Stomach Space Transport Training

Story by Grahckheuhl on SoFurry

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This is my half of a trade for Ijzer over on FA: He's a great learner, might I say. Methinks he's going to be a natural.

So come on, everyone! Hop a ride on his bus line. He's quite accommodating: most assuredly the best transport you will ever experience in your life.

His half of the trade is over here! -->HERE<--

Ijzer (c) Ijzer!

Grah and Stomach Space Transport (c) Me!

Also, for some reason when I converted this from an ODT to an RTF for easier viewing for all when on FA, it made a shit ton of typos. Like, seriously, it even made 'balanced' become 'ba;anced'! Like, dafuq? Anyone have an explanation for that?

Several miles from any city, in an area of coastline devoid of any civilized life, everything appeared as one with nature. Palm trees swayed blissfully in the wind while waves rolled upon the shore without a care. Sunlight doused the tropical region with its constant rays to keep everything heated for comfort to all manner of creatures. However, an unpaved road marked a trail to lead down to a small peninsula where a curious set of structures had been raised without anyone knowing. Flat and long, they were built to provide shelter and protection against the elements, yet also with comfort in mind. They resembled what one may find at an airport terminal, and right alongside a cleared region lay which gave the impression that small craft may be able to land. A wooden and raised dock stretched out into the water just beyond the building, which looked made for loading people onto boats. Beyond all of the sights not a single vehicle could be found; no cars, ships, or even planes were seen despite there being areas for all of them to fit. All of it remained devoid of souls, save for one curious individual.

Tapping his tail against the ground, purple scales glowing in the sunlight, a quadrupedal winged dragon peered around nervously. Black feathers which ran along the top of the dragon's body ruffled in the occasional strong breeze as he searched around the grounds. Each gust of wind would be accompanied by a soft whistling which occurred due to three broad ridges situated inside the short and blunt horns on the dragon's head, aiding in giving him a pleasant demeanor. Looking for another dragon, he had come in hopes to find work in a world which even more feral of dragons needed to earn their keep as civilized folk, or at least what they might consider to be. He found hope once a company known as Stomach Space Transport opened up within the region, touting its different methods for transporting goods and people alike. Continuing his search for life, he padded along quietly.

"Hello? Anyone here? It's Ijzer..., for the job training?"

Craning his short neck around a corner and into the bus depot, with the only sound in return being an echo of his voice. Despite sounding so empty, the area inside appeared well furnished even with the garage door open, with plenty of cushions and well made chairs lining the area, perhaps for those willing to wait in this area. He chuckled slightly to himself, noting just from sight how his body could fit in almost perfectly with one of the slots for a bus. Turning around and resuming his search, he slinked along the large glass walls of the main building. Looking inside he saw all the lights inside turned on, likely powered via solar panels on the roof, yet no actual people appeared, despite it looking almost made to resemble a hotel lobby on the inside.

Following the rounded outside corners of the building, Ijzer eventually found himself looking out to the open ocean and the dock which looked to stretch nearly a mile out into the water. From a distance it appeared similar to an industrial loading area, but upon closer inspection it resembled more of a boardwalk than anything else, with simple stairs extending off the sides for areas useful to loading passengers. Walking towards it and up the wooden ramp to get a better view, it was then that he finally noticed some sort of life raising up from beneath the water in the distance, and closing in fast. Ijzer knew it exactly to be the one hiring him, given the description of them being an aquatic dragon.

Just how large the dragon was to be, however, Ijzer did not know until just now. Cresting through the waves while raring back its head, the giant blue and aqua finned creature made himself present with its left flank to the left of the boardwalk. With a spray of salt water being sent over the boardwalk just in front of where Ijzer stood, the purple dragon narrowly escaped a good soak. The blue body shimmered beautifully due to the water upon it which would catch the attention of all, had anyone else been around. Strutting forward slowly, standing tall enough for the green underbelly to meet up with the top of the boardwalk, the larger creature had both height and length to rival a small cruise ship.

"I assume you to be Ijzer, correct? The one looking for a position with Stomach Space Transport? Your interview was spectacular I heard," the larger dragon spoke via an invisible connection between minds; the mouth never opening for speech.

Ijzer jumped in surprise, not expecting telepathic communication. "Oh geez! Um, yea, that would be me. I'm here and ready for my training."

"I'm very glad to hear that. From what I know you'll be an excellent addition to the company. My name is Grahckheuhl, or Grah if you prefer, the owner of this business. You know well that I, and other employees, want nothing more than to be represented with the highest of quality by our fellow couriers."

