Emancipation: Seeding The Future

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#8 of Empancipation

Commissioned Series for SparkShark

Nathan's claws tore at the ground roughly, the blunt tips scrabbled against the boards and tried to find purchase as she set her ears back and did her best to get out of the damn cage that her father had thrown her in. The wood was old and mildewed so that her claws were able to tear up little chunks and bits that gave her hope that she might be able to get out of here before the worst happened. Not that she wanted to contemplate the worse. She didn't doubt that her father would get a kick out of tossing her into the ring to fight dogs more than twice her weight and well trained to destroy other canines. And that said nothing about what he'd do to her if he wanted a litter of pups. If she were lucky she'd just be set to one of the horny dogs that would just fuck her, if she weren't. A shudder went through her and her clawing grew more desperate. Some of the dogs would damn near kill her before planting pups in her belly, and her father would let them as long as she lived.

She didn't know which ending she hoped for, the idea of a filthy dog cock being stuffed into her body made her want to vomit, but would it be better than death? The thoughts of her fate didn't leave her in the barn, she was forced to be around dogs that had little else to do but bark and attempt to get at one another. Some weren't fed, hunger ensuring that they would fight when they went to the ring, but it also meant many of the thin dogs rarely slept. They attacked each other through the bars, they tried to attack her even. She was left cowering in her cage, attempting to avoid the snapping jaws as best she could. But it would still be better to let them kill her than to end up as one of the swollen bitches birthing a new generation of fighters. Right?

Her eyes narrowed down as she stuffed her nose forward and against the partially dark gape in the floor boards and tried to push her head through. She smelled the rank scents of a skunk under the boards as she tried to wiggle her head through, the jagged bits of wood that weren't rotten pricked at her head while she wriggled and twisted this way and that. There was no use, her head jammed up to her eyes and then she was stuck, and the wood was growing harder and more sound with every new layer revealed. She stepped back and sneezed, shaking her fur out and staring at her only hope with mounting despair. She couldn't let this happen, she just couldn't. She turned her head about and looked around the room, trying to find something that she could use to widen the hole.

It had been four days since she had changed, and she had no more answers now than she did then. Her father had only mentioned her name to snarl out complaints that she had run away. As if she would! The curses and dismissive snarled complaints that she had overheard had been humiliating and infuriating as her character was tarred as something little more than a lazy son who had all but fornicated with anything that moved. The hints that he had preferred males had been made several times as well as theft and any number of disparaging things against his character. It had been humiliating to hear, and she couldn't block it out, not with her long keen ears. She had been forced to listen, or else make whining sounds and howls to drown it out which only brought her something thrown at her cage or worse.

She had no idea what had happened or why, this was all wrong, it never should have been like this, it wasn't possible. Her body wasn't her own, it felt all out of whack and strange when she walked, to say nothing of the fact that her gender was all wrong. She couldn't look down at herself without feeling a pang of shame and horror at the spade shaped sex that was nestled between her legs. Instead, she tried to spend her time alternately attempting to dig her way free and escaping into restless sleep that at least let her pretend that this really hadn't happened, that she really wasn't trapped in this hellish existence.

"Go grab the two in the back, we're going to take them into town." Her father's voice made Nathan's head jerk up, ears splayed to either side as the door opened to reveal the large farmer and a thinner looking man beside him.

"I want 'em bigger, don't want things over too soon." The man spoke up as they stepped in, revealing one of the local bar owners that winced at the sound of the snarling barking dogs.

"Grab the big white one back there and the black and brown." Father spoke up lazily. "They're close enough weight to give you a good show and get in enough bets to make it worth your while."

"Really now?"

The pair walked through the barn and Nathan tucked her tail down as she pushed herself back against the wall with a low growl. She didn't want to draw attention to herself, she didn't want to be chosen. She had no illusions that she could control her body well enough to actually fight and win, and the dogs in this room would have little sympathy for another canine when they were in the ring. Her stomach was twisted in knots as she splayed her ears to either side and sucked in a breath as they moved past her and towards the back of the barn. Her father didn't even look at her as he went past, not that he had indicated that he recognized her at all. The barkeeper, though, the bar keeper did get a good look at her as he paused and let his eyes slide into the filthy cage.

