Ch 13

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#13 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 13! Last time we were left off at a massive cliff hanger and this is the conclusion and the continuation of Jay's and Scott's quest. Thank you for the support, you guys keep me going and I appreciate that. PM me if you have any thoughts or comments about the story and maybe even some ideas. So enough of me typing this nonsense, let's get back to the story, shall we?

I Do Not Own Pokemon

"ELLIE!?" both Scott and I said.

"The one and only, so nice..." she looked around at our magnificence, "room I guess." And she moved around the elevator. "So Jay, about earlier..."

"Oh no your fine," I said, "You have the right to be mad at me. What happened out there was wrong and I'm sorry." Then out of nowhere I got a massive slap in the face, and it hurt, and it hurt like a bitch. "What the Fu..."

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT OUT THERE JAY!?" she screamed in my face. She started to tear up and took deep breaths. "Jackson has four broken ribs and a concussion because of that fucking battle. Explain what the hell happened." I sat down and closed my eyes and thought to myself,

"Jason, you there man?" after a few seconds I heard a yawn and him saying,

"Yeah I'm here, what do you want? What is so important that you have to wake me up from an afternoon nap?"

"Ellie is here and wants to know what happened. What am I gonna do man?" there was silence and then he said,

"Just tell her the truth, that you have an opposite you inside of you who has a more violent personality and was released for certain reasons. And if she keeps asking just tell her everything." then he laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"What if she doesn't believe me though man, I mean she may think I'm crazy and never talk to me again I mean for Arceus' sake I sound crazy just saying it to myself!"

"Well then," he said, "Just let me out then I'll prove it too her that this is real." He laughed again. I sighed and said,

"You only come out as a last ditch effort, got it?"

"Loud and clear boss!" he said smartly. I opened my eyes and said,

"Ellie, this is gonna be hard to explain but, I have well, I have another me inside of me."

"Huh? Are you running a fever Jay?" she said

"No Ellie, I'm not. I'm being very serious," I said in a dark voice, "He's the opposite of me and he is extremely violent."

"What the hell Jay, you expect me to believe this bullshit!? I'm leaving, talk to me when you stop talking out of your ass."

"You leave me no choice then." I said. I closed my eyes and said, "You ready?"

"Absolutely." And he laughed darkly. I took a deep breath and my eyes flashed red. My consciousness was sucked into the darkness and I switched places with Jason. The transformation was more violent than before. My body collapsed to the ground and shook violently. The claws in my paws extended, my body became a few inches taller and my biceps expanded. All my teeth became sharper then my body froze and didn't move. After I heard a voice saying,

"It's Show Time!"

***Scott's POV***

"Well, this is a way more violent transformation than last time." I said to Ellie. She just stared at the Jay convulsing on the ground with a horrific look on her face. She sat down on the couch and started to cry. The transformation scared her and she cried out at me,

"Shouldn't we help him!?" Looking at her disgruntled figure and shook my head and said,

"Just let this finish, you'll see what's going on." I said with a grin on face. I laughed out loud and Ellie just looked at me horrified. Then we both heard a loud grunt and both turned our heads. We saw Jay's body stand up and then the claws grew longer. He looked up his eyes flashing open to show a shocking red, and then he gave a big evil grin to show his fangs. "Hello Jason, nice to see you again." I said with a chuckle.

"Nice to see you again too Scott," Jason said, "And you must be Ellie, Jay has thought and told me a lot about you, I'm Jason, his opposite as you could say, in personality." Then he let out a booming evil laugh that cackled and pierced my ear drums. I covered my ears in pain and so did Ellie, as we both crouched to the floor covering our ears. After the laugh subsided he said, "So Ellie, I was told that you think Jay is probably smoking something up his ass and you don't believe him, well do you now?" he said smiling. She stood there in shock to see such a scary figure staring her down and talking to her. She shuddered in fear and said,

"You're the real monster that hurt Jackson aren't you?" again he laughed and said,

"The one and only monster, and please call me Jason." She shook in fear and said,

"This is not happening, how is this even possible!?" she exclaimed.