Craning his head down, the blue face dame down quickly and close to Ijzer. It was at this point the boardwalk made sense in design, as the short ramp and stairs leading upwards allowed a large dragon to rest their chin upon it. Methodically the blue dragon slowly parked and rooted himself in the water while raising the closest wing over the wooden walkway, giving an area of protection against the elements if it had been raining, to abate wind, and simply to help keep the hot sun from direct contact. His tail lay over the path to further use as support, and possibly functioning as a guide to not go too far.

Not saying a word and expecting some sort of personal talk, the purple dragon waited for the larger creature to finish his actions. What caught him off guard, however, was how the blue mouth slowly yawned open to allow a blast of hot and humid air to blow out, it being amusingly similar to a vehicle giving off exhaust. Right after a large and broad purple tongue slid itself out like a giant crawling slug, overtaking the top portion of the supposed loading area to give obvious sight as to where one should go.

"It's a bit different than just sitting one down in an office and regurgitating information to them, but I feel this method is much more tasteful for the work at hand. I want you to act the part of a customer, so that you know personally how one feels when being moved, and the proper process in each different region being offered."

Ijzer, stunned, just stared ahead with his own mouth agape with silent wisping out in his breath. His mind took in everything with a growing interest. Taking a few steps up the ramp, he first noticed how the larger dragon controlled the rolling saliva along the tongue. Even though copious amounts were being produced, creating what essentially looked to be a small stream, the large muscle crinkled slightly to the side to help displace some of the liquid which would otherwise move down the center crease and consequently flood the loading area. Before peering inwards any more, he poked his head around the side of the larger dragon's mouth and up at the rest of the face. It seemed that Grah stared ahead, waiting patiently, instead of staring down to pressure one to hurry up. Indeed, it seemed that service quality did mean something for this company.

Taking a deep breath, the smaller dragon finally took a step forward onto the tongue. With every portion of his gait he stared forward and watched as the straight and flat head, parallel with the loading ramp at the top, allowed one to see a fair ways down into the throat. With every passing second the muscles in the back widened. It was a surreal sight, being able to see so much flesh shifting and loosening up, and it seemed almost attractive. There was a great sense of control, with the breathing coming at a softened pace, yet the gaping throat helped one to keep along and head to their destination. Without an uvula disrupting the view, it appeared as a perfectly shaped tunnel which even cars could drive through.

Every so often Ijzer felt the tongue below him shifting in position. Every time he stood in place for too long he felt it bulge upwards ever so slightly to help him scoot along and towards the back of the throat. If the slick environment hadn't been enough the taste buds tickling at the bottoms of his bare paws certainly did make him move. Overall it appeared fairly clean, much to his surprise, other than what appeared to be a few articles of clothing stick between the teeth or near the sides of the tongue. Looking up revealed nothing of too much interest, other than a beautiful shimmering of saliva reflecting the outside lighting. For the most part Grah controlled his salivary output incredibly well, perhaps as to not disrupt any loading individuals too much. Plodding along, catching his balance from slipping while roaming along the tongue, he'd stare straight ahead into the leveled out esophagus.

"I advise all of those in the loading terminal who are not coming via the O-dock to please stand back as the passengers and luggage are being handled. I ask all those who are ready to be seated to please get into a comfortable and balanced position to make the ride as comfortable as possible to your fellow passengers."

Grah's voice pinged into the purple dragon's head once more, startling him enough to lose balance and fall flat on his chest with a loud splat. Apparently he was giving an announcement as though the mock demonstration had other passengers to help make it seem natural. Before his footing could be regained, a very distinctive constrictive sensation wrapped around the posterior of his torso, like that of a warm, if not squishy, hug. Darkness soon enveloped the area as the mouth closed, and a soft push allowed his body to begin a journey into the larger one.

At this point the scents became much more apparent within the larger body. Nothing had been entirely noteworthy before, but as gently rolling flesh from below helped propel the dragon further down, he finally caught much more natural scents. At the same time however, there existed a much more fruity overtone as though a possible normal diet had been used to counteract any undesirable smells to the best of its ability, or at least to less feral minds. Ijzer sniffed about, managing to catch healthy doses of fish and deeper guttural expulsions of air with his more refined olfactory senses, and he couldn't help but feel intrigued and welcomed by the slight stench.

A decline began to form in the esophageal flesh, and Ijzer could feel the flat surface pushing him along becoming much more spherical. Likely the case for it was how Grah lifted his head and neck, ensuring that things were kept speeding along to keep on a schedule. It made sense to Ijzer as well why this was a good idea. He had to guess his journey to an actual cabin to be halfway done, much to his disappointment, considering how comfortable he gotten himself. The shifting in muscle around him however finally managed to disrupt the mucous coating of the fleshy ceiling above, resulting in an ooze of liquid to fall down like a wall to coat anything coming through. Despite having been so nervous a few minute ago he was practically ready to fall asleep, and would have as well, if not for the beating of the larger dragon's heart thumping in a smooth rhythm.