"You got a wolf, Dirk?" He let out a bit of a laugh. "Not much of one, he looks like he's ready to run the first time you open the cage."

"It's a female." Her father sounded dismissive. "Not worth even bait with the way she cringes, might give a good batch of pups though."

"Unless they turn into cowards as well." The man gave his head a shake.

"Heh, nah, just gotta find a stud that'll breed it out of her." Dirk's eyes looked down at his offspring and Nathan whined out low in her throat, trembling in terror. "I'll find one soon enough, eh?"

Nathan pushed harder back against the wall, her body half hiding the hole beneath her as she shuddered at the laughter in the man's voice. As they gathered the dogs and left she resumed her frantic attempts to dig her way out of the cage. She wasn't going to let it happen, she wasn't going to have some beast on her back and tearing into her body. She just wasn't going to allow it!

~ ~ * ~ ~

In the wee hours of the morning Nathan's paws were torn and almost bleeding, splinters had pricked her tender nose in a dozen places and she could smell blood with every breath. She sprawled out on the ground with her eyes fixed on the ground before her, ears pinned down to her head miserably as she listened to the steady growls and barks around her. The dogs had changed their tone over the last few days, their snarls and attempts to attack her when she neared the sides of her cage had become more serious and less about hurting her. They tried to dig their way to her, their eyes avid and nose atwitch as they smelled a bitch in heat among them. She couldn't push herself to any side of the cage without risking a cold nose and hot tongue being shoved towards her, she ended up remaining huddled against the wall day in and day out, trembling every time the hated man that had sired her came into the room because there was always a chance that that would be the day he dragged her out to be bred.

She had little hope she could hide it forever, her body was burning with a fever that she could barely think around, let alone hide from others. She had watched as the dark spade of her sex had begun to grow larger and swell outwards, the lips had begun to part to show the shiny inner folds and glistening wetness that was always present. She was achingly swollen to the point that she could feel the throbbing of her own heartbeat could be felt in the swollen flesh. She was aware of it, aware of the way that her body was throbbing and pounding, her blood running hot until she spent her evenings curled up and trying to ignore the sensation. To ignore the rank scent of the male dogs in the room with her, the harsh scents that made her nearly choke on them whenever she took a deep breath.

And her father knew about it. Nathan had no illusions that she had kept her state a total secret, the evening before the man had squinted down at her and seemed to know that something was wrong. It was after that that she had watched him lead out Butch, a truly massive mastiff mix that was scarred over from a hundred different fights that he had been set to and won. He was a killer, he didn't bother with posing and warning whoever he was fighting, he went in for the kill plain and simple. His fights were always quick and simple, they rarely lasted more than a few minutes before the other dog was taken down. If that was the dog she was paired with, she wouldn't get away unscathed, she'd be lucky to still be able to walk afterwards.

Or you can take your punishment with dignity. _ A soft voice tickled inside of her mind and made Nathan freeze. _There is always another way after all.

_ _

The former boy jerked her head up and whined under her breath as she looked around for the source of the voice, but there was nothing. Just the constant sound of the dogs that were never silent and her own breathing. She heaved herself up onto all four paws and turned around wildly as there was a sound of laughter and a soft footstep reached her ears and she swung towards them. A dark skinned woman crouched down with a smile on her face, the white teeth startling against the black of her lips, making them look somehow feral. Where had she come from? She hadn't heard the door open, the dogs hadn't set up their normal racket when people came into the place. They still weren't barking at her the way they should have been, it was like they couldn't see the woman.

"You want out of here don't you?" She reached out and touched the cage with her fingertips. Nathan growled out, her ears twitched back flat to her head. Of course she wanted out of this!

_Who the hell is this?! _ She padded to the front of the cage and tipped her head back, glaring up at the woman.

