the caressing edges ran along the line of her ankles and the thickness of the them gripped around her upper legs. She could feel her puffy vent, the lips pursed tightly together as she felt her wetness coating them, she hadn't been dry in days, she couldn't keep it from happening. She was aching with need, the scent of the drake just made it worse, just the sight of him made his heart start to beat faster while she dropped down on her belly, awkwardly trying to tuck her haunches back against the stone wall. She had to go out of heat eventually, she couldn't be this way forever. The thought was frantic and hopeful, her stomach felt as if it were on fire, an aching itch that never seemed to be relieved, not even when the tentacles plunged into her. Things were only growing worse by the day, she felt like she was going mad.

The drake spoke, the low rumbling voice brought her head swinging back to the glowing beast that stood up with a fluid movement and his tail tip was lashing back and forth. She had no idea what he said, but she knew the inflection, she knew the way that he was looking her over her. She pushed backwards, starting to tuck her haunches down, but the movement only seemed to bring her restraints back to life. The tendrils flicked out and ran over her body, slipping to run along her inner thighs, her stomach as they moved and twined towards her tail as she tried to writhe herself away. The gryphon trilled out at her as he stalked, his dark cock was already pushing free of his sheath, glistening in the light with a hint of glowing precum. Her lips curled back with a snarl, but a tentacle pulled out and twisted right around the base of her tail as she scrabbled to get away.

With a rough laugh he reached out with a large forepaw and caught her hind leg, dragging her away from the wall as his glowing wings flared open wide. She hissed at him, snarling with her lips closed tightly. She knew better than to open them, the moment her jaws were open he'd use the tendrils to lock around her muzzle and hold it open so he could violate her muzzle. Except, this time he didn't go for her muzzle, he didn't even use the tendrils to force her onto her back like he normally did, instead, they twisted around her, coiling around her waist and lashing out to coil around the base of her tail. The powerful grip contracted as she crouched down tight against the ground with her growl rising up higher in the air.

The gryphon crooned out her name, the only thing she'd managed to get him to understand in her attempts to communicate with him, or perhaps it was the only thing that he cared to know. She tried to snap around when his paw ran along her back, she hunched and rolled to one side, but a tendril cracked out to twist around her muzzle and forced her head down to shove against her chest. The narrow tip brushed along her lips, curling and trying to pry between her lips, but she clamped her jaws harder together. A tendril suddenly twisted along her hind leg and yanked it upwards, joining with the tentacle against her tail so that her belly flashed into view. Charrul's paw moved down to run along her side and the claws raked towards her stomach as he loomed higher above her.

Her body quivered in place as she drew in his scent, the tentacles that rubbed over her flared her to life as she felt herself growing more swollen, her passage quivering and contracting in anticipation. She hated it, hated the way her body began to throb in time with her rapidly fluttering heartbeat, and the gryphon shoved his paw down harder against her chest and dragged her away from the protection of the wall. The tendril on her muzzle wrapped around harder, twisting along her neck so that her head was forced at an awkward angle, making her look down along her belly where the paw dug down harder and the gryphon shifted over her. His eyes were bright and the pupils flared open wide as Alexis felt her tail being pinned up along the curve of her side.

The heavy bodied gryphon splayed his hind legs to straddle her, a thin glowing strand of precum spilled down along her belly, drooling to either side while the drake dropped his head down to run a rasping tongue against her smooth hide. His breath tickled out against her, send a shiver down her spine as she struggled against the hold of the tentacle around her muzzle as he ran upwards along the line of her chest and towards the tip of her muzzle. His eyes rolled up to watch her face as she grimaced, feeling another hot dribble spilling out towards her body, the precum smearing over her like it had so many other times, but unlike before he wasn't moving upwards. He dropped his haunches and pinned her in place, his cock ground right up along her belly as her forepaws pushed down against either side of her shoulders.