If nothing else the purple dragon found it rather convenient that the vibrations took place, as soon after he noticed a curious light coming from between a thin circular opening. Quite clearly being the sphincter leading to a stomach, it graciously opened to give more than enough space for the smaller dragon to slide on through and into the more spacious region. A thicker scent permeated the area to remind him of the seafood diet the aquatic dragon likely dined on daily. Low grumbling noises took place towards the other end of the stomach, presumably to warn anyone to not venture any further within the body.

Much to his surprise he managed to gain vision of every little nook and cranny due to a very dull and matching purple hue which glowed beneath the flesh. Wobbling slightly, it being difficult to find purchase for standing on the slick stomach floor, he began to search around the humid and thick atmosphere. Remnants of previous customers littered the region, giving thoughts that perhaps the dragon hadn't been cleaned out yet from a previous cruise. He caught glimpse that much of it seemed to collect towards the back, as though the body had begun naturally processing it. One had better not forget their personal goods, or fall asleep and be forgotten, or so he thought.

"I would like to once again thank everyone for choosing Stomach Space Transport for their traveling needs. At this time if everyone could find a seat before departure it would be most appreciated," Ijzer couldn't help but chuckle while listening to Grah's words due how he seemed to fit the role of a difficult to understand announcer on an actual ship.

"An attendant will be with you shortly to explain any safety regulations and answer any other questions. Do not, however, go seeking the attendant beforehand as they prepare; roaming between regions is strictly prohibited, and Stomach Space Transport is not responsible for any harm caused or damages done to personal belongings."

Ijzer began to notice, once Grah had finished speaking, how the stomach shifted rather specifically. At first it had a bulbous shape to it, as though mimicking that of a fluffy cloud, but it began to stretch considerably and flatten itself out. It was here that he realized the flesh itself hadn't been the glowing agent, but instead the mucous and saliva itself gave off the light; he was able to see it due to how the liquid pooled in certain regions to give off a collectively brighter light. From those congregated areas he began to witness deeper depressions taking place in the floor all around him, including below his own paws, which created what seemed to be like seats. Vibrating slightly, forcing the dragon to giggle slightly as the sensation tickled his toes, the flesh seemed to read his size and weight to create a perfectly formed spot to rest for convenience.

"We have now reached port. Thank you, one and all, for taking this cruise liner as a purpose for your transportation needs! If everyone could line up to how the attendants instruct then you shall be on your way in no time. We hope to serve you again in the future!"

Taking that as his cue, Ijzer begrudgingly stood up once more from the warm puddle of liquid that he lazed inside. He knew he had a job to learn, but something about that liquid surrounding him caused an indescribably comforting and soothing sensation to flow through his veins. Regardless, with a soft sigh, he padded on back to where he came. Greeted with an open sphincter, he noticed a peculiar difference with the esophageal flesh. A thin trail of glowing liquid flowed down it, similar to guidance lights on the sides of stairs. It once more flattened out on the bottom to make it easy to walk upon, and with the neck supposedly parallel with the boardwalk once more, it made for an easy trail up.

Staring up the esophagus in this fashion remained just as surreal as staring down it in the beginning, as the tunnel of flesh seemed elongated and much longer than before due to the soft glow of purple running along it. At the very end Ijzer could see the bright lights of the outside world, taunting him and letting him know he'd be leaving his space of comfort. In a lazy gait, he noticed something more that actually quite impressed him. The flesh beneath him didn't move an inch, other than with a soft few vibrations from the beating heart.

Grah exhibited an extreme show of self control now more than ever; the learning dragon was able to feel just a slight bit of bump here and there, indicating the larger one to be resisting the urge to simply swallow once more. He couldn't begin to imagine what it must feel like to have someone else's toes pressing gently into his own throat, but harkened it to be somewhat like a massage. If nothing else this spurred him to move faster, if not just to give more of a pleasing sensation to Grah, but also so he could get to his own job quicker and see what it'd feel like to have others crawling through his own neck.

Upon reaching the back of the throat once more, Ijzer gained a clear view of the boardwalk. The larger head he walked inside tilted downwards in a gentle slope, with the tongue outstretched once more as a transition to the wooden ramp. Looking back, unable to see anything but the expanse of a dark tunnel, he became somewhat confused upon realizing that the purple lights from before seemed to have totally disappeared.