"Ahh, but what will you give me if I free you?" The woman smiled a bit more as Nathan snarled up at her, setting her hackles up. "You must agree to give me something."

_I have nothing! _ The former boy lunged forward and snapped her jaws against the metal cage and one of the dogs across from her perked up and let out a low eager whine.

"I will let you out, but you will have to pay me back. You have nothing worth value on your person, but there are other things of value." The woman hooked a finger along the latch. "But your body is of value, what it can do at least."

Nathan snarled out in response as her fingers tried to reach through to stroke her fur, she didn't want anyone touching her, let alone this woman. The bristles along the back of her neck rose up, her lips curled back as far as they would go as she let out a low throaty growl.

"What price for your freedom? You'll wind up swollen with pups in here, why not bargain your body for a litter of cubs instead?" The woman didn't even try to pull her fingers away with Nathan narrowed her eyes and snapped her teeth again in warning. "Of course, if this is the life you choose....?"

She wanted out of this damned cage. The bargain was sickening, her stomach roiled at the very idea of any animal touching her, male or female, in that way. What else was her choice? Her father had little care for the bitches that he bred, he would simply turn the dog on her and let him do what he wanted short of killing her. As long as her belly was pumped full of his semen he could do whatever he wanted to her. She whined under her breath and shifted, her eyes flicking up towards the woman crouching in front of her. It was going to happen no matter what, but here she had no chance to fight back, her father knew everything a dog had ever invented to get away or evade, but out there. Out there she'd be able to have a chance to evade something try to mount her. Her tail drooped down and her ears pulled back tight to her head before she managed a slight nod up and down. She had no other choice.

"Excellent. I knew you would see things my way." The woman smiled and stood up slowly, letting Nathan back up expectantly.

The woman hooked a finger on the latch and gave it a pull, struggling against the spring that kept it locked in place. It was designed so that a paw or impact couldn't rattle it loose, which wasn't an easy latch for a slender female to unlock. It was hard even for a man to do easily, which is why it took longer than it should have to finally spring the latch. The door swung open and she lunged blindly towards the opening and freedom. She scrabbled to shove her way out, the woman jerked backwards as the gate clattered to the other side of the wall and the former boy lunged towards the door. She was out of here!

"You promised!" The woman hissed out and Nathan pinned her ears flat to her head as she saw the door. The door was never latched shut, not with the security on the cages and once she got past the door she was going to hit the woods.

The wolf heard the dogs snarling and whining at her, their bodies flung against the fronts of their cages trying to get at her fruitlessly. The woman behind her called out again, but Nathan flung herself at the door and her front paws hit the wood before it crashed open into the early morning air and her paws hit the grass. Glorious freedom! Let the woman rot, let her father rot, she'd find a way into town and go from there. She wouldn't be stuck in this body or let any damned creature get-

"DAMN IT! WHO LET YOU OUT!" The roared words came with a boot that struck out and rolled Nathan over the ground.

She yelped out in shock and tumbled, barely able to get her feet out from under her as the all too familiar reek of her father assaulted her senses. She tried to twist away, clawing as a large hand grabbed the scruff of her neck and yanked upwards, her paws flailed at nothing, her ears pinned down flat as she tried to twist away, writhing and kicking rapidly with her hind legs. His weight shoved her down, his thick wrist barely twitched as she snapped at him and tried to wriggle her way free with her hind legs kicking out wildly. The man cursed at her, his snarling voice drowned out her own yelps and snarls as she was pushed against the damp ground and one of his hands caught her scruff, hauling her up as she snapped at the air and tried to writhe and kick her way free.

Her father stood up with a grunt, shaking her roughly so that she nearly bit her tongue. Nathan let out a high pitched whine, scrabbling with her hind legs to try and touch the ground as she twisted and turn wildly. Her eyes flashed as she felt one of the arms reaching around her chest and pinned her forelegs down against her body so she was tucked up against the large man. There was a rough rattling shake that made her stop struggling, her ears pinned down as she tried to twist her head around, looking wildly for help. This wasn't fair! She had nearly gotten free! She gave a wild look towards the barn where the woman had been, but there was no one standing there. There was no help coming, no one watching her, nothing.