The moment she tried to strike out with her forepaws, the tendrils twisted around them, forcing them back against her chest and curling them tightly as she struggled to get herself out from under the beast that trilled down at her and gave a sudden nip against her neck. His feathers roused up, their glowing tips flashing brightly. The tentacles clamped down harder, biting against her to the point she felt as if she were being bruised, but every struggle made it worse, the ones on her muzzle gripped down to the point that she was wheezing as she tried to suck in a breath. The gryphon let out a low noise as he shifts his hips downwards and pulled his cock backwards, the fleshy barbs flared open wide and scraped backwards as the pooling precum was spread over her. He wasn't going for her muzzle this time, she was going to breed her.

Gods help her, her body thrilled at it, her inner passage started to contract and squeeze around nothing. She didn't want him, he wasn't her mate, she wanted nothing to do with his offspring, but her body did want it, her body wanted anything to end the painful swollen heat. She let out a noise as the drake shifted down low enough that the narrow tip pulled right along her heat ravaged folds, he pushed his upper body up so she could watch his glistening black shaft between her haunches. The glowing precum spilled over her messily as the tip slipped along her vent and ground forward, making her hiss out and struggle to open her jaws. The drake above her snapped out with a loud snarl, his paws flexed against either side of her shoulders before she watched his hips dip downwards.

The first inch pushed into her, spreading and stretching her sensitive inner walls open wide, making her let out a higher pitched call. The walls clamped down tightly, rippling and pulling around his length as she writhed in place and squeezed her eyes shut. She heard the lewd wet sound of her arousal being forced out and for a moment, she didn't care, her swollen inner walls suckled around him, pulling and squeezing as the first few inches drove forward. Her cunny strained open wide as the first knot sank into her wetly, a warm splatter erupted out into her passage. It flooded into her passage in a hot goopy spill, easing the girth inwards as the drake huffed out against her and dragged backwards with a flaring of the barbs.

The moment they hit her, she lunged upwards and struggled against the tentacles, her stomach roiling as her tender muscles were pried wider and wider, the second knot pushed right up against her achingly swollen vent and ground itself right along the nub of her clit. Her juices pushed out around the edges, starting to spread the walls open wider and wider, his beak snapped out against her shoulder and gripped down roughly, digging down hard enough that he nearly drew blood as there was another short thrust forward and the knot began to pry her open further and further, his hind paw reached up and pushed down against her belly to hold her in place as he tried to wedge himself ever deeper. And her body wanted him, she pulled and massaged around him, trying to suckle him inwards as he hissed out his pleasure.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Charrul groaned out as he felt the too tight passage started to clutch around him. No matter how hard she had been broken in with the tentacles and how she had been stretched, she was still so much smaller than he was, in every way. He had to lift up a hind paw and push it down against her stomach to keep her in place as he drove forward and felt the feverish hot walls quiver around him, her wetness was pushed out and her scent spiked on the air while he closed in his eyes pure ecstasy. He had dreamed of this moment, and his dreams had not been even close to reality of her fertile little body beneath his own. The way her hide rippled and tensed, the helpless noises in his ears as he dragged his hips back and ran the fleshy barbs over her soft passage.

He pulled out his knots, one by one, popping them free with wet noises as his precum drooled out to leave his mark within her body. Already hundreds of his sperm were wriggling their way deeper, vain hope that they would reach their goal first, no, she wasn't going to be seeded this soon in her rutting. He yanked his tip out with a soft hiss as the cool air brushed around him, strands of her heat juices clung around him as he ground his tip up and down her cunny, savoring the way she started to tremble beneath him. She radiated her need, her body screamed it, no matter that her eyes were wide and outraged, fearful and desperate, her body was too caught up in the moment.

The drake grunted out and drove forward again, his cock sinking into her fertile birthing passage and claiming her ripe body for his own. His knots sank in, the first one easily, the second one with a bit of force and then he drove himself up all the way to the third knot and ground himself along her outer folds, enjoying the way that her quivering walls clamped down tightly and held around him before he began to push forward. His claws slipped out of their sheaths and dragged long her belly as he fought the taut ring of her body by dropping his hips down lower. She began to let out high panicked noises, so sweet to his ears, as he forced his knot past her clutching outer folds and drove forward with a violent thrust that had her shrieking out as his cock tip barreled right up against her cervix. His precum smeared out messily, hot thick drops of it ran this way and that, pushing towards the dilated opening before he jerked backwards again.