Just then Grah lifted his head slightly, along with the tongue shifting beneath Ijzer's forelegs. Unable to keep control of balance, the pads on his paws unable to find any friction, he once again tumbled upon his chest. Unlike last time gravity was able to take hold and he slid along the tongue as though it were a water park slide, zipping right along the center crease. A quick flick at the tip of the broad muscle ensured the purple dragon wouldn't soar on down and slam upon the harder wood walkway; what would result in a painful roll upon a hard wood floor instead becoming a gentle flop as Ijzer scrambled about to retain a sense of professionalism.

"Oh geez, wow, uhm..., I'm sorry about that end there. That was definitely my bad."

Grah just chuckled quietly, a low growl being the source of such. "Given your job later today I don't think anyone will even know. Now then, ready to move on?"

"Definitely! I think I got it. Seems like a good general area for moving large masses."

Right as Ijzer finished speaking, the large blue head removed itself from the boardwalk's loading ramp. Right thereafter the entire body took a few steps forward, resting the forelimbs on the beach and near the building. Wiggling his hindquarters ever so slightly, while peering back every so often, it became evident that he was situating himself to give Ijzer another tour of a different cabin. After a half or so minute longer of situating and changing positions, the tail lifted to raise above the boardwalk. Its shadow created a clear line as to where people should stand, with the long and silken fins on the bottom of the tail doing wonders for blocking the sun and any strong winds. It also worked as a guide to lead folk straight to the tailhole of the dragon, which now pulsed invitingly at the tip of the ramp.

"Now loading all individuals and fragile luggage or precious materials into the A-dock."

The larger dragon's mental chiming allowed Ijzer to realize it was his time to learn a new loading area. With a thought of hesitation, due to wanting to really keep the previous information sunk deep in his mind, he showed great resolve in wanting to do a good job by stepping forward against the will of his conscious. A thin slime remained from the drying saliva of the boardwalk from earlier, it giving a strangely pleasing sensation against the pads of his feet, as he walked on up the ramp. Just a few inches from his snout was the new entrance, parted just enough to give a teasing sight inside.

"Okay, relax Ijzer..., you're almost halfway through with training."

Giving himself a small and quiet pep-talk, the purple dragon psyched himself up and got himself ready to totally absorb all the information possible. Tapping his claws against the wood he stood on, and staring up into the slightly gaping blue pucker, he noticed how Grah lowered and raised his tail by mere inches every few seconds, and in that way the sphincter clenched inwards before opening again. Not wanting to keep his new employer waiting much longer, he plunged his head forward.

Much to Ijzer's surprise, the tight appearance of the tailhole had been only partially a ruse. There seemed to be quite a bit of give on where he wished to wiggle around, with his head fully encased in the new area of warmth, yet a distinct level of suction helped give the illusion of the flesh being taut. Once again he felt the result of Grah's tail pumping itself up and down, as it controlled the flesh effectively into squeezing and relenting. The flesh itself suckled upon Ijzer's neck, quickly slurping it inwards while his shoulders followed suit.

Small bursts of light allowed Ijzer quick sneak peeks as to where he was headed. Each time the sphincter opened to allow more light in the surroundings never seemed to change, yet as it closed and pulled more of his torso within, he felt every inch of the flesh shifting and squeezing in quick and small motions. He barely began to notice a difference in the liquid's consistency of the new area; the thinner and more slick saliva and mucous of the mouth and stomach was being worn away and replaced with a slightly more gloopy slop that adhered well to the body, yet at the same time functioned with surrounding muscle to reduce friction as much as possible.

Any tenseness in the purple dragon's body melted away while feeling his hindpaws leave the ground. He had to do absolutely nothing once again to enter the larger creature's body, only this time it felt almost therapeutic. Each wave of flesh that tugged him inwards gave a deep massage, but at the same time gave off the impression that he were being lifted along a series of clouds. A wide smile formed across his snout with his tail slowly wagging back and forth. Once again he marveled at how the sphincter squeezed harshly enough to keep constricted the most wily of individuals, yet remained delicate enough to allow the most gentle of movements to be accepted.

"I wish to give all those being boarded a large thank you for choosing Stomach Space Transport for their delivery and comforting needs. I do however ask that you remain seated for the time being until all are boarded. If you wish to move after we have left dock, you may ask an attendant and they will have you transported to a further interior location. They will also later inform you on what rubbing patterns you should give to the flesh so that it can better fit your needs."