"Well..." I said

***After 10 Minutes of Explaining***

"So you came into existence when he released his aura for the first time and you grew up just like him. You're in some ways more advanced in battling than him because you constantly train, and you have an evil personality?" she said. He just stood there for a second and said,

"That's pretty much it except you forgot the fact that he can call upon me when he's in really dire need, but don't think that I'm his bitch, you will regret it." He said in a dark tone and released his claws.

"Okay, okay I get it, check yourself before you wreck yourself." She said. Jason put his claws and away and took a deep breath. I stood up and said,

"Do you understand what is going on now Ellie?"

"Not really no but what made you come out in the first place?" she asked Jason. He chuckled evilly and said,

"Because of Jay's rage towards Jackson." He said. I face palmed and thought to myself,

"This is going to get ugly"

"What do you mean rage? Why would Jay be mad at Jackson? The only reason I could think of is..." she stopped talking and her face turned red as a Cheri Berry. She turned around quickly and said, "But what bothers me most is why in the hell would he be angry at Jackson?"

"Well because of the way he talked about you on the battlefield." And he grinned showing his sharp fangs. She froze in place and said,

"What do you mean the way he talked about me?" she said darkly and slowly turned back around.

"He was know shit on the battlefield. How you were his and will never be Jay's, how he was going to make you watch Jay beg for mercy on the field as he kicked his ass. He was talking about you like you were property, like her owned you, like he bought you for a price." Her face fumed with rage and I thought,

"You shouldn't have said anything Jason." And I looked over at him and threw up my hands. He saw me and gave an evil grin. then he turned to face Ellie again.

"Bring...Out...Jay...NOW!" she screamed. Jason cowered in fear and quickly switched back to Jay smoothly without any troublesome switching this time.

"Hell is about to break loose!" I thought to myself.

***Jay's POV***

After being brought back into the real world I thought to Jason, "What the Hell man! She wasn't supposed to know this!" he replied back,

"Sorry, I just had to tell her, I just can't keep secrets." Then he chuckled evilly and left.

"Please tell me what Jason said isn't true Jay." I looked over to see Ellie looking down at the ground and tears streaming down her face.

"I'm...I'm sorry Ellie....He isn't lying. Jackson said all of this on the battlefield." She looked up at me and I saw the sadness in her eyes. Tears started to pour from her eyes and she gritted her teeth and slapped me hard again. Then she started to sob, breath hard, and staring in my eyes she grabbed my face and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. We stood there locking lips for a long time. Then she pulled away and ran towards the elevator crying and stared at me till the doors closed. I stood there in shock and I touched my lips tenderly, remembering her warm kiss. I stood there for what seemed like hours till I heard Scott scream,

"Earth to Jay, what in the Hell was that!?" he limped over to me and grabbed my shoulders. I stared at him and said,

"Dude...its women; I don't think we will ever understand the mind of women." I paused for a minute looked at the clock, saw it was 3:53 and said, "Hey speaking of women, we should go around, and all of the girls we have been with, collect their numbers, since school is out now, how does that sound. I think it will clear our heads, and later how about we go down to Newmoon and party, just relieve some stress, you know?" I said. he thought about it and said,

"Sure, why not, it will be fun. Oh but don't forget tomorrow is a Wednesday and we have school tomorrow." I laughed and said,

"No we don't, the nurses note said we get to miss school for two days." He patted me on the back and said,

"Now, let's get this show on the road." We picked our phones off the couch and set out to get the numbers. We looked in our phones to find our schools' app and scrolled through the directory. I thought to myself,

"The closest one is Ginger and she is in room 631. Well lets pay here a visit." I took the elevator down with Scott to the sixth floor and he stayed inside so he could go visit Kathy. I walked down the corridor and found room 631. I took a deep breath and thought, "Just make this quick, don't stay, just ask how she's been, get her number and leave." I knocked on the door and heard a voice, unfamiliar to me say,

"Who is it?" I was a female voice and I said,

"It's Jay, I'm here to talk to Ginger." Then I heard some whispers and then the door was swung open to reveal a cute Tranquill. "Yeah is Ginger here?" I asked.