Gods, how she clutched around his spire, trying to suckle every last drop of him inside of her as he pulled his way back and teased through the swollen passage with the tips of his barbs. Her little squeaks and hisses were pure music to his ears as he pulled all the way out again, his cock tip yanked free and sent a hot jet of precum onto her stomach before he drove forward, the full body thrust designed to make her arch upwards. She was his, it didn't matter how her mind felt, her body was his to claim, and oh how he would prove it. With a groan he ground himself up against her cervix and let his hold on her restraints slip away, letting them loosen.

_Let her see that this is what she wants, what she needs. _ He opened one eye, seeing the way her body writhed as he ran his barbs through her again, taunting her feverish flesh with exactly what she needed.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Alexis was on fire, she was burning from her nose to her tail, the flames were consuming her mind, her body, her horror being pushed away every time the barbs ran through her. They weren't painful, they teased and caressed, pulling over spots that her body wanted so badly. She rocked her hips, hating herself for it, but the cock was so much better than the tendrils had been, this was what she had been craving. She squeezed her eyes shut before there was a sudden thrust forward that hit right up against her cervix, grinding over the opening so that her walls contracted down and molded around all three knots, feeling the way they spread her open wide before his hips jerked back again, sliding out with popping noises.

She barely felt the drag of the tentacles over her hide, the slipping pull that ran along the edges of her muzzle so that she was able to spread her jaws open in a rough squeal as the hips hammered forward against her own and she felt the heavy orbs clapping up against the curve of her ass. The splatter of gooey precum hit deep inside of her as he dug right against the opening, pushing deeper as if he were trying to force it into her egg chamber before he drew backwards again. He was driving into her, plunging and working through her passage, caressing it in places that made her toes curl unwillingly. She hated him, hated what he was doing, wanted to escape, and every time the knots caressed through her or the barbs ran backwards she couldn't help but feel a shudder of pleasure.

Her jaws opened wide, her tongue spilled out as she panted shallowly and writhed in place, her walls contracting down painfully tight around the drake making him struggle to drag his hips backwards. Every movement was a delight, a throbbing heat that dug the barbs in deeper before his knot pulled free at the base and he shifted his head to grab her throat. Her tail lashed wildly beside her, slipping away from the tentacles as he began to work in hard brutal thrusts, forcing his narrow tip up against her cervix time and again, digging and prying, wedging and squeezing against the narrow fleshy passage. She let out sharp hisses, snapping out at his neck, but the moment she did he gripped her neck harder in warning.

It hurt, it was perfect, it was too much, and her body needed more. Her heart felt like it were about to spill from her throat as he began to drive hard enough that she was being rocked against the ground. Only the paw on her belly kept her in place as slowly, steadily, she felt the narrow tip prying her vulnerable opening wider, pushing towards her fertile egg chamber as she let out a weak noise in her throat. Her body was tightening around him, squeezing as he pushed forward hard enough that the entire cock tip plunged into her cervix, holding it open unnaturally wide in a taut band as the knot behind it pushed against her. He was swelling, stretching her, spreading her body open as she bared her teeth. It was too much!

The paw on her stomach released her, lifting upwards as she cried out, her shrill call echoed in the room as the first hot rush of pleasure hit her, her cunny strained open wide as the knots flared open inside of her. Her muscles clutched around him, squeezing in the moment of humiliating pleasure that made the world darken around the edges. She knew what this was, her egg chamber in the rich ova laid bare to her captor as she felt a sudden hot rush erupting from his cock tip. The glowing cum spilled out of him in a spray as the base knot flared it's full girth, sealing her tight, as if the first two might prevent some of the sperm laced seed from escaping her prone body.