After the entirety of his body had been engulfed by the seemingly greedy anal sphincter, Ijzer found the area to be squeezing along him rather peculiarly. He did as told to not move, and in truth he wasn't even planning to anyways, so it only worked out to his advantage. A plethora of thick slopping sounds blocked out any other noises; the flesh moved along his body while applying an endless supply of mucous, having a rather attractive rhythm to it. Even the scents seemed to play to the beat of the body, as bursts of another alluring tropical and fruity scent filled his nose. Over time, however, he felt how his body had gone from being straight in and out, to being squeezed and curled against the fleshy walls. Before realizing it even took place, he had been moved in such a way that his rump rested against the bottom of the anal tract as though it were a chair, with his back resting along the wall. It gave him a slumped position.

Looking to the right, Ijzer could just barely see the boardwalk about fifty or so feet away between the slightly gaping sphincter which had swallowed him up. A tiny portion of it was being blotted out by the shifting flesh, as he had evidently gone around a slight curve in the lower intestinal tract. To the left, thanks to the light from outside, he saw a maze of moving muscle, gently and slowly oscillating. Now that it had calmed down, better attention could be paid to the formation of the muscular tubing. He saw how it actually created a larger pocket to fit his form, yet in either direction the iconic banded shape of the intestines happened to be present. It worked conveniently and effectively for creating natural seating inside the body. He could quite literally sit here all day if he wanted, and even though earlier he heard Grah state that the muscles could move to better fit one's needs, it seemed highly proficient at giving the perfect position right from the get-go.

"While preparing to dock, we would like to ask all travelers to return as close as possible to the colon region. If lost or stuck too far deep, please ask an attendant for help to pull you back. Thank you again for using Stomach Space Transport, and we hope to serve you again!"

Letting out an exasperated sigh, the smaller dragon squirmed slightly and whimpered at the realization he'd soon have to leave this heavenly experience. Unlike last time however, the larger body began to expulse his own with a sudden series of slick squeezes. Removing him from a supposed seat, he once again found himself laying on his belly against the smooth flesh, with it rippling around his torso with a purpose. Despite the sudden change in position, the area remained just as accommodating as before, while it pushed and shoved Ijzer from its confines. Never once did it turn into an uncomfortable experience for him, and arguably the more concerted and forceful actions taking place right now felt even greater.

It was like waking up from a short nap and receiving a deep body massage as a reward. Even if he wished to stay just a little longer, he thought it best to be a bit more timely, and began to help himself out. Squeezing with his toes and pushing with his legs, it in truth didn't take much to worm his head free of the warm flesh. The outside air in comparison felt strangely chilly, even with the breeze being blocked by the large aqua-tinted fins of the tail. He balanced himself with his forepaws upon the surprisingly slick wood. Perhaps it was only like such, however, due to a lack of attendants and cleaners being compounded by very short breaks between loading and unloading.

A couple more shoves of Ijzer's hindpaws into the squishy flesh would be all it took to finally allow himself to wiggle free of the fleshy cave. One small squeeze of the sphincter and interior flesh applied itself against him, as though the body gave a goodbye gesture. Even though he was thoroughly drenched with a thin and slick mucous, the smaller dragon began to understand why this form of transportation became such a quick hit. The larger dragon's mouth, stomach, and even anal region had exhibited a cozy and overall welcoming appeal. With those thoughts he casually thumped his chest against the raised wood walkway; it jostled enough to bring him back to the reality that he was being trained for a job.

"Alright, I think I got that area down pat. It's for folk that need a bit more cushion for their ride, or are just much more delicate and require a softer ride."

"Mmh, good to hear, Ijzer. Now then, since you didn't state you had a U-dock at all, I suppose it's time for you to come on down off the boardwalk, alright? There's just one more place for you to learn."

"Oh, u-uhm..., yes, of course." Ijzer had to blush slightly at the statement. In a way he sort of wished he did possess what was mentioned, if only just to experience that particular dock.

Regardless of his blushing thoughts, Ijzer did as was instructed, shaking to rid himself of any liquids just by instinctual reaction. As he trotted on along the boardwalk, he got to watch as Grah moved slowly and carefully, bringing his tail back into the water while walking forward as well. It was here that Ijzer got to gawk down and see that, between the muscular blue hindlegs, a healthy purple erection being shown with pride. Ever so slowly the larger dragon began to rest his forelegs against the building, with his head and neck nestled upon the roof. Just as Ijzer came down to the stone walkway, he noticed the purpose in all the designs for walkways in the sand. A shallow loop and path found its way down towards the shoreline, but more due to that being another loading region, for the tip of the tapered and long member came to rest perfectly just above the ground. It situated itself between two stairways, which could at first be mistaken as just a small observation deck.

"You know, I always thought the architecture of the building was to allow for the most effeicent way to collect light from the solar panels. Now I can see it's actually for comfort, hah! I bet it's quite warm on the scales, huh?"

