Ravaged by a Wolf

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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A druid learns how rough and oversized canine love can get.

Yay, another Mystical Menagerie entry! This one will be a bit special, featuring avatar?user=125339&character=0&clevel=2 Suel's cute wolvar druid. Don't let his adorableness deceive you though! Behind his playful eyes and tiny muzzle hides a real predator. Or so he believes :D. In this Tale, Suel takes upon the hardest quest he could find. With powerful magic on his side and shape-shifting abilities, what can possibly go wrong? Read and find out!

Commissioned by avatar?user=125339&character=0&clevel=2 Suel and written by the one and only ME. The story features rape- actually lets not call it that. Retribution is a better term. It also has a bit of a size difference, but that should be no problem to a shifter, yes? :)

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Comment if you want more or to tell me how crappy of a job I've done or anything else you desire :D


Like the day before, Suel visited the Quest Lodge. Night elves of all proficiencies walked around and talked with each other, pointing at the hunting boards littering the poles. He heard mentions of this BlackFang, and how he savaged his victims in a most...unique and brutal way.

"Ashenvale became a nest filled with filthy green-skins," a male's gruff voice rose above the others.

"Indeed. We should turn eyes towards RedRidge. I heard a new clan has been established in the..."

All they heard was catshit. The StarSpears were reclaiming Ashenvale, patch by patch. That's why Suel headed towards the elite board. The curled dragon that warned of serious threats intimidated him no longer, nor did BlackFang's scarred face.

"I'm taking this one," Suel said, tail flicking casually. He got stares and curses and praise as he left the lodge, as expected. With all Druids fighting on the Hyjal front, reclaiming Ashenvale remained to a dedicated few. Suel was the only skilled druid, and the most stubborn.

Shifting into his raven form, he flew away from Darnassus, soaring towards the Elder Trees of Ashenvale Forest. He reached it quick, and found BlackFang even quicker. The urchin settled into Maristra's Post, enjoying a bloody flank while his beast feasted on the rest of the buck.

Suel settled on a branch, blinking. That was a SnowFang howler, huge through and through. Gaping maw, paws the size of orc arms, and a bushy tail to envy. Below it, a pouch carrying his spheres rested, hinting at the animal's gender. Suel clacked his beak. He would enjoy taming that beast.

He flew back a short distance and shifted into his normal wolvar form. Standing on two feet and clad in a tribal attire, he wasn't the most fearsome nor the most ferocious of his kind. His emerald eyes seemed too gentle, his muzzle too petite and cute, and his perky ears too adorable. It seemed that way to most before he knocked them senseless.

A twig cracked. Suel whipped his staff around, left paw thrumming with energy. He heard steps. Paws, rushing towards him. The white beast emerged from the dense foliage, charging towards him. Suel attuned hibernation and launched the volley towards the wolf....

...a second too late. He heard the whistling of the arrow and even saw it as it pierced his shoulder. His muzzle contorted, suppressing the misery. Healing first, pain after.

"Gran'gar," the orc laughed, wiping his messy chin as Suel ineffectively tried to conjure his spells.

"Is silence arrow, little druid. Can flex your paws all you want."

Elune's rippling cunt! He couldn't stand here, out in the open. He felt exposed, open. Weak! That's what everyone thought at first glance. He hated proving them right!

Biting back his pain, Suel charged. He whipped his staff, getting the orc in the cheek. The next slammed his throat, and a final thrust poked at an eye. It didn't reach. The orc gripped the staff and shove, throwing the stick and the wolvar along with it.


The canine licked its fangs, saliva dribbling down his great white muzzle. He was thoroughly awake thanks to that bloody arrow.

The orc signaled some commands, laughing hoarsely. "Savage that little pup. Teach him like you taught the others."

Suel's mind flickered from one thought to the other. Panic and anger washed through him in equal measures. There had to be something to use. He couldn't be helpless...

The SnowFang pounced him. Suel rolled, forcing the arrow deeper into his shoulder. He gasped. Next time he blinked, he found himself with a head larger than his whole body looming above him. That black, oozing nose sniffed all over, licked, then started ripping his leathers apart.

Suel froze. The warmth of his breath lingered near his crotch. With a pull and a jerk, the beast exposed it, dashing a quick lick over the flaccid sheath. Suel whimpered. Did he really like that? His limbs tensed, enduring lick after lick. It was so big and rough and slimy, pressing his balls and pushing his soft sheath back while the orc laughed and clapped his brutish hands.

"Enog playing. Take him like bitch."

The beast complied. When his paws failed to lift the limp wolvar, his terrifying growl sent Suel on his fours in an instant. He trembled all over, arousal and fear mixing into the strangest concoction he ever felt.

Something pushed his tail aside. Then a warm breath touched his furred sack. Suel turned his head, coming face to face with a crimson tongue hanging between two huge canines. An onrush of festering air hit him as the beast growled menacingly.

Suel whimpered and looked ahead, heart beating frantically in his chest. It wasn't wise challenging a hunter. A mass of fur pressed down his back, shadowing the very sky. He stared back and to the sides, seeing only patches of white fur. Ahead, the wolf's head bowed between his forepaws, eyeing Suel with a hungry look.

"Have him, boy."

The orcs words barely registered before Suel's ass was assaulted by the most vicious thrusts he ever felt. The beast had no aim. It slid his gigantic rod over Suel's coppery back, onto his flanks and between them, rubbing against his genitals in a repeated dance of perverted pleasure. Suel's member slid out without his accord, throbbing defiantly at the unwanted stimulation.