"Yeah...She's here...she's just freshening up that's all." She said trailing off and staring at me. I walked into the room and sat down on the bed that appeared to be Gingers and waited for her to come out.

"Oh Jay!" I heard Ginger say, and she stepped out of the bathroom. I turned my head and said,

"Hey Ginger nice to see..." I paused as I saw her afterschool clothing. She came out in a tight t-shirt revealing her big breasts, and skinny jeans that hugged her tight ass. My mouth watered at the sight of her that I almost forgot the reason I was there. I stood up and said, "How have you been Ginger? Sorry I haven't seen you in a while, I've been busy." She grinned and said,

"Oh I don't mind, after all you are the champion of our school, I'm real proud of you, you know that?" she said and she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "Did you come here for an afterschool snack?" she said seductively. I moved her arms off my neck and said,

"Actually I here because I got a new phone and I need your number." And I smiled. She looked disappointed, she lifted her spirits and said,

"Alright, give me your phone." I gave her my phone and she punched in some numbers and added herself to my contacts. She handed it back to me and said, "Now you just call me whenever you fell stressed out and I'll relieve some of that stress." Then she winked at me, and I headed towards the door.

"I'll see you later okay?" I said

"Okay, babe and don't forget to call me later!" she called out as I slammed the door.

"Wow, that was a hassle," I thought to myself, "Now, time to pay a visit to Sammi. If I'm correct her room is...472! That's right, it's 472." I walked to the elevator and took it down to the fourth floor. "Now, make it quick, just like last time. Oh Fuck, I forgot Angel lives with Sammi, so this is really gonna be awkward if Scott and I are both there, unless Scott went here first without me knowing." The elevator dinged and I walked down the corridor till I reached room 472. I knocked on the door and I heard a familiar voice say,

"Who is it?" in a very cheery tone, I smiled to myself and said,

"I think you know who it is." I heard footsteps run to the door and then a pink blur jumped at me and wrapped her legs around my waist hugging me and pushing my face into her breasts till I couldn't breathe.

"Oh Jay, I've missed you so much!" Sammi said pushing my face deeper into her cleavage. I tapped her rapidly and she gasped and said, "Oops sorry Jay, I got carried away." She pulled back and I got up, and said,

"I missed you too." I smiled, she squealed with delight and said,

"So how does it feel to be champion?" she said as she moved her fingers up my shirt. I stopped her and she gave a look of sadness. I said,

"Maybe later but right now I came by because I just got a new phone and I need your number." She smiled and said seductively,

"Sure why not, then I can always be in contact with you." I gave her my phone and she put her number in and I left saying I'd probably call her later. I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Damn, that was weird as hell!" I laughed to myself and took the elevator back up to Scott and I's floor. After the elevators opened I saw Scott lying down on the floor with a can of Blue Tauros in his hand, (Red Bull, get it?) and lying on the floor with his eyes wide open. I rushed over to him and said,

"Dude what in the Hell are you doing?" he sat up and replied,

"I needed the energy for tonight man, but I think I drank too much at once." Then he hiccupped and burped loudly. I picked him up and threw him on his bed and said,

"Rest it off, or try too, with all the fuckin caffeine, you will definitely be up all night, Fuck!" I plopped onto my bed and thought, "We'll go to the club at around 9 o'clock." I sat up and said to Scott, "Hey man, Wake up at 7:45 okay?" he gave me a lazy thumbs up and let his arm droop to the bed. I sighed and rolled my eyes and fell asleep thinking of how fun it was going to be.