"It was at first, but then it just became convenient, really. I've found that passengers tend to take the longest to, well, load and they... ehem, unload, from this dock even more slowly, relatively." the slight emphasis in his speech gave reason for one to believe that even the company's owner sometimes gave in to inner desires for this job.

"Anyways, I think I'll spare you the speech for loading this time. I'm sure you can guess how it'll go by now after all. Just remember that this is meant to be the most luxurious of the docks, the C-dock, and as such it's expected you should be all the more professional. You ready?"

Tucking in his lips, Ijzer nodded quickly and began walking towards along the path that took him beneath the green chest of the larger dragon, "ready and willing as I'll ever be!"

A slight chuckle once again came from the larger dragon, it having a soft booming aftereffect due to Ijzer being just below the chest cavity. It was at this angle, however, that he managed to gain a much greater appreciation for the size of the creature above him, and rather specifically the loading dock straight before ahead. He was able to notice how the shaft stretched far enough forward to move past the belly region and down to the base of the chest; truly the other dragon was a source of pride and a good ambassador for the overall larger proportions found down where it's wetter. Thick aromas unlike anything else before slowly permeated the air, and this time with their own form of addictive taste. A musk, strangling any impurities out of the atmosphere, came forth from the tip of that shaft, and it was just there that the purple dragon aimed to go.

Ijzer's nervous demeanor had finally melted away sometime between checking out the A-dock and coming to the C-dock, and it was a transition in mindset he didn't even notice. Quickly hopping up the stairs, his nose already poking against the urethral slit, he wondered how this area might wow him and create a cause to want even more. After all, even though he was experiencing all of the wonderful sensations for dealing with customers, he too had to exhibit the same traits later on in this same day. Seeing the tiny and tight hole in front of him slowly stretch open due to his touch, albeit it somewhat delayed, he took it as his moment to take a step inside.

Instead of simply poking his face within, the smaller dragon stood up on his hindlegs while holding along the tip of the shaft before him with his forepaws. There didn't appear to be any resistance in entering the musky environment, and in fact the supposed C-dock seemed surprisingly receptive to allowing passage. Not only did it suck up his head with a loud and mixed slurp of air and liquid, but it graciously accepted the forepaws as though it were second nature to do so. Pushing with his legs, he found it actually quite amazing how easily the urethral entrance widened. Never did it appear from the outside as being at all able to budge any more than an inch, and it clung to his body like that of latex, but it gaped to just the perfect size to ensure that he could move.

Upon realizing that he might be able to move somewhat freely, Ijzer began to wiggle and squirm up a storm inside of the tightened environment. A couple slight pushes more was all it took to bring the rest of his neck and forelegs into the clenching body. Not only did it cling like latex to his body, but it even felt similar to that substance, the only difference being a natural slime which coated the tubular path, to which it felt nothing like that of the saliva or mucous found in any other region of the body. Its only purpose seemed to be that of transportation of larger or other thicker substances, as given by how he found himself almost unable to halt his advance simply due to his forward inertia not being impeded in the slightest. Whatever the composition of the liquid, it seemed to flow quite readily outside of the shaft as well, for he felt his legs and tail coated by it long before those areas even came into contact with the larger purple flesh. A quick flick of Grah's hips could be felt by the smaller dragon, which translated into the shaft being pointed up ever so slightly. With that one last motion, his body became fully engulfed by the member.

In truth Ijzer did not actually know how far in he was meant to go. After all any of the other areas had been heeded by warning to not go too far without the aid of an attendant, but a lacking ping of Grah's voice indicated that perhaps he should continue going. As though someone flipped a switch, he began to see purple lights coming in small bursts through the urethral canal. At first he thought it to be an illusion, but as he squirmed further inside, he indeed noticed streaks of purple mixed with a pure white along the walls. They cracked along the spherical path like that of lightning, and he soon realized it to be following both the veins hidden behind a thin membrane separating the meat of the shaft from the tubing, as well as those nerves likely feeling every minuscule movement being elicited.

Staring at them, the smaller dragon fell into a trance. Every other second he saw a more powerful streak of lights run past him, yet he never found himself in total darkness, for down the tunnel some distance away he witnessed the next coming wave. Despite giving off so much color, it never actually illuminated the darkness of the path, which is likely what gave it such a dream-like sensation. Panting ever so slightly, he realized that much of the outside air hadn't actually been brought with him, unlike that of when he went into the two other docks; thick musk replacing any atmosphere he had grown used to throughout life. Thick waves of the scents seemed to hit him in accordance to the lights, and along with it small inclines in the level of heat. Every lurch forward that he mustered became weaker and much less hefty. His forepaws lay flat against the walls while his digging hindpaws just flumped down to have the toes drag along the wet floor.