"Fucking bitch.." Her father growled. "How the hell did you get out?! Time to finally earn your damn keep!"

She was tucked under the broad arm, his hand remained gripping her scruff so that she couldn't writhe her way free as he hauled her back towards the barn. And her fate.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"STOP THAT!!!" The hand cuffed Nathan so she yelped out and stopped writhing back as her chest was pinned down against a hard filthy board. "Worthless bitch, your pups had better have some spirit in them."

She was shaking from nose to tail as her forelegs were stretched out in front of her with her chest resting on the low board. Rough twine was wrapped just behind her fore knees and pinched down so tightly that she could barely feel her paws, another length of braided twine wrapped around her neck and twisted around to form a muzzle that sealed her muzzle shut. She couldn't even pry her maw open more than a hair before it was forced shut again. The leather strap that ran over her shoulders kept her in place leaving her hind body free and loose, not that it helped. The crude stand was designed to keep her body level with her back, but give her no ability to drop down to sit or struggle with the way her forelegs were stretched out in front of her. She had used it herself a hundred times on bitches that were ready to be bred and they couldn't risk them fighting.

She whined out and squeezed her eyes shut as the rough hand yanked her tail up and tied it off with a length of twine that could yank it backwards and keep it well out of the way of her puffy swollen folds. She remembered the dogs that she had tied up like this, the ones that had fought and protested only for her to smack them into silence and let the male into the room to fuck a new generation of fighters into her belly. Ignorance would have been bliss, she could have pretended to have hope, to think it wouldn't be so bad, but there was no ignorance found here. She knew what was going to happen and she couldn't protect herself as she heard to low eager whine coming from the other side of the room. Butch was watching everything with glittering eager eyes, held back by a chain in the wall as he yearned towards her.

_Please... please. I didn't mean to run, save me! _ Nathan thought frantically, hoping against hope that her benefactor would return.

"Here... There ya go, go get 'er!" Nathan heard her father unclipping the heavy chain with a rattle, and she twisted around, her hind paws dug down against the old wood and she threw her weight to the side. She wasn't going to just let this happen.

Butch's heavy body bumped against her own before the hot wrinkled muzzle pushed against her and she heard a low rumbling growl that seemed to vibrate the very floor beneath her. She let out a higher pitched whimper, her eyes flashing in a panic while the massive beast loomed over her and she felt the breath panting against her in an acrid wave. Wolf or not, she was smaller than the beast, thinner and lighter, his chest was a good six inches higher than her shoulder as she tried to side step away from him, her eyes rolling back before he snapped out against her shoulder and bit down roughly. His jaws clamped against her muscles, digging down to pin them against bone so she squealed out as he threw his head to one side and yanked her back towards him. There was no attempt to stop him, only her own high pitched cries before he released and snuffed over her again.

She'd always gloried over how she could boss the fighting dog about, just the threat of a swat made the creature back down, but now he listened to nothing. His drool splattered against her as the short muzzle shoved up and under her tail with a rough shove that hit right against her swollen spade shaped sex. Her yelp was punished with a nip against her back leg before a hot slimy tongue pushed out and pushed right along her folds and roughly pried up against them. She tried to tuck her haunches down, letting out a higher pitched cry of protest only to feel the tongue wedging up harder. She pinned her ears back and tried to snarl as she felt the animalistic appendage curling and working into her unprepared body, roughly pushing her walls open as drool spilled down along her inner thighs. She jerked her tail down harder, feeling it tugging against the twine as the tongue lewdly plunged into her body.