***About 3 and a Half Hours Later***

"Jay, Jay wake up man, it's 7:30." I heard Scott say as he was shaking me. "Come on get cleaned up, and let's get ready to party!" I got up and started to walk to the shower while throwing off my clothes. I stepped in the bathroom to see it's magnificence. There was a massive tub with jets installed and a massive shower with different soaps. After my shower I walked over to the double doors beside my bed and opened them. "Hey Scott did you shower already, cause there was some burn marks on the shower wall, what in the hell was that about?" he seemed embarrassed and said,

"I don't want to talk about it." And he walked over to the T.V. and turned on the 360 and started to play some Diablo 3. I walked into my closet and looked around for some clothes. In the end I decided on light brown cargo shorts, a light gray shirt and a blue and white lined button down with the buttons opened and the sleeves rolled up. I put on some black Nike socks and a pair of Air Jordan's. The pair was colored light blue with white and black stripes. I looked over at Scott and we were both wearing something similar. He was wearing a red and white lined button down the sleeves rolled up and the buttons undone. He was wearing a neon green shirt underneath and black cargo pants. He wore red Nike socks and a pair of Air Jordan's as well. the pair were velvet red with orange and yellow stripes. I laughed and said,

"Scott, look at us! Great minds think alike, isn't that right?" I chuckled and he turned his head. He burst out laughing and ran over to me and gave me a fist bump.

"We have about twenty five minutes till we should leave, so how about some NBA2K14?" he asked. I gave a sly grin and said,

"What the hell why not, and besides, I'll kick your ass." We both laughed and he popped in the disk. About twenty five minutes later we were taking the elevator down when Scott suddenly remembered something.

"Oh Fuck I forgot, dude listen , you're the Champ now so when you walk in there, people will be all over you or, they will be so honored to be in your presence that the entire club would become silent and they would basically cater to your every need, so watch what you say. To them you're like Arceus, but don't get carried away man, that would be disastrous, just be chill and act like it's a day at school."

"Okay then, a day at school," I said, "Are you ready?" I asked him.

"I am absolutely ready, are you?" he said in reply.

"No, not really." I said kinda nervous.

"I'll take that as a yes." And we walked towards the club doors and we could hear music penetrating through the doors and Scott pushed them open. We walked in to the club and just as Scott predicted, the club stopped and just stared as the both of us. We stood there awkwardly for a few moments, and I leaned over to Scott saying,

"So, I'm hungry so I'll ask for a table." He looked up at me and with a puzzled expression. I leaned back down and said, "Watch this." Then I looked up and said out loud, "Man, I really wish there was a table open so we could eat!" then all of the sudden people moved in a fluid motion clearing every single table in the club and they all looked perfectly clean. We sat down in a table next to the bar. I called the waiter over, he was a Gabite and he was a tall Gabite, about 6 feet 3 inches and I said, "Excuse me sir, but what is your name?"

"It is Anthony sir, what would you like tonight?"

"Well Anthony," I said, "I would like a large Root Beer and my friend here would like a large Coke."

"Yes sir anything else?" I thought for a moment and said,

"A tray of curly fries, and do we have to pay for this?" he shook his head and said,

"No sir, since you are the Champion you receive all school services for free." Then he walked away not saying a word. I laughed out loud and everyone looked at me. I leaned forward and whispered into Scott's ear,

"Now watch this." I stood up on the table and screamed out, "Who's ready to party!?" everyone screamed in excitement and I screamed, "Then let's turn it up!" the music started to play and everyone started to dance again. Anthony came back with our drinks and fries. We ate them and drank them, and as we were getting a massive crowd of about fifty girls surrounded us. And apparently there leader was a Flareon. She took a quick liking to Scott and I said, "Ladies, how's the party tonight?" the all screamed in reply. "How about this, all the tables in this place," they all stared and nodded in agreement, "I want you to get on top of them and show us your stuff." And I winked at them. They all squealed in enjoyment and they all ran off to find a table. The Flareon immediately got up onto our table and started to dance for Scott. Scott just stared at her in delight and amazement as she lowered her massive breasts on his face. I laughed and looked around the place. Everyone was having a great time, "But," I thought, "I shouldn't get to carried away, after all this is a dream come true!" I continued to look around and I stopped. At the bar all alone was a Glaceon, and she was very pretty. i shrugged my shoulders and thought, "What the Hell, she's cute, let's give it a try." I walked over to where she was sitting and I smiled and said, "So you waiting on someone?"

"Oh no, I'm just here to try to have a good time. Maybe find a cute guy and have some fun. I'm Gloria what is you're..." she looked up at me and saw who I was. I took a good glance at her and her figure. She wore cute glasses and her shirt was too tight for her body so most of her breasts were showing and she wore short jean shorts. She turned away quickly as her face turned red. "You''re..."