Being totally subdued, Ijzer truly felt as though he had walked through some portal leading from the outside world to some fantasy realm wherein only happiness existed. Now that he lay completely still, however, he noticed that each wave of light also brought with it a very light throb which reverberated through the shaft. It came as a slight shock to him due to how powerful it actually happened to be; each vibration rocked him down to the core of his body. Despite being so blunt and sudden, all of it worked only to further loosen his muscles. He felt totally at one with his inner peace, shifting ever so slightly to allow the skin-tight shaft to get at more hidden areas of his frame. While the last dock he tried out had a much more cushioned and welcoming feel, and the first being all around enjoyable, neither compared to the luxurious nature found in this.

Time, as well as any woe or pain, didn't seem to exist in any form inside this simple portion of body. Somewhere along the line the pathway changed from being almost completely parallel with the gravity down below, transitioning to a slight incline, before it changing to being pulled upwards almost totally opposite that of gravity. Every so often Ijzer felt the pathway as well go from being straight to forcing his body to turn ever so slightly, as though going through loops and some sort of intricate maze. He didn't know quite where he would be in comparison to the outside world, and in a way he almost forgot he had even entered inside of another creature's body. The only thing helping him keep rooted at least marginally in reality was the soft beating of natural bodily functions. A very thick and much more goopy slime began to coat the top of his head, and all the way down his back, from something which felt strangely tough. Ignoring that, however, he came partially to his senses once realizing he started heading downwards. Eventually, the point of gravity rested underneath him; the dragon now was laying on his back instead of feeling as though he lay on his belly.

Furthering his regained sentience and thoughts of reality, Ijzer felt a thick membrane begin to coat his face. It was a slow process, but he felt himself phase through what felt to be a thick gelatin wall before coming into a opening. His eyes widened greatly at the upside down sight, for he knew very well where he ended up. One of the testes is where he found himself, soon being expulsed from the tubing and into a larger cavity filled with a softly lit white liquid. Rather, it didn't seem like the liquid glowed, but wherever the thicker substance touched along the cracked walls caused some form of reaction to create a bio-luminescence.

"I would like to take this time to thank you all for choosing Stomach Space Transport as part of your traveling plans," Grah spoke once again, to simulate for the trainee what one might say to those inside.

"If you have any orders which would like to be fulfilled, an attendant shall be with you once loading is complete. You are asked to not move until everyone has been loaded. If the level of liquid is too high, or too low at any point, please let an attendant know. Have a wonderful trip!"

Once the words had ended Ijzer was left to stew in the biological heated pool, equating it in his mind to being like that of a spa room. The thick and white liquid clung to his body relentlessly as he slid along the shallow region, before all his body was finally let out to be free with movement. In a way, while he was curious to move and search around, he didn't actually feel the need or desire to do so. Perhaps that's what being accommodating was all about; being so comfortable, and so welcoming, that people have absolutely no reason to complain or shift about too much. Even the tubing which plopped him here had done so with just enough force as to make sure the back of his head and neck was able to rest against a wall behind him, so that he lay in a semi-reclined position.

Turning his head around, the dragon at least made note of what he could see. The area didn't seem too willing to change in size by stretching just because of his existence, and in fact remained fairly stubborn with its environmental consistencies. Then again Ijzer couldn't think of a better way to wait around other than perhaps with company. It's too bad, he thought, that he had been the only one on training today. Flopping his tail slightly, he felt the liquid glorp around the appendage, as if attempting to keep it rooted in place with its weight and viscosity. With that stubborn clinging, however, came with it an intense and wondrous heat that etched its way between each of his scales, and even down to the base of the quill-like feathers along his body. After a while he could even feel the leftover vibrations from his own tail having moved about, it creating a rather distinct sensation in the liquid. No matter what he did, even if he did actually move, it resulted in nothing more than total pleasure and comfort. Just as he began wishing he never had to leave, however, a familiar voice rang inside his head.

"We shall soon be arriving at our destination. I, on behalf of Stomach Space Transport, would like to give you my deepest thanks for choosing us for your transportation needs. Please collect any of your belongings, asking an attendant for help if need be, and you shall soon be on your way."

Whining slightly to himself, Ijzer had to bring himself back up and into a professional attitude. Rolling over, once again begrudgingly having to stand and remove himself from an infinitely more comfortable position than being outside, he ignored the call to remain seated. He sooner assumed that to be just in case people began to push or become rowdy, as he knew what a small crowd can act like when it's time to go through a single exit. However, to his surprise, the liquid around him began to fill up the space at an alarming pace. Where it once barely seemed a foot deep, it now raised several, to the point that it created a difficult environment in which to move. Everything began to stir around him, and a powerful pressure propelled him towards the gel-like entrance.