It spilled like fire into her egg chamber, she could feel the gooey washes coating her insides messily, flinging millions of sperm deep enough for them to spread out, to wriggle and writhe in a bid to make their claim on them. And her own body milked him, suckling greedily for every drop that flooded her as she trembled under the weight and felt his beak vibrating with the force of his heavy purr. Every rope, every pulse, she felt as the heavy orbs heaved and struggled to push up every last bit they could. There was no hope for her, there would never be any hope for her, her belly would swell with his eggs.

And like a mockery, he released her neck and she realized that she wasn't bound any longer. The tentacles had slipped away from her somewhere in the heat of his rutting and she glared up at her captor with her stomach going cold. She could have run away, she could have escaped him.... And she had remained like a hen in rut for him to seed. Already, the first of his sperm plunged into the barrier of her ova, and so many more still ready to be fertilized.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Churral yawned lazily, his jaws gaping open as he flicked his wings a little bit and licked along the back of one large paw. He wasn't ready to get up yet, the sun was still up outside of his cavern and though the light wouldn't kill him, it did irritate him. He stretched his forelegs out in front of him, straining them open wide to either side as he arched his back just a touch to make sure that it cracked and loosened up slightly. With a shake he stood entirely and brushed his wings along the growing algae to call the glow to life so that it started to illuminate his lair. Especially the pile of gold and jewels that had recently been left at the opening of his cavern, it was good that the villagers feared him again. Not enough to hunt him down, but surely enough to bribe his good nature with trinkets.

Not that it's gold I need. _ He growled softly to himself and glared towards the entrance of his lair. _He had better not be late.

A sound drew his ears to twitching, a soft brush of hide against something, he swung his head around to see the pink dragoness glaring at him wearily from her chosen spot against the entrance. It was cold and hard, with bumpy rocks beneath her, but she refused to sleep beside him...yet. He allowed hit, magnanimously dropping a few soft things for her, but she cast them aside, she was still being willful. Eventually she would become obedient, but for now he tolerated it. It wasn't as if she could go anywhere the way she was now after all, not with her belly so swollen with eggs she couldn't fit past any of the modified entrances.

His eyes drifted over the heavy swell, he imagined he could see the eggs standing out against her sides when she sat in just the right pose. A fine clutch, a large one, likely a dozen that would soon be laid and tended. He had no doubt his little 'hen' would tend them, he wasn't about to allow her to neglect a new generation of his offspring. His tail flicked back and forth as he watched her stalk away from with a hiss, her lips curling back, but she didn't go far before she dropped down awkwardly onto her belly. She had already learned that if she threw too much of a fit that he would use the restraints and tentacles to bind her. And oh how he loved her bound and beneath him, no matter if she was already gravid with his clutch, he still enjoyed her body.

"Sir?" A voice echoed down from the main part of his lair's entrance and Charrul flicked his ear tufts higher.

Tippolin. The elven mage had finally come in answered to the summons. He enjoyed the hold he had on the dragoness with the restraints, but he needed something more. She was too hard headed by far, she was too defiant, he wanted her to be a good little brood hen for his clutch. When she laid him, she would care for them perfectly, she would care for him perfectly, do whatever he wished when he wanted her to do it. He wouldn't want her unthinking, no, but too much of her still dreamed of escape. And the elves, they were so terribly clever with their potions, and controlling her mind should be easy for the mage to manage.

"You relax here, my dear." He trilled to the sulking dragoness, his tail tip lashing wildly back and forth. "When I return, I will teach you a new word in my language. Master."

Born This Way: Chapter 12

I could feel the soft silk beneath my pants, it rubbed back and forth, almost wet feeling in its own way when it moved just so and clung in all the right places. My ears were only faintly reddened as I walked through the main atrium and did my best not...

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The Dragon's Bargain

"You are quiet, my dear." Kephis' voice was a lazy drawl, amused and mocking both as Neera tried her best to keep herself braced against the back of the wagon. "Are you not enjoying your trip outside of the estate's walls?" Her master was toying...

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Unicorn's Spice

The expanse of forest that stretched out between the farmlands and through various property borders had never been logged or pruned back. It wasn't contested land, but simply land that yielded good enough hunting that an unspoken agreement kept it safe...

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