"Yes, I'm Jay, and I understand you want to have a good time?" I winked at her, she blushed and giggled.

"Yes I do, what would you like to do then?" she asked me.

"Well first I want to get to know you better, Anthony drinks for me and the lady please, and make them Root Beers!" I called.

"Yes sir, right away!" and he scampered off.

"So where do I start?" she said. We sat there and talked for a long time. We drank about three Root Beers each, laughed and had a great time. We exchanged numbers and really connected.

"It's not at all what I feel with Ellie, but she's very beautiful." I thought. I paused in the conversation for a moment and said to her, "You said you wanted to have a good time right?" she nodded and blushed. "Well then come with me." I gave a sly grin and dragged her out to the dance floor where the DJ and band were playing. "Stay here." I said to her and I ran off the floor and onto the stage. I whispered something in the band leader's ear and the DJ's ear. After their song the lead singer stepped off stage and I took his place. The club went crazy and I said, "Thank you, thank you, I'm sorry for doing this on short notice but I want to sing this song and dedicate this song to Gloria, she out there on the floor somewhere, where are you Gloria?" someone found her and they created a circle around her. I crouched down on stage and she walked up to me and I said into the mike, "This one's for you babe." She blushed furiously and I pointed to the DJ and said, "Hit It!" and Justin Timberlake's Pusher Lover Girl came on. The crowd screamed and cheered and I saw Scott with the Flareon in his lap and raising his glass to me. I laughed and started to sing.


After the song was over Scott ran up onto the stage and whispered something in my ear. I nodded and said, "We got one more song for you, and this is to all the ladies who just recently suffered a loss or a break up." Scott picked up the Acoustic guitar from the band and started to play the tune to Justin Timberlake's Drink You Away. I put the mike on its stand and started to sing.


After I hopped off stage and Gloria brought me in for a kiss. The kiss was sweet, minty, and cold in a good way. She pulled back and said, "I had a great time." And brought me in for another kiss while the crowd cheered us on and we both laughed. She couldn't come with me because she had somewhere to go very early in the morning so we parted with a kiss and she left for her dorm and I stayed for a little while longer. By the time I left Newmoon it was almost 1:17 in the morning. I looked for Scott but I couldn't find him. I took the elevator back up and when I entered our room I saw Scott on his bed with the Flareon on his lap and they were making out.

"Oh shit Jay!" he exclaimed, "Sorry I just..."

"It's okay, just don't make a lot of noise. I'm going to bed." I looked over back at Scott who kissed her and he led her to the elevator. As she was getting in the elevator he slapped her ass and she looked back at him seductively. The elevator doors shut and I said, "So who was that?"

"Dude her name is Jessie and she is so fucking awesome!" he swooned and collapsed on his bed. "I'll go to bed too, cause I'm gonna visit Jessie in her classes tomorrow since we both have excused absences. I nodded in agreement and said,

"I think I'm gonna visit Gloria as well." we both laughed said night and fell asleep, not bothering to change out of our clothes. I lay awake thinking that tomorrow was going to be a really great day and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

That Was the End of Chapter 13! I hope you guys liked it, it took a while to write, the longest chapter yet, so what's gonna happen tomorrow, I don't know not a really good cliffhanger but I hope you love this. PM me or leave reviews if you have any comments complaints or ideas. So tomorrow the next one will be out, so til then guys PEACE!

Ch 14

**Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 14! Lots of Drama coming up so stay tuned! I love all the positive feedback on this and I am truly grateful for all of it. You guys keep me going and it's fantastic. I hope my chapters become longer and more detailed...

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Ch 12

**Hey Guys Chapter 12 is here! Finally I can start posting again with no problems! But thank you for all the support you have been giving me and for now on I will try to make each chapter 2000 words or more. If I don't then I just didn't have time....

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Ch 11

**Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 11! I will TRY to post another Chapter tomorrow so be prepared for some more action! Now then let's get back to the story, shall we?** **PS: I would like to apologize for not posting for a couple of weeks, I have been...

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