It didn't hurt, she would have loved it to hurt in that moment, the disgusting tongue rubbed through her and stroked lightly, swirling this way and that to scoop up her wetness as she let out a muffled noise. Her nerves were swollen and vulnerable, puffed out to the point that she was helpless to ignore the slimy tongue working through her. He didn't lick slowly, he didn't lick gently, he plunged and lapped against her as if he were drinking water. His lips shoved up against her as she twisted and squirmed, crying out every time the tongue went achingly deep and his saliva coated her outer lips messily and dribbled down along her hind legs. She could smell him, the reek of the male flooded her nostrils until she was almost choking on it, a dirty filthy dog scent that was filling the small space. The tongue pulled back with a wet noise and wetness hung in obscene strands from his muzzle and her folds.

When Nathan tried to drop her haunches, splaying her legs wide, the beast jerked his head back and snapped out at her, his teeth catching her haunch hard and giving a rough shake. She was swept off her paws as the fighting dog shook her hind end like a rag doll in response to her attempt to evade him. The moment his teeth let go she went limp, only to have the teeth snap out again and catch her again to shake. The second time she was released she kept her legs under her, whimpering under her throat as the dog grunted and pushed his head up and over her haunches. The mastiff mix slid over her, she tried to find a way to evade him or throw him off, but he snarled out and lunged forward, pinning her against his chest and stomach while the killing jaws clamped down around her throat. His teeth bit down hard, pinching enough that she knew he'd kill her if she tried to fight, or at least hurt her so badly she wished she was dead.

The growl ran down her spine as large paws clamped around her hips and tucked up against her belly before something rammed against her and bounced right off her ass. The hard violet-red cock tip jabbed at her roughly, smearing thick ropes of precum against her as she wretched in disgust. Hard jabbing shoves hit against her and shoved right up against the line of her tail base, splattering out wetness before the tip hit harder and jabbed nearly against her ass. The beast's breath hammered against her as his haunches began to thrust wildly, not aiming, not caring, just wanting to drive into her body no matter what hole he found. She cried out every time the tip nearly caught against her folds, or worse, her pucker and tried to pry forward before slipping upwards. This wasn't about to happen, this was supposed to be a girl, she was supposed to be the one in control, not like this!

The claws bit against her belly and the jaws slid up higher along either side of her neck, the dog shifted his haunches, spreading them around her before she felt it. The tapered cock tip caught along the swollen edges of her cunny and suddenly spread them open. Butch didn't wait or pause at the sensation, the dog slammed forward with a brutal thrust that brought a shriek from Nathan's muzzle. The boned cock slammed into her body, erupting from the sheath and stretching her virginal walls obscenely wide as he forced himself in and hunched over to hammer against her haunches. He jerked backwards just half an inch before wildly pumping forward again, nearly tearing her in two as he jammed her full of the slimy cock-flesh. It was hot, almost feverishly so, glassy smooth and perfectly fitted for another canine, but one far larger than she was.

Hot watery squirts of precum escaped from the tip and splattered inwards as the burning pain grew worse the more he stuffed inside of her, his muscles haunches forcing his way forward as he nearly stepped on her paws with his wild thrusts. Her chest was battered against the table while she let out higher pitched whimpers, feeling her overly swollen folds forced in on themselves before being pulled out again with wet popping sounds. Saliva, her own heat juices, precum were all being pushed out around the edges as the stiffened shaft began to wedge ever deeper. Her muscles contracted and squeezed, trying to stop the painful intrusion, but he only dug his claws in harder and forced his way past. The pain was growing, the ache that felt as if her insides were cramping down while the splaying inner walls contracted down again.

She felt every last inch of the cock hammering along her passage, the throbbing pulses as her walls were pried open and stroked over in the most sensitive parts of her body. Her nerves were pushed and stroked over, running along her passage while her paws flexed down against the ground wildly. Her eyes flashed open as the dog's hot drool ran through her fur, the paws shifted and dragged against either side of her body. His huffing breaths came out in short bursts, the teeth slipped lower, the great jaws moving until her jugular was being pricked by his sharp teeth as the hammering thrusts built up speed, never pausing, never giving her relief, plunging and spraying out short bursts of precum into her passage as the tip nearly hit right up against the cervix at the deepest point of the thrusts. Her yelping cries became more frantic as something thicker and wider jammed against her at the base.