The wolf pulled back. When it finally founds its mark, Suel howled. His paws left the ground as the beast shoved, pushing its arrow-shaped tip as deep as its horrifying length allowed. Suel felt his insides go numb with fire, impaled on the wolf's barbaric rod. It took three more thrusts for them to dislodge, and for Suel to fall on his belly like a used wench. The white beast licked its prize, tongue swirling around Suel's abused tailhole.

"Baah. Too small," the orc shove his pet to the side and pushed Suel on his back, eyebrows frowned with disappointment. "Barely any meat," he slid a brutish hand down the wolvar's belly, gripping his cock with two fingers. He pulled back in a short jab, all the way to the pink, deflated knot. "Barely any cock." He slapped the meat, prompting a yelp from the abused wolvar.

"Look here, pup," the orc summoned his beast with a whistle and shove his hand into the animal's sheath, pulling back all the way. Veins webbed the monstrous length of the wolf's glistening penis, gnarling all the way towards his fluid dripping knot. The orc squeezed two times, forcing a spear of hot seed to erupt and splatter on Suel's exposed belly.

"This how proper cock is," he released his grip and stared Suel down with the conviction of the Goddess herself. "This what you take in you."

"Wh-what?" Suel managed to speak. The orc expected that. An axe appeared in his hand, swinging uncomfortably close to Suel's exposed genitalia.

"Turn bear. Take cock in, or lose it." The hunter pulled the arrow like a twig and threw it back into his quiver. He still remained crouched though, with his axe hovering above Suel's retreating cock. The coldness of the weapon upon his flaccid tip made the choice for him.

Nodding, Suel summoned his magic_. Fly,_ instinct screamed at him. Fly away or kill them both. He wanted them to suffer and burn in Elune's light for their insolence. They deserved it. Suel attuned moonfire and froze as the wolf pierced him with an amber gaze. Beasts should never be faulted for the errors of their masters. The Code spoke of that, and more. Every life was sacred, and druids were never meant to abuse their powers.

Suel closed his eyes and surrendered to the shifting energy. Muscles stretched, limbs twisted, fur shifted until he became a proper bear.

"Good pup," the orc clapped. "Up. Up," he insisted.

Suel complied. He pushed his great bulk off the ground, growling. Something warm and moist pushed under his tail, sweeping his ass with short, hungry strokes. Suel growled despite himself.

"Mhm. Enjoy it little bear," the orc disappeared to the side. Suel knew why when the orc's hand swept under the white fluff of his lower belly, searching for a certain something. The wolf joined in with his oversized muzzle, licking frantically at Suel's quickly enlarging cock.

"Hhrahrr'engar!" the orc growled. "Like that?" He cupped Suel's balls and squeezed surprisingly gently. Roaring his lust, Suel started thrusting, pre dripping with every push.

"Gah," the orc slapped a furred flank, displeased with the bear's needy thrusts. "Ravage him!"

The warmth vanished. No. It switched places, dashing once more around Suel's rapidly clenching ass in a mockery of a prelude. No amount of slick saliva or hot tongue prepared him for what followed after. With both paws fastened around the brown bear's back, the giant wolf pushed his hips forward, driving his emerging cock around Suel's tailhole. Suel growled, mind becoming cloudy with the thrill of rutting. His own flanks buckled in the same rhythm as the wolf's, driving his own aroused cock into the wet clumps of fur of his belly.

"Growl, bear. Growl," the orc chuckled. "Soon, you howl and trash. I want you roar when my wolf bursts into you."

Suel ignored him. He started panting, fur sweltering under the heat of the prelude. Then it hit. The wolf growled his victory as his length speared through Suel's tight hole. It drove in like an arrow, fast and sudden.

He roared. The pain was too intense, and the pleasure even more so. Tightening erratically around the abnormal length, Suel's muscles milked the wolf as he forced his huge knot deeper into the bear's tight ass. Every thrust pushed deeper, and every push meant a fresh wave of scalding seed spurting into untouched depths.

Suel couldn't take it. He thrust forward, feeling his own climax rapidly approach. The warmth was unbearable. He had fire slithering inside him, pressing down upon his most sensitive of sanctuaries. Stretched and abused, Suel's heart rammed inside his chest. He danced on the edge of the precipice, counting the beats towards his climax. With a knot applying startling amounts of pleasure on his thrumming prostate and seed shooting deep inside his pressing muscles, Suel couldn't hope to resist for long.

Overflowing amounts of cloudy fluid leaked from his crimson tip. His rod tensed harder than ever, freezing under the enormous pressure. Suel opened his maw, releasing a choked roar. His vision flickered, dispersing into colored stars as he clenched once.

Seed burst from his flared tip, shooting straight onto his belly, wetting it with a mighty, splashing torrent. Suel surrendered to the uncaged bliss with a final cry and a thrust that almost sent him off his great paws. Thick spurts of semen erupted from his bulging cock, splashing against his thick belly fur. The clenches were surreal. Each throb was so strong it hurt, forcing out copious amounts of scalding seed. Suel thrust between the clumps forming down his drenched belly, each twitch sending new jolts of delight inside his oversensitive tailhole.

He never came so hard as he did now. Head swirling, Suel surrendered to the primal urge until his throbs finally died down.

"Rahg'har'Nagar," the orc roared, wrapping a muscled arm around the bear's neck to keep himself from falling. "You came faster than bitch."

Suel wobbled under the slaps. He felt exhausted and spent, even if his cock still jolted with pleasure every time the wolf's seed filled his insides.

"Worry not. After tie ends, I let you go free," the orc scooped up some seed from the grass. He swirled it around his fingers, sniffed, and took a lick, grumbling. "Tell your pups how Rengar, mate to Rhaka'Rungar'haran'Eckhar, took you like a bitch."

Wasn't that a story to tell?


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See you in the next installment! (Oh yes, there will be one)

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