Reaper: Hades - Sherry Stormrock

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#5 of Reaper:Hades

Second character bio for Reaper: Hades.

This time, we get a closer look at Sherry Stormrock, Gale's tactician and the 'Scalpel of Pollenburn'

Character Bio: Sherry Stormrock

"Sherry, Sherry baby."

Background: Sherry Stormrock was born in upper class of Rillotian society particularly in central Rillotian state of Vynar. She enjoyed all the luxuries of life and this led her to constantly want more. Eventually, this desire for 'more' led her to desire things that her parents cannot provide financially; adventure, thrill and danger. This initially began with dating dangerous men or those beneath her 'station' and when her family attempted to dissuade her from such acts, she only took it as encouragement and pursued her desires all the more.

She took a trip to the dangerous lands of Oxis on a jungle safari. She was set upon by Tribals and her entire escort and the majority of the group with her was killed. Herself and a friend survived only when a rival Tribal band rescued them and killed their captors. This war band was luckily part of a tribe that was friendly towards MODD and civilisation and took them to safety. Instead of returning home, however, she stayed with the Tribals, inspired by their tactics, strength and raw, primal nature. She trained with them, learning their ways. When she had learned all that she could, she joined the Rillotian military and rose through the ranks as one of their best tacticians, tempering the wild nature and guerrilla tactics of the Tribals with cool cunning. It was during a skirmish against the Unsealed in Pollenburn that she earned her moniker the 'Scalpel of Pollenburn' for her precision strikes and cunning. In the Battle of Ashflow Crossing, her small troupe of twenty Rillotian soldiers managed to defeat a number of Unsealed including a single Branded without losing a single man.

Impressed by her tactics, Gale Winthrop personally recruited Sherry into the ranks of MODD and had her tested with a Seal. She became attuned with the Steel Winds Seal and became Gale's frontline commander.

Primary Class:

Tactician - A class focusing on the positioning, manoeuvring and capabilities of not only themselves but also allies. Poor attack and defensive abilities but excellent bolstering capabilities of others. One of the few classes truly capable of repositioning others.


Secondary Class:

Metalmancer - Manipulation of metal and metallic objects is this class' focus with branching capabilities into magnetism.

"I am Iron Man."

Inhibitor - Debilitating foes is this class' specialty with very few direct damage abilities.

"Slow down. Take a break. No one will hurt you."


Tower of Whispering Winds - "If you hear it make a sound above a whisper, it's already too late."

Sherry's Seal Weapon which takes the form of a five foot long sword made of several interlocking, fragmented shards. In truth, it is only about four feet long but the shards are permanently suspended by a powerful constantly gale of highly controlled winds.

Signature Move:

Whiplash _ - "I'll get the gimp outfit..."_

Sherry swings the Tower of Whispering Winds. The winds that bind the sword's shards together lengthen and reshape the weapon into a long whip allowing for a medium-short whip attack. The metal blades are fully capable of adding severe damage as well. Can seize enemies and reposition them.

Shatter Storm - "It's eeeeeeverywhere!"

Completely deconstruct the Tower of Whispering Winds, surrounding herself in the shards before sending them at high speeds in all directions for a wide-spread attack. Not very damaging but can cause crippling injuries.

Wind Pull - "Get over here!"

Cause a powerful gust of wind from behind a foe to pull them closer towards Sherry.

Backdraft - "Leave me alone!"

Blast foes backwards with a gust of winds.

Ferrous Finale - "You need more iron in your body."

A dangerous move for Sherry. She rips the Tower of Whispering Winds down until the metal blades are just tiny, sharp, iron blades no bigger than a dust particle. This forms a thin cloud around her which she can subsequently control with the winds she generates. Has been clocked to rip a fully grown feral cow to the bone in thirty-two seconds. Sacrifices all defensive capabilities for offensive.

Statistics - Total 31

Strength - 3 - Congratulations. You are now officially as strong as a prepubescent teenager.

Agility - 7 - Can't catch me!

Endurance - 4 - Suck it up, princess.

Intelligence - 9 - Holy crap, you know what I'm thinking! Sorcerer!

Special - 8 - You're almost at the point where you have a halo and your very touch heals people. Watch out for Jesus.

Reaper: Hades - Chapter 2

## Chapter II **Pollenburn** _"MODD has achieved a stunning victory against one of the most ruthless clans of Pollenburn when a brave group of soldiers raided the stronghold of the infamous_ Rattlesnakes _Clan and captured their leader,...

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Reaper: Hades - Snakebite

## Character Bio: Iro Rakerama AKA "Snakebite" _"He's a 'Yes Man'."_ **Background:** The leader of the Clan that he founded and called the _Rattlesnakes_, Iro was born in Valence and brought up in a very traditional Valenese household. As a male, he...

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Reaper: Hades - Chapter 1

## Chapter I **Shellington** "98...99...100..." Jacob Reaper took a deep breath... "101...102...103..." He grunted loudly, missing his 104th count as his muscles strained to pull his 300 pound weight towards the ceiling against the natural pull of...

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