She knew what it was, she twisted and struggled, crying out in pain as the jaws twisted roughly enough she could feel blood dribbling down to either side of her neck. He didn't pause, he hammered rapidly enough that her teeth were chattering together from the force. Her walls began to burn, nearly tearing as he stuffed himself forward and began to splay her swollen folds open wider and wider. She shrieked out as he pulled roughly against her hips, lunging forward so that every rapid thrust was grinding and shoving the base into her body. Her outer lips felt as if they were being bruised as the beast hunched his back and began to dig and burrow, his cock tip splaying her open deep inside despite the way that her folds started to contract down around him, doing her best to keep it out.

The next thrust drove forward, prying her open with a squelching noise as the base slammed home and forced her walls in on themselves. She saw stars as she felt her body forced to accept the bulb that was rapidly swelling. Her walls clutched down spasmodically, tightening instinctively around the cock and squeezing with a rippling pull even as tears sprang to her eyes. Butch didn't stop, he hammered harder and faster, his breathing coming out in harsh huffs as the jaws released her neck and his tongue spilled out against her. He knew there was no reason to keep holding her, she was stuck, even untied she couldn't have gotten away as he hammered harder and faster, rubbing and pushing the knot through her body as she twisted and cried out in high pitched yelps over and over again. She didn't are how it sounded, she didn't care about dignity, she just shrilled out as every shifting movement made the knot inside of her swell open wider.

Her walls strained to hold him, her cunny puffing out as the girth splayed her open wide and the tip nearly kissed her vulnerable cervix. His body shuddered as the leathery balls hit against her, rubbing and grinding along her inner legs as the beast let out a low noise in his throat. Nathan pinned her ears flat, trying to deny what was about to happen when the cock began to pulse and leap inside of her, throbbing and quivering before a hot stream erupted from him and sprayed deep inside of her. She felt it, the pressured wave of millions of sperm flooding her and hitting against her dilated cervix while her own walls continued to squeeze around him. The creamy ropes oozed in deeper, the pulses hit her as she tried to jerk away only to have the dog give a few shuddering thrusts, tugging backwards and insuring that the locked muscles weren't going to free him as the warm feeling spread through her lower stomach. She coughed out a rough noise, squeezing her eyes shut as the hot drool spilled down along her arched shoulder blades.

Please.. just let this be a dream.. The former boy yelped out as the dog seemed to answer her question by sliding his paws to one side and deliberately increasing the pressure of his knot as he twisted his hind leg up and over her haunches so he could turn around to stand ass to ass.

It hurt, it stung, everything was aching along her lower body until she felt as if she were going to be sick, but still the dribbles of sperm laced cum spilled into her. Already they were spreading deeper, pushing towards the vulnerable ova found within her womb. There was nothing she could do, no one she could turn to, she couldn't even speak. The wolf lowered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut, just hoping that it would all be over soon and the dog would tug free. Even then... it wouldn't be over, not until the beast had raped her over the course of days simply to make sure that she'd be waddling with his litter of future fighters for the pits.

-To be continued-

Born This Way: Chapter 11.5

"Stop twitching." CJ's voice was amused, with just a touch of annoyance as I shifted on the paper lined table with a loud crinkling sound. "Sorry." I mumbled, dropping my paws down to either side of my thighs so I could hold the edge of the table....

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Potion #6: The New Stud

_Martingale Stables._ _Founded in 1872_ _ _ The sign was old, worn by weather and time, the burned lettering had started to fade around the edges as Nipper tilted his head back and glanced over the sign while nibbling on his lunch. He always came...

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Unicorn's Destiny: Chapter 8

\<I need to go.\> Ben's mind voice was filled with a resolute 'tone' that made Lance sigh and step to one side as his friend walked past him with as much dignity as he could muster. Which wasn't much. Lance stared after him, his ears set back and...

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