Exiting the C-dock didn't seem to take nearly as long as entering, Ijzer found out, as the thick liquid swirled and pushed him outward against his will. He became totally encapsulated in a glob of the white substance, to which he flowed as if one with it, pumping through the tubing he not so long ago had been comforted by. He recognized the actions taking place around him to be rough and harsh, judging by the powerful thumping taking place, but the liquid once again proved wonders in absorbing any shock and translating that into nothing more than a comforting massage. Somewhere along the way the liquid began to thin out ever so slightly, as it mixed itself with the natural slime of the surrounding area, and perhaps with secretions that he didn't recognize prior. It transitioned to a more opaque white as opposed to before, making it nigh impossible to see but a few feet of light ahead. After what he guessed to be just a few minutes, he noticed a flooding array of color flowing forth, like coming to the end of a tunnel.

In the blink of an eye Ijzer found himself being consoled by a glob of liquid and endless expanses of body tissue, to being launched out from the shaft and being brought to a quick stop, once again cushioned by that of the liquid. It left him somewhat dazed and confused, looking around to gain bearings of his surroundings. He recognized sand from the beach below him, and peering up and back, he noticed at least the reasoning as to why the exit process was so much quicker. Grah balanced above him, with a forepaw resting against that mighty shaft, and had massaged himself to ensure that Ijzer and any contents inside had come out all the more efficiently and quickly. It brought a flush of heat to come up and over his face, but before he spoke, the larger dragon breathed down over him. A sudden rush of heat and moisture overtook the smaller dragon, being enveloped in a cloud of steam. It seemed to be for no other reason than to quickly clean up the mess made from such an extraction process. If nothing else he was thankful for it due to how it made it easier to stand, what with the flood of liquid being quickly cleaned away.

"Mmh, sorry about the volume. You'll find that not even your own body works as intended sometimes. Let's just say that there were quite a lot of one-way cruises which had been given for my last route," Grah seemed to whisper the words, despite being telepathic and only relaying such information to Ijzer.

"No, no that's no problem. Honestly, it's good of me to learn how that is an option! I'll have to plan my diets accordingly, huh? I mean, I guess that is sort of like overtime with carrying people for longer rides," shaking himself off, still feeling that flush of heat in his face, the smaller dragon just nodded and went along with the style of speech, attempting to sound ready for the job.

"It shouldn't be too much of a problem in all honesty. I will, however, warn you to not take tips from too many passengers. Trust me, you'll gain weight quicker than you can put it off. Especially when it's humans giving it... ah, so much oil. But in any case, do you have any other questions? If not, you seem more than capable of being the start of an inner-city bus line."

"I think I'm more than ready! In fact, something tells me I'll have more..., well, pride, than any other job I could possibly think of. Thank you so much for accepting my application! I better get going. Can't have a late bus on the first job of opening, right?"

Chuckling and shaking himself once more to ensure his body to be dry, Ijzer trotted along the side of the building where he once walked so nervous, but now with a new sense of joy and eagerness. Grah gave a slight wave back from behind, nodding with a flick of the fins along his jawline, giving a sign of happiness as well. Just as he passed by the bus depot, looking into it, he actually did have one more question.

"You know, I wonder who the attendants are, or where they are... Who cleans us out after work?"

Just as he passed by the center of the large garage door, he noticed a smaller and wingless gray dragon emerging from behind some cushions that he noticed prior but didn't think much of. The other fellow seemed groggy, stretching to awaken himself, before nodding to Ijzer. The purple dragon could have sworn he had seen that fellow before, but couldn't get a much better look as the other dashed away towards Grah's direction. Ijzer hummed to himself slightly, as his gut began to rumble quietly. Not only would this be a good first day on the job, his body ready, he couldn't wait to receive the perks of a personal groomer later on. With a wide smile, he went back towards the city to pick up his first load.

Dreaming as Macros

Tucked beneath lush and thick blankets draped over a bed lay two creatures happily beside one other. Sunlight beamed between the blinds of a nearby window, casting a soft orange glow upon the smooth white painted walls like that of a blank canvas....

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Jungle Naga

Loud squawks and singing avians echoed through dense trees within a jungle, their songs nearly as thick in the air as the humidity in the sweltering heat. Hacking through the underbrush, a single bipedal and scaly individual carved his own path from...

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Dragoness at the Party

Watching outside at quickly passing brick walls, shadows dancing along as powerful street lights above raced by, a young woman with a concerned twinge in her eye sat at the back of a bus. Every so often when gazing upwards, she made out the sight